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.......idle jottings


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Dear chums, you may have noticed a deluge of drivel from Hum just recently.

Were you not curtailing jottings Hum or at least stemming the flow or was the flow not spent?

Well.......err yes.

But then God had another plan.


Oh Hum, you aren't saying you are the "chosen One" are you?

The New Messiah!

No, Hum ain't it.

Hum's "just a very naughty boy"


All Hum can say is that Hum experienced "divine intervention"!

So witnessed by others too!

Hum kids you not.

How so Hum? How so?

Well Hum prefers to keep details confidential.

"Oh I see"!

Calm chums, calm.

A miraculous event occurred recently that enabled an amicable resolve to an occurrence that created great disturbance throughout planet Hum (just up from Andromeda and to the left, can't miss it, keep on going 'bout 500 billion miles and it's there on the right hand side, Hum said on the right! Oh boy, you are now going up Uranus and the "black hole" that awaits beyond! Lost forever!).


You will recall the grievous wounding by a perceived "slight" from a dear chum at a time of existential crisis in Hum's petty and in-consequential existence?

Well, an un-expected event occurred where the matter could be maturely discussed in an atmosphere of love and respect towards one another "et voila" the incident passed into history and the bonds of chum-ship were strengthened more so.


And whilst it was an intense relief, the consequence may have been these recent "gushes" with the obstruction removed.

Who knows?

God knows?


Hum would also like to ask forgiveness for a caddish and reprehensible act towards and upon the character of the chum by Hum falling below certain standards of chivalry and for alluding to said chum as an aficionado of a certain kind of "fast food" establishment employing young ladies of accentuated feminine attributes and which also go by a derogatory word referring to a pair of prominent anatomical appendages of said ladies.

Whilst the defendant did indeed seek sustenance from such an establishment on the one and only time, he did so because he was extremely famished and there was only one type of establishment available to him at the time.

This claim has been fully accepted by the court and the defendant wholly vindicated.

The accuser (Hum) knew this and sought to cause vexatiousness and also to dis-credit the defendant to gain sympathy from a wider circle of chums.

Hum fully accepts this conclusion and sincerely apologises without reservation.


Hum's only plea in mitigation is that whilst at a low ebb (the kind us sensitive souls often experience) and the target of a perceived vexatious critique from a dear and close chum, that he did spontaneously react from pain and hurt to strike back and impart a return token of the feeling that Hum had experienced to cause injury.


The court finds that Hum behaved below the expected standards of a man purporting to be both "posh" and English as well as inferring he is of a superior ethical standard and culture and must be punished accordingly.


Hum fully accepts any punishment/s the court administers (but please not the face!).

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Seas: Moderate North Swell, 3.5 - 7 feet

Temperature: Of hot soup

Sunny, partially cloudy, then partially sunny, a few spots of rain

Sunrise: 06.30

Sunset: 19.16

Next port: Funchal, Madeira, Portugal about 1584 miles away (covered 1234 miles since San Juan, Puerto Rico)

Activities: Yoga - Walk a Mile - Pass Around of "Bitterballen" & Beer Shandy - Trivia - Walk a Mile - BBQ Dinner for guest & crew - Liars Club


Incidents / Events:

- huge swell at breakfast sent cutlery flying (see photo)

- Goran spots a white "parrot": HH laughs at Goran. Goran tells Hum to get his own ruddy breakfast! Hum apologies. Hum receives breakfast.

- Frank & HH try to asphyxiate Ponce on the sun bed by smothering him with pillow

- Hum reads magazines and papers from UK on sunbed alongside Blondie

- lunch with Carlos. Rice soup. Delicious. Finish off wine.

- Frank tells Hum three jokes (two very good, one did'nt understand!)

- nap in afternoon

- Blondie has massage

- dont want this voyage to end

- have bath


Edited by ho-hum
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But really do the "silent majority" of viewers really care about the silly old film concerning Sea Dream?

Of course not.

Their perception of Hum would forever be damaged.

"Is that Hum? Heck it looks like Jabbah-the-Hutt!"


I have no perception. Jabbah-the-hutt is so damn adorable anyway. I care very much about the silly old film concerning sea dream. Bring it on! I only hope not to feel too awestruck by Jabbah when I meet him!



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I have no perception. Jabbah-the-hutt is so damn adorable anyway. I care very much about the silly old film concerning sea dream. Bring it on! I only hope not to feel too awestruck by Jabbah when I meet him!




