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QM2 - January 3, 2006


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What an awesome photo!!! It has now become my desktop wallpaper and I will happily daydream the next 341 days of 2006 away as I await our first cruise on her next December 2nd. To say I'm becoming obsessed is truly an understatement. I have read most of these postings over the past couple of months...so much so that I feel I know many of you by now and am copying and pasting all your great suggestions and advice to what is rapidly becoming my own personal QM2 "book". Hopefully I won't have too many silly QM2 first-timer questions, but I'll know where to go if I do. Thanks again for this amazing photo...and for your well thought out postings as well.


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When I tell people I am going on Cunard they respond with digs such as "Cunard is so stuffy and snobby". As a veteran Celebrity cruiser I can appreciate the level of sophistication it has over other lines such as Carnival. Now I'm wondering just how "stuffy" is Cunard or is it? Are these people just jealous?




We have sailed on Cunard four times, though never on a Queen. The only time we ever encountered stuffiness (quite the opposite, ususally, in fact) was with one couple at a dinner table of eight (three British couples and ourselves, Americans) I had gotten an entree which was fine, but not something I cared for- or preferred something else-maybe I had ordered two entrees, wanting a taste of each, but not wanting to overindulge. I can't remember the circumstances. Since I don't believe in wasting food I offered to share I with anyone who wanted some or wanted to try it- There was nothing wrong with it- It wasn't like it was a gristly piece of meat or anything. One couple stuck their noses in the air and shot off "in Britain, we don't SHARE food!" The other British couples were quite amused, and we all had a greate time any way. We just did not offer them a taste of anything after that, though we freely shared a bite if someone wanted to try something among the others. There was no animosity, and we included them in all other aspects of the meal, conversation, or whatever. That was the closest I ever came to snobbiness!

We found all of our dinner companions, servers, room stewards, staff, entertainers, and other passengers, bar none, to be quite delightful! We "hung out" with people from various countries, crew, staff and passengers, of various ages, and from all walks of life. We sat at the engineer's table one trip. (next to the Captain's table) We stayed in touch with some we met- even though they were vastly different than us. Money or station in life made no difference. I find that if you are open to people and the differences in cultures and ways of doing things, (including how people from different areas of your own country or from different circumstances) act, they will be open to you. Everyone likes to have others interested in them (warmly) If you have a genuine interest in what others have to say, (not prying, but just interested, and non-judgemental) you will find yourself the recipient of hours of lively conversation. In the Trivia contests, try to put together a team from various areas and cultures. Someone else may know more about Greek coins or Shakespeare or TV shows. And everyone likes to hear nice things and sincere compliments abpout themselves. (An occasional "Good answer!" at Trivia is always appreciated by the good answerer!)


Does that address your concerns?

Be what you would want others to be towards you. You'll do fine!



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Dear Karie,


I guess I must be snobbish even though I come from humble Russian origins. When I am dining with new table partners on a cruise, I would not expect to share my food with them. My sister and brother in law, Marion and Nat do share amongst themselves however.


Sharing of food according to a US University study is a form of friendship,Sharing and feeding can be a form of intimacy (lol).


I guess we need hear from our British and European friends on this subject.;)



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Dear Karie,


I guess I must be snobbish even though I come from humble Russian origins. When I am dining with new table partners on a cruise, I would not expect to share my food with them. My sister and brother in law, Marion and Nat do share amongst themselves however.


Sharing of food according to a US University study is a form of friendship,Sharing and feeding can be a form of intimacy (lol).


I guess we need hear from our British and European friends on this subject.;)




Oh, heavens!

