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QM2 - January 3, 2006


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Aren't we docking in Cristobal? Why does the form say "leaving the ship at Gatun Locks"? I didn't think that was the same place.


I agree about Mario. I've also heard nothing but the best. Have you e-mailed him about Gatun Locks? It may just be a generic form for all tours. You might also wqant to ask him why he needs our passport numbers.


Have you started packing yet? 3 days + a few hours!!!!!!!!!!!

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I did ask whether the passport numbers were absolutely necessary and was told that they were, if we wanted to get off the ship at Gatun Locks. I'm waiting to hear back from him now. I'm really not trying to give the guy a hard time - it's just that I've never been asked this before in any country.


New Year's Eve here - nice and quiet for us, as we consider it "amateur night"! (right up there with St. Patrick's Day) Tomorrow I lay every single item out in the spare bedroom, to be folded and put into the suitcase early Tuesday morning. We'll be up about 8 and down to the dock around 12:30 or so. Two more days!!!

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I did ask whether the passport numbers were absolutely necessary and was told that they were, if we wanted to get off the ship at Gatun Locks. I'm waiting to hear back from him now. I'm really not trying to give the guy a hard time - it's just that I've never been asked this before in any country.


New Year's Eve here - nice and quiet for us, as we consider it "amateur night"! (right up there with St. Patrick's Day) Tomorrow I lay every single item out in the spare bedroom, to be folded and put into the suitcase early Tuesday morning. We'll be up about 8 and down to the dock around 12:30 or so. Two more days!!!



Tell him since passports are not yet required for American citizens visiting South or Central America, not everyone has one! It sounds like someone may be trying to create fake passports with names and numbers that match! DON'T GIVE THEM OUT! There is NO reason for him to need them.

And to the best of my knowledge we are docking at Cristobal. We are not entering Gatun Lake, much less the lcoks at the other end of Gatun Lake!


If you are concerned, you might want to speak to someone in US Immigration to ask if you must give your passport number out in advance if you are planning any excursions into Panama. You needn't tell them why you are asking, just that you wanted to know, in case anyone asks for it.


Coyotes (people who smuggle in illegals) can be nice people too. Maybe they just want to help a friend facing oppression or danger! Maybe he feels sorry for some folks who really need a break- and getting into America would be that break! He may have the best of motives and still be doing something justified in his mind, but which could inadvertantly get you into a LOT of trouble!


I am sure I know some people who are illegals. They are wonderful people! And it's not like I can just slip into the conversation, "Hey, are you in this country legally? Do you have a visa or green Card?" I work with people from all over the globe. Many are here on H1B visas. Some may not be! I have know way of knowing and it would certainly be rude of me to ask, a paranoid and maybe even bigotted of me to assume it of any one person without reason to believe they are.


Remember what somoene posted the other night about having their passports locked up when got onboard and not getting them back until they were ready to leave!


Still, why risk a problem. The US does not require passports to visit Panama.




Looking forward to meeting you (and all) Tuesday afternoon!

Where are you traveling from? It's looking like there could be some snow Monday and Tuesday in Connecticut!

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I did ask whether the passport numbers were absolutely necessary and was told that they were, if we wanted to get off the ship at Gatun Locks.


From the web site of the US Governement travl.state.gov



Note: The effective date is 2008!!!!!

More on the web site and on links from there!

New Requirements for Travelers Between the United States and the Western Hemisphere



The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 requires that by January 1, 2008, travelers to and from the Caribbean, Bermuda, Panama, Mexico and Canada have a passport or other secure, accepted document to enter or re-enter the United States. In order to facilitate the implementation of this requirement, the Administration is proposing to complete it in phases following a proposed timeline, which will be published in the Federal Register in the near future.

This is a change from prior travel requirements and will affect all United States citizens entering the United States from countries within the Western Hemisphere who do not currently possess valid passports. This new requirement will also affect certain foreign nationals who currently are not required to present a passport to travel to the United States. Most Canadian citizens, citizens of the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda, and to a lesser degree, Mexican citizens will be affected by the implementation of this requirement.


