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just joined weight watchers


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Hey there everyone! Well tonight is the night that I start with my personal trainer at the gym..........I'm a nervous ball of excitement right now as it's been 20 years since I've been in a gym & am so hoping that I don't embarrass myself too bad, LOL! Seeing as how I've been struggling a lot since the beginning of the year, I really hope that this will help jump start my weight loss.......again :) What's that they say? Anything worth having is worth the work? (or something to that effect?)..........all I know is that this time around I'm going at it in 10 pound increments instead of laying it all out there. My husband is joining me as I stated in a prior post and he's even told me that he wants to start doing all his meal prep (breakfast & lunch)! He's pulled out his handy WW calculator (doesn't have the patience for the WW app on his iPad) and got a big legal size pad of paper. I think just concentrating on my meals is going to be much better for me in the grand scheme of things (and give me extra time in the a.m. to either sleep in a bit or get emails caught up on).


Keep up the great work everyone...........we got this, one step & one day at a time!!

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Weigh in last night over 7# lost! Of course I know most of that is water cause I've been peeing like a Russian racehorse!! But the real victory is NO fast food all week long! No alcohol (not that that's an issue anymore) and really no junk to speak of. I even cooked a bunch of chicken breasts on the GF grill so I'd have those readily available.


Going on East Coast PCL cruise five weeks from Sat so looking for suggestions on food ideas. I really like seafood and could prob eat Salmon every day if it was fixed right.



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Hi Everybody, gee, seems like I haven't been here in a while....had my Thursday weigh-in and lost another pound, really, really slow for a while now. I'm always tracking but maybe it's WHAT I'm tracking, I don't know.


We went to a baseball game on Sunday, used to be season ticket holders but our favorite players moved on or retired and we got into other stuff. I COULD NO BELIEVE the price of food and drinks now. I planned on a salad, they still had them but without any meat or chicken, just a container of salad greens, $8.00. big pretzel, $4.00, drink, $4.00, lemonade later on $5.50, $5.50 for lemonade!!! I can remember being on WW back then too and sitting through about 4 innings with my huge bowl of tuna salad on my lap, really should have done it this time but I wasn't sure what you could bring or not bring in now days. (My husband said draft beer in the Pub was $11.00! That's a 6 pack of beer or cider at Bev Mo.)


Anyway, got a little off track there, haha. As long as this is a "cruise" site I've got to tell you about this, and, please forgive me if anyone is offended, it is just an observation and the cruising experience is very subjective. I like to print out the cruise reviews of others and read them before I go to sleep or early in the morning before work. There was one recently from an older gentleman who was, along with his wife, an experienced cruiser. He recounted his experience upon entering his cabin and finding a small bar of soap in the shower. He couldn't find his cabin attendant so called Guest Services, on hold 10 minutes, called back again, on hold 30 minutes, looked for the attendant again and finally personally stood in line at the Guest Services desk........to complain about a small bar of soap in his shower! I was laughing so hard I woke up my husband and the dog as well. I would have grabbed a tissue, dropped it in the trash and be on my way. It's amazing the little things that make people say "Worst Cruise Ever", and it's over water in the MDR or a lumpy pillow.......if you want a good laugh read some of these reviews.


Hope all of you have a great day as we work our way into the weekend. Cheers :)

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Totally agree with you Rocker.....some folks just aren't happy unless they're unhappy!! My Daddy always said that some folks would "bitch if they put 14K gold nails in their coffin!" Then there's lots that see it that they are on vacay and every cruise employee is their personal attendant for a week....or six!


Not enough water intake today but on track. Just got too busy trying to purge some kitchen cabinets and didn't drink enough water. Oh well. One more bottle before bed and that'll have to work.



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Went to aqua aerobics Monday and tonight. Weighed in last night. 1.2 down. Not as much as I was expecting but down not up.


I agree about the complainers in the cruise reviews. It doesn't take much for some.



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I had a terrible week. I gained 3 lbs. I was at a work conference all week and had wonderfully catered meals every day! Delicious, but a huge setback. I'm looking forward to getting back to a normal routine and getting back on track.

As silly as this sounds, I bought just dance 2014 for the wii. (No I don't have kids) what an amazing workout. And fun!!! I've been swapping that out for the elliptical a couple times a week to mix things up. It's my cure for exercise boredom.

