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Ho hum, are you sure that is your toe? :eek:


(Sorry I couldn't resist).


Well DO RESIST, resist with all your strength !



Nice to hear from you but ho hum regret that whilst this thread does have a reputation for "scraping the bottom of the barrel" ho hum has not sold out totally !

That begins next month !!!


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Rats!! Yall need some of ole Jim's firearms. That Dirty Harry 44 Magnum shore make a mess of Mickey Rat! Yee Haww!:eek::D:D


Started earlier than usual Jim, I see !


But Jim have you seen our mice ........

We are out-smarted and under equipped ....


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Dearest Ho-hum,

gcmv will give you a word of advice:


Sometimes it is helpful to close the windows and doors before going on a holiday - Ho-hum can save costs for energy and relax his and blondies nerves. (Btw. this tactic makes traps needless.) ;)


Even dearest gcmv,


Thankyou for that valuable piece of advice, it seems the American advice of purchasing a firearm to blow the "mice's brains out" has actually been topped by your Germanic ultra common sense.


So for sure, ho hum will remember next time to close all the doors and windows to hum's extensive mansion as well as stop leaving out trays of the finest English cheddar cheese in every room ! That's just asking for trouble !


Please note the heavy sarcasm in the previous lines ! That means ho hum is not taking your advice that seriously. Yes, no kidding.


Gcmv our "hovel" was built in 1760 in a field, the mice occupied the field before us and will no doubt live here after we are gone.......that is the way of the world.


They are longer running residents than we are !


Probably in Germany the mice are so obedient that merely erecting a sign is sufficient;

"Mäuse verboten, geben Sie !"

(Mouse forbidden to enter !)

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..........or you could borrow this boyo. Mr Pickles. Never fails to bring home a dead present for me!


Really !

Mr.Pickles is a "killer" ? Hmmmmm.......looks a bit too posh to actually hunt.

Was anticipating your request for end of voyage awards......guess ho hum has got a few more days......but sadly no real gossip this time ....... All the passengers were sadly very nice and well behaved......

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CDreamer, amen. You captured our situation as well after nine memorable voyages, ok the last one in August 2013 for the wrong reasons. We did try Silversea this past August but likely won't return. Made the mistake of adding our email address to the Seabourn mailing list and same for Windstar now that they purchased the smaller ships formerly of Seabourn. Big mistake as at least one of them sent our contact information to a travel agent who kept pushing us to book. The other did the same hard sell with internal staff when all we wanted was to get general information. In light of the continuing SD difficulties reported here by our eyes and ears of Ho Hum and others, we face a dilemma. Friends who heard us talk up SD in years past have booked a voyage for this coming May. We haven't said anything yet but as the magical 90-day deadline approaches we will feel duty bound to advise them so they can make an informed decision whether to continue with their plans. Advice welcome.



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Really !

Mr.Pickles is a "killer" ? Hmmmmm.......looks a bit too posh to actually hunt.

Was anticipating your request for end of voyage awards......guess ho hum has got a few more days......but sadly no real gossip this time ....... All the passengers were sadly very nice and well behaved......


......well you know HO Hum I was going to ask about the end of voyage awards but last time I asked about them (Sept 2014) I got a got a good old telling off from your good self for asking too soon after you got home so I was afraid to pose the question this time. 😳

Anyway can we expect the awards as I can't wait?

Mr Pickles is biggest hunter ever. He's a pet really apart from the dead animals he leaves on the doorstep, which I hate. He also snores when he sleeps upside down too.

Miss Poppadoodles, his twin sister,,however is the posh one in the house.

Enjoying a few glasses of a very nice Prosecco, love it.

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Ho Hum? I would have expected from someone as educated, travelled and obviously eloquent as you seem to be to have more imagination than to call one's self Ho Hum.

Since you appear to know so much about Seadream why not call yourself Captain Seadream or even better, The Dreamer!

Looking at your postings you could be called the Atlantic Baron.

No, I've got it. It's got to be nautical and since you're coming back to the UK and it's chilly here what about Chiver me Timbers!!



Uh, oh -- swjumbo -- you are getting close!



Well, well, well, who do we have here ? "Jumbo" !


Quite a robust, strident almost daringly "cocky" first post........ ho hum looks forward to the encounter. Well the more, the merrier as the saying goes but first let's have some sport ehhh !


