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So what kind of perks does your TA give you?


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Our next cruise is booked through a travel agent that is new to us. It is a traditional brick and morter agency, but since they do a large volume of business with Celebrity they were able to save us a few bucks. Prior to giving them our deposit, I checked them out with the BBB and Celebrity to insure that they are repuatable. Our former travel agent sent us wine and gave us a voucher for free parking at a local airport, but I prefer to pay less for our cabin than to receive these gifts.

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We have been using the same TA company to book our cruises for a long time now . After reading all your TA perks I think we should shop around for a new TA .

It has taken a lot of phone calls to this company to finally get the discount we are entitled to as Diamond plus C&A members of RCL .

I don't think the TA in the UK are as generous as the TA in the USA .

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When mu husband and I sailed to Alaska last year our TA gave us a bag to hang in the bathroom with all kinds of goodies in it, hand warmers, toothebrushes and toothepaste..... Things you might think to bring on your own. She was great.


We have a another trip planned next month with a different agent, it will interesting to see if anything comes of it.


Interesting - the gifts are usually to generate/reward client loyalty - but I guess it didn't work since you booked with someone else for this years cruise.

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I bet, Longboysfan, that you stay in nice digs when you cruise or you cruise ALOT. As an outside agent for a very large internet company (which Deb obviously is as well) we have the right to discount up to 10% of the cruisefare which cuts into our share. Of course, this leaves a very SMALL commission ( if you discount the full 10%, that is) but if it kept you buying those suites and balconies I would definitely treat you well. Since my other job is in hairstyling I know the value of repeat business. That is what it is all about. A great example is this thread. By simply extolling Deb's virtues her business is growing hourly. Word of mouth is key.


However, I want to point out as mentioned, the bottom line is the issue for many. I discount almost every quote I send (not Celeb. or RCCL). But I don't usually say so. I assume the client has shopped around and sees what other agencies/lines are charging. Therefore, they know my price is good. In the case of Celebrity or RCCL I can only offer a rebate or gift card after sailing which is when I am paid or purchase their insurance for them. I cannot offer a wholesale rate and send lots of freebies too unless I just wanted to do this for a hobby. On the other hand if I am making full commisssion I will have plenty to buy robes, strawberries, champagne plus rebate a few bucks afterwards. But if Deb is kicking back $800 on the rates you are either buying some palatial suites or there is a promo (possibly group rate) that you are not aware of. These group cabins are reserved many months before sailing so the rates secured are probably lower than those currently advertised elsewhere. I am not doubting you received that but I just want to point out our commission is not massive enough to allow this in most cases. My first year I gave everyone 10% and thus built my following quickly. I didn't make a killing but I have lots of customers now. I wonder if she works for the same company as I do......


Anyway, I am happy you do appreciate her because it is tough to work all day and then sit at the computer well into the night( it's noce for me cuz I'm finally off my feet!). I do it because I love selling and love to cruise so even though my salon is enjoyable, I call this my "fun job". After all, if you believe in your product it is easier to sell. And who doesn't like to cruise, I know I'm addicted.


As for the person that likes to book themselves, it is not rocket science but if a company sells over $70 million in a year that power can secure lower rates and group perks. Often if you receive the many gifts aforementioned it is because your TA booked you into a group and you would never know that. She or the company sold over 8 or more cabins on that ship and date and for that reason is able to offer OBC's, champagne, wine, robes, photos, upgrades, even shore excursions. To be fair these things do NOT always come from a TA's wallet. That is as good a reason as any to find a competant and generous TA and stick with them.


Just a bit of FYI for those who may not realize it.


Bon Voyage

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As an outside agent for a very large internet company (which Deb obviously is as well) we have the right to discount up to 10% of the cruisefare which cuts into our share. Of course, this leaves a very SMALL commission ( if you discount the full 10%, that is) but if it kept you buying those suites and balconies I would definitely treat you well...


... (possibly group rate) that you are not aware of. These group cabins are reserved many months before sailing so the rates secured are probably lower than those currently advertised elsewhere. I am not doubting you received that but I just want to point out our commission is not massive enough to allow this in most cases...


...As for the person that likes to book themselves, it is not rocket science but if a company sells over $70 million in a year that power can secure lower rates and group perks.[sNIP]

As I understand it, group rates turn into "buy 8, get one free" (or is it 7)? That alone can't possibly account for some of the huge price discrepancies that still seem to exist in the market for Celebrity cruises. At best, one might expect to see rates discounted by 1/8 of the normal price. We're still seeing cruises discounted as much as 25% from Celebrity's posted prices well out into 2006 (and these aren't Early Bird stuff, either), indicating that what we've heard here about Celebrity's price policies can't be entirely accurate.


