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Blog from Carnival Glory 11th April (long but hopefully enjoyable and worth the read)


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Well folks its that time again. The Happy Chappy and Family head away to foreign shores for a wee holiday.*

This year we have a wee mission to reach our destination of Miami. Due to the prices of flights from Glasgow to Miami we decided

to try flying from elsewhere and discovered that not only is it cheaper to fly from Dublin but you can have an overnight stay there and*

you can clear US customs (which is a severe pain in the ass bytheway) in Dublin Airport meaning we land in the US as domestic passengers. *

So as we saved around £800 we booked flights with Aer Lingus to Dublin and booked a Holiday Inn Express near the airport. And we are still

around £400 to the good.*

So if you are not familiar with my blog from previous cruises here is a quick introduction to who will be travelling.*

There will obviously be me. The handsome cheeky, devilish, happy go lucky star/author of the story. My name is Ernie, I play Bowls (cause I am too old to play football) and I love Glasgow Celtic Football Club. That will possibly lose me some readers but heyho!!*

The username Happy Chappy was given to me by my oldest son Jack's pals when they were weans. Because I am a grumpy ol bassa.*

So yes I can be grumpy. As you will no doubt notice if you read the blog in the past.* I love a good rant. Show me man that doesn't and I will show you a liar.*

Travelling with me will be the lovely Hobbit. My wife Kay. All 4ft 10 of her. She used to be 4ft 11 but is shrinking in her old age. Kay is a year older than I am.*

As Kay is under 5 feet tall she qualifies to be a fully fledged member of Hobbithood. So when you hear me referring to the Hobbit I am talking about my lovely wife.*

Also travelling will be Stuart Aged 10. Well 11 on 3rd May. The tornado/terror child, Stuart lives life at 100mph. Stuart talks at 100 mph. And Stuart complains about*100 things a day. Like father like son.*

Oh I forgot to say. Stuart is still in school, Kay works for a large Supermarket chain and I drive a taxi. I view life through a taxi windscreen.


Oh meant to say there will be plenty of pics on the blog. Only problem I am using a mac and I haven't a clue how to copy and paste a picture. I will transfer pics onto a laptop and post them from there but that will happen when we are on the ship.


This year our itinerary goes along the lines of 7th April 1130 Glasgow to Dublin. Overnight in Dublin

8th April Dublin to Philly and Philly to Miami. As we have over 3 hours in Philly, we might will get a chance to leave Philly airport. I want to run up the Rocky Steps in


Anyway 3 nights in Holiday Inn Port of Miami then 7 nights on the Carnival Glory heading down to Cozumel, Roatan, Belize and Grand Caymen and returning

to Miami before heading home via Philly and Dublin on Sat 18th April. Thats the plan. I love it when a plan comes together. - name the film?


Right thats the introduction done. Here is where we are at the moment of typing. 0230 on the morning of 7th April. Grabbed an hours kip on the chair while Kay finished ironing. Then to put the stuff in the cases. Packing i think they call it. Well stuff in, stuff out, stuff in stuff out. Too many clothes. I left out a few shirts andshorts. Kay took out some blouses and some of stuarts stuff is being left behind. you think we are away for a year with clothes we packed.*

Oh, my wee best pal, Buzz the dug, is lying beside me snoring away. He knows we are heading away for a few days. Dugs are not daft and he has been in a strange wee mood all day. We will miss Buzz more than we will miss our oldest son Jack, He is 20 and cruising is not cool enough for him. Besides he would not be able to have a bevvy on the boat. Theres no point going on a holiday if ye canny have a swally. he says. There is more to life than alcohol young man!*


Oh and the film is The A Team.*


S'pose I better nip upstairs and see if the Hobbit needs me for anything. Back soon.*

Well I was a great help there. I put some stuff in a case and she told me to take it out as it doesn't go there. So I took it out. Put some more stuff in another case and*she told me to take that out as THAT doesn't go THERE!! So I said shove yer packing Im away to make a cuppa tea. So I went back down stairs organised the electrics, Laptops, phones, chargers, cameras, iPods, etc etc. All the really important stuff you need on holiday then went down to kitchen and made the cuppa. Being the loving husband I am I made 2 cups.

