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Silver Galapagos questions


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RachelG -- thanks re visas I too am an American Citizen so guess I am good to go!!


We will be having a 'day' room at Guayaquil on the return because our flight for Miami doesn't leave until near 1AM. This is included in the pkg say 'george' from SS and also our TA.


Would you mind telling me which airline you are flying out on?

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No this is not part of the package. the flights to and from the US are separate. We fly United from Michigan to Chicago, American from Chicago to Miami, American From Miami to Lima Peru - then the SS package kicks in as we are going to Machu Picchu for 4 day excursion and then flying from Cuzco to Quito (still on the SS Galapagos Explorer pkg) then it is the cruise pkg. Quito to Baltra - cruise - Baltra to Guayaquil then a day room until flight leaves at midnight or so. Then back to our own arrangements - American from Guayaquil to Miami, then to Chicago, and finally UAL back to Michigan. Very Involved. Probably will end up with paper work coming out of my ears!

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I guess it is all complex because people are all doing such diverse things.


What surprised me is that when the Air Package was presented to me, it included Quito airport to the Galapagos and back to Guayaquil. Fees included. Nothing about hotels and transfers in Quito. Or day rooms in Guayaquil. I had to do mild battle to say no- I would meet them in Guayaquil. And now Quayaquil is one of the take off points listed into the islands.


It probably would not have made any difference in our plans. It just would have been nice to add it into the equation. I guess I need to keep in mind that this is a new experience for SS and things take time to work out.

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My invoice shows a hotel/transfer package that includes a night in Quito, transfers and a day room in Guayaquil. A separate item is the return flights to Baltra.They have never been presented to me as a single package but as two separate packages.

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My invoice shows a hotel/transfer package that includes a night in Quito, transfers and a day room in Guayaquil. A separate item is the return flights to Baltra.They have never been presented to me as a single package but as two separate packages.


So I would assume that the charges are more than $600? Or the $650 which the package has been increased to? I might follow this carefully- whatever you were charged for the hotel and transfers and day room now now seem to be included in the air package. I was in touch with someone at SS today (several steps up from our agent) and that seems to be what his understanding was of the air package.


I can't decide if I wish to get upset or not. We are going Guayaquil return. And, according to what I am hearing today, for that same price I could go Quito Baltra Guayaquil, rt airport transfers in Quito, overnight hotel there, and a day room in Guayaquil, presumably also with rt transfers (I was told they were $89 one way per person in Guayaquil- my hotel which is nearby says a taxi is $5.00 for the two of us).


I am happy with the decisons we have made, overall. And wouldn't change because of a hotel room. But as I said above- would have been nice to know all this in advance. Is Silversea always this.....confused?

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I think I finally understand the hotel/air/transfer packages, but only through the help of my TA. The transfers between the airport and the Quito hotel and the transfers between the Guayaquil airport and the day room hotel are included only if the international air is booked through Silversea, otherwise they can be purchased separately for $176 pp. The hotels are part of the hotel land package. All of the Quito to Baltra and Baltra to Quayaquil air, plus the Galapagos fees, are the Silver Galapagos Air Package. My booking invoice indicates that this package costs $700 pp. If anyone has different information please post it here.

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I think I finally understand the hotel/air/transfer packages, but only through the help of my TA. The transfers between the airport and the Quito hotel and the transfers between the Guayaquil airport and the day room hotel are included only if the international air is booked through Silversea, otherwise they can be purchased separately for $176 pp. The hotels are part of the hotel land package. All of the Quito to Baltra and Baltra to Quayaquil air, plus the Galapagos fees, are the Silver Galapagos Air Package. My booking invoice indicates that this package costs $700 pp. If anyone has different information please post it here.


