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QM2 not up to the standards presented


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I hav learnt over the years to read these boards over the years and now I do it with great humour:).


I think people should be allowed to post there thought on ships, the food , the buffet, cabins etc, its there cruise, its the ship they wanted to try, its there thoughts, sadly though whenever I look I can the the same old same poeple rushing like children to defend the ship and company, the same old same like children stand up and fight to heilt, in the past this would have caused upset of the highest level something like play ground sulking, so its best in many ways never to run down the Cunard ship or criticise anything then even if it was true.


some of the same old have been on many voyages, we must say voyages and not cruises, some think they have been on a few more than they really have and become the expert on the ships, some can even tell you name of all the rivits in the building, but often the end results is a an almost rude sarcastic snobbery in the answers.


I have sailed on quite a few ships, many cunard, and I like them very much, i like the formality of cunard, there are other ships out and trust be they offer better cabins, better beds, better room service and better food, sadly these other ships glitter in brass and neon and upset the real cunarder, well not all because many of us who take several cruises a year book to go with them.


I have seen many changed since I started with cunard, food is not as good, service is not a good and can vary a lot with some cruises, I have sailed on MSC and RCL and there service beats cunard a lot and im happy to rebook with them again,


so why not allow people to have never cruised, cruised with other line to come and say what they think with the back lash, the words often appear, were you on the same cruise as me, well yes, they were on it, they saw something they didnt like, it maybe wrong in your eyes or just theres, but accept that some people just dont like cunard, some dont like p&p, NCL or RCL.


There was a time when some of the same old same old left and this board was amazing, there return has often brouhght back the bitter back lashing again, thank good not as they were.

lets all enjoy the ships, the ship we are going on or just back from.:)


Now, many wont agree, but I hope some of the new comers to cunard will ,or lord help me its my turn for the lash,


Pot, kettle, black.


Fair points all the same, but I think part of the problem is that most often those who come to criticise make really ridiculous arguments, or are so unreasonable, or lack any substantive evidence.


If someone is going to absolutely condemn the ship like the OP has then I personally expect more detail and reasons than given.


Too often the negative reviews on here read like the 'terrible' complaints against hotels on a very popular travel review website. I don't take much stock in them, but I will counter what I see to be unfair criticism or inaccurate statements.


QM2 isn't perfect (I don't think perfection exists anyway) and there are things I criticise about it. But to condemn it in the way the OP has done is purely ludicrous. If you can't find one tiny positive even in the worst situation then I think that says a lot more about the person than the subject of criticism.


Now, back to writing my QM2 Grills report (there are criticism amidst the positives) and my QE trip report.

Edited by Austcruiser84
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Pot, kettle, black.


Fair points all the same, but I think part of the problem is that most often those who come to criticise make really ridiculous arguments, or are so unreasonable, or lack any substantive evidence.


If someone is going to absolutely condemn the ship like the OP has then I personally expect more detail and reasons than given.


Too often the negative reviews on here read like the 'terrible' complaints against hotels on a very popular travel review website. I don't take much stock in them, but I will counter what I see to be unfair criticism or inaccurate statements.


QM2 isn't perfect (I don't think perfection exists anyway) and there are things I criticise about it. But to condemn it in the way the OP has done is purely ludicrous. If you can't find one tiny positive even in the worst situation then I think that says a lot more about the person than the subject of criticism.


Now, back to writing my QM2 Grills report (there are criticism amidst the positives) and my QE trip report.


I agree, they should make a statement and then back it up fully, but then other posters should reply in a nice way, many do, dont get me wrong, but some just lash out



For me I can find many positives, for others who may be used a different style of ship then maybe bot, although something surly most be good

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some think they have been on a few more than they really have
We agree with you. Good for saying this. Some think they know everything. Have all answers. We look at long lists of previous cruises that some put in signature and wonder if they are imaginary cruises. Maybe ones on wish list. Who would know the truth. Thank you for writing this. We agree with you.


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.... We look at long lists of previous cruises that some put in signature and wonder if they are imaginary cruises....



