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V is for VICTORY (and cruise #5) PHOTO HEAVY review.


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After walking around the fort and staircase for a while, I made my way back to the ship. I stopped to get my passport stamped and proceeded down the dock. I had to stop for a second to get a picture of this awesome yacht. Anyone know who it belongs to?




After admiring the trophy boat, I made my way back onto Victory to change into my trunks and grab my towels.




It belongs to Dennis Washington, and the original Attessa (also owned by Dennis) was used in the film Overboard with Goldie Hawn. ;)

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another tidbit is that is was the yacht used in the movie Overboard with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn.


Now I want to buy a yacht :(


The original Attessa, not the one pictured. ;)

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Sean - can you please share your experience with when the karoake noise quieted down and was it much of a distraction? I actually had an L-shaped aft on deck 6 on the Victory a few years ago and remember hearing some bass but it wasn't that bad. However, I have a room close to yours booked on the Liberty in Aug and kind of nervous about it keeping me up again.


Thanks - enjoying your review! I know how much time they take and appreciate your effort!



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Thank you for this review! I will be on the Victory in June. :D


Have a good time!


Loving your pics! What kind of camera did you use? Love the secret decks on Glory as well. Could spend the whole cruise out there. Love Nassau for watching all the ships come in.


Thank you! See post 42 about my camera(s).


The secret decks are awesome. Can't imagine being on a ship without them, but I'm sure I'd be good. :cool:

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Sean - can you please share your experience with when the karoake noise quieted down and was it much of a distraction? I actually had an L-shaped aft on deck 6 on the Victory a few years ago and remember hearing some bass but it wasn't that bad. However, I have a room close to yours booked on the Liberty in Aug and kind of nervous about it keeping me up again.


Thanks - enjoying your review! I know how much time they take and appreciate your effort!



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Thank you for reading it. It's actually fun to "relive" something that happened last week, while also sharing information that could be useful.


My cabin was 6449. On the Liberty, it would be where 6471 is (according to Carnival.com). 2 of the nights it was fairly loud and I had no trouble with hearing most of the lyrics. The last night I heard most of the comedy shows (laughing in bed a couple times), while trying to get sleep for my early morning. I could feel the bass on occasion too. Other nights I was in bed after the shows finished. Could people sleep through it? I think some could. This cabin is not for a light sleeper, though.


If you go to sleep after the shows are done its pretty quiet. Yet, there is some white-noise from the engines/props that helps put you to sleep.

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Thank you for reading it. It's actually fun to "relive" something that happened last week, while also sharing information that could be useful.


My cabin was 6449. On the Liberty, it would be where 6471 is (according to Carnival.com). 2 of the nights it was fairly loud and I had no trouble with hearing most of the lyrics. The last night I heard most of the comedy shows (laughing in bed a couple times), while trying to get sleep for my early morning. I could feel the bass on occasion too. Other nights I was in bed after the shows finished. Could people sleep through it? I think some could. This cabin is not for a light sleeper, though.


If you go to sleep after the shows are done its pretty quiet. Yet, there is some white-noise from the engines/props that helps put you to sleep.



Maybe our room won't be that bad then bc our's is 6444?!?!



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After Nassau, and all the beer with pizza, I was feeling pretty good. I took a couple naps and was set to see what kind of craziness people were up to on elegant night. I got dressed nice and made my way to the dining room around 8. I told Brianna and Nicole it was lobster night and that I'd probably be there. At exactly 8:15, they opened the doors and I sat down for dinner. A short time later, I was joined by the girls and we were given menus. Tonight I was not graced by the woman with the mostly-see-through shirt and her friend. Both Brianna and Nicole ordered the lobster. Both had never had it and I wasn't sure if they enjoyed it. It didn't help though, that I referred to it as an insect under the sea, and then played with the tail. I ordered a glass of wine and offered a taste to the girls. They liked it and it turned into a few glasses and then a bottle. Mannnn, lol. After a nice wine buzz, it was time for dessert and we all ordered the bitter and blanc (for the first and maybe the last time, with this odd new menu). It was excellent, but really hard to finish. I liked it almost as much as WCMC.


After eating we took some ridiculous photos that were pretty embarassing later. I bought one it was so awful (yet funny), and no, I won't post it. We also went to the nightclub and hung out at the bar. NOBODY was on the dance floor. The music was a little weak. We ordered the disco ball cups/drinks and headed out. We made our way out to the secret decks again and watched shooting stars while drinking from our disco ball cups. I forgot how nasty the drink they put in those was. They agreed, it was nasty too. After watching the stars and then waving to the crew member watching us from the bridge, I headed back in and crashed, It was probably 1am and we were getting into Half Moon Cay around 7.

