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Pic heavy, detailed Vision OTS review/recount of our 12nighter out of Barcelona!

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Next up was lunch!!!


Getting back in our minivan, Daniel told us we would be seeing some amazing sights, but that the roads can be quite dangerous. He said you could tell a local from a tourist, because locals always let you through, but tourists expect you to reverse backwards.

The streets were SO narrow. I'm talking barely big enough for our minivan to get through. It was a bit scary. But fun!

We rounded a corner and BAM, there was a HUGE bus, (like a 60+ seater). We had to try and negotiate our way around it, as it only reversed a bit for us. As we started edging past very slowly, the side mirror of the bus WHACKED in to my side of the mini van. I gave a little squeal and then laughed. We were all a bit in shock. Daniel didn't seem to mind at all.

Moving on, there were a number of times where we had to reverse for other people, or they reversed for us. I do get quite bad motion sickness, even when I'm driving sometimes, so I just kept looking down to the ocean, or up to the cliffs, depending on what side I was sitting on.


As we neared closer to our lunch location, we had another accident. This time, it scraped the passenger side of the van, (& took quite a big chunk out of it), and it also ripped off the passenger side window. This made Dolores swear, which made me lose my sh*t & laugh til I couldn't laugh anymore!!! Car accidents don't scare me, but a few of the others were shaken up a bit.

As Daniel fixed our mirror, we walked our way down to the restaurant, which Daniel had called ahead to let them know we were on our way.


The view as we walked in...


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This place literally looked like it was someone's home.

Before it was an open restaurant, it WAS a home that they opened up to people traveling up and down the hill. How lovely!!!









As we walked down to the open air restaurant, I realised I don't think I had ever been in such a unique, amazing location. We literally sat cliff side, over looking the Amalfi Coast. This restaurant was a family owned place and was seriously awesome.







All up, the restaurant would have held no more than 40 people total and had an open kitchen so you could see everything happening in there... But why would you want to with views like this?!?!?!


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We started with eight bottles of wine on the table. Yes, eight!!! Four red & four white.

Out came the salads. Daniel had told us to trust what was coming out... And be aware, they are italian, no one goes home hungry. Ha ha. Just how we like it.





And there it was... buffalo mozzarella! Mick imports it for his own mini pig outs he has at home and this is the only place in the world that you can get it from, the legit stuff!!!

Even the bread rolls were amazing. There was pancetta & a WHOLE lot of different meats and antipasto type foods.


A quick selfie in between gluttony!








After the salads were cleared, we then had PASTAS delivered. Canaloni, more chickpeas, so many different foods!!!








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The restaurant was called La Tagliata.





After our feast, the table was cleared and they brought out even more wine. I must admit, after our tasting, now this, I was loving life harder than I ever could have loved it! And it's official... I'M IN LOVE WITH ITALY!!!


I went to the bathroom, which was outside, down a garden path and near a huge veggie patch.




Daniel had told us that most of the ingredients in the restaurant were from fresh produce from their land. These are where the veggies are from... Wow, very impressive.

There was an old man, literally like in his 90s, peeling beans next to the garden. I said hello to him, gave him a wave. He waved back and keep peeling the beans.

When I arrived back to the table, I assumed we would be on the way back to the minivan... Nope, we had dessert!!! OMG no, I cannot eat another bite of... Oh okay, I'll try, but only not to offend! Ha ha.



After dessert, coffee was offered and of course, limoncello. It's custom in Italy to have coffee AFTER your meal and not to have milk with it, just black, like an espresso. I passed on the coffee, but not the limoncello. Infact, not many people had theirs- so Mick & I devoured about 3 each!! Ha ha.

I was dreading the bill... We had been ripped off a bit in Spain, and I was hoping this wasn't going to happen. How much was I willing to pay for two of us to have endless wine, fill our tummies and have the best view in the world? Maybe €150? Noooooo, think again. We paid €50 total! That's right. Wow!!!!


The walk back up to street level & the minivan... Not a bad view... But had a very full tummy.


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Back up at the street










The ride back to the ship was great- I didn't feel car sick at all. Did I nap? More than likely! Ha ha. Did it have anything to do with the alcohol I had consumed? Definitely!


Daniel played us a goodbye song at the pier, got the tissues out and pretended to cry. It was hilarious. BEST DAY EVER. Actually. It was better than my wedding day- & I thought my wedding day was 100/100!!!


When we got back, we saw people practising for the arial show. Very cool.









Now, I don't think I mentioned it, but Mick out some clothes in to get washed two days before this day. We received them back just before we got off the ship this morning & mick went to put on one of his tshirts he had washed... The only thing was, it had shrunk... As in it would barely fit a small lady!

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This is what I had to deal with now... I took all of the washed clothes to guest services.

The lady behind the counter was nothing short of the rudest person I had ever met. I let her know what had happened and she told me to leave the clothes with her and she would ask the head of the washing department. She told me that most people put on weight while on a cruise... Ummm, no. He hadn't put on 30+ kg!

