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Carnival legend hawai'i review w/pics 05/07/2015


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So, my very first review, I really love this web site :) I have actually written this opening post three times now, so fingers crossed that it actually takes this time.


A quick little something about us (Denise and Tony) We are both just turning forty, am from Rhode Island and have been cruising for a little bit now. We have done Carnival, Norwegian and Royal Caribbean.


It actually takes us an entire year of saving in order to do a back to back three week vacation. Last year we did a Caribbean (Where we got married on the Splendor) and a Mediterranean on the Norwegian Spirit, A-mazing.


This year we are trying to pull of this Hawai'ian in front of an Alaskan... Hope all goes well. We do have a tightly planed itinerary and I will post the pre-arranged plans before each post. It's surprising how off the whole vacation was after all, but we are always up for unexpected twists, it only means more memories :)


I do hope you all enjoy, and get something out of our review.


So here goes....

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05/04/2015 MONDAY 7:16 P.M.






I’m sitting on the porch, hubby is in the shower. My nerves are frayed, must be the upcoming flight (flying scares the hell out of me).


I feel like I’m 15 not 40 and about to head out on my own. Probably wouldn’t be so bad if my bank account was bottomless. Then anything that might arise would be swiftly corrected. ( I can’t believe how true this one statement almost meant)


We’ve had a list of things to do one the fridge for mmmm six weeks or so, just crossed off the last entry. I’ve decided to cut myself off of caffeine so I might not be so high strung on the flight, so soon we will be off to have a mixed drink to help calm me to sleep.


My niece her boyfriend and their eight month old baby girl will be staying at our house for the duration of our vacation watching our three dogs (Cavalier King Charles Spaniels) and their litter of four. We have stocked the house with food and treats, did an extreme cleaning and paid them $450 for three weeks. Will miss and worry about them.



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05/05/2015 TUESDAY 12:20 P.M.



In Seattle right now( Thank GOD my feet are on the ground) Actually, not really since we are currently on a train J


Our layover is eight hours so our seat mate on the flight into Seattle suggested taking the rail to West Lake and off we go.


I have to say this morning started shaky. We woke @ 4:05 and gave my father a wake up call. Then ran around the house packing last minute items (i.e. toothbrush, hairbrush etc.) I'm glad I skipped coffee thanks to a suggestion made on the Face book page for this cruise. Best idea yet!


So, dad dropped us off at the bus station in Providence Rhode Island(We are from Warwick) and the bus has gotten us to the airport with only minutes to spare.


The flight was actually good. Smooth. Nice Attendants. Only small bouts of panic. Hope the rest of this day goes just as well. Once at West Lake we did lunch, tried to do a movie but the times didn't work out so we settled for a shake at Johnny Rockets and a bit of shopping (got my doggies a toy and a blanket for the rain and flight).


On the flight to Honolulu now with only about an hour left. One hour too long. Alaska air has been such a good airline and the weather has been nice as well. Our seat mate will be on the cruise with us, all we need to do now is land. I can't even wait, I'm so restless.


WHOO HOO TOUCHDOWN J So we grab our luggage and make our way curbside for the Advantage shuttle. The rental office will be closing soon and we are cutting it super close on time. Shuttles keep coming and going, but no Advantage, this waiting is dragging on so I finally ask a Hertz shuttle driver and she was kind enough to bring me to Hertz where Advantage was just across the street (looking back they are all close to the airport and I would have had a quicker time just walking over there). After haggling about all the add on expenses, we were off and on our way.


So, before we left the house I filled a GPS with every address of everywhere we were going to visit. I take this trusty guide out and look up our hotel in the favorites The White Sands Hotel….Nothing….AAARRRGGGHHH…. the stupid GPS can't find satellite. So plan B, my pre-printed Map Quest map, and off we go.


I have to mention that it was a very pleasant surprise that our phones could still text. We have a friend wjho happened to plan a trip to Hawai’i at the same time. She will be here in the afternoon tomorrow.


