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5:2 Diet, Anyone try it?


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If so can it really lower your cholesterol and sugar? I have done much reading on this way of eating and seems you not only lose weight but most importantly you reduce cholesterol and sugar levels. The science behind it makes sense I guess I just always thought it was not good to eat only 500 calories even if it is only 2 days a week. I am on the fence. (I have tried a lot less sensible diets though) lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am currently on the Fast Diet (aka 5:2) where you do a limited fast (500 calories for women, 600 for men) 2 non-consecutive days a week. So far I have lost 7 pounds in 14 days. It is not difficult and I somewhat enjoy my fast days. They make me very aware of true hunger signals and that I won't DIE if I don't eat something immediately. As he says in the book, you can eat whatever you want TOMORROW.


Just prior to this, I was on the Choose More, Lose More program by Chris Powell. It's underlying theory is to alternate low carb with high carb days while sticking to approx. 1200 to 1500 calories per day. He also emphasizes eating every 3 hours and LOTS of low-cal veggies. There is also a quite good, structured exercise program to do weekdays only.


I stuck to this very well for 4 weeks. It was challenging to eat the amount of veggies (10 servings per day) and to eat every 3 hours. I found I was either planning food, preparing food or eating food all day. I also got the Jawbone UP band to help with tracking my calories and exercise.

After 3 weeks of intensive commitment, I lost 4 pounds (big whoop) but in the 4th week, which he call the Slingshot week where you eat High Carb everyday, I gained back 2 pounds. NET LOSS: 2 pounds in 4 weeks.


Back to 5:2... so far, so good. One drawback is social events. If you have a lot in a week, it is challenging. Plus you get the constant comment, criticisms from people who think all diets (and you) are crazy. My fast days are either Sat or Sun and Wed (because I don't work on Wed)


I am doing this because I need to lose weight, not because of the cruise. Actually booked it after starting this journey in July. I am hopeful to lose a lot of weight by then. I know I'll gain some on the cruise but so what.

Hope this is helpful in your decision.

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Thank you jpn321. I did decide to start it and my second week weigh in is tomorrow. Last week I lost 3.4 pounds. Agree it is very doable. I don't usually eat till 11 or 12 anyway so I have not been too terribly hungry. A few questions you may be able to answer, do you buy into what they say about this way of eating helping your sugar & cholesterol numbers? How many calories should you stay at on non-fasting days? I have determined my body burns about 1478 calories at rest so I try to stay under 1300 on non- fast days. I know they say you can eat whatever on non fast days but I try to limit sugar and white carbs. This past week was a challenge as I had meal plans out. Usually it is not a problem. How do you do your fasts? Do you do morning to the next morning or 2pm to 2 pm for example? Any other advice you have? I also am not trying to lose for cruising. I am just plain tired of everything that comes with being overweight.

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Glad to here you are giving it a try. I read The Fast Diet by Dr. Michael Mosley and then watched the tv show he did in the UK about his research and decision to try it. I think it might be on YouTube. I think the science is strong enough but it is early days to say for sure.


I haven't had my own cholesterol checked recently so I can't say if the diet has any effect on that. My past lipid numbers have always been OK without dieting. As far as I know, my glucose is also OK. I should get those checked anyway.


As you know, Dr. Mosley says you can eat almost whatever you want on non-fast days but I try to keep it under 1700 cal. No point in one step forward, two steps back. Also try to limit the "white foods". My body is just too efficient at hanging on to carb calories.

My UP fitness band suggests I burn about 1600 cal per day - hope it's accurate.


The Fast Diet book suggests 24-hour fasts but the "5:2 Fast Diet" for iPhone app (which is great) says 36 hours so that is what I do. For example, my last "normal" meal is Tue evening, then fast all day Wed with two 250 cal meals then normal breakfast Thur am. I wasn't even that hungry that morning and didn't eat until 10 am. Gotta have my 2 or 3 black coffees though, first thing.


You're right - I am just tired of being overweight (and on the cusp of obese by my BMI). It would be nice to weigh less and have more energy. I want to try the stand-up paddle boards and snorkelling excursion in January and having to hoist a few less pounds on to the board and out of the water would be great.

Good luck to you and have a great cruise - a No Fast Zone for sure.

