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QM2 - January 3, 2006


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I'm very impressed that you will be carting along the new photo printer. They do print up digital pictures at the QM2 photo shop, it costs around thirty cents a shot, but, then you sign it away on the old cruise account and go and walk around St. Thomas, what the hell you're on vacation.


I often wonder about these cryptic Cruise Critic handles, but, with your array of gizmos, door decorations, pirate costumes, the travel-to-go nickname begins to make great sense now.




We are great trivia fanatics, perhaps we will team up one morning at the Golden Lion Pub. I could just go for an order of fish and chips about now, these pre-cruise diets you know, severe late night hunger pangs.


6 more days...




Yeah- Pre-cruise diet. Then I went and blew not eating all day with some left over prime rib from Christmas eve and a little brie for desert! Well, heck, I have to get used to having cheeses offered on the desert menu, no?


Top secret, don't tell anyone. We are both very eclectic. We're both geeks. Marc has a couple of patents in his name. (no money, just patents! <G> So much for fame and fortune) yet in many ways we live very mundane lives. I love doing trivia. I never learned my times tables, but I know some interesting esoteric useless stuff! I'm not into whatever the latest fad is. I don't watch TV, don't see most of the recent movies, listen to music no one has heard of and read books that are not on the best seller. We're both pilots and have skydived, We've done a little tiny bit of Scuba, but neither of us are certified. I stay abreast of happenings in corners of the world no one much cares about- But I am sure the people who live there care! and try to learn something everywhere I go, everything I do. I always say, "Just take me out back and shoot me if I ever stop learning. My life is over!" (I studied a LOT on pirates of the 16th, 17th, and 18th some 19th centruies while trying to figure out what a self-respecting pirate wench might wear- Searched the web for the best pirate web site? Turned out Google sent me to a page written by someone I know! (From other shared interests) someone who actually wrote one of the first web sites (in actual HTML when Netscape was brand spnking new) I ever saw! (The first site I saw on the internet was non-graphical and I used Mosaic to view it.) So I know all about Anne Bonney and Mary Read, who teamed up with Calico Jack Rackham. They were as good and as brave as any male pirate. Braver, it seems. So I will be ready for the pirate's ball. Did you know that Captain Morgan (later knighted as Sir Henry Morgan- He of the rum brand's famous visage) sacked Panama? I find that an odd tidbit, considering where this cruise is going! Then, too- It was the Panama of the Spanish Main, where the Spaniards of yore were stealing the worldly treasures amassed by the Incas, Aztecs, Tainos and Caribs- As though they had they right to just take it! (And of course, the best treasure of all? Chocolate!) So I guess it isn't so bad- He was giving Panama back to those who had it before the Spaniards! Well, maybe that wasn't really his purpose!


Anyway- Were are nothing if not trivial!

We'd love to join up with you!

As long as you don't need help with pop songs or TV shows- Unless I read about them. Then I might know some stuff there.


Can't wait! Got to get to bed, I have a 9AM appt.



P.S. Now I get the CQ6- Cruiser Queen or Cunard Queen- Now that I know she is "aligned" with the CruiserKing!

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Hi, all!

Hope nobody minds, but I've been lurking on this thread on and off since my wife, Joanne, and I booked this upcoming trip on the spur of the moment about a five weeks ago -- and very educational your comments been, too!


We've cruised a bit -- in July, most recently, a wonderful Windstar jaunt through Portugal, Casa Blanca, and Spain -- but never on Cunard, and I was a little worried, to be frank. The very first review I googled up of the QM2 complained about the food, the finish in the cabins and the service, none of which made for restful nights after mailing off the check. Then I found out that Cunard is owned by Carnival, and my heart plumbed new depths, as the only genuinely miserable time we've ever had afloat was on a Carnival ship -- so bad, if fact, that after winning a free cruise for two in the casino, we allowed the prize to lapse without confirming the booking. Joanne said that if she wanted to be quite so miserable ever again, she could simply infect herself with salmonella and ride the F Train at rush hour.


