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.......idle jottings


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We also received a gift. Atle sent us a voucher for a free cruise.....On any line but SeaDream.


...so sorry Jim but you'll found out sooner or later.....it may have come from Atle but we ALLL "chipped in"" for the voucher !!!

That was the one condition !!


Edited by ho-hum
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Great stories!


Sent from my SGH-T399 using Forums mobile app


Its very nice you popped in over the Xmas holidays, Dan.


Ho hum appreciates that this thread alone must keep you quite busy and maybe ho hum seems to come pretty close at times but it's friendly banter.


Ho hum's reply allows us to thank you for your tolerance when deviating wildly off topic at times (a critique on the health system in China was a recent topic !) Not by ho hum, ho hum hastens to add: well not on that occasion.


Warmest best wishes to you Dan.


Maybe one of us may see you on Sea Cream one of these days.


What on earth is a SGH-T399 ? Jim, those assault rifles can even go online !!

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Kathy sweetie, these complaints are not about Sea Dream.


In fact Sea Dream have been "riding a wave" of adulation of late for their onboard experience, mechanical condition, extremely high pass of USPH inspection and always the greatest crews.


And it gives ho hum the greatest of pleasures to say so.


Dammit even shoreside management are demonstrating how fair they are !


Everyone wants Sea Dream to do well and ho hum would like to encourage this.

It is not the time of year to be "grouchy" but to be joyous at the very good fortune we have had sailing on this classic vessel in amazing places and with such fantastic crew and passengers.


LOL, Ho Hum... I got that!! 😜 I read the whole post! Great stories!!👍


On another note...Have you ever heard of the event on a cruise called

( Cruise to the Edge ) ? They will be on NCL .

Staring the host band, YES!! Along with....Marillion, three friends, Saga, Anathema, Allan Holdsworth and many more....all progressive Rock! Danny and I are seriously considering this event.

Any thoughts? Anyone? 😃

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LOL, Ho Hum... I got that!! 😜 I read the whole post! Great stories!!👍


On another note...Have you ever heard of the event on a cruise called

( Cruise to the Edge ) ? They will be on NCL .

Staring the host band, YES!! Along with....Marillion, three friends, Saga, Anathema, Allan Holdsworth and many more....all progressive Rock! Danny and I are seriously considering this event.

Any thoughts? Anyone? 😃



Ho Hum sweety... I worry you misunderstood my post about the ( complaints ) you posted earlier... I was referring to the stories you mentioned and NOT! That I thought YOU were the one complaining! lol there was NO GROUCHINESS intended!


Happy New Year!!


Kathy. :)


Oh you are so sweet, it is ho hum that should offer you his sincerest apologies Kathy and he does.......of course you are way smarter than ho hum not to make such a silly assumption (well most people are smarter than ho hum).


No ho hum had not heard of the cruise.......with YES ? Are'nt they all dead or in retirement homes at the very least ?

Ho hum remembers them well, along with Genesis.......English progressive rock was their label.

Ho hum veered towards King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Moody Blues and Jethro Tull (though strictly speaking JT was more traditional English rock).

The "war on drugs" had not really begun and the preponderance of hallucinogenic drugs was rife as there was an urge to "expand consciousness" any means possible and this type of music was mostly created out of those states by young English public school boys from posh schools like your very own ho hum. So you see the more repressive and socially and religiously conforming the schools had become....the more the human spirit would find a way to break free.


Now the drugs of choice seem much more destructive and the "zero tolerance" approach towards them is fully supported (cannabis and marijuana were obviously never in this category and their use should be viewed as a matter of personal responsibility from 17 years old onward. It would also reduce our incarcerated prison populations dramatically but that is for another time. Suffice to say whilst there are huge swathes of people against drugs and understandably so, there is an element of human nature, that will gravitate towards a recreational drug use. Its a question of balancing civil liberties and protecting society from drugs that induce destructive behaviour, dependancy and detrimental personal and social effects).