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I had a terrible week. I gained 3 lbs. I was at a work conference all week and had wonderfully catered meals every day! Delicious, but a huge setback. I'm looking forward to getting back to a normal routine and getting back on track.

As silly as this sounds, I bought just dance 2014 for the wii. (No I don't have kids) what an amazing workout. And fun!!! I've been swapping that out for the elliptical a couple times a week to mix things up. It's my cure for exercise boredom.


its OK Ive been there, the main thing is to get right back on track

something we take the scenic route nice workout that what i need to do

other than treadmill.

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I had a terrible week. I gained 3 lbs. I was at a work conference all week and had wonderfully catered meals every day! Delicious, but a huge setback. I'm looking forward to getting back to a normal routine and getting back on track.

As silly as this sounds, I bought just dance 2014 for the wii. (No I don't have kids) what an amazing workout. And fun!!! I've been swapping that out for the elliptical a couple times a week to mix things up. It's my cure for exercise boredom.


The important thing here is your mindset, which is in the right track!! You can't change the past but you can shape a better future. And hey whatever workout makes you feel good & breaks up monotony I say go for it!!

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Just back from visiting elderly sister in Portland, Oregon. She is very unwell, has pneumonia and outlook not good. Tried to watch what I was eating but it was a stressful situation and rather difficult to pick and choose what I ate as was staying with a niece. Anyway goods news is that I saw my surgeon yesterday and am now booked for complete left hip replacement. Seeing the physio next week for l hr session to learn some upper body strengthening exercises for post op. Am back on track with my points and just going to try to stay positive and do the best I can. Rhonda. Would love any advice or dos and don'ts re surgery. Thanks

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It's been a few days since I've been on here, and trying to catch up with everyone's posts! Sounds like we've had some degrees of luck whether it be with exercising or weight loss. For those who don't this week's meeting was about setting the reset button....which I need to do daily! For me it's exercise I need to beef up, although I have been walking a lot. Today my niece and a friend are opening a new local exercise class storefront so I'm going to go over in a bit and visit, see the class schedule, and sign up for something! She has some classes scheduled for us over 50 crowd...don't want to stress my decrepit body too much (seriously, do have back issues I need to watch out for...). Laurie, how was the personal trainer?


I like the idea of the Wii but my boys are grown and out of here, not buying a video game system for me after they were through about 5 different systems!


Sooooo true about the complaints people make on CC about their cruises. I remember when I almost got my head removed back in 2005 because I asked if I could wear a nice designer knee length blinged denim skirt to the MDR. At that time Jeans were a no no. Now, it;s that the iced tea is too thick, or the steward left a mote of dust in the corner....or a sliver of soap in the bathroom, that was funny!


Anyone here have floaters in their eyes? Just got them in my left eye. More aging fun and games.


Left the good news for last...after three weeks of .6 loss, then .2 and .6 again, I lost 2.8 this week. I have NO idea how that happened, but I'm happy. Really been trying to use very little of my 49 extra for the week and just stick to mostly my 26. I've also been weighing and measuring more, especially using the grams setting on the WW scale which I bought for certain things, I think it's a lot more accurate.


BTW, if anyone is watching the season premiere of The View Monday I have tickets....how I managed to score them for day 1 is beyond me, just hit the website at just the release time. Look for the lady in the purple blouse!

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It's been a few days since I've been on here, and trying to catch up with everyone's posts! Sounds like we've had some degrees of luck whether it be with exercising or weight loss. For those who don't this week's meeting was about setting the reset button....which I need to do daily! For me it's exercise I need to beef up, although I have been walking a lot. Today my niece and a friend are opening a new local exercise class storefront so I'm going to go over in a bit and visit, see the class schedule, and sign up for something! She has some classes scheduled for us over 50 crowd...don't want to stress my decrepit body too much (seriously, do have back issues I need to watch out for...). Laurie, how was the personal trainer?


I like the idea of the Wii but my boys are grown and out of here, not buying a video game system for me after they were through about 5 different systems!


Sooooo true about the complaints people make on CC about their cruises. I remember when I almost got my head removed back in 2005 because I asked if I could wear a nice designer knee length blinged denim skirt to the MDR. At that time Jeans were a no no. Now, it;s that the iced tea is too thick, or the steward left a mote of dust in the corner....or a sliver of soap in the bathroom, that was funny!


Anyone here have floaters in their eyes? Just got them in my left eye. More aging fun and games.


