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.......idle jottings


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Well what a drop in temperature.

First noticed the cabin was actually chilly first thing.

Special for breakfast: Belgian waffle, loganberries and whipped cream (blondie says, dont even think about it !)


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Sea Dream snap shots:

Current position (Tuesday, 6 May, 2014: just about to enter south end of Suez Canal)

Next Port: Suez Canal, Egypt

Weather: sunny, 80-93F (highest so far!

Sun: 05.39am-18.15pm

Special events:

- Bridge tour with Captain "Amazing"

- Talk "The Battle of Britain 1940": nice chap the lecturer but how is that remotely interesting to non-Brits. There are 5 Brits on board: 2 are the lecturer and his missus, an odd Englishman & ho hum and blondie....But passengers go ! In the name of God why ? Especially as its such a beautiful day. Someone explain this to ho hum. Correction: P lady says she was captivated from start to finish. Life is like a box of chocolates.

- BBQ Dinner for Guests & Crew & Disco Party


All the same stuff (sea, sun etc..) but gout may not actually be gout (tight calf tendon after exercising: God cut it out, ho hum is exercising, you should be rewarding ho hum with a less extended belly not cause more pain. You never really got this creation thing, did you).


Lunch with a Sonoma-Cutrer chardonnay for the ridiculous price of $48 ! A bargain ! Deeelishus.

Because of ho hums ever expanding waistline one has to make a small effort by considering vegetables (salads).

Now these salads are wundafull !

Have been loving these salads all week. How do they make salads, so tasty ?

And how do they keep them so fresh ?


Now whilst ho hum had a very important meeting.

The Captain stopped the vessel allowing passengers to swim in the Red Sea ! Fantastic !


After cocktails at poolside we all gathered for dinner with crew and guests served by senior officers (including the Captain as server in a chef's hat pulled down so much it bends his ears making them stick out: very funny indeed).


This is just the most fantastic time.


There are so many events. Too many. It was so much fun.

Pla had made her Tom Yung soup. So fantastic ho hum had two bowls.

Then ho hum was served by Garfield a tasting selection of ALL Garfield's (6) deserts.

Seated at the table was Fernando (waiter) , Adam (kitchen), Joy (spa), Pablo (sommelier), blondie, Rhyden (waiter), Garfield (desert chef), P lady, Englishman, Pla and moi.

After the meal everyone staggered to the TOYB for dancing, drinking, playing the fool (or was that just ho hum & Pablo).

Sea Dream crew have some amazing dancers (Jamie, Louie, Nim, Garfield, Valdey....) and there are more, all of whom feature on the dance floor.


And two of the most accomplished dancers, were ironically, two wonderful people who reluctantly decided to leave Sea Dream.

No ho hum didnt ask why but he did ask one would they re-consider......"its complicated".

Well that's life.

They are competent people, they will find a career that suits them better, ho hums sure about that.

The time on Sea Dream is always a great learning experience though and will serve them well for the future.

Certainly ho hum would'nt last a week ! Thats why he has so much respect for the crew.

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Ho-Hum seems to be enjoying himself. Let me see if I understand the dietary plan. Eat a salad followed by two bowls of soup and six (6):eek: desserts. My kind of diet. One of the reasons I usually gain a pound a day.

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This any better Jim ?

If not get those glasses checked (and maybe cut down on the wee shots)


A closeup of the carpeting. How appropriate for after too many of the wee shots. Heading out this weekend for Alaska on Pacific Princess. I am sure I will not have the abundance of dessert masterpieces you have endured but Wee Shots aplenty as we have already ordered supplies for the suite. It would be nice to have your security escort as well. Never know when a Grizzly Bear or Orca might take offense!:D

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A closeup of the carpeting. How appropriate for after too many of the wee shots. Heading out this weekend for Alaska on Pacific Princess. I am sure I will not have the abundance of dessert masterpieces you have endured but Wee Shots aplenty as we have already ordered supplies for the suite. It would be nice to have your security escort as well. Never know when a Grizzly Bear or Orca might take offense!:D


Jim, have a great cruise. We sailed on the Pacific Princess a few years ago in the Med with our kids.:eek::eek: We like the size of this ship.