Methinks we are regretting the name already, n'est pas ? .... "foisted by your own petard" is the common expression, ho hum thinks.


We have only sailed together twice and on each occasion you were accompanied by two different wives !


As it has been some years since we sailed together, ho hum's calculating you must be up to wife number 4/5 ! Miaow !


No, you have kept to the last one. Great choice, she is an amazing lady ! Congratulations.


And you believe the title "ho hum" is somehow not worthy ...... well it is ideally suited in fact Jumbo or should that be Captain Jumbo ?


Ho hum is a little surprised you did'nt choose Sir Joseph Porter KCB as your alias.


This is one of your favourite nautical characters or so ho hum believed and we can both recite the whole song together and have done so on a few times despite withering glances from our ladies. See link below:



Ruler of the "Queens" Navy !!

Quite appropriate really being the gay icon you are in the "neighbouring posh part of the UK".


We are looking for pilots with great aeronautical skills and you will lead the attack up the fjord to dislodge the overhanging rock face below the Owner's bunker.

Ho hum would suggest you re-consider "out-ing" ho hum. And Vanderfalk, you are similarly warned.


Ho hum is merely a retired non-entity in his twilight years. Yes he was over-looked for the positions of:


- Prime Minister


- Captain of the English cricket team


- Archbishop of Canterbury


But you on the other hand are particularly "high up" in your multi-national company and with that you will find the first ransom note that ho hum slid under your door earlier this evening !




Well old chap, it's good to hear from you and it is fervently hoped that your humorous asides will "wend" their way here from time to time where they will be delightfully received.


Ho hum's missiles of compromising photos have been readied for launch in case of attack !

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Sorry Ho, it really was on SDI. I can promise you it has issues too! It was the 11 day Dover to Lisbon cruise on August 30. 2014. And it had just been into dry dock in May. They had done new decorating to the Salon and a couple of cabin changes but not much. I was surprised at the issues we had. Maybe they spent so much on the new crankshaft they didn't do proper maintenance on other things! You could not control the air conditioner on your own. If you complained about being hot, then they did something and it got better, but then you got this black sooty looking stuff that came out of the air vents onto the bed and the coffee table. If you complained about the black stuff, then the room got hot again. Then there was no electricity one night in our cabin and the water went off in my friends cabin. That was all fixed but it is disturbing.


Seems like to me they are both being neglected. They just won't take them out of service long enough to fix their problems. Or maybe they just don't want to spend the money on a 30 year old ship.



Thank you whatnot and Ho Hum... THIS is why first hand reports from SD passengers are so important! Otherwise, who would have any idea about these ongoing issues and whether or not they are being addressed (and resolved) over time?


Occasional mishaps or mechanical problems are one thing - they can and do happen on ANY ship... but these repetitive issues that Ho Hum and whatnot have pointed out would be considered unacceptable on ANY cruise line; let alone one which competes in an "upscale" market. And when these issues have continued on without any resolution over a period of months, it becomes obvious that the passengers' comfort and safety are no longer the goal here.


Not getting perks for being repeat passengers is one thing (would be nice tho'!)... But continual A/C & electrical problems, soot pouring in through the vents (is anyone concerned about the health implications of breathing this in, especially in the absence of any fresh air?), and low water pressure -or no water at all -is beyond what any passenger should have to endure. Especially when these things appear to be ongoing or getting worse!


We have taken 9 (10? 11?... lost count!) fantastic cruises with SD and this was the first year that we backed away and didn't book any. We have also not booked any future SD cruises at this point. We both really miss the Captains, amazing crew, wonderfully prepared meals, & meeting interesting people on board - some of whom have become very good personal friends whom we've especially missed being on board with this year.


We are hoping to some day return to SD (both 1 and 2), but until these problems are addressed and improve significantly and some of the main focus shifts back to the safety, comfort, and well being of all passengers we will continue to travel on our own and explore a newfound love of river cruising.



Amen !

Thankyou for your contributions and views ........ almost identical.


Hell it's depressing stuff ......... both vessels decline is alarming.

Ho hum will be saying more later after the last voyage in which EVERY passenger was unhappy with the condition of the vessel.

And as per usual, the crew suffered the most !

And will anything significant be done ?


It will be a future of permanent running repairs.

Oh deep joy !