Called Kay downstairs for her tea, we sat had a wee blether and she finished sewing a dress while I zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

****!!! I fell asleep. Its now nearly 6am. Kay is flapping. Big style.*

Anyway enough of this. You get the jist. Kay does everything and I do heehaw except be there and look good and useful. Except I am not useful.*


So 9-15 taxi came to take us the 15 min drive to the airport for our 1st flight from Glasgow to Dublin. We leave at 9-30 Check in nice and smooth, security is no problem and its now time to have a munch. Lots of places to eat in GLA but Stuart clocks a Starbucks. Fkn Starbucks. Cheese toastie, Bacon Roll, 2 Cookies, Cinnamon bun 2 teas and a hot chocolate over £25. Fukadoodledoo!!! That's expensive. And these buggers do not pay tax!! I would jail them for robbery as well as tax evasion. Wee political rant here! Folk are struggling with poverty while Starbucks and the likes make £m's in profits and don't pay a penny. Very wrong!!!!


So nice flight on a wee skateboard with wings. We were sitting in row 4 which is right next to a propellor and that made it noisy flight. 45 mins up and down. Dawdle!

Dublin, top o the morning to ye except its now afternoon. Shuttle bus to hotel, room is ready so its time to hit the town. Lets do it in style and get the bus!!!*

Stop start stop start bump bump bump. Bus was murder. But it dropped us off on O'Connell Street right where we wanted to go and worse luck it dropped us off right outside a bloody Burger King. That is the 1st thing Stuart sees and decides he is hungry. So we pop in for 10 mins have a wee quick bite and away we go. Wander around down towards the bridges. Dublin has lots of bridges.*

Now one thing about Stuart is he loves the Eurovision song contest and The Point Theatre held the contest in 1994. That was where Riverdance 1st came to the public attention. 'Dad, Can we go there, to the Point theatre'? Whit????? A theatre? you want to go and see a theatre!!! Aye says Stuart. Well its not The Point anymore, Its the O2 Arena. So we wander along and jump on a tram to get to the theatre. This is where I make an arse of myself. I look completely stupid. There is a machine where you pay for the tram tickets. But its really strong sunlight and is difficult to see. Questions appear on screen 1 at a time.

Type of ticket? press day return,

Zones. No idea press the same zone twice Cheaper that way.

Type of payment......Type of payment?

Now it comes up with various options and to me its asking what are you using to pay. I press the pic of a 5 euro note. Nothing. I press it again, still nothing. 'Timed out' ****!! So I start again and type of payment. Now remember I am reading this screen in brilliant sunlight and with great difficulty. Type of payment? Type of payment? Timed out! Montefk!!! How do you work this fkn machine. All I want to do is get on a tram.*

Here we go again.........type of payment? same screen different options of payment. Oh wait!! EUREKA!!!!! Not different options!! Different types of payment the machine takes. I shove a 5 yoyo note in the machine and it spits out my ticket and drops my change. Im a fecking eejit!!!. And to complete my embarrassment it was not me who had the Eureka moment. It was a Polish girl who was waiting to use the machine. And Im still a feking eejit!!


Well we wander around The Point take a couple of pics of the outside of a concert hall (Sad gits) and we meet the concierge who was a lovely guy. We asked if we could get in for a nosey but sadly not. Sting and Paul Simon were playing a duel concert there and it was all full of security and roadies. Any other time he says. come back we can get a tour. Aye ok big yin nae bother!! I used to like The Police but not now! And as for Paul Simon. Your best ever video was only good because of Chevy Chase

Back to tram and head over to Temple Bar area and have a wander around. Lots of pubs and bars and trinket shops. so we head into a place called Luigi Malones for some food. Had a lovely glass of beer, food was OK. Nothing special. We leave there around 8 and this time Kay is understandably shattered so a last wee wander around Dublin centre, buy some Irish trinkets (or in other words ****e) and head back to hotel arriving around half 9. Stuart got a call from one of his pals on FaceTime and Kay ironed the clothes for tomorrow. I crashed on the bed. Next thing I know my watch alarm is going off and its just past 6am.*


Day 2 and this includes a belter of a one liner that will not be beaten by anyone on this holiday.*


Up shower shampoo and s**te get ready head down for Holiday Inn Express standard breakfast. Not the best but its included in the price so cannot complain.*

Get shuttle bus to Airport, the shuttle driver loved his job. He was a really happy guy and best of luck to him. Anyway into Airport and we get met by a nice lady who asks for our booking details. We hand them over and Oh, You are not on our system. just wait here! **** whats the problem. Nothing. Because we had originally booked another route and we had a schedule change it was under another booking number which I had not been informed about. No problems at all. Relief!!!

