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A Getaway Review: A week in Paradise (with photos) [April 26-May 3]


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We took a one hour break at Orient Beach, an au neutrale beach, before heading back to our meeting point. We couldn’t really take pictures (for obvious reasons), but it was a great beach. The weather and water were perfect and the sand was not too rough. Yes, there was lots of nudity, but if you’re mature enough to handle it - it never took away from our experience of the beach. I don’t know how anyone could be unhappy here, it’s like paradise. The whole island is beautiful.


I had read mixed things about Orient. Some had gone searching for nude "babes" but had only seen maybe one topless women in an hour and others had gone to relax and seen no nudity or a little. When we went, nearly everyone was nude or partially nude. Again, it was never a bother or concern, but I thought you, the reader, should be aware, because it wasn't what I was expecting from what I had previously read.



The only picture I took at Orient Beach. That line of rocks coming from the beach signifies the start of the nude beach. It was broken into sides: family friendly, and the nude beach.


After our hour at Orient beach, we headed back to were we began, and Chris and I rode a taxi to Maho beach to watch the planes land before heading back to the ship for the day.







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We missed the big KLM plane that landed around 11:30pm, but there wasn't exactly a shortage of landings and take offs. There was one about every 3-5 minutes.










After a long, hot day exploring the island, Chris and I decided to return to the dock after about 15-20 minutes at Maho. We shared a cab ($8pp) back to the docks with two gentlemen from the Independence of the Seas. One asked about the "construction" on the top deck - referring to the ropes course.


We did notice that where ever we docked, there was a lot of ship envy. No one on the Getaway spent a lot of time looking over into the other ship, other than general curiosity, but the passengers of the other ships lined up along the decks to look and take pictures of the Getaway. It made me rather proud and grateful to be able to take such a nice vacation.


We made it back to the ship just after 1pm. All aboard wasn’t until 5:30pm, but we felt like we had accomplished everything we set out to do. It’s likely we will be back to St. Maarten, and we were tired. We went to Garden Cafe again to grab lunch, and then it was to the room to shower and get the sand off.




Next, we went up to the upper decks to watch last minute passengers scramble to catch the ship in time. I think we ended up leaving 2-3 people behind. Why on Earth would anyone chance missing their ship?



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**Side note** Sorry for broken up posts - have I mentioned how annoying the 6 photos per post limit is?




Then we watched the sail away, waved farewell to our comrades on the Royal Caribbean's Independence of the Seas, and went to a lower deck to watch the sunset (finally caught it).






Then it was on to Savor to grab a quick (only it was busy, and not at all “quick”) dinner. I had a zucchini something, and Chris ordered the Waygu beef patty as a starter (which he really liked) and reordered the striplion steak he had the night before. He’s really enjoyed the beef on this trip (more on this later).






We went up to the room after that. Caught Gatsby on TV (neither of us had watched it yet) and then made it outside just in time to catch the Fireworks show before bed. You can’t take good pictures of fireworks really (at least I can’t), but here’s my attempt:




It was a good show. Not 4th of July-worthy, but worth catching. Lasted about 3-4 minutes in total, and it sounded like they were having a blast at the Spice H20 party! You can see them from anywhere on the port side of the ship. We were all the way on deck 6 with the life boats and caught them just fine.

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We booked a private excursion through Island Marketing - an ATV tour of the island. We had some difficulty finding out where we were supposed to meet, and with no way to call, we started to panic. We finally found the meeting point, and our director, Junior (a very friendly and veryyy laid back fellow), took us to the four wheelers, and we were on our way!



Loving your review! And your picture is too cute :) (beside the ATV)


Did you enjoy the ATV excursion? I was thinking about booking it myself but I have only found bad reviews on it.


Thank you!!

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Can I ask what kind of camera you're using? Those are some great shots!!!


We loved St Maarten. Orient Beach is paradise.


No worries on the vegetarian thing...I was just curious since they asked this time around. My daughter can always find something so if they do, great, but if not, that will be just fine.

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Loving your review! And your picture is too cute :) (beside the ATV)


Did you enjoy the ATV excursion? I was thinking about booking it myself but I have only found bad reviews on it.


Thank you!!


It was a blast! The wording is a little misleading - you don't actually ride through the mountains or on the beach - it's all on the road, but he stopped for picture taking and at the beach, and the paths he took left us breathless at the wonderful views at times.


The private one is also nearly half the price as the same exact tour through the ship, and you each get your own fourwheeler (ATV), whereas NCL will have you doubling up for the price you would pay for a single rider through the private excursion.

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Can I ask what kind of camera you're using? Those are some great shots!!!