Halfway to our Hotel we heard a nice female voice “turn left in 500 feet” WHOO HOO the GPS will work for us after all. I was almost thinking my inventive idea had turned quite sour. So we followed her trusty voice and I was able to put down the silly printed maps and we had no issues getting to our hotel.


Geez, with her guidance we could ride around the whole island without a care in the world.


Now, White Sands Hotel (OMG) I did not think we went cheap when we chose a hotel, I was sure we went three or four stars. But two stars would have been a reach. The desk clerk was condescending, arrogant and ignorant. Can you believe they charge a $10.00 CONVEINENCE fee? WHAT, and they don't even have a porter? WHAT, Oh But It Get’s Even Worse.. THEY… DON'T… EVEN… HAVE…AN… ELEVATOR!

How in the world do little old couples manage? So, of course we get the third floor (just great). I pray my experience with Hawai’i gets better with age.


After going caffeine free all day, coffee was my only objective. That as it turns out, was a little bit of a challenge. See, you can't park anywhere so hubby had to drop me off at McDonald’s, drive around the block a few times and then pick me and the coffee up.


Back at the hotel we chose to wait until morning to haul all our luggage up three flights, which I ended up doing before my hubby woke. Now, as I write this he is unpacking. According to our itinerary we were supposed to be at Diamond Head Crater at 6:00 A.M. I can't see that that is happening since it is now 6:15 A.M. and I'm off to shower and start our adventure with what’s next on the itinerary. I AM SO EXCITED!


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The pictures are not showing up. It looks like you are using Photobucket also. Copy the link at the very bottom. Right hand side. I did a test picture above, to make sure before I shared the info.


Thank You, So Very Much

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05/06/2015 Wednesday

Written 05/07/2015 5:00 A.M.



GOD, Somethings are just larger than life. Must be lived and experienced.

Being here brings forth the overwhelming sense of accomplishment, pride, WONDER, amazement and all around awe.

Plus, everyone is your Uncle :)


It amazes me most that one can plan a trip down to time slots, yet have nothing go accordingly. WOW, I love the GPS.


I am just like you guys, I read all the reviews, so many I was wondering if I’ve already seen and experienced it all online. Please believe me when I say, to all of you reading this review, being here is nothing like the internet. Life is to be lived, tasted, smelt, touched and watched first hand.


So this is my planned itinerary



Wednesday 5/6/2015 Oahu

(5:00-7:30am) Wake early and attempt Diamond Head crater on our own (Free w/ Purchase of Go Oahu Card)

(7:30-1:30pm) Drive Our Rented Car to Makani Catamaran ($60.00 w/Go Oahu Card)

(2:00-6:00pm) Rent Scooters (Free w/Go Oahu Card) Drive To Aloha Stadium Flea Market/Shop/Eat

Return Scooters, Return To Hotel

(7:00-11:30pm) Oahu Ghost Tours ($90.00 w/Entertainment Book Coupon)

Return to Hotel


I hate this hotel, I mean, maybe they have elevators in the other buildings and we just got unlucky. I don’t know but they made some areas nice for photo ops.


After showering and getting ready to head out (it’s 7:30 A.M. and we’ve already missed Diamond Head Crater) We plug in our trusty GPS and let it guide us easily to Makani Catamaran. I am so excited to see Turtle Canyon. We are parked in a lot with a long row of small huts, their boats parked behind. I will include a pic of the hubby standing before one of them. Ours we never even got a photo of. So we stood and waited for a worker to open shop. We were early and eager. However… when he finally showed up he quickly advised us that there was no sailing for today. In shock I pulled out our printed reservation and showed him, But no he said… not enough people booked to be able to go out. So I ask him, well how do I get my refund? He says I didn’t pay. Outrageous, I did pay and I demanded to know how I would get refunded but he was very adamant that they don’t charge until the sailing. By this time my blood was boiling! I know I just lost money, and a great trip and THIS GUY is telling me it’s not true on top of being rude about it.


So, I call the number provided and was told that had I checked my messages I would have noticed that it was canceled. They said a refund was issued and I would receive it in 7-10 business days. Just Great.


