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Solo on the Divina 09/20/2014


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So, I slept like a baby despite my lumpy pillows. In fact, I slept right through breakfast. Breakfast in the MDR ended at 9:30, buffet at 10. I didn't even roll out of the bed till 9:30- ah, the joy of an inside cabin! :)


I needed to get something to eat, so, I headed to the Piazza. On the way, I ran into the MSC star.




Whose legs are whiter, hers or mine? :D


Hmmm, what looked tasty for a late breakfast?





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I decided on the Cannoli and the Vanilla-Pistachio Puff.




Along with the Caramel Latte.




The Cannoli was fabulous, the Puff was more style than substance. The latte was very good. It was a nice little breakfast.


I got to watch these folks having their own private muster.





After breakfast, I looked around in the stores a little.




Hmmmm, $2650.00- I'm sure that is included in my package. Could I trust the baggage handlers at MIA to not steal it or smash it? :p

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I stumbled into an arcade.









I didn't play in the arcade, I'm only posting these pictures because I'm sure someone out there is complaining that no one is posting pictures of the arcade. :rolleyes:








I couldn't afford to play in the arcade. This was an all eating, all drinking cruise, remember? What better time to do that than a sea day?

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I went to the MDR to see what they had for lunch.




Nothing appealed to me, so, I checked my watch. It was 11:37am, time for a drink!


I decided on a Miami Vice.



It was not the best, I really do prefer the drinks on Royal. But, don't get me wrong, I drank it. :p


I met three ladies while enjoying my MV, Margie, Leslie and Sue. That is either Leslie or Sue in the picture. I couldn't keep them straight. I told them about my dinner table the night before and they invited me to join their group's table in the Black Crab. :)


After they left, I headed to the buffet- MSC really knows how to do bread, let me tell you.





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Yorkvillain, You won't believe it, but, I decided on pasta for lunch. Baked Pasta and Pasta with Cream sauce.





It looks like a little chicken, too, but, my notes don't mention chicken. See how my note taking skills devolve over the course of the cruise?


During lunch, I tried repeatedly to catch a waiter's eye to get a glass of wine. One told me he would be back "in a sec". I'm still waiting. :rolleyes:


When I was done, I headed to the Black Crab to talk with the Maitre 'd about switching tables. I felt bad about doing it, because the couple seemed really nice, but, I thought even if more people show up, no matter what language they speak, someone is going to be left out. :(


The couple may have also asked to be switched, they couldn't have enjoyed it any more than I did.


It turns out, he couldn't get me in with my new friends, but, he did me me to a new table, in the Black Crab.


Flushed with triumph, I headed out to get dessert.


I ordered A Hazelnut Latte and another one of those fantastic Cannolis.




I got the Latte and a macaroon. Oh well, I ate it anyway. It was OK. The Latte was much too sweet! It was like drinking syrup. I couldn't finish it. You can also buy little bags of candy, I bought a bag of Almond Chocolate. You can see it better in this picture.




After lunch, there were some pool games going on and the Cruise Critic meeting. I went back to my cabin and napped through them both. :(

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So, after my nap, there was only one thing to do.






A Bartender's Margarita- I love how the sun is hitting this. :)


While enjoying this, I got to talking to a man from Richmond who was on his first cruise with his fiancee. They were having a great time, but, he said people kept telling him he would like Carnival better. Why, what haven't you liked here, I asked. Nothing, everything's great, he said.


So, he had no complaints, but, other people were telling him he wasn't having a good time. :rolleyes:


At about 5:15, I decided I should go get ready for dinner, I had to make a good first impression on my new table mates and it was Formal Night. So, I did, I got ready for dinner. :p




Another one of those bathroom glass drinks, this time a Pina Colada. I've heard of bathtub gin, but bathtub Pina Coladas? :)

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I changed (into what?, a dinosaur? ) and headed to dinner. My new table mates couldn't have been nicer. Three married couples and a schoolteacher traveling by herself. They were all experienced cruisers, Americans. We had great conversations and the people next to me even let me take pictures of their food. :cool:


The picture is blurry, maybe I spent too much time "getting ready". :eek: There is no mistaking what I ordered though.






