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Review not Published.. Was I too honest ?


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My recent review of our Caribbean Cruise on the Dream has not been published and I feel my time has been wasted ! We did experience problems with our cabin but I do feel people who are cruising with Thomson in the future should be aware that these problems exist. Surely this forum is not just for 'glowing' reviews. Perhaps someone would be kind enough to let me know how long it takes for a review to be published and if it is not published, does anyone tell you the reasons why ? We cruise frequently and this is the first time a review has not been published.

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My recent review of our Caribbean Cruise on the Dream has not been published and I feel my time has been wasted ! We did experience problems with our cabin but I do feel people who are cruising with Thomson in the future should be aware that these problems exist. Surely this forum is not just for 'glowing' reviews. Perhaps someone would be kind enough to let me know how long it takes for a review to be published and if it is not published, does anyone tell you the reasons why ? We cruise frequently and this is the first time a review has not been published.



It does often take quite some time for reviews to be published Tizzy - I would be surprised if it had been rejected and agree with you a review should be about your whole experience, plses and minuses!

Edited by kruzseeka
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its unusual for cc not to publish a review (unless they think you may be a tour operator or something like?) perhaps its just taking some time (usually just takes a couple of days)...I suspect they may have a backlog...I dont think that the thomson reviews get the admins priority over some other lines either....hope it hasnt got lost:(


could try emailing the admins about it

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Since you have started a thread on reviews Tizzy and querying whether you have been too honest I will take the opportunity to post what has been on my mind for some time. I hope you won't mind.


Well I have thought long and hard about writing this but am really dismayed reading disparaging comments and side-swipes at those who dare to say something negative in a review by a few posters on here.

A review should be an opinion of your cruise. Everyone is different, everyone has a different experience but provided views are expressed in a respectful way (not slagging off others who may not share your opinion) and are fair and balanced with credit given where due and reasons given for any criticism, I fail to see how that makes the reviewer some miserable person who is:


bitter and petty

the kind of person who will always find something to complain about

not having to eat in a greasy spoon and should therefore apparently feel grateful

made happy by complaining

of a negative mind-set

not going with an open mind

go looking for things to complain about

expecting 6* treatment

not going on holiday determined to enjoy themselves


All these comments have been made recently and directed towards reviewers, especially regulars who said they felt standards have fallen. I suppose therefore this applies to me. …....


Oddly some of these opinions are held by people after their first cruise! What are they comparing it with?

Some say 'I was on Dream last year/six months ago'....whatever. How do they know standards are the same as when they were on? Things can change for the worse, or better, very quickly as many on here can testify.


There are some who do a real hatchet job and find nothing good about their cruise - you can often read between the lines and make a call that such a review can perhaps be ignored as being extreme. But sometimes if people have had a really bad time there will be justification for a bad review eg the early Transatlantic on Dream and the period after the refit in Hamburg, or outbreaks of NV and that is very understandable.


But a review imo should highlight the excellent, the good and the not so good. If explanations for any criticism are included then the reader can make up their mind if it is important to them. And surely that is the purpose of a review - to help others to determine if a cruise will suit them. It does no one any favours for reviews to be sanitised so that only good is reported! (And there is just the hope too that Thomson may respond if lots of people report the same issues – remember the booze in your cabin scenario?)


We all have differing expectations: if you don't go to the shows you don't care how they are rated, if you eat in the buffet the meals in the MDR are of no significance, if you go DiY on shore excursion prices matter not a jot, if you don't have AI the details of the deal don't affect you, if you don't sunbathe the availability of loungers isn't an issue. I could go on. But you get the idea. A review has to be read in the context of what matters to you.


If you don't like what you're reading then you may question the importance or relevance of the poster's views and yes, a review is only one person's opinion but perhaps when a common theme is detected it may be something to take more note of and it may have some substance. .......


What I feel is out of order are the personal judgements and comments directed at reviewers because they report something the reader doesn't want to hear.


For the record:

I have done 25 Thomson cruises (also been on P&O and NCL) so believe I have some experience to draw on.

I have loved all my cruises and had a fab time on every one.

