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Your Crazy Experience? Did you almost miss departure?

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My husband and I decided to do a Pub Crawl at Key west... We started at 10 am, going from bar to bar... Boy, we were feeling good... sooo good that the next time we looked at our watch we had 10 minutes to get back on the ship... we started running down Deval street trying to find the ship (hahaha) finnally we found it and the people from RCL were waving us down, yelling, "lets go we are leaving"...

hahahaha The next day (yes I fell a sleep once I got on the ship) we were in bahama's and I had no clue how the hell I got there, let a long on the ship! OUCH! Hubby was cracking up!


What's your crazy experience???

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"hahahaha The next day (yes I fell a sleep once I got on the ship) we were in bahama's and I had no clue how the hell I got there, let a long on the ship! OUCH! Hubby was cracking up!"



thanks for the laugh.....that is just tooooo funny....


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One of the funniest things to watch is when the ship is in Cozumel. People coming stubbling back to the boat in a very "happy state" after visiting Carlos and Charlies. :)

Last time a couple in their swimsuits were running late.. boarding time was very close.. They started running and the girls top shall we say "moved" and she did not notice.. although all of us on the balconies watching the antics did. It was quite funny.

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I am always back in plenty of time but one of my favorite things is watching the run for the gangplank by the late people. Especially in Cozumel. I have seen men pushing their passed out wifes/girlfriends back in wheel chairs.


Also fun, if you sitting within view of the entrance to the dinning room, see how late the last people come in for dinner.

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First cruise back in 02 on Explorer, we took Cruise Connections bus from Daytona to Miami and we were at a stop over place in Stuart Florida at a McDonalds. Our driver went in to get something to eat, but he apparently blocked someone in with the bus and she went in to ask him to move it. Instead of nicely saying he would, he started an arguement with the female. She ended up calling the police who came out and pulled our driver off thje bus to ask what his problems were. the driver ended up moving his hands all over the place, pointing at the officer, and ended up getting arrested! So, here we are, 60 eople on the bus going to both Ft. Lauderdale and Miami and our bus driver has now been arrested. The officer didn't acre that he was tsranding us all without a driver since it wasn't his problem to deal with. Basically, we ended up getting to Miami at 430pm for a 5pm sailing. Thankfully, I was in contact with RCI the whole way down. The bus company ended up dropping off another driver who had just started that day with the company. He didn't even know how to get to Ft. Lauderdale or Miami. So, 3 of us ended up helping him along. The bus company did refund us all our monies for the trip, but only after 4 months of fighting with them. Also, on the return back, we boarded the bus at 10am, but didn't get to leave the port till almost 3pm that day. Boy, will never do that again.

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That was us on our first cruise.

We were not drinking; we were shopping and walking around the city. Sailing time was midnight; we ran back to the ship at 11:50 because we heard the horn blow. There were LOTS of people coming back after we did. I think the ship actually set sail at 12:15 or so.

Ah, memories!

I am always back in plenty of time but one of my favorite things is watching the run for the gangplank by the late people. Especially in Cozumel. I have seen men pushing their passed out wifes/girlfriends back in wheel chairs.


Also fun, if you sitting within view of the entrance to the dinning room, see how late the last people come in for dinner.

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First cruise... had not found the great info on these boards... February and an airport in Maine (didn't know about going a day early)... over booked flight (a martini please)... We waved goodbye to our luggage at the Portland Jetport (it was sitting on the tarmack as we taxied by it) I waved... had a drink...... found out mid-flight that we were going to Ft Lauderdale not Miami... no clue where one was in relation to the other since I had never been out of New England!!!!!! <Can I have another drink???> RAN... did I mention that we RAN... from the airport to the shuttle people... sat there.... wide eyed.... as we realized that it was time for the ship to leave... oh ... they were waiting... I was one of those poor souls that you see running for the ship... drunk... no I was not drunk from my fun excursion in Cozumel... I was drunk from my plane's multiple de-icing's... left behind luggage... wrong airports... taxi drivers from hell... (but who got us there... thank god I was drunk by the time I hit Florida)... and the simple fact that I needed a drink (or two) to keep me from having a breakdown!!!!!!


But, we cruised again. It didn't discourage us. Even though I had no SHOES or clean clothes (except what I bought on board) for the first 2 days!!!!!!!

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They started running and the girls top shall we say "moved" and she did not notice.. although all of us on the balconies watching the antics did.


I need proof! Where are the pictures?




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Some of my most entertaining memories are of sittling on my balcony and watching drunk stragglers stumbling toward the ship. In March, we were docked in Costa Maya with the Carnival Holiday. The Holiday appeared to be filled with mostly college kids on Spring Break. We must have sat out there and laughed for at least an hour. One girl was being carried down the pier like a sack of potatoes, and she almost went over the edge of the pier along with the guy that was carrying her.:eek:

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I've never missed a departure but had a lot of fun watching people coming back to the ship in Aruba. The ship had sent several officers to Carlos 'N Charlies to "help" the passengers get back. They were singing and waving at us (carrying yards of drinks) while we laughed and waved back.