Well as ho hum says, a thread on a cruise site is probably not the most effective space to debate drug use.


Suffice to say ho hum's "drug" is friendship, camaraderie, appreciation for the simple things in life (not just Jim), open-ness and champagne (champagne is optional but not in blondie's case even though it regularly causes dancing on tables whenever Lady Gaga is played ! It un-canny....everytime it happens....it's banned on Sea Dream you know....true).


By the way ho hum found a huge JT fan on his last voyage on SD amongst the higher ranks.......but his lips are sealed. You would never guess in a million years. In fact think of the most un-likeliest person that would be in to English rock of the 1970's and that is he or is it she.


A cruise with Yes, Marillon etc... 15-19 November, 2015........mmmmmm

Well you know ho hum and blondie would never miss a X-ing.........yes we all know they had a few problems last time BUT it was still GREAT.

The only thing they really got wrong was poor communication. Just tell us the problem dammit ! We are all adults.......mmmmmm maybe not.


Well SDII arrives in Puerto Rico from Lisbon on the 13 November, 2015....so you see it is possible but how can ho hum go from Sea Dream to a ship with 2,934 passengers albeit fellow aged hippies (maybe Butch & Sundance will be going ...... though Jim seems more like a Country & Western kind of guy........with songs about his dog, woman problems even dog problems......"ohhh my dog has done me wrong"......you know the kind of maudlin' tripe).


Besides we have usually a few chums to see in Miami on the route back home who take us to fantastic restaurants.


Let ho hum think it over.........better still why does'nt SD do a concert !!!


Who could we have ? Commander Courageous !

He would even do it for free t'boot just keep those martinis lined up !!

But after the fourth or fifth he generally shifts his fine Sinatra repertoire to County & Western with songs about how his dog has done him wrong or how he misses the "settlement" in the back woods of C-A-N-A-D-A.......no it's not pretty to hear but maybe it would appeal to Jim.

You never know, you just never know.

Ho hum must now metaphorically "tune in, turn on and drop out" now.....speak soon.


"I'm sure that ho hum is on something you know Margery.......the kook !"


No drugs were involved in writing this post or alcohol......can you just imagine if they were ? Oh yes you had the post of ho hum returning from a champagne tasting on a train once.....haha.

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Ho-hum's change in avatars inspired me to finally get one... It's what flies on my battleship.


(Host Dan, you can replace it with a Teddy Bear if too politically incorrect.)


Hahahahahahahahaha............brilliant !!!


You Damn commie pirate, Raggy!!!!



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Ho-hum's change in avatars inspired me to finally get one... It's what flies on my battleship.


(Host Dan, you can replace it with a Teddy Bear if too politically incorrect.)


Oh and thankyou for noticing by the way Raggy ........ our freefall conversation from possibly cruising in Cuba to the shortcomings in the Chinese government health care system inspired the change of avatar.


and what a coincidence too......hum was just posting about drugs.

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Well dearest Ho-Hum, the Commander would be pleased to reprise his

well received his "An Evening With Old Blue Eyes at the Royal Albert" and

even waive my customary and outrageous fee. There isn 't a chance in

hell, however, that the musical selections will morph into country and

western ... a genre you are will aware the Commander loathes.


Speaking of fees, we just caught a Royal Performance for the Duke and

Duchess of Cambridge ... what drivel. How that beautiful young couple

sat through that evening is testament to their royal bearing ... but I digress.


One of the evening's entertainers was Bette Midler, whose irreverence I have

always enjoyed. Unfortunately it has been a number of years since we last saw

her in concert and the years have taken their toll (how the Commander has

withstood the ravages of old age is still a mystery) and calls into serious

question our recent purchase of lower lodge seats for her June 20th concert

in Toronto. Maybe I can recoup my money by offering them up on E-bay.


Alas, maybe she just had a bad night ... Lets hope so!

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Oh you are so sweet, it is ho hum that should offer you his sincerest apologies Kathy and he does.......of course you are way smarter than ho hum not to make such a silly assumption (well most people are smarter than ho hum).


