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Ocean princess venice to rome


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I was able to remove that little Flickr tag before posting here. When I copied and pasted from Flickr into the CC message box, the link for the "id tag" (for lack of a better word) was separate from the actual photo URL link, so it was easy to delete the former and not mess with the photo itself.


I hope this (a) makes sense and (b) addresses the actual problem you're having, Norris!


What a great review so far. I had to have spaghetti carbonara tonight, thanks to your mouthwatering meal photos!


It has been my favorite Italian dish since 1972 when I lived in Nuremberg for 3 months and after playing a gig one of the few places open in the wee hours was an Italian restaurant called the Alpino and that was a signature dish and pairs great with German (any) beer, being rather a dry and filling dish. Carol makes it at home too.


In Chicago I don't pine for Italian food as the few experiences I have had tend to be of the can of tomato sauce slop variety. There is one stunning Italian restaurant here with a TV chef at the helm (Tony Mantuano) called Spiaggia and we use it sparingly for special occasions....prices make your hair stand on end (which is quite fashionable now so maybe not a bad thing) but there is no sloppy sauce- I believe the food is "Northern Italian " style. The flavors sing and dance on the plate and your stomach says "great goggly-moogly" and is suddenly your best friend.


Have to say that everything we ate in Italy was very simply but beautifully prepared- I like just a few ingredients that harmonize on my plate and that's what I got. 4 cheese pizza? that's 3 cheeses too many. Give me one good one.

Carol will testify that when it comes to making me a salad I have a three ingredient rule PLUS beets as they are some sort of veggie candy.


More food porn coming up no doubt...


Norris asking you to pop in frequently.

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While we were out to dinner at da Raffaele the housekeeper "turned-down" (odd expression) our room and closed the metal shutters on the balcony to keep boat noise out. We were tired and jet lagged so even if a barge had anchored outside our room and we were serenaded by half a dozen of those kids who beat plastic buckets with drumsticks on every street corner in America we would have slept through it.


However I somehow woke and went to the bathroom at 4.30 a.m and couldn't resist opening the shutters and stepping onto the balcony to reassure myself that it wasn't a dream and that I was in Venice. On the balcony I could see the Rialto lit up and could see some workboats near it, bringing in supplies or taking out the trash before another day could begin.


The comfy bed was 2 seconds walk away. The Rialto was a 15 minute walk away so I made the obvious choice: to Rialto with all due speed.


As a precaution I removed most of the cash from my money belt and left myself enough for coffee and a Vaparetto ride incase I lost my ticket along the way.


The cameras had been charging while I slept so, now dressed and carrying my umbrella attached to my camera bag-not just in case of rain but also as a weapon (makes a great shield or eye-poker-outer) I set off on a walk. A quick Bonjourno to the desk clerk and I was soon in some very dark streets.


I stopped to consider if this was a wise thing to do as it was at first a bit creepy and very dark. I could hear footsteps but see no one. Figures would appear at the end of an alleyway and disappear down another.


Venice has a reputation for personal safety but I take no chances and I hung my camera bag across my chest so that it couldn't be snatched by a passer by (if I even met one) and pressed on. I saw maybe a dozen people during my 15 minute walk into the unknown. None had cameras so I assume they were going to work.


I stopped to ask for directions from one- "Scusi! Dove Rialto ?" and he answered in rapid Italian but I got the gist and with another couple of turns was at the foot of it. I started up the camcorder (video now with youtube so should be ready to view in a week or so (sigh)


Workboats were indeed unloading. People dragging luggage were crossing the bridge in the dark.


p><p>I could walk to St Mark


Small alleyways like this one abound.


p><p><img src=IMG_1853 by norris_adair, on Flickr[/img]


p><p><img src=IMG_1856 by norris_adair, on Flickr[/img]


There weren't many people on the boat. Certainly no other tourists.


<a href=https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2946/15414028386_cd90ee90c2_b.jpg' alt='15414028386_cd90ee90c2_b.jpg'>IMG_1857 by norris_adair, on Flickr[/img]

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Hi Bimmer. I'm kind of late to the table, but I'll catch up soon.


We did a Med cruise that had 2 days in Venice, so I am really enjoying the story and the pictures & videos. I may need to go back!


I am also looking forward to most of your ports, since we hit mostly the 'big' ones. Mostly southern and eastern of Venice, then back to Barcelona.


We will be boarding the Ocean Princess in Dover, UK in July (if it still belongs to Princess, LOL), so I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the ship. We have been on her twice (as the Tahitian Princess) in French Polynesia. We loved her then, and can hardly wait to return to her.


Looking forward to the next installments.




Howard, glad to welcome you aboard. I may get to the ship later today as I have a day off but am now going to drive over to Michigan so lose a couple of hours on the computer. When I get there I'll upload more early morning Venice photos and then post the link to the corresponding video.


