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I'm DREAMing of a Caribbean Christmas- Stacey's Holiday Cruise Review 12/10/1...


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When I finally was able to log on, I was so worn out from the heat that I was ready to go back. We decided to try the Wet Lizard for a quick snack.








I got the nachos, she got some sliders-neither were great. The drinks were ok, though.






Afterwards, we wandered in a couple more shops-I had given up on buying the luggage as the thought of carrying ANYTHING in this heat was beyond me.






We head back to the tender line and caught one just as it was leaving.






So long, Belize!







The water was even rockier as we rode back, and there was a bit of a line to disembark. So,we waited, and rocked. And rocked. And rocked some more.






When we FINALLY crawled back onto the ship, we made our way to the cabin and found it…just like we left it. Which wasn’t messy-we had made the beds again, but trash and towels were still there. Sigh. Aubrey, I was starting to believe in you.






It was about 2:30 at this time, still a little early, so we ventured upstairs and found Serenity almost completely empty-yay!!











We each claimed a clamshell on the lower deck and settled in with a much deserved frozen drink and our iPads for the next couple of hours.








As it grew closer to sailaway time, and the decks grew more crowded, we returned to our balcony. My mom was hopeful of watching pier runners again, to which I explained that that was unlikely, since there were tenders, thus the pier runners would be back at shore.







Instead, we relaxed with some of our wine and watched a few more tenders tumble in. We saw the NCL ship take off, then the Costa. And as it grew darker, and we didn’t move, we began to wonder what was up. Finally a dive boat sped in, and unloaded some people.







I still can’t believe that there’s an excursion that goes out in the late afternoon, but oh well.







It was dark by the time we took off, so we figured that we would get ready for dinner. Unfortunately, we were just not that hungry, and pretty tired from basically doing nothing all day.







Instead, we went downstairs to watch the holiday show in the theater, which was about as cutesy as you would expect, but the kids singing was interesting.







Afterwards, we STILL weren’t hungry, so we went up to the deli on Deck 10 and got sandwiches. I figured if I was still hungry later I would try to hit the Mexican fiesta, but it was looking doubtful at this point.







We wandered inside the atrium,as my mom wanted to go to the Cherry on Top store and get some candy, but it wasn’t open, nor were the shops. So we stood around the railing and watched some more Christmas singing for a bit before deciding that we had had our fill and returned to the cabin.






Aubrey had been there and left a friend…but no Funtimes for tomorrow.The trash had been emptied, but no fresh towels. Sigh. At this point, I’ll take what I can get.







My mom was lamenting that there wasn’t anything on TV that we could just chill and watch, when I recalled seeing pay per view movies, so I went to investigate. Sure enough, on the remote, there were about 50 different options-go Carnival!






We selected the latest Meryl Streep movie and watched it (only $5, which is similar to buying it at home) and I know I was out before the credits rolled, but my mom said it was good.






It was a good thing I went to bed early, as I was up several times because the boat was REALLY rocking. I even saw my mom awake who said she didn’t feel well, but declined my Dramamine. Somehow, we both fell asleep but it was not a smooth night….



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LOL!!! That was me before Xanax. I had already tried the book, breathing, meditating, etc methods when I was younger to no avail.





Like I said, if you have a long term relationship with your MD, and explain your fear to him/her, they will likely prescribe something-unless you have one that is paranoid about prescribing that type of med.


I recently saw an ad on FB for one of the posher airlines(I think Etihad) that is now doing a 3 room "apartment" on their airlines with top of the line food, dishes, flat screen TVs in the "living room" and "bedroom", breakfast in bed, butler service and a shower. I wonder if that type of luxury would alleviate my fear LOL? But something tells me turbulence would get through there, too.

The first thing I thought was who could sleep on a plane! Not Petrified Penny , strange how cruising settles

me, flying makes me a freak show.


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I'm loving your review so far! We went on this same itinerary last summer and loved it so much we are doing it again in June!


I had to laugh when you said you were warned at LFK about the slippery steps into the water. I totally busted my butt going in and it wasn't pretty. Fell sideways onto that bench that is half in the water.....major bruising, lost my entire beer. LOL I was quite the sight.