Chilled Strawberry Soup.




And, the Prime Rib. It was different from any other PR I've ever had, but, it was good, once I knocked the carrots and broccoli out of the way.






The dessert so nice, I ordered it twice, Torta Caprese.




Some people said it was dry. I said, it's covered in ice cream and chocolate syrup, how dry can it be?

Edited by maureencruiser
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One of my neighbors had this, it looked good, too.





After dinner, the Black and White Lounge was advertising Edible Cocktails. Hmmm, eating and drinking, the whole theme of this cruise! :D


Of course, I had to go check it out. When I ordered an edible cocktail, the server had no idea what I meant. I told her it is like jell-o shots. I looked for a Daily Program to show her, but, I didn't have one. She and I walked to the bar, so, I could ask the bartender and there was a big stand-up ad for Edible Cocktails sitting right there on the bar. :confused:


That resolved, I went back to the table to wait for my drink. It took a very long time, and I was worried about being late to hear the Captain's remarks at 8:15. I was starting to think this was too much bother for jello shots, but, I knew my faithful reader(s) (Yorkvillain) would want to see them.


When they finally arrived, they looked very cute.






They were OK, all different flavors. I never had jello shots before, so, now I can say I have. Interesting side note, when I got my bill the final morning, there were two charges for this visit. One was zeroed out, like all my other drinks and one was $5.46, charged to my room. I had an early flight, so, I wasn't going to stand in line at Guest Services for $5.46, but, I do wonder what happened. When I got home, I looked at my receipts and my EC wasn't zeroed out, it was the one I was charged for. Are they not covered under the package? The other charge was about $6.50, so, I wasn't charged twice for the Edible Cocktail. :confused:

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While I was in there, there was a Tango class going on. They had a pretty good turnout.




I left quickly to go see what the Captain had to say for himself. ;)


I bustled into the Pantheon theater just at 8: 15 when the Captain was scheduled to speak. It was empty, crickets chirping.


Oops, I misread the Program, he was speaking at 9:15, not 8:15. :o


25 years spent reading doctor's handwriting had left me incapable of reading simple typeface. :D


So, I wandered a little, somehow ended up in the sports bar.





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At the correct :o time, I went back to hear Captain Scala.


What a great guy! He was charming and funny and made his welcome remarks in so many different languages! Italian, English, French, Spanish, of course. Everyone can speak those! ;) But also, Portuguese, German, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish! Holy Smokes! As he started each new language, a cheer would rise up from the speakers of that language, thrilled to know he was talking to them. :)


MSC doesn't allow pictures during the shows, but, the show that night was Wonderland and I loved it! The costumes were extraordinary, they had acrobats and jugglers and dancers and singers. This is the kind of show I was expecting and I LOVED it. There was no plot to the show, Wonderland was the theme, influencing the costumes, but, that was about it. There was a Mad Hatter who was the stuff of nightmares.


Speaking of nightmares, this was the first night I noticed the kids in the theater. After I had left the sports bar, I came down the elevator and as I descended, I could hear loud chanting. I thought we were being overtaken by pirates! When the door opened, there were about 30 kids there, holding hands and chanting, wearing little jumpers with hearts on them. As per my nature, (I did offend some in this forum by referring to 5 year olds as squirmy), I got the heck out of there, but, they made me smile.


After I had gotten settled in the theater, I could hear the chants getting louder, coming closer. People were wondering what it was, I didn't let on that I knew it was the kids coming. They came down the stairs into the theater, with their chaperones, holding hands and chanting loudly. The 30 I had seen had clearly picked up more of their friends. They basically put on a little parade for us, down the stairs, across the width of the theater (just above the tripping step) , down the other stairs, then across the front to their reserved seats. They had the first 4 rows of the right hand section of the theater.


