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SDII from Mumbai in April -First Cruise


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First time cruisers and first post!

Any tips? Any other posters on this cruise?



Just a quick note to acknowledge your posting (currently in airport lounge).


This will be an amazing voyage !!! (Did the Athens- Mumbai in winter last year, so have a bit of experience).

Will reply soon with more info.

Kind regards


Do you need advice on Mumbai & Athens ?

How long are you staying in Mumbai & Athens ?

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Hi Ho-hum

We chose Seadream II (and this cruise) because we don't think we would like a mega ship! For a first cruise we thought we might as well do it comfortably. The service mentioned in reviews was a big plus.

We will be in Mumbai for 5 nights prior to the cruise and hope to catch up with some friends there too. We are staying at the Trident Nariman Point. Afterwards we will stay in Athens for 5 days then over to Hydra for another 5 to chill before we head home.

The itinerary for the cruise has changed (removed a few stops in Egypt but added one in Santorini) due to the Egypt elections being held in April which while understandable is a bit disappointing.

Any recommendations for day trips in Mumbai and Athens are welcome too!


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Glad to see Ho Hum has chimed in on this thread.


There is no one who can offer more insight on the Sea Dream experience,

having spent well over 350 nights aboard the ships, AND will be

accompanying you on your journey.


Now, for my two cents worth on Mumbai and Athens - The Taj Palace Hotel in Mumbai is a MUST. Ask for a room on the sixth floor, overlooking the Gateway to India. Enjoy a meal of Peking Duck in the Golden Dragon Restaurant ... not to be missed.


In Athens, the hotel of choice is the Grande Bretagne. Ask for a balcony room on the concierge level, overlooking Parliment. You'll enjoy breakfast

al fresco, overlooking the Acropolis AND for a change of pace, ask directions to the Old Tavern of Psaras for dinner, just a short, safe walk

from the hotel. You can also arrange a transfer from the port to the hotel

when making your reservation.


Wishing you a wonderful cruise and know that you have made a

great selection in Sea Dream. You won't be disappointed.

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Well friend (if I may),

Noticed you live in Australia: currently travelling around Oz (Darwin, Cookstown, Port Douglas, Cairns, Brisbane: currently in Pyrmont, Sydney) staying with SD chums (again). They are wonderful people !

You may not wish to publicise where you live (quite rightly) but give a cryptic clue only an Aussie would know (if you wish, of course. No offence if you don't).


Right let's start.


Commander Courageous has (as usual) pipped me to the post. Between his performing miracles on the sick, infirmed and elderly wretches in his home country he has summed it up all quite nicely:


"know that you have made a great selection in Sea Dream. You won't be disappointed."


Maybe you can detect on the posting and other postings, there is a warm, friendliness between passengers on SD: not an exclusive stance but inclusive amongst all.


Where SD really excels is the crew (from new engine room "oiler" to Captain: Arneil - Torbjorn), cuisine (chefs Tomasz/Virender), outside dining, intimacy and beauty of vessel and passengers themselves.

On the trip out there were less than 50 passengers and it would be reasonable to expect the same on the return.

The reasons: passengers (especially our US friends) considering it slightly risky, too many sea days and not enough interesting ports of call.


Sea Dream has appointed fully competent British operatives with years of experience to deal with the very faintest of chances that Somali pirates may take an interest in us. The crew were extensively trained first (and the training is unlikely to be forgotten so soon) followed by the passengers, all of whom performed actual drills. Everybody felt assured and the boys commanded the situation masterfully (I even wrote and told them so !).


Sea conditions are unlikely to be an issue due to route however there are drugs onboard and a super-duper syringe shot taken in the derriere (they are expensive I hear but by God they work: the Thai spa ladies are usually are ill as soon as the vessel is un-tied from the dock prior to a Transatlantic x-ing, can be seen happily performing their miraculous, yet expensive, treatments (wait for discounting on day 3 tho').


Ports of Call.