Well- in for a dime, in for a dollar. This was esentially how I understood it until reading here the other day. Page 4 of the Setting Sail guide on the SS website http://www.silversea.com/uploadedFiles/silverseacom/Ships/Silver_Galapagos/EX12483GPSSettingSailGuide.pdf seems to suggest otherwise, as someone noted above on this thread. I still think that your understanding is correct, but I got in touch with some SS people and they seemed to confirm that all of the hotels and transfers were indeed included in the Air Package. It doesn't make sense to me but that is what they said. And thre does seem to be an extra almost $100 in the Air Package over and above the airfare and fees. But I don't know- I finally got tired of trying to figure it out.

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Well- in for a dime, in for a dollar. This was esentially how I understood it until reading here the other day. Page 4 of the Setting Sail guide on the SS website http://www.silversea.com/uploadedFiles/silverseacom/Ships/Silver_Galapagos/EX12483GPSSettingSailGuide.pdf seems to suggest otherwise, as someone noted above on this thread. I still think that your understanding is correct, but I got in touch with some SS people and they seemed to confirm that all of the hotels and transfers were indeed included in the Air Package. It doesn't make sense to me but that is what they said. And thre does seem to be an extra almost $100 in the Air Package over and above the airfare and fees. But I don't know- I finally got tired of trying to figure it out.


I agree that the Setting Sail Guide seems to indicate that everything is included in the Silver Galapagos Air Package except international air, but my TA says that it is only the air between Quito/Baltra/Quayaquil and the fees associated with the Galapagos. I'm just going with what my TA has said because this is what he keeps getting from Silversea.

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I agree that the Setting Sail Guide seems to indicate that everything is included in the Silver Galapagos Air Package except international air, but my TA says that it is only the air between Quito/Baltra/Quayaquil and the fees associated with the Galapagos. I'm just going with what my TA has said because this is what he keeps getting from Silversea.


I do find it concerning that SS seems to be rather uncertain of its own policies. I asked someone who is fairly high in the chain and he assured me that it was all included. I tried to suggest that this was probably an error, but no. My SS agent simply deferred. Although previously, when I was making my initial decisions, this was not what I was told. Yes it is in the very early stages of a new cruise with a lot of things that people seem to be doing on their own which makes some of this probably more complex than usual. But this is a pretty basic kind of question. Your invoice appears to reflect what we both think is "the way". I will be interested to see if anyone shows a difference.

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In August, we had a stopover in Guayaquil on the way to Baltra (we Quito passengers did not deplane) and Quito passengers had a stopover in Guayaquil (again not deplaning) when we returned from Santa Cruz to Guayaquil,etc. I am not sure but someone said all Quito flights stop in Guayaquil both ways. We left Santa Cruz around midday and got to Guayaquil around 3. The first flight back from Baltra also left around midday after bringing us there.


Perhaps things are better now but escorted tours were leaving extra time to get to the airport in Quito because the road to the new airport in Quito is still under construction and there are frequent traffic jams with things coming to a standstill if there is an accident. When we went from Quito to Baltra, we were made to leave the hotel at 4 in the morning for the 7 am flight. It still took a full hour to get there (we took a van that obeyed traffic signals some taxis did not and may have arrived faster). The airport in Guayaquil is no more than half an hour from good downtown hotels. They still leave pretty early for am flights.


On last trip before becoming Silver Galapagos, half wet suits and all other gear for snorkeling was available for a fee. If included, that is a good deal. On the trips, we had a regular back pack with us and could fit towels, cameras, and ponchos in easily. We were given a mesh bag for the snorkel gear. everything is piled in the middle of the zodiac on the way to a beach. If you have your own mask and snorkel, you may want to bring it. Water was not that cold in August-it was comfortable with or without the wet suit-but it is cooler some months. We did not use our ponchos much. They do tell you what the level of each hike is but what they say is medium was not too difficult for anyone. Only one hike involved a climb up a cliff that was a little difficult (especially for us short ladies) but no one who went had any problem and they did warn people so that some just stayed on the beach. Try not to miss the hikes, they are the highlight. This is one trip where you should not stay on the boat unless you are sick. Even on the beaches, there are things to see.

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Great response! Thank you so much. I walk with some difficulty and sometimes use a cane. I can walk, just not long distances. Will I have a problem here?