Millie there is nothing quite like it. You will do just fine! Just remember to get your curtsey lessons before you sail. :eek::D

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Millie there is nothing quite like it. You will do just fine! Just remember to get your curtsey lessons before you sail. :eek::D


Gawd Jim, thanks for the heads up!! After a thorough search, I came up with tap dancing, ballet, karate and pole dancing lessons, alas, no instruction on a curtsey. Although candidly I must admit after imbibing on a couple of drinks, I do have a version of a curtsey, but I think I roll just a little far forward. I'll work on it!

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Good start Ho! Thanks for taking the time. Did you infer AB is sailing with you? You lucky boy you.


"A good start"!

Ye Gods Jim!

"Head Honcho" is as far as Hum will go but remember Jimbolini there are a few "head honchos" in SD and at least two with the initials AB.

We have arranged to eat with him and the wonderful Exec. Chef one evening this week: tonight in fact!

Seriously, he is a terribly nice man but Hum must restrain himself though, he "lunged" at the poor man after dinner the other night, mercilessly listing all SD shoreside management "could do betters"!

And still he wants to eat with Hum!

Glutton for punishment!

Maybe he will pass a "wad of notes" to keep Hum from criticising SD shoreside.

Twenty quid would do!

But Hum must behave better, no really, it's embarrassing!

Surprising how much Hum was "sympatico" with "head honcho" especially concerning the "jewel in SD's crown": the crew.

No argument there.


Despite everything, this ship is amazing.

We love it.

Hum even went as far to say "SD should be a protected world heritage site"!

Too much?

Hum was speaking passionately not literally.

Why does this podgy old frame still have a fire that burns so fiercely?

And about some silly old boat!

You damn fool Hum!

Yes Hum knows.

Perhaps they look on Hum as some deranged freak that knows nothing of the real world and has to be handled, calmed, humoured even.

So be it.

We will eat as chums and drink (well Hum will, a lot too!).

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John Cleese (of Monty Python) tweeted from his hotel in Sweden recently of the "construction site" outside his hotel room in characteristic robust and humorous terms!

Good on yer John!

At least he didn't have a pair of buttocks awaiting to pounce on him like Hum did!

Ahhh....the flashbacks!!


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Dear chums, you may have noticed a deluge of drivel from Hum just recently.

Were you not curtailing jottings Hum or at least stemming the flow or was the flow not spent?

Well.......err yes.

But then God had another plan.


Oh Hum, you aren't saying you are the "chosen One" are you?

The New Messiah!

No, Hum ain't it.

Hum's "just a very naughty boy"


All Hum can say is that Hum experienced "divine intervention"!

So witnessed by others too!

Hum kids you not.

How so Hum? How so?

Well Hum prefers to keep details confidential.

"Oh I see"!

Calm chums, calm.

A miraculous event occurred recently that enabled an amicable resolve to an occurrence that created great disturbance throughout planet Hum (just up from Andromeda and to the left, can't miss it, keep on going 'bout 500 billion miles and it's there on the right hand side, Hum said on the right! Oh boy, you are now going up Uranus and the "black hole" that awaits beyond! Lost forever!).


You will recall the grievous wounding by a perceived "slight" from a dear chum at a time of existential crisis in Hum's petty and in-consequential existence?

Well, an un-expected event occurred where the matter could be maturely discussed in an atmosphere of love and respect towards one another "et voila" the incident passed into history and the bonds of chum-ship were strengthened more so.


And whilst it was an intense relief, the consequence may have been these recent "gushes" with the obstruction removed.

Who knows?

God knows?


Hum would also like to ask forgiveness for a caddish and reprehensible act towards and upon the character of the chum by Hum falling below certain standards of chivalry and for alluding to said chum as an aficionado of a certain kind of "fast food" establishment employing young ladies of accentuated feminine attributes and which also go by a derogatory word referring to a pair of prominent anatomical appendages of said ladies.

Whilst the defendant did indeed seek sustenance from such an establishment on the one and only time, he did so because he was extremely famished and there was only one type of establishment available to him at the time.

This claim has been fully accepted by the court and the defendant wholly vindicated.

The accuser (Hum) knew this and sought to cause vexatiousness and also to dis-credit the defendant to gain sympathy from a wider circle of chums.

Hum fully accepts this conclusion and sincerely apologises without reservation.