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We have never been late, but were just in Ensenada on Friday on Monarch. We were watching from our balcony cabin, as were others. The gangplank had already been removed, and ship's horn sounded. Cab roared in and and a young couple was escorted onto the pier by by Mexican security. And they were strolling....and he pointed with his baton, and apparently said something about speeding it up. At which point they did start running. :)

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On my honeymoon in 1984, we were in Ochos Rios, on the deck, after a full day of organized tours. Well...we saw these other two couples that we had met earlier, fellow honeymooners...and they were running like the devil to get to the ship. They had done it "their way" and tour around the place in a low-rider car, complete with flames painted on the sides. Their "guide" treated them to Red Stripe and ganja, and then, they went shopping, didn't remember buying the crap they bought, etc. It was funny then, but after the ganja, they were lucky they weren't locked up. I guess it's different to buy it than to just smoke it:eek:

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Hey Cindy,

We were in Cozumel in March also (on Norwegian Dream)but ran into a group of young men who were having a great time in a little sidewalk table near the shopping area. They were off the Holiday and we commented that it was our first ship. They asked everyone who went by to join them. a LOONNg time later we were gangplank watching and I'm almost sure we saw them running up the pier (kind of running,stumbling,carrying each other.) It was amazing to see they could still walk (barely).

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Not a drunk story, but a good one none-the-less. Kind of long, but will make you smile!



I packed up my parents, plopped them in a limo, and sent them off in the dead of a bad Ohio winter to the Columbus airport for their 25th anniversary. They were staying all night to fly down the day of their cruise (it was their first... we didn't know any better...) Next morning they get up at a stupidly early hour and get on plane, which was HORRIBLY delayed by bad Ohio weather. Delayed... delayed... delayed... Finally takes off. They know they're cutting it close, and being new to cruising, don't know really what's going to happen. All they know is that our travel agent told them that they bought air and transfers through RCCL, and they would be taken care of. They were "taken care of" but we're quite ready for HOW they were taken care of...



Mom and Dad get off plane in Miami. This was when you didn't see your checked luggage again until it was in your room. They were told by the airline attendant that they would be allowed off the plane first, so BE READY. They hauled carryons off the plane and spotted an RCCL rep at the gate waiting for them. They made connections and she said "YOU'RE the ones we're waiting on. LET'S GO" and they HAULED BUTT through the airport. She shoved them in an awaiting cab, spoke very fast Spanish (The only thing they caught for sure was "ASAP!") Cab drove like he was escaping the devil himself to the pier.



At pier, cab driver drops them off... in the wrong spot. Mom and Dad try to convince cab driver that they are 3 piers away from where they need to be. Driver insisted they were in the right spot (there was NO SHIP where cab was, but they could see the Enchantment 3 piers away.) So Mom and Dad grab large carry-ons, and in their Ohio coats, sweaters, jeans, and such go running for the Enchantment, 3 long ship piers away...



Mom and Dad go running into building, now hot, sweaty, and Ohio-winter clad. They breathlessly tell RCCL staff their names and hear, again "YOU'RE the ones we're waiting on!", sign a ton of papers (pre-web paper option) and get hustled up a small gangplank. The workers LITERALLY pull the plank behind them and they sail. Here stand my parents in all their winter garb in Miami, carry-ons in hand, surrounded by luggage (as they were put on at Deck 1...) with NO instructions. Mom says she needs a drink and wants to catch sail away, so they go sprinting up the STAIRS, et. all in tow... and make it JUST in time to hear the horn sound (which they unknowingly stood RIGHT in front of...) So my parents first sail away was in the heat of a beautiful 85 degree Miami day, with their large carry-ons, sweaters and turtle-necks, jeans, boots... but they had a great time and all ended up okay. :) We're all pretty easy going...



And THAT'S why we ALWAYS ALWAYS pay a little extra and get our air and transfers through RCCL.

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We were in Key West last winter and I found a great shop right by the ships dock with great stuff. My DH kept saying lets go and I saw that the security line was long so I said no problem. Finished shopping and walk to ship. Turns out the security line was for a ship leaving later than ours. We got there just as they began to remove the gang plank. I won't do that again!!!

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First cruise... had not found the great info on these boards... February and an airport in Maine (didn't know about going a day early)... over booked flight (a martini please)... We waved goodbye to our luggage at the Portland Jetport (it was sitting on the tarmack as we taxied by it) I waved... had a drink...... found out mid-flight that we were going to Ft Lauderdale not Miami... no clue where one was in relation to the other since I had never been out of New England!!!!!! <Can I have another drink???> RAN... did I mention that we RAN... from the airport to the shuttle people... sat there.... wide eyed.... as we realized that it was time for the ship to leave... oh ... they were waiting... I was one of those poor souls that you see running for the ship... drunk... no I was not drunk from my fun excursion in Cozumel... I was drunk from my plane's multiple de-icing's... left behind luggage... wrong airports... taxi drivers from hell... (but who got us there... thank god I was drunk by the time I hit Florida)... and the simple fact that I needed a drink (or two) to keep me from having a breakdown!!!!!!