Anyway, long story short, I left the clothes with her and she said she would let me know what the outcome was tomorrow. Tomorrow was a sea day and our last full day on the ship, so yeah, I better know by tomorrow! (More on that soon!)

The rest of what was left of the day/night was spent pool side with LaMac, Mike, Dolores, Pierre, Annette & Julie playing Skipbo. We took it in turns to get dinner from the Windjammer and bring it out for us all to snack on.



SEA DAY- Last full day on Vision of the Seas. (Insert crying faces!!!)

I woke up at 6am and went straight down to Guest Services to find out about Mick's clothes. The girl told me to come back at 1pm. I was quite annoyed, but I did what she said.

We spent the day laying around, drinking and playing Skipbo with the gang.

At 1pm, I returned to Guest Services and waited in line for about 30 minutes. Grrrr, so annoying that on the last day I was wasting time in a line. (Calm down Hailey... )


Ok, my turn. The lady told me that the head of the washing department had been successful in stretching Mick's clothes back to what they were like... This was the conversation...

Me, "What do you mean he stretched them back?"

Her, "What don't you understand?" Said like a 15 year old with a bad attitude would say!

Me, "You can't just stretch clothes back to how they were- it wrecks the shape and they won't go back to how they were before".

Her, "Excuse me. They look fine to me and the man is a professional at his job. Who are you to question that?!"

I saw red!!!!

Me, "Get me a manager NOW!"

Then she rolled her eyes at me. 10 minutes later, I was escorted in to a small back room with a lovely man named Andy Edwards.

I explained the situation and then I bawled my eyes out. I couldn't believe a nasty person like that could make me cry. I'm going to blame it on the fact that we were at the end of the best cruise ever and I was very emotional.

Poor Andy didn't really know what to say, but he did say he would work it out.

Eventually, after numerous emails and literally three months, we were reimbursed for some of the clothes that were ruined. We were also given cruise credit and got a written apology for the way I was treated and disrespected by the girl on the front desk. Andy said I was the fifth person to complain about her on that cruise alone!

Back to the last day...

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We had our last dinner in the MDR & said goodbye to our great waiter.

We also said goodbye to our table mates... Glenn and Alan. Glenn was drunk, of course and asked for my email address. I thought that was really nice, until she said, "I don't want to keep in contact with you, I just want to know you're home safe!" Lmao. I looked at Annette and we just laughed and laughed!

Glenn had said the same thing to her before we got to the table.

After dinner, we all went to watch the grand finale of the karaoke. A Filipino lady was out of this world!!! She was just brilliant. So was Elvis. His voice shocked us all I think!

After Kareoke, we said goodbye to Uli & Joey, then Mike & Cath and finally Annette and Julie. It was super sad, but I was hoping to see them in the morning.

We headed back to our rooms with Mike & LaMac, (who were only two doors away from us) & said good night.




We hadn't put our bags out the night before, because we thought we would walk off around 8am with our luggage. Way easier than looking for it with 1,000 other bags!

Royal had been offering shuttles to the airport for about €45 per person, but I know we could get a better deal than that.

The four of us went and had breakfast as they were announcing the different levels who were able to depart.

At 7.30am, they made the announcement for all remaining guests to make their way off the ship. Arghhhh. Really? I wasn't ready for this at all. Lol.

We ran back to the rooms and grabbed our bags. We were off the ship within minutes and went to the taxi rank, where we found about 200 others still waiting for taxis too. I can't even imagine what it would have been like an hour before this.

Although the morning was SUPER boiling, the line moved really quickly and within 20 minutes, the four of us and all of our luggage, was in a taxi, for the total of €39!!! Sooooo cheap!


We asked the Taxi driver to drop us at LaMac & Mike's terminal first and then ours. He smiled and said they were right next to each other! SCORE!!!! More time with our buddies!!!

That really lightened the mood, because if was just about ready to cry! (I blame it on being cancarian, I'm an emotional thing!)


Our check in kiosks were literally 10 metres from each other. I was dreading weighing in our bags, but LaMac had given us her portable bag weighing machine, sooooo handy. So we knew we were under!


We waited around for about an hour and then both checked in our bags. We had to go to terminal A, as we were flying to Venice to get on our next cruise and they were going to terminal C to fly home to the East Coast of the USA. After a quick lunch, we had to say goodbye.

Noooooooooooooo. Parting is such sweet sorrow! Lol


There were tears from us girls, and I'm sure Mick said his eye balls were sweaty, but I know he was as upset as I was!!!


After more hugs than I can count and more tears than I would like to admit, Mick was walking me away from LaMac as we blew kisses to each other and yelled out that we would skype when we were both back at home.


Our flight was from Barcelona, Spain to Venice, Italy and we would get in around 3pm. Our friends from Los Angeles (Steph & Jeff) were going to meet us at the airport around the same time, as their plane was going to be delayed until then... So it was going to work out perfectly- right?!?!

This was the part of our adventure that I hadn't planned myself, as it was only a week long and I had left everything up to S&J to organise, (as their holiday was only one week long, & they wouldn't have wanted me organising everything!)!


