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Crime on RCI cruises??????


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Thanks I didn't realize it was Italian regustered. Maybe we should invade Italy--opps we did that already. And they have warrants issued for our CIA agents...Sorry I am getting off topic. Obviously I am sorry for the groom. I don't see what the cruiseline did wrong here. They reported it and followed the authorities directions. Its not like this doesn't happen on land. There is a pregant woman missing in Pa I hope it gets as much newspace as this has.

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The ships point of origin on this cruise was Italy. The Honeymooners got on in Italy that is why the Italian police are investigating. However I guess their laws are different that you have to actually fill out paperwork for an investigation??? Isn't that convenient, commit a crime and say no please don't investigate.


Oh! Now that is very odd. Thanks for the explanation.


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OF COURSE you can walk on the deck alone at night! Yes, you can feel safe sitting in the library even if no one else is there. However, personal responsibility and common sense should not go out the window simply because you are away from home....


These reports are highly sensationalized and blown all out of proportion.


RCI is no different than any other cruise line or hotel. Bad things will sometimes happen and they are reported to the authorities. Cruise ships are not subject to US law but rather to either international maritime law or the laws of the country in which something occurs. Remember that it was the crew who reported the alleged crime by finding the bloodstain, not the wife of the missing guy, or another passenger. Besides, he is from a big money east coast family and that probably makes the media salivate!


Please use your common sense and take it all with a very large grain of salt.

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I generally cruise with my kids or my (female) childhood friends, and I have generally felt safe. But as I've posted here before, my friend was assaulted by a dining room waiter (not ours) at 5:30 PM in our stateroom - he shoved his way in the door and tried to rape her. We were on the cruise to take my 14 year old son, and her son, also 14, who is disabled and had never been on a cruise. So we were not drinking, partying, meeting waiters, etc. We were very quietly minding our own business every day.


So the "Blame the Victim" mentality expressed by ErieDave really upsets me: "Don't drink too much, go somewhere with someone you don't know, do something you wouldn't do sober, regret it in the morning, and report it as a crime later.


A lot of people need to take responsibility for their actions. Bad things do happen, there is, I am sure, assault from time to time. I refuse to believe, however, that if an assault really happened, that it was not investigated. Between the internet conection on the ships, cell phones and ship to shore communications, you can contact whoever you need to if you are not getting the support you need on the ship. I believe a lot of these reports of crimes are very unsupported. Out of control people do stupid things that they regret later and some of them feel better about it by blaming someone else."


We notified RCI, and while they did throw the guy in the brig, they absolutely hushed it up by making my friend sign a form indicating that RCI could 'investigate' and they wouldn't have to involve outside agencies (read: FBI, Mexican authorities - we were docked in Cozumel at the time). For all I know, the guy still works for RCI - though I think they deported him at the end of the cruise.


It absolutely killed me that I paid to bring these really sweet, kind of poor people on a cruise, so a disabled kid could have the thrill of his life, and this horrible thing happened and RCI really didn't give a damn except to cover their own a**. I wrote to them after, hoping they would offer her family a reduced rate on another cruise, or make some kind of apology, or follow up, but no way.


It took me a couple years to come back to RCI, though I'm sure other lines might be similar in their overall security and response.

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I generally cruise with my kids or my (female) childhood friends, and I have generally felt safe. But as I've posted here before, my friend was assaulted by a dining room waiter (not ours) at 5:30 PM in our stateroom - he shoved his way in the door and tried to rape her. We were on the cruise to take my 14 year old son, and her son, also 14, who is disabled and had never been on a cruise. So we were not drinking, partying, meeting waiters, etc. We were very quietly minding our own business every day.


So the "Blame the Victim" mentality expressed by ErieDave really upsets me: "Don't drink too much, go somewhere with someone you don't know, do something you wouldn't do sober, regret it in the morning, and report it as a crime later.


A lot of people need to take responsibility for their actions. Bad things do happen, there is, I am sure, assault from time to time. I refuse to believe, however, that if an assault really happened, that it was not investigated. Between the internet conection on the ships, cell phones and ship to shore communications, you can contact whoever you need to if you are not getting the support you need on the ship. I believe a lot of these reports of crimes are very unsupported. Out of control people do stupid things that they regret later and some of them feel better about it by blaming someone else."