Left the good news for last...after three weeks of .6 loss, then .2 and .6 again, I lost 2.8 this week. I have NO idea how that happened, but I'm happy. Really been trying to use very little of my 49 extra for the week and just stick to mostly my 26. I've also been weighing and measuring more, especially using the grams setting on the WW scale which I bought for certain things, I think it's a lot more accurate.


BTW, if anyone is watching the season premiere of The View Monday I have tickets....how I managed to score them for day 1 is beyond me, just hit the website at just the release time. Look for the lady in the purple blouse!


Robin good job on the weight loss, your doing all the right things,

i had to reset my button this week instead of 6 days of treadmill breaking it up 3 days of treadmill 3 days of yoga which i havent done in awhile.



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OMG...I went to my niece's new Exercise place and they had some of the instructors giving classes for free....I did half an hour of Drums Alive, something I had NEVER done or even heard of before! I think it's an offshoot of Pound Classes......was I sweating....and I ignored the cookies and mini bagels she had there for the Grand Opening and just ate fruit!!!!

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Went to aqua aerobics Monday and tonight. Weighed in last night. 1.2 down. Not as much as I was expecting but down not up.


I agree about the complainers in the cruise reviews. It doesn't take much for some.



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I did pretty good this week and I'm just about 1.5 pounds away from my goal weight. I probably won't get there soon as I just came home from ANOTHER potluck event (my, my) and ate too much, plus dessert. Monday night it's a birthday party for my hubby and then on Tuesday I am taking off to visit my daughter and grandkids so there will be more extra eating then.


I'm back home on Tuesday Sept.23 so it will be right back to the food schedule and the treadmill. I'm really running out of time before leaving for our October cruise, but it sure would be nice to get to that goal weight before we leave. Sigh....


One battle that I have finally won is not to allow myself to go crazy overboard just because of one bad meal. So many times, I have thrown in the towel and ruined a whole day because of overeating in one meal. Finally convinced myself not to do that, so that's progress. As they say "it's the tiniest steps that lead to a big victory." Must go and get ready for tomorrow. No major hurdles tomorrow so I'll probably be really focused on a good day, food-wise.


Have a great Sunday and hang in there!


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I did pretty good this week and I'm just about 1.5 pounds away from my goal weight. I probably won't get there soon as I just came home from ANOTHER potluck event (my, my) and ate too much, plus dessert. Monday night it's a birthday party for my hubby and then on Tuesday I am taking off to visit my daughter and grandkids so there will be more extra eating then.




I'm back home on Tuesday Sept.23 so it will be right back to the food schedule and the treadmill. I'm really running out of time before leaving for our October cruise, but it sure would be nice to get to that goal weight before we leave. Sigh....




One battle that I have finally won is not to allow myself to go crazy overboard just because of one bad meal. So many times, I have thrown in the towel and ruined a whole day because of overeating in one meal. Finally convinced myself not to do that, so that's progress. As they say "it's the tiniest steps that lead to a big victory." Must go and get ready for tomorrow. No major hurdles tomorrow so I'll probably be really focused on a good day, food-wise.




Have a great Sunday and hang in there!





Hey dale sounds like you are doing good, if you are only 1.5 lbs from your goal you must be doing something right. I tend to ruin a whole day with one bad meal as well. I've not quite mastered that one yet.



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OMG...I went to my niece's new Exercise place and they had some of the instructors giving classes for free....I did half an hour of Drums Alive, something I had NEVER done or even heard of before! I think it's an offshoot of Pound Classes......was I sweating....and I ignored the cookies and mini bagels she had there for the Grand Opening and just ate fruit!!!!



I have never heard of that before either. Sounds fun (in a work your butt off kind of way). So you said you have the WW scale? My scale is giving me problems lately so I may need to buy a new one. Do you like yours?



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So you said you have the WW scale? My scale is giving me problems lately so I may need to buy a new one. Do you like yours?



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I have the WW scale & loved it when it was new out of the box......not so much now. For me it is just too much hassle, LOL!

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Into our second week with our trainer & I'm down 2.8 pounds! Still have a long way to go, but I will get there! Love our trainer because he listens to us and most importantly encourages me in all that I do!


Keep up the great work everyone!



congrats on weight loss, this week has been up in the air

i start the day great then come evening : p Have to get it together.