So we get to the bag drop and a guy walks over to us and asks the usual questions. Are these your bags? Yes! Did you pack them yourself? Yes!* Are there anything in them that can be used as a weapon? Stuart quick as a flash pops up with.............are ye ready for this....................wait a mo................its worth the wait...............Hold on...............Selfie sticks!! Well, I nearly peed myself and Kay was almost creased over laughing.

Bags through and we are told to head straight to US Preclearance. Security is as usual a pain. Guess who gets pulled for a random search? Stuart. Guess who's bag gets pulled for a random search? Stuart. Thats Karma for being a smart arse and making a crack about weapons at check in. Although sitting here on the plane writing this I still think its a belter of a comment.*

Wait till ye read this. Kay buys a magazine and as we walk thro to Preclearance we have to fill in US Customs form. So Kay fills it in and as we are just finished some other woman walks away having just filled it in and leaves her documents beside us. Kay notices and picked them up and runs after the woman. Good deed done for the day but at a cost. We head thro the 2nd security and thats us in US. Kay pipes up. ****!! My magazines? Where are they. She left them when she ran after that stupid woman who had left her travel documents behind, A good deed that came with a cost. Ach well, she will get her reward in heaven. *

So we are now thro to the gate where we have approx an hour to wait. I go get a cuppa and some pancakes for Stuart and before we know it we are being called to board. And that is me right unto date as I am writing this at 36000 feet.*

Time to chill. More to follow later.*


Well what a surprisingly decent flight from Dublin to Philly. Fairly decent legroom and quality inflight food. Shockeroonie!!

There was really heavy cloud in Philly so I could not see a thing until around half a mile from airport where we came down thro clouds. Pity as I love the views from the wee windies.

Our plan was to head into the city centre to run up the Rocky Steps but we were advised not to as the roads were very busy and it would mean we might be tight to make our onward flight which was 3 and half hours later. Pity that. I was looking forward to doing that. Fortunately PHL is a cracking big airport with plenty shops and bars so we were ok. I watched a football game live on mac. (Celtic v Patrick Thistle)

Well I went to Wendy’s to buy some coke and they had an ad flashing for Ghost chilli fries. Ghost Chilli Fries. I had to read it twice. Is this real. Ghost Chilli Fries???

Yes it was real and it was $1. Oooohhhh gimme some of them bad boys. 2 diet cokes and a portion of Ghost Chilli fries. As expected they burnt the mouth off me. Also almost burnt the ring off me too an hour or so later. They were magic!!!!

More to follow very soon. Hope your enjoying it.

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Haha - LOVE it so far.


Thank you. Thats my style of holiday blogging. Only happens once every 18 month or 2 years.

Living in Scotland and cruising from the US is bloody expensive due to the price of flights.

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Doing Eastern next month on the Glory and going to be following you this week.. Want to hear about the ship, who to say hello to, what to see/what to stay away from and very important PLEASE.... can you post/tell us about the CD who I believe is going to be Adam Cornes...


And only if its easy for you to do, please post the menus of the American Table...


Can't wait for the rest of your blog... So far really good... Have a good day mate :) lol



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Have a wonderful cruise with MY GANG (next week anyway) Ernie and all the best to the Hobbit and Stuart wish I was sailing with you but like I said maybe our paths will cross another time. Hopefully you had a beer or two for me last night

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Have a wonderful cruise with MY GANG (next week anyway) Ernie and all the best to the Hobbit and Stuart wish I was sailing with you but like I said maybe our paths will cross another time. Hopefully you had a beer or two for me last night


Met up with those 2 last night. S was blitzed when we got there. D was fine. A bit drunk but actually ok but S was a goner. She was funny. Yes mate I would have liked you to have been there. D was slagging by baldy bit as I got it sunburnt. you could have took the pressure of me in that score. Haha.


