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No more balcony smoking on Carnival

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[quote name='KateQ22003']Actually I don't, because I live in a rural area. No smokestacks around here either. I paid for my balcony too; your right to smoke on yours doesn't trump my right to breathe on mine.[/QUOTE]

This is why there will never be compromise.

No matter which side of the subject you're on, someone will refuse to listen or even consider that there might even be a compromise.

This is also why the conversation gets so heated. From both sides.
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[quote name='BaseballMomof4']Has a smoker ever leaned around the partition and blown smoke in your face? I sure wouldn't! :eek:[/QUOTE]

Thats so funny , you know why ????

We were out sitting on the balcony one cruise . ( My wife smoked 2-3 cigs a day). A woman in the stateroom next to us swings Her head way around the divider on the balcony and goes fricken Balistic ( not a peak , shoulders and all ).. Swearing , Oh my God Oh my God , you better not be out here all the time Yada yada yada... I was stunned
and I don't stun easily .. Did she knock on the door and discuss it Nooo.
At that point I had no other choice ... I calmly told her the next time I see her head coming around that partition theres a good chance she'd be going for swim..
Of course her poor husband continued to apologize every time we passed in the hall..
So ya it does happen :D
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[quote name='mpk218']Thats so funny , you know why ????

We were out sitting on the balcony one cruise . ( My wife smoked 2-3 cigs a day). A woman in the stateroom next to us swings Her head way around the divider on the balcony and goes fricken Balistic ( not a peak , shoulders and all ).. Swearing , Oh my God Oh my God , you better not be out here all the time Yada yada yada... I was stunned
and I don't stun easily .. Did she knock on the door and discuss it Nooo.
At that point I had no other choice ... I calmly told her the next time I see her head coming around that partition theres a good chance she'd be going for swim..
Of course her poor husband continued to apologize every time we passed in the hall..
So ya it does happen :D[/QUOTE]

People are crazy!! Who does that? :eek:
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[quote name='gemsm']All you have to do is go to evidenced based medical sites such as Harvard Medical School which refutes your study...Go back to the damn CCL board and quit trying to start an argument with me AGAIN about this. Its not going to happen regardless of what your damn profession is. You never went to medical school and aren't a medical researcher.[/QUOTE]
If your talking about Harvard newsletter than you are totally wrong. June 2010 "secondhand smoke is still a leading cause of heart disease.....
November 2004.."secondhand smoke: Unsafe in any amount... Harvard heart letter..the long reach of cigarette smoke
should I continue...
besides being a cardiac nurse practitioner I also teach research to nurses
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This thread is so out of control it makes me very sad. I as a smoker DO have a a right to smoke if I so chose because it IS legal of course in Designated areas. I one day (sooner than later) would very much like to stop smoking. My mom did after 40 years cold turkey. I'm just not ready yet. Some people just don't get it. It IS an addiction. If it was easy I would have quit a long time ago. You non smokers just don't understand. Although I do want to quit. MY mind is not ready yet. You have to Really want to quit to be successful. I may try chantex in the next year because I know I am Not strong enough to do it on my own. I applaud people who have quit and hope one day it will be me as well.

The thing is the non smokers on this board are being down right nasty to the smokers. Calling us names and being so rude it's pathetic. So for night now I'm booked on NCL and will enjoy my smoke on my balcony barring there is a neighbor who asks me NICELY if we could work something out. And I do mean work something out I don't mean they can just sit out there 24/7 and not let me have MY time on MY balcony things are 50/50 in my world.
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[quote name='gemsm']All you have to do is go to evidenced based medical sites such as Harvard Medical School which refutes your study...Go back to the damn CCL board and quit trying to start an argument with me AGAIN about this. Its not going to happen regardless of what your damn profession is. You never went to medical school and aren't a medical researcher.[/QUOTE]
You seem angry..maybe you need a smoke?
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[quote name='mpk218']No , it does not matter ( feeling crappy is feeling crappy).. Its The allergen topic that has attached itself to everything these days is my only point on the matter .. Its become the go to excuse
for many that do not like something.. A few years ago I had a woman tell me she was allergic to noise ...
I guess I have found my irritant :D

Finally ,, the All mighty dollar will decide how this plays out in the end ;)[/quote]
You're right. It will all come down to the bottom line. I really doubt that changing policy to prohibit smoking on a ship's balcony is going to have a negative impact on profits for any cruise line that chooses to make that change. We had one non-smoking restaurant in our town which was always crowded. When they banned smoking indoors in all the bars and restaurants several years ago, business improved at all of them. The same thing happened many years ago in California, where we were living at the time. For every smoker who decides to take their business elsewhere there will probably be a non-smoker to take their place.