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Kids? Did you say kids?:eek: That is one reason we are doing the first trip of the season. Hope the little rugrats are still in school. Will post over at the Princess site.

Our kids were 18 and 20 at the time. They were nearly the only people under 25 on the ship! Plus, they lived in Quebec at the time which meant they could drink alcohol at home, but not on the ship.:( The next year we switched to Celebrity so I could take them out partying.:D See you on the Princess site.

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A closeup of the carpeting. How appropriate for after too many of the wee shots. Heading".............. out this e escort as well. Never know when a Grizzly Bear or Orca might take offense!:D


And a bon voyage from ho hum too (to add to Dave's best wishes).


Will you be posting Jim on the Princess site (following on from Dave's remark). Would love to hear about it all ? Never been on a big ship nor north of Manchester !

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Sea Dream snap shots:

Current position (Tuesday, 6 May, 2014: just about to enter south end of Suez Canal)

Next Port: Suez Canal, Egypt

Weather: sunny, 74-89F

Sun: one day it's 05.39 next its 06.15 for a few days the back to 05.39am ! Sunset 18.15pm

Special events:

- Walk a Mile: first for Sea Dream; lead by guest....da-da "Blondie"

- Talk "The Arab Israeli War 1948" getting better

- Pass-around: mini burritos, guacamole and tomato salsa with mini Margarita


So blondie leads the "Walk a Mile" !

And ho hum asks, "if you're working for Sea Dream, do you get crew discounts.....say for example: Wine ? And can they be back dated ?"

It's an honour is the reply and you're coming !

Passengers and crew are in various stages of shock as ho hum joins the throng at the TOYB.

Has'nt exercise clobber gotten fashionable ?

Fernando the waiter has joined in: what a cool dude !

If it was'nt bad enough that he obviously is a toned guy (well anybody would look next to ho hum)

Here he and others limber up, stretch in their designer clothes, shoes, socks, headphones, headbands and there is old ho hum in his .....er school gym clobber.

It raises quite a few s******s, ho hum doesnt mind telling you.

Well after 20 gruelling minutes, ho hum comes last, 3/4 lap behind a gaggle of giggling stewardesses !

Too tired for group photo, ho hum orders a glass of champagne instead and collapses in a chair whilst the exercise mad group, high five one another and talk about the pace, etc..


At pass-around, the usuals are gathered at the TOYB (yes, missed lecture again).

The gorgeous Elena (from Mexico) is there too and somehow .......dont ask ho hum how.....oh yes, ho hum remembers, the Englishman passes by and puts on some really boring music.

Ho hum groans out loud and tells him to take it off, reluctantly he does and it is replaced by blondie's music. Now her music contains contemporary, South American dance music. Elena who has been sitting there, shoots up and begins gyrating. Blondie joins in. Even ho hum.

Another impromptu dance fest begins, two Canadian passengers join in (you know them Landman) then waiters (Amar is amazing: but rushes off to work soon after. He just wants ho hum to add that in case Sea Dream HQ are listening).

What a time had by all (well a few actually) whilst the lecture about something in 1948 trudges on in a quiet, darkened room.

Reminds ho hum of Frequent Traveller's "Raining Men" lunchtime in which she claimed ho hum was a tad dull.

What's happened to FT ? Would love to hear from you.


Then the Pass-around of mini burritos, guacamole and tomato salsa with mini Margarita arrives. They are sooooo delicious. They have made so many Margaritas but most are at the lecture what a waste (or not).

The Mexican pass-around is to be celebrate Cinco de Mayo (the day a Mexican invented 5 types of mayonnaise ! Or something).

Music continues, dancing more frenetic, a lot of posing, a lot of fun.

Englishman returns after sulking because his music was rejected.

