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norwegian = worst customer service department ever


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Not really that worked up. At this point I am just highlighting the business practices of a company. They are welcome to dispute my story any time. I would welcome it.


After reading this thread, I would be surprised if they respond. The reason being it would just allow you to escalate the same argument and would resolve nothing.


As I stated earlier, maybe they flagged your address as suspected spam.


NCL has thousands of customers to deal with daily and would be better served to deal with situations they can resolve.

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First...it is illogical (sorry Spock) to say that the company refuses to speak to a customer just after stating that you have, in fact, contacted and spoken with a company representative (the PCC).


That aside, I'm both surprised and confused. You state above that you previously mentioned that you contacted the PCC and got nowhere.


I only point that out since two days ago you said:







The continually shifting story is getting annoying. I talked with him, nobody will talk to me, he told me this, we never had a conversation...:rolleyes:



You need to address what the PCC said WITH the PCC. Don't waste your time talking with anyone else as they will simply have to put you off until they get confirmation from the PCC that you were actually told what you claim.


Cut to the chase...go to the source. Work up the chain from there. You can't expect a situation to resolve itself if you don't use the right methods.


Or don't. Then all you will get is a very high post count.




Unless the thread goes *poof*.


I just traded emails with my cruise consultant. Apparently he wasn't the one who booked the rooms. That was done through the inbound customer service department. The initial reservation was made online and then changed when I called into customer service. It wasn't handled by him.


He did give me the recommendation to fax a letter to the guest relations department. I guess we will try that as well.


But progress was made today. I received another way to contact ncl with my issue.

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I just traded emails with my cruise consultant. Apparently he wasn't the one who booked the rooms. That was done through the inbound customer service department. The initial reservation was made online and then changed when I called into customer service. It wasn't handled by him.


He did give me the recommendation to fax a letter to the guest relations department. I guess we will try that as well.


But progress was made today. I received another way to contact ncl with my issue.

And all that has taken you over a month to establish that. Wow !

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Not sure where you think this changing of story occurs. It is quite simple. I contacted our cruise consultant. He said he would forward to the proper people to take care of it. I just told him the problem and he said he would take care of it. He was going to forward to the proper people who handle. I waited awhile and never heard back. I sent him an email asking what was going on. He replied they haven't contacted you? I replied no and I am getting quite agitated. Then I never heard from him again. I sent two other emails to him after that and never heard back.


Does that help.


I understand that you are fixated on who picked the rooms. My point is that regardless of who picked the rooms someone from NCL should at least call me back. Yes I could spend several hours going from person to person at NCL and finally get this finalized. However at this point it isn't about the money it is about highlighting a very substandard customer service system. I have given up on getting any resolution with NCL. They have shown their true colors to me.


Let me clear up your misunderstanding. In one post you say: "A company that refuses to speak to a customer who is being very persistent with an issue is just completely wrong."...indicating that NCL isn't speaking with you.


Yet in the post above you say: "I contacted our cruise consultant."



You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either you spoke with someone from NCL or you did not...THAT is what I mean by the changing story.



And once again you aren't understanding what you are being told. I do not care who picked the rooms. Never said that. Ever. All I care about is whether or not the PCC told you the doors to the rooms were "directly across the hall from each other". Either he did or did not. It is a black and white issue, and NOBODY at NCL is going to do anything unless it can be shown that the PCC did, in fact, tell you this.


Now...you can get the person on the phone who gave you the false information and go from there, or you can continue to stew. Your choice.





That said, let me point something out. While I haven't ONLY cruised NCL, I have cruised with them on each and every ship in the fleet. Have my vacations always been perfect? NO...of course not. Yet many of the board haters will label me as a Cheerleader. Why would I be a Cheerleader when I've experienced problems? Simple: I know how and who to take my issues to for a proper resolution. As long as any issues are resolved in a good way, I'm a happy camper.


You will be too...you just have to start by addressing your complaint the proper way with the proper person.



Either that or stew.

Edited by SeaShark
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I have contacted them. I have contacted every method recommended by people. It is just fascinating.




I would love to post on here that someone has replied to me.




Remember the Facebook reply when they said they were on it. Still nothing.



Yes I remember that ...well contact them again and see what they have figured out and TELL THEM YOU STILL HAVE NOT BEEN CONTACTED! And if they don't get back to you, do it again!

Stop posting here and wear out every e-mail address you have.


Drive NCL crazy and forget CC, just let us know the outcome when it's over.

As another poster has stated you are now beating a dead horse. Put your energy elsewhere!




Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app

Edited by nana541
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I just traded emails with my cruise consultant. Apparently he wasn't the one who booked the rooms. That was done through the inbound customer service department. The initial reservation was made online and then changed when I called into customer service. It wasn't handled by him.