I've never had issue with smoke on a cruise ship except in the casino. It can get bad when it's crowded and if it begins to bother me I leave. I expect with this change in policy it will be worse on Carnival unless they find a way to limit smoking to people who are actually in the casino to gamble.
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Quick question .. Those of you that cant stand the smell of smoke..
Where do you stand on Pot ? Since it appears to be accelerating at rate never seen before due to its new legal status in many states.
For a country that seemed to be backing away from smoking this may reverse that trend.. :cool:

Of course they would need to bring back the midnight buffet :p
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[quote name='mpk218']quick question .. Those of you that cant stand the smell of smoke..
Where do you stand on pot ? Since it appears to be accelerating at rate never seen before due to its new legal status in many states.
For a country that seemed to be backing away from smoking this may reverse that trend.. :cool:

Of course they would need to bring back the midnight buffet :p[/quote]

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It is an addiction. No two ways about it. It has a hold on you and controls your life.

I do understand. I smoked for 32 years. Someone mentioned Chantix. That's how i quit. Chantix controls your physical urge for a smoke. That part was easy. The mental part was much harder.

Only the person who smokes can make up when or if they're going to quit No one else can do that.

But it's true. There are less and less places smokers can smoke now and it will only become less. This thread and the arguments are going nowhere because in the end, it's up to the cruise ships not us.

Its much easier not being a smoker. I dont have to worry about these problems anymore
. Seven yeats quit now Wish i knew where the saved money has gone!
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[quote name='GeriC']This thread is so out of control it makes me very sad. I as a smoker DO have a a right to smoke if I so chose because it IS legal of course in Designated areas. I one day (sooner than later) would very much like to stop smoking. My mom did after 40 years cold turkey. I'm just not ready yet. Some people just don't get it. It IS an addiction. If it was easy I would have quit a long time ago. You non smokers just don't understand. Although I do want to quit. MY mind is not ready yet. You have to Really want to quit to be successful. I may try chantex in the next year because I know I am Not strong enough to do it on my own. I applaud people who have quit and hope one day it will be me as well.

The thing is the non smokers on this board are being down right nasty to the smokers. Calling us names and being so rude it's pathetic. So for night now I'm booked on NCL and will enjoy my smoke on my balcony barring there is a neighbor who asks me NICELY if we could work something out. And I do mean work something out I don't mean they can just sit out there 24/7 and not let me have MY time on MY balcony things are 50/50 in my world.[/quote]

1) No there is no [COLOR=Red]right[/COLOR] to smoke.
2) Smoking [COLOR=Red]can be[/COLOR] addicting.
3) [COLOR=Red]Some[/COLOR] non-smokers are rude.
4) [COLOR=Red]Some[/COLOR] smokers are rude.
5) If I smoke I try to be considerate as well. Compromise within the guidelines is a good thing.
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[quote name='Gypsywych']This is why there will never be compromise.

No matter which side of the subject you're on, someone will refuse to listen or even consider that there might even be a compromise.

This is also why the conversation gets so heated. From both sides.[/quote]

There already is a compromise; there are areas of the ship where you can smoke. They haven't banned smoking completely.
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[quote name='mpk218']Quick question .. Those of you that cant stand the smell of smoke..
Where do you stand on Pot ? Since it appears to be accelerating at rate never seen before due to its new legal status in many states.
For a country that seemed to be backing away from smoking this may reverse that trend.. :cool:

Of course they would need to bring back the midnight buffet :p[/quote]

Smoking is smoking. If a place is a designated no smoking area then it (most usually) applies to all forms of smoking. (Yeah I know NCL has different rules for cigars, but you see the point I am making so please don't go there.)