So stay tuned.



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Thanks for the tip. It does seem to work!




There are about 5 lines of text and gobble-de-gook with each upload-so what is safe to delete? For now I am pressing on as the mountain of material I have and the desire to not keep people hanging around waiting is urging me on, plus I am dying to get onboard the Ocean and start cruisin'!


Having said that though I can't skip anything in Venice as each moment there was interesting and grin-inducing.


As I was standing at the water's edge as the dawn broke and I saw ships coming in with Cathedrals as their backdrop if you had said to me-Hey Norris, here's an open plane ticket to anywhere in the World- your's free but you have to go today!

I would have smiled and said No thanks. I am fine right here. You take it.


Venezia mi piace.



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There are about 5 lines of text and gobble-de-gook with each upload-so what is safe to delete? For now I am pressing on as the mountain of material I have and the desire to not keep people hanging around waiting is urging me on, plus I am dying to get onboard the Ocean and start cruisin'!

When you paste the photo link here on CC, you'll see 4 lines of code (at least on mine). The first 2 lines are the photo itself. It goes from . Delete everything after that and you should be fine. Test it out in "Preview Post" first in case I told you the completely wrong thing!
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After a very pleasant journey during which I managed to video a speeding Fire Engine, er ,boat I came to St Mark's and disembarked. The square was a teeming mass of nobody-just me and 5 street sweepers using old-fashioned brooms. Later a woman would come out with her young child and gradually some people heading to work.




(Thank you Annie and Jasperdo!!)


I looked around for the Campanile (Bell tower) but couldn't see it anywhere....




Cafe Florian wasn't open yet. A pity as I hadn't yet had my first cup of coffee of the day.



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Coffee. I had to find some. There aren't Starbucks stores on every street corner in Venice (and I can see why given that Italian coffee makes SB taste like bitter dishwater which is why I seldom drink from the Starbucks well except when I am at home and grind the beans just before brewing).


I couldn't smell any so I headed out the back of the Square, away from the lagoon where I knew underwater cafes hadn't yet been built and ambled down some streets brightly lit by the beautiful shops there.





After a few minutes I saw a very narrow (about 6 feet) dark alleyway with, half-way down a golden beacon of light and the sure smell of freshly roasted beans.

A vision!!


A tiny little hole in the wall coffee shop with one young girl running it and two old Italians with their tiny dogs occupying the one small table inside. Outside a man sat on a window ledge reading an Italian newspaper and drinking a foamy cappuccino. Vorrei cafe, I said. Espresso? she said. Si ! said I and she produced from a dazzling brass-piped machine a small cup of hot, crema-endowed definition of espresso in a demitasse with a saucer. Cost was 1.70E or @$2. Nowhere to sit so I went out and hunkered down in a dark doorway, lit up a Marlboro and became alive again.


I took my cup back in and said Cafe e la vita! (Coffee is life-true enough) and she laughed aloud and wished me a good day.


It was already a good day and better was yet to come as there was a thing called breakfast in my future at 7.30 and then a visit to Rick Steve's favorite church-the Frari wherein paintings by Titian did dwell, near his tomb. Other highlights lined up for the day included an Opera at 3.30 then a water taxi to the Ocean Princess at 7 pm so we could be on board by 9 latest.


I walked back to St Mark's to visit the lagoon and passed these on the way...the Venice Hard Rock cafe (nice location!)




and a Best Western Hotel opposite, near the Square



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Those are terrific early morning shots of Venice.


Glad you like them and thanks for helping me with Flickr!


I am pleased with the Canon camera and am getting used to it more but am still an idiot and experimenter when it comes to the manual settings-but capturing the scene and the moment and then sharing it is the main thing. Carol hasn't even seen these shots yet. She was just waking up around the time I was taking them.


No matter where I am I get great joy from being up early and walking empty streets and in Italy with their late dining they tend to get up later and ease their way into the day.


At 4.30 a.m on the Ryan Expressway heading into Chicago it is packed with cars with frenzied drivers in a hurry to get somewhere . In Venice-not so much.


Norris, reliving this magical morning

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Hi Norris,

Following your exciting trip and amazing photos from here in Bonnie Scotland.

I have been to Venice three times and needless to say I LOVE Venice but I have never managed to capture such wonderful photos.

I know you said it is a Canon camera,I too have recently bought a new Canon for my next cruise to the Far East on the Sapphire Princess.I only hope that I can get amazing photos just like you.Although I am NOT great at getting up early to catch the best shots.I guess I better start setting my alarm here at home a little earlier and try to get into an early morning routine.!!!

Looking forward to the next episode. :):)

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Hi Norris,

Following your exciting trip and amazing photos from here in Bonnie Scotland.