Your comments, however, have set my mind at rest. The QM2's fare, I gather, is quite good, the atmosphere civil (as opposed to an advanced education in cursing and rambunctious behaviour in the corridors at all sorts of wee hours, as on our Carnival disaster), and Joanne will get to put some mileage on her evening gowns and silly shoes (when she figures out which of her sisters borrowed and neglected to return the most impractical ones, that is.) So thanks for that!


One series of computer-related question, though: Is it worth my while bringing a laptop? Do passengers each enjoy individual Internet access from their cabins? If I leave my computer at home -- which I'd dearly like an excuse to do, as work is the enemy of indolence -- is the QM's Internet lounge adequate for staying in touch with the office and, in my wife's case, up to the demands of terrorizing her employees from a distance?


Any light you posters could shed on this would be much appreciated.




Roger (& Joanne)

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phranger, as I understand every cabin has internet access. Thus you might keep your laptop home as I will do unless I change my mind again in the next 12 hours or so.

Because that is about the time left before I will leave to fly to New York.


Fellow cruisers, it has been a good preparation for our cruise to exchange thoughts and ideas with you on this board and I am looking forward to meet you.

Yet, probably we want be able to make it for the first night's meeting. Or better: We would be very disappointed if we were rushed through our dinner that much. Your know, Europeans...

Nevertheless the question for both meetings: How will we recognize each other?


Well, I hope the Queen Mary 2 will live up to her promises and the great Cunard tradition of formality, style and class as the Queen Elizabeth 2 does and other ships did. See you onboard.

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Glad you finally took the plunge and joined our happy group of January 3,

QM2 voyagers. Hope you will stop by at both or either of the get togethers next week.


As per your computer questions. I suppose whether or not to bring your laptop comes to down to personal preference. There are certainly ample amount of computer options aboard the QM2.


You can both send or receive emails from your cabin at a charge of $1.50 per email. This is a nice feature as you are not paying for the time only the message sent or received.


The internet can be accessed round the clock on 30 computers located at Cunard Connexions on deck 2. In addition there is a selection of computers in the library on deck 8, (one of my favorite spots to go online, especially in the wee hours of the a.m.).


The pricing scale for online usage, as per our QM2 trip last March, includes packages ranging from $13.50 for a half hour to $89.95 for four hours. This pricing scale reflects charges for usage of either QM2 computers or your own.


Should you decide to bring your laptop along there are a number of hotspots aboard the QM2. Some of these locations include; the Grand Lobby, Deck 2/3 near the B/C stairs, the Chart Room Deck 3 near the B/C stairs and the Queens Room/G32 Deck 3 near the D stairs.


Look forward to meeting you both in 6 sleeps.



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Originally posted by Carlmm

How will we recognize each other?




Usually, just look for the jolly group of revelers and if it's not the cruise critics, well, then you've just made some more new friends. Other than that perhaps Karie can concoct a sign or other such device from her Travel-to-go bag of tricks.


Have a safe trip to the U.S.A and we look forward to meeting you aboard the QM2.


Originally posted by travel-to-go

P.S. Now I get the CQ6- Cruiser Queen or Cunard Queen- Now that I know she is "aligned" with the CruiserKing!


Karie, Good deducing skills, Cruiser Queen it is.. and the 6 was the lucky horse at the QM2 Owners Race last March.


Newly revised QM2 January 3, 2006 Roll Call.


Queen Mary 2 - January 3, 2006

Panama and the Caribbean traveling Cruise Critics


Cruiserking/Cq6 Jonathan and Elene


First Time Cunarder Peter and Barbara


NBCNewsGuy Ryan, Justin and Jennette


Travel-to-go Karie and Marc


Jerirn Jeri and John - Bob & Mae


Rgreenba Rosalyn and Lewis


Lk4xits Marty and Greta - Marion & Nat




PapaHay Bruce and Joy


Kme Keith and Anne Marie


Rgaimari Bob and Ellen


Ptuws Ted, Barbara, Chris and Ryan


Phranger Roger and Joanne



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Usually, just look for the jolly group of revelers and if it's not the cruise critics, well, then you've just made some more new friends. Other than that perhaps Karie can concoct a sign or other such device from her Travel-to-go bag of tricks.

