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Have DUI, can I get off ship in Victoria BC

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I am taking a closed loop cruise on the Celebrity Solstice to Alaska that boards in Seattle summer 2016. I have a reckless driving conviction from 5 years ago. I am fine with staying on the ship during the stop in Victoria, BC. However, I was informed that Celebrity Cruise line's security may not let me board in Seattle. Ultimately, is it up to Canada or the cruise line? Does anyone know how Celebrity, specifically, works or the protocol for the security team of the cruise line works regarding DUI? Has anybody really been prevented from boarding in Seattle over a DUI 5 years old or newer?

The ship still enters Canadian waters, so if the Canadian authorities know in advance you *could* be excluded entirely from the cruise - but there is so much discretion applied, especially if it's your only offence, that even if you are within the five year window (which BTW starts when you have completed any sentence, not from the date of the offence itself) it's quite possible you would be allowed in - especially if your particular Reckless Driving is not listed as 'wet'.


Even a DUI that was plea-bargained down to Reckless Driving is grounds for non-admission to Canada, but less explicitly-so than a DUI which is always a criminal offence up here. While I certainly am not recommending the services of any particular legal professional, there is one I'm aware of that gives a free consultation - here's their page with info specifically about Reckless Driving charges.


If Celebrity do send the full passenger list to the Canadian authorities enough in advance it's before boarding, and your name is flagged as non-admissible, it's possible Celebrity will ban you from boarding. They won't want to though - frankly, even if they can bump you with no compensation offered by 'blaming Canada' they'd lose out on your onboard spending!


Given people who have DUIs have managed to cruise, and if flagged are interviewed by CBSA then either told to stay on the ship or allowed in, I'd say that the odds of your lesser offence stopping you boarding are lower than folks with an actual DUI, but the law is the law so it's always possible you could be denied boarding if Celebrity think the hassle they'll get from CBSA is worth more than the lost income from you as a passenger...


As with many such other posts on this thread - it would be really useful for others if you actually came back and posted your experience once you cruise.

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I am taking a closed loop cruise on the Celebrity Solstice to Alaska that boards in Seattle summer 2016. I have a reckless driving conviction from 5 years ago. I am fine with staying on the ship during the stop in Victoria, BC. However, I was informed that Celebrity Cruise line's security may not let me board in Seattle. Ultimately, is it up to Canada or the cruise line? Does anyone know how Celebrity, specifically, works or the protocol for the security team of the cruise line works regarding DUI? Has anybody really been prevented from boarding in Seattle over a DUI 5 years old or newer?


These are always interesting questions and I will try to be concise as possible:


a. if you were convicted of carless driving, that is not a criminal offence in Canada so you would be admissible.


b. if the charge was reckless driving, that is considered Dangerous Driving in Canada, is a crime under the Criminal Code of Canada and you would be inadmissible.


c. this is a closed loop cruise and assuming you are an American citizen have every right to visit another state and there is no CBP clearance required.


d. Celebrity's security has no access to your record and frankly they are not interested.


e. your only risk is that you may not be allowed off the ship in Victoria but that is handled very discreetly and as you seem to be predisposed to that occurrence, it seems to be an non issue.


f. not offer false hopes but the CBSA officer who reviews your ships passenger manifest has a great deal of discretion and you may just breeze by.


My advice would be to relax and enjoy your cruise.

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I am taking a closed loop cruise on the Celebrity Solstice to Alaska that boards in Seattle summer 2016. I have a reckless driving conviction from 5 years ago. I am fine with staying on the ship during the stop in Victoria, BC. However, I was informed that Celebrity Cruise line's security may not let me board in Seattle. Ultimately, is it up to Canada or the cruise line? Does anyone know how Celebrity, specifically, works or the protocol for the security team of the cruise line works regarding DUI? Has anybody really been prevented from boarding in Seattle over a DUI 5 years old or newer?