So in the spirit of reconciliation he is invited to put his music back on.......boring but we all make the best of it.....then on comes "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood......hurray.

Englishman is shocked by our appreciation and states that this is one of his favourite records..... Wow, didnt think you would. Why ?

Then the explanation of "Relax" is explained in full detail to him.

He is now white as a sheet. OMG !

One final play and we go to lunch laughing.


Tonight we eat around the pool.

Our fellow diners are Andrei (purser) and Andy (doctor) later Garfield (desert chef) joins us, after service. Great, great fun.

We have been moored since 10.00pm in a holding operation along with dozens of other ships awaiting passage up the Suez Canal tomorrow morning. It is a beautiful evening.

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Sea Dream snap shots:

Current position (Thursday, 8 May, 2014: entering Santorini, Greece in a few hours)

Next Port: Santorini

Weather: sunny, 74-89F

Sun: one day it's 05.39 next its 06.15 for a few days the back to 05.39am ! Sunset 18.15pm

Special events:

- Talk "The Suez Crisis 1950" getting even better

- Concert under the stars; "Michael Jackson" (cancelled outside due to high winds: Salon instead)


In the recent past, a "gentleman" from the frozen out-back of a minor Commonwealth country has obliquely pointed out to ho hum in veiled criticisms that several omissions in ho hums reporting have been noted by this recluse cabin dweller in between his moose hunting sojourns.


Firstly was the position of the ship.

Ho hum concedes this is an interesting piece of information though had not appreciated that posts would be so forensically examined and assumed that persons reading these posts had an active social life and were not dependent and confined in their interests exclusively to just this thread (unless they were incarcerated in a locked facility for long periods of time...........oops, ho hum has just stumbled upon the awful truth).

Nevertheless something of an attempt at positioning has since been attempted, ho hum hoped it sufficed.


The second critique concerns omitting ladies shoe descriptions or photos from every post !

Even daring to suggest that NOT describing shoes is somehow due to a psychological condition hitherto un-discovered by decades of therapy !

Ho hum admits a lot of ground was covered during his depth psychological therapy sessions but we must have skipped this important aspect of mental health.

May ho hum respectfully point out that an over preoccupation with ladies footwear is more commonly considered a fetish !

Fetishes that pre-occupy a person during normal daily living are the kind of condition worthy of psychological investigation AND NOT because you are NOT preoccupied with lady's footwear.

Nevertheless again ho hum has accommodated this dearest of readers request with a whole panoply of ladies shoes at the recent ladies night even though ho hum was also pretty occupied between marauding pirate attacks hence the unfortunate camera shake. And ever so slight blurring ! Yes, its true Douglas Fairbanks Junior appeared to serenade and de-flower a young lady between duels with pirates but it was a film that took many hours of rehearsal ! When it is in actual real live conditions, ho hum can assure you it os not so easy, oh no, not at all !


And finally, absolutely finally, returning to the subject of fetishes.

Ho hum hopes that the garment a certain gentleman has been requesting ho hum to obtain on his behalf at each and every opportunity from the security personnel has finally been apprehended at great personal effort and quizzical looks.

But then ho hum would do anything for these two wonderful people (dont push it though).

Mission accomplished !


We have been traversing the Suez Canal all day after waiting in a queue of 10 ships (largest first: meaning we were last).

Either side of the canal there are mostly high sandy banks occasionally strewn with gigantic discarded rusting metallic objects. Sentry guards are interspersed along the way mostly sheltering in shaky wooden framed sentry posts partially covered with flapping pieces of plastic and surrounded to waist height in sand bags. The young soldiers are armed and look thoroughly bored

A few towns pass by comprising of a combination of ugly high rise concrete framed rectangular structures piled one on top of another with brick infills and the tiniest of windows and huge satellite dishes on the roofs.

Alongside these structures and closest to the banks of the canal are white stone block buildings that have been "thrown up" and are covered with plastic sheeting drawn over timber. No windows for these wretched souls (more wall space though to hang a few original paintings though or maybe not).