The omission of visits in Egypt is not simply due to elections: they were omitted on the inaugural trip to commence the Asian voyages too. You would know of the violent political unrest that has occurred when the elected "Muslim Brotherhood" were deposed by the people wishing for a more liberal government and now there is military rule (so a complete turn around to position from where it all started from !). The omission of Egypt is for safety concerns however the real problems were confined to the capital. The ports of call that were planned would have been safe but Sea Dream's priority is the safety of passengers and crew. Sad not to visit tho'.


We may visit Solala. It is a nice diversion after days at sea.


Hydra is great (where Leonard Cohen lived for many years). No doubt excursions are planned (to visit where LC lived and wrote much of his famous poems and songs: you have to make your own arrangements. Maybe ho-hum would arrange a tour starting at the taverna he used to hang out in the mornings, taking a drink and cigarette, amble to his modest home and recite the poem Hydra)

"Anything that moves is white,

A gull, a wave, a sail"


Santorini. Magnificent. Great to amble round, take a simple grilled fish lunch with lashings of chilled white wine overlooking the ocean and Sea Dream.


Well that's enough for the moment. Busy day to day, seeing Diana Krall at Sydney Opera House. One of Commander Courageous's countrywomen. Commander Courageous: best singer on Sea Dreamer ever; the old crooner (Sinatra style).

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And thanks to both of you for the advice!

I am sure it will be great! We usually play our travels by ear but looking forward to being looked after on this trip!

Commander - will put those restaurants on our list! And p'd off you won't be singing for us this trip...maybe next time.

Ho-Hum-- Off topic...How was Diana Krall?? Peel me a grape! Hint as to our location..she is not performing here :(

Dont think I will get seasick (haven't on smaller boats) but its nice to know we can get medication if required.

Yep I understand re issues in Egypt..but had friends there 2 months ago and they thought it was great because of the lack of touts bothering to come out to harass them and not many tourists around... and having everything to themselves. Better to be safe though and hopefully we will still get to Salalah (its still there on the itinerary).

Another reason we chose this cruise is that Mr Gyroscopics grandpa was an engineer on the Suez canal and his mum was born there during the construction time the family was there ...so as long as we still go up the Suez safely its all good.

Really looking forward to Hydra too and if Ho-hum wants to arrange a tour on Hydra....woooo!!!

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Afterwards we will stay in Athens for 5 days then over to Hydra for another 5 to chill before we head home.

The itinerary for the cruise has changed (removed a few stops in Egypt but added one in Santorini) due to the Egypt elections being held in April which while understandable is a bit disappointing.


Where are you going to stay in Hydra - perhaps Orloff Boutique Hotel (would fit for a SD-cruiser) ?


On our cruise in September (Athens - Rome) we also wanted to slow down before the cruise. I looked for severeal hotels on the mainland and on the Greek isles. There was a nice one on Santorini, but it was fully booked about one year before. You will like this island!!! ;)

So we decided to go to Mykonos for 5 days and took one of the nice suites of Greco Philia - looks amazing!

Are you sure about 5(!) days in Athens - are you "mad on" greek history - sounds very long for me ... :confused:


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Hi Ralf,

We picked a little place on the Hydra waterfront..Sophia Hotel. It gets great reviews and looks good for watching the port action and getting ferries to different beaches! It seems a good base for exploring.

We hope to get out of Athens too and may head to another island if we get bored before we head to Hydra. Might dash to Mykonos for a look!


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Well forgive me if old ho-hum chuckles at Commander Courageous's offerings on Mumbai. Of course his hotel and room choice is bang on (also the Director of Hotels Worldwide for the Taj group is a very old friend: so ho-hum would always recommend The Taj Palace). But you have booked another, so we'll leave it there. But do pop in for a look around: take tea or have a G&T.


Commander Courageous failed to offer a guide to excursions. Surely an oversight. May old ho-hum suggest options. There are numerous well run excursions. What's your interest ? Temples - Neighbourhoods - Shopping - Food ?

