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The Alaskan Jewel! Welcome Aboard….You don’t Exist!


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We really were enjoying our views up here on deck 15.


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A lot of these pictures are ones that Claire took….she did a great job.


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This is the excursion boat. They left from Juneau and then would board back on with us in a bit. This was the excursion I had debated on doing. If we ever do this itinerary again I WILL do it. It looked so neat and I have heard so many great things about it.


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And then…We spotted them!


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One jumped off just as I was taking a picture.

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22319150794_e673e06bdb_z.jpgendi186 by Jenseib, on Flickr


Someone mentioned that they saw the glacier calving. I had not and was bummed to have missed it. They pointed out it was still going on and I got one shot of it doing so.


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It never did it again while we were there that I noticed. Claire was convinced she got a shot but I went through all her pictures and nope…she didn’t.


Time for more pictures of us.


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And a pano shot.


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22953803311_4a69211a99_z.jpgendi190 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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We looked down and saw a chef walk by. We thought it was funny that he had a star on the top of his hat. We would have never have known that if we didn’t see him from above.


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Up next…turning around for more glacier views and the Haven.

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When we got to a certain point the ship stopped and started making a circle so that all sides of the ship could get different views of the glacier and surrounding area. The Captain did a fantastic job with this. Now we had prime viewing area but for those who stayed on their balconies or just on another deck, this was fabulous to get all the views. He went really slow and I believe he made more than one rotation.

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We decided we wanted to go get some more hot chocolate but when we got downstairs they were just finishing up clearing everything away. In my opinion they should have kept it out the whole time, but we would live without it.

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We headed back up to continue taking in all the beautiful sights.

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The excursion boat was now heading back to us.

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Claire took some shots around the ship.

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I had thought about leaving through these stairs but in the end when we left I wanted another look at the Haven.

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Another shot of Claire.

22931007186_5ed4667e4d_z.jpgendi208 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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We just couldn’t get enough of all the beauty around us.

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But finally we decided it was time to go find Skip, so we headed down through the Haven again and took a few more pictures.

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22557006697_e052edbf7e_z.jpgendi232 by Jenseib, on Flickr

As I was taking that picture, Claire was taking this one.

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And I was taking this one….

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Claire was taking this.

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We hit the elevator button but it seemed to take forever to come so we ended up taking the stairs down.

We headed to our room to find Skip and he was nowhere to be found. We then began our search for him and I took pictures along the way…some from our balcony and some from deck 7.

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22614839329_ef0c8a3d78_z.jpgendi237 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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Claire wanted to go to the show tonight. I needed a shower before we could go and there just was not enough time. I told her that if we found Skip I would have him take her. Of course I could not find him and she was starting to cry over it. I knew she had been pushing it over the last few days and needed some sleep. Nothing I said would make her happy and she turned into a total crab. The fun girl who had been laughing and joking with me just an hour before up on 14 was gone and a mean little runt took her place.

23018146351_50bb7c3bef_z.jpgendi243 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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23007059045_164ef2deb1_z.jpgendi244 by Jenseib, on Flickr

The show tonight was call Luminescence and from what I read was like a Cirque du soleil type show. Honestly these type of shows don’t excite me all that much, but I would have still gone to see it if I had time…but I was not going to go all grubby like I was. We did a lot of searching and I took a shower and we gave up on the show.

We went off once again to see if we could find Skip once we felt the show was over. I figured he would come looking for us if he thought we went and we headed out towards the Stardust Theatre, the Casino and deck 7 near where the show exited.

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23018596021_6c7d7cea2b_z.jpgendi249 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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And we found him! He went to the show all by himself. He said he kept looking to see if we would show up. Oh no! Well that made more tears for our tired girl and I was now the worst mother in the world and he was the worst father. We are so cruel to make her miss the show.

We stood out on deck 7 for a bit and enjoyed the beauty as our little one whined about how horrible we are.

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Up next….Dinner!!!!

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Loving the review! Did they have Embarkation lunch in the Dining Room? What were the times it was open?





That I do not know for sure. I never went by a dining room when we boarded since we were taken to Moderno and then with all our issues I never got to explore the ship like I would normally do after eating.


However the Freestyle does list Tsars Palace as being opne 11:30- 2 PM

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It was now time to head to our dinner reservation. I told Claire that if we got out fast enough then I would take her to the next show. If not we would look for it on TV tonight as they seemed to be running shows on the TV each night.

Our reservation was in La Cucina tonight, which is the Italian restaurant.

We were seated right away and started in with the bread.

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Skip had some sort of cocktail.

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I did a poor job tonight and did not take pictures of the menus. I also can barely remember what we had, so it’s just going to be pictures without much explanation.

I noticed the beautiful sky outside and ran to the window to take some shots.

23018834761_841f338efd_z.jpgendi254 by Jenseib, on Flickr

22615512929_893399f986_z.jpgendi255 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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We ordered a pizza to share as an appetizer and it was pretty good.

22615631269_c5510d7e2e_z.jpgcucina4 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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The photographer came around and took out picture too.

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As we waiting for our entrees I took some more pictures out the window.

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Service was pretty slow and Claire was already complaining about going to the show.

23009207516_60cfd7e620_z.jpgendi258 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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Even though we were at an Italian restaurant, Claire still insisted on steak.

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If I remember right, I got some sort of Lobster Fettuccini.

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It was just ok. I don’t think I would order it again if we ever came back. I don’t think it was bad, it just wasn’t really what I was expecting and I didn’t like the noodles so much.

I believe Skip got the Salmon and he said it was excellent. He hasn’t had much salmon in his lifetime…nor have I…and he really took a liking to it this trip and was eating it quite a bit.

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By now we had missed the beginning of the show. I think we ordered dessert, but I have no pictures of it. I guess I was just tired at that point and probably Claire was distracting me with her complaints. Skip of course kept talking about the amazing things in the show, which made the situation even worse with Claire.

It seemed to take a long time for our bill to come to be signed. The waiter was nice enough but this place just was not very efficient and it was starting to get on our nerves. We wanted to leave and it seemed to take forever to get out of there.

Once we did leave it was way too late to go to the show and we decided to call it a night and see if we could find it on TV.

This guy was waiting for us in our room tonight.

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Tomorrow we would be arriving in Skagway. Our excursion wasn’t leaving till 10:30 so we decided we would let Claire sleep in today. She had been up early the last 2 days and it was catching up with her. I told Skip that I knew I would still wake up early, so I may head off the ship and then come back in time to make sure they were up and ready to go.

We got settled in and tried to find the show on TV with no such luck. I could barely stay awake and handed the remote off to Claire so she could keep channel surfing. She did tell me she never found it.

Up next…..Arriving in Skagway!

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That I do not know for sure. I never went by a dining room when we boarded since we were taken to Moderno and then with all our issues I never got to explore the ship like I would normally do after eating.


However the Freestyle does list Tsars Palace as being opne 11:30- 2 PM


Thanks! I will definitely head there when we board.

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