Oh my! Another task to do before I go!

I may need either cabin numbers or real names to be able to distribute anything I might make up.

I'll see what I can do- Maybe get some of those silly name badge things that I can put our logo on- Anyone got any favorite designs they would like to see? Not that I am talented at that sort of thing- It may look like a child's scrawl!

And we should be easy to find in either meeting. We'll be the boisterous ones having loads of fun, acting like we already know all about "the Lady"!

(And we'll be dressed appropriately, not like the rest of those heathens! <G>)

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Today, I decided to drive to New York next Monday. We will head to the Pier on Tuesday morning. I am going to leave our car on the roof top parking deck, same as we did last year. I can unload luggage on the 2nd level on the way to parking area and check it right there. $180 for the 12 nights.

I need to get a better plan to pick up my wife and luggage as I exit the pier. Bit of a problem last time but we made it OK.

I expect some snow but am hoping for the best. I will have a broom, shovel and boots in the car in case.......




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Hello: Travel - to - Go


Are you having friends drive you to the pier or are you leaving your car there? We left our car at the pier last November which was very convenient but I am hesitant about doing it in mid winter.


I am thinking about taking something called the limo-liner bus from Boston to the New York Hilton weather permitting. It's a luxury bus with only 20 seats, snack service, etc. and the fare is about the same as the train. If not we'll take the train. In any case we are going down on Monday so my wife can see the 5PM Christmas show at Radio City Music, the lights, window displays, etc. I'll settle for the ND - Ohio State Fiesta Bowl Game that is also scheduled for 5PM.


I've taken LimoLiner several times and it is really a pleasure, well worth the $$$. Try to book the seats in the back at the table, facing forward - there's a flat screen TV facing you about 3' away, where they show currently released movies on the way down. Enjoy.

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1. Ok wer'e on the ship. We have eaten lunch. How shall we proceed to tour the ship?


2. Bring sunscreen and insect repellant.


3. What kind of munchies should we bring on? Cabo Wabo ok?


4. I ran out of things to ask..........



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1. Ok wer'e on the ship. We have eaten lunch. How shall we proceed to tour the ship?


2. Bring sunscreen and insect repellant.


3. What kind of munchies should we bring on? Cabo Wabo ok?


4. I ran out of things to ask..........




I think I need a shower first- You see, I will be in a panic until I am safely ensconced on the ship!

Okay- The important things we need to know. How do we get to our respective dining rooms? (We're Brittania, late seating- You know, cattle class!) (And check the card in your room to be sure you are assigend to what you wanted! If possible, scope out where your table is, and if you need to make reservations for Todd English or anything, or make changes, see the Maitre D' IMMEDIATELY! (If not sooner!) Then you need to get your bearings to the Commodore Club for our 10:00 meeting. If you'd like, stop by and see where your other CC friends will be residing for the next 12 days (in our case 8 deck cabin 8095, Starboard side, aft of midships, just behind the large white tender) And of course, figure out where you are going, to the top observation deck, and how to quickly get there in order to be one of the very last Cunard Voyagers (for a while at least) to watch this beatiful behemoth squeeze under the Verrazano Narrows Bridge. And you might scope out where your Muster Station is so you can be in the vicinity when it's time and not have to traipse down the stairs, tripping over the cords on your lifejacket!


2. Already got the insect repellant packed. You brought your pith helmet with the mosquito net, right? Along with your hammock (with mosquito netting) you can hang between two stanchions in case you wish to sleep up on the top deck some night! <G>


3. I could munch Cabo Wabo easily! Should I bring the Don Julio to go with? I will probably bring some cheese by a local cheese maker- If I haven't eaten it all by then! It's about $17.99 a pound, but I say hi to all "the girls" on my way to work each morning, so they give sweeter milk, which makes better cheese! It will go nicely with Tequila.


4. I can't help you there!

So where will we find you and your lovely DW on board? In case we wish to share some Cabo or Mojitos!


4 days and a wake up!