Hum's only plea in mitigation is that whilst at a low ebb (the kind us sensitive souls often experience) and the target of a perceived vexatious critique from a dear and close chum, that he did spontaneously react from pain and hurt to strike back and impart a return token of the feeling that Hum had experienced to cause injury.


The court finds that Hum behaved below the expected standards of a man purporting to be both "posh" and English as well as inferring he is of a superior ethical standard and culture and must be punished accordingly.


Hum fully accepts any punishment/s the court administers (but please not the face!).


Glad to hear you've kissed and made up!...:D Next chapter!...:p

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Seas: Moderate North Swell, 3.5 - 7 feet

Temperature: Warm - hot soup

Sunny, cloudy with a few spots of rain

Sunrise: 06.01

Sunset: 18.52

Next port: Funchal, Madeira, Portugal about 1200 miles away

Activities: Early Riser's Coffee - Yoga - Walk a Mile - Tai Chi - Lecture: Changing your device to suit your needs - Trivia - Walk a Mile - Movie: In the Heart of the Sea


Incidents / Events: Last Night

- Crew & Guest BBQ! Tremendous fun!

- "Liars Club" brilliant


Incidents / Events:

- chat with Goran before breakfast about BBQ last night (see photo)

- CO: Janus does his "rounds"

- Captain does his "rounds" we chat about BBQ last night and possibly staying for next voyage. He says he loves the Spanish coast and islands and temperatures look good

- various waiters and m d': Silvio pop by and chat

- Blondie arrives after gym

- Blondie leaves for private yoga with Pla (from the spa)

- Hum has massage with Pla

- clock goes forward one hour

- BLT sandwich and beer for lunch

- Blondie & Sanje (Head of Housekeeping) win at "Trivia"

- Hum raises toast to Her Majesty on her 90 birthday at cocktails


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Dearest of Dears, indeed


So touched I was that I took the day off to be with you both.


Darling Hum, I do hope that you are strong enough to pen your always much anticipated onboard fashion report as the days pass. Spare no barb, if you must...


Hum will do his best but his depth of fashion terms is non-existent, as you well know and Hum is un-familiar ever presenting a fashion report before (again as you well know duping Hum into a touch of flattery to entice some effort in providing you with at least some content to delight or appall you; your preference to be appalled being the stronger).

If this crowd of "ne'r do wells" were to discover Hum's comments about the lack of fashionable taste here then Hum really would fear for his life!


Let's just say, Hum has never seen so many "eye patches", striped shirts and large rings through ears amongst fellow "passengers"!

A "motley crew" indeed.

Hum at least discovered where the extras from "Pirates of the Caribbean" go on vacation!


Hum is not familiar with the clothing items from the retail establishments for the "fashion blind and ill fitting" so could not infer which of these establishments they hail, if indeed they are acquired from shops at all!

If they do come from a fashion house then Hum would ponder that the name would be "Kamikaze" as you wouldn't want to be seen dead in them, well not for long at least!


This season (like the last season and the season before that ad infinitum), the colour is definitely light, beigey-brown amongst the men which whispers "please dont notice me".

It's a kind of social event camouflage!


But to be honest. Hum is only joking. Hum's fellow passengers are all presentable and smart.


Hum will only refer to smarter evening wear.

There are only 8 ladies (passengers) onboard.

Hum is assuming you are interested in ladies fashion only (well predominantly at least) though Hum can quickly cover the guys.

There are only two chaps with interesting attire.

One adopts a uniform colour approach (on occasion): last night for the BBQ, it was an unusual and classy green with a fleece casually draped around over his shoulders (like some American university freshman of the mid-1950s).

You have sailed with the gentleman before.

His slightly longish brown straight hair and large, tortoise coloured spectacles suggest a man of the arts and he speaks languidly and knowledgeably. Last night he was dispensing his preferences for the Venetian locals preferred eateries and mentioned staying at the Gritti a few years back, all said without the slightest of bombast. An agreeable fellow and full of fascinating travel stories no doubt.

The other is more casual but expensively casual and designer casual. He wore baggy-ish faded jeans last night with green "loafers" (like the kind Hum bought in St.Barts when we went shopping together). He likes black tee shirts with provocative statements emblazoned on them (Hum finds it awkward to study the actual wording as they are rarely concise and the lettering is of the style similar to that adopted on rum bottles) and all is covered in jackets (black or cream crumpled linen usually).