Every night, the kids would make their entrance wearing jumpers appropriate to that night's show. I don't know if they made the jumpers as an activity or MSC just loaned them to them, but, it was very cute. I never read Alice in Wonderland, but, I think there was a Queen of Hearts in there somewhere, hence, the kids wearing hearts costumes. I would notice occasionally the chaperones taking one or two out for a bathroom break, but, they were very well behaved. Not squirmy at all. :o


That Mad Hatter had to have given them nightmares, though. He looked like Johnny Depp's worst nightmare.

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After this wonderful (get it, get it?):p show, I decided it was time to get my drink on. I had grown weary of foo-foo drinks, just wanted what I drink at home, wine, so, I headed to La Cantina di Bacco.




I like the wine barrel stools. The seats look like corks blowing off bottles to me.




I liked it here, it was a nice place to sit and people watch.




When you order wine, the server brings you a little plate of snacks.




The olives were to die for and the various cheeses were perfect with wine. The server here was wonderful and very knowledgeable about wine. I never did catch his name, but, he quickly learned what I like to drink and eat and brought me what he knew I liked. He did not believe me when I told him the bars and MDR did not have White Zinfandel.

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This man was making pizzas and I asked him if it was OK to take his picture.




He and I worked together to catch him flipping the dough.


Here he is saying, Get ready.




Dang, too late! The picture is blurry and he almost dropped someone's dinner. This shows what happens when you are looking at the camera instead of the dough.





Finally, the perfect flip! You can't see it, but, trust me the dough is up there.




The pizzas he makes are for sale, I think they are about $8 each. I assume these are the ones Chandra was hoping to get commission on. :p


He inspired me so much, that after a few glasses of wine, I headed down to the buffet for some free pizza and more wine.


As I was collecting my pizza, this is when I noticed the bar was right there. GREAT! I went to the bar to get some wine and the bartender wouldn't talk to me, he pointed that I should talk to the server instead. This does seem to be how it works on MSC. The bartender is there to mix drinks, not take orders. That's OK with me. She told me to sit down and she would be right with me. I sat down and starting eating, she came over and I said White Zinfandel . She didn't know what I was talking about. I said Beringer WZ, it's number 503 on your cash register. I told her any Rose would be fine. I had learned the Roses are numbers 503, 504 and 505. She came back with the same Rose the dining room had. That was fine, it was OK.


As I was eating my second piece of pizza, a different server came by to see if I wanted more wine. I figured what the heck, go for it. Beringer White Zinfandel, please. :cool:


Next thing I knew, here came the bartender with the menu in his hand. He showed me the list of white wines and said there is no Zinfandel here. I pointed at the list of Roses and said, I know, it is here, White Zinfandel. I said, I know it's weird that it has White in its name, but, it is a Rose. I wasn't mad about it, I was rather amused really. Haven't they ever read their own menu?


He did finally produce a glass, but, now, as I look at my receipt, I see he added 1.75 to the price. Why, did he have to go milk the grapes? I'm starting to think the next time I cruise, I need to look at my receipts more closely. I was busy making sure it was my name on them and I was getting my card back, I wasn't looking at the prices since it was all covered.


On a side note, on my way out, I looked at the bar and on their back wall, as part of their display, they have a bottle of Beringer WZ. ON DISPLAY!


So, let's see my total for the day.


My breakfast, a latte and 2 pastries was 6.90. My snack of a latte, a macaroon and a bag of chocolate was 8.55. Three foo-foo drinks were 22.25, my edible cocktail was 5.46 which should have been covered, but, wasn't. Five glasses of wine were 33.25. Grand Total- 76.41!

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My breakfast, a latte and 2 pastries was 6.90. My snack of a latte, a macaroon and a bag of chocolate was 8.55. Three foo-foo drinks were 22.25, my edible cocktail was 5.46 which should have been covered, but, wasn't. Five glasses of wine were 33.25. Grand Total- 76.41!



is everything included with package Allegrissimo Premium?

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This man was making pizzas and I asked him if it was OK to take his picture.




He and I worked together to catch him flipping the dough.


Here he is saying, Get ready.