I have been to Venice three times and needless to say I LOVE Venice but I have never managed to capture such wonderful photos.

I know you said it is a Canon camera,I too have recently bought a new Canon for my next cruise to the Far East on the Sapphire Princess.I only hope that I can get amazing photos just like you.Although I am NOT great at getting up early to catch the best shots.I guess I better start setting my alarm here at home a little earlier and try to get into an early morning routine.!!!

Looking forward to the next episode. :):)


Welcome Scotland, Bonnie indeed and half of my ancestry. Guinness and Haggis!


A good camera (and mine is far from top of the line, money-no-object, but I am not a camera enthusiast) is a great tool for bringing memories flooding back and Venice is a great subject. On this trip though there were many beautiful or historic places and I was very glad that I had the Canon. It's an EOS REBEL T3i and the camcorder is a Canon Vixia #32. More photos soon and then the video that was shot at the same time.



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Aida Aura comes into view




A last look at St. Mark's Square




Then back towards the dock to catch a Vaparetto home to the hotel and breakfast.




Hotel Danieli which is overly ornate inside-the sort of place Za Za Gabor would have had a bellman walk her poodles on their way to their morning perm.




Newspaper (Journale) stand at the Vaparetto ramp.




I took lots of daylight photos on the journey home but they will follow (for continuities' sake) after the video I promised-which will come next.



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Ah, Venezia... grazie, Norris, per le bellissime foto!


I teach Italian. I can't say it's a job (that is, it doesn't feel like one), but they do pay me to teach this language...


My family and I are heading to Venezia and Roma, plus places in-between, and a cruise as well, next June. Thanks for the "antipasto," so to speak! Looking forward to the main course!



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Ah, Venezia... grazie, Norris, per le bellissime foto!


I teach Italian. I can't say it's a job (that is, it doesn't feel like one), but they do pay me to teach this language...


My family and I are heading to Venezia and Roma, plus places in-between, and a cruise as well, next June. Thanks for the "antipasto," so to speak! Looking forward to the main course!




Prego, Joan. I love the singing quality of Italian pronunciation and Carol received many compliments throughout our visit. We know some phrases from listening to opera for so long and they came in very handy. We will both continue to learn so we can fit in better next time.


Many Venice photos and videos still to come and after the cruise more Rome than anyone can stand! Carol is totally smitten by Rome, even more so than I but I was captivated by everywhere we went with one exception.


The Ocean Princess will feature heavily of course for any impatient ship fans out there. In time we will be onboard....



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It was time to head back to the hotel to meet Carol for breakfast and my trusty Vaparetto pass was put into use again-such a great way to get around the city.








Metal sculpture




Accademia Bridge and Vaparetto Stop




Waterside restaurant



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The Frari bell tower was visible from our balcony and we had seen a Rick Steves feature on it and decided to make the short trip across the water, just one Vaparetto stop away.


Alas we are not allowed to use cameras in there even though some flaunted the rules with huge Nikons with telephoto lenses. Not my style to ignore requests like that in historic places. You can see photos with a Google Images search.


The video and the photos that will follow are worth it for the scenes in the beautiful Piazza where Carol found a rare bench in Venice.



The work of the great artist Titian is featured throughout the magnificent church.

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I'm not sure if Venice has landed on DH's wishlist of places to visit yet, but you've certainly pushed it up a bit on mine with your pictures and video. I guess that means it is on DH's wishlist too......;):D


Venice is unique and I hope to return. Happy to see you are sailing in the CB in a week or so! There will be lots of catching up on this review when you return!



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Amazing pictures! It has been a dozen years since I visited Venice and your pictures are bringing back many fond memories.


I am looking forward to the cruise pictures and Rome, another amazing city that I spent a few days visiting.


Thanks for the compliments but in Venice every time you turn a corner there is something worth photographing as it is so beyond what you see everyday.


I actually feel I restrained myself as I had to walk and be aware of my surroundings and wasn't just popping off pictures of every Venetian doorknob and window-sill. I was trying to relax now and then.


Cruise photos? Oh yes- hundreds

Rome? Oh yes, hundreds including the Vatican/St Peter's Basilica

Videos from every stop, much from Malta Pompeii Dubrovnik and Rome


Carol has seen pretty much none of all this so it is unfolding for her day by day.


I can't rush it though....too special.


Thanks for finding the "review"



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After a light breakfast (buffet) we left our room




and made our way though the lobby which had been polished to within an inch of it's life




A marine ambulance went speeding by with siren blaring (very musical) You can see the bell tower of Frari Church in the distance...




A short Vaparetto ride would get us to Frari. There were cheap gondolas (I think 2E crossing the canal from near our hotel (not the tourist singing ones) but we had Vap tickets still and love the Vap as it is much more stable and easy to get into.

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