Part 2 on way.

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OK where were we? Oh yeah, Ghost Chilli fries. Right lets continue. We waited in PHL and it started raining really quite heavy. I can get that in Greenock 364 days a year. Not what I want on holiday. (or vacation as some of you call it)

So we wait and its time to board. Nice clean plane and only around 30% full so no worries about reclining or snoring (not that the hobbit cares anyway)

It was lovely coming into land at MIA in the dusk. Lights were on but the night was clear as a bell. I like looking from the window of a plane but I think coming into MIA is my fav.

Get off plane now follow signs for ‘baggage reclaim’ keep following….and some more….turn left….now right…..keep going….just a little more. Jeez its fkn miles from the gate to the baggage reclaim. Would have been quicker doing bloody US immigration. Eventuuuuuaaaaaally we reach it and our bags not surprisingly are on the carousel when we get there. Taxi to hotel and bingo we are finally here. Shattered and stinking. Check in to Holiday Inn Port of Miami and its a top floor room with a lovely view of the bay and the wee Freedom tower. As I say pics will follow once I learn how to work this or I can get the pics put onto a computer.


Quick scrub and spray and out into Bayside was the plan. However no one told me the hotel bathroom sink tap came in 2 speeds. Trickle or full on riot police crowd control blast mode. There’s me with the shirt off, belly out and armpits stinking, I turn on the tap and I am now soaked from my waist to my chin. Just as well my shirt is off or it would have been ripped from me. Anyway living in Greenock Scotland I have discovered skin is watertight so a dry off with a towel and we are good to go.

There are lots of places to eat but Stuart wants Hard Rock Cafe. Aye ok lets go for it. Now I have always found the HRC menu to be a bit limited and this one was same. But to be fair, the food when it came was tremendous. I near sh*t myself when the bill came. I forgot about tax and statuary service charges! Anyway we are on holiday so pay the bill and out for a wander. Stuffed to the gunnel a wee walk was needed to help the food settle.

An hour later it was midnight and I was back in the room and out cold. Nite nite.



Wake up as usual just after 6 but spend the morning chillin. Bit disappointed that they don't have a tea maker in the room. I love my morning cuppa’s, just coffee. Anyway, one of our shipmates arrived and we met up for a quick blether. Was nice to meet him and his family.


So the plan was to head up to South Beach and wander around. Bus there and we spend a lovely couple of hours people watching and wandering around. The Gay Pride gig was being set up for the big weekend ahead. Gonna be really busy there. We popped into a wee place for ‘brunch’ lovely but again a complete shock when the bill arrived.

Does this place not have a burger van or a chippy where you get a munch without a bloody mortgage.


So a wee wander around the area taking some nice pics and head to the Watertaxi to take us back to Bayside. Now that was nice. Passed Millionaires Island and by god there is some cracking wee pads there. Now let me rant here. I can understand the likes of Beckham, Stallone, or multi millionaire businessmen having world class talent or having worked for their money but can someone please tell me how a woman can amass a multi million pound fortune for walking on a catwalk. I am talking about Naomi Campbell who apparently has a house there. Incredible.


Right I am back at Bayside wandering around before heading back to hotel and Kay buys some flip flops and I look at ‘****e shirts’ You know the crazy, flowery, silly looking, extremely bright coloured designed shirts that some folk can carry off. I might even buy one. Watch this space.



Back to room to change and head out but I crash out. Kay and Stuart watch some TV and at the back of 8 we head down to meet some more folk from the cruise.


Have a drink and a laugh for an hour before heading back to Bayside for more mental expensive munch.

We had a laugh late on in evening as me and Stuart bought a Hagen daz ice cream cone. Now Stuart let his cookie dough ice cream drip all over his t shirt. Now this gives you an isight into the hobbits mindset. He has the cone, he is eating the cone, he lets the ice cream drip on his t shirt but the hobbit starts shouting at me as its my fault for buy a child an ice cream cone.

Going by that logic its actually her fault he is here at all. She ‘put out’ that night all those years ago!! Simple logic to me.

Nite nite.