.....the long list of signature block past/present/future ships is one's cruising identity and credentials, me-thinks. Dunno?


Many take their time-aboard-a-boat prowess much to serious.


Like someone said, it's supposed to be fun!


(side-topic)... Curious if anyone would like to work aboard the QM2? What specific job? Why would you enjoy that job? For how long? Would any of you receive satisfaction seeing the public having fun because of the shipboard work you provide? Lastly, how would you mentally deal with the 2% of the not-so-nice (outright nasty) individual cruisers aboard?

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We agree with you. Good for saying this. Some think they know everything. Have all answers. We look at long lists of previous cruises that some put in signature and wonder if they are imaginary cruises. Maybe ones on wish list. Who would know the truth. Thank you for writing this. We agree with you.



I am a mere minnow in the Cunard cruise stakes [platinum] but having been to many of the World club events and listened to the chat and clapped the cruisers with the most days under their belt, I would imagine most of these [long] lists are a fair representation of the members' cruises.


I don't see the point of listing my cruises, Cunard or any other line as I think it gets a bit tedious scrolling down long lists, but if members are proud of their history, fine by me. Maybe some think it gives gravitas to their posts, but I reckon [my] comments should have credibility without having to display the provenance.


Each to their own and in short, yes I believe the lists. I have no reason not to.

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I don't see the point of listing my cruises, Cunard or any other line as I think it gets a bit tedious scrolling down long lists, but if members are proud of their history, fine by me. Maybe some think it gives gravitas to their posts, but I reckon [my] comments should have credibility without having to display the provenance.
Well said. Quite right. Is gravitas code for showing off.
Each to their own and in short, yes I believe the lists. I have no reason not to.
some think they have been on a few more than they really have
Which says some do not believe long long lists. I do not believe all. Thanks for well written post.


Edited by sfb
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Ultimately, this is an internet forum. People will post the truth, people will post total tosh, and some people will post something somewhere in the middle…


A lot of people hide behind a keyboard and some of the comments they feel comfortable putting on a forum, they would never verbalise… So, I tend to take everything with a pinch of salt, and make up my own mind when it comes to experiences. Everyone goes into a situation expecting different things, irrespective of what has been portrayed in glossy brochures and on websites, with some people being able to see through some things more easily than others. I set a mid-range expectation and am usually pleased to very pleased with the outcome, and I don't expect perfection, and am seldom let down by anything.


Each to their own, and own to their each.




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Hi Salacia, What I Like about KC is that you can help yourself to what ever you want. I love the choice at breakfast. I often go in there when they start serving afternoon tea just for a hot scone and a cup of tea.


My favourite seating is the area overlooking the deck, however I think a lot of people like them also. So they are not always available.




Hi Catherine - oh yes, that's my favourite seating too - in one of the little alcoves overlooking the deck - especially when it's raining or we're in deep fog. Port days or late at night (around midnight or so), seating is available there.:) Cheers, -S.

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For people who don't like seeing other people's signatures, do this:


Click on User CP at the top left of your screen


In the left-hand column click on Edit Options. Then scroll down until you see Thread Display Options. Then untick Show Signatures.


Scroll right down to the bottom and click on Save Changes.

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... I tend to take everything with a pinch of salt, and make up my own mind when it comes to experiences. Everyone goes into a situation expecting different things, irrespective of what has been portrayed in glossy brochures and on websites, with some people being able to see through some things more easily than others. I set a mid-range expectation and am usually pleased to very pleased with the outcome, and I don't expect perfection, and am seldom let down by anything.
Thank you T5LHR,


What a great post :) , thank you so much, a pleasure to read. The voice of reason and common sense.


With all best wishes, and many happy sailings for the future :) .

Edited by pepperrn
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We agree with you. Good for saying this. Some think they know everything. Have all answers. We look at long lists of previous cruises that some put in signature and wonder if they are imaginary cruises. Maybe ones on wish list. Who would know the truth. Thank you for writing this. We agree with you.