No ho hum had not heard of the cruise.......with YES ? Are'nt they all dead or in retirement homes at the very least ?

Ho hum remembers them well, along with Genesis.......English progressive rock was their label.

Ho hum veered towards King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Moody Blues and Jethro Tull (though strictly speaking JT was more traditional English rock).

The "war on drugs" had not really begun and the preponderance of hallucinogenic drugs was rife as there was an urge to "expand consciousness" any means possible and this type of music was mostly created out of those states by young English public school boys from posh schools like your very own ho hum. So you see the more repressive and socially and religiously conforming the schools had become....the more the human spirit would find a way to break free.


Now the drugs of choice seem much more destructive and the "zero tolerance" approach towards them is fully supported (cannabis and marijuana were obviously never in this category and their use should be viewed as a matter of personal responsibility from 17 years old onward. It would also reduce our incarcerated prison populations dramatically but that is for another time. Suffice to say whilst there are huge swathes of people against drugs and understandably so, there is an element of human nature, that will gravitate towards a recreational drug use. Its a question of balancing civil liberties and protecting society from drugs that induce destructive behaviour, dependancy and detrimental personal and social effects).


Well as ho hum says, a thread on a cruise site is probably not the most effective space to debate drug use.


Suffice to say ho hum's "drug" is friendship, camaraderie, appreciation for the simple things in life (not just Jim), open-ness and champagne (champagne is optional but not in blondie's case even though it regularly causes dancing on tables whenever Lady Gaga is played ! It un-canny....everytime it happens....it's banned on Sea Dream you know....true).


By the way ho hum found a huge JT fan on his last voyage on SD amongst the higher ranks.......but his lips are sealed. You would never guess in a million years. In fact think of the most un-likeliest person that would be in to English rock of the 1970's and that is he or is it she.


A cruise with Yes, Marillon etc... 15-19 November, 2015........mmmmmm

Well you know ho hum and blondie would never miss a X-ing.........yes we all know they had a few problems last time BUT it was still GREAT.

The only thing they really got wrong was poor communication. Just tell us the problem dammit ! We are all adults.......mmmmmm maybe not.


Well SDII arrives in Puerto Rico from Lisbon on the 13 November, 2015....so you see it is possible but how can ho hum go from Sea Dream to a ship with 2,934 passengers albeit fellow aged hippies (maybe Butch & Sundance will be going ...... though Jim seems more like a Country & Western kind of guy........with songs about his dog, woman problems even dog problems......"ohhh my dog has done me wrong"......you know the kind of maudlin' tripe).


Besides we have usually a few chums to see in Miami on the route back home who take us to fantastic restaurants.


Let ho hum think it over.........better still why does'nt SD do a concert !!!


Who could we have ? Commander Courageous !

He would even do it for free t'boot just keep those martinis lined up !!

But after the fourth or fifth he generally shifts his fine Sinatra repertoire to County & Western with songs about how his dog has done him wrong or how he misses the "settlement" in the back woods of C-A-N-A-D-A.......no it's not pretty to hear but maybe it would appeal to Jim.

You never know, you just never know.

Ho hum must now metaphorically "tune in, turn on and drop out" now.....speak soon.


"I'm sure that ho hum is on something you know Margery.......the kook !"


No drugs were involved in writing this post or alcohol......can you just imagine if they were ? Oh yes you had the post of ho hum returning from a champagne tasting on a train once.....haha.


Yes, truly the good old days when we were into "expanded consciousness". Now it is just expanded waistlines.:eek: And no, I am not Country. If you look back in these noble jottings, I clearly stated my preference for Rock n Roll oldies but goodies. Just because I live out West is no cause for profiling Mr. Hum. You don't want Raggy (scuse me, Butch & Sundance) approaching in The Battleship do you?