I stick by my previous statement. DON'T GIVE THIS INFORMATION OUT! It may also be just the information someone needs to do an identiity theft, while you are contentedly out of the country, and out of the range of your bank accounts, and your mail and your phone messages! Maybe I'm being paranoid, but since we are NOT REQUIRED TO HAVE PASSPORTS YET, he has no right to ask your for the number!!!!!


(Do you think I am being emphatic enough?) Maybe it isn't him. Maybe someone is pushing him to do this and he is just an innocent dupe!

I like to think the best of people!


Just my (paranoid) thoughts!




Clarification!!! (from the FAQ linked on the above page)

And the reason why it is not presently being required.


And BTW, the requirement is NOT to go INTO Panama, but to re-enter the United States! He has no business requiring this!


* December 31, 2006 – Requirement applied to all air and sea travel to or from Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Bermuda.

* December 31, 2007 – Requirement extended to all land border crossings as well as air and sea travel.


I thought there was an additional phase to be implemented on December 31, 2005. Is this a change?


In April 2005, the Departments of State (DOS) and Homeland Security (DHS) announced a proposed plan to be implemented in three phases beginning on December 31, 2005 for the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative. After further review and considering the delay in publishing the public notice in the Federal Register, DOS and DHS recognized that implementing the December 31, 2005, phase would be problematic for travelers during the upcoming winter tourism season. This change will simplify the implementation and provide a longer lead-time for travelers to come into compliance with the requirements.

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Do not give your passport # to anyone! Karie is not being paranoid. It's like someone asking for your social security #. Unless a goverment official is asking for this information do not give it out.


On a more positive note, my spare bedroom is also full of items that need to be packed. I only have five or six more items to iron and I think I may be able to get by with only four bags. All of my new shoes are broken in, the manicure and pedi are done and my hair has been cut and colored. I'm ready to have fun now.

Can't wait to meet everyone.

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We've decided not to take Mario's tour. It's a little longer than we would like and this whole passport business makes it all a little unpleasant. We will probably get off the ship and try to make a deal with a cabie to see the things of interest. We've always had good luck with that in the past.



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On a more positive note, my spare bedroom is also full of items that need to be packed. I only have five or six more items to iron and I think I may be able to get by with only four bags. All of my new shoes are broken in, the manicure and pedi are done and my hair has been cut and colored. I'm ready to have fun now.

Can't wait to meet everyone.


You know,. I refrained from commenting before, but every time someone mentions the spare bedroom, I have to laugh! I spent half of today takin all of the junk OUT of the spare bedroom (You know, closed door,everything you don't know what to do with migrates there eventually!) and put all of the cartons and bins of old clothes I have gone through six time and then mixed back up again- the stuff for the Goodwill bin, vs the stuff I "almost" fit into or is just out of season.Anyway, piled the stuff in the living room temporarily so I could use the bed to pack on (Marc and I can't BOTH pack on the master bed at the same time! and we can't pack in the living room= Ask me why! I'll post the picture of the cat sitting in one of my half- filled suitcases- on top of the nice clean de-cat-haired clothes!)


And BTW, the bras I ordered just for the gowns I'm wearing on this cruise seem to have been stolen out of the mail. And no time to repalce them. And it looks like I will have th police out here again tomorrow. (they came out to take the report so i can report the shipment missing to the company I bought from and my credit card company) I called my Dad to wish him a Happy New Year and they asked me if I got a present from them? NO! Well, it seems my Dad's wife was going through her jewelry. We are not talking costume stuff here. And picked out some pieces to give to me! (I am not a jewelry person. I am a technician. I don't even normally were make-up! About the only time I wear both is on cruises!) So no wonder someone stole the package of bras out of the mailbox. They must've figured they hit the jackpot when they found the package with real jewelry in it and came back to see what else someone sent me! Great way to start off the new year! What a shock!


Well, I can't get packed and on that ship soon enough. I have been so stressed this last week. Been on crying jags at the least little thing- Just from stress! Overreacting to everything. I NEED A VACATION!!!<G>


Have a happy New Year Y'all!

See you Tuesday... That is, if we make it down there! Now they are definitely saying snow Monday into Tuesday! Oh, GREAT!