My review which commented on the food was our fifth cruise on Dream and the comparison was made with a cruise only nine months earlier.

I have never approached a holiday not determined to have a good time (who in their right mind would spend that amount of money to be miserable?)

I have written many comprehensive reviews which have been very upbeat and complimentary (yes some only come on to register complaints but anyone who reads these boards regularly cannot say that of me)


So I would suggest that reviews are read carefully and because of one negative don't berate the reviewer or the ship - there are probably lots of positives in the review too.


I value reading others’ experiences and advice and I write reviews to inform and help others - after all I already know what I know about my own cruise and can use that to make my decisions in future. But others may find it useful information. I have no absolutely problem with people not agreeing with me but it's how it's said and what is said. To attack people's motives, character and personality because of varying opinions is not acceptable in my book and is not in the spirit of this forum or what reviews should achieve. It would be a sad day were we to have to censor comments for fear of being rubbished for your opinions!


My recent comments on food quality in the mdr on Dream in December did not spoil my holiday as anyone who read the review will see. The itinerary was fantastic, the crew as fab as ever, I love the Dream (my favourite Thomson ship), I had a wonderful holiday. But imo there were obvious cost-cutting measures in place re food in particular for the mdr evening meal as compared with all my previous Thomson cruises. I make no apologies for this opinion as I believe it to be true and for us did affect our anticipation of the evening meal as we like to get changed and treat it as an occasion (that's part of what we value on a cruise but will not be true of others). We still ate well enough but it wasn't anything like as good as previous trips.


But for those who are booked, there is absolutely no reason not to look forward to your cruise - or enjoy it and perhaps you will be able to report a more comprehensive and varied choice of meals on the evening menu! I do hope so and perhaps that may have been a consequence of people reporting their concerns. I would still consider Dream for a holiday and would be delighted to read of improvements on that score.


I wish you all a wonderful time.:)


And finally I think we should be careful not to shoot the messenger - the fault is in the product not the reporting of it! (If it matters to you!) :rolleyes:

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Thanks Kruzseeka and Geomagot.

Perhaps as you say, it is just taking a bit longer than some of the other forums. I think I wrote a very balanced report. We had a lot of issues with our cabin and were quite upset by the attitude of the Future Cruise Representative on board but I think you have to be honest and some things mentioned in my review do need addressing. We had a good cruise, just had the noisiest cabin on the ship ! As long as people realise the Dream is NOT a new ship they needn't worry about future cruises. We found the people on board and the staff very friendly and helpful.

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wow kruz


yep.... many thanks for this ...agree fully...and we couldn’t hope for a more articulate/thoughtful/inspired/kind/respectful messenger (you truly are a gem)


I cannot find anything to disagree with in anything you have said here, I absolutely applaud what you have said here...thank goodness you are here


sorry to hijack your thread tizzy




guys..we all love cruising.....yes there can be problems and for those new to cruising we are here to help sort out those problems and to highlight what there is to like...there will always be something to like (and not like) in everything/everywhere


yes we get angry/heated/excited/passionate, nothing wrong with any of that....but we are not here to convince others of our own mindsets...just to state the facts as we see them


yes negative (and positive) comments will be picked apart on here without censorship...that is what we do...and long may it continue, but it must be with respect for the opinions of others all of which are valid


personal attacks do not make for a sensible argument, none of us have anything to gain by pressing our opinions on others and everything to gain by valuing and encouraging all comments and contributions...good or not so good


I truly believe that people power works on this forum…I have noticed many things that have been highlighted on here and have (or appear to have) been picked up by thomsons and changes made (some good/some ot so good)


If we stop making any sense on here…no one…but no one (thoms included) will ever take us seriously

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Kruzseeka, I was going to post this the other day but after a negative review thought I would wait BUT what I was going to say after several reviews saying the food was good and up to standard was THANK YOU for bringing it to Thomsons attention and having them address the matter a lot quicker than if they had waited for reviews to filter through on the other sight.

I suspect this was your intention all along ;) and as someone going on Dream soon I am very greatful.:D

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Very well said Kruzseeka. I think our posts crossed as we were writing them.