Some time back last August, there were a couple of posts that pointed to the *.pdf file of the Celebrity contract. I haven't been able to locate those again, but do recall that the wording would have definitely allowed for major price differentials to exist. The agent was permitted, as I recall, to either "sell" or "advertise" below the "contracted rates", but I still honestly believe that the only explanation for the large differentials is that agents are not looking at the same "contracted rates"!


Do you have access to a link to one of those contracts, and do you have any real insight as to how much variability there may be in "contracted rates"? Like you, one would think an agency booking $70M a year would be given some serious price consideration by Celebrity. Some TA's here have said it ain't so, but how else to explain this?

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First of all, the group deal (which I did not take into consideration at all when I spoke of the freebies associated with a group) is one free berth with 15 sold, not cabins and of course this only applies to the fare. Port and tax are still due for that 16th guest. If you had a family or company that bought that many you could pass that along to them but if you sold them seperately the agent could keep the half that doesn't go to their agency.


As for the rate differential you are seeing I must confess I do not study the competitions offerings like I should. But from what I have seen on sites that are what I call the "big three" (and keep in mind these guys never include government fees till checkout) their rates are the same as ours. It is true whether you believe it or not RCCL and Celeb are not giving any company a break that I know of. They are simply trying to cut out commissions they hand to the agencies by taking our power to discount away from us. Their thinking is if it's the same when buying direct why go elsewhere. Just one more way to take work away from the average American. Of course there may be small agencies that do not get the low rates the bigger agencies do. I cannot say. I believe the rates are the same across the board but the little guys get a smaller commission.


I surmise that because these two companies are a mom and pop operation compared to Carnivals conglomerate they are doing what they feel they must to .... stay afloat!! I don't agree with their tactics but I have to live with them. Keep in mind that they are now operating many ships out of Bayonne, NJ, a port once a military base which they have purchased and they are spending millions on it. Here on the east coast they will have a big advantage with customers who wish to avoid the expense, time and anxiety of flying. Meaning, regardless of their unpopular policies people will be sailing with them, possibly more than ever.


I have no idea of a link to this contract you speak of and can't imagine how or why it was posted here. I imagine the CC people didn't like it.




Not so much as a "thank you"? Why did you wait this long?

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As for the rate differential you are seeing I must confess I do not study the competitions offerings like I should. But from what I have seen on sites that are what I call the "big three" (and keep in mind these guys never include government fees till checkout) their rates are the same as ours. It is true whether you believe it or not RCCL and Celeb are not giving any company a break that I know of.



My wife and I have been discussing a S. American cruise we’ve wanted to take ever since our Infinity trans-Canal a couple of years ago. Finally figured out how to get a decent open-jaw price on the air, and am giving this serious consideration. At the moment, the March 5 ’06 sailing of the Infinity (one of our favorite Celebrity ships) in a CC cabin (this source manages to come up with a lot of our favorite aft CC cabins, too), by a well known TA is priced at $3061 per person. This INCLUDES taxes and port charges, etc. As of the moment, Celebrity is quoting


$3910 without the taxes and port charges, and something on the order of $4448 with those charges. My wife and I stand to save over $2700 for the two of us. All of the commentary I’ve seen here would indicate that this isn’t possible, yet it is. How??? I don’t want to put you on the spot, but could you even make a penny if I came to you and asked for this cruise at $3061 per person? Based upon your frank explanation of your cost and commission structure, it would appear you would lose money on this deal. The only way I can imagine that this remains possible is that there continues to be some sort of differential in the “contracted rate”.




I have no idea of a link to this contract you speak of and can't imagine how or why it was posted here. I imagine the CC people didn't like it.


Oh yeah, it went over like a lead balloon with the CC members here. You undoubtedly have a copy, since it determines your arrangement with Celebrity as well. Could you repeat the paragraph that talks about selling or advertising below the “contracted rate”, or whatever that similar wording was?




Thanks for your candidness thus far. I hope we’re conducting this in such a way as not to offend the moderators.

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No, I can't beat that. I have a number but of course, I won't risk the thread by publishing. I would like to buy from this travel agent, to heck with Longboysfan, because that is unbelievable if it is not a typo and should be $3601. Even at that IF that is w/port and tax (which are $318 alone pp) If you wouldn't mind sending me that name. My email is wmbfam07@yahoo. Have you worked with this TA in the past? I have a guess as to who it is but would like to be sure. Beware, mistakes can be made and I wonder if this isn't one.

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O.K I hopefully am caught up in emailing out T/A information.


This is the Gypsea and all other as an explain.