Well said. Quite right. Is gravitas code for showing off.ButWhich says some do not believe long long lists. I do not believe all. Thanks for well written post.



And yet Rob himself (the person you were replying to) has a very long list of past and present cruises. So how do you decide who to and who not to believe?

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Thank you T5LHR,


What a great post :) , thank you so much, a pleasure to read. The voice of reason and common sense.


With all best wishes, and many happy sailings for the future :) .


I just think it is the easiest way to approach life… Don't set yourself up to fall or be disappointed. Not that I am a sceptic, just a realist.

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We agree with you. Good for saying this. Some think they know everything. Have all answers. We look at long lists of previous cruises that some put in signature and wonder if they are imaginary cruises. Maybe ones on wish list. Who would know the truth. Thank you for writing this. We agree with you.




Thank you, my list is long and we have been on them all and more to come, all be well more Cunard QM2, sadly Cunard dont always sail where we want to go for now, others do:), we lucky to be in a position to take a lot of cruises and from this even more

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Now that I know how to hide signatures from view (thanks for the tip!), I'll have no idea who's been on what cruise or how many. It will certainly make scrolling through posts a lot quicker, which is the main reason I did it. I don't have a signature, and because I'm such a newbie (all of one "cruise" to date, transatlantic) I try to indicate in my postings that I don't know much. That way, readers can draw their own conclusions. Now that I think about it, if I did have a signature showing just my one trip, it could communicate the same thing! Hmmm.



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Thank you T5LHR,


What a great post :) , thank you so much, a pleasure to read. The voice of reason and common sense.


With all best wishes, and many happy sailings for the future :) .


The voice of common sense doesn't make a cruise critic

We need the good and the bad , non fiction , to improve

The services

We don't need a "dreamy novel " here

It's all about the QM2!

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The voice of common sense doesn't make a cruise critic

We need the good and the bad , non fiction , to improve

The services

We don't need a "dreamy novel " here

It's all about the QM2!



Well said, we do need the good and the bad, you have people who


Make up a story to get a reaction


had a wonderful time on the ship


who had a bad time for what ever reason


The sad part is a lot on here just wade in and in a word "Defend" the ship as if the whip was the be all and end off all of all that matters, when what should happen is conversation that way cunard and anyone who wants to sail on cunard ship can learn, changes could be made, in stead there are comments like, were we both on the same ship, yes you were on the same ship BUT one person didnt see it the same way,


I have to say it is so much better than it used to be when peopled were flayed alive on the forum, it has to worth a look back if just for fun.


so, we dont need a novel, we dont comon sense what we need is the good and bad, accept both and discuss it in a good way, that my inout, these days I just watch the forum :cool:

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Hi Nclbella,


I'm very interest to find out how you felt about dress-standard/codes/comfort etc after your July 4th voyage. Did your husband feel comfortable in his nice shorts, late in the evening or did he feel the need to change at 11 pm before having a late evening drink? Were there folks returning from shore-leave who stayed in shore-clothing or did people, in general, feel the need to change into Cunard clothing ; ) after the day in Boston? Or, did the weather decide the matter for your husband? Was it raining by that time?


Best to you, Jimmybean


Thank you, Jimmybean,


Actually, observing the advice we received, we dressed to the nines. It was fun! Hubby dresses in suits all the time, dress shirts with cuff links. Sometimes he has a hard time on vacation but he had no problem once he realized.


The thing is, most people dressed down at night. Our first night in TE at dinner someone had a short sleeve button down shirt and jeans. I chalked it up to maybe he didn't get his luggage in time?


We did brave the rain in Boston, it wasn't bad, we still dressed the way that was appropriate, and I did not notice anyone else's dress.


We spent 2 nights at Churchills and noticed that most were not dressed as the dress code specified. In fact, some said the go to dinner and then change. No one turned them away.....