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Well what a laugh today both times in the McDonalds round the corner from the hotel. 1st was around 8 am this morning when some students were talking about upcoming exams and this young buck claims I'm not studying. Ill be fine in the exams and this big woman in the queue in front of him turns round and starts on him. Young man you'd better start studying you better get those grades blah blah blah for about 2 mins she ranted away at this poor guy.

Next time was around 3pm we popped in for a wee bit of lunch and this trampy guy asks me can I spare a $1 for a bite to eat. My initial reaction was to say sorry mate. Ive no change. Then he sat down not far from us and he looked like he had the worlds worries on his shoulders. I walked over to him and put a $5 note in front of him. He just said ‘thanks man’ I watched what he would do and he went straight up to the counter and ordered some food. Having placed his order he smiles at me and gives me a thumbs up which I return the gesture.

Next thing some young guy started shouting at him and the 2 of them had a bawling match in McDonalds. So the manager shouts for them both to get out. The young guy goes 1st but the tramp has ordered his food. Told again to get out he asks for his $5 and when he gets it he walks to the door. He then turns round and shouts back to the manager as loud as possible ‘Fk yeez!! Im going to motherfkn Burger King’

Well I nearly ended myself.


Do you ever get the feeling there is something missing. There is def something happened that I cannot mind what it was and meant to tell ye about it.

Ach it will come back to me.


To continue on about today. Now this is the day before the cruise. we went a wee wander and found ourselves, in among many other shops, a wee place called Macy’s. 10 mins and I had found myself some nice shirts. 90 mins later Kay had found a wee top. Stuart and I were going bananas sitting about waiting. So when we eventually left there we headed to McDonalds for the Cabaret. That was awesome. A wee burger and a drink later and back to room for an hour or so and a desperate attempt not to crash out.

Now waiting on Hobbit getting ready before we head out for a munch. Def not a heavy night tonight. Need a clear head for the start of the cruise the morra.

Back again soon. Still trying to figure out how to post pics from a mac onto a forum. I have got a scooby :(

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Ah Chappy...you made my morning...you tell a tale like nobody can....thanks sooo much.


Bon Voyage!!!!


Sarah from Montana, US


We have a family gravestone a few generations back near Glasgow...praying Dad can go...soon....Sarah

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Thanks sjn. There will more but all will be tomorrow. Today is party day and hopefully I can remember as much as possible and will let you all know. In my own inimitable style.



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Sorry still no pics. Don't worry come next Monday I promise I will put a good few on.


The last night in Miami was not great but I finally got myself a ‘s**teshirt’

Been looking for one for ages and I got a cracker. It really hits the target as a ‘s**teshirt’ A ‘s**teshirt’ is just a bloody awful looking thing, terrible. You would never buy one or wear one back home but when in Miami they are everywhere and some people can actually make them look good. I might even post a picture.

Oh and I bought one for the oldest boy and the Hobbit is mumbling about fkn waste of money blah blah blah. I don't complain when she buys multi coloured blouses and dresses.

Anyway, we could not all agree on where we want to eat. Anywhere one suggested the other 2 did not want to go. As a result we ended up eating from different places from within the food court and I had a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich which was rotten. No more need said.


Right I am sitting in Cozumel as I write this as I am a few days behind schedule and we have just had room service delivered. They are takin the P by the way.

Toast for 3, 3 slices. 2 bits of butter?????, A cereal bowl like a small doggie drinking bowl, Make a circle with your thumb and middle finger and thats the size of it.


Anyway back to Miami and our last night before boarding. So our last meal in Miami was disappointing but no complaints from me as its the 1st bit of bad since we arrived. But my god the other 2 moaned and nagged me about it something terrible. You would think I tried to poison them. (mmmmm, something to think about later on) Anyway after words were said I stormed away saying I'm away back to the hotel expletive expletive blah blah etc etc, but, as i passed the main stage in Bayside the music was brilliant. I stopped to have a listen and the others stopped too. Anyway we stood there for 90 mins listening to this brilliant band playing everything from latin to rock to popular and modern. They were brilliant. Broke the ice and all was good again. Families!!!!!


Back to hotel later on to sleep before boarding in the morning.