Unless you can tell your Krishna from your Vishnu. Your Vedanta from your Upanishads. Interest in temples is generally just a curiousity seeing the garish statues of the Gods in divine and animal forms. Sorry Hindus but "no do" for ho-hum (even tho' he has drawn much appreciation from Advaita Vedanta). Worth a visit to the nearest temple tho' (ladies must dress modestly).


Neighbourhood excursions are great to see all human life and are a must. Never do them by yourselves particularly for ladies (sorry but dress modestly: legs and shoulders covered). Adventurous friends did a "slum" tour and were pleasantly surprised and well rewarded.


Brits love curry, Aussies less so, but these can be very interesting and great fun. Knowing how to make rice and Dahl is one of the most valuable cooking lessons ho-hum ever had (especially in early years, he could live on them for a dollar a day !). Hindus are vegetarian and the flavours they can create are astounding. So food and cooking excursions are wonderful too, especially for a group of friends.


Shopping excursions for jewellery, fabric etc.. must be done with an independent, experienced guide for obvious reasons. Sharpen your bartering skills.


The concierge at your hotel should be contacted in advance of your visit to discuss and arrange your preferred excursion/s but they will be more expensive than ones you arrange yourself. The best way is through Trip Advisor.


Advice on Athens next time.

Meanwhile start arranging your VISAS & JABS NOW !!!

Consult your governments advice on travelling to Mumbai & Athens (specifically). The British FCO is good, as is the US (the people of Mumbai & Athens may think your Americans).

Ho-hum is often mistaken as an Aussie. In Australia he says he's Canadian: it just avoids messy scenes discussing cricket. Congratulations by the way, very well deserved (but David Warner is a yobbo).


Just back from Diana Krall at Sydney Opera House: amazing lady. Dinner beforehand at Aria with champagne and Tyrells 47: all with chums. Cant get any better.

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So happy Ho-Hum was able to provide suggestions re your visits in India and Greece. He is well experienced in that part of the world, and if you are lucky enough to get him to tag along, visiting some of Leonard Cohen"s (yet another Canadian) haunts on Hydra ... lucky you. As you can see by his restaurant selection in Sydney, he does not travel in the back end of the bus.


Sorry I missed the fact that you have already booked your stay in Mumbai.

Do, however, visit the Taj for high tea or Peking Duck, as suggested. Also

a wonderful gentleman, Moreno Alphonso, "tickles the ivories" nightly at the grand piano in the Taj lobby. A wonderful and relaxing interlude before or after tea or dinner. I began my Asian concert tour there in October to rave reviews (in my own mind).


Don't wait too long to process your visa for India, as they are notoriously

slow ... at least in Canada. Have a wonderful trip and perhaps we will

cross paths on a subsequent voyage.

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Ho-hum too has mis-read a post: Hydra is not a port of call but where gyroscopic intends to visit after the voyage !

Duhhhhhh ! as Homer would say (not the Greek one who wrote the Iliad: the Simpson one, married to Marge).

Sadly ho-hum must therefore decline offering the Hydra tour.

Anyway Hydra is a place to lose yourself in the quiet, back streets. 5 days......mmmmmm... tavernas serving chilled white wine in carafes, grilled fish, salads, olives, oil, feta....... siestas: great choice.


Sadly ho-hum agrees with gcmv and cannot offer any recommendations for Athens except to "get out as quickly as possible" and if you do stay, follow Commander Courageous's recommendations in hotel but he is no "slouch" either and has "deep pockets" (5 days at those hotel rates: mama mia ! or whatever the Greek alternative is).

The hotel recommended has a great view over the square favoured by rioters (the square not the hotel). Check the riot season timetable though the Greeks appear to have be-grudgingly accepted EU strictures that they "cant spend more than the EU gives them in bail outs on each and every occasion !" (sorry, a bit political there. How the "cradle of Western (and Aussie) civilisation has fallen").