I would never expect someone else to share their food with me, nor would I ever ask! That would be just plain rude! However, I would not have a problem sharing MINE (unless it was REALLY good of course! Then, I'd turn into a ruthless selfish boor!) (If it was seafood I wouldn't share, I guess that would make me a SHELLFISH boor! <G>)


Actually, it isn't something I do as a matter of course, but if someone wanted a taste of something they didn't choose, or if I had more than I could eat, I would certainly do so. I know there are those who regularly order different things so they can deliberately share and try both. I rarely do that. What I love, I love, and usually want it to myself! <G> OTOH, there are many common foods I do not care for- Would probably starve before I would eat those things! For instance, you will not see me eating raw tomatoes, I rarely eat mushrooms and sweet peppers (which seem so ubiquitous in foods from all over) do not agree with me at all. I avoid even small amounts cooked in food. It just doesn't set right with me, and I can often taste minute amounts, even when I did not know they were there! I have learned to eat most onions, though there are some that give me great discomfort. (I think those are the Spanish ones) As stated before, I really don do olives, so if you want my martini olives, you are most welcome to them! (had a really bad incident one time with a drenched-in-olive-oil anti-pasto. Cannot eat olives! Wasn't too fond of them before that, but really can't eat them now, but I WILL eat Muffaletta, which uses an olive paste!)


BTW, I am studying my PYRATE (pirate) lore, so as to be ready for the pirate ball! Haven't settled the quest for a good Ascot hat, though. Working on that.

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Will our passport be stamped in each country?







Your passport will not be stamped at all! At the present time it is still not required of any of the countries we are visiting. The ruling (US) requiring passports when returning from South and Central American countries has been pushed off for at least one year.


You will probably not need to take your passport out of your safe once you get on the ship until you leave. You will use your passenger ID. However, pay attention to what they tell us on the shore excursion talks or what is printed in the daily program for going ashore. You will need some form of picture ID along with your ship ID card. That can be your passport, or even a driver's license. I don't believe those requirements have changed in any of the countries we are visiting. (and I have been in each of them) and of course, St thomas is part of the US Virgin Isles.

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You will probably not need to take your passport out of your safe once you get on the ship until you leave. You will use your passenger ID. However, pay attention to what they tell us on the shore excursion talks or what is printed in the daily program for going ashore. You will need some form of picture ID along with your ship ID card.


While traveling Europe on the Rotterdam, we all were required to turn in our passports at the front desk upon embarkation. They were returned to us 27 days later, at the end of the cruise in Venice.

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Someone please help me here!

I know I saw it somewhere, but for the life of me I cannot find where it gives us the dinner dress schedule! How many actual formal nights do we have?

I have looked on the website, my cruise docs, my pre-docs- Have I lost my mind? (Don't answer that!) Did I actually see it somewhere?

Also, the pre-cruise book is a bit confusing. It talks about the Ascot ball and the Black and White, Then it says varies by sailing and that we will have the Black and White, the Pirate and the Masked balls. Does this mean we do NOT have Ascot? Or we have Ascot in addition to what is listed. Since they repeat the Black and White and Pirate, it makes me wonder if the first paragraph is only a general statement and the second is what we will actually have on our cruise (exclusively- and not including the Ascot mentioned in the general statement above)


Why don't I just have my entire house packed and shipped? I already feel like I am. And I don't even have to worry about weight and suitcase limits, since I am not flying! (but I may need to pull a trailer behind my little Honda CRV SUV! <G>)

It's the dresses (and all of their accessories) that are killing me! I can't really pack them yet, or they will end up horribly wrinkled. I intend to find a luggage store or if necessary a Bridal shop where I can get a full length hanging bag. All of the ones for suitcases are meant for short dresses and men's suits (Why is EVERYTHING designed for men, including seatbelts and distance to pedals- I swear, I think sometimes they desing BRAS for men's bodies! Why else would they assume that if I wear the size I do, I must have the shoulders of a line-backer!)

<Rant mode off!>

Do I sound tense?

I'm full of "things I need to do, but I can't quite do yet, but don't want to forget!"




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I know I saw it somewhere, but for the life of me I cannot find where it gives us the dinner dress schedule! How many actual formal nights do we have?

I have looked on the website, my cruise docs, my pre-docs- Have I lost my mind? (Don't answer that!) Did I actually see it somewhere?