We have a DSLR, but didn't pack it. We took all our photos using the camera on our phones. Samsung Galaxy S5!

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It was a blast!


The private one is also nearly half the price as the same exact tour through the ship, and you each get your own fourwheeler (ATV), whereas NCL will have you doubling up for the price you would pay for a single rider through the private excursion.


Thanks for the info and the tip! Already looking into it :D

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014 - St. Thomas


My favorite day of the cruise.


Up early again to disembark, but it’s the last time until we arrive in Florida. I woke up around 6:50a this morning, and we were pulling into dock, so we arrived a little earlier than planned. Once again, Chris and I got ready and headed to the buffet for breakfast. The waffles were very good and I also had eggs Benedict. The salad section also had cucumber with cream cheese - delicious! The largest breakfast I’ve had in a long time, but it was very good and I must have been hungry.





Docked Port side view





Driving on the left side of the road

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? Were you both playing against someone else?


Nope. One player (paid) and they gave us 10 frames like regular bowling. I would play frame one, then Chris would play frame 2, then me 3, and so on. We weren't playing competitively or anything, just getting a feel for the game. It's much harder (I think) than regular bowling! I consider myself a fair bowler, but I got a gutter ball nearly every time on these.

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We only had a short amount of time on St. Thomas - 8a-4p, so we went to Coral World to do the Sea Trekkin’ Helmet Dive. You get into the water, and they place a 70lb helmet on you attached to an air tube. Only feels like 15lbs in water, and a guide takes you around and points out the natural life and coral. Was lots of fun, and I would definitely recommend it. Warning: not for the claustrophobic. The helmet wasn’t so much making me feel trapped, but the lower pressure and less air than we are used to (even though the guide was sure to point out that we are being pumped 3x more air than needed to breathe), made me feel a little panicked, and I’m not claustrophobic. Just remember to breathe normally and you will be fine.







The Underwater Observatory



Chris on the phone with Verizon to see if it was safe to make calls and use data. All I heard was "Technically, the US bought the Virgin Islands in 1971, so it is the USA," a fact he had just learned from the taxi ride over. I don't think he won that battle - we decided not to use our phones. For the record, Sprint however (and most likely AT&T) can be used on the island with no issues. If you want to use your phones and don't have an international plan, call them before you go to St. Thomas to be sure so you aren't charged a ridiculous amount.



There were iguana everywhere, and they blended well. Almost stepped on a few. They mostly hung out around Coral World's Food Court.



The group before us getting into the water

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Nope. One player (paid) and they gave us 10 frames like regular bowling. I would play frame one, then Chris would play frame 2, then me 3, and so on. We weren't playing competitively or anything, just getting a feel for the game. It's much harder (I think) than regular bowling! I consider myself a fair bowler, but I got a gutter ball nearly every time on these.

Oh, well then we may try this, just to say we did the bowling, lol.

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After, we purchased the picture package. A diver was in the water with us taking pictures and video with his go pro camera, and they were uploaded on to a flash drive for those who purchased the package. These are some of those photos (totally worth the $30):














They also took several great videos that was included on the flash drive at no extra cost. Truly, a great deal.

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Yeah .... I have a wheat allergy, and as soon as they scanned my card, no matter where we were, they knew about it. That's strange.

I would think they would be way more concerned about a food allergy, which could potentially be life-threatening, then they would about offering variety to vegetarians...

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Our shuttle back to the ship left at 12:30pm, so with our remaining time we walked to Coki Beach to play in the crystal clear water. It’s a lot like swimming in a pool, really - it was that clear, just a lot of salt. I also learned how to float for the first time in my life!



The only picture we managed to take at Coki beach, featuring Chris's finger.


We returned to the ship at 12:30p, and Chris played around with the local WiFi for a bit. And I almost bought a diamond. Things happen, let’s move on.



Taxi ride back to port



Chris said to take a picture because no one in our circle of friends would believe that gas was more expensive than Chicago's $4.03 a gallon.


We were already in our wet bathing suits, so we dropped our stuff off in the cabin and went to the water slides on the ship again since most were still on the Island. There was absolutely no line, and we did the drop slides again.



I didn't purchase the second picture of me dropping - but here is Chris from that day.


I tried the other slides, but they aren’t as fast and aren’t nearly as fun. The dead drop slides, in my opinion, are the only ones worth trying. We hung out in the pool for a few minutes while it was less crowded, then grabbed lunch at the Flamingo grill and headed to the stateroom to watch us sail out from our balcony.


I showered, and then Chris and I wagered on how many people would be called or would miss the ship today. Then we sat out on the balcony and watched.



