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  1. Harry, I know you’ve done your research so you must have learned that New York is the city that never sleeps! At any hour of the day or night there will be people out there doing whatever it is that they do. The nonstop activity level in the city is part of my love/hate relationship with that nonstop city. I find it an exciting, wonderful place to be, but it also exhausts and overwhelms me. It’s a place I’ve enjoyed visiting but I wouldn’t want to live there. Your pictures and descriptions are, as usual, spectacular!
  2. We almost booked a Boardwalk Balcony on Utopia. However, my DH has very much turned into an early to bed kind of gut as he’s gotten older, so our daily time schedule has had to change to meet his needs. We were going to be all the way aft on the Boardwalk and I was afraid the noise would be too much for him especially with the late start time of the AquaTheater shows. I’m a night owl so I would have been out on our balcony watching the but DH would not enjoy the cruise if he couldn’t sleep. I looked around and found an OV balcony that I liked for as decent a price as I could find and booked that instead. We’ll be a lot happier there. If I really want to go to the late show in the AquaTheater I’ll just go there and see it. How did your little one like the superheroes on parade? I wouldn’t be surprised if he got over the lack of parading pirates really quickly once he saw them.At least I hope he did!
  3. Thank you to everyone for sharing their experience on Utopia. We will be on in January, a weekday 4 nighter in attempt to enjoy the ship without the full on weekend party crowd. Nothing wrong with it if that’s your thing but DH and I were done with that scene many years ago. Maybe it will bring back some memories from those days ….. that is, if I can remember them! 😂😱😜
  4. Great report, Harry! I’m enjoying seeing New York through your eyes. Life has been busy around here lately so I haven’t gotten here every day but I catch up when I can. You can count on me following along until you’re done showing us the sights of New York.
  5. Bill, if you’re watching the PC webcam this coming Sunday morning when Wonder comes in be sure you wave to @OCSC Mike! He and his wife have been onboard Wonder again this week and will be disembarking on Sunday.
  6. We board Wonder on September 8. At some point I’ll wave to you on the webcam. We have friends, former neighbors actually who will be sailing with us on Wonder. I don’t know what they will want to do yet for sailaway. I’ll let you know when I know. We’re definitely looking forward to sailing on Wonder, but I’m not happy with a lot of what I’ve been hearing about the entertainment. The word “disappointing” comes up far too often for my liking.
  7. I loved all of your pictures from Summit One! Never been there. Can you tell me when the building was first opened? DH and I REALLY miss NY pizza 🍕! Here in Florida we have so called NY pizza, but there’s no comparison to the real thing. We’ve found a few places here that come close enough that we’ll eat them when we need a pizza fix but spend the whole time thinking about the pizza we wish we were eating. It does not surprise me at all what a great job you’ve done in researching your NY trip and how well you’ve planned out your days. As a bit of a planner myself, I appreciate your skills.
  8. Love the balcony pictures! It’s been a while since we cruised Princess, but since they will be home porting a ship in our home port, Canaveral, we’re thinking that another Princess cruise may appear on our cruise calendar soon.
  9. Isn’t it ironic how much busier life seems to get once you’re retired? 😂 I don’t have any idea how we ever managed to fit work into our days before we were retired 🤷‍♀️!
  10. Hi Norris, Carol, and cats! I knew you had Germany planned for this summer but I wasn’t sure what else you had planned. I have now taken a screenshot of your screenshot so I’ll know when and where to find you. Hope you have a great time in Germany as you always seem to do. I’ll be looking for you in early November on Enchanted. 😀
  11. I hadn’t seen you around in a while so I wasn’t sure what cruise line you were cruising these days. Tonight I happened to wander over here to the Princess board and what a nice surprise not only to find you posting here, but that it was one of your My View reviews as well! I’m here for the rest of it! Your review and pictures are great, as always!
  12. Your trip through Grand Central Station brought back a lot of memories. DH is originally from Brooklyn and spent a lot of time in Manhattan so he knows the city well. We were living in CT and used to take the New Haven rail line into the city to see his mom. That ended 20 years ago when we moved to Florida. Things have certainly changed since then! For most of our trips we used paper tickets for the NHRR into the city and tokens for the subway ride out to Brooklyn. We finally started to use Metro Cards about a year or so before we moved to Florida. I think he may still have a token or two that were left over when we switched to the Metro cards. Fortunately for me DH knew his way around so all I had to do was follow him around. Grand Central looks very familiar in some ways, but very different in others. I’m looking forward to seeing more of the city through your eyes.
  13. 200 days for us. Seems like forever but hopefully it will go by fast. Our Wonder cruise in September should help the time go by. 🛳️🛳️
  14. That truly was a special breakfast. Kudos to the Food & Beverage Director. With all of the cuts being made it is wonderful to see that some staff members are still going above and beyond the call of duty.
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