Maybe the dress schedule was somewhere in the American pre cruise information but it definitely was not in the German one. Thus we inquired with customer service and they told us that there will be four formal nights. If this is true, who knows? At least it is not in line with the information in the brochures (which in the version we have says seadays are formal).

According to their information we will not have the Ascot ball but the Black & White, Pirate and Mask balls.

Well, just pack plenty...

See you soon.

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I know I saw it somewhere, but for the life of me I cannot find where it gives us the dinner dress schedule! How many actual formal nights do we have?

I have looked on the website, my cruise docs, my pre-docs- Have I lost my mind? (Don't answer that!) Did I actually see it somewhere?

Maybe the dress schedule was somewhere in the American pre cruise information but it definitely was not in the German one. Thus we inquired with customer service and they told us that there will be four formal nights. If this is true, who knows? At least it is not in line with the information in the brochures (which in the version we have says seadays are formal).

According to their information we will not have the Ascot ball but the Black & White, Pirate and Mask balls.

Well, just pack plenty...

See you soon.

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According to Cunard, as per my call to them several months ago, we are scheduled to have four formal nights and one semi-formal for our January 3, trip. I find however, there is little point in calling Cunard to verify this information as you get a different answer every time.


As Carl says, best to plan for four formal nights. I agree the pre-cruise docs are a bit confusing in regards to which royal nights our voyage will include. I'm fairly certain the Ascot Ball is a standard formal night, usually it is held the evening of the Owners Horse Race, which is done on every cruise.


At any rate this time next week we will all be aboard the mighty QM2 and all these pre-cruise planning and packing shenanigans will all be a dream.



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According to Cunard, as per my call to them several months ago, we are scheduled to have four formal nights and one semi-formal for our January 3, trip. I find however, there is little point in calling Cunard to verify this information as you get a different answer every time.


As Carl says, best to plan for four formal nights. I agree the pre-cruise docs are a bit confusing in regards to which royal nights our voyage will include. I'm fairly certain the Ascot Ball is a standard formal night, usually it is held the evening of the Owners Horse Race, which is done on every cruise.


At any rate this time next week we will all be aboard the mighty QM2 and all these pre-cruise planning and packing shenanigans will all be a dream.




Thanks, gents,

After having tried on about 10 dresses (some with jackets, overdresses, etc) today, I am now totally confused as to which ones I would consider formal. All are floor length, some are dressier than others. The only ones I'm sure of are the velvet floor length spaghetti strap column dress and the taffeta with rhinestone starburst and hot pink inset. (looks just like a prom dress, complete with built in crinoline!) As usual, I will bring enough clothes for two cruises of this length, and more shoes than I know what to do with. No, I am not a clothes horse or Imelda Marcos. It's just that I am plus sized, and sometimes I wil get on a dress I thought looked okay at home, and it looks horrid when I am on board. And shoes? If I could go barefoot, or wear bedroom slippers, I think I would! I hate shoes! They do not make dressy women's shoes for comfort. Especially not in wide widths! I suppose I could wear kleenex boxes on my feet, but I have NO fingernails, those rip and tear off like crazy! I don't even bite them! <sigh> When I hear Marc complain about the tight tux shirt, which way does the cumberbund go and the shoes of pain and dispair, I think HA! You men think you're the stronger sex? I'd like to see the one among you (besides joe namath) who could wear pantyhose and teeter on 4 inch stilletos, keep your lipstick looking fresh your slip from creeping up. Now try and look and feel sexy like that! Oh yea, and don't forget- make sure you don't walk out of the men's/women's room with your dressed tucked up into your pantyhose and your *** showing to the world- Did I mention taking a piece of steel an putting it under your "delicate curves" so it will stab you on one side or the other, no matter which way you turn, and no matter how careful you are, some little bit of delicate flesh slides under (gravity being what it is) and get pinched by that massive iron underwire? <LOL>


Yeah. I'm really looking forward to these formal nights, and the first one that laughs... Well, let's just say I have my pirate wench outfit ready- I will be picking up my cutlass or my pistol at the I-Party store, this week! Ahoy! Ye Lubbers! I'll take me pound of flesh outta the first one snickers at me teeterin' shoes!! ARRGHH!!


can't wait!