We looked up the address to Turtle Cove on our phone, enter it in the GPS and drive up to the shore. It turned out to be a better plan anyway. The top was down on our convertible, Island music on the radio, just me and mu hubby! Plus we got to see more of the shore than we would have been able to on a catamaran. PARADISE. Stopped at Turtle Cove, snapped some photos. Here it was different for me than what the internet described. On the internet I saw people swimming alongside the turtles. Here the rule is enforced, stay back six feet. I wondered how the paddle boarders and surfers managed obeying this law. No matter, just seeing them in their natural habitat was amazing. I did sneak in a touch too, just one little pet. That was when I got reprimanded, so we continued on. We shopped, ate and enjoyed the scenery.


Next, to the hotel to change out of our swimwear and on to the scooter rentals. I had read about the swap meet or yard sale that was popular and wanted to go, But as our luck was going, they said it was too far. We would have to take the highway and scooters are not allowed on. Sheesh.


So, we decided on doing Diamond Head Crater after all. The trip up is hard. If you were to ask me if I would do it twice, NO. If you were to ask me if I would do it different, NO. I would still hike up. The view from up here is insane and the cherry on top is your sense of accomplishment.


The scooters were so much fun. When we got back down from the crater and on our scooters we just rode around the town. Together, so happy, just in love with this word, this life! We stopped at Uncle Bob’s for dinner. From the outside it looks like a little local dive. The inside looks like a Hollywood’s A-Listers favorite place to dine. The food was good but not as good as the price we paid for it, in my opinion. We gassed up our rides, sadly returned them and quickly drove the car to pick up our friend to do the Oahu Ghost Tour.


Everything the guide told us on this tour was plain facts. We were taken to places where mass murders had occurred many many century ago. The other couple on the tour repeatedly snapped pictures of “orbs” Maybe they were paid help I don’t know, we never snapped pictures of orbs. Again, just in my opinion, some staged noises or trickery may have made this tour a little spooky. It was not spooky to me at all, it was just okay. Next coffee from 7-11 then bed. Hubby says I’m driving tomorrow so his other arm can get a little color he he.

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I am living my Hawaii adventure thru you, so I am watching and waiting for more. The things that have happened to you so far are things that would happen to me!! Therefore, I feel like I am on this trip also. I love your details of the good and not-so-good experiences. With me being a senior citizen with heart trouble, I would have a fit with no elevator. :) I have never been there, and love your review.

Edited by INCHARGE
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05/07/2015 THURSDAY

WRITTEN 05/08/2015 1:30 A.M.




Thursday 5/07/2015 Oahu

(6:30am) Drive to Pearl Harbor U.S.S. Arizona (must pick up tickets one hour in advance Free W/Go Oahu Card)

Pacific Aviation Museum (Free W/Go Oahu Card)

Battleship Missouri (Free W/Go Oahu Card)

Return to U.S.S. Arizona for Tour *Must Cut Tour Short*

(12:00-1:00) Drive To Polynesian Cultural Center for Ha Breath of Life Diner Show and Luau (Free W/Go Oahu Card)

Return to Hotel


My eyes are closing, feeling so heavy with exhaustion. I have to write today’s review tomorrow. But you must know something and this is why I am awake right now writing. You HAVE to do the Polynesian Culture Center. Simply because it’s this vital information that brought you to reading reviews in the first place. MUST GO, MUST GO, MUST GO…. Will continue tomorrow.





So, yesterday… let me try to remember the small details. Each day has been early to rise and late to bed. I think we've averaged five hours of sleep each night. So, we woke at 5:00 A.M., showered, dressed and took off with our GPS to Pearl Harbor. The site is so moving. To think that nine hundred soldiers still lie trapped in that sunken ship. They really did an outstanding job and it makes my American pride swell.