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Nclbella, my comment about how a meal is served has nothing to do with any ship. It's called sarcasm, and it's often used to point out how ridiculous what someone has said is (i.e. in this instance that their meal was carried from the kitchen to the table as if that was not good enough. So how else was it supposed to get there then ?). Have you every watched Fawlty Towers ? There's a scene where a lady complains about the view from her bedroom window, and how she thinks it's not good enough. Basil (John Cleese) asks her what she expects to see from a seaside hotel window, and then suggests some outrageous things she might like to see instead.


The problem is, it's a very British form of humour which I don't think is widley understood in the US.


Yes, I do understand sarcasm, however I do not know about British comedy shows. Thank you for your description :)

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I wonder if US people realize that "waiter" in Europe is a serious profession with a thourough and systematic training including the preparation of meals. A "waiter" in Western Europe does not like to be seen on the same level as someone who was employed from the road to put plates with steak and fries and ketchup in front of some people and remove towers of dirty dishes afterwards on a huge tray. A waiter will never carry more than 3 plates and will not use a tray close to a table.

A waiter will prepare a rack of lamb completely at the table.

A waiter will not push the guest to vacate a table when the meal seems to be finished.


It's a 3 years training, another 2-4 years as Commis de Service (assistant waiter), many ears as Chef de Service ("chef" is not a cook, it is a position in the hierarchy of a professional system) and the become head waiter or even sometimes Maitre d'Hotel. A kitchen knows exactly the same steps for "Cooks".


This system is operated on Cunard ships in the serviced restaurants, but not in the pubs, coffee shops and self service places.


Unfortunately in the US this is totally simplifyed to dishwasher-> waiter-> chef-> famous because expensive celebrity restaurant owner.


Cunard has the constant task to balance between these totatally different expectations.


The results of this can be read here daily.


Why is this unfortunate?

Waiters here are proud as well. Actually, we don't call them waiters, we call them servers.


They have gone through extensive training. I always say Thank You. Their response? My Pleasure.......

I always treat anyone in the hospitality industry with dignity and respect. They deserve it,in fact I cannot remember having bad service on any cruise I have been on.

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When having lunch in TE on QM2 I always find the excessive amounts of cellulite on display particularly attractive, this is only superseded by those who approach and stand close to the "obscured" windows outside the restaurant and proceed to adjust various bits and pieces of their bodies, confident that they are obscured from others on the deck. It quite put me off my tripe and onions and bratwurst on more than one occasion.


On this, I agree.


Bad location.

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I was on the Queen Elizabeth in December of last year, and was impressed with both the food and service in the Britannia Restaurant.


Subsequently, two negative Member Reviews were published which made me wonder if I had been on the same cruise, and eating in the same restaurant.


An individual's views have to be respected, but not necessarily followed in reaching a decision on a course of action.


I have recently returned from the MS Europa 2, which I thought was superb, and yet a Couple I met on board said they would never return to the ship as they considered Crystal to be far superior.


Thank you for posting this, to each his own. I was simply offering my opinions on my voyage.


Your post shows how people can agree to disagree :cool:

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I have often noticed this puzzling issue :confused: .


I sometimes wonder if there are two Cunard liners called Queen Mary 2 and I've always been allocated the good one :) .


Or is it that some people only truly enjoy themselves, or know they are still alive, if they can make a huge fuss on board and then have a good old moan about the trip after it is over, "and another thing"...


If everything is perfect, they invent an issue or three, just to make the cruise complete. Then they know they're having a good time.


Some people are never happier than when they are complaining. You could give them $1,000,000 in $50 bills and they'd moan because they'd have preferred it in $20s "and then we had all these $50 bills to use up"...


Hmmmmm,..... Something to think about but what you describe is not me. Not that you were targeting me, per say....

If I am taking a vacation to be with my husband without my 2 daughters, it better be great. Because my time with him alone is precious.

We love cruising. I guess we should have thought of the QM 2 as more of an ocean liner. Lesson learned.

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I've met a few of those on Cunard down the years - they are PONTIs and can be safely ignored.




We love talking to the staff.....Among other topics we love to ask them the best places to eat in port, non touristy places. All are happy to oblige!

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