Y'all, if I'm not there by five, have them hold the ship for me please? <G>




Oh, And thanks for reminding me! I forgot to get ythe pedicure! However, got m hair cut and got waxed! Manicure woudln't do any good. My nails are so bad it would only last a couple of days. I don't use product on my nails any more. I damaged the nail beds doing that. So I will have to pay ship's prices for a regular manicure (or do it myself!) Well, maybe I'll see if the place I want to get my pdicure is open Monday. It's a Chinese places. They do a great shiatsu massage along with it! It's heaven!


two days and a wake up!

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Welcome Ted and Barbara. I suspect Chris and Ryan may not enjoy the 10PM sailaway night in the Commodore Or maybe they would! They'll either be too excited to sleep or worn out from all the excitement (which would be good for you!) Will you have someone with you to take them off your hands so you can have some late night fun occasionally?


If you don't mae the 10PM 1st night, we are meeting 2PM first sea day. Chart Room.

I will bring the camera- (And if he insists, the printer!)


Hi Karie,


Happy New Year! It's just going to be Barbara and me with the two kids. When we went in March, my aunt came along, but this time we'll have to see how we manage by ourselves. We did leave them in the Play Zone a few times, but most of the time one of us just stayed with them there. Chris says he won't cry this time and will take care of little Ryan while they're in the Play Zone by themselves. We'll have to see how that works out.


Ryan's bedtime is usually around 8 PM, so last time Barbara usually slept early while I roamed around the ship with Chris and sometimes my aunt. One night Chris was putting in quarters in the casino for about a half hour , and we won about $20. The next night we switched to nickels, but he got busted pretty quickly for underage gambling and was asked to leave. Most nights we would also take Chris to the show, and just stand by the door to watch. He was usually good for half an hour before we had to go somewhere else.


Chris and Ryan did set their records for latest night awake yesterday. We were at a cousin's house for New Year's Eve and didn't force them to sleep. Ryan made it until about 11:45 PM before he conked out, and Chris lasted until we got into our car at about 12:20 AM.




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Hi Karie,


Happy New Year! It's just going to be Barbara and me with the two kids. When we went in March, my aunt came along, but this time we'll have to see how we manage by ourselves. We did leave them in the Play Zone a few times, but most of the time one of us just stayed with them there. Chris says he won't cry this time and will take care of little Ryan while they're in the Play Zone by themselves. We'll have to see how that works out.


Ryan's bedtime is usually around 8 PM, so last time Barbara usually slept early while I roamed around the ship with Chris and sometimes my aunt. One night Chris was putting in quarters in the casino for about a half hour , and we won about $20. The next night we switched to nickels, but he got busted pretty quickly for underage gambling and was asked to leave. Most nights we would also take Chris to the show, and just stand by the door to watch. He was usually good for half an hour before we had to go somewhere else.


Chris and Ryan did set their records for latest night awake yesterday. We were at a cousin's house for New Year's Eve and didn't force them to sleep. Ryan made it until about 11:45 PM before he conked out, and Chris lasted until we got into our car at about 12:20 AM.





Well, Ted- A shame you can't enjoy the evening together more, but then I guess there will be time enough for that when they get older and can be by themselves for a few hours. Then too, it was probably enjoying an evening alone together that caused this, was it not? <G> I don't know what the baby-sitting situation (besides the play zone) is- Seems to be cantradictory statements, and since I don't have any little ones, it hasn't been a real focus for me. As far as Chris and the quarters- watch it you don't create a monster! now every time he goes by a gumball machine he'll want to drop in a bunch of quarters expecting to get $20.00 back!




Too Bad Ryan didn't make it 15 more minutes last night. I know it's important for a milestone for the little guy. Next year he'll probably try extra hard (afternon nap is a GOOD thing! Wish I'd had one!) I was about to conk out around 10- went and turned the TV on (a rarity) PBS had a Glenn Miller and Big Band earlier, but wasn't sure if they were both over. I really wish I had caught the Glenn Miller! Marc was downstairs watching the Twilight Zone Marathon. BUT, I lucked out- turned on WGBH and found the Mark Twain Prize ceremony for Steve Martin! Hilarious! Kept me awake- was over at 5 of midnight. We flipped to someone in times square- Got out the Moet et Chandon and toasted the new year- called my Dad, and as I reported last night, got the first bad news of the new year- I hope I got all the bad things out of the way early and not that it set the tone for the year!

