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*My Platinum Review of Carnival Liberty**Eastern with Pics


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[quote name='jbhcw']The drink looks yummy!! How awful..I would have had to complain to someone...not nice of him at all especially throwing stuff around![/quote] It was good! I have never had anyone treat me like that on any ship. I thought about calling a manager, but DH was like let's just forget about it. I was pissed off :(

[quote name='kona_wahine']awesome review, I'm going in January so totally loving it!

BTW, I *borrowed* one of your Half Moon Cay pictures and it's now my facebook cover picture. :D[/quote] Thanks for reading along! You borrowed my pic, now that means we have to be Facebook friends lol! :p Half Moon Cay is such a beautiful place!
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[quote name='JawjaFatBoy']Still following along and still enjoying the review!

Lots of great pics and looks like y'all had a really great time![/quote] We did have a great time! Seven day cruises are the best! It gives you enough time to really relax!

[quote name='JustCruiseMe']Loving the review. I even voice recorded my DH snoring and had him listen to it and he still denied or he'll say "WE had a good nap"...and I haven't even got one wink in.[/quote] Ha! I did that too with my I pad and DH swore he knew I was recording him and that he was faking the entire time lol!
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[quote name='Pellaz']Love reading reviews and seeing pics of our last ship and itinerary, and this one's no exception! Looking forward to more![/quote]Thank you! I have a little more coming up! Hopefully I have this done before my next cruise on the Liberty:p

[quote name='SoCalKJ']I'm gonna take that SAME pic in November!! Well, the pic will have ME in it, and it'll be on the Inspiration...out of Long Beach...but STILL! :p

Congratulations!!:)[/quote]Thanks and make sure you post a review with your platinum pic!!!
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[SIZE=3]Okay, I hope you guys don't mind the SEVERE pic overload coming up! I couldn't choose just some, so I figured I post almost all.[/SIZE]

[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]St. Thomas is such a beautiful place and I was so excited about this itinerary and spending our anniversary in St. Thomas. In the months leading up to the cruise, I did tons of research and obsessed over everything. Should we swim or not, should we take a tour with Carnival or do it on our own?! So many choices! I guess that's all part of the fun in planning![/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]We settled on Godfrey Tours. I emailed him and I got a confirmation email the same day! Perfect! The email told us how much was owed and where we should go and stand to wait for him. I meant to print that before we left, but oops I forgot. Good thing St. Thomas was a US port and I could check my email.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]First thing first though…..[/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT]
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]We were up at the butt crack of dawn and I was super excited. When we turned on the TV, we could see the mountains coming into view. So we went out on lido so I could take some pics. [/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]No Chair Hogs in Sight[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]Mountains & Ocean = paradise for me[/SIZE][/FONT]

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[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]After I took a few pictures and we took in the scenery for a bit, we went to the “secret door” on deck 6 and we sat out there for awhile. It’s so peaceful out there even though the wind can get rough at times. We watched as we sail into port and soon we could see the “Welcome to St. Thomas” sign. Before we could dock all the way, it started to drizzle. Man, the rain was following us from HMC.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]Almost there[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]We got to see this plane take off[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]Welcome to St. Thomas[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[SIZE=3]Once we were docked, I took a few more pics before we went to eat[/SIZE]

[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]We had a “light” breakfast.[/SIZE] [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]Each day we had our own the breakfast spot. A small little table for two in Emile’s upstairs on the port side. There is hardly anyone up there and there is also a drink machine on the port side. You don’t have to go back downstairs for anything unless you want more food. [/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]We were scheduled to for the 11:00 island & shopping tour with Godfrey. At about 10:45 we were off the ship and waiting to be picked up. The email said “outside the gate and someone would be holding a sign that said Godfrey’s. We waited, then we walked, then we waited some more. I checked my email and we were indeed in the right spot. [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]I asked one guy and they told us that Godfrey had just left and he would be right back. I was slightly annoyed because we were there 20 minutes before our schedule tour. All of a sudden I heard someone call my name I ran over and the guy said ‘Is this you” and pointed the name on the sheet. I told him yes and he told us get in the van and he would take us to Godfrey. So that is what we did. There was another couple who boarded too, apparently the man was Sunny Liston or either he worked for him.:confused: Finally we were going to get our day started! [FONT=Verdana]We road through the hills and the views were so, so, beautiful. [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT]

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[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]We arrived downtown in about 15- 20 minutes and we were told to meet Godfrey in the park across the street. Cool! We walked around for a bit and I took a lot of pics with my phone which I can’t show cause my phone is messed up.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]The sales ploy here had me so tickled. Dh had on a UNC shirt and every guy that walked up to him would refer to him as “North Carolina” and then they would talk about how that is their favorite team as well, then that comment would be followed up by a sales ploy to visit their store. [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]One guy even came outta nowhere and said to me “Hey, I can’t believe you wore them shoes” I was like “huh” and he was like I saw Oprah with that same pair on in a magazine in my store. I cracked up and of course he told me to visit and he would give me free pearl earrings or blah blah just for browsing. I found this selling technique highly amusing![/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]Dh and I browsed and then we decided that we would purchase a small bottle of vodka and some Snapple juice and make an anniversary drink while we waited for Godfrey. Hey don’t judge us, we were on vacation and it was our anniversary lol! Just an FYI Fruit punch Snapple and Stoli Vodka taste great together! Two full 20 oz drinks for a total of about $12![/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]We waited for Godfrey while drinking our “Fruity Anniversary Punch”. Something we found kinda strange was that anytime someone would approach us about taking an island tour, they would back off quickly when we said we were waiting for Godfrey. Obviously he is highly respected. [/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]It wasn’t long before we were boarding our bus, and on the way to tour the island. There were two buses, one following the other. It seems the other bus had a speaker, but ours didn’t. I was so glad, that each time we stopped; our guide gave us major info on the island. I was highly impressed. I would recommend this company to anybody. We learned a lot and any questions we had, they were answered.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=3]Our first stop, I think it was Drake's Seat had a beautiful view of the ship. The guide gave us a bunch of info on the area and it's history.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=3]I spotted this in someone's backyard:eek:[/SIZE]