Use your passport for identification and not your driver's license. Celebrity will not look up your driving record. What do they care you aren't driving. You should be able to get off in Victoria. My DH has a history and we've never had a problem in Canada using a passport.

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Use your passport for identification and not your driver's license. Celebrity will not look up your driving record. What do they care you aren't driving. You should be able to get off in Victoria. My DH has a history and we've never had a problem in Canada using a passport.


It used to be that cruise ships did not provide a manifest to Canadian Customs (CBSA) or if they did it didn't get to them on a timely basis. If you go back in this thread you will see that has all changed, cruise ships now provide a manifest for CBSA well in advance and the CBP exchange information....so there has been far more intercepts of people with crim records and not being allowed off the ship in Victoria this past year.

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You will have no problem getting on ship as long as you are boarding in Seattle. The day before arriving in Victoria you will get a written notice on your door requesting that you report to the front desk 1 hour before arrival time. At that time they will advise you that you cannot leave the ship in Canada. they will take you off the ship to meet with a Canadian Border official who will ask you about any criminal record you have. DO NOT DENY ANYTHING! They have your history right in front of them. They will then make you sign a paper saying you agree not to get off the ship and that you are denied visitation rights. They will not even let you off for a cup of coffee. Just sign the paper. They will then escort you back on the ship. All will be okay as long as you embark and disembark in Seattle. You cannot get on ship if it were leaving from Vancouver. But you will be okay. Safe travel and good luck:)

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I agree you will be allowed to board by Celebrity.


I am wondering the source of your guidance if not Celebrity personal how would they know. Since you are in Seattle you are not travelling and have not all that much to lose except the fun. So don't worry about it.


The last point made by the above poster about not belong allowed to board in Vancouver is not valid . You would of course be already in Canada having been cleared into the Country already and the clearance on ships going to Alaska from there is done by your own Countries (US) Border personal.

CANADA might not let you back in when you return though. 😇


All of this of course is unofficial advice all be it from persons of knowledge

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All of this of course is unofficial advice all be it from persons of knowledge


Nice to have a bit of learned advice rather than reading a bunch of "lower deck lawyer's" opinions.;)


Hope all is well at the Point and you will soon be out of dry dock.

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I've never taken a Alaska cruise (yet) but I've been on several that call at Saint Johns or Halifax leaving from NYC on a close loop. Each time we had to fill out a Canadian Customs Form and had to turn it before even being allowed to swipe our sail and sign card boarding the ship. It was red with government logo on it.


In addition to basic identifying information you had to declare any criminal convictions. I do not remember exactly what the form said.


We even filled them out on my 7/2014 cruise that ended up in Bermuda due to Hurricane Arthur and were told to destroy them when they announced, before boarding, the destination change.


From a tablemate conversation about this what luv2gamble posted is exactly what happened to him. Notified to come down to Customer Service, was taken to a conference room where a Canadian Official met with him. Discussed his DUI conviction and was refused "entry" to Canada. He signed a paper stating that he aware he was denied entry and the ships representative (Purser, err I mean Customer Service Rep) told him his sail and sign card was marked that security would not let him off if he attempted to leave the ship in Canada.


Alaska cruises don't fill out this form at embarkation?

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I've never taken a Alaska cruise (yet) but I've been on several that call at Saint Johns or Halifax leaving from NYC on a close loop. Each time we had to fill out a Canadian Customs Form and had to turn it before even being allowed to swipe our sail and sign card boarding the ship. It was red with government logo on it.


In addition to basic identifying information you had to declare any criminal convictions. I do not remember exactly what the form said.



I have never seen or heard of this practice with Canadian declaration form before boarding a ship in the US. Even on aircraft it is passed out during the flight. The form you are describing is attached below and makes no mention of criminality.



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I have never seen or heard of this practice with Canadian declaration form before boarding a ship in the US. Even on aircraft it is passed out during the flight. The form you are describing is attached below and makes no mention of criminality.