Still trying to figure out what is going to happen tomorrow night/Tuesday morning. It doesn't look like the storm o the century, but it still looks like I will be contending with snow on the way down, on top of freezing rain to start. Not sure how far south it extends. I haven't bothered to look it up yet- Anyone in the NYC area- what is the local forecast for Monday into Tuesday- is the snow coming in north of you? or will you get hit?


I'll try to make badges for everyone- I only got 24 of them- Wish Id gotten two packs of them! Maybe I'll stop and get another pack at Staples. IF I ever finsih designing them! I will probably need last names or cabin numbers though to get them to people, unless you just want to pick them up at the meet and greet! If anyone is not comfortable putting that on a public board, my personal email is parrothead-av8r@mindspring.com

And who put me up to this? He buys me the first drink! I don't know what I'm doing! <G> (Why should this be any different!)


Boy! I'm getting wordy! I think I'm just avoiding the sea of mismatched stockings and knee highs in front of me. (Not sure I can tell them apart!) I HATE stockings! But I hate pantyhose more!


Back to organizing and packing. I really am trying to keep it to two suitcases and a carry-on! I 'm not so sure I am going to make it though! Especially with the dresses- I don't want to pack them too tight and mess them up. And the hats, either.

1 day (and a half) and a wake up!



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Originally posted by travel-to-go

I'll try to make badges for everyone..And who put me up to this? He buys me the first drink!




That would be me. But, I will always cherish my personalized-original- travel-to-go- cruising-nametag-keepsake. You got it, mojito, champagne, Martini of the day first drink is on me.


Originally posted by travel-to-go

I will probably need last names or cabin numbers though to get them to people, unless you just want to pick them up at the meet and greet!


Probably easier just to pass them out on Tuesday night, first day aboard usually so busy with unpacking, life boat drills and sailaway. Really very nice of you to go to the trouble of creating name tags for everyone, especially with packing duties, thanks very kindly, you're a peach.


Back to packing, boy, I was looking forward to this six months ago, now I can't wait to throw in the final stitch of clothing and zip the case shut.



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Gosh - I am regretting waiting until the last minute to pack. I have been doing laundry and packing all day.... I have two suitcases and a carry on. I am leaving for New York tomorrow morning and I can not wait. I still can not believe that it is so close. How many people plan on boarding the ship early?


I think that we will prob board around noon or a little before. I am so excited.


I be the people on the yuletide are dreading coming back to the COLD weather.


Look forward to seeing all of you.



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Gosh - I am regretting waiting until the last minute to pack. I have been doing laundry and packing all day.... I have two suitcases and a carry on. I am leaving for New York tomorrow morning and I can not wait. I still can not believe that it is so close. How many people plan on boarding the ship early?


I think that we will prob board around noon or a little before. I am so excited.


I be the people on the yuletide are dreading coming back to the COLD weather.


Look forward to seeing all of you.




I am lucky Greta is well organized, three suitcases (big) packed plus maybe one more. We have survived so far, at least we are still talking to each other.. Made a copy of our list of Cruisers and will boarding the ship about 1PM. I will wear my blue Cunard Countess hat with gold spaghetti trim for id. Karie I did find two pith helmets Greta and I must have bought at Banana Republic 20 plus years ago.Its bulky to pack, not sure we will bring them.


See you all soon!



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We're heading out tomorrow morning around 8:00 a.m. to stay ahead of the snow. I'm definetely driving to NYC and will hope to see dry weather when we return. A college student will be staying at our home. He stayed this past September when we were in Aruba.


We are staying at The Park Central Hotel on Monday and plan to arrive at the pier by 11:30 a.m. to get into the line. As I recall, they started boarding around 12:15 last year.


Looking forward to meeting all of you.