Say, does anybody know how I could lose 50 pounds in the next week?



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originally posted by rgreenba

Is Cunard strict about the embarkation schedule? If I'm scheduled to embark at 1:30 p.m. will they let me on at noon or do I have to wait? (Is this a perk for loyal customers?)


Also, how fast should I get my luggage.


And last but not least, is there a way to disembark early to catch a flight home?




You shouldn't have any trouble board the QM2 earlier than your designated time. I've read dozens of posts from people in similar straits who have arrived early and the Cunard folks didn't bat an eye lid.


It takes about an hour or so to get your luggage. The only way you can debark early is if you carry off your own luggage. You should speak to the front desk about that.




So glad you enjoyed that picture of the QM2 and that it has made its way onto your desktop. One of my favorite spots for Queen Mary 2 pictures is




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Karie, don't worry I have stopped eating in the vain hope that I will fit into anything for the formal nights. It seems it's to late to schedule lippo before the trip. I am packing one long dress and several cocktail length dresses for the formal nights. I am not normally a shoe person but for the last cruise (eight days) I packed a whole suitcase full of shoes. Since I typically alternate between a pair of black or brown flats for work, I walk around the house in my heals each night the week before the cruise to get my feet use to them. Right now I'm wearing the sparkly green ones. I have a big 29'' suitcase that I lay everything flat in after ironing it. I find I don't have to iron anything once on board. I am bringing one dress that is too big for the last formal night because I know it will be the only thing that will fit. I could write a novel about the bra crisis I have been through. Oh well I guess I'll just pretend everything fits prefectly and hope no one else notices.

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Jonathan....thanks for the website...I'm compiling quite a bunch in my bookmarks. Great photos and write-ups. HAd my computer on for 3 hours on her last sailing....and almost missed her as she was so late. I jump back and forth between the 2 wired New York webcams all day while she's in NY. I shall watch you all sail on the 3rd with great envy. I'll play my bookmark of her great whistle and wave to you all. So please wave in the general direction of South Carolina. No doubt about it, I'm addicted and I have 11 long months to wait!! So I travel her vicariously with all of you....my turn will come! I have however started gown shopping...My husband wonders why I can't use what I've got....gave him the simple answer...this is The Queen...


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How many suitcases is everyone bringing? I think I am only going to bring two. I don't know how I will carry any more than that. Is anyone arriving a day early into New York?



We are getting in a day early and plan seeing some of the sights of New York.


Also, to be fair, my friend is bringing his mother, who got her own cabin. Her name is Jennette. She will be staying right next to us. So you can add her to the revised list of people going. She is very excited about going.



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What service! My wife asked me tonight about the number of formal nights, semi formal, etc, and the answer appeared as soon as I logged on tonight. Thank you all.


Weather in the Northeat looks OK for Monday/Tuesday, temps in the 40's, lows in he 30's and maybe some rain. We can deal with it.


We are also getting in on Monday to look at the city's Christmas decorations, the tree at Rockerfeller Plaza, and whatnot.


The 4 formal nights seems right although I thought there might be 2-3 semi-formal nights instead of one.


We are each bringing 2-3 suitcases although one of mine will contain soft drinks for early AM/ middle on the night sitting on the balcony, even though I buy a soft drink pass onboard, and about 10 Amstel lights I have in the refrigerator. I'll use that suitcase for bringing home purchases we make on the trip.


I bought a new pair of tux slack with an expandable waist - that's what I call thinking ahead.


One week to go.