Well thats more than enough from rambling ho-hum. He doesn't usually offer sensible advice and will be returning to pithier and nonsensical offerings henceforth but your supplication for advice touched him.




But before going: you asked about Diana Krall. The lady was brilliant, sheer (Canadian) class, very accomplished and inventive. A complete delight.

But when is Commander Courageous touring next in the piano bar or with Ray on guitar, out on the rear deck at dinner: now those are magical moments. "I love you Bill, I always will".


Aria restaurant (overlooking bridge AND opera house) was brilliant except ho hum was served a mint tea and not the usual Orange Pekoe. Ho-hum let it side, he's cool.


Off to Rockpool restaurant in Sydney to-night with more dear chums, maybe a Curly Flat or Brokenwood tonight: fancy a red tonight.

Your clue response "stinks" by the way (not where DK is playing !). How is that possibly a clue ?

Maybe you live where Mel was born after Ada got ......! !! Cheeky old ho hum.

No it's Perth or you love a punk group from there. The Clash, Buzzcocks & Sex Pistols for old ho hum.

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We will definitely drop into the Taj Palace for a meal!

The Indian Visa application process here all is done online now so hopefully it will be a simple process...its on the agenda for this weekend. As for jabs..we are all jabbed up from previous trips so don't need more luckily.

A work colleague will be visiting family in Mumbai while we are there and promises to show us around...I am sure he will be handy with shopping too!

I don't think we will be hanging around too many temples...might get struck by lightning or something :eek:

Definitely plan to do a cooking course there. We usually like trying street food too but will avoid it on this trip so not to be crook on the cruise afterwards!

Ho-hum...we are in the Brisbane area ...out of the city by the sea...but Ms Krall did not grace our local entertainment centre. DK live in Paris is my fave music dvd.

I agree, Aria is fantastic but so is Rockpool (have been to the one in Melbourne) . Mr Perry (wish he would lose the 80's pony tail) does a mean duck and steaks are fantastic! With the weather is Sydney lately surely the mint tea was refreshing? A squeeze of lime always makes it better but I must admit I prefer it cold!

Dave Warner may be a yobbo but better than old Warney..what was Liz thinking???? eeewww.

Cruise question...how formal is elegant casual in your experience? In the YouTube vids everyone still looks pretty formal for dinner...we will be packing lightly (to leave room for shopping). As card carrying geeks we don't really do silks and suits. But I do have some 'going out' formal thongs (the footwear kind) :cool:

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You make all the references of experienced world travellers and you are expertly prepared: you really fooled old ho hum, you could help him, he needs it sometimes !


Just came from Brisbane where we stayed 3 nights with SD chums, now staying 6 nights with SD chum in Sydney who also considers DK live in Paris to be best album.


How amazing is all that: now make my day and tell me your kidney (or liver) is compatible too !


Old Warney is a God in the UK, there may well be a temple to him. Liz certainly changed him but his contribution to the Aussie cricket team cant be denied.


Ho hum has never seen YT videos of SD so lets just say the ladies can wear practically anything except shorts. Men will be expected to wear shoes (not sandals), trousers (not jeans) and long sleeved shirts but only in the dining room. The out-standing and unique feature of SD is the dining outside where standards are more relaxed so that sandals, trousers and short sleeved shirts are acceptable. Ho hum wears an unlined dark jacket for cocktail Captain evenings or when eating with officers and older more formal friends (Captain Courageous: very elegant man in the Sinatra style but "blue chip") but this is soon whipped off: ho hum's old !

This voyage will not be full and as it is essentially a re-positioning (Asia to Med) it is expected to be even more informal than if it were the Med say.


There was a group called the Gyroscopes from Perth hence the guess.


Ho hum is staying two weeks in Rajasthan prior to trip (two Aman hotels); did the same at the end of the trip from Athens. Ho hum loves India.


Owner of Rockpool was there: sat right next to him (didn't recognise ho hum, didn't even flinch when a Gosset champagne bottle was ordered, smiled nicely to one another tho').