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CDreamer, amen. You captured our situation as well after nine memorable voyages, ok the last one in August 2013 for the wrong reasons. We did try Silversea this past August but likely won't return. Made the mistake of adding our email address to the Seabourn mailing list and same for Windstar now that they purchased the smaller ships formerly of Seabourn. Big mistake as at least one of them sent our contact information to a travel agent who kept pushing us to book. The other did the same hard sell with internal staff when all we wanted was to get general information. In light of the continuing SD difficulties reported here by our eyes and ears of Ho Hum and others, we face a dilemma. Friends who heard us talk up SD in years past have booked a voyage for this coming May. We haven't said anything yet but as the magical 90-day deadline approaches we will feel duty bound to advise them so they can make an informed decision whether to continue with their plans. Advice welcome.



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Yikes !

Well JES, you know on the back of the Guest Comment Card it is asked:


Ho hum answered NO (for the first time).

Blondie and ho hum left the vessel saying "Thank God we did'nt recommend the voyage to anyone"

And what if we had encouraged friends to come !

Well a friend did come in fact having heard of previous times we had had on SD many years ago and he surprised announced that he would be coming !

He is seeking compensation.


The decline continues......that is all you can say to your chums.

They will at least be prepared......well almost prepared.

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......well you know HO Hum I was going to ask about the end of voyage awards but last time I asked about them (Sept 2014) I got a got a good old telling off from your good self for asking too soon after you got home so I was afraid to pose the question this time. 😳

Anyway can we expect the awards as I can't wait?

Mr Pickles is biggest hunter ever. He's a pet really apart from the dead animals he leaves on the doorstep, which I hate. He also snores when he sleeps upside down too.

Miss Poppadoodles, his twin sister,,however is the posh one in the house.

Enjoying a few glasses of a very nice Prosecco, love it.



Miss Poppadoodles. The posh one. What a wee pet.


A "good telling off" ?

May ho hum immediately apologies for any implied reactive criticism......ho hum assures you it is only good natured "joshing".

HH loves your posts as do many others for sure.


If ever there were good reason never to name a cat after a long drinking session, then you must be an example to us all: MR.POPPADOODLES !



People outside the UK must think "well there's posh, they even preface their pet names with titles !"

Those crazy Brits.


Well thankyou so much for sharing. Long may it continue.

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Well we're back home.

Hell it rained yesterday and it's quite chilly ........ Not as cold as Miami airport though: that was crazy, stupid and wasteful (of energy).


Done all my jobbies responding to y'all.

Checked post.

Checked loved ones.

Checked house.


And now sleeping between 6-9.0pm and wide awake at 10pm then groggy all day.

Blondie is on a course of anti-biotics which means she cant drink for 8 days.

She suggests ho hum joins her !

Fat chance.

Nice try though. Seeing ho hum quaffing away cant be too much fun.

At least the swaying stopped in Miami.

Nice to be home. Leaves are beginning to turn and the chill in the air inclines one to Bordeaux. Like meeting up with old chums.


And the perfect accompaniment is the old "British banger".


What to do about last voyage ?


What to do about future voyages ? Well cut down obviously but the bitter-sweet relationship to Sea Dream is becoming a tad too bitter these days.


Ho hum has seen the opposition and seen their plight and do you know......ho hum feels kinda sorry for them but is reminded......they take our money easily enough and the time before last, they were very abrupt in remedying their own "cock ups".


For God's sake hum.....be a man !


OK but give ho hum a few more days and when his sleep patterns return to normal.

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What to do about last voyage ?


What to do about future voyages ? Well cut down obviously but the bitter-sweet relationship to Sea Dream is becoming a tad too bitter these days.


Ho hum has seen the opposition and seen their plight and do you know......ho hum feels kinda sorry for them but is reminded......they take our money easily enough and the time before last, they were very abrupt in remedying their own "cock ups".


For God's sake hum.....be a man !


OK but give ho hum a few more days and when his sleep patterns return to normal.


We have been following this and the few other posts about SeaDream and are getting excited, but concerned, about our upcoming SDI voyage in a couple of weeks.

It is our first time on SD and our expectations are fairly high, but the comments about ships decline, soot, no a/c etc on SDII are worrisome. Have not seen any recent first hand reviews of SDI...

Keeping fingers xd that the voyage lives up to expectations... We are Regent fans.

Not too much longer and will be bobbing about the BVI and St Barth's with frosty beverages.

We will give a SDI report when we get back...