In these towns are many minarets which are beautifully formed housing speakers that play the hauntingly beautiful call to prayer after which men file out returning to their squalid homes to watch lower league Egyptian football.


An interesting experience (travelling up the Canal) reminding ho hum that some parts of the world are very conflicted and beauty is absent from many people's lives replaced by life sucking rigid religious orthodoxies portraying a merciless Creator who has so many narrow minded hang ups that ho hum would avoid like the proverbial if ever he hung out at the TOYB !


And a significant wretched few wish to impose this life destroying dogma on the rest at the cost of their lives on the promise of eternal life (oh and a few virgins: classy eh ?).

Where did this once beautiful religion go so wrong ?

When you see the beautiful palaces with their fountains, cooling water channels and their intricate mosaics or read the poetry of Rumi, Hafiz etc.. you see a beautiful bygone age that continues to inspire people today as opposed to the fear peddled by masked, armour clad, macho fanatics hungry to extinguish themselves and as many infidels they can take with them !


Here endeth the lesson and self-indulgent view on the current Muslim world by ho hum (banalities will resume very soon).

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Sea Dream snap shots:

Current position (Thursday, 9 May, 2014: Santorini)

Next Port: Approaching Santorini

Weather: sunny, 64-87F (wide variation)

Sun: 05.07-18.36

Special events:

- Talk "All these worlds" (no idea)



So a nice dinner was planned for just the two of us: we had been eating with others every night previously.

Sadly it didnt turn out to plan.

A myriad number of minor occurrences ensued, that kind of marred the evening (seats needed cushions because they sagged, salon too hot, wine missing, serenading singers sent when specifically requested to leave us, too many interruptions by others etc..) culminating in a chat with visiting chef, who thoughtfully came to the table following ho hum putting the one and only meal (a main course) to the side because it was .........well, not nice.

The chef put it down as a matter of personal taste.

Ho hum put it down to over-cooking and excessive over-seasoning.

Of course maybe ho hum should have let it go unfortunately ho hum did'nt this time.......!



Then followed a renewed encounter on another issue and the evening was .......well, not exactly great. A shame.


Sounds like ho hum is a real troublemaker doesnt it ?

Well just maybe he was or maybe he was burning up his karma from previous lives for being a pain in the grande derriere.

Or maybe there is a difficulty in accepting criticism by the kitchen when an explanation was sought by chef (not by ho hum asking to be given an explanation).

Mildly surprising and a tad disappointing especially as ho hum is one of the biggest acolytes of the kitchen (and still is, of course. Just wont bother offering any less than completely praiseworthy opinion in the future either verbally or in Guest Comment Card: including scoring).


Just wish to add the meals have been great whilst the Asian dinners were exceptional.

The salads too have been very enjoyable: ho hum marvels how they are kept so fresh.

Garfield's deserts were brilliant throughout.

So overall ho hum is wholly delighted: the one nasty taste was not the food but the defensiveness of deflecting a single critique during a 15 day voyage.


So we made our way to the Crew Show in the Main Salon.


It was opened by Pablo doing a medley of classical music pieces on piano: most lovely.

Two Thai dance sets by spa ladies: so graceful and elegant and their costumes were wonderful.

Two dance routines by housekeeping department. A contemporary upbeat Indian dance song and dance followed by a more soulful slow dance piece.

The legendary dance of the swans ballet with guys from waiting staff featuring Amar as black swan which brought the house down. Wonderful costume: looks as if it is hand made by an extremely talented dressmaker !

Three songs by Emmanuel accompanied by Pablo on drums and both George and Din Din on guitars. Brilliant.

Englishman began song of appreciation to crew.

Finale comprising of Louie singing Elvis joined by all including passengers in dance.


The crew who have had a gruelling Asia trip had taken the time to practice and rehearse during their spare time to entertain the lucky few who had made this trip.


And so a mixed evening ended but one set back in the Dining Salon will not diminish the great appreciation and respect ho hum has for the crew or the enjoyment of future meals on Sea Dream.