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Hmmm.... I guess both kidneys and liver have had their fair share of wear and tear but still a bit of use in them yet though!

Warney sounds like he has a better rep in UK than in his home country! He looks a bit different now, unnatural even. Maybe Liz helped him there :confused:

Will suggest Mr Gyro brings a jacket..so its all good. I will bring a shiny dress :D and even proper shoes!

We haven't been to India before but other places where jabs and such are required. We spend a lot of time in the Pacific Islands lately, we have a little holiday house on one. Rajastan would be exciting...its on the bucket list for next time. Looking forward to the markets and decent v HOT curries in Mumbai too.

You obviously would have enjoyed the Gosset but how was the meal at Rockpool? Did it compare to SD favourably? What champagne do they have on SD?

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Hmmm.... I guess both kidneys and liver have had their fair share of wear and tear but still a bit of use in them yet though!

Warney sounds like he has a better rep in UK than in his home country! He looks a bit different now, unnatural even. Maybe Liz helped him there :confused:

Will suggest Mr Gyro brings a jacket..so its all good. I will bring a shiny dress :D and even proper shoes!

We haven't been to India before but other places where jabs and such are required. We spend a lot of time in the Pacific Islands lately, we have a little holiday house on one. Rajastan would be exciting...its on the bucket list for next time. Looking forward to the markets and decent v HOT curries in Mumbai too.

You obviously would have enjoyed the Gosset but how was the meal at Rockpool? Did it compare to SD favourably? What champagne do they have on SD?



Oh and we were getting on so well. Well keep your organs then !


Mr.G really does'nt need a jacket especially if he is young (-ish) & trendy (like you......oh what a creep). It will be a relaxed voyage. And if we eat outside then it will be even more casual.


Warney has definitely had surgery, his lips make him look like a "gubba" fish. Liz obviously likes a bit of "rough" but not too much hence the make over. He reminds me of a poodle now at Liz's beck and call "here Warney, heel Warney".


Meal at Rockpool.

Well a grand old bank in former times as you very likely know.

Our party sat in central area after hanging out in bar next to, you know who (it really does'nt suit him, you're right. Well us old guys are desperately hanging on to some youthfulness making us a stud for the gals (getting creepier.... Stop now).


The guys and gals that work at Rockpool are are all sophisticated models working here part time: gorgeous, aloof and a bit mechanical who have never eaten a decent sized meal in their lives.

Loved the chairs (padded, wide, arm rests). Good sized solid tables. Menu far too big and reads badly. Wine list, pretentious, favouring French wines which cost a fortune (had a Curly Flat pinot noir and two Pierro chardonnays: latter chosen by chum putting us up. Good choice tho' a tad sweet).


Finally the meals, everybody loved all the starters and mains. The duck main was far too large. The whiting fish was really quite small. And that was how the table was divided. Service was slow but no problem to us as we had a lot to catch up on. Oh the starters varied enormously in size too. Squid and pork for old ho hum: wonderful.

The bread was fantastic. Artisanal french style baguettes. Yum. A bit noisy so we all changed places before mains however after a few bottles were under our belts, we were all less restrained and could hear one another.

Our Sydney chum who eats out a lot (high end) said he loved the meal, he said it was typical grill style but he agreed the portions were large.


Sea Dream dining is always of a very high standard and the portions are perfect for regular daily dining. SD cannot be compared with Rockpool and frankly ho hum has no idea how it compares to other cruise lines but judging by reviews it is right up there.

Now in the early years, whenever ho hum was dining out, he would say to himself "SD is far better than this !" And so has it continued. Ho hum's a gourmand and he's happy.

The service is brilliant.


The house champagne is Jacquart. It's fine but with a short finish. You can of course upgrade and buy champagnes but they are only chosen by ho hum for special occasions. Ho hum buys a lot of wine onboard though, mainly preferring New World wine because it is more robust and stable when kept onboard. The French Burgundies are generally too delicate but had a very nice Corton-Charemagne, 2008, Louis Jadot (twice).