The remaining men's attire is conventional middle American and in line with the policy or is it guide of casual smart. The type you would expect to see at the Church BBQ (white, Protestant BBQ that is) in Idaho or some other middle of nowhere place (close to an Amish community in more ways than one).


Most of the ladies wear quite conventional attire too and naturally smart.

Slacks were the adopted choice of most ladies for the outside BBQ. They were darkish for an evening function and one lady had a glittery seam along the entire leg length sewn into her slim fit jeans (the kind that have a lot of give). Floaty dark tops predominate, some pokka dotted, some thick knit crochet with open gaps revealing nicely tanned neck lines and arms: very nice.

Two ladies went light. One lady wore classic blue jeans nicely faded with a white, frizzy long haired jacket (like a cuddly polar bear pup), she also wore a golden bandana, all of which gave the appearance of a child of the 60s (jolly lady by the way: very smiley and amazing perfect white teeth). She had a nice Mary Quant like style "bob" (of hair) that swished when she pulled her head back laughing at Hum (no not Hum's amusing stories just at Hum: never had she met such a baffoon before!). Her hair was dark brown with a hint of dark red: sounds ghastly the way Hum describes it but she was very pretty and elegant.


Oh there is another lady wearing the distinctive colourful costumerie of "Mascara" St.Barts also popular with Blondie. Her dresses are rich and elegant. The lady wore similar colourful pants in the early days of the voyage too.


The Thai girls from the spa joined the BBQ and were all so beautifully dressed mostly in conservative, plain black, conventional cocktail dresses with modest heels though Hum's spa lady (who has been massaging Hum's expansive, blobby frame for yonks) wore a deep red dress with long sash ear-rings and big heels (we sat next to one another for the BBQ). The Thai ladies were extremely elegant and wonderfully made up. Proper ladies. A relief to see in fact though Hum was surprised to see one with various small tattoos that appeared randomly scattered. Hum knows he is out of touch with modern trends and he also knows it is a contentious subject. Some luv 'em, some think they ruin a person. Hum will stay silent on the subject though he does intend to have a tattoo himself just before he reaches 80 (and if he ever gets a cat).


Sorry to disappoint you Abenaki but the dress style was not outrageously awful. Quite the opposite in fact though maybe a tad constrained to the conventional standards of the middle aged and middle class. Nought wrong with that either.

Good, genuine folks is plenty good enough for Hum.


Oh Hum's tattoos!

Both would be on the flat of his hand.

One would be his name and address and the other will be "Feed the cat"!

Well you never know do you.

If Hum gets befuddled now, just imagine what he will be like in his 80's and these advisory tattoos would come in mighty handy.

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Well done, Such a lovely treat, my morning coffee with your verbose self. Very much enjoying your new feature of the Activities of the Day. Possibly the germ of another best seller, who knows, A Compendium of Hum's Days... Tie-in merchandise it is called, you know, for the Feature Film Opening, fans will want to purchase all manner of Hummery. Well, perhaps you can leave out the personal bathing information from now on. Your readership naturally expects that such a bon vivant as Hum would come to Cocktails having properly bathed.... or are you just subtely dropping a hint as to your Stateroom, pardon me, Suite Status, being able to properly bathe sitting down, as you are accustomed....


Speaking of those Cocktails, you might have noticed, before you were summarily rushed out of the cabin by the sound of three hairy dryers simultaneously on the go, WHAT WAS BLONDIE WEARING??? You might even have been heard to tell her how ravishing she looked, again, and so you would be in a position to repeat that information for us. You did notice, didn't you? You know what happens to you when you don't notice...... Did the shoes match (of course) Heels or flats? HaHaHa Was there a Handbag (again matching) ? Perhaps no clutch, perhaps you and your voluminous pockets were entrusted with her touchup evening lipstick? Unlikely, I suppose, you being most unreliable to be standing dutifully in the shadows three paces behind waiting for your call....


Although your sartorial preferences were not mentioned, We can safely assume that you are the everfamiliar pile of rumpled linen,....but so dashing in an Errol Flynn kind of way. Or is it Carey Grant that you ae doing this time around? I always marvel at the way Shermann is able to remove those ever-present soup stains from your ties.


à demain, cher ami, we look forward perhaps to a Sunday Supplement with tomorrow's instalment ?