We notified RCI, and while they did throw the guy in the brig, they absolutely hushed it up by making my friend sign a form indicating that RCI could 'investigate' and they wouldn't have to involve outside agencies (read: FBI, Mexican authorities - we were docked in Cozumel at the time). For all I know, the guy still works for RCI - though I think they deported him at the end of the cruise.


It absolutely killed me that I paid to bring these really sweet, kind of poor people on a cruise, so a disabled kid could have the thrill of his life, and this horrible thing happened and RCI really didn't give a damn except to cover their own a**. I wrote to them after, hoping they would offer her family a reduced rate on another cruise, or make some kind of apology, or follow up, but no way.


It took me a couple years to come back to RCI, though I'm sure other lines might be similar in their overall security and response.

What would have happend if your friend refused to sign the form?

I would have said - excuse me but I need to consult with my attorney before I sign anything and I am pressing charges NOW. I suspect that your friend was intimidated into signing a release. I am sure RCL just wanted it to go away - but the threat of a lawsuit against the company and it's security officer as well as speaking to the local media which in this case I would agree would have been a good idea ( NOT A CURRENT AFFAIR OR GRETA AND COMPANY THANKS)

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My friend was indeed intimidated by RCI to sign the form. We were just in shock, the whole 2nd half of the week was just terrible (we were trying not to let the two young boys know what had happened).


She also was worried about her husband's reaction, and also having to come back to FL (or even Mexico?) for a trial. We just wanted to get the heck off that ship (the Grandeur).


So those numbers on the website that keeps track of assaults; I have to think that there are many that are not reported, or reported to RCI but not reported to law enforcement agencies.

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My friend was indeed intimidated by RCI to sign the form. We were just in shock, the whole 2nd half of the week was just terrible (we were trying not to let the two young boys know what had happened).


She also was worried about her husband's reaction, and also having to come back to FL (or even Mexico?) for a trial. We just wanted to get the heck off that ship (the Grandeur).


So those numbers on the website that keeps track of assaults; I have to think that there are many that are not reported, or reported to RCI but not reported to law enforcement agencies.


I am sorry to hear this happened to your friend.

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A ship with 2600-3200 people aboard plus crew is a little city onto itself and there will always be that one guy (or gal) who thinks the rules, laws, and convention of civil life do not apply to them. Although we have only cruised 7 times, we have never heard of anything worse then a missing camara or the jerk drunk who thinks he's a stud. These things you will find in any city and in any country. Be aware, but enjoy your vaction because the crew does keep an eye out for that behavior that is out of place.

P.S. I take most of what O'Reilly says with a grain of salt.

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Crime is everywhere, more or less, depending on where you are at. The way Disney World works to handle publicity, is that crime happens there too, but it is not in anyway hidden or covered up. It is worked through inside investigations and turned over to Orange County Sheriff's Office for further investigation and arrest....the media picks it up, but it is listed as occuring in the county, rather than at Disney. They deal in Fantasy, and try to keep reality out of it to prevent ruining anyones vacation, possibly the cruise lines work in the same way, only they have a jurisdiction problem, which does not always include the USA. Video surveilance is everywhere including the ships, though it may not be obvious bulking camera...it is there...I have seen them on deck and all public areas on Carnival, Costa and Norwegian. I can let you know about Royal Carribean in November....

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OK, anyone who takes what the O'Reilly Factor says as "true" has issues. There has been so much speculation by people -- they call them "experts" -- who know NOTHING about this case and just go on TV to shoot their mouths off. Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough should be slapped for calling on people who have no knowledge of the case and aren't associated with it in ANY WAY but act as though they have the inside scoop. How do we know that the crime scene was prematurely scrubbed? Who, other than these idiots, has confirmed that? How do they know that witnesses aren't being interviewed? I think the fact that some "expert" said the FBI has "gagged" the passengers shows that they are trying to do an investigation and want the stupid speculation to stop. This whole thing makes me sick...Of course RCI, the FBI and the families aren't talking....the matter is still under investigation. Why would anyone comment to these idiots when an active investigation is under way? Those comments could jeopardize whatever case they have. I think it's a riot that these idiots build conspiracy stories and so many people fall for them.

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Excellent advice, sueinphilly! Bill O'Reilly...refers to RCI as "Caribbean Cruise Line", and to the BOS as a "cruise boat". FOX is only trying to sensationalize, and using B.O. (pun intended) only makes their reputation sink further down. Just MO...and it's not humble:)!!

