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Could not Board Fascination in Jacksonville Today. Any hope?


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I keep saying it was my own little perfect storm. ive been sailing with carnival only since 1998 and have never had a personal lapse like this. a good thing about mistakes though is that if done right you have the opportunity to make up for it somehow. I am looking forward to the next opportunity to make this up to my family.


Wow since 1998 and only 53 posts!! Maybe this will make you a regular poster. I was addicted when I first joined. So sorry things didn't work out. I'm sure they will have a great day today!! Like you said things are never 100% bad. 100% would have been your daughter not having her docs!!!LOL

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My wife makes fun of "The Binder" that I make every time we go on a cruise. I print everything and put it in clear plastic protectors in the binder. It also has a front pouch where passports and some cash goes. Car keys go in the binder's pouch the night before we leave. I also put any receipts, luggage tags or anything else that we collect throughout the cruise.


OP: Once again sorry for what you've gone through and I do applaud you for making lemonade out of lemons and keeping a positive outlook. I see you're in Austell. If you're in the Peachtree City are, swing by, we'll play some island music and drink some beers in this 20 degree cold! :o

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I'm terrified of making this mistake, that's why I'm paranoid about it. I still wonder why the family didn't all pitch in and help to make sure everyone had what they needed. But really, I do hope the family gets to plan another one! I have learned that the downsides usually lead to major upsides! And I know the next one is going to be really great for the family!

Yep. Sometimes things just happen for a myriad of reasons. We've been fortunate to reach platinum status over the years with carnival without a single issue. Our process for preparing for a cruise has worked very well up until Monday lol. We always get to port no later than 10:30, we always have our docs, and we always have a good experience. Didn't happen this time for me but they still made the trip so that makes me happy. Once they return we'll start trying to figure out where we go next like always. Only this time it may be much sooner lol. I really do appreciate all the well wishes.

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Wow since 1998 and only 53 posts!! Maybe this will make you a regular poster. I was addicted when I first joined. So sorry things didn't work out. I'm sure they will have a great day today!! Like you said things are never 100% bad. 100% would have been your daughter not having her docs!!!LOL

To say I am introverted is an overstatement but I am very appreciative of the people on here who were so helpful along my plight regardless of my post count. That is another silver lining to all of this. It gave me an opportunity to talk to some new people.

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My wife makes fun of "The Binder" that I make every time we go on a cruise. I print everything and put it in clear plastic protectors in the binder. It also has a front pouch where passports and some cash goes. Car keys go in the binder's pouch the night before we leave. I also put any receipts, luggage tags or anything else that we collect throughout the cruise.


OP: Once again sorry for what you've gone through and I do applaud you for making lemonade out of lemons and keeping a positive outlook. I see you're in Austell. If you're in the Peachtree City are, swing by, we'll play some island music and drink some beers in this 20 degree cold! :o

It is so cold today lol. I couldn't sit on my thumbs so I returned to work today. I am playing bob Marley's greatest hits while going forward with the day.


I am so looking forward to warmer days so I can get out on the motorcycle.

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I too am obsessed with checking a rechecking our passports and docs. We have a bright yellow padded travel folder with zippers and stuff that was sent to us free of charge years ago from a major online travel site. I make sure to always have my eye on it and check no less than 50 times throughout our travels that it is there.


Packing the important stuff in the car the night before though IMHO is a BAD idea. What happens if your car gets broken into and they make off with your docs? Then you will not only have the stress of that happening, but you will also miss your cruise. I would keep them by the door and maybe put a sticky note in the car that says "Docs?" or something like that to remind you to check you have them. If you park in your garage, then chances are slim that it will get broken into, but a lot of people (like myself) have garages and don't park in them due to various reasons.


True! Good point. I have over 3 acres in KY and no trespass signs everywhere and not that it is a guarantee of anything, but we do literally pack the entire car up the night before, so that is the first thing I pack. But I suppose if I lived in the city, (like my twinkie got her car broken into TWICE!) than yes, I would just leave the backpack on my kitchen table staring me in the face, put a post it note on the door just to be sure, and take it when I went out the door with me instead.

Edited by TwinPrincessMermaids
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True! Good point. I have over 3 acres in KY and no trespass signs everywhere and not that it is a guarantee of anything, but we do literally pack the entire car up the night before, so that is the first thing I pack. But I suppose if I lived in the city, (like my twinkie got her car broken into TWICE!) than yes, I would just leave the backpack on my kitchen table staring me in the face, put a post it note on the door just to be sure, and take it when I went out the door with me instead.


I don't take any chances. Did I say that I was OBSESSED with travel details?! LOL. I wouldn't be able to sleep if I put them in the car. Even when I lived in the country. I could deal with my clothes getting stolen but not my passports. I would spend the entire cruise in my bathrobe if I had to :D

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I don't take any chances. Did I say that I was OBSESSED with travel details?! LOL. I wouldn't be able to sleep if I put them in the car. Even when I lived in the country. I could deal with my clothes getting stolen but not my passports. I would spend the entire cruise in my bathrobe if I had to :D


True. Pack the suitcases in the car the night before, leave the boarding backpack secure inside the house with a note on the door. (maybe even close to the door, deadbolt of course.)