My T/A is a internet and cruise line watcher.


While I feel - from the last T/A and agency I used - most of you are in the same bucket as I was. WAS. We all could tell a few stories about what a T/A did or did not do.

The T/A or company would go as far as to book you the cruise and leave it at that. Send you a bottle of champagne or a small on board gift. Maybe even follow up with a call as to how everything went.


This young lady I am currently using is a T/A that loves to cruise and works to get you the most bang - and it is a good one - for your cruise dollar.

She knows what you may look for in a cruise line and ship. I this regard I am easy here as my wife and I like Celebrity. We have tried other lines and felt there was something missing. Celebrity covers it all for us. It caters to our like of great food and service. The destinations are not always what we look for. With 57 cruises between us the ship is the vacation spot. People interaction is the spot. Celebrity type of people. She also knows to look around in February for trips for me. In this regard she is the best. Found us the Galaxy cruise out of Galveston to the Panama Canal.


To go into a bit more detail on one part of the previous stated post.


This last cruise. The Wife's 15th - I think - with Celebrity and our kids 5th.

Plus her sister and mother. All 5 of them in an outside cabin.

They booked a cruise on the Zenith. They are there right now - while I am at home. Original booking was about $900 per person. As you divied for the 3rd, 4th, 5th in a cabin. They have done this before without a problem.

With less than three months to go T/A call and says that they released a lot of cabins back from group cruise bookings and prices have dropped for same level cabin we had. She informed me she was going to call her Celebrity and re-book at the lesser price. Called back and it was re-booked. And saved about $1000.


Now forward to about a month ago. Calls again. Says that seeing that she thinks Celebrity should have offered an upgrade. But as most know on the Zenith - there are not a lot of different cabins to upgrade into. All or most are the standard cabin size on each level. But she knows from looking at the occupancy levels there are still a lot of open cabins.

Calls her Celebrity rep.

Net results are now they split them out into two cabins. For no increase in price.

So now we have the them set at 3 in one cabin and two in another. Granted the second cabin is an inside cabin. But you be the judge.


Now the wife's sister wants to bring her friend. No problem. Added back into the outside cabin as a 4th for the 4th fee. No problem. T/A and Celebrity get it all done and the doc book is at my house two days later.


What I am saying is this T/A works for you. You did not see in my post anything about rebates or cutting the prices. What you did see was a T/A working hard for you and working with the line to get the best for both. She tells me when and why to book. Like this week so we pick up the shipboard credit for the Panama canal cruise. Not everyone knows when to


What I will say in this is that we have been the highest sailing couple on our last cruise. I am a letter writer to any line I cruise with. I tell them my likes and point out their exceptional staff. I do not think in all the Celebrity cruises I have had more than one complaint - which I have noted to the main office. Nothing to do with a re-occuring theme on what or how anything is done. I also write long cruise reviews and try to point out places and things other reviewers do not cover.


I hope this covers any questions you may have had about the service and type of T/A I am luck to have found.

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No, I can't beat that. I have a number but of course, I won't risk the thread by publishing. I would like to buy from this travel agent, to heck with Longboysfan, because that is unbelievable if it is not a typo and should be $3601. Even at that IF that is w/port and tax (which are $318 alone pp) If you wouldn't mind sending me that name. My email is wmbfam07@yahoo. Have you worked with this TA in the past? I have a guess as to who it is but would like to be sure. Beware, mistakes can be made and I wonder if this isn't one.

I'll send you the info, Gypsea. No, it's no typo. This is just one example. When I've sent the info to folks from the CC boards here, I've had innumerable emails from folks responding that they're already using this agent, too.


What this seems to indicate is that there really is something that we don't all understand here.


Completely understand your inability to produce a number here -- no problem. Again, thanks much for your candor.

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canderson, would you mind sending yout TA's info to me? We are currently using a good TA, but you and longboysfan seem to have a better one yet. Please see the above post for my address. Thanks.
Have done. Like longboysfan, I'm caught up now (I think). Hope we've both been able to help.
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I didn't get it from either of you: tuggers1@mchsi.com!!!

Geez, Tuggers, we just assumed you had your own group discount going directly with Celebrity! I swear you must take more X cruises than some small agents book in a year. You're as close to the "retire and just live on the boat" as any of our CC group here!


Will add your email address to the list and get back to you with info later this evening. Seriously, as much as you cruse X, it wouldn't surprise me at all if you turn out to be one of the many for whom this won't be news. I'd say a full 1/3 of the folks I've been corresponding with on this issue (on this thread and the other on this topic) via email are already aware of the specifics. One guy has 4 future cruises booked already.

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