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As any reader of "idle jottings" can attest, there is no bigger booster of Sea Dream and its crew

than Ho-Hum.


I can recall a crossing a few years back when the hors d'oeuvres and meals failed to measure up

to previous experiences AND, we expressed our misgivings to the Maitre d'hotel who heartily

concurred. That chef's tenure was very short lived, as other passengers shared our feelings.


It would seem to me that if one asks one's opinion and the response is constructive, one should

not proffer a dismissive response such as "must be a matter of personal taste" ... as clearly

Ho-Hums taste in food and wine covers a wide spectrum.


Next time, to the Chef, don't ask if you don't want to hear! :confused:





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As any reader of "idle jottings" can attest, there is no bigger booster of Sea Dream and its crew

than Ho-Hum.


I can recall a crossing a few years back when the hors d'oeuvres and meals failed to measure up

to previous experiences AND, we expressed our misgivings to the Maitre d'hotel who heartily

concurred. That chef's tenure was very short lived, as other passengers shared our feelings.


It would seem to me that if one asks one's opinion and the response is constructive, one should

not proffer a dismissive response such as "must be a matter of personal taste" ... as clearly

Ho-Hums taste in food and wine covers a wide spectrum.


Next time, to the Chef, don't ask if you don't want to hear! :confused:




Oh, forgot to mention, blondie took a bite too (just to check): she (discreetly) spat it out (it really was that bad: nothing to do with "personal taste" !

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The customer, especially a loyal one, is always right. Sounds like the chef has been spending too much time with SD management in Norway! :eek:



Dave, in fact you have stumbled into a real issue of growing concern that ho hum has only very recently detected, effecting ship performance amongst a few but significant positions of senior management ship side emanating from satisfying shore side management at every turn over, "here to-day, gone tomorrow" passengers preferences and priorities.

To be cogitated over some more and may post about it.

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Sea Dream snap shots:

Current position (Friday, 9 May, 2014: entering Piraeus, outside Athens)

Weather: sunny, 62-68F

Sun: 06.18-20.15

Special events:

- Santorini


The air-conditioning never coped with the high temperatures (usually over 90F) so we always slept on top of the duvet until about 5.00am when the cabin cooled down eventually and we could slide under the sheets.

No real complaints though: we both always sleep well.

But as we approach Greece, temperatures drop and the air-conditioning is now in overdrive and would be suitable for Chef to hang his meat supply.

And then finally a continuing filling toilet at 5.30am has left ho hum feeling a taddish pissed.


And ho hum is still smarting from "Halibut-gate" the night before. Not a happy bunny.


Soon after reporting the problem though, the toilet has been efficiently corrected to fill only on command (the power !) and a promise of an engineer whilst out at breakfast to inspect the cabin's air-conditioning will no doubt soothe the brow even more.

Cant complain about response. Well done Sea Dream.


So we arrive at breakfast. Its really chilly, a cold wind whipping up the waters but bright sunshine.


During breakfast the hip Belgium travel writer and photographer join us.

We started out together, we finished together.

Ho hum wants to know about their impressions.

The photographer is no sooner seated than he's up to photograph entering Santorini.

The light is perfect. He is a professional, this is a great opportunity.

The lady writer remains and talks about her impressions.

Identical to ho hum's and blondie with one important omission.

Just how much the crew add to the experience. It is acknowledged but only returning guests begin to really get it.

Anyway Sea Dream's reputation is likely to be enhanced whenever and wherever she write and rightly so, it has been a great voyage.

Do you write ho hum ? Well ho hum would'nt actually call it writing more like idle jotting.......perplexed look from lady and subject dropped, relief all round.


Well cards are exchanged, offers of meeting up when next in Antwerp or posh part of UK as well as advice on travel (very useful, does she know what she's getting herself in to).


Return to warm cabin. Air-con fixed (kind of). Mood of dis-content lifting.


A morning on the main island just ambling around, buying presents, checking out restaurants for lunch.