He did give me the recommendation to fax a letter to the guest relations department. I guess we will try that as well.


But progress was made today. I received another way to contact ncl with my issue.


WOW. :eek: Really?


Did you not know that you weren't speaking with your PCC when you said you did? Didn't your PCC tell you before this that he wasn't the one you spoke with? Isn't your PCC upset that someone else gave his customer false information??


Your PCC can get the name of the Inbound person from the records. You need to get that name, you need to get a PCC supervisor, and the three of you need to hash out what was/was not said.



It took YOU this long to find out that it wasn't even your PCC that you spoke with...no wonder NCL needs so much time to sort this out before contacting you. Hopefully, you will send a followup to all previous communications letting them know that the person who you said gave you the bad info was actually someone else.

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Remember the OP is a newbie to Cruising and that's kinda the core problem with this whole mess. He did not really understand how this whole cruise reservation thing worked and why he really needed a good TA to get him the best cabins at a good rate AND to deal with the cruise line!


Bet he has a much better idea now!



Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app

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Remember the OP is a newbie to Cruising and that's kinda the core problem with this whole mess. He did not really understand how this whole cruise reservation thing worked and why he really needed a good TA to get him the best cabins at a good rate AND to deal with the cruise line!


Bet he has a much better idea now!



Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app


I disagree. The core problem is that the OP's efforts are misdirected.


The whole issue here is whether or not the PCC said what the OP said they did. Without that, there is NO ISSUE.



The OP has addressed Cruise Critic members 125 times...and counting.


The OP has addressed the person who gave the wrong information 0 times.




Imagine where all this might be if those numbers were reversed.

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Not really that worked up. At this point I am just highlighting the business practices of a company. They are welcome to dispute my story any time. I would welcome it.
You say you're not really that worked up about it, and yet it appears that you are on this thread at all hours of the day, responding to everyone who doesn't agree with what you have done or said. I agree with an earlier poster, you should be concentrating your efforts and energy on connecting with NCL.


I think one of the fundamental issues is that everyone at NCL knows exactly why you wanted that room across the hall. You say you wanted it so you could have an extra bathroom, but you also said that you didn't want to be cramped. I don't think anyone at NCL is going to buy the story that you and one child intended to sleep in one room while your wife and the other child would be in the other room. You wanted some private time with your wife and you were apparently going to risk your children's safety for it.


But that's beside the point. I get it, after your 125+ posts, I get that someone told you one thing and it turned out to be another, and you just want some accountability. The problem I see with this is that you tried to cheat the system of not having two children in a room with no adult, and your efforts were foiled. Now you are blaming NCL for not enabling you to circumvent and cheat the system.


It's kind of like holding someone up at gunpoint and demanding their wallet. Then you go home and find out there is no money in the wallet. But you have the guy's driver's license. So you go to his home and yell at him for having no money in his wallet.


Two wrongs don't make a right. With apologies to those of you who haven't been subjected to countless viewings of Frozen... I would just say "Let it go".

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I disagree. The core problem is that the OP's efforts are misdirected.


The whole issue here is whether or not the PCC said what the OP said they did. Without that, there is NO ISSUE.



The OP has addressed Cruise Critic members 125 times...and counting.


The OP has addressed the person who gave the wrong information 0 times.





Imagine where all this might be if those numbers were reversed.


At this point it doesnt seem that the OP even knows the name of the person who booked his cruise.



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I am rather sure that all calls at the 800# and the Miami offices are recorded.


When I was twice displaced from the Black Pearl last year the person at the dedicated line for those who were cancelled was extremely rude to me and wouldn't allow me to reschedule or even offer anything towards booking a different cruise. He basically said that he didn't care if I ever cruised NCL again.


This was October of last year, there is a gigantic thread here somewhere where many of us were multiple times chartered for the same cruise...Anyway... I emailed NCL and also contacted them through social media with no reply...JANUARY of this year I received a call from a supervisor in customer relations in Miami. I think is name was Armando, or something similar. He said he was sent my social media message and had reviewed the conversation with the rep from the dedicated line and was extremely sorry for the way I was treated. He offered for me to rebook any of the Pearl cruises for December 2014 at the price of my original booking and would include the upgrades I was given on the second charter plus onboard credit. Since I have no desire to cruise the Pearl now and have already booked a cruise with X for around that time I declined the offer.


While I think that 3 months was a bit excessive they did get back to me. But I hope on one thinks they are going to get over on them by saying he said, she said, because I'm pretty sure they know exactly what was said.



If the OP tries to keep this topic active until they call this may be the longest thread on Cruise Critic.:rolleyes:

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Funny how some of the ones who are saying to just let it go and stop posting keep posting comments themselves. Kind of hypocritical I'd say. Why blame the OP for responding to what others are saying?