I agree with you 100%. We were most recently on a RCI cruise to New England in Oct. 2015 leaving out of Boston and making calls on the Canadian ports of Saint John and Halifax and we never filled out such forms prior to sailing.


The only time you had to complete the Canadian declaration form was the night before we returned to Boston. It never asked about criminal convictions, only about what stuff you bought and roughly how much.


As others have said, please come back and tell us your personal story or account after your cruise is over.

Edited by Racer70
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You didn't see me waiving...shame.:D


Spent a little time today poking around re criminality and inadmissibly to Canada. I knew that the CBSA had access to crim records of US citizens what I didn't appreciate is they have access to NCIC and presumably the CBP has access to the CPIC. So there is no point in lying about an offence when questioned.

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I have never seen or heard of this practice with Canadian declaration form before boarding a ship in the US. Even on aircraft it is passed out during the flight. The form you are describing is attached below and makes no mention of criminality.



My parents paid for the cruise and asked me for my passport information last week. The cruise does not leaver until July 29th. I was apprehensive to hand over the information sop early because I don't want to give them lots of time to look up my record and decide to deny me the right to board. I haven't given my passport info yet as I decided to more research. My parents asked me last week if I had a DUI because Celebrity told them If anyone in our party had one they would not be cleared to cruise, even boarding in Seattle. I freaked out and called Celebrity directly. I was told that their security team reviews DUI's case by case and if Canada determines ahead of time that you are inadmissible than they wont allow you to board the ship, even in Seattle. So do I not provide my passport information until the last minute or hand it over and cross my fingers? Does it even matter? Celebrity is talking super strict and harsh on the phone. When I first called the sales agent talked to her supervisor and told me if you haven't already paid for the cruise I suggest you find a different cruise. Alaska isn't the right cruise for you!

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Neither Celebrity nor their security people have access to the NCIC. What they are likely doing is preparing the passenger manifest for our CBSA who does have access to it. If you check the CBP website you will see that a passport is not required for a close loop cruise which is what you are taking. I know that some cruise lines have to have passport information but I would be inclined to loose mine, its none of their business under these circumstances. You will obviously need some type of government issued photo ID to board the ship but as an American citizen you do not have to have a passport to visit Alaska or visit Canada on a close loop cruise. Having said all that I suppose Celebrity could make their own rule...."no passport, no cruise".

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... So do I not provide my passport information until the last minute or hand it over and cross my fingers? Does it even matter? Celebrity is talking super strict and harsh on the phone. When I first called the sales agent talked to her supervisor and told me if you haven't already paid for the cruise I suggest you find a different cruise. Alaska isn't the right cruise for you!


Computers. In other words, you cannot delay providing the information long enough to make a difference. Besides, border protection services are very good these days at figuring this stuff out. There is cross-border cooperation and integration of various security and law enforcement databases.


Have you checked out the Canadian Border Services web site and the explanation of entry requirements and possible exceptions/remedies? http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/inadmissibility/conviction.asp#a1 is a place to start.


I would not count on Celebrity ignoring their rules or the laws they have to follow.


Neither Celebrity nor their security people have access to the NCIC. What they are likely doing is preparing the passenger manifest for our CBSA who does have access to it. If you check the CBP website you will see that a passport is not required for a close loop cruise which is what you are taking. I know that some cruise lines have to have passport information but I would be inclined to loose mine, its none of their business under these circumstances. You will obviously need some type of government issued photo ID to board the ship but as an American citizen you do not have to have a passport to visit Alaska or visit Canada on a close loop cruise. Having said all that I suppose Celebrity could make their own rule...."no passport, no cruise".


Name is all that is need to do a preliminary search. Toss in a couple of datum collected for the cruise booking, like city/state of residence, and the authorities will have little trouble identifying someone.


Purposely acting in a manner intended to deceive or circumvent border protection is likely going to make the situation worse.