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It was quite sad to read of the death of five passengers on the Costa Classica. According to Cruise Critic they were killed when a shore excursion tour bus went off a road in Madeira (Funchal) last week.. Over 40 more were injured, some very seriously. We stopped in Funchal this past May and we took a similar shore excursion.


Reality steps in unfortunately when you read this. Surprisingly I do not recall the story in any of our media?? It seems to have disappeared from the CC web site as well ??



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It was quite sad to read of the death of five passengers on the Costa Classica. According to Cruise Critic they were killed when a shore excursion tour bus went off a road in Madeira (Funchal) last week.. Over 40 more were injured, some very seriously. We stopped in Funchal this past May and we took a similar shore excursion.


Reality steps in unfortunately when you read this. Surprisingly I do not recall the story in any of our media?? It seems to have disappeared from the CC web site as well ??



Oh dear!

I hadn't heard!

No- I didn't see it in the papers either.

Then too we tend to be somewhat US-centric in our media.

How truly sad.

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That's terrible about the group in Madeira. I don't remember hearing anything about the incident at all. My husband and I were nearly killed on vacation about 5 years ago so my heart goes out to the families of the dead as well as the survivors...


Re: Panama excursions - is anyone else booked with myfriendmario? I'm not soliciting members, I'm trying to find out if anyone else has been asked to provide passport #'s in order to go on an excursion. I haven't given out any information and I'm leery now.


Thanks all - it won't be long now!

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Tourist Bus Accident in São Vicente

Madeira 2005/12/23 - 18:47 Madeira Tourism News

Today around 2pm a tourist bus accident has occurred in a roundabout in São Vicente village, Madeira Island.

At present the death toll has raised to 5 victims, all Italian nationality. All the victims have travel to Madeira Island in Costa Classica from Costa Crociere.


If you are looking for a friend or family member it is advisable that you contact:

Embassy of Italia in Portugal - (+351) 213515320

Madeira Civil Protection - (+351) 291700112


Note from the editor: MadeiraHelp.com team presents their regrets to the victims, families and friends.

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CNN world and Reuters had it last week as well. The 5 dead were all Italian Citizens,43 injured must all be Europeans .. It does raise Insurance questions re tours etc. Life goes on. Taking a Cruise on the QM2 is a most acceptable form of travel but nothing is risk free.


That new tropical storm Zeta is far far away and expected to weaken. Our local New York City forecast is for rain on tuesday high in the 40's farenheit.


Meanwhile we are in cabin 11038. We start packing on Sunday.



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That's terrible about the group in Madeira. I don't remember hearing anything about the incident at all. My husband and I were nearly killed on vacation about 5 years ago so my heart goes out to the families of the dead as well as the survivors...


Re: Panama excursions - is anyone else booked with myfriendmario? I'm not soliciting members, I'm trying to find out if anyone else has been asked to provide passport #'s in order to go on an excursion. I haven't given out any information and I'm leery now.


Thanks all - it won't be long now!


I recieved the form from Mario requesting our passport #'s. and it confused me. It made me wonder if there are some special restrictions for getting off the ship in Panama?


Does anyone know if this is a problem?



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I recieved the form from Mario requesting our passport #'s. and it confused me. It made me wonder if there are some special restrictions for getting off the ship in Panama?


Does anyone know if this is a problem?





Hopefully we can straighten this out prior to Tuesday...it's not Mario that I'm wary of - he's gotten very good reports on this board. Just seems strange, that's all. Aren't we docking in Cristobal? Why does the form say "leaving the ship at Gatun Locks"? I didn't think that was the same place. I offered to bring the passports with me when hubby and I get off the ship, but he said that the information was required beforehand. I don't want to take the ship's very-expensive-and-not-as-comprehensive tour.

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There usually is no mention in the ticket regarding restaurant seatings. Once you check into your cabin you will find a card with your table number and the time that you requested (early or late).


If at this point you still have a query it's best to speak with the Maitre D of whichever restaurant you are assigned to.


The ceremonial bag packing experience begins on Sunday, and the beginning of the next great adventure.

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