Peter and Barbara

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We live in California and I am trying to find out how much their 3 day to Ensanada cruise is. I think it would be worth it just to say we went on the QM2. What about it? I would like to take my married daughter and my other 2 children, 19 and 16. Some advice from anyone?

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I am lucky Greta is well organized, three suitcases (big) packed plus maybe one more. We have survived so far, at least we are still talking to each other.. Made a copy of our list of Cruisers and will boarding the ship about 1PM. I will wear my blue Cunard Countess hat with gold spaghetti trim for id. Karie I did find two pith helmets Greta and I must have bought at Banana Republic 20 plus years ago.Its bulky to pack, not sure we will bring them.


See you all soon!




Please tell me those are HER three suitcases! I will die if you tell me the TWO of you will have three!

I'm doing my damnedest not to have three on my own! I actually have two plus a duffle which is loosely packed with jewelry, camera bag and stuff I don't want getting lost or broken.

I finally gave up with my packing list (as usual) and putting everthing in neat bags and just started throwing things in (well, okay, neatly folding and laying) I know I have too much stuff with me, but I will invariably forget something important, like underwear! (No, I packed about 50 pairs, I think!!)

Pith Helmet! <LOL> Besides I get there and discover the thing I was counting on wearing doesn't fit, has a hole in it or an important button missing or I have 1 blue and 1 black shoe! <LOL>

Well, I was in full panic mode a couple of hours ago! Actually, I was beyond panicl I was "deer caught in the headlights!" Finally got my <ahem> back in gear. Still got errands to run tomorrow. Found out my new prerescription plan will not let me have a "vacation alteration" or whatever the heck it's called so I can refill a script early. I will run out before the end of the cruise. And one med I paid $10 a month for last year will be $117 this year. (I had a REALLY good plan last year!) So it's hit the pharmacy with the money I don't really have!

Software I am using to do the badges is messed up I wasted so much ink and paper trying to fix it I ran out of ink and have to pick some up in the morning. Stupid software- It's suppose to merge the list of everyone's names with the set-up for the badges. Instead, it prints out Line 1 Line 2 AGGH!

I just hope this weather doesn't turn ugly!

And Marty- I don't think we have a Countess hat. I thought about walking on carrying my Crown Jewel Teddy Bear! (I may need a Teddy Bear b Tuesday! <LOL>) Maybe I'll just carry the sipper bottle from the Jewel or the Coffee Mug from the Dynasty!

The way I feel right now, I'll be doing good if I remember to get dressed!


1 day and a wake up!



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Please tell me those are HER three suitcases! I will die if you tell me the TWO of you will have three!


Dont feel bad each suitcase weighs a 1000 pounds! I'm the schlepper:)



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I started packing early (Thursday) so I was all done by Sunday morning, just running around remebering little things. I am very proud of the fact that I am only bringing four bags this time. Last year we went on an eight day cruise and I packed five bags. I do have a new super large 1,000 pound combination suitcase garment bag which cut down the number.


I am of the George Costanza school of travel and need to bring extra clothes so that I can see what kind of mood I am in before dressing, i.e. "I call this one morning mist". Once the luggage is unpacked It doesn't matter how much you brought. The only isssue is sharing a closet. I need to get to the drawers first.


All we have left to do today is quiver with excitement and pick up a few last minute items. See you all tommorow night.

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Uh-oh...I must be doing something wrong, because John and I have ONE BAG EACH, plus our little carry-on backpacks w/camera/jewelry/passports/etc. Of course, they're big bags, but still! My mom was shocked, too - they have two bags apiece. I don't know, every time I go on a cruise I wind up wearing only about half of what I brought with me, and on this ship there's a laundry, so I laid everything out, then put half of it away again and I'll bring the rest. Many pieces do double-duty and I can certainly wear some things twice in a 12 day period.


Not bringing the video cam, too bulky and the regular digital takes video anyway. Not bringing the laptop, or the photo printer.


I didn't give out my passport #'s, not because I'm paranoid about some guy sneaking into the country, just because it's not the kind of information (LIKE my drivers' license # or SS#) that I give out. I've emailed Mario and will check my email periodically aboard ship to see what he says.