Dang, too late! The picture is blurry and he almost dropped someone's dinner. This shows what happens when you are looking at the camera instead of the dough.





Finally, the perfect flip! You can't see it, but, trust me the dough is up there.




The pizzas he makes are for sale, I think they are about $8 each. I assume these are the ones Chandra was hoping to get commission on. :p


He inspired me so much, that after a few glasses of wine, I headed down to the buffet for some free pizza and more wine.


As I was collecting my pizza, this is when I noticed the bar was right there. GREAT! I went to the bar to get some wine and the bartender wouldn't talk to me, he pointed that I should talk to the server instead. This does seem to be how it works on MSC. The bartender is there to mix drinks, not take orders. That's OK with me. She told me to sit down and she would be right with me. I sat down and starting eating, she came over and I said White Zinfandel . She didn't know what I was talking about. I said Beringer WZ, it's number 503 on your cash register. I told her any Rose would be fine. I had learned the Roses are numbers 503, 504 and 505. She came back with the same Rose the dining room had. That was fine, it was OK.


As I was eating my second piece of pizza, a different server came by to see if I wanted more wine. I figured what the heck, go for it. Beringer White Zinfandel, please. :cool:


Next thing I knew, here came the bartender with the menu in his hand. He showed me the list of white wines and said there is no Zinfandel here. I pointed at the list of Roses and said, I know, it is here, White Zinfandel. I said, I know it's weird that it has White in its name, but, it is a Rose. I wasn't mad about it, I was rather amused really. Haven't they ever read their own menu?


He did finally produce a glass, but, now, as I look at my receipt, I see he added 1.75 to the price. Why, did he have to go milk the grapes? I'm starting to think the next time I cruise, I need to look at my receipts more closely. I was busy making sure it was my name on them and I was getting my card back, I wasn't looking at the prices since it was all covered.


On a side note, on my way out, I looked at the bar and on their back wall, as part of their display, they have a bottle of Beringer WZ. ON DISPLAY!


So, let's see my total for the day.


My breakfast, a latte and 2 pastries was 6.90. My snack of a latte, a macaroon and a bag of chocolate was 8.55. Three foo-foo drinks were 22.25, my edible cocktail was 5.46 which should have been covered, but, wasn't. Five glasses of wine were 33.25. Grand Total- 76.41!


Kim and I had a pizza there and the guy in your pictures was who made it for us. It was fantastic,,but what was weird, was that he was always looking at us,,,but I will agree,,the appetizer of olives,,cheese,,onions,,and a Peroni to wash it down,,,nothing short of phenomenal!!!

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My breakfast, a latte and 2 pastries was 6.90. My snack of a latte, a macaroon and a bag of chocolate was 8.55. Three foo-foo drinks were 22.25, my edible cocktail was 5.46 which should have been covered, but, wasn't. Five glasses of wine were 33.25. Grand Total- 76.41!



is everything included with package Allegrissimo Premium?


All alcohol, sodas, water, actually hold on while I copy and paste from my first page of this review.



Unlimited consumption of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages including wine (from the "by the glass" menu), draft and bottled beer, soft drinks, mineral water, hot drinks and all drinks from the bar (including champagne cocktails, single malt whiskies, superior brandies and other premium spirits), drinks from your minibar and mineral water in your cabin, as well as all items from the 'Gelateria' menu and Pastry Shop and food from the Room Service menu. :eek:


So, yes, Maybe not the edible cocktail, not sure why not covered, because its jello?


Kim and I had a pizza there and the guy in your pictures was who made it for us. It was fantastic,,but what was weird, was that he was always looking at us,,,but I will agree,,the appetizer of olives,,cheese,,onions,,and a Peroni to wash it down,,,nothing short of phenomenal!!!


Clearly, he was waiting for you to take his picture! You ate there and you never saw the guy in the red jacket? He was there every night!

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Turtle! My friend from the Grandeur! When I said I had Elderflower before, it was because Turtle gave me some on the Grandeur. She didn't like it, either. That's why she gave it to me! Where are you going on the Legend?