Okay, that's enough for this review. Thanks everyone for coming along for the ride. I'm sorry it has taken so damn long to write it.


My top three things about our adventure on Vision of the Seas...

1. The AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, AWESOME new friends we met.

2. The 10/10 itinerary & places we visited

3. Our private tours. The only way to go!!!


Would I do anything differently?! Two things...

1. I wouldn't have gotten Mick's clothes washed by the ship

2. I would have introduced myself to Nicole, a fellow cruiser who I kept seeing but was too shy to meet.


Also... If you're wondering about our new friendships...

We skype with LaMac & Mike as often as we can, (usually once every two weeks) & we text each other and snap chat EVERY SINGLE DAY.

They are coming over to Australia for like 18 days in April, & will be spending time with us in Melbourne before we go on another cruise together on Legend of the Seas.

We also have plans to meet up in 2017 in Florida for a week at Disneyworld, before going back to Pittsburgh to hang out in their neck of the woods!


Would I recommend this cruise?! YES! To everyone in the whole world!!!

If you liked my review, please stay turned for the next one, which starts where this one finishes... In Venice, when we get STRANDED!!!!!!!

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Loved your review. We saw some of the same ports on a trip in June on Allure. We are booked on Vision in April 2016 on a Western Caribbean cruise. Same aft balcony. Would you be able to post some pictures of the balcony? Thanks.

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Loved your review. We saw some of the same ports on a trip in June on Allure. We are booked on Vision in April 2016 on a Western Caribbean cruise. Same aft balcony. Would you be able to post some pictures of the balcony? Thanks.



I'm really sorry, but the only pics I have of the balcony is of Mick in his undies on the deck chair. Ha ha ha. No one needs to see that.

I took a video. Will try and find it.

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Ah Hailey! Loved the rest of your review. Made me remember it all. Glad you and Mick and Laura and Mike are still so close! I am on Facebook w/Laura. Hope your mother is much better.





Hiiiiii Sue!!!

Oh please add me on Facebook! Would be great to see you! How's Jan?

Mum is doing okay. Her body has had a big shock & is reacting as best as it can.




Loved your review. We are off on this cruise on Wednesday! Anyone know if there a way I can share this with the rest of our thread?



Awwww, thanks so much.

PLEASE post a review when you return! You'll love every second!!!!

I think you can go in to the URL when on a PC & "copy" it then "paste" on to your roll call :-)

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I'm going on a similar cruise next September and I just took notes based on your review ... Thank you so much!! I'm excited to see a brothel LOL the art looks intriguing.



Ha ha!!! Look out for prostitutes on the side of the road too!!! X

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Thank you so much for taking the time to write such an excellent review! I'm going on the Brilliance of the Seas next June on a similar itinerary so it was exciting to read about your adventures in ports!


As a cruising newbie, can someone give me advice on how far in advance you should book excursions? If our cruise is in June, is it too early to start booking now? Especially with some of the excellent private parties that I've seen listed in these reviews? Also, what happens if the port call is cancelled, such as what happened to you in Santorini?


Thanks again!

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Hiiiiii Sue!!!

Oh please add me on Facebook! Would be great to see you! How's Jan?

Mum is doing okay. Her body has had a big shock & is reacting as best as it can.


Jan is great. We are going on a Western Carib cruise 2/28 on Princess. She has never been there. I have been there 6 times. My DH is having carotid artery surgery on 10/14. He is talking about going to Germany next year so I may have 2 nice trips in 2016.


I sent you a FaceBook friend notice once but will try again.



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  • 4 months later...
Thank you so much for taking the time to write such an excellent review! I'm going on the Brilliance of the Seas next June on a similar itinerary so it was exciting to read about your adventures in ports!




As a cruising newbie, can someone give me advice on how far in advance you should book excursions? If our cruise is in June, is it too early to start booking now? Especially with some of the excellent private parties that I've seen listed in these reviews? Also, what happens if the port call is cancelled, such as what happened to you in Santorini?




Thanks again!



I'm so sorry I hadn't seen this!

I assume you've already been on your cruise or booked shore excursions?

If anyone else is wondering the answer to this, book shore excursions ASAP!

When a port is cancelled, we all got money back- only a small amount, like $25pp, but I believe that's a port fee for docking there.

If you had a shore excursion booked thru the ship, all money would be refunded. If you had a private tour booked, you may not get money back, depending on the company.

Once again, I'm really sorry for not replying sooner! Xx

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  • 4 weeks later...

Really enjoyed your review!! I'm planning an Eastern Med cruise for 2017 with a bunch of friends. I'm lovingly referred to as the Cruise Director by my friends because I make all of the arrangements and they just give me their credit cards LOL. It seems from your review and others too that private tours are the way to go. Would you be so kind and list the tour companies you used or email them to at aussievc@aol.com. Your review has made me even more excited for this trip!! :)




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  • 2 months later...

I can't believe it was 12 months today that this cruise started!!!

I have to say, we're still amazingly great friends with everyone we met on this cruise!!! [emoji177] Since this cruise, we've done 4 more. I should have done reviews for the last three...

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  • 2 weeks later...

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