The mark up on wines is generally double: that is quite reasonable.

The house wines are good enough but the roses are disgusting. Roses can be bought but they are too expensive. SD has been told about this many times but old ho hum is ignored.


Any more questions ? Very nice chatting with you Gyroscopic. Hell knows what the near 600 views make of it all. Maybe they will tell us !

"Shut up ho hum, you old fool"

Listening to that DK cd now, with a nice chilled Pommery and views to the bridge on a wonderful evening in Sydney before 30 of our chum's friends and family join us. Such fun !

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Glad to hear Rockpool is still worth a visit even if Pony Tail hasn't moved on with the times.

Not a fan of Rose at the best of times..its neither here nor there for me. Prefer the bold reds (Curly Flat...nice) and oaky dry whites. But am happy to try whatever arrives ...do they carry AU or NZ wines on SD? And chocolate..they better carry lots of that too :D Haven't tried Jacquart but I am sure its fine!

If I can think of any more questions you will be the first to know Ho Hum!

Thanks for your advice so far and look forward to meeting you!

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Glad to hear Rockpool is still worth a visit even if Pony Tail hasn't moved on with the times.

Not a fan of Rose at the best of times..its neither here nor there for me. Prefer the bold reds (Curly Flat...nice) and oaky dry whites. But am happy to try whatever arrives ...do they carry AU or NZ wines on SD? And chocolate..they better carry lots of that too :D Haven't tried Jacquart but I am sure its fine!

If I can think of any more questions you will be the first to know Ho Hum!

Thanks for your advice so far and look forward to meeting you!


Yes, yes & yes. Oz, NZ wines & gorgeous petit fours as well as scrumptious desserts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are looking at extra sea days now on this cruise. In your experience, are the guest speakers on SD II good? Anyone have any news on who they will be on this cruise?

Does the yacht ever do unscheduled stops in a sheltered bay (without docking) to let guests have a swim or use water sports gear?

A week between Salalah, Oman and the Suez transit seems a long time. previously there were several full day stops during this period and we are wondering what they will do to fill the time or will they just sail more slowly?


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We are looking at extra sea days now on this cruise. In your experience, are the guest speakers on SD II good? Anyone have any news on who they will be on this cruise?

Does the yacht ever do unscheduled stops in a sheltered bay (without docking) to let guests have a swim or use water sports gear?

A week between Salalah, Oman and the Suez transit seems a long time. previously there were several full day stops during this period and we are wondering what they will do to fill the time or will they just sail more slowly?



What is the reason for the changes?

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Hi Jim

Djibouti (Djibouti) & Safaga (Egypt) have been cut out for safety reasons but the days between the 1st port stop in Salalah and Suez transit remain the same but with no stops (8 nights). Its due to recent political issues ...also the elections are being held in Egypt in April so its understandable. Alexandria is also cancelled but they are replacing this with Santorini. So its 15 nights with a stop only in Salalah and Santorini! Lots of sea days.

As Ho-hum says ...its basically a repositioning (but it originally had lots of ports!)

The annoying thing is we only found out by accident…apparently SD doesn't inform their agents of itinerary changes (only embarkation and debarkation changes).:confused:

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Abenaki, all the more reason why SD management should have informed TAs and directly booked guests since they have known for so long. Is it incumbent on TAs and direct bookings to check the SD web site? Good customer service would be to advise ASAP. I'm at airport now waiting for a flight that is delayed and twice have received emails and phone calls for minor delays as opposed to the burden only being on me to check myself. Good customer service. SD delivers onboard except when groups and kids interfere with the hardworking crew. This is one of the reasons we won't be back absent tangible proof that management gets it.



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I was going to comment as well JES. If the ports were listed when I booked and then later dropped and no one from SD bothered to let me know, you bet I would be miffed. Management has not performed well this last several months in many past passengers opinion. Abenaki is just a total SD cheerleader. May all Abenaki's SD cruises go well.

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