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Well, well, well, who do we have here ? "Jumbo" !


Ho hum would suggest you re-consider "out-ing" ho hum. And Vanderfalk, you are similarly warned.



My dear Mr. Ho Hum -- I swear on all I hold dear that I would never, never intentionally "out" you -- I though Mr. Jumbo was striking too close and feared for his safety as well. Your thoughts and ruminations are too valuable to us to risk losing them!


And thanks to WhatNot and CDreamer for their comments. I was on the same voyage as WhatNot and know the problems they had -- our cabin was across the hall and we did experience the soot issue, but not the water or a/c. Still, there are too many reports of similar issues on both ships that do cause concern. And, of course, I was on board when the engine quit last fall. We cancelled a Feb cruise (not necessarily because of these issues but because we wanted to join friends and experience a river cruise), but we have another one next October. I am hoping for better reports as we move forward!



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Popper, SD shines in the Caribbean, so you have picked an excellent itinerary for your first introduction to SD. SD is head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to the crew's personalized & genuinely warm service, the relaxed and comfortable environment on board, and excellent cuisine - so be prepared to be pampered!


Yes, some fellow CCers who have been loyal to SD over the years have recently reported some incidents (AC/electrical/soot etc) on SD1 & SD2, which seem to point to the general aging of both ships.


Hopefully some of the more concerning issues will be addressed by the time of your cruise, but this is where honest, first hand reports/reviews from fellow travelers who have recently been on one or both ships are invaluable - so we hope you will check back in and give us your opinion of your cruise.


Will look forward to reading all about your time on SD. Enjoy! :D

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.......was only pulling your leg about the telling off! We do have a laugh here.

Think your probably right about naming my animals after a few bevvies.

I also have two 'lodgers' (strays, but beautiful) who have an apartment in the garage and their names are even worse.

Miami airport. Not my favourite airport. 😱 Poppy arrived at Miami airport and greeted the passport control/ homeland security with a smile and asked if they were having a good day. Bad move. Was told to go and join the end of the queue as I wasn't allowed to smile or talk to them. I thought they were joking and laughed again. Bad mistake. Was marched to the end of the queue. Took over an hour to get through in the end.

Ho Hum, how was the food? I'm sure it was great.

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Amen !

Thankyou for your contributions and views ........ almost identical.


Ho Hum, whatnot and I know each other (met on SD) but truly I think SO MANY of us long time repeat SD "fans" are feeling the same way. We have such great memories from previous cruises on SD 1&2 and have developed such a respect and loyalty to the crew (who many of us consider to be like 'family') that we are torn between what 'used to be' with these ships versus what they are sadly becoming. Excuse the pun, but it like standing by helplessly watching your beloved ship sink right in front of you.


I too worry not only about the future of SD but even moreso how this will effect the crew long term. No doubt they are on the receiving end of passenger complaints about the ships' issues which is not fair to them, given that crews' efficiency/friendliness/willingness to please is one area where SD is not getting negative feedback! They (& the skillful, experienced Captains) are what is keeping SD afloat in my opinion.


I think we have all tried to air our concerns and grievances via emails and filling out the customary departure survey cards but (so far) to no avail, and it's frustrating because I think we all WANT SD to succeed.


But at some point if some of these issues aren't resolved sales will eventually plummet then who knows what? :confused:


I sure would be interested to know what the people on that charter right after your cruise Ho Hum are feeling about their experiences on board!

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Thanks Ho Hum. Pardon the request but remind which vessel was the venue for the most recent voyage, 1 or 2? Any reports of trouble on the other? I'm not sure which one our friends have booked for May but I will find out do some more research.



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We have been following this and the few other posts about SeaDream and are getting excited, but concerned, about our upcoming SDI voyage in a couple of weeks.

It is our first time on SD and our expectations are fairly high, but the comments about ships decline, soot, no a/c etc on SDII are worrisome. Have not seen any recent first hand reviews of SDI...

Keeping fingers xd that the voyage lives up to expectations... We are Regent fans.

Not too much longer and will be bobbing about the BVI and St Barth's with frosty beverages.

We will give a SDI report when we get back...


Firstly popper, blondie and ho hum must say WE BOTH LOVE SEA DREAM and the amazing crew and as you can see we are passionate about it and will continue to sail SD until the day it dies or we die.........(see disclaimer.....haha...... but we will be cutting down....aaaaaaahhhh).