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Thank you for the compliment!!! I didn't do a lot of late night activity on this cruise but I have a good time and have met some awesome people on my cruises ever since I found CC (just before my 1st NCL cruise). And I would love to do the Breeze-just have to find the right itinerary and time! If you are going at Christmas, your son will have LOTS of company so you may have some alone time, be sure to get to know your roll call!


We went on a 3 days Bahamas cruise 2 years ago and found it to be a perfect way to be on vacation when it's just the two of us. He will have lots of time on his own and with new friends and won't be stuck with me :D It will for sure give me some alone time, but I do plan on meeting pool from the roll call. The one on FB is growing already so I'm sure I will have no problem finding company when I feel for it :)

Btw I'm also booked in a L shaped room. I wanted to make sure that I could have my own time on the balcony with the benefit of the sun bed. For the first time in many years I can't hardly wait for Christmas to come around...

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Hey Stacey. Really enjoying your review. We were in the same roll call as I remember your picture you posted from the Embassy Suites. We were staying there too but did not have that view.


We had many of the same experiences including the twice a day service. Our Steward brought a card for us to check on the frequency of the service and we did choose twice a day yet the first night he did not changes the towels. I called to get some fresh towels delivered. Steward came and apologized and said he was being told by management to reduce service. We had excellent service for the rest of the week and he was rewarded at the end of our cruise. Such a sweet guy. We were very lucky.


We also went to LFK and loved it. We had 10 in our group and had transportation issues as well! There was an empty van waiting but the other driver took the keys and we waited...and waited. We finally got Dave to get us a private Van to take us. We finally arrived and loved the place. It was paradise. Service was off just as you stated but we had a great time.


Great review and looking forward to more.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I AM SO SORRY for the delay!!!!!! I know it looked bad, but I am back, and I HAVE FINISHED!!!!! I will be posting the remaining three days momentarily for anyone still around!!


Unfortunately, right after my last post, life became complicated- I moved to a different apt here in the city, and as any current or past residents know, the process is very grueling, much like buying a house anywhere else(and this is just to RENT). So with that and moving, that knocked a few weeks of time away. Then, as it would go, I caught the flu which lingered on a bit...despite getting a flu shot, which is exactly what happened last year.


So now that I am moved and decontaminated, and planning another trip, I buckled down to finish this review, as I do enjoy writing. I wish I could just spend my time cruising and blogging....


Anyway, enough of that. Stay tuned, and I'll be back later to answer the other questions:)



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I AM SO SORRY for the delay!!!!!! I know it looked bad, but I am back, and I HAVE FINISHED!!!!! I will be posting the remaining three days momentarily for anyone still around!!


Unfortunately, right after my last post, life became complicated- I moved to a different apt here in the city, and as any current or past residents know, the process is very grueling, much like buying a house anywhere else(and this is just to RENT). So with that and moving, that knocked a few weeks of time away. Then, as it would go, I caught the flu which lingered on a bit...despite getting a flu shot, which is exactly what happened last year.


So now that I am moved and decontaminated, and planning another trip, I buckled down to finish this review, as I do enjoy writing. I wish I could just spend my time cruising and blogging....


Anyway, enough of that. Stay tuned, and I'll be back later to answer the other questions:)




I'm still around and I have been practicing my patience skills while you've been gone :D


I hope life is a little less complicated now and I'm looking forward to the rest of your review :)

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Merry Christmas!!!







After a rocky night, we were up and getting ready when we noticed this on the balcony railing:















We decided to switch up our breakfast routine and see if the dining room would be open, since we were arriving in Cozumel a “little” later (9am). I went downstairs to collect a Funtimes since we had not been given one the night prior, and to check out the dining room availability. Luckily, I found out that the Scarlett restaurant was open at 7:30. I called my mom from a house phone on the Lobby deck and we met in front of the restaurant just as it was opening.








I don’t think a lot of people were up early, or chose the dining room, because it was very empty, and service was extremely fast. The servers came around with pastry offerings and coffe, wishing us a happy holiday, and we consumed our dishes and were back in the cabin well before 9.