When I write reveiws I am totally honest and never mean to offend anyone. On our recent Cruise we had a problem with one person on the ship and this problem needs sorting out, however my complaint wasn't meant to be personal and by bringing what happened to the attention of othere I hope the same thing wont happen to anyone else. We all like different things and all have different expectations but you are right our main aim should always be to help other people on here. Some people seem to come on the Cruise critic forums just to upset people. I have never read the Facebook comments but I understand they get quite nasty at times.

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Kruzseeka, that was a delightful, articulate, honest, sensible, balanced piece of writing. I wish I could be such a "wordsmith" if that is the correct word to use. Thank you for being so supportive on this forum. It's been a pleasure to read everything you have posted. :)

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geo....thank you! (Blowing a kiss!) You have given me a very warm glow and I can't tell you how much I appreciate your comments. :o And i agree with all you have said too.


Thanks also to Tizzy, happy v, Little Nell, Jakanne and SheilaA. I really value all of your kind comments and am pleased to find I have hit a chord with others. I didn't really want to post this but it came to a point I either said my piece or stayed off the forum which would be a very sad day for me.


I just want this to remain a place where we can all exchenge our different views without anyone feeling got at or afraid to pass comment. I'm a great fan of healthy debate and have enjoyed many threads on here (often with very contrasting views) where I have learned so much from knocking ideas around, reading of others' experiences and generally finding out loads about the world of cruising and Thomson in particular. It also happens to be a most supportive and friendly forum too and I would hate for it to become otherwise.


However, nuff said. Happy cruising all - and keep the forum lively and compassionate - and fun! :D



Off to watch the men's curling final now - hopefully something to cheer! Well done lads - it's a silver at worse! :D

Edited by kruzseeka
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Since you have started a thread on reviews Tizzy and querying whether you have been too honest I will take the opportunity to post what has been on my mind for some time. I hope you won't mind.


Well I have thought long and hard about writing this but am really dismayed reading disparaging comments and side-swipes at those who dare to say something negative in a review by a few posters on here.

A review should be an opinion of your cruise. Everyone is different, everyone has a different experience but provided views are expressed in a respectful way (not slagging off others who may not share your opinion) and are fair and balanced with credit given where due and reasons given for any criticism, I fail to see how that makes the reviewer some miserable person who is:


bitter and petty

the kind of person who will always find something to complain about

not having to eat in a greasy spoon and should therefore apparently feel grateful

made happy by complaining

of a negative mind-set

not going with an open mind

go looking for things to complain about

expecting 6* treatment

not going on holiday determined to enjoy themselves


All these comments have been made recently and directed towards reviewers, especially regulars who said they felt standards have fallen. I suppose therefore this applies to me. …....


Oddly some of these opinions are held by people after their first cruise! What are they comparing it with?

Some say 'I was on Dream last year/six months ago'....whatever. How do they know standards are the same as when they were on? Things can change for the worse, or better, very quickly as many on here can testify.


There are some who do a real hatchet job and find nothing good about their cruise - you can often read between the lines and make a call that such a review can perhaps be ignored as being extreme. But sometimes if people have had a really bad time there will be justification for a bad review eg the early Transatlantic on Dream and the period after the refit in Hamburg, or outbreaks of NV and that is very understandable.


But a review imo should highlight the excellent, the good and the not so good. If explanations for any criticism are included then the reader can make up their mind if it is important to them. And surely that is the purpose of a review - to help others to determine if a cruise will suit them. It does no one any favours for reviews to be sanitised so that only good is reported! (And there is just the hope too that Thomson may respond if lots of people report the same issues – remember the booze in your cabin scenario?)


We all have differing expectations: if you don't go to the shows you don't care how they are rated, if you eat in the buffet the meals in the MDR are of no significance, if you go DiY on shore excursion prices matter not a jot, if you don't have AI the details of the deal don't affect you, if you don't sunbathe the availability of loungers isn't an issue. I could go on. But you get the idea. A review has to be read in the context of what matters to you.


If you don't like what you're reading then you may question the importance or relevance of the poster's views and yes, a review is only one person's opinion but perhaps when a common theme is detected it may be something to take more note of and it may have some substance. .......