They took so much care in saving the memories of that sad day. As you can tell we had planned on being there until 1:00 P.M. or so, but was able to do most of the grounds (except the aviation museum) early. We completed it around 11:30 A.M., which as it turned out, was perfect. We headed off in the direction of the Polynesian Culture Center, was able to take our precious time and stop at all the beautiful sights. Even grab a fresh coconut. They just chop off the top with a machete and stick a straw in it (mine didn't taste so great). I was happy to be able to see the Chinaman’s Hat. That island was something I had run into on the internet but had no idea I was about to drive right by it. The sights here are really moving and make me tear up. When we finally arrived at the Culture Center it was about two and we were able to catch seven things. Now, had I realized how great the place was, I would have come earlier. Please go, and go early if you can so you can catch all the little village skits. Beyond the great performances, every single worker that walked the grounds were outstanding. Funny, Kind, Helpful, Almost Loving. A Perfect Experience Not To Be Missed. The food was expertly prepared. The entertainment gave us a taste of how these cultures put family above all else and it feels as though we were personally invited into their homes and families. Love, Love, Loved it.


Thought we would be able to fall asleep early, but the twists in the wind came to knock us off our plans again. As we approached the hotel, I was reaching into the glove box for our parking ticket and happened to notice it was expired, had expired yesterday. Hmmm, funny! WAIT, WHAT, MY TIME AT THIS HOTEL IS OVER? I thought I booked it until the eighth, I know I booked it until the day our ship leaves. OMG, WAIT, DID THE SHIP LEAVE TODAY? I’M SO FREAKING CONFUSED! Run up to the room, surprised I got in, find cruise papers, PHEW it does leave tomorrow. How did I screw up so bad and only book this room for two nights? Log into Facebook, looks like everyone is already boarded. Getting nervous so I call Carnival just to be reassured. Got the answer I was looking for, I can check into the cruise tomorrow. Looks like I just miss planned the hotel and will have to pay for the extra night. Go to sleep at 1:45 A.M. wake up call is for 5:30 A.M. A big part of me can’t wait to be on the safety of the ship.

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05/08/2015 FRIDAY

WRITTEN 05/08/2015 4:20 P.M.



Friday 5/08/2015 Oahu

(8:00-11:00) Kualoa Ranch Movie Sites and Ranch Tour (Free W/Go Oahu Card)

(1:30) Big Kahuna Para-sailing ($68/2 w/Entertainment Book Coupon)

Sea Life Park (Free W/Go Oahu Card)

Return Car

Check into Ship/ Sail to Maui


Wake up at 5:30 A.M., pack, check out of hotel (pay for my stupid mistake) and head to Kualoa Ranch. We did the movies Tour. I would recommend going there. We saw the ATV tour as they rode by us and the horseback riding tour but did not do either, I would though. I would go back and do both. I really thought it was neat and interesting to see all the sights that movies had been filmed on. I don’t live in Hollywood or anything so just knowing we were at the same places all these famous actors/actresses had been was cool. And, once again… AMAZING SCENERY…After the tour we checked onto our ship. Good thing we did it a day later than everyone else, word has it the first day was Hell getting through.


My first impression of the Carnival Legend was that it was worn down. Can you believe that a woman at guest services recognized us, Crazy, I guess that’s when you know you've cruised too much! WAIT, WHAT? NAH, NO SUCH THING AS CRUISING TOO MUCH! I really enjoy how Carnival treats their past guests. Norwegian seems more aloof and less personal. Anyway, so we boarded, checked in, grabbed a burger on Lido. Gassed up our rental car, dropped it off at the airport and grabbed a $24.00 cab ride back to the ship (pier 2) Re-boarded, Unpacked and am currently writing this through safety briefing. They said over the P.A. to continue on doing what we are doing. Hubby is asleep on the bed. I’m about to join him. Thanks for reading, till later.


Well, no rest for the weary. I guess that wasn't the actual safety briefing and we do have to go down there. Jeez, thought they had come up with a better option. In Europe you can just watch it on your stateroom television. Oh Well.

11:45 P.M. Had a wonderful diner, we opted for anytime dining. They were so packed in there that we were asked if it would be okay to share a table. Sure, why not, it’s something I kind of like but not the hubby.


We did the Welcome aboard show and then lost tons of money in the casino.


See, we have kind of a problem in casinos, we don’t know when to stop.


Going to bed. The wind is crazy tonight.

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