On a different angle, in many places now it is illegal to smoke in a car with children present.
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I am sailing on NCL in September (coming back after many years of sailing other lines) because their smoking policy continues to allow smoking on balconies. Will no longer book with Princess, RCCL or Celebrity (never sailed on Carnival) because they don't allow smoking on balconies. I am a considerate smoker and not out on the balcony all day puffing away but I do enjoy a cigarette with coffee and/or a cocktail. I will also continue to book with Holland America because they too, still permit smoking on balconies. Family and friends are okay with 'jumping ship' on RCCL, Celebrity and Princess since a few others smoke and the non-smokers agree, everyone has to be happy on vacation. If NCL and Holland America ban smoking on balconies - will just go on more land vacations and forget cruising.
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1) No there is no right to smoke.

2) Smoking can be addicting.

3) Some non-smokers are rude.

4) Some smokers are rude.

5) If I smoke I try to be considerate as well. Compromise within the guidelines is a good thing.



There is NO debate smoking is an ADDICTION

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Quick question .. Those of you that cant stand the smell of smoke..

Where do you stand on Pot ? Since it appears to be accelerating at rate never seen before due to its new legal status in many states.

For a country that seemed to be backing away from smoking this may reverse that trend.. :cool:


Of course they would need to bring back the midnight buffet :p


I think it's great for medicinal reasons, but horrible to legalize just so dopers can get high.

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Yeah I usually cruise on Royal Caribbean and they have this policy....and I ignore it. I smoke a cigar on my balcony everynight.


If that pisses people off...sorry...


The worst the cruise will do is send someone to knock on my door and ask me to put it out.....

Edited by Deptacon
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So at the 13 page mark of the discussion has any one side changed the other sides point of view yet? No? Didn't think so. Funny how that works, eh? ;)


These monthly I'll-get-the-last-word-in-dammit-marathons are usually good for twenty pages anyway. I'll be back to check on you guys after I get back from the store. I'm out of bacon and maple syrup.



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You seem angry..maybe you need a smoke?


Quick question .. Those of you that cant stand the smell of smoke..

Where do you stand on Pot ? Since it appears to be accelerating at rate never seen before due to its new legal status in many states.

For a country that seemed to be backing away from smoking this may reverse that trend.. :cool:


Of course they would need to bring back the midnight buffet :p


I was going to stay out of this, but these are funny.

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So at the 13 page mark of the discussion has any one side changed the other sides point of view yet? No? Didn't think so. Funny how that works, eh? ;)


These monthly I'll-get-the-last-word-in-dammit-marathons are usually good for twenty pages anyway. I'll be back to check on you guys after I get back from the store. I'm out of bacon and maple syrup.




It's entertaining, to say the least. The best are the ones who are actually getting angry over this! :rolleyes:

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This is why there will never be compromise.


No matter which side of the subject you're on, someone will refuse to listen or even consider that there might even be a compromise.


This is also why the conversation gets so heated. From both sides.



Because we have all the non smokers telling the smokers not to smoke, but not once have I seen a smoker telling them they need to smoke.

To the smokers its one way or no way.....don't smoke or kick rocks...that's it. They will not be satisfied until all ships are 100% smoke free.

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I do have a problem being around a campfire. Luckily, a campfire isn't toxic, but it still gives me a headache if the smoke is blowing in my face.


actually...you might want to do some research of the chemicals and toxins that come out of wood when it burns.... its just as toxic as 2nd hand smoke a few feet away in a stiff wind.

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So at the 13 page mark of the discussion has any one side changed the other sides point of view yet? No? Didn't think so. Funny how that works, eh? ;)


These monthly I'll-get-the-last-word-in-dammit-marathons are usually good for twenty pages anyway. I'll be back to check on you guys after I get back from the store. I'm out of bacon and maple syrup.




Can you pick me up some all beef hot dogs and buttered popcorn please. I can't seem to leave this thread! LOL!

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