What I feel is out of order are the personal judgements and comments directed at reviewers because they report something the reader doesn't want to hear.


For the record:

I have done 25 Thomson cruises (also been on P&O and NCL) so believe I have some experience to draw on.

I have loved all my cruises and had a fab time on every one.

My review which commented on the food was our fifth cruise on Dream and the comparison was made with a cruise only nine months earlier.

I have never approached a holiday not determined to have a good time (who in their right mind would spend that amount of money to be miserable?)

I have written many comprehensive reviews which have been very upbeat and complimentary (yes some only come on to register complaints but anyone who reads these boards regularly cannot say that of me)


So I would suggest that reviews are read carefully and because of one negative don't berate the reviewer or the ship - there are probably lots of positives in the review too.


I value reading others’ experiences and advice and I write reviews to inform and help others - after all I already know what I know about my own cruise and can use that to make my decisions in future. But others may find it useful information. I have no absolutely problem with people not agreeing with me but it's how it's said and what is said. To attack people's motives, character and personality because of varying opinions is not acceptable in my book and is not in the spirit of this forum or what reviews should achieve. It would be a sad day were we to have to censor comments for fear of being rubbished for your opinions!


My recent comments on food quality in the mdr on Dream in December did not spoil my holiday as anyone who read the review will see. The itinerary was fantastic, the crew as fab as ever, I love the Dream (my favourite Thomson ship), I had a wonderful holiday. But imo there were obvious cost-cutting measures in place re food in particular for the mdr evening meal as compared with all my previous Thomson cruises. I make no apologies for this opinion as I believe it to be true and for us did affect our anticipation of the evening meal as we like to get changed and treat it as an occasion (that's part of what we value on a cruise but will not be true of others). We still ate well enough but it wasn't anything like as good as previous trips.


But for those who are booked, there is absolutely no reason not to look forward to your cruise - or enjoy it and perhaps you will be able to report a more comprehensive and varied choice of meals on the evening menu! I do hope so and perhaps that may have been a consequence of people reporting their concerns. I would still consider Dream for a holiday and would be delighted to read of improvements on that score.


I wish you all a wonderful time.:)


And finally I think we should be careful not to shoot the messenger - the fault is in the product not the reporting of it! (If it matters to you!) :rolleyes:


You took the words out of my mouth Kruz :D



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Well Kruzseeka - at last someone who thinks like myself, yes we all know peoples expectations will differ, but at least by reviewing you are informing people of likes and dislikes pertaining to oneself, but others can read and make their own minds up, if a certain gripe matters to them or not.

I have criticised the Majesty - but only the layout and cabins of the ship itself, with the hope that my comments are useful to others, some points may not matter to some people, just to ourselves.

Thank goodness we all have our own ideas on what makes a great holiday.

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the CEO of Thomson Cruises is now a lady (

as Fraser E has moved on) probably wanted out of the firing range:cool:

well my thoughts are this ....b****y give the job to someone with the skills. knowledge and experience


ladies and gents I propose Kruzseeka s CEO:) (not a joke)


also Geo and kalos and Jim in charge of onboard things:D


think a poll is needed:rolleyes:



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the CEO of Thomson Cruises is now a lady (

as Fraser E has moved on) probably wanted out of the firing range.

well my thoughts are this ....b****y give the job to someone with the skills. knowledge and experience


ladies and gents I propose Kruzseeka s CEO:) (not a joke)


also Geo and kalos and Jim in charge of onboard things:D


think a poll is needed:rolleyes:





Thanks Stevie - nice to know you have such faith in me. I would willingly give them my thoughts - even for free! I could act as unpaid advisor should they ask . :D


They would do well to have a customer panel and have face to face discussions. I often wonder just how much some of those at HQ know about cruising from the customers' perspectives. I'm sure kalos and Geo would bring some interesting angles too.


A Q&A on here hardly gives us the chance to really argue the point or come back to challenge anything. Don't think it's likely though do you? :rolleyes:


Thanks Jim for the emoticon info. Yes sadly they never really got into the match but had been brilliant through the competition. They did themselves proud.

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