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Ho Hum,


No apologies needed!! You've always been a true Gentleman!:)


About the NCL music cruise! We are not too interested in being on this boat, but a very good friend of ours is a personal friend of Allan Holdsworth. Our friend has never cruised before so we thought we would go with him for support.

This friend is also a HUGE Frank Zappa fan! Can't say we agree on all his choices of music! LOL

Personally!, as a proud Canadian my heart is still with Neil Young! 🎸

Looking forward to learning about how you come by your knowledge of music!?

However, your knowledge of drugs back in the day might be for another chat page!! LOL

We are off to St.Lucia tomorrow! So excited!!! So, I will take this moment to wish you all a wonderful , Happy and Healthy New Year!!!

See you on Seadream!!! 🎉🎉🎉

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Would be fun to meet you and the wife! I'm sure it will not be a problem finding you amongst the 2000 some other people on this cruise! LOL:eek:

It's only 4 days so a visit to Miami and Keywest would be a nice way to kick off next winter! :)

Edited by kathyanddanny
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Would be fun to meet you and the wife! I'm sure it will not be a problem finding you amongst the 2000 some other people on this cruise! LOL:eek:

It's only 4 days so a visit to Miami and Keywest would be a nice way to kick off next winter! :)



Would be great! Just look for the big, ugly oaf with a beautiful, 6' tall, blonde wife. Well, that would also describe most of the rockstars on the boat, but Ragnar ain't one of those...

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Well dearest Ho-Hum, the Commander would be pleased to reprise his

well received his "An Evening With Old Blue Eyes at the Royal Albert" and

even waive my customary and outrageous fee. There isn 't a chance in

hell, however, that the musical selections will morph into country and

western ... a genre you are will aware the Commander loathes.


Speaking of fees, we just caught a Royal Performance for the Duke and

Duchess of Cambridge ... what drivel. How that beautiful young couple

sat through that evening is testament to their royal bearing ... but I digress.


One of the evening's entertainers was Bette Midler, whose irreverence I have

always enjoyed. Unfortunately it has been a number of years since we last saw

her in concert and the years have taken their toll (how the Commander has

withstood the ravages of old age is still a mystery) and calls into serious

question our recent purchase of lower lodge seats for her June 20th concert

in Toronto. Maybe I can recoup my money by offering them up on E-bay.


Alas, maybe she just had a bad night ... Lets hope so!




Haha, thought the old cowboy slur would drag you away from your high brow chums around the "settlement" !


Oh we saw the Royal Command Performance did we ? How very poshhhhhhhh.

Ho hum hopes you stood up when the royalty were introduced and were not lounging around the cabin in your onesies !


Old Queenie gave that up years ago and Phil lost interest after the long legged, high kicking dancing girls complained of harassment .......yes it's truly drivel.

Ever since John Lennon told the audience to clap along to "She loves you" and the toffs in the front to wave their jewellery along, has the show been in terminal decline.

The highlight has always been some Yank or Canadian over here promoting something.

It was Michael Bubbles once.........a man ho hum hates with a vengeance. Yes comparisons are often drawn between us, good looking, suave etc... But oh how smug he is with that sickening ever ready smile. Give ho hum Shane McGowan of The Pogues any day......the sex God he is.


So you thought Bette had aged......certainment non mon brave.....she was wearing so much "wallop" how could you tell.

Aaaahhh she has such a sweet smile and for a plain girl she certainly can make the best of herself. Its that smile is'nt.....truly gorgeous.

Stayed in a hotel with her Bhutan of all places about eight years ago.......really into ecology etc.. A most charming and intelligent lady who loves quiet and remote places.

She has produced an album of all the 60's black women singing groups.....a very clever idea to make money but not a patch on the original wonderful lady groups (Supremes, Ronnettes, Martha and the Vandellas, Chiffons etc...). Hell the music by these gals was amazing.

They carried themselves with such elegance.......now we have the most un-elegant spectacle of girls with huge backsides "twerking" !

And that Kim Kardashian's backside.....please tell ho hum it aint real ! Fancy getting stuck next to her on an economy flight ! Yes fat chance.