Yep, Elderflower--that's just a fancy way of saying Yuck! ;) I'm on a 12-night repo from Quebec City to Ft Lauderdale on Legend. Upon debarking will walk across the same pier, same day to board a Princess ship for a 5-nighter. The Princess cruise is a ridiculously low-fare balcony (which I've never had other than on Alaskan cruises) with $200 OBC. Couldn't turn it down.


See you found your beloved pasta. :D Cruise line bread is always the best-- love me some hard rolls!!


Look forward to continuing this MSC cruise with you--thanks as always for sharing your thoughts/pics. :)

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Upon debarking will walk across the same pier, same day to board a Princess ship for a 5-nighter. The Princess cruise is a ridiculously low-fare balcony (which I've never had other than on Alaskan cruises) with $200 OBC. Couldn't turn it down.


What? When? Where? I've been wanting to try Princess. ;) How did you get 17 night off? Burn work down?


The pastries and latte are included? And the wine and cheeese at la Cantina?


Yes, the pastries and the gelato, yes, the lattes and the chocolate candy. Yes the wine, you'll see later in the cruise I moved on to champagne, The snacks at Cantina are free for anyone who buys wine, even if you are paying by the glass. This is with the Premium package. Bottles of water are covered, all the stuff in the minibar is covered. :D:D Believe it, it's true! :D:D

Edited by maureencruiser
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I am really enjoying this review! Looking forward to the rest!


I like how you handle the little frustrating moments by turning them around and making them funny.


The ship looks so beautiful... Sparkly staircase is a knockout! :)

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What? When? Where? I've been wanting to try Princess. ;) How did you get 17 night off? Burn work down?


Caribbean Princess, Nov 15-20, FLL to Western Carib. This will be 3rd with Princess. The first two were on the small ships no longer in operation around these parts so my expectations are set low since I love the little ships. As far as time off, since our 'Lady G' cruise :) I waved my hand in the air to work additional hours anytime I could help someone else out and then some. Of course, now I'm completely fried :eek: but T-minus 20 days and that's all behind me for 19 glorious days. Well, I guess two of those days aren't so glorious as they're travel days. Land at LYH on the return--my text will be open throughout both cruises so send a message if you're up for dinner on Nov 20.


I promise to all maureencruiser review fans that I will not post again. I'm sure my posts are worse than commercials during your favorite TV program. ;) Her reviews are crazy fun, right??!! :D

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OK, Sorry for the delay. Work and family keep getting in the way and reminding me why I need to take frequent cruises. :D My Mom and Pop pharmacy was swallowed up by a large chain this year and the upside to that is that starting in January, I will have FIVE weeks vacation! :eek: YAY!!


OK, the next day, Monday, was another sea day and I was determined to get up early to have breakfast in the MDR. I had heard good things about the Eggs Benedict and I knew I wanted to get the fresh squeezed orange juice at 4.25 a glass to help fill out my package. And yes, Saphir, before you ask, the FSOJ is included! ;)


On my way to breakfast, I saw this sign and thought it summed up my whole cruise.




So, I made it to breakfast and was seated with some nice people. Now, Saphir, you might want to pay attention to this. I call it the White Zinfandelling of breakfast. :rolleyes:


When the waiter came to take my order, I asked for FSOJ. He said, What? I said FSOJ and when he still seemed confused, he said fresh squeezed what? I pointed at it on the menu, FSOJ. What else would be fresh squeezed at breakfast, the Canadian Bacon? :confused:


Finally, he understood and he said it's gonna take me about 15 minutes to get it. I understood immediately that he was trying to talk me out of it and I was not being fooled. I said, that's fine, I'm not in a rush and smiled sweetly. He said, I have to go to the bar to get it. I said, Thanks, that would be great!

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At the correct :o time, I went back to hear Captain Scala.