A Silversea's Sea Wind is docked well in front of us: we have a very long and bouncy ride in the local water taxis.

So not too many fellow tourists competing for space on land. Well into the prime of the season, these lanes will be chocker block and it is really un-pleasant. We are lucky.

We find a lovely, stylish restaurant with amazing views and have a fantastic meal of Santorini white wine, olive oil, breads, olives, sun-dried tomato pesto, marinated sardines in a mastic of vegetables, octopus, green salad, squid and greek salad with a complimentary veloute of mushroom to start and a complimentary aged, chilled vino santo desert wine to finish.


Just missed funicular on return to ship, so waited with crew and passengers: nice actually.


Blondie eats with Gyro and hubbie and Elena (CAD) at dinner (ho hum is replete and wishes to avoid excessive bonhomie that is customary on last night and especially from two appalling fellow passengers whose childish tantrums onboard have been doing the rounds).


An amazing time at dinner, blondie reports.

Why was it left so late (understood Gyro was a tad poorly early on, maybe that's a contributing reason) ?

No doubt we will catch up here on this thread or privately.........would love to hear her and hubbie's impressions (it seems we share similar tastes and especially aversions).


As the voyage nears the end: the one true star that has emerged head and shoulders above everyone has been Captain Lund AKA Captain Amazing !

Respect levels doubled.

A modest man who would hate this fuss. So ho hum will continue.

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..... the cultural shell shock of the crowds, colour and chaos of India has not yet warn off from those of who departed Seadream II at Mumbai and returned home to country Queensland.


The lack of noise here, especially at night, seems even more intense than usual interrupted only by cattle and possums, something we usually take for granted until a trip to be cities like Mumbai.


Today I motored through our nearest regional centre, Toowoomba, about 100 000 people. The traffic was SOOO tame and I felt like driving down the footpaths and through red lights 3 abreast like they do in India but then realised suburbia out shopping orderly for Mothers Day might be horrified.


This was part of a 4.5 hour driving trip there and 4.5 hours back to Burrandowan Picnic Races near Kingaroy for the day. As I drove I thought Sea dreamers might concur that nothing could be more different from Ocean travel than driving in a ute down dusty tracks where the view to the horizon is only of trees and 'Roos with only sign of civilisation is a fence, a creek crossing, a cow and a property entrance sign. The mission was to see one's girlfriend at a distance equal to that from London to Edinburgh.


Aussies are a crazy bunch. A day at the races can be a perfect escape from the reality of dry times and floods to see others and study the form. A true bush race meeting is where all locals turn out, ranging from those looking like they are dressed in what they woke up in, to those fashionistas in high heels flash hats and short skirts dressed to the nines, all getting coated in dust as the horses go past. The sun shines down on the sunburnt country and much beer is consumed.......


My favourite story from years ago in Central Queensland is where the feisty new policeman earns the name 'tickets' from the plentiful number of traffic infringement notices he handed out so the local kids let his tyres down at a local race meeting. No one gave him a lift back to town and many drove home without fear of being breath tested.


Well I have digressed from Seadream reviews but have to highlight that some of us new passengers were very much aware of the excellent service. I stopped at a pub in Dalby for coffee on the return trip at 5:50pm and was snapped at with a reminder that the kitchen opened at 6pm. I offered to wait and asked for a steak sandwich and again was snapped at that I was looking at the lunch menu and none were available. Taken aback, I thought immediately of Seadream crew who would have fulfilled my humble request at any hour if asked or would have done what ever else as a satisfactory alternative.


Ho Hum will be pleased to know that I took his suggestion and wrote a note to all at Sea Dream II with hearty thanks. I am sure the Seadream II work environment in the tropics would be intense but wouldn't it be nice if they did something in the South Pacific?


These jottings are finally just to say Bon voyage to HH and other contributors/readers and offer thanks for these posts that are keeping all our recent memories alive of a recent Seadream holiday that for me has created lifelong memories.