It looks awful......how on earth is that alluring let alone glamorous.

Girls, girls, girls you are coming over as "trashy"...,put a nice dress on with a blouse....maybe a slightly exposed neck line but certainly no mounds of mammaries need to be seen except in evening wear or at the beach !

Hell ho hum is sounding like something from the Victorian ages.

Ho hum supposes we all have a view about what looks attractive.

Ripped jeans !! Oh stop you old fool !


You are still a young man Commander (does ho hum hear your phrase "yeah right" coming from the background: most probably) and amazingly preserved.

Of course you have obviously had "work done" or are you just incapable of smiling these days ? Whatever it is, you can certainly wow the ladies and the guys think you are cool when you sing (sorry croon) those songs at the Piano Bar.

Thank you so much for waiving your outrageous fee.

Now that you are in sufficient funds to buy that snow shovel and the inside toilet has been installed and you are stocked up on beaver kill, ho hum guesses you are "rich" these days and can afford to be so generous. Well we are grateful nevertheless.

Anyway we would like to hire you and your reclusive side-kick (the garment genius and shirt shop guide to the rich and famous) for the November crossing on SDII. Sea Dream are always finding ways of driving numbers up for this amazing time and your presence and nightly performance would certainly encourage more bookings.


Yes ho hum knows you cant abide the C&W songs of mid-west, rural Americans but Commander they are ho hums kinda people, God fearing, Jesus loving, hard working, gun toting people which made the US great and have their stock largely influenced by the Irish, of whom ho hum is a great admirer of Irish folk music as well as classical harp music (Turlough O'Caloran especially).


To a man who improves on each changing year like a mature single malt, we would be honoured and privileged if you could include the xing trip between your sell out performances around the globe.

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The "pony" got a cow for Christmas! I think his next toy to shred shall be an overstuffed lion.



Hahaha.........."over stuffed" ...... aint that the truth ...... oh and hungover t'boot...the Lord & Lady of the Manor visited yesterday......"Bolly" drinkers on an industrial scale !

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Yes, truly the good old days when we were into "expanded consciousness". Now it is just expanded waistlines.:eek: And no, I am not Country. If you look back in these noble jottings, I clearly stated my preference for Rock n Roll oldies but goodies. Just because I live out West is no cause for profiling Mr. Hum. You don't want Raggy (scuse me, Butch & Sundance) approaching in The Battleship do you?


OK, OK ol timer !

Relaxing vacation was it ? (obviously not....ooops).


Of course ho hum remembers your musical preferences (Hank Williams, Patsy Cline...) haha.

So how do we define rock old friend ? There's the rub.

Ho hum is assuming you mean The Rolling Stones etc...but accounting for the age gap between us it could be Fats Domino, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bill Haley......


Just remind old ho hum again.


So how was your trip Jim ? Tell us all about it.

Whilst you were gone, old ho hum did a bit of research on the boat......looked really good.


And cant let you go without commenting on the avatar........yep, it's you alright but hum thinks you are more of a Josey Wales type but John Wayne takes some beating....nobody ever came close really....just like your good self.


Joining us on the Yes cruise ? Or is that a No cruise. Hahaha

God you're so witty hum ...... yes but do you think these numb skulls notice.......too engrossed in their maudlin' Country Music ...,"oh my doggie, gone and left me"



Oh and expanded waists....haha.....very good !

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OK, OK ol timer !

Relaxing vacation was it ? (obviously not....ooops).


Of course ho hum remembers your musical preferences (Hank Williams, Patsy Cline...) haha.

So how do we define rock old friend ? There's the rub.

Ho hum is assuming you mean The Rolling Stones etc...but accounting for the age gap between us it could be Fats Domino, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bill Haley......


Just remind old ho hum again.


So how was your trip Jim ? Tell us all about it.

Whilst you were gone, old ho hum did a bit of research on the boat......looked really good.