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Karie, don't worry I have stopped eating in the vain hope that I will fit into anything for the formal nights. It seems it's to late to schedule lippo before the trip. I am packing one long dress and several cocktail length dresses for the formal nights. I am not normally a shoe person but for the last cruise (eight days) I packed a whole suitcase full of shoes. Since I typically alternate between a pair of black or brown flats for work, I walk around the house in my heals each night the week before the cruise to get my feet use to them. Right now I'm wearing the sparkly green ones. I have a big 29'' suitcase that I lay everything flat in after ironing it. I find I don't have to iron anything once on board. I am bringing one dress that is too big for the last formal night because I know it will be the only thing that will fit. I could write a novel about the bra crisis I have been through. Oh well I guess I'll just pretend everything fits prefectly and hope no one else notices.


cq6 (nice name- the imagination runs wild- Ham radio for instance CQ= seek you)

Bra crisis. bought one for last year's xmas cruise- convertible, straps or not- FORTIFIED (send it to Iraq for those soldiers with no armor!) I could put balloons in the cups and still have room for a couple of pillows! Madonna never had it so good! And God save the man who would try to dance close to me wearing that! Could end up with open heart surgery right on the dance floor! Need a separate suitcase just for that one! <LOL>


I am bound and determined that I will exercise on board! (Well, okay, mostly my right elbow!) I actually have lost 15 or 16 pounds. My goal pre-cruise was 20- I will be satisfied, but it's a teacup in the ocean, I'm afraid! I keep thinking 15 pounds on and I gain a dress size! 15 off, and there's no difference! It's not fair! (and it was much easier putting it on than taking it off!)


Well, I am hoping that all 2610 passengers (plus crew) are not there for the express purpose of seeing me and critiquing my body! So I will just go and have fun, and if it offend thee, DON'T LOOK! <G> (Especially when I am ordering two marvelous appetizers becasue I can't decide!) Is caviar fattening? <G>


I was going to order more of those marvelous packing cubes from E-Bags someone suggested on the fashion board. (I did already get one set- They're marvelous!) But the express shipping cost as much as the bags! So I did then next best thing: Jumbo Ziploc bags (2.5 gallons) several of my dreses/skirts have been gently folded and sealed in those. I have one suitcase pretty much packed. I think I can make it with only two! (well, until I think about all of the last minute geegaws I simply MUST pack! Like my insulated sipper from my earlier Cunard Crown cruises!)


Haven't gotten on to jewelry makeup and some accessories yet, but am pretty well finished with dresses, shorts, bathing suits/pareos and most shoes. I've got my mask and snorkel out- They did say there was a masked ball, no? It's a mask. Yes? <LOL> tomorrow I go through the stockings (torture devices- I don't normally wear them) There's another thing to send to Iraq- Threaten the insurgents with pantihose, I'll bet they'd all turn over a new leaf instantly! although they give me thoughts of violence- to the man who invented them!

Time- It's so near yet so far- So soon, yet not soon enough!

I'm so grateful to all of you here keeping me sane and sharing the day by day vigil!



P.S. I can't wait to meet some of the personalities I've "met" on here! (and hear the great American Bra novel!<LOL>)

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What service! My wife asked me tonight about the number of formal nights, semi formal, etc, and the answer appeared as soon as I logged on tonight. Thank you all.


Weather in the Northeat looks OK for Monday/Tuesday, temps in the 40's, lows in he 30's and maybe some rain. We can deal with it.


We are also getting in on Monday to look at the city's Christmas decorations, the tree at Rockerfeller Plaza, and whatnot.


The 4 formal nights seems right although I thought there might be 2-3 semi-formal nights instead of one.


We are each bringing 2-3 suitcases although one of mine will contain soft drinks for early AM/ middle on the night sitting on the balcony, even though I buy a soft drink pass onboard, and about 10 Amstel lights I have in the refrigerator. I'll use that suitcase for bringing home purchases we make on the trip.


I bought a new pair of tux slack with an expandable waist - that's what I call thinking ahead.


One week to go.