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Crazy, crazy week, including a few situations where I was BAD. Went to the season premiere taping of the View Monday......after to lunch with three friends, wasn't bad there but the LARGE pictcher of Sangria we shared was.....then worked at a charity event Wednesday night, Taste and Toast of the Town for United Cerebral Palsy....I avoided the liquor but went a little dessert crazy.


With everything going on I didn't make a meeting until Friday. I actually went at 8AM before work to weigh in because I've always weighed in the AM and to my surprise I actually lost .8. I was thrilled because I figured it was a bad week. I thought about it....the difference was in the exercise....walked all over Manhattan Monday, did some local walking, and two classes in the Fitness Center my niece opened.....Zumba and the aforementioned Drums Alive class (google it...videos on You Tube...)


I walked a 5K for ALS yesterday....and found out a couple of hours ago the lady in whose honor I walked for....died last night. I need chocolate....just one little square!


Into our second week with our trainer & I'm down 2.8 pounds! Still have a long way to go, but I will get there! Love our trainer because he listens to us and most importantly encourages me in all that I do!


That's the key,I think....the exercise. That is great!


Hit 10 lbs today. Slow but sure.


I'm ALMOST at 10 and I better get that star at my next meeting!


I have never heard of that before either. Sounds fun (in a work your butt off kind of way). So you said you have the WW scale? My scale is giving me problems lately so I may need to buy a new one. Do you like yours?


I do find it very accurate....when I use it


One battle that I have finally won is not to allow myself to go crazy overboard just because of one bad meal. So many times, I have thrown in the towel and ruined a whole day because of overeating in one meal. Finally convinced myself not to do that, so that's progress. As they say "it's the tiniest steps that lead to a big victory." Must go and get ready for tomorrow. No major hurdles tomorrow so I'll probably be really focused on a good day, food-wise


This is my motto this time around. So.....if I have a bad day, correct it the next one. I woke up 4AM today.....couldn't sleep. All I've had so far is cottage cheese and a banana. I think it's time for lunch!


Tough week ahead too....Rosh Hashona (Jewish New Year)--big meals Wednesday and Thursday night...then a girls weekend away. I need to be strong...think salad and fruit....


Have a good week all.

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Hi Everyone, been trying to get back here all week. Had weigh-in last night and it's down another pound. So slow now but that's OK I guess, at least it's down. Had a scare the other day with my hip implant, (Rhonda, don't read this) :), I did something stupid and reached down too far and too fast to take off my pants and my leg locked up completely. Had to stand on the other leg and shake it real hard till it released. They tell me it's not the implant itself slipping out but a muscle that gets caught. Either way it was quite a scare and everything is still sore. I'm doing an X-Ray and MD appt. Monday, needless to say I won't do that particular move ever again! I just want to be able to get some good exercise in to get the pounds down again but then I do stupid stuff like this.


I've been trying some different WW microwave lunches lately, just had the Panini for 8 Points and it's really good, big and filling. I treat myself after work with the 3 point fudge bars or a pudding. I still have my wine or hard Cider on the week ends but count the Points giving up something else and loading up on 0 Point veggies or other things. I'm trying to hit 50 pounds by my next birthday in 3 weeks, have 5 pounds to go, gonna be close, :)


Have a great weekend everyone, I'm taking my book list around to Thrift stores to stock up, I love Detective/FBI Murder "who-done-its", my favorite authors being Jeffrey Deaver, Catherine Coulter and Michael Connelly and just discovered Tami Hoag. Anyone else a "reader" here???:)

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Hi Everyone, been trying to get back here all week. Had weigh-in last night and it's down another pound. So slow now but that's OK I guess, at least it's down. Had a scare the other day with my hip implant, (Rhonda, don't read this) :), I did something stupid and reached down too far and too fast to take off my pants and my leg locked up completely. Had to stand on the other leg and shake it real hard till it released. They tell me it's not the implant itself slipping out but a muscle that gets caught. Either way it was quite a scare and everything is still sore. I'm doing an X-Ray and MD appt. Monday, needless to say I won't do that particular move ever again! I just want to be able to get some good exercise in to get the pounds down again but then I do stupid stuff like this.