MY MANICURIST WAS CLOSED TODAY, so I have to go at 10 am tomorrow and leave from there! Fortunately it's about 20 minutes from my house to the pier. I know it's supposed to be crappy weather and my only regret is the sailaway will be ruined. I was really looking forward to seeing the NY skyline as we pulled away.


22 hours to go!!!

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Uh-oh...I must be doing something wrong, because John and I have ONE BAG EACH, plus our little carry-on backpacks w/camera/jewelry/passports/etc. Of course, they're big bags, but still! My mom was shocked, too - they have two bags apiece. I don't know, every time I go on a cruise I wind up wearing only about half of what I brought with me, and on this ship there's a laundry, so I laid everything out, then put half of it away again and I'll bring the rest. Many pieces do double-duty and I can certainly wear some things twice in a 12 day period.


Not bringing the video cam, too bulky and the regular digital takes video anyway. Not bringing the laptop, or the photo printer.


I didn't give out my passport #'s, not because I'm paranoid about some guy sneaking into the country, just because it's not the kind of information (LIKE my drivers' license # or SS#) that I give out. I've emailed Mario and will check my email periodically aboard ship to see what he says.


MY MANICURIST WAS CLOSED TODAY, so I have to go at 10 am tomorrow and leave from there! Fortunately it's about 20 minutes from my house to the pier. I know it's supposed to be crappy weather and my only regret is the sailaway will be ruined. I was really looking forward to seeing the NY skyline as we pulled away.


22 hours to go!!!

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Well, heck!

I've got one duffel just for my hats! (Don't want them getting squished!)

Imagine the surprise when they go to pick it up and it's light as a feather!


Well, we made reservations at a hotel in Elmsford (near White Plains) New York, so we are only driving 35 miles down the Sawmill, instead of 150 miles in feezing rain. It meant scrambling today! I tried to get in a pedicure. Not sure I want to pay ship's prices for that, so I may have to have Marc paint my toenails for me. Of course, it's not quite the same as the shiatsu massage the Chinese girls give!

Hopefully we will be on our way shortly.

I think I have ten suitcases (well, maybe not!)

Well, there's the clothes I can wear when we get on, and the size larger I will need when I get off! <G>

I have a duffel I will use as a carry-on which contains, medications, makeup breakables- camera- Stuff you don't want to lose. Also my clothes for tomorrow. So I only have to carry one into the hotel tonight.


(And psst! Marty- It's got the Mojito stuff in it! <G>)

Oh, and our name badges- such as they are- I ran out of ink last night, and because I have an old Xerox which hasn't been made for a while, I drove up to Staples and AGGH! They no longer carry the ink! So I had to load it myself and hope it worked. Thank God, it did! So if we get lost, or have one too many Boddingtons or Gin Martinis, we need only look down at our name badges to figure out who we are- If you write your cabin number on the back, you'll know where to go too! <G>

See everyone tomorrow night at 10 in the Commodore Club. If I'm still standing by then!


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Everyone drive carefully. Packing done. I will take my house and leave the suitcases. Cabo is packed.


I dont think sailaway will be ruined just wear a hood. Meanwhile our Yuletide friends are experiencing some rough weather coming in. Gale winds. They must be around Baltimore.


Hope it quiet downs by tomorrow eve.


Wearing my Countess baseball cap (under the hood)



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We live in California and I am trying to find out how much their 3 day to Ensanada cruise is. I think it would be worth it just to say we went on the QM2. What about it? I would like to take my married daughter and my other 2 children, 19 and 16. Some advice from anyone?


Sounds like you need at least two cabins. The cheapest inside is 709 p/p first two people, less for more in same cabin. For three days might as well book an inside, Check Cunard.com


Go for it!!



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The generally nasty weather for Tuesday will only furnish that much more of a ying to the Caribbean yang as we sail from the tundra to the balmy tradewinds.


Friday's weather outlook for St. Thomas calls for a high of 86 with a variable clouds. Sunday in Curacao clear skies and 79.


Sweet dreams everyone see you tomorrow at the Commodore Club at 10 pm.



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