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jpn321, I bought the book and watched the video. The whole process is very interesting. The first week I lost 3.4 pounds. The second week I did fast my 2 days but I ate 2 grilled hamburgers with homemade blueberry pie on one day, half of a deep dish large pizza one day and went to a steakhouse and had 7 oz filet with garlic mashed potato and a large sweet potato with a few slices homemade bread. I still did my 50 minute walk 3 days and I lost 1/2 pound for the week. Not that I didn't enjoy all that food mind you, but I kinda did it on purpose to test this way of eating. I WILL NOT do this again. I am convinced it works if you don't go overboard. This week I will stay between 1200-1400 calories on feed days and incorporate more fruit and veggies. Anyone that thinks you can eat the way I did last week all the time and lose weight would not be teaching themselves how to eat properly with the OCCASIONAL pig out I think. Looks like we are on our own with this way of eating huh? Good luck, Cindy:D

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Hi again, Cindy.

Your "stress test" of the diet sounds delicious and you still lost some weight but you're right, you can't eat that way all the time and expect good results. I tried this diet briefly earlier this year and got derailed by a lot of social events in a row one week. I am more determined this time and keeping track of what I eat every day. Still worried about holiday time like Christmas but I am going to keep trying. Success on the scale leads to success following the diet. I need to add more activity, like your walks, too. Keep going. Judith :p

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Oh it was delicious! That's how I used to eat 5 out of 7 days a week:eek: that's why I look the way I do, lol. I got to my first walking goal today. 3 miles in an hour. Took me about 8 weeks of slowly working my way up to that! Next goal is 4 miles and I don't care how long it takes. I actually don't mind the fast days. I think it is easier for me because I don't work anymore. I don't have a schedule and kiddies are adults. I really am surprised that more people have not tried this on the boards. Good luck with the exercising. It is not easy! Cindy:)

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I have just completed 4 weeks on the 5:2 diet and have lost 10 pounds. I do not find it too difficult on the fast days, just remind myself to have another drink (of water ;)) if I am feeling hungry. As I said in an earlier post, the biggest sources of sabotage are social events. First of all, it is difficult to be in an environment where there is a lot of food around and second, people who are eating expect you to be eating and will comment if you're not.

I would think a man could lose 10 to 15 pounds in three weeks, especially if he added some exercise. We women lose at a slower pace. Good luck and have a great cruise.

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I have just completed 4 weeks on the 5:2 diet and have lost 10 pounds. I do not find it too difficult on the fast days, just remind myself to have another drink (of water ;)) if I am feeling hungry. As I said in an earlier post, the biggest sources of sabotage are social events. First of all, it is difficult to be in an environment where there is a lot of food around and second, people who are eating expect you to be eating and will comment if you're not.

I would think a man could lose 10 to 15 pounds in three weeks, especially if he added some exercise. We women lose at a slower pace. Good luck and have a great cruise.


Thanks, I will let you know how I go. I am a woman too, I will be happy if I can shift a couple of kilos before we fly out. Michelle



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Hello Jpn & Michelle. I am in my 4th week now. I have lost 5 pounds in these last 3 weeks. However, I eat out on Sat & Sun including dessert. I kinda wanted to see how it would work doing that. Starting next week I won't do it anymore. Next week I weigh & measure so I will see what 4 full weeks did. This is by far the easiest way of eating for me. I also don't mind the fast days. On feed days during the week I stay about 12-1400 calories and walk 45-60 minutes 3-4 times a week. Good luck! Cindy

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I have just completed 4 weeks on the 5:2 diet and have lost 10 pounds. I do not find it too difficult on the fast days, just remind myself to have another drink (of water ;)) if I am feeling hungry. As I said in an earlier post, the biggest sources of sabotage are social events. First of all, it is difficult to be in an environment where there is a lot of food around and second, people who are eating expect you to be eating and will comment if you're not.

I would think a man could lose 10 to 15 pounds in three weeks, especially if he added some exercise. We women lose at a slower pace. Good luck and have a great cruise.


Women and men lose at the same rate as long as their activity level is the same. The problem is that most women try to lose based on calorie deficiency only, while men eat a calorie deficit AND strength train. Ladies, weights are your friend!


Losing that much weight that quickly isn't healthy for anyone. You simply can not get the nutrition your body needs if you are eating 10,000 too few calories per week.