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So disembarking day arrives. Goodbyes, hugs, swopping stuff: the usual.

A nice goodbye from Captain Amazing and full compliment of crew: nice touch.


For blondie, she will be back on in a week's time in Nice with her best friend and a big party from Southern California where they will be going to the film festivals there at that time of year.

Hope she does'nt run off with that Brad Pitt guy !


Well its been a fantastic voyage (yet again).

A quiet one, not much partying except crew night (which was fantastic) but very relaxing.

As the voyage progressed, passengers personalities emerged.

Some were a tad odd (from their point of view, ho hum would be the most odd: touche).

And some we were disappointed not to have had more time with: 15 days just is'nt long enough.

And of course the majority were utterly charming, friendly and good company.


During the voyage we had an "International Man of Mystery".

Ho hum respected his privacy (and security: if the pesky pirates found out who we had onboard, they might have been less dissuaded by the security personnel. Rumours had it, that he charters Sea Dream and has his own yacht, to boot ! Megabucks.).

Well he travelled alone, his Russian chums failed to obtain an Indian passport in time (yes, so rich and stupid ! Haha).

He dined alone but a few inquisitive passengers who made requests to eat with the titled Almighty were rewarded with a dinner with this self-made man where he drank top Bordeaux wines followed by a Cohiba cigar outside (they had been dismissed by that stage).

He reminded ho hum of a Simpson character (Mr. Burns) except he was extremely well dressed and groomed and had some fastidious requirements (should invent another category above OCD).

Ho hum could say more but the more juicier details will be kept for a few chosen ones (of course, ho hum will dress up the stories to barely credible levels as an inducement for his chums to travel with him next time in the wholly mistaken view that they may miss something and better join ho hum and blondie: oh the deceit).


The next voyage is a charter by a very interesting gentleman who we were fortunate to meet when he was putting the final touches to his bash.

We liked him a lot and it will be a great charter for him, his friends and the crew.


Easy trip back home, not ripped off by the taxi driver this time; reward with him with a modest tip which he considers as extremely modest !

At airport meet up with nice Canadians. Easy flight. Bags on carousel after fast tracking customs and chauffeur waiting.

And then M25 at rush-hour. Chauffeur gives us a daily blow by blow account of time whilst we were away: weather-football-politics-sex scandal- anecdotes etc..

Blondie just wants him to shut up.

Well we're home.

What's that smell ?

Dead mouse somewhere but where ?

Phone housekeeping, ho hum quips.



- ratings, highlights, low points, *** moments

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Dave, make all your replies to Ho-Hum on the "Kids on SeaDream" thread or I shall have to buy him a pint of his choice. Or a day of shooting. Or both.:eek::D:D


Damnable under-hand tactics from rootin, tootin, shootin Jim !

Ho hum expected nothing less from the old coyote.


But Jim, please also consider that ho hum has also been posting on the "Kids.." thread too (adding to the views hopefully) to keep this important issue in the forefront of shoreside management and no doubt being a mild pain in the derriere to boot !


Oh and dont forget, also posted on "Engines.." thread too ?


Saint Ho Hum (Saint of Beverages)


Maybe Roland can make a martini in his honour; sour grapes, fresh lemon and pickle !

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Damnable under-hand tactics from rootin, tootin, shootin Jim !

Ho hum expected nothing less from the old coyote.


But Jim, please also consider that ho hum has also been posting on the "Kids.." thread too (adding to the views hopefully) to keep this important issue in the forefront of shoreside management and no doubt being a mild pain in the derriere to boot !


Oh and dont forget, also posted on "Engines.." thread too ?


Saint Ho Hum (Saint of Beverages)


Maybe Roland can make a martini in his honour; sour grapes, fresh lemon and pickle !


Send me to the TOY Bar to face punishment.:eek:

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The village in Hampshire near Southampton ? 3 hours away by car.


That's the one. A bit outside of Romsey. I have a horsey cousin with a horse farm type place near there. Three hours probably means you are safe from Jim showing up for a visit.:eek:

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