What a great guy! He was charming and funny and made his welcome remarks in so many different languages! Italian, English, French, Spanish, of course. Everyone can speak those! ;) But also, Portuguese, German, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish! Holy Smokes! As he started each new language, a cheer would rise up from the speakers of that language, thrilled to know he was talking to them. :)


MSC doesn't allow pictures during the shows, but, the show that night was Wonderland and I loved it! The costumes were extraordinary, they had acrobats and jugglers and dancers and singers. This is the kind of show I was expecting and I LOVED it. There was no plot to the show, Wonderland was the theme, influencing the costumes, but, that was about it. There was a Mad Hatter who was the stuff of nightmares.




Speaking of nightmares, this was the first night I noticed the kids in the theater. After I had left the sports bar, I came down the elevator and as I descended, I could hear loud chanting. I thought we were being overtaken by pirates! When the door opened, there were about 30 kids there, holding hands and chanting, wearing little jumpers with hearts on them. As per my nature, (I did offend some in this forum by referring to 5 year olds as squirmy), I got the heck out of there, but, they made me smile.


After I had gotten settled in the theater, I could hear the chants getting louder, coming closer. People were wondering what it was, I didn't let on that I knew it was the kids coming. They came down the stairs into the theater, with their chaperones, holding hands and chanting loudly. The 30 I had seen had clearly picked up more of their friends. They basically put on a little parade for us, down the stairs, across the width of the theater (just above the tripping step) , down the other stairs, then across the front to their reserved seats. They had the first 4 rows of the right hand section of the theater.


Every night, the kids would make their entrance wearing jumpers appropriate to that night's show. I don't know if they made the jumpers as an activity or MSC just loaned them to them, but, it was very cute. I never read Alice in Wonderland, but, I think there was a Queen of Hearts in there somewhere, hence, the kids wearing hearts costumes. I would notice occasionally the chaperones taking one or two out for a bathroom break, but, they were very well behaved. Not squirmy at all. :o


That Mad Hatter had to have given them nightmares, though. He looked like Johnny Depp's worst nightmare.


My girlfriend gets creeped out by the guy in the lower right corner of this pic. We really enjoyed this show though!!


<a href=MSCDivina08-23-201492of829_zps5a7ff29a.j

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I was a little miffed that he was trying to talk me out of it. :mad: It was something I paid for and I knew damn well there were assistant waiters who could go get it if, in fact, they had to go elsewhere to get it. They get wine with dinner, they can get juice for breakfast. So, because he said it would be 15 minutes, I looked at my watch. 12 minutes later, the assistant waiter came to me and said there was no FSOJ, the machine was broken. This was very disappointing to me, I don't know if it was true or not, but, I know people were drinking OJ long before there were machines to squeeze it. Use your hands! I want blood, sweat, and tears in my OJ! :D


So, I settled for plain, boring, OJ and the Eggs Benny.





I immediately ditched the tomato and found the Benny to be just OK. The sauce was very bland. Now, don't get me wrong, I ate every morsel, but, I decided then not to venture back to the MDR for breakfast. It just wasn't worth it to me to get up early, settle for boring juice and eat bland Eggs Benny. It's too bad really, because I had wanted to try the omelettes too. I also had been seated with a few complainers and that is not how I wanted to spend my cruise, hearing the minutiae of what went wrong on everybody's cruise. That is what Cruise Critic is for! :D


So, unsatisfied with breakfast, I decided I needed to soothe my soul with some Cappuccino and Cannoli at the Piazza. Unfortunately for me, being a sea day, all the shops were open and the Piazza was crowded. I waited for 20 minutes and never did get served. I then moved on to the future cruises presentation, that only lasted about 15 minutes.


Feeling a little peeved at how the day was going, I decided I needed a nap before lunch. Looking back, maybe I should have gotten a drink somewhere. I just organized my receipts for today and I don't think I spent much money . :)


I went to the MDR for lunch. They seated me at a table for two, but, there was a nice couple at the next table that I chatted with. They loved everything that was served to them and I enjoyed hearing positive comments for a change. While pouring my water, the waiter overpoured and I ended up with a table full of water, it reminded me of my brunch on the Sunshine! :eek:

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