Edited by seannyice81
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Today stared at 6am with a knock on the door from room service. I knew better than to go to lido because it was going to be busy. I had a slight headache that I'm sure was leftover from the night before. I took some tylenol and with the help of some coffee, I was good. Breakfast was cereal, toast, and a banana. Basic, but I knew there would be decent food at HMC for lunch.


After eating, I made my way to the secret deck as we were coming up on HMC. Timing was good too, because the boat that shuttles the tender operators was arriving at the same time. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. I headed downstairs to see what the wait/lines looked like and surprisingly, it wasn't bad. They were handing out stickers for tender group 2 when I walked by the Caribbean Theater. Knowing I had FTTF, I headed over to guest services and asked where I was to go for the express line to get on a tender. It turned out they sectioned-off some seats by the lobby bar for diamond/platinum/FTTF guests. I had a seat and waited. About 10 mins later, a staff member came and took us to deck 0 for the tender. We waited 2 mins while they secured it and then we were on.


The ride over was fairly smooth. When we docked, I headed right over to the people in charge of the clam shells and asked for one. I found out though, that since my last time here in Feb' 2012, you now had to go to a hut, pay, and get your slip for one first. I quickly walked over to do that, and then back so I could get my ideal one by the "Wish I Could Stay Forever" bar. I had an hour or so before heading off for my excursion, so I walked around taking some photos.






This photo was taken from the "upper deck" of the Captain Morgan bar. There are actually bar tables and seats up there, if you are looking for a seat with a nice view. NOT MUCH OF A PARTY THOUGH.





After looking around a little bit I headed over to my excursion. Let me rewind a little on that first, though.


Before dinner, in Miami, I thought I should line-up an excursion for my time in HMC. I know that the good ones tend to fill up so I decided the sooner, the better. I walked down to the shore excursions desk and was greeted by a beautiful Russian, Anna. She told me what was still available (not a whole lot) and I wasn't really sure what I was up for. She asked me what I liked doing/was into and we chatted a little before she helped me decide to do the Aqua Trax tour at 9:30. Those who don't know, the "aqua trax" are jet-skis. It was going to be my first time on one and I was excited.


Fast-forward to HMC and I was over in the main shop/bar/plaza area waiting to see a sign for Aqua Trax. It was getting close to time, so I found Anna and we went looking for the person who was supposed to get me. Turned-out I was the ONLY person who booked the 9:30 slot! SWEEEEETTT!!! More fun for me!!! I jumped on the truck with stingray city guests and was taken to the jet-skis. I met the girl and 2 guys running the place, put on a life vest and was given a brief run-down on what/what not to do.


After the talking-to, I mounted the jet ski and discovered it was a little similar to an atv with a thumb throttle, but no brakes. I fired it up and took it for a loop, discovering the joy of turning the thing with the accelerator. THIS IS GOING TO BE GREAT!!! I'm already grinning ear to ear. My guide told me to stay behind him like a line, and made sure I was ready to go. YEA! Off we went. It was so much fun hauling butt across the reservior with water you could see through at 35+mph. Turns were even more fun as water would get thrown-aside by the turning movement of the jet-ski. We did this for probably 30 mins and I was having a blast. Things took an odd turn though, literally as I saw my guide head out a channel into the ocean... "Uh-oh...uhhhhh" I told myself. I knew the water was going to be a little more rough, and sure enough, a little ways out, I started slamming into the tops of waves and crests. It was actually pretty scary. My guide was still going strong and pulling away on me. Despirately trying to keep up without crashing I tried to work the throttle in such a way that I could handle the speed, but not damage the jet-ski or worse, myself. We made it pretty far around the outside of the island, closer to the ship than I thought I'd get before turning and heading back. Turning was the hardest part as sometimes I'd turn with the water and sometimes against it. I got so wet and my sunglasses were covered with sea water. I wanted to take them off but was scared to take a hand off the handle. I also knew they were keeping sea water our of my eyes. Mercifully, we headed back and back into the channel and the reservior. THANK GOD! What a relief! It was short lived though, as back out to sea we went 10 mins later, $*! After another (shorter) round of pounding the jet-ski and myself into the sea, we headed back into the reservior for good and ran around for another 20 or so mins before heading back to the shore. I waved at some people on a boat tour and then some people on kayaks. After a little bit, I was done and parked my jet-ski on the sand. It was so much fun on the calm water, but the ocean was downright scary. I'll happily ride one again in calmer water.