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I keep forgetting to ask what ever happened with your budding new career as an Irish Travel Writer? It is almost a year ago that I forwarded to you the appropriate Guinness stained FairIsle sweater for your costume.... You probably haven't been anywhere in the meantime, so you have nothing to write about....

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Our portable shrine to you both is set up and we summon the "Spirit of Zimmy" to enter our otherwise shallow and sinful lives.


I have been pondering for a couple of days now what this portable shrine might look like. Does the Zimmy side contain a calculator and a Kindle (her answer to an orb and scepter)? A Grey Goose dirty martini with extra olives? A plate of eggs Florentine with extra crisp bacon? I don't know what would be on my side, but I am sure that whatever it is, it is arranged symmetrically, by size, and evenly spaced. All labels facing straight outward. OK, I admit I have CDO (it looks much better in alphabetical order).


We are loving your reports of the crossing. Wish we could be with you and Blondie, but we will be on SD1 soon enough.

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Well, that's all well and good but how is the beer? Hopefully, the supply of Red Stripe hasn't been totally depleted. Oh, and the Presidente? That's right a different story all together. Cheers and carry on!


Well hello stranger, been a while now.

Couldn't possibly tell about the beers, sorry to disappoint you (and Jim, no doubt).

Saw a cool dude drink a couple a few days back onboard before we left SJU.

Nice chap.

Gorgeous wife.....oh and she was smart.

Get back to that house build.......we need a place to "crash" for next year's April crossing.

Can't keep free-loading on Gantt & Ted.

Think they are on to us.

All the best old chum.

Getting to know Tom © an awful lot better which is great.

Understand why you two are such great chums.

We "love" him too.


You are right on with the Presidente beer. We have imbibed Presidente brandy for years and drink the beer whenever we see it available. Speaking of beer :eek:, now that the former "Most Interesting Man In The World" is on a one way mission to Mars, word has it that he is being replaced with Ho-Hum. :eek: That should really help Dos Eqis sales.:D


You're far and away a better choice, old chum: in fact, ideal.

Hum can put you in touch with a film agent and a dresser and coiffeur in Canadaland.

They're expensive but Hum's film career on this side of the "pond" really took off and it is all down to these two.

They would do the same for you.

Dont pay 'em any more than 3.5%!

Hum pays 'em 5% (on account of some photos they have of Hum in a compromising position onboard a small boat! Agree to 5% or the pics will go to National Enquirer they blackmailed Hum with!).

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Seas: Moderate North Swell, 3.5 - 7 feet

Temperature: Hot soup

Weather: Sun

Sunrise: 06.40

Sunset: 19.36

Next port: Funchal, Madeira, Portugal about 1200 miles away

Activities: Early Riser's Coffee - Yoga - Walk a Mile - Tai Chi - Get to know Management - Pass around: Vegetable Spring Rolls - Trivia - Walk a Mile - Club Members Cocktail Party - Live Music with Enrico & Ruel

Promotion/s: Cellulite? Loss of skin firmness? A personalised targeted area-to-area treatment with intensive massage on parts followed by hot-and-cool firming wrap so you are trussed up like a chicken for 75 minutes (how ruddy degrading)! Free Reflexology. ONLY $185!


Incidents / Events: Last Night

- Dinner with Shop Manageress & Activities Director. First time we have ever eaten with these ladies. They a


Incidents / Events:

- chat with Goran about former Yugoslavia, Donald Trump, Reality and Illusion, , relevance of religion in society today, whether to have todays special or eggs on toast (last topic became extremely heated! Goran suggests croissants filled with cheese and scrambled eggs and a side of bacon: not on menu but delicious: Goran is simply amazing).

- Captain does his "rounds" we chat about stuff. Asks whether we are eating together. Tonight! He forgot.

- Chef Tomasz pops down, we talk about his family and up-coming holiday

- Blondie arrives after gym

- we bathe on sunbed

- Matt the barman puts on great cool music, we bop about a bit

- Management talk: hilarious! Hum asked to shut up.

- Lunch of "Fish & Chips" with a bottle of Provencal Rose: Domaine Ott. Sublime

- back to sunbed

- Blondie, Sanje (Head of Housekeeping), Laurie (Casino Manageress), Tony (Activities Manageress) and lady passenger win at "Trivia". American guy goes "nuts" after losing (again)!