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Sorry, this is in reference to an earlier post about the Italian police and we have a little confusion here...I understood this was the June 29th cruise out of Barcelona, Espana....and not out of Italy....

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There was another thread on this - did it poof? Anyway, I posted on that thread and will reiterate what I said there:


I am not insulting FOX News at all, but you have to take what you hear on all news sources with a grain of salt. Stories are often sensationalized to make for better news. Further, while O'Reilly claims to be the "No Spin Zone", his show is essensially political commentary and he thus has a lot more artistic liscense to put, well, spin on the news than say, the Evening News at Six. That is just how it is.


On the subject of crime on the cruiseships, I of course think it is very unfortunate and hope that this bad press will motivate RCCL to take action to reduce crime. However, it is a sad fact that bad things happen on a regular basis everywhere. A cruiseship is like a floating city and just like in normal cities crime will occur. This requires that individuals be cautious, discerning and responsible at all times. However, this doesn't mean you should stop cruising, just like you shouldn't stop going out on the town. Don't let unfortunate occurences (and sensational reporting) scare you away from living your life.


That's my $.02.

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This may have been posted already somewhere, the actual show had two pax. interviewed. They said it was a rowdy cruise and that 51 pax where kicked off in Naples. Also they said the misssing man was loud and boasted at the crap table that he got $115K cash from his wedding and had $50K in the safe in his room.

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OK, anyone who takes what the O'Reilly Factor says as "true" has issues. There has been so much speculation by people -- they call them "experts" -- who know NOTHING about this case and just go on TV to shoot their mouths off. Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough should be slapped for calling on people who have no knowledge of the case and aren't associated with it in ANY WAY but act as though they have the inside scoop. How do we know that the crime scene was prematurely scrubbed? Who, other than these idiots, has confirmed that? How do they know that witnesses aren't being interviewed? I think the fact that some "expert" said the FBI has "gagged" the passengers shows that they are trying to do an investigation and want the stupid speculation to stop. This whole thing makes me sick...Of course RCI, the FBI and the families aren't talking....the matter is still under investigation. Why would anyone comment to these idiots when an active investigation is under way? Those comments could jeopardize whatever case they have. I think it's a riot that these idiots build conspiracy stories and so many people fall for them.
I too am tired of Bill O and sensationalism, but CNN and MSNBC also carried similar stories. There isn't much going on right now with DC on another vacation break so this is news coverage. The problem isn't Fox it's 24/7 news period. If Fox is so bad why is it the most watched news channel on TV? NMnita
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a platinum RCCL cruiser and I have to say that one thing that has always bothered me is that the ship is a world unto itself and does not seem to be under anyone's juristiction in matters of law. I have always felt that if something serious were to happen to me while cruising, I might have difficulty getting any kind of justice. That has never stopped me from cruising, but it is something that has always given me a certain amount of unease about the industry. I feel very strongly that this is a chance for RCCL to step up to the plate, find out exactly what happened to the man on the Brilliance and present those facts to the public and to the proper authorities and see that justice is done in this case. RCCL really needs to show us that we as human beings are more important than the potential outcome of bad publicity. I am watching this situation very closely and as much as I really love sailing on RCCL, if I do not feel that they have been anything but upfront, pro active and unrelenting in getting to the bottom of this tragedy, I will most likely not cruise with them again. This is a matter of basic human deceny rather than the corporate bottom line. Come on RCCL show us just what kind of company you really are and how you really feel about the people who travel on your ships.

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Deserved or not, true or not, the fact is the word is on the street that cruise lines try to cover up crime, and they will either addresss it adequately as an industry, or Congress will, I'd guess. If the SCOTUS can say -- ships need to abide by ADA, even if they are not registered in the US -- Congress could say -- either follow the rules of criminal investigation/scene preservation and proper notification of authorities, or forget about docking in the US. It's been a tough year for crusie line publicity, and with increasing costs of a grand a cabin (2004 vs 2006), my guess is that they will be taking a passenger numbers hit.


I have to say I get a chuckle out of the posts about a ship being a small city -- 3000 people are a burg, a hamlet, a rural blip on the map -- not a city. If ships have a rape/sexaul assault a month, it's the equivalent of a town of 12,000 having one a month. I live in a community not much larger, and a reported rape a month, every month, would be a big deal, here. I could, understand, however, some sort of crime every month, theft, robbery, fist fight -- we certainly have something going on every month.

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