The line to return to ship was dwindling, still seven names were called to return to the ship - more than either of us guessed.



Enjoying the little bit of free port WiFi he managed to pick up

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Sailing away (Carnival Conquest is docked behind us)



Everyone in the bridge is being extra cautious moving around the Carnival ship








We had a 6:15pm reservation for a specialty restaurant, so while Chris showered, I used my free time up on the ropes course. I was harnessed up and went straight for the plank to have a second picture taken. The wind gust was worse than I remembered, so I took it real slowly. I don’t know how some people do it - go up there so effortlessly and pull that rope. I inched along slow and steady and very clumsily pulled the rope for the picture. …. and immediately after, a preteen boy practically ran up to the rope, dangled a foot over the edge, and then took a picture, looking very smug. I said “you make it look so easy, dude.” He smiled and looked down to his parents below.


I made my way to the zipline, feeling accomplished yet still shaky. The attendant at the zip lined asked “first time?” to which I replied, “no.” He asked why I was still so scared, and I said I don’t know - it’s just scary. He told me to go back and he would watch me, that I needed to face and conquer my fear. So I did. I proudly trotted up to that zipline with lots of gusto and determination. I still shakily inched along the edge, but with more confidence and much faster. I looked over at the zipline, and my new friend was cheering and clapping for me.


He asked where I was from and about what I was going to school for, we chatted a bit and it was time to zip down. He told me to come back before the cruise ended, and I plan to. The attendant who caught me from the zipline told me I was very beautiful, so I was feeling very flattered, confident, and accomplished by the time I returned to the room to change shoes for dinner.



Comparing the two pictures, I had not actually gone a bit farther than the first or second time around, but it felt like I was on the edge. I was feeling so proud and accomplished.

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Today, we tried our first specialty restaurant, Moderno - a Brazilian steakhouse. Of course, I don’t eat meat, but they have a nice salad bar, and I’ve wanted Chris to have the opportunity to try a Brazilian steakhouse for a long time. We have one close to the house, but they don’t offer any veggie options, and Chris won’t go for that reason. Even though I am vegetarian, it doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate or be fascinated by the premise of a Brazilian steakhouse. I think it’s a brilliant idea. And since I didn’t partake in the long meat selection, the manager offered to half the cover charge for me, so we didn’t pay full price at $20pp.


I knew Chris would enjoy it - but I didn’t think he would enjoy it THIS much. We were both in high spirits and having a great time. The salad bar is great, and was fine to have alone as they have just short of 30 different “salads” but includes other things as well like potatoes, bread, and cheese. They also brought out a large plate of sides for the table and cheese rolls.


They give each person a card with two sides, red and green. When you are ready for more meat, people with large skewers of different meat selections come to the table to offer you whatever it is they are serving. The picanah was (we were told) their finest cut, and Chris also enjoyed the filet mignon, prime rib, pork ribs, lamb chops, chicken, sirloin, and more. I believe Chris would probably rank it as his favorite meal thus far.



Notice green and red sides


Chris even had a "strategy." He wasn't going to fall into the "trap" of the extensive salad bar, the huge side portions, or even the yummy cheese rolls. He wasn't even going to eat the scrumptious looking chicken. He was on to Moderno, he knew these were just some of the ways they tried to fill you up before you got your hands on too much "high-quality meat." He passed on all of these things, just to have double and triple portions of filet mignon and picanah. It was quite hilarious to watch him unfold his master plan. :)



Staking out his options



First pick - Filet mignon and Garlic Sirloin



Will you just look at the size of those four sides (silver lidded bowls)?



When he was done, he asked for a picture of his "meat graveyard." Makes my stomach turn a little.

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After dinner, we looked at our photos in the gallery and bought some perfume and half off jewelry, and made our way to the cabin. We went to bed early this night because we had such a fun-filled day of so many great activities, and still have two days on the ship to do all the things we hadn’t yet done. We were in the room and in pajamas relaxing by 8pm.




We brought magnets to hang the dailies on the wall for the next day to plan ahead.





Tonight's towel animal. He tore apart my dog to make a cute little elephant.

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Love reading the review and looking at all the pictures. We leave this Saturday the 10th on the Getaway. Can't wait. If you had to choose between the Vibe and the Spa pass which one would you pick? We are thinking of doing just one for the week and still on the fence about it. thank you

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Love reading the review and looking at all the pictures. We leave this Saturday the 10th on the Getaway. Can't wait. If you had to choose between the Vibe and the Spa pass which one would you pick? We are thinking of doing just one for the week and still on the fence about it. thank you


Vibe over Spa - I'll get to that tonight in my review as to why!


Hope you have a wonderful vacation!

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