We also always take the attitude to have a great time and really that makes all the difference but at the same time we kind of want the same of others and with the SD crew they not just fulfil these requirements they smash it !


Suffice to say they are great fun, kind and professional !


But, uh oh there are problems, well aren't there anywhere .......... you might consider them minor and deal with them a whole lot better but the problems on our last voyage on SD2 were a problem to ALL the passengers, sorry to say and sufficient to request compensation (first time ever and no it's not about the money, really. It's about demanding they get serious this time).


But you do have to try the SD experience, it is quite unlike anything else but very different to Regent. It will be interesting to read your opinions. No seriously.


Popper, in the spirit of friendship (and all the "ribbing" that goes on) on this thread, may ho hum respectfully suggest that you contact your travel agent and request clarification on the condition of ship and specifically:


- soot and black smoke emissions from funnel and cabin air-conditioning units


- air-conditioning is working properly


- will there be any children onboard and if so, how many


Our experience is that shoreside management are less likely to listen and respond to individuals but when it comes to someone in the travel industry, then it is a wholly different matter, well at least one would think so.


Everybody would love to hear your experiences and they will be mostly great, that's for sure.


As you say, you are new to SD and you have travelled on other ships before, so that makes your impressions incredibly valuable.


And we would just love to hear from you as Jim also commented.


And if you really want to get the best service, here's a tip:


Just say you are great friends with Jim Avery (the Legend).


You will be finding your champagne glass being filled up constantly......well it works for ho hum everytime ! But let's just keep that between ourselves eh.


So have a great voyage popper ...... stay in touch tho' ........ please.


When are you sailing ?

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My dear Mr. Ho Hum -- I swear on all I hold dear that I would never, never intentionally "out" you -- I though Mr. Jumbo was striking too close and feared for his safety as well. Your thoughts and ruminations are too valuable to us to risk losing them!


And thanks to WhatNot and CDreamer for their comments. I was on the same voyage as WhatNot and know the problems they had -- our cabin was across the hall and we did experience the soot issue, but not the water or a/c. Still, there are too many reports of similar issues on both ships that do cause concern. And, of course, I was on board when the engine quit last fall. We cancelled a Feb cruise (not necessarily because of these issues but because we wanted to join friends and experience a river cruise), but we have another one next October. I am hoping for better reports as we move forward!




Always a pleasure hearing from you V ........ have we sailed together ?

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Firstly popper, blondie and ho hum must say WE BOTH LOVE SEA DREAM and the amazing crew and as you can see we are passionate about it and will continue to sail SD until the day it dies or we die.........(see disclaimer.....haha...... but we will be cutting down....aaaaaaahhhh).


We also always take the attitude to have a great time and really that makes all the difference but at the same time we kind of want the same of others and with the SD crew they not just fulfil these requirements they smash it !


Suffice to say they are great fun, kind and professional !


But, uh oh there are problems, well aren't there anywhere .......... you might consider them minor and deal with them a whole lot better but the problems on our last voyage on SD2 were a problem to ALL the passengers, sorry to say and sufficient to request compensation (first time ever and no it's not about the money, really. It's about demanding they get serious this time).


But you do have to try the SD experience, it is quite unlike anything else but very different to Regent. It will be interesting to read your opinions. No seriously.


Popper, in the spirit of friendship (and all the "ribbing" that goes on) on this thread, may ho hum respectfully suggest that you contact your travel agent and request clarification on the condition of ship and specifically:


- soot and black smoke emissions from funnel and cabin air-conditioning units


- air-conditioning is working properly


- will there be any children onboard and if so, how many


Our experience is that shoreside management are less likely to listen and respond to individuals but when it comes to someone in the travel industry, then it is a wholly different matter, well at least one would think so.


Everybody would love to hear your experiences and they will be mostly great, that's for sure.


As you say, you are new to SD and you have travelled on other ships before, so that makes your impressions incredibly valuable.


And we would just love to hear from you as Jim also commented.


And if you really want to get the best service, here's a tip:


Just say you are great friends with Jim Avery (the Legend).


You will be finding your champagne glass being filled up constantly......well it works for ho hum everytime ! But let's just keep that between ourselves eh.


So have a great voyage popper ...... stay in touch tho' ........ please.


When are you sailing ?


there you go again. Giving away the secret to getting free drinks on SeaDream.

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