Sounds like a pretty good method!

Edited by TwinPrincessMermaids
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True. Pack the suitcases in the car the night before, leave the boarding backpack secure inside the house with a note on the door. (maybe even close to the door, deadbolt of course.)


Sounds like a pretty good method!


Hahahaha! I am crazy paranoid when it comes to this stuff! I would also put a note in the car like on the steering wheel reminding me of the backpack - just in case ;)

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To OP - I am so sorry this happened....hope you all can have a nice post B-day meal and some fun with your family


I have seen people do this, fortunately for us most of my gang lives close enough to port - I have had people drive like a bat out of u know where back home to get passport etc....had a gal take a $150 cab ride to get her docs...sigh


I personally have a larger lanyard....my passport, driv lic, credit cards, cash go there along with boarding pass etc...right around my neck LOL> I lay it out on dining room table the night before and check..and recheck


It's a sad lesson but you hang in there -next cruise we all KNOW you will have your stuff - check and rechecked :) Hang in there !;)

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They are on carnivals site.

I hope your wife and daughter are having a good time with each other. Our family seems to have something happen every time we go away so we have a lot of stories. It makes getting together and interesting time retelling some of the stories. It was really nice to see someone who knew they goofed up really try to make it right. You worked hard to make it right and I am sure they will see that. Hope your next cruise is great. And this has been a great thread to remind people to check their documents before leaving the house. It could happen to anyone.


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OP - Been following along. So sorry it didn't work out for you. :( Not sure when the ship returns, but maybe you could call the Bon Voyage department and have flowers or something delivered to your daughter as a 'Sorry Dad is a Dope' :). (hope you're not offended - seems like you have a sense of humor :))

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Thanks for taking a look at this thread. Thanks to a bone-head move of leaving my travel docs at home I was unable to board the ship out of Jacksonville today. We were taking my daughter on a cruise to celebrate her 16th birthday. Rushed out of the house with everything but the most important thing I needed (birth certificate). My daughter was upset that I could not go but after explaining that I made a mistake I was finally able to talk them both into getting onboard. I was hopeful that I would be able to meet the ship somewhere if I could afford the flight but I have not been successful between the time it took me to leave port and arrive home. Hopeful that someone has info or a contact that can help. I've been blessed to never have a need for insurance in all my years of cruising with carnival. It would have been nice to have it but I don't even think it would have covered my bone-head move. In any case if there is some info that would be helpful I am all ears. The ship is arriving in the Bahamas on Wednesday, January 22. I am trying to be there is there is any way. Thanks in advance for your help and time.


it looks like I have hit the proverbial wall. as mentioned by someone previously, because of a change in laws recently, there is some unwritten policy that passengers who miss embarkation cannot meet the ship at next port unless there is an issue traveling (airline strike, airline delay, extreme weather, etc..). My scenario is not included. Even though I am willing to pay for the flight it appears I have no recourse here. I asked for links to the information but there is no documented link that the agent was aware of. Obviously the way to avoid this is to make sure that you have your documents and then make sure you have your documents :-). As luck and timing would have it, as of this morning I have my birth certificate that I left, a new passport, AND I just went to the mailbox and my passport card that I ordered last Wednesday is there also. Looking forward to the next opportunity to get it right. If anyone turns over a nugget that may be helpful or if you know someone of influence who can help let me know. Ill post if anything changes


There has been NO recent change in the Passenger Vessel Services Act (PVSA) which governs transportation of passengers to US ports by ship. Simply put, no non-US flagged ship (Carnival does not have any US flagged ships) may transport passengers between two different US ports without a stop at a distant foreign port.


This would not apply to you as you should have been on a close loop cruise (a cruise that begins and ends at the same port). However, you did not board the ship in Jacksonville.


There is NO restriction on the transport of passengers from any foreign port to any US port. So, if you board the ship in the Bahamas the ship can legally transport you back to Jacksonville.


Here is a link to the PVSA courtesy of the Customs & Border Protection (CBP) ... http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/trade/legal/informed_compliance_pubs/pvsa_icp.ctt/pvsa_icp.pdf

Since it is CBP's job to enforce the PVSA, the CBP is an authority on the PVSA.


In short, there is NO law against Carnival transporting a passenger from the Bahamas to Jacksonville.

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I would have been ok to tunaround if my daughter was not so upset. it made things so much worse for me but I was ultimately able to leave with my head held high hoping that i'd be able to catch up to them in the Bahamas. I woke up with all the energy and hope that a new day brings but as the sun sets I am realizing I am beat. Not the end of the world but I know she'll only have one 16th birthday. Unfortunately you don't get a chance to "fix" every mistake but you can learn from them. I'm a big boy LOL!!