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I just traded emails with my cruise consultant. Apparently he wasn't the one who booked the rooms. That was done through the inbound customer service department. The initial reservation was made online and then changed when I called into customer service. It wasn't handled by him.


He did give me the recommendation to fax a letter to the guest relations department. I guess we will try that as well.


But progress was made today. I received another way to contact ncl with my issue.


May 6th you said you talked to Guest relations live ???

Did you follow through ?


I did. Three times. I am in my office so I was able to work while waiting but each time I was on hold 90 minutes, 60 minutes, and 45 minutes. The last time I finally got a live voice who directed me to a spot on the website to post my problem in writing. That was on Thursday. I still haven't received a reply. I posted again on the "contact guest relations survey" this morning.


Believe me, at this point I would prefer nothing more than to come on here and tell everyone that my issue has been resolved.

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Nolemini started a thread as a review about getaway yesterday, may13.


The#4 or 5 post is verified from NCL.


I wonder why that is?


I cannot cut and paste on this



Just found it interestin' that they were paying close attention.



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I just traded emails with my cruise consultant. Apparently he wasn't the one who booked the rooms. That was done through the inbound customer service department. The initial reservation was made online and then changed when I called into customer service. It wasn't handled by him.


He did give me the recommendation to fax a letter to the guest relations department. I guess we will try that as well.


But progress was made today. I received another way to contact ncl with my issue.


Hopefully you apologized to your PCC being since your first post till now you blamed him for giving you this wrong information. Hopefully your fax works out just make sure you keep following up since he gave you this new contact information.

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Nolemini started a thread as a review about getaway yesterday, may13.


The#4 or 5 post is verified from NCL.


I wonder why that is?


I cannot cut and paste on this



Just found it interestin' that they were paying close attention.








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I disagree. The core problem is that the OP's efforts are misdirected.


The whole issue here is whether or not the PCC said what the OP said they did. Without that, there is NO ISSUE.



The OP has addressed Cruise Critic members 125 times...and counting.


The OP has addressed the person who gave the wrong information 0 times.




Imagine where all this might be if those numbers were reversed.


I think you misunderstand Nana's point which is my main concern. It shouldn't take that long for them to contact me. I talked to two different cruise consultants, talked with one customer service person who told me I needed to post something on their customer service page, did that twice, contacted the executive resolutions desk, sent an email to their social media email address and it still took over a month to get a reply from someone with the authority to do something.


Now the good news I guess.


I finally received an email last night from NCL acknowledging the problem. They have made an offer. I am still amazed that a phone call was never made but I will take what I can get. As a business owner I guess I am just amazed at how they run that part of their business. Anyways, thank you to Norweigian for finally contacting me.

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You say you're not really that worked up about it, and yet it appears that you are on this thread at all hours of the day, responding to everyone who doesn't agree with what you have done or said. I agree with an earlier poster, you should be concentrating your efforts and energy on connecting with NCL.


I think one of the fundamental issues is that everyone at NCL knows exactly why you wanted that room across the hall. You say you wanted it so you could have an extra bathroom, but you also said that you didn't want to be cramped. I don't think anyone at NCL is going to buy the story that you and one child intended to sleep in one room while your wife and the other child would be in the other room. You wanted some private time with your wife and you were apparently going to risk your children's safety for it.


But that's beside the point. I get it, after your 125+ posts, I get that someone told you one thing and it turned out to be another, and you just want some accountability. The problem I see with this is that you tried to cheat the system of not having two children in a room with no adult, and your efforts were foiled. Now you are blaming NCL for not enabling you to circumvent and cheat the system.


It's kind of like holding someone up at gunpoint and demanding their wallet. Then you go home and find out there is no money in the wallet. But you have the guy's driver's license. So you go to his home and yell at him for having no money in his wallet.


Two wrongs don't make a right. With apologies to those of you who haven't been subjected to countless viewings of Frozen... I would just say "Let it go".


NCL was told what we wanted to do. This is what they told us to do.

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I think you misunderstand Nana's point which is my main concern. It shouldn't take that long for them to contact me. I talked to two different cruise consultants, talked with one customer service person who told me I needed to post something on their customer service page, did that twice, contacted the executive resolutions desk, sent an email to their social media email address and it still took over a month to get a reply from someone with the authority to do something.


Now the good news I guess.


I finally received an email last night from NCL acknowledging the problem. They have made an offer. I am still amazed that a phone call was never made but I will take what I can get. As a business owner I guess I am just amazed at how they run that part of their business. Anyways, thank you to Norweigian for finally contacting me.




According to your own post you had contact with FIVE NCL employees on this...and that doesn't include those onboard the ship.


It isn't like nobody at NCL was involved.


You would have gotten a lot further a lot faster if you would have been flexible enough to address this to the proper people through the proper channels.

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