- Club Members Party, great fun

- Dinner with Captain with a Sonoma chardonnay (ZD), the classic Duckhorn Merlot, Sake and Chateau Yquem


Something new:

- in room menu re-vamped with additional dishes


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Would it be possible to surreptitiously snap a few pics of passengers and crew?


Have you decided to stay aboard after the crossing? You could do a

recon around Barcelona to prep for our crossing in October and check out

the hotel.


Can't imagine your cruise with so few passengers, but sounds like you are having

a ball. All our love to Goran, Frank, Tomaz and others we know.


Love to Mrs Ho!


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I have no perception. Jabbah-the-hutt is so damn adorable anyway. I care very much about the silly old film concerning sea dream. Bring it on! I only hope not to feel too awestruck by Jabbah when I meet him!



Millie there is nothing quite like it. You will do just fine! Just remember to get your curtsey lessons before you sail. :eek::D


Gawd Jim, thanks for the heads up!! After a thorough search, I came up with tap dancing, ballet, karate and pole dancing lessons, alas, no instruction on a curtsey. Although candidly I must admit after imbibing on a couple of drinks, I do have a version of a curtsey, but I think I roll just a little far forward. I'll work on it!


Aw schucks guys!!

No need for a fuss.

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Would it be possible to surreptitiously snap a few pics of passengers and crew?


Have you decided to stay aboard after the crossing? You could do a

recon around Barcelona to prep for our crossing in October and check out

the hotel.


Can't imagine your cruise with so few passengers, but sounds like you are having

a ball. All our love to Goran, Frank, Tomaz and others we know.


Love to Mrs Ho!



No problem at all dearest chum.

And maybe Mrs.Ho could also send the subsequent photos of Mr.Ho being thrown overboard by all the guests after the discovery of the heinous act of betrayal!


Check out the hotel in Barcelona too!

Why not!

Oh Commander C the "hide" on you!



Sadly we have no time to seriously consider staying on as we are off to Oz for a SD chum's 50th birthday bash.


Hum will pass on your love to the three you mention plus Emmanuel, Elena, Sanje and Jamie.


Secret photoing! Oh CC!


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Had a very interesting conversation with a young, fit couple from "Yanksville", Southern California.

He is something to do with "IT" (no, Hum neither?) and she runs "spinning classes" (does anybody have a proper job these days?).

Well this pair of "Lycra" clad, anorexic, always smiling duo were talking about how much they love the "Raw Cuisine" and how healthy it is and all.

Well Hum was just about giving up the will to live with this pair of high energy, "happy clappy" numbskulls when she began talking about her allergies.

Oh gawd, not frigging allergies!

Well she said she had "dizzy" spells and as some of you know Hum occasionally suffers from "spinning ceilings" in the evenings.

At first Hum thought it was to do with a cabin fault but the maintenance guys do all sorts of investigation and can never succeed in securing the ceiling.

Well she was "gabbing" away about this dizzy feeling and all sorts of other stuff and Hum asked what the cause was.


Then Hum had that "light bulb" moment you know.

Hum too had eaten a few nuts during cocktails (with 4/5 glasses of champagne plus a small gin martini) then during dinner (accompanied by 1 bottle of red & 1 bottle of white with desert wine and a Calvados digestif) there may have been some nut in the food courses also and at the TOYB for a few glasses (just to be social and say hi to the bar guys) and there too Hum had a few nuts.


No nuts.......well at least cut down on 'em a bit, well a little, no need to over do it is there?

Hum in Lycra! Now that would be a sight!


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Blondie would do quite well in Lycra.......Ho, well how to say this nicely.....Eeeewwww! Cut back on the nuts, lots of nuts, for a year or two and maybe we could attempt the Lycra again. That or I could hit the old tequila bottle early. Sometimes helps certain things appear better.:D Nuts......the root of all evil.:eek: If you really want to score points with the trendy crowd, mention how much you love white sugar..........

Edited by Jim Avery
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He is something to do with "IT" (no, Hum neither?) and she runs "spinning classes" (does anybody have a proper job these days?).


Well she said she had "dizzy" spells


Don't you remember the movie, IT phone home? Or does it have something to do with Clara Bow? As for the dizzy spells, duh. Maybe it's the spinning classes? She should try taking standing still classes. Or Prof. Hum could probably lead a great sitting down class at the TOY bar. My personal favorite 21st century career -- life coach. My life coach has either benched me or tells me to play in the outfield. At least that is how I understand it when he says I should be left out. Put me in, Coach, put me in.

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