Me and Dh notice the Snapple bottle beside DHs' arm :D
[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v696/cuted126/St%20Thomas%20Anniversary/IMG_2147.jpg[/IMG] Edited by cuted126
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[SIZE=3]Our second stop was Mountain Top which i've never been too. The last time I visited St. Thomas was in 2007. The views were amazing and the pictures just don't do it much justice. Again the guide gave us a lot of info! I loved it[/SIZE]




[SIZE=3]Dh spotted this huge Iguana laying out in the trees. Oh my[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=3]I thoroughly enjoyed our time at Mountaintop [/SIZE]


[SIZE=3]And so did the Hubby[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Looks like they did as well:D[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=3]Now who could pass up a chance to take a picture with an oversized rum bottle not me[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Not this guy either[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]I stopped here to pose for a pic while walking out and I heard a noise lol Dh snapped the pic at the same time. Look at the intense terror on my face lol I just knew one of those big iguanas were about to get me!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]I was still posed and everything![/SIZE]

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[SIZE=3]This sign survived[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]After this stop, we went to Drake's seat! I remember now lol This where the donkey was! By the time we got here, it started to drizzle again. The rains lasted for about five minutes.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=3]See the rain drops on my pic[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]This donkey situation just weirds me out[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=3]The sun started peeking out again[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]A golf course on the way to Coki Beach[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Just beautiful[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]We've arrived![/SIZE]

Godfrey gave us the option to spend two hours on the beach or walk and take pics for about 5 minutes. Dh and I did not want to swim, so I took a few pics and then headed back to the bus
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[SIZE=3]I Love Palm Trees[/SIZE]


[SIZE=3]After about a twenty minute drive, we were back "home"[/SIZE]
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I believe the free drink coupon is for anyone who has previously sailed on Carnival. Not just gold and up.

The past guest party is for Gold, Platinum, and Diamond.

Your review is fantastic. We've been on Liberty before as we did our first B2B on her. However, it was before the 2.0 upgrades. We're looking forward to our B2B on Liberty next January. Edited by Sparky2
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I LOVE this picture[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v696/cuted126/St%20Thomas%20Anniversary/IMG_1303.jpg[/IMG]

We headed straight to the ship. Dh was excited to finally get to the Mongolian Wok on time lol!

I got a ham and cheese from the grill and some fries from Guy's but I was so excited to see this in the buffet area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p

[SIZE=3]After we ate, we found some comfortable seats on Serenity and Dh fell asleep::gasp:: while I listened to my IPod. Then in a crazy turn of events, I fell asleep ::cue dramatic music here:: I woke up to the sounds of a band playing on the island. Looks like a school was giving a concert and it was really nice to listen to. Also, there was a name being called, over and over again. I don't know if they made it back to the ship, but the ship sailed as scheduled.[/SIZE] Edited by cuted126
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Just piping in to say congrats on school and you will be excellent just keep yourself happy and balanced like you know how to do with these vacations and keep your strength 'cause you two can get it done! I really love your review, pictures, pace, and you really give great hints on finding quiet special places when saving on an inside..I REALLY APPRECIATE that, Cuted you are a dear and a wonderful half of a cute couple..Happy Anniversary and thanks sooo much for sharing the beauty of this trip..you really got me excited..i am a Hawaii lover....closer etc. (a tiny little better air wise) and now I am excited so much for this trip..I feel the "Caribbean Aloha" LOL will be special from a ship with your review...thanks again..Sarah Edited by sjn911
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Absolutely magnificent!!
Loving your review, and the pics seem to put me right on the ship besides you.

Congrats on school, and stick with it!! It is obvious you are a 'peoples person' so Social Work should be an excellent fit.
Thanks for taking the time to share. Thank you cuted 126 very much!!! :D
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Back to finish up St. Thomas/Anniversary night

Listen to me when I say, that pineapple upside down cake that I posted above was AMAZING!!!!!!!! If you see it on your cruise, grab about 3 pieces! If your on a diet, grab 2 pieces:D

Okay, so they kept calling some guys name on the overhead speaker and they blasted the horn six times. Soon, we were sailing away. I hope that guy made it on the ship! Sailing away from St. Thomas at sunset was beautiful. I wished we would've stayed an hour longer so I could've saw the lights twinkling on the island at night.


[SIZE=3]Pictures don't do it justice[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Carnival Liberty & St. Thomas[/SIZE]

[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v696/cuted126/St%20Thomas%20Anniversary/IMG_2221.jpg[/IMG] Edited by cuted126
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