Sat morning 11th April 2015. And I will write it again. 11/4/15. The correct way!!!!!

Not this confusing month 1st bull the Americans do. I like America but I would def change that. Oh and I would get yeez to drive on the left!! Oh and blah blah blah


As usual I am awake early and head down to McDs for brekkie for everyone.

Have to say that particular McDs is my fav in the whole world. Not for the food but for the continual cabaret that takes place inside it. This morning it was full of hobo’s and drunks. looking ruff, probaby feeling ruff and without doubt they smelled ruff!!

But the antics of them is just priceless. They always want to fight with each other. And they are loud!! Seriously loud and they just do not give a ****!!

I just went and had a seat for 10 mins before ordering to watch them. People watching at its finest!!



Brekkie scoffed down to CVS to buy some munchies and cokes to take on ship

11 am Taxi to ship $9.00 plus 4 tip took around 10 mins, dropped bags off and gave guy $3 Walked in to security and I proudly said we have FTTF to be told over there. I said where exactly? Over there!

OK I walked ‘over there’ and a Carnival rep said oh you are in the wrong area you should be in the FTTF gate. So she took us through security and said head straight up to 2nd floor. OK says I we head up to 1st floor and we get stopped and asked have we filled out our questionaire? Pass? Fill that out she says then head over there? Over where says I? Over there and check in? Oh right. We have FTTF. Over there she says and points. So Kay fills the form in and we head ‘over there’ to be told you are in the wrong place but don't worry I will check you through here. At last someone who actually took control. The girl was really good and told us FTTF will be called shortly and we can board then. Meantime just find a seat and wait. OK.

Now I still don't know where ‘over there’ is in relation to FTTF.

Anyway from arriving at gate to being told twice to go ‘over there’ we were on board around 11-40. Not too bad at all to be honest.

Went straight to our room and dumped the bag with the goodies in it and went for a wander. Ship is nice and the layout is similar to the Splendor. Went to meet and greet, Done the Muster drill and we are off! The sailaway party is cracking and as Usual I do my party piece the Cha cha slide. Also the Cuban shuffle and many other daft dances.

Evening meal is a 6. I enjoy a lovely steak then we head out and about for a wander and by 10pm I had won a Camp Carnival Dance contest by being the only dad to compete. Got a medal as well. We took Stuart unto Camp Carnival and left him for a couple of hours while we went back to room to unpack. I slept and Kay unpacked. Went for Stuart at half 12 and back to bed. Not an exciting night but a pleasant one. Cheerybynoo.

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About time we heard from you thought maybe the Hobbit got on a stool and tossed ya overboard and left for the sharks


Haha. No chance. We head into Belize today. This is a very quick log on the check emails and stuff.



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Anyway, we could not all agree on where we want to eat. Anywhere one suggested the other 2 did not want to go. As a result we ended up eating from different places from within the food court and I had a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich which was rotten. No more need said.

Oh dear. If you want a Philly Cheesesteak, Miami is not the place to get one.:) I grew up outside Philly and no other place matches up.


Enjoying your live report - thanks for sharing!

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Great review, can you say anything about your cabin?

Looking forward to more!:D


Certainly. Sorry it has taken o long to get back to you. The internet on the ship is brutally slow and I went back to Guest Services and kicked up a stink so they refunded my money.


Cabin No 7337. Empress Deck slightly aft of midship. We used the central elevators which was really close to the cabin. The cabin itself was very clean and decent size. We had balcony which to be honest we didn't utilise as much as we should have. A large Queen sized bed which was actually 2 beds put together but was really big. So big that if I was on one side and Kay on the other I could stretch out and not touch her. (She liked that) and a single bed for Stuart. The only complaint about the cabin was the shower was not great. Not a lot of power.

Lots of wardrobe and drawer space. No complaints apart from the shower.


Hope this helps.

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Continuing on from last week I am almost a week behind due to the terrible internet on the ship.

This starts from last Sun morning the 12th April.


OK Ship day/Sea day. I like these days where you just chill and get familiar with the ship and the goings ons. As usual I am up early and start wandering around with my music on. Its very quiet at half 6. I head to the secret deck at the very front of deck 7. Go right to the front and take the door at the very end and head out, thro the next door and you are there. Directly below the bridge. What a view. You really cant see anything but the dark sea and the stars. Millions of stars. As there is no light there the stars seem so much brighter and there is so much more of them.