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I know this from experience. I went through this myself and that is exactly what happened to me. There was even someone there who was not allowed in Canada because they were behind on child support. A Canadian Border officer will escort you off the ship into somekind of a holding area which is located about 50 feet off the ship. They question you and you sign a paper and they escort you back on the ship. You swipe your room key to get back on ship and that is it. They even acknowledged to me that in USA it is a minor offence but in Canada it is a felony. My only last words to them was "I can't believe you wont let me off ship for even a cup of coffee but USA allows Just Beiber to live in USA". They just laughed and sd sorry and that was it. The night before you will get a sealed envelope at your door tucked in where your cabin number is. The letter just says that you have been randomly picked. USA shares all criminal records w Canada. It does not make a diff if you use a passport or drivers lic. They get a list of all passengers two weeks before cruise deports. Good luck and dont worry. Your not missing much at that port anyway. You will have the ship to yourself LOL. I even called the Canadian Border patrol for ships bringing cargo. I spent numerous hours and days investigating this. So, I did all the work for you. No need to check any further. I was paranoid until it was all over. Enjoy the cruise:)

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I have never seen or heard of this practice with Canadian declaration form before boarding a ship in the US. Even on aircraft it is passed out during the flight. The form you are describing is attached below and makes no mention of criminality.




I have done it on NCL coming from Las Angeles, with first Canadian port being Victoria and the final port as Vancouver. Forms were handed out at the terminal and needed to be returned when getting your key card. I suspect they were held by NCL until a few days later when the ship entered Canada.


On aircraft it is handed out at check-in for very small airports. On a flight between Rochester NY and Toronto they hand it our at the check-in counter. It is what ever the airline wants to do.

Edited by em-sk
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I know this from experience. I went through this myself and that is exactly what happened to me. There was even someone there who was not allowed in Canada because they were behind on child support. A Canadian Border officer will escort you off the ship into somekind of a holding area which is located about 50 feet off the ship. They question you and you sign a paper and they escort you back on the ship. You swipe your room key to get back on ship and that is it. They even acknowledged to me that in USA it is a minor offence but in Canada it is a felony. My only last words to them was "I can't believe you wont let me off ship for even a cup of coffee but USA allows Just Beiber to live in USA". They just laughed and sd sorry and that was it. The night before you will get a sealed envelope at your door tucked in where your cabin number is. The letter just says that you have been randomly picked. USA shares all criminal records w Canada. It does not make a diff if you use a passport or drivers lic. They get a list of all passengers two weeks before cruise deports. Good luck and dont worry. Your not missing much at that port anyway. You will have the ship to yourself LOL. I even called the Canadian Border patrol for ships bringing cargo. I spent numerous hours and days investigating this. So, I did all the work for you. No need to check any further. I was paranoid until it was all over. Enjoy the cruise:)


How long did you wait after you were taken off the ship?

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was the 1st sailing of season so they were not prepared and all were complaining. Waited about 2hrs before the interviewed me and escorted me back to ship. The ship is not allowed to let passengers off until the group they selected were interviewed. BTW, no chairs and we all stood 2hrs. Good luck

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I just got back last week from a round trip cruise to Alaska leaving out of Seattle. Because of the posts I had been reading on this website and the fact that I had a DUI 6 years ago, I cancelled my whale watching excursion with my family in Victoria. I didn't want to find out last minute that I wasn't allowed off the ship and lose out on the excursion expense, too.


So I kept checking my mailbox the day before and day of our arrival to Victoria, waiting for the letter telling me I needed to appear for special screening once in Canada. I received nothing.


The evening we arrived in Victoria, an announcement was made for about 5 people to show up for that special screening. All names sounded like people of Mexican decent. I opened my door to hear the message better from the hall and saw a security agent escorting a Spanish looking woman.


So no restrictions for me. I was able to get off and on the ship just showing my room card. Since my family had left to go whale watching, I just walked off and did a little shopping at the store right at the peer. Picked up some candy and other souveniers. Then headed back to a ship that was pretty empty and quiet.