I've been trying some different WW microwave lunches lately, just had the Panini for 8 Points and it's really good, big and filling. I treat myself after work with the 3 point fudge bars or a pudding. I still have my wine or hard Cider on the week ends but count the Points giving up something else and loading up on 0 Point veggies or other things. I'm trying to hit 50 pounds by my next birthday in 3 weeks, have 5 pounds to go, gonna be close, :)


Have a great weekend everyone, I'm taking my book list around to Thrift stores to stock up, I love Detective/FBI Murder "who-done-its", my favorite authors being Jeffrey Deaver, Catherine Coulter and Michael Connelly and just discovered Tami Hoag. Anyone else a "reader" here???:)


Hi TravelRocker,


Yes! I love murder mysteries and I buy them from our local charity shop and then return them. My favorite author is Agatha Christie (yup - even after all these years!) and I have read and reread so many of her books. I like mainly British authors due to my love of Masterpiece/Mystery Theatre. Love the show! In a slightly different vein, right now I'm reading a Ken Follett adventure novel "night flight" - not a new novel, but new to me from the charity shop.


Anyway, I was visiting with my daughter and grandchildren for the past week and gained about 2 pounds, but that's okay as I know I will work that off with proper diet and exercise. Lucky for me, I don't have any mobility issues. Thank goodness. I have less than four weeks to go before I leave on my cruise so the pressure is on. Phew! Wish me luck and good luck too on your W.W. diet. The W.W. food is a real blessing when you just need a little help to stay focused.


Hang in there everyone and have a nice week-end.




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I am frustrated as I have lost nothing and been doing weight watchers for almost three weeks. I need to start to see some results or I feel like I'm gonna give up. I might actually be up a little in weight, but it is hard to tell from day to day.


My problem is I like to snack. I'm a grazer and not much of an eater at the regular meals.


I'm really going to try to not snack over the next few weeks to make sure that I start to lose. Not sure how else I can start to lose the weight.

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I am frustrated as I have lost nothing and been doing weight watchers for almost three weeks. I need to start to see some results or I feel like I'm gonna give up. I might actually be up a little in weight, but it is hard to tell from day to day.


My problem is I like to snack. I'm a grazer and not much of an eater at the regular meals.


I'm really going to try to not snack over the next few weeks to make sure that I start to lose. Not sure how else I can start to lose the weight.


Hi Samantha,


I was in the same situation in the spring. Even though I'm a big W.W. fan, I broke down and started using a free weight loss program called "Lose it!" which I downloaded to my tablet. It will help you to journal your food so you can see how many calories you are consuming, what food groups the foods are in, the impact of exercise, etc. Shock of shocks - I was eating way too much food for the weight I wanted to lose. It helped me to reduce the amount of food I was eating, and at the same time, helped me to make intelligent choices about the food I did eat. You could probably get the same advice from your W.W. leader and from the W.W. program, but to be honest, this worked well for me. I don't care what program you're on, you can only lose weight one way and that is to figure out how many calories you should eat per day. This program will help you with that.


If you are a grazer (and I was too), I would think this would be a great tool for you so you can see how much you're eating and whether it's the right distribution among the different food groups. For example, I really had to reduce my carbs/breads and now I only eat two per day. They are like poison to me. I am almost at my goal weight, so I know it is working for me. I don't use the program anymore since I know exactly what to eat and how much to have. My slip-ups occur when I'm traveling since it is so hard to eat properly, but as soon as I get home, I get right back on the program.


Let me know what you think as I'm curious if you and I are the same type of eater/gainer.


But hang in there and don't give up. You may just need to re-adjust what you're eating and the quantities.



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Well....I just trashed my died this past weekend. I was so frustrated with work and getting injured AND discovering that the X-Ray lab doesn't do X-Rays on Saturdays anymore I just flew into a Salami and Cheese sandwich and chocolate pudding! How stupid. I am totally back on track today and will get this off post haste.


I came across something pretty cool while watching QVC yesterday. Marie Osmond was on there with her husband and she has a new, very easy and effective stretch band program that you can do sitting down and standing up. It's called Bodygym. Basically a bar about a yard long with bands attached to the ends. You can either stand on the center and pull up on the bar or sit down with the center of the band behind your back and stretch it out. When that gets too easy you just twist up the bar ends and make the bands shorter/tighter. It's the kind of program that you can do while watching QVC, (in my house that's often, haha) or your favorite shows at night.


I'm excited that I can do SOMETHING to tighten it all up. I'm at about 45 lbs. down now but the "bat wings" need a little work. and this program also engages your core muscles as well. Have a good day everyone, :)

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