Highly recommend you get a hiking pole or a cane that is very sturdy and can be used as a hiking pole. Some of the islands are rough volcanic rock. The hiking is not steep, but the paths are quite irregular on some of the islands. They will advise on the difficulty of the walking/hiking at the briefing every evening, and there are usually options for those who can't walk as much.

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ppiew, I have been in the Galapagos prior to the SS ship and I also have trouble walking. For some of the island excursions, I stayed on the boat. The guides are very good in sizing up your ability and in advising you to stay or go. Either way, you will have a great time! Don't miss it.

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ppiew, I have been in the Galapagos prior to the SS ship and I also have trouble walking. For some of the island excursions, I stayed on the boat. The guides are very good in sizing up your ability and in advising you to stay or go. Either way, you will have a great time! Don't miss it.


Didn't you have a friend(s) who have sailed already on the S Galapagos- maybe even back to back cruises? What do they have to say about the trip? Or did I make these friends of your's up?

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Yes, they did the inaugural +. They loved the Galapagos and had a good time but commented that the ship had a long way to go before it became a SS product. I think that was to be expected. The crew is mostly intact, they have a history of their shared experiences as ship staff and the culture aboard is going to take a long time to change. As you know, it gets pretty annoying sometimes to keep hearing..."...but we always did it THIS way". It will all work out eventually.

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I walk with some difficulty and sometimes use a cane. I can walk, just not long distances. Will I have a problem here?


I would definitely recommend a walking stick. Whilst I have no problem walking, I am accident prone and I fell over twice whilst in the Galapagos. Fortunately I didn't hurt myself. Some of the landings were a bit tricky and the rocks were very slippery. I would have liked a walking stick.




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For those of you leaving within the next couple of months, what is the luggage allowance for the Galapagos? I was told by a Silversea agent that we could bring two suitcases for a total of 50 lbs. plus a standard carry-on bag and a personal bag; but, the brochure states only 44 lbs. and doesn't state if that includes the carry-on. Also, I was told that Aerogal Airlines will be used and their website states what the agent told me. So many questions . . . . .

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This Aerogal reference says 2 bags up to 50 pounds plus a carry on of up to 22 pounds. http://www.aerogal.com.ec/informacion-de-viaje/antes-de-volar/?lang=en That is a lot of luggage.


Ah- that agent- misunderstood. Can't imagine that the ship would have limitations- I'd go by the aerogal rules.


We are hoping to leave some at the airport in Guayaquil. If I read the info correctly, there are not carts and you have to get your own luggage at the Baltra airport. I'd like to have as little as possible with me to bring onboard but it will depend on how much time we have between flights. The left luggage in Baltra looks safe and convenient. Although I cannot find an airport map so can't figure out where it is as it relates to the boarding areas.

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We just took our normal luggage on aerogal. One big suitcase per person and a carry on plus personal item. I don't recall any big drama at weigh in or any problems,and I am not a particuarly light packer.


Good to know. We like to each take one suitcase plus a carry on. What I read in the brochure was in very fine print, but I don't know why they would have restrictions different than the airline itself. I'm guessing they were going by what some of the other tour companies do, such as A&K.

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i have learned the hard way and now only pack a carryon suitcase plus a tote for as long as 2 wks. Yes, u will see me in the same things a lot!! But my suitcase won't get left somewhere. I decided that if Europeans can trek all over for weeks with only a backpack I don't need half the stuff i usually take! Works well.

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You pack the way we do. My only problem this time is we actually are putting 4 segments together. But 50 pounds of luggage, or even 44 pounds of luggage, plus another 22 pounds of carry on is enough to live on forever. Or so it seems.

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we are also doing a precruise excursion plus time in Lima. I plan on using the laundry service on the ship as need be and hopefully the hotel laundry svc in Machu Picchu b4 we get on the ship so we arrive with clean duds! Other than that I forsee lots of hand washing! I don't envy you trekking with that amount of luggage! Somewhere I read that in Baltra you have to schlep your own luggage from the plane! No assistant is around. Another thing I hope to get more info on b4 February.

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