After burning off all the energy I had, I was starving. I remembered that they served lunch in a pavilion on HMC and looked forward to it. The lines were not too bad and the food was pretty good. It included regular grilled items like burgers, hotdogs, but also jerk chicken and some salads. Overall it was a really good lunch.




After lunch, I made my way back to my clam shell for some time to just chill on the beach. I needed to just relax. I immediately ordered a pina colada in one of the squiggly party cups and then another. I then people watched and napped off and on for most of the afternoon.


PART 2, tomorrow.

Edited by seannyice81
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I love Half Moon Cay! I've only been there once and need to make it back there again on a future cruise soon. I've also never done a jet-ski, so wearing sunglasses to keep the salt water out of your eyes is a good tip. How much was the clam shell on the beach?

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I, too, love HMC! Loved reading about your day there and seeing your wonderful pics, especially the first one (the ship between the 2 colorful huts). Beautiful!


In all of my cruises, I've only been there once. I wish they went there on more itineraries. Other private islands I've been to have just been meh, but there's something about HMC that's just.... Paradise!


Ok, GAPearl and I have to get back to working on our Tina Turner costumes. ;-)

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I'd like to go to HMC sometime. My brother convinced my mom, at 16, it would be a great idea to allow him to head out in Tampa in the open ocean jet skiing. He came back to say that he, along with his best friend, were pretty sure they saw a few sharks. Lol. Needless to say- neither has asked to go jet skiing in the ocean.


Is it November?!

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I love Half Moon Cay! I've only been there once and need to make it back there again on a future cruise soon. I've also never done a jet-ski, so wearing sunglasses to keep the salt water out of your eyes is a good tip. How much was the clam shell on the beach?


The sunglasses helped, but didn't at the same time. They kept some water from splashing in my eyes, but not all of it. Water would collect on the lenses from time to time.


The ones I had, had rubber pads for the nose and around the ears, so they would stay in place better. If not, they probably would be been gone after a short amount of jet-skiing on the ocean.


The clam shell cabanas are $20 to rent for the day. They're all in place when you get there, but one of the staff has to go grab a post that keeps it upright. That's what you need the slip/receipt for. I took a photo of the tag with the manufacturer's website. Those of you who want one, you're welcome, haha. They don't list prices, but I have a feeling these are more $ than you'd think.




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I, too, love HMC! Loved reading about your day there and seeing your wonderful pics, especially the first one (the ship between the 2 colorful huts). Beautiful!


In all of my cruises, I've only been there once. I wish they went there on more itineraries. Other private islands I've been to have just been meh, but there's something about HMC that's just.... Paradise!


Ok, GAPearl and I have to get back to working on our Tina Turner costumes. ;-)


Thank you. It is a wonderful place. The sand is almost as soft as flour and it's not been over-developed. I remember a fuss being made about the addition of the larger cabanas, but they're pretty nice and haven't taken away from the island's appeal.


I don't think larger ships have an easy time with HMC, as I don't recall any posts where Dream Class ships have gone there. I think once a ship has a certain amount of people, shuttling them all with tenders is too much of a process.


I'd like to go to HMC sometime. My brother convinced my mom, at 16, it would be a great idea to allow him to head out in Tampa in the open ocean jet skiing. He came back to say that he, along with his best friend, were pretty sure they saw a few sharks. Lol. Needless to say- neither has asked to go jet skiing in the ocean.


Is it November?!


I always realize anytime I'm in the sea there could be sharks, but for some reason that doesn't bother me (as) much. The sea-rash from being flung-off a jet-ski going 35+ mph is what I was more concerned with. It would be cool to see a shark as long as I had a quick way out of the water, lol.


November will be here soon enough. I want summer first though!

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Great review and well-written, too! Really enjoying the pics, and it sounds like your itinerary times were a lot better than ours were with a similar itinerary....for example, we arrived LAST at Nassau, and departed second. :(


I'm pretty sure the SAME light panels were burned out in the Atrium when I took my Victory cruise in October, too. :D


EDIT: found a pic from my review. Yep, looks like it:




It's cool reading a solo cruise report from a guy...something that's uncommon here on CC. At the moment I'm eyeing my first solo cruise on Freedom this October...but who am I kidding; I'll probably end up taking my sister along. :)

Edited by Pellaz
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I'd like to go to HMC sometime. My brother convinced my mom, at 16, it would be a great idea to allow him to head out in Tampa in the open ocean jet skiing. He came back to say that he, along with his best friend, were pretty sure they saw a few sharks. Lol. Needless to say- neither has asked to go jet skiing in the ocean.


Is it November?!


We don't have a ocean in Tampa...;) Gulf or the Bay. Sharks aren't that bad.