Well, yes there IS the extra suitcase for Diet Pepsi and Fresca (I am sure one can get only coke products on board- ugh!) And the two bottles of Margarita mix... and the fresh sliced lime.... and the door/balcony decorations... Is anyone planning on decorating their door/balcony? Those doors all look alike after a late night at G32 or the casino! (neither of which I am likely to spend time in) And how else will we know a fellow cruise critics door? We need name plates! With a CC: Logo on them! And a picture of the Queen. OUR queen, not the monarch!)


Okay, who is keeping track of the roll call for this trip?

We need it updated! (And welcome Jeanette! We look forward to meeting you!)


And does anyone know if we get sail-away champagne like on the crossing, or shall I bring my own chilled bottle in my carry-on? (And I seriously doubt the bottle of Dom listed in the gift list is for a 750 ml! Can't be more than a split at $120! It costs that wholesale in CT for a 750 ml!!)


Okay! Bring it on! I'm ready! <NOT!>



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Originally posted by Patwell

My husband wonders why I can't use what I've got....gave him the simple answer...this is The Queen...




That's the spirit. I'm with you Cruise Critic is very addictive. I love finding out anything and everything about the QM2. Have you seen these pictures. Unfortunately, they are protected by copyright and cannot be saved, but they're great fun to look at and dream...




Originally posted by Travel-to-go

And does anyone know if we get sail-away champagne like on the crossing,


Karie, Yes, each cabin will have a split of champagne on ice awaiting the passengers arrival. I'm all for decorating our doors with QM2 pictures or maybe a group Cruise Critic shot from our Commodore Club meeting on January 3. There are at least three of us deck 11.


I'm already finding it difficult to sleep with still 6 days and change left. We will be driving in on Monday in order that we have plenty of time to sit on our hands until 11:30 am on Tuesday. Typically, I find it near impossible to catch a wink the night before a cruise. I toss and turn and wake up every hour on the hour. Perhaps an all-night Cruise Critic - QM2 Roll call session can help cure the night-before-we-sail-can't-sleep-blues.




I will be toting a large suit case, a garment bag and a carry on bag. The brand new digital camera will erase the need to struggle with the additional camera bag.


A Jolly - QM2 January 3, 2006 - Roll Call Welcome to Jeanette!


Queen Mary 2 - January 3, 2006

Panama and the Caribbean traveling Cruise Critics


Cruiserking/Cq6 Jonathan and Elene


First Time Cunarder Peter and Barbara


NBCNewsGuy Ryan, Justin and Jennette


Travel-to-go Karie and Marc


Jerirn Jeri and JohnBob & Mae


Rgreenba Rosalyn and Lewis


Lk4xits Marty and Greta

Marion & Nat



PapaHay Bruce and Joy


Kme Keith and Anne Marie


Rgaimari Bob and Ellen



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Hi Ted,


Welcome to our QM2 January 3, 2006 Roll Call. Hope you get a chance to stop by the Commodore Club January 3 at 10 pm or the Chart Room January 4 at 2 pm. Look forward to meeting you and your family.


Queen Mary 2 - January 3, 2006

Panama and the Caribbean traveling Cruise Critics


Cruiserking/Cq6 Jonathan and Elene


First Time Cunarder Peter and Barbara


NBCNewsGuy Ryan, Justin and Jennette


Travel-to-go Karie and Marc


Jerirn Jeri and John - Bob & Mae


Rgreenba Rosalyn and Lewis


Lk4xits Marty and Greta - Marion & Nat




PapaHay Bruce and Joy


Kme Keith and Anne Marie


Rgaimari Bob and Ellen


Ptuws Ted, Barbara, Chris and Ryan



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That's the spirit. I'm with you Cruise Critic is very addictive. I love finding out anything and everything about the QM2. Have you seen these pictures. Unfortunately, they are protected by copyright and cannot be saved, but they're great fun to look at and dream...






Karie, Yes, each cabin will have a split of champagne on ice awaiting the passengers arrival. I'm all for decorating our doors with QM2 pictures or maybe a group Cruise Critic shot from our Commodore Club meeting on January 3. There are at least three of us deck 11.