Not sure if this will happen to all of you out there, but I felt that I needed to alert you to what happened to me. This may relieve some of the fears others may have. I was kind of mad that I had cancelled my excursions based on what others had written on this post. But overall I saved $125 as my family who went to see orcas on the excursion only got to see one humpback and then they took them to see sea lions, which we had already seen a lot of in Alaska.


Bottom line is it seemed that they were more interested in people that maybe weren't proper citizens. There may have been some with more recent DUIs that were summoned via a letter. But just letting everyone know that apparently 6 years was long enough to be overlooked.


Hope this helped someone.

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I just got back last week from a round trip cruise to Alaska leaving out of Seattle. Because of the posts I had been reading on this website and the fact that I had a DUI 6 years ago, I cancelled my whale watching excursion with my family in Victoria. I didn't want to find out last minute that I wasn't allowed off the ship and lose out on the excursion expense, too.


So I kept checking my mailbox the day before and day of our arrival to Victoria, waiting for the letter telling me I needed to appear for special screening once in Canada. I received nothing.


The evening we arrived in Victoria, an announcement was made for about 5 people to show up for that special screening. All names sounded like people of Mexican decent. I opened my door to hear the message better from the hall and saw a security agent escorting a Spanish looking woman.


So no restrictions for me. I was able to get off and on the ship just showing my room card. Since my family had left to go whale watching, I just walked off and did a little shopping at the store right at the peer. Picked up some candy and other souveniers. Then headed back to a ship that was pretty empty and quiet.


Not sure if this will happen to all of you out there, but I felt that I needed to alert you to what happened to me. This may relieve some of the fears others may have. I was kind of mad that I had cancelled my excursions based on what others had written on this post. But overall I saved $125 as my family who went to see orcas on the excursion only got to see one humpback and then they took them to see sea lions, which we had already seen a lot of in Alaska.


Bottom line is it seemed that they were more interested in people that maybe weren't proper citizens. There may have been some with more recent DUIs that were summoned via a letter. But just letting everyone know that apparently 6 years was long enough to be overlooked.


Hope this helped someone.


Was this announcement over the loud speakers? I wonder if it these passengers forgot to show up to the screening and they were searching for them. That would be embarrassing. Did you see them later on the trip?

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It was the 1st sailing of season so they were not prepared and all were complaining. Waited about 2hrs before the interviewed me and escorted me back to ship. The ship is not allowed to let passengers off until the group they selected were interviewed. BTW, no chairs and we all stood 2hrs. Good luck


I forgot to ask, are you banned from Canada? What did the sheet say?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Was this announcement over the loud speakers? I wonder if it these passengers forgot to show up to the screening and they were searching for them. That would be embarrassing. Did you see them later on the trip?


They only announced the names of those passengers that they were still waiting for in Passenger Services. I assumed people that needed to come down were given a letter previously instructing them where and when to come to. Those called, yes over the loud speaker heard in the hallways, were probably those that had not shown up. It was the last night of the cruise, so I really didn't look for the people I seen being escorted by the security people to see what eventually happened to them. Guess I was just relieved I wasn't one of them!

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  • 1 month later...



My reckless driving offense/DUI is 5 years old and I had no problem boarding the Celebrity Solstice in Seattle. Victoria was the last port of call and I opted to stay on the boat since my 8 year old was exhausted as was I. I filled out my Canadian customs form and was never approached or messaged about my record or about being allowed in Canada. Not a peep. My guess is it would have been up to Canadian border patrol once I exited ship. I chose to stay on the ship so my son could rest & to avoid any hassle to my entire family who was on the cruise with me.


I highly recommend Celebrity cruises!! It was amazing!! World class talent on the ship and everyone was nice & remembered your name. Wow!!


I hope this info is helpful. I found it annoying that people always forget to write back about their experiences at the border once the trip is taken.

Turns out it was a lot of stress for nothing or I just got incredibly lucky and my prayers were answered!

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