Purchase brand brand new car as birthday gift for 16 year old daughter. I'm thinking something in a convertible. Problem fixed!

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OP - You have found a good support group here on CC.......most of us can truly feel your pain. I for one know that you have tried your hardest to make this nightmare disappear. There is nothing like a daughter's love for her Dad - especially one who obviously cares and loves their daughter the way you do.........although I'm sure she misses you, she also knows deep in her heart that IF there was anyway you could have gotten on the ship you would have.........if your daughter is anything like her Dad, I'm sure she has forgiven you and can't wait for the next FAMILY cruise:)

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Hey everybody. I got a chance to speak to my DW and daughter today. They took a cab over to the Atlantis this afternoon and came back to do some shopping closer to the pier. Looking forward to getting another update this evening but they sound like they are having Fun on a Fun Ship!! Who would have thought ? I can see there are docked in port still at the link below but expect that they'll be leaving soon I guess.



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I love technology. By my own fault I 'm not there physically but I can speak to them and thanks to the internet there are options to feel like you are there even when you are not (satellite cameras and the like). Also, thanks to the internet I was also able to share this with a lot of people. Some will learn, some will repeat, so will scold, some will be happy, some will empathize, and some may even take delight but in call cases I am simply glad to be here! Free to live and learn!!


Ill make another mistake and another and another if I continue to live. I'd like to guarantee it wont be this one LOL but who knows I am human lol!!!! Thanks all for continuing to listen. You could be doing a lot of things. I appreciate it.

Edited by s7r2
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There has been NO recent change in the Passenger Vessel Services Act (PVSA) which governs transportation of passengers to US ports by ship. Simply put, no non-US flagged ship (Carnival does not have any US flagged ships) may transport passengers between two different US ports without a stop at a distant foreign port.


This would not apply to you as you should have been on a close loop cruise (a cruise that begins and ends at the same port). However, you did not board the ship in Jacksonville.


There is NO restriction on the transport of passengers from any foreign port to any US port. So, if you board the ship in the Bahamas the ship can legally transport you back to Jacksonville.


Here is a link to the PVSA courtesy of the Customs & Border Protection (CBP) ... http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/trade/legal/informed_compliance_pubs/pvsa_icp.ctt/pvsa_icp.pdf

Since it is CBP's job to enforce the PVSA, the CBP is an authority on the PVSA.


In short, there is NO law against Carnival transporting a passenger from the Bahamas to Jacksonville.


No one said there was a LAW, it's a cruise choice for many reasons. And you know what? We are not in the Carnival decision arena and don't know the inner workings of such a large company.

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I love technology. By my own fault I 'm not there physically but I can speak to them and thanks to the internet there are options to feel like you are there even when you are not (satellite cameras and the like). Also, thanks to the internet I was also able to share this with a lot of people. Some will learn, some will repeat, so will scold, some will be happy, some will empathize, and some may even take delight but in call cases I am simply glad to be here! Free to live and learn!!


Ill make another mistake and another and another if I continue to live. I'd like to guarantee it wont be this one LOL but who knows I am human lol!!!! Thanks all for continuing to listen. You could be doing a lot of things. I appreciate it.



Your attitude is amazing. I bet you are an awesome guy.

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it looks like I have hit the proverbial wall. as mentioned by someone previously, because of a change in laws recently, there is some unwritten policy that passengers who miss embarkation cannot meet the ship at next port unless there is an issue traveling (airline strike, airline delay, extreme weather, etc..). My scenario is not included. Even though I am willing to pay for the flight it appears I have no recourse here. I asked for links to the information but there is no documented link that the agent was aware of. Obviously the way to avoid this is to make sure that you have your documents and then make sure you have your documents :-). As luck and timing would have it, as of this morning I have my birth certificate that I left, a new passport, AND I just went to the mailbox and my passport card that I ordered last Wednesday is there also. Looking forward to the next opportunity to get it right. If anyone turns over a nugget that may be helpful or if you know someone of influence who can help let me know. Ill post if anything changes


No one said there was a LAW, it's a cruise choice for many reasons. And you know what? We are not in the Carnival decision arena and don't know the inner workings of such a large company.


Actually it was the OP himself that did mention the law. See the quote of post number 68 above your post.

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Actually it was the OP himself that did mention the law. See the quote of post number 68 above your post.


Please don't take anything I have said to be legally binding. Since others have been able to travel to meet the ship in this scenario in the past there appears to have been a change in policy but that is obviously not a change in a law as I erroneously stated. I am hopeful that i'll receive an official response from Carnival that I can share with all. I definitely understand the end result of making this mistake now. I don't plan on making this specific mistake again but if I do it would be great to understand why if it is something that Carnival wishes to share the details of. No pressure from me but I sense it would be very helpful to others also. I appreciate your insight and the insight of others on the matter without a doubt.

Edited by s7r2
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