I had the eggs benedict(with regular bacon) and decided to try the blueberry pancakes. I was anticipating another mediocre spread at the AI we were going to, so I wanted to be well nourished for my unlimited alcohol consumption that day.








Sadly, the blueberries weren’t infused in the pancakes, but just a compote.









Once in our cabin, we finished getting our bags ready while we watched the sail-in to Cozumel. It was fun to watch the ship getting tied up, and seeing other people leaning over their balconies calling out “Merry Christmas!”







We also saw a Royal ship sail in, and saw a couple of NCL’s in the distance.










The minute we saw people disembark, we flew out of our cabin, down to Riviera and across, and were on land in less than 10 minutes.







The sun was already hot, and they had pedicabs(for a price) to transport people to the end of the pier.







Once again, we were ushered through a duty free store with the same ware as the ship and every other port. We did, however, have a bag inspection as we exited, where several people had fruit confiscated that they were taking ashore.







As the woman said in line behind me, “Why can’t people just follow the rules and make life less difficult? Is it worth it to save a few bucks for the apple?”







After clearing the fruit ****’s, we were thrust into another Portville, which I had been before (last time was on the Fantasy in 2007).







I tried to direct my mother to the taxi stand behind the village, but she was lured into a general store where she insisted on making her Christmas purchases for multiple children/grandchildren back in Phoenix.







Thankfully, the saleswoman was willing to hold the items for us(so that we weren’t lugging wine glasses,tshirts, etc on the beach all day) so Imanaged to get her to wrap it up in a halfway decent amount of time.







I did have to assertively guide her through the village after that, however.







Luckily, we found the taxi rank behind the village with prices posted to all of the popular AI’s, and I double checked that it was $16 one way for both of us,regardless of how full the van was. The taxi driver assured me it was, and since we were the only ones at that moment going to Mr Sanchos, we had a van to ourselves.






The ride took about 15 minutes, and we passed the entrances to Chankanaab, Paradise Beach, Nachi Cocom, and a couple of others that I hadn’t heard of before reaching Mr. Sanchos.



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OK, backtracking a bit here..






In my research, and in everyone else’s, choosing an AI in Cozumel is a bit like going to Disneyland and asking someone to pick one activity to do. They all looked good, most were priced within $10 of each other, and most had good reviews. I really was torn, and ended up picking Mr Sanchos ($55 per adult, $5 deposit at time of booking) mainly because it had a lot of activities included and/or available.







I wanted something similar to Little French Key’s offerings, with beach and shaded areas, food and drinks included, clean restrooms/showers/changing rooms, massage, shopping, snorkeling, potential for parasailing and jetski, and this place also had decently priced horseback riding(which my mom indicated interest in prior to the cruise).







Nachi Cocom was a close second,especially with the 100 person limit, and trust me, I was debating switching after a week with a few thousand people.







Back to present day…







As we exited the taxi, we were ushered through a miniature shopping village before we reached the entrance. If you wanted to go to an AI but forgot your swimwear, beach toys, sunglasses/hats,and towels, and somehow missed the giant port village before getting here, don’t worry-these folks have you covered.







Once inside, there was a short line where we paid our balances, got our wristbands, and exited to the resort.








Talk about sensory overload-once you enter the resort, there are MORE shopping tents, two pool areas (and bars) a huge cabana where the buffet is set up, and palm trees with iguanas running loose.













We quickly got changed and stopped at the buffet tent to check out the menu before heading to the beach.








The offerings weren’t bad, but I knew that there was a menu for chairside service, so I inquired. Three different servers looked baffled and kept looking around before one finally gave me a menu and told me to keep it.






Once my mom saw quesadillas on the menu, she seemed halfway satisfied (burgers were a back up). I saw plenty on there that would keep me fed well enough to soak up the liquor.





It was about 10ish at this point, and despite 5 ships in port, the beach was still relatively empty. We found two loungers in the second row next to a table with a palapa, and, like the American hogs we were, took over the table and loungers. I felt a bit guilty,but considering we missed out on a beach table in LFK, I wasn’t taking any chances.















(Seriously, if someone came up and REALLY wanted to share the table,I’m sure we would have).







As the day progressed, I noticed others doing the same thing. Thankfully, there were plenty of tables.



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