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Actually, men do lose faster than women because of their increased muscle mass compared to women. Muscle is more metabolically active and burns more calories than fat just sitting there doing nothing. I agree if either sex then adds even a little strength training, there will be more weight lost but pound for pound, men burn more calories than women.


This is not an extreme diet. We are consuming 1000 to 1500 less calories on 2 days a week only. That is only 2000 - 3000 less calories per week (not 10,000). It takes 3500 LESS calories to lose 1 pound of fat which is a reasonable rate of weight loss per week. We're not talking Biggest Loser rates of weight loss which are extreme. This is more like Weight Watchers rates which remains one of the most highly recommended diets in the world.


We are all trying to lose weight and thereby be healthier in this thread. We all know the mantra, "eat less, exercise more". Some programs work well for some folks and are disasters for others. We are just trying to support each other.

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Actually, men do lose faster than women because of their increased muscle mass compared to women. Muscle is more metabolically active and burns more calories than fat just sitting there doing nothing. I agree if either sex then adds even a little strength training, there will be more weight lost but pound for pound, men burn more calories than women.


This is not an extreme diet. We are consuming 1000 to 1500 less calories on 2 days a week only. That is only 2000 - 3000 less calories per week (not 10,000). It takes 3500 LESS calories to lose 1 pound of fat which is a reasonable rate of weight loss per week. We're not talking Biggest Loser rates of weight loss which are extreme. This is more like Weight Watchers rates which remains one of the most highly recommended diets in the world.


We are all trying to lose weight and thereby be healthier in this thread. We all know the mantra, "eat less, exercise more". Some programs work well for some folks and are disasters for others. We are just trying to support each other.


(Some) Women have less muscle then men because they don't work out, don't strength train. Those who do will lose at the same rate as men. Don't be afraid of weights, they are your friend!

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I said I would come back and post the full 4 weeks progress. I have lost 5.4 Lbs and 8.5". I am eating more veggies, fruit and lean protein. Sure wish I had an easy way of getting the water down! Not much of a water drinker. Good Luck everyone.:) Cindy

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I said I would come back and post the full 4 weeks progress. I have lost 5.4 Lbs and 8.5". I am eating more veggies, fruit and lean protein. Sure wish I had an easy way of getting the water down! Not much of a water drinker. Good Luck everyone.:) Cindy


Congratulations, sounds like it is a success for you. Today is my second fast day. I drank so many cups of tea on Monday, today I have brought some lime diet cordial to work to drink that in addition to the tea (mostly rooibos as it has no caffeine). I felt a bit dehydrated on Tuesday and I found my morning run the day after fast day was so slow. That could just be me though, and it is starting to get hot here already...I live in the tropical north of Australia, so it is important to keep the fluid intake high. Michelle



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Congratulations, mamaboss! Keep going, you're doing great. I find the water challenging too. I mostly have club soda or Fresca with lots of lime and/or lemon. I put it over lots of ice and pretend it's a gin and tonic (except no gin, no tonic:( ) Fast days getting easier. It has been over 4 weeks.


I was looking on the 5:2 website. Dr. Mosley was writing about some recent research (not his) suggesting that doing the fast days back-to-back was better than non-consecutive. I am definitely not ready to do that. This is working well enough for me so far. Judith

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Thanks Michelle & Judith. Actually I thought I would lose more weight but happy with the inches. Going up to northern MI for the weekend to visit family. We have planned a " end of season" BBQ so most likely wont be pretty. Fling today and again Monday so hopefully that will help.


I was lol:D at that gin & tonic Judith! Guess I will have to figure something out. I don't know if I could do BTB fasts. I have went from 2pm Wed to 11am Fri with just 500 calories. As long as this works for me I think I will stick to what I am doing minus the weekend piggy meals of course. Lol


Both of you have given me good ideas for drinking. Thank you, Cindy:)

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I said I would come back and post the full 4 weeks progress. I have lost 5.4 Lbs and 8.5". I am eating more veggies, fruit and lean protein. Sure wish I had an easy way of getting the water down! Not much of a water drinker. Good Luck everyone.:) Cindy


My husband uses a couple drops of MIO in his water and drinks almost a gallon a day!


Congrats on the loss. :)

Edited by ducklite
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