And cant let you go without commenting on the avatar........yep, it's you alright but hum thinks you are more of a Josey Wales type but John Wayne takes some beating....nobody ever came close really....just like your good self.


Joining us on the Yes cruise ? Or is that a No cruise. Hahaha

God you're so witty hum ...... yes but do you think these numb skulls notice.......too engrossed in their maudlin' Country Music ...,"oh my doggie, gone and left me"



Oh and expanded waists....haha.....very good !


The trip was good. All are at some level. Food was fair to good so absolutely not SeaDream. Totally full at Christmas so service was stretched but the crew tried their best and was very friendly. Nice cabin/veranda, large bath. Enjoyed the stops (Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta) with PV being the best. Had a boat excursion to John Huston's Hideaway Las Culetas. It is said John Wayne used to party with him there. I was channeling my inner John Wayne. By the way, open bar and good food was included. Yeee Hawww:eek:

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The trip was good. All are at some level. Food was fair to good so absolutely not SeaDream. Totally full at Christmas so service was stretched but the crew tried their best and was very friendly. Nice cabin/veranda, large bath. Enjoyed the stops (Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta) with PV being the best. Had a boat excursion to John Huston's Hideaway Las Culetas. It is said John Wayne used to party with him there. I was channeling my inner John Wayne. By the way, open bar and good food was included. Yeee Hawww:eek:


Ho hum's curious Jim.

Any kids ? Teens ?

Hum's thinking there must have been a LOT and if so ho hum would have a supplementary question.

And what was the make up of the waiting crew in terms of nationality ?

Would have loved to be at that party between Huston & Wayne.....legends.

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Ho Hum,


No apologies needed!! You've always been a true Gentleman!:)


About the NCL music cruise! We are not too interested in being on this boat, but a very good friend of ours is a personal friend of Allan Holdsworth. Our friend has never cruised before so we thought we would go with him for support.

This friend is also a HUGE Frank Zappa fan! Can't say we agree on all his choices of music! LOL

Personally!, as a proud Canadian my heart is still with Neil Young! 🎸

Looking forward to learning about how you come by your knowledge of music!?

However, your knowledge of drugs back in the day might be for another chat page!! LOL

We are off to St.Lucia tomorrow! So excited!!! So, I will take this moment to wish you all a wonderful , Happy and Healthy New Year!!!

See you on Seadream!!! 🎉🎉🎉



A "true gentleman" !

You hear that Butch & Sundance ?

At least there is some respect going on round here.......

We welcome your edifying effect upon this thread Kathy.......heavens above, trying to control Butch & Sundance has been a trial sometimes.


This friend of yours into Zappa ....... is he the one into whisky too ? Separated at birth !!!


Well ho hum is a great Captain Beefheart fan.......the album "Trout Mask Replica" is a favourite.

Whenever we have new people at dinner parties.....our older friends insist ho hum playing it to determine just how much they can stand and to demonstrate that hum is "off his trolley".




Does your chum like the Captain too ? Don van Vliet (AKA the Captain) and Frank Zappa were childhood friends in California......how about that ?


Neil Young ! Brilliant ! "Cortez the Killer"... ho hum's all time favourite NY song




And what of Leonard Cohen ? Gordon Lightfoot ? Abenaki and the Foot Warmers ? (Big hit in the settlements around....wears colourful shirts, big fuzzy hair, Afro style, cuts a withering mean look now and again).


Ho hum's knowledge of drugs is zero (well almost)......now if we are talking about prescription drugs for ALL his ailments then that is another matter.


A chilled Provencal rose before an al fresco lunch on SD with my gal by my side and the "boys" being cheeky with ho hum in the Caribbean sun, refreshed by a cool breeze and the view over the water and islands.....aaahhhhh, drugs would'nt come close to THAT now could they ?


You intrigue old ho hum Kathy and what of Danny ?

No doubt you are enjoying yourself in St.Lucia.....where are you staying ?


Everybody is adopting avatars......intrigued by what your choice would be.

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