Back up finish wandering around and at 7.30. Yes 7.30am the breakfast buffet is chaos. Its like trying to get out of a football match. Seriously chocca!

So I do my room service impression and head back to the room fully laden to the 2 hungry sleeping nuggets.

We like quizzes and trivia so we find a couple on. 1 is musicals and the others is Disney. We do ok in the Musical one but really struggle with Disney.

Head up to get a Guy’s Burger for lunch. Holy Moly there are the biz.

Cracking burgers and without doubt the best eaterie on the ship.

Spent the rest of the day chilli will heading to the dining room for 6 as we are early dining.

It was elegant night so we got kinda suited and booted. Kay looks good in her new dress and I just have a shirt and tie.

After meal its showtime and its a Motor City show based on Motown. Cracking show. High energy and very good effects. Well done to all involved. I will say this now, its better than the Diva show which runs with it. Early show tonight is Motor City and late show is Divas. They reverse it later on in week.

We do Casino and relax while people watching. Its amazing how quickly time flies as you watch the world go by and make comment on folk and their outfits. Remember its elegant night and a lot of people make an effort. Shame on those who dont. The late night comedian was on at 11.00. He was funny at the start but made his act by making strange noises with his mouth. I felt after around 5 or so mins he went downhill a bit. Sorry cannot remember his name.


Next day is Cozumel. We get room service and my rant earlier on is about now. Why do you get 3 slices of toast for 3 people yet only get 2 bits of butter. Now I would have expected 2 pieces of toast each considering its from a tiny loaf. The toast is only about 3 inches square. Its def smaller than the length of an iphone 6. We get 1 piece each!! and Stuart has to eat his cereal in 2 parts as the bowl was not big enough to put 2 portions of cereal in along with milk. No kidding and the tea was cold. Maybe its a one off. We will see.


Anyway Cozumel. And we have booked the Great Cozumel Race. It was brilliant. Well organised, the locals all knew about it and helped you along when you asked. Now someone HAS to go in the water. Take from that what you will. I will say it again. There was clue under the water. They take you out in a boat to fetch it. The same people take you out to this sunken boat but someone HAS to go in the water.

When you come off the wee boat you are sent on missions to find out stuff about the island and you go all over the place. You end up in a wee bar in the middle of nowhere and you get a couple of well deserved beers/cokes/water whatever and the presentation ceremony is very funny. The main man is called Eduardo and he is a funny guy. Typical corny holiday type patter but his body movements and antics are brilliant. Have to be fair here and say Stuart was brilliant during the race. His boundless energy took him ahead when we needed someone to do it and he took one for the team by getting the Henna Tattoo. Taxi takes you back to the pier Well recommend the Great Cozumel Race.

Oh and it was absolutely scorchio!!!!!!.


Back to pier round 3 so a bit of time to shop and on board around 4. Knackered!!

Have to say if you are reasonably fit and mobile then go for this but if you have any mobility issues or you are pretty unfit (like me) then it will take it out you. But in saying that, we knew it was gonna be heavy going but just battered thro. Im glad we did.


Back on board we chilled for while went for evening meal but with a difference this time. We did not go to the MDR we went to Red Sail restaurant (or the buffet) had a munch. It was surprisingly decent. A good choice of Carvary, veggie and fish based food. Kay had a Turkey from the carvary and I had some pasta and wee spring roll. Strange combo but enjoyed as I was not really hungry at all.

The main show of the night was the Hasbro Game show. - Boring!! Not really for me this. We hit the casino and get a good we win of $35 on a slot machine early on. That along with the $40 deposited gave Kay and hour playing slots till it took it all back as they inevitably do.


Stuart was at Camp Carnival which on this cruise has not been so good as the last one. There have not been as many kids his age attending. Just yer luck I suppose.Around half 10 we went up to check on him and he was sitting himself playing Mario Kart on the Wii. It turned out there was only a few kids there and none his age. (all younger) So he just came out with us. Bedtime. Shattered!!

Edited by HappyChappy
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