I'm already finding it difficult to sleep with still 6 days and change left. We will be driving in on Monday in order that we have plenty of time to sit on our hands until 11:30 am on Tuesday. Typically, I find it near impossible to catch a wink the night before a cruise. I toss and turn and wake up every hour on the hour. Perhaps an all-night Cruise Critic - QM2 Roll call session can help cure the night-before-we-sail-can't-sleep-blues.




I will be toting a large suit case, a garment bag and a carry on bag. The brand new digital camera will erase the need to struggle with the additional camera bag.


A Jolly - QM2 January 3, 2006 - Roll Call Welcome to Jeanette!


Queen Mary 2 - January 3, 2006

Panama and the Caribbean traveling Cruise Critics


Cruiserking/Cq6 Jonathan and Elene


First Time Cunarder Peter and Barbara


NBCNewsGuy Ryan, Justin and Jennette


Travel-to-go Karie and Marc


Jerirn Jeri and JohnBob & Mae


Rgreenba Rosalyn and Lewis


Lk4xits Marty and Greta

Marion & Nat



PapaHay Bruce and Joy


Kme Keith and Anne Marie


Rgaimari Bob and Ellen




Ryan- Gee, Uh, Do you have a U-Haul I can borrow> <G>


And let's see now, Jonathan. Just when I figured I could lose the camera bag, Marc got me one of those small photo printers for Christmas. And I just found out he expects me to take it with me to make pictures for all of my cruise critics friends! EEKS! Now I have to carry a PRINTER with me? Bad enough we will have three laptops between us and probably about five cell phones!

BTW, If anyone sees Marc huddled in some wi-fi corner being antisocial and dowloading left wing blogs and pod-casts, tell him to forget about the outside world for a change, have a Boddingtons and get with the party!


Our first cruise I had to beg him not to sit in the air conditioned cabin reading all day. Now I have to keep him from spending the entire cruise on his computer! When I drag him up to trivia kicking and screaming he always has a great time, and some funny answers! And everyone loves him! I just have to GET him there! (and drag him away from the computer)

Best thing I ever did was get him a good digital camera (better than mine!) Now he is the photographer- an interest of his back in his high school days- He even had a dark room. I still have ancient chemicals in the basement. I think they were known then as dagguerotypes? <G> If he offers to send you copies of your pictures to your email, just say yes! He loves to do that! He'd make you a CD if he had a CD-RW with him. (Hmm, I think my new work laptop has one. Haven't actually explored it yet!)


Welcome Ted and Barbara. I suspect Chris and Ryan may not enjoy the 10PM sailaway night in the Commodore Or maybe they would! They'll either be too excited to sleep or worn out from all the excitement (which would be good for you!) Will you have someone with you to take them off your hands so you can have some late night fun occasionally?


If you don't mae the 10PM 1st night, we are meeting 2PM first sea day. Chart Room.

I will bring the camera- (And if he insists, the printer!)


Jonathan, We are not coming down on Monday- That means I should not stay up on an all night roll call! (bit probably will anyway! I'm with you. I'm fraid I will oversleep and miss it!- And too excited to sleep!)


6 days now!

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I'm very impressed that you will be carting along the new photo printer. They do print up digital pictures at the QM2 photo shop, it costs around thirty cents a shot, but, then you sign it away on the old cruise account and go and walk around St. Thomas, what the hell you're on vacation.


I often wonder about these cryptic Cruise Critic handles, but, with your array of gizmos, door decorations, pirate costumes, the travel-to-go nickname begins to make great sense now.


Originally posted by travel-to-go

When I drag him up to trivia kicking and screaming he always has a great time,


We are great trivia fanatics, perhaps we will team up one morning at the Golden Lion Pub. I could just go for an order of fish and chips about now, these pre-cruise diets you know, severe late night hunger pangs.


6 more days...



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