OMG, I think I mirrored this story. Although ours was our honeymoon, in Feb., and in IL. Flew out on Sunday after a snowstorm. De-icing the plane caused us to miss our connecting flight, ended up flying to Miami (we were sailing out of cape canaveral), got to the airport at 5 (ship sailed at 5). Thank God we purchased air thru the cruiseline, and they were holding the ship for us. However, no luggage for me--DH had all of his. Got on the ship at 7:30, for a 3 day cruise. Luggage arrived at 5pm on day 3, and we disembarked the next day. No shoes, no clothes other than what I purchased in the Bahamas. And then DH was seasick the entire trip. Great honeymoon!


That was our first cruise, next summer will be our 8th. We got over it! But now fly in a day early--always!!!!!!!!!

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Was on a very delayed ship's excursion in GC to swim with the stingrays. Due to weather, most of us on the excursion weren't supposed to be on it, we had just been thrown onto this particular excursion by RCI staff after our excursions left without us or cancelled. We were still at Stingray City when the ship was supposed to leave so most of us were panicking since RCI had no idea that we were on this particular excursion. When we got back to Georgetown we ran to catch the tender they were holding for this last excursion to come back. We got on the tender along with all the RCI signs, gangplanks, staff, etc. As we left the tender dock, we saw several people running up shouting and waving for the tender to come back. The ship left just after we got on board so those people were left behind. Some of them managed to catch up with us the next day in Cozumel. Of course, then we left even more people behind in Cozumel.

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The ship left just after we got on board so those people were left behind. Some of them managed to catch up with us the next day in Cozumel. Of course, then we left even more people behind in Cozumel.[/quote]

This Ship left the people there! OMG! hahahaha Thank god that didn't happen to us... Our next cruise is in October, hopefully I'm a little more behaved! LOL These storys are really great and it's nice to laugh!


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We almost miss our Alaskan Cruise departure due to Horizon air. We flew to Seattle from Chicago and had a 2.5 hour layover waiting to catch a 12:45 small Horizon prop plane to Vancouver. We were waiting to board and we were not moving. Then the Lady at the gate said there was going to be a 10 minute delay due to Mechanical problems. The 10 minute delay turned in to 30 minutes, and then the gate attendant told us we needed to move to a different plane at another gate. So we moved to the other gate and watch as they unloaded the entire luggage from the original plane and transfer it to the new plane. Around this time we were 45 minutes late and I decided to call RCCI, we had transfers to bypass Canadian Customs with a new program called US Direct and you had to be at the Vancouver airport by 2PM and it way it looked we would be there about 2:15. RCCI was great they called the rep in Vancouver and let them know the plane was delayed and they said they would look for us. So, I figured everything was all set until we saw the pilot come out to the plane and go around to the left side and talk to a ground person doing something with the plane. The pilot then went back into the plane and came out with the co pilot and there luggage. (Not a good sign) did you every have that feeling where you start to feel like your going to throw up). :eek: We went to the gate attendant and asked what was going on she called and then let us know that this plane also had mechanical problems but, they determined that it was going to take less time to fix our original plane than this one so they wanted us to go back to the original gate. We then herded over there and waited until they transferred the luggage back from plane 2 to the original. We finally were allowed to board and we arrived in Vancouver after 3pm (2 hours late). They pull the plane over to the gate which I think was back in the long term parking lot because we had to run a mile to find the main terminal. We were suppose to follow the US Direct signs but did not see any, :confused: (they take them down after 2pm) I stopped and explained our problem with a Canadian Customs person and he said we had to go through the Canadian customs (which I heard can take up to 4 hours) My wife stopped an US customs official and she called someone and found RCCI's reps who were looking for us. She took us through the interworking of the airport right to the US Direct area where RCCI was holding the shuttle for us. We made it to the ship at 4:45 for a 5pm sailing. We had enough time to get to our room and make muster before we sailed.




Amazingly the luggage made it to the ship. If you are leaving out of Vancouver I highly recommend paying for the US Direct transfer it saved us.


Now I see why the experienced cruisers take an extra day before the cruse to make sure they are in the city.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have 2.


We were in Grand Cayman on a Carnival Cruise and we have already gotten underway, the ship was turning around and all of a sudden a tender comes roaring around the front of the ship. The rear platform lowers and 2 people sheepishly board the ship.


Second invlove me and the wife and about 50 or so other RCCL cruisers in the Bahamas. We all were on one of those party boats that arrived to pick us up about an hour late. When we arrived the Granduer welcomed us all back with a few blasts from thier fog horn, and a few cheers from the balcony crowd!

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