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I always realize anytime I'm in the sea there could be sharks, but for some reason that doesn't bother me (as) much. The sea-rash from being flung-off a jet-ski going 35+ mph is what I was more concerned with. It would be cool to see a shark as long as I had a quick way out of the water, lol.


November will be here soon enough. I want summer first though!



Summer all year in Florida...I need a cruise soon! Reviews going good!

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Great review and well-written, too! Really enjoying the pics, and it sounds like your itinerary times were a lot better than ours were with a similar itinerary....for example, we arrived LAST at Nassau, and departed second. :(


I'm pretty sure the SAME light panels were burned out in the Atrium when I took my Victory cruise in October, too. :D


EDIT: found a pic from my review. Yep, looks like it:




It's cool reading a solo cruise report from a guy...something that's uncommon here on CC. At the moment I'm eyeing my first solo cruise on Freedom this October...but who am I kidding; I'll probably end up taking my sister along. :)


Part of me is surprised they haven't fixed that yet. Another part of me isn't, because it must be a real pain to access the light panels.


Thanks! I'm enjoying posting it. It was a great trip.


It is a little uncommon. Most cruises I've taken with a then GF. I've been single for a little bit now, mostly enjoying it. I took my mom along on my last cruise, but this one was totally solo and it was very enjoyable as single guy. There were a couple times, I thought "dang, it would be cool to do this with _______," or "I wish I was drinking beer with ______," but it was still a great time. The cool thing is you meet new people/friends on the trip or find new people to hang out with. You may miss some, but you'll also find some great people to do stuff with.


I hope you have a great cruise either solo or with you sister.

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Summer all year in Florida...I need a cruise soon! Reviews going good!


Thanks, Steve!


I like the idea of being surrounded by palm trees and warm weather year round, but I fear eventually taking it for granted. I'm always looking at cruises and trying to figure out how to do another. I'm lucky to be able to do this as often as I do.


Great review , thanks .



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Welcome :)

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I woke up from a nap in my clam shell cabana to the sound of people walking by it. Is HMC the best place to wake up to? Possibly one of the best I've been to so far. I looked at my watch and realized it was a little past 1:30 and the last tender was 2:45. As much as I hated to do it, I got my stuff together and headed for the tender, so I could avoid the long line for later ones. If you've ever been to HMC and stayed for a later tender, you know you get most of your sunburn or tan from standing in that line. I boarded the tender and enjoyed the ride back to the ship.


Look at how clear the water is!




After reaching Victory, it took some people longer to get back on the ship than it took the tender to get to it. Once on, I headed to my cabin and showered. I then headed out and took some photos from around the ship. They were doing some work with a lifeboat on the starboard side (the doors were blocked-off). I headed to port side and the secret decks for some photos.







At roughly 3:30, we set sail for Grand Turk.


While in the lobby, I decided to have a nice glass of Thirsty Red Frog Ale. On the Victory, it is currently served at the lobby and sports bars. I was offered a souvenir glass, but declined. The very nice bartender get a regular glass, went to fill it, and the beer went everywhere! The keg was running low and as a result there were air pockets. Her vest got soaked! I felt really bad for her. She was so nice though, that she walked up to the sports bar and filled my glass up there, then brought it back down to me. Now I felt even worse! It continued though as when the new keg arrived, it was massive and looked to weigh about as much as a VW. 3 of them were barely able to position it. When they went to attach the fitting, beer shot all over this one staff members face! That was it! I had to drink my beer leave them a MASSIVE tip and then dip, out of embarrassment for them and me. I apologized profusely to the one girl who served me, and even though she laughed about it, I still felt bad, haha.


After some beer and feeling humbled, I made my way up to the deli for a sandwich to tide me over until dinner. I ordered a ham and cheese, grabbed some chips, and then watched as we sailed further away from the beautiful island. I felt tired afterwards and laid down for another nap.


Dinner that evening was me and the girls again. We all opted for the bacon mac & cheese with chicken. Damn, it was good! We talked about all the stuff we did in HMC, how nice it was, and how we'd have liked more time there. Afterwards we walked around with a few drinks, and hit up the Arcade. We played almost every game, then headed to the casino. I tried the cash cube some more and then we all tried new pirate coin-pusher-machine. We all won some money back, but not as much as we spent. They wound up staying there for a while and I left for the nightclub. It was dead again, with the exception of a couple girls sitting at the bar. I talked and drank with them for a little while. They turned out to be part of this group on the cruise. I asked if I could be invited, but it was an all-girls kind of group. We joked around a little bit, there was a little flirting, and we had some good conversation. I headed-out a little while later and crashed for the night.

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