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Do they allow you to bring an 11-month old child to the restaurants?


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We are planning a cruise on the Caribbean Princess but wanted to know if they allow you to bring an 11-month old child to the restaurants at night. Will be restricted to the buffets? We'll probably do some buffets for dinner but also want to have a few dinners at the sit down restaurants.


Anyone have any good or bad experiences bringing such a small child on a cruise?


Thanks for your help

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Yes. You can bring your infant to the restaurants.


Personally, we waited until the youngest was five to cruise. The thought of being in even a minisuite with children much younger isn't very appealing to me. Love the kids, but it just seems that it would not be as relaxing given the level of attention they need at that age. Just an opinion. Some people don't mind a bit.

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We had our 3 month old granddaughter on my parents' 70th anniversary cruise. She was a doll and never caused any trouble (of course, we couldn't say the same for her 1-1/2 year old cousin!) Bring your baby along. She's a lot easier to control now than when she is older. Nancy

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I have cruised with a 10 month old. It was pretty easy, but she is a pretty laid back child. If you have a chils that you can entertain through diiner - sure no problem. If she is a bit cranky, I'd start thinking about the buffet.


Good Luck!

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We have been on 4 cruises with our daughter, now 2. We started cruising when she was 10 months old. Believe me, it is easier at this age than at 2. We never had a problem in the dining room and as a matter of fact she has always been a hit. People constantly stop at our table to talk to her and the waiters would come from across the dining room to give her a kiss every night. She loved the attention, and has never fussed. She eats everything, so we have never ordered from the children's menu. The waiters usually know what she wants (watermelon) and have it waiting for her, along with her glass of milk. The up side is if my husband and I wanted to have 3 entrees, we ordered 1 under her name. She would eat a couple of bites and we ate the rest. It introduced her to a lot of foods a normal child would never eat. We take a months curise every year over Christmas with our kids and parents. We believe spending time together is more important than buying a bunch of things that nobody wants or needs. Santa does come to the 2 year old, but is limited to a few small items. This year we are sailing on Princess Diamond from Singapore to Australia. One work of warning, once your child starts walking, we keep a leash on our daughter at all times she is out of the cabin. When she was 15 months and walking, we took a cruise and the first thing she tried to do was crawl between the ship rails. People make comments but usually agree after I tell them what happened.

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Well, since your 11 month old will be charged the same as an adult 3rd passenger, I think it would be nice for the toddler to be served puree food or even mac & cheese by a waiter. We went on the Regal Princess when my son was about 15 months old and he was treated like royalty by the entire dining staff. He had his own cushion which our waiter brought out every evening to put on top of the dining chair (sort of like a booster). Our wait team had a glass of tomato juice and a cocktail fork at the table ready for our little guy. There was a husband and wife wait team that consistently whisked my son from the table to show each other how much my son kissed and hugged them. That was one fun cruise!


Enjoy your cruise, and if your child gets restless, have one parent take him out while the other eat.

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Do you even remember before you had children? How you looked at the fools who brought infants to events and other stuff they have no clue about or reason to be at and just wondered why???


Please go do things that are more appropriate with and for your children (infants) - no movies, weddings, cruises and anything else that you'll be considered rude to others that your crying baby is disturbing others......


Sorry just being honest, as you get all forgetful and selfish as soon as you become parents, and it makes me really pity some of you sometimes.


That all said - have a great vacation (if possible) and good luck!!!!

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..." as you get all forgetful and selfish as soon as you become parents, and it makes me really pity some of you sometimes.


Quite judgemental and unfair! You don't even know these people. I will not do the same by suggesting why you would say such a thing.


To the OP, unfortunately you can expect some more of these same type comments from others. While some have a point about parents who block out crying children and not being considerate of others, they are the exception.


If you are comfortable taking the child, do so. You will find the ship staff will be very helpful. Many of the staff leave there own families for 6-9 months at a time and "adopt" the children on board to help fill the void of missing their own children.


Have a great time.

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Please go do things that are more appropriate with and for your children (infants) - no movies, weddings, cruises and anything else that you'll be considered rude to others that your crying baby is disturbing others......


Sorry just being honest, as you get all forgetful and selfish as soon as you become parents, and it makes me really pity some of you sometimes.


That all said - have a great vacation (if possible) and good luck!!!!


I wondered how many posts it would take before the nastygrams started-it took only 8.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Go and enjoy your cruise.

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Guest AdiosReality

Honey, take your baby with you! This is a family vacation and without your little one, you would feel incomplete. As far as dining rooms are concerned, take her there too! The only way children learn to eat at nice restaurants is to be exposed to them at an early age. As far as others comments and looks, forget it! Like they never took their kids in somewhere where their kids annoyed the heck outta someone. This is YOUR cruise too! And dangit if the baby is cute than what could anyone say about that! Especially other women, we all go "awwww". There is no "inapropriate" place for babies, except maybe a nude beach, or a bar maybe. You do it, and film everything! You will not want to forget the little ones face looking at the water for the first time.:mad: :D

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I wasn't going to post but I figured I just had to. My wife and I will be bring our family on a cruise next june. My granddaughter will be 11 months old at the time and we are so looking forward to this cruise.

For one thing my daughter and her husband who work very hard for what they have are also certanly looking forward to this time away. We will give them a chance to be together alone while while we watch the baby and will not be far away.

We have taken our granddaughter to many resturants already and the waitstaff really love having her there and she hardly says a word. From what you people say (all except one) I am sure the waitstaff will be just as receptive to this child if not more.

My kids were not able to have this luxury while they were young because I had to work all hours of the day to give them that college education and a good life something unfortuately I wasn't able to recieve when I was growing up.

So, if the previous poster thinks that this is selfish on my part then she or he should look in the mirror and ask themselves if this is the life they really want to be. The kind that love to criticize all others and also don't book the Crown Princess next June because we will be on her having a grand old time at the shows, dinner, etc.


From A Proud Father And Grandfather,

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Do you even remember before you had children? How you looked at the fools who brought infants to events and other stuff they have no clue about or reason to be at and just wondered why???


Please go do things that are more appropriate with and for your children (infants) - no movies, weddings, cruises and anything else that you'll be considered rude to others that your crying baby is disturbing others......


Sorry just being honest, as you get all forgetful and selfish as soon as you become parents, and it makes me really pity some of you sometimes.


That all said - have a great vacation (if possible) and good luck!!!!

Well, that is quite a harsh indictment! Looks like a "post and run" to me.


But I will say that, when I see parents taking their infants on cruises, or to Disneyworld, I've always assumed they just didn't have a good option. Lately I've heard parents saying it's for the child's cultural enrichment - this for a 1-year-old.

But then, I hear the same people say their dogs think it is unfair if they didn't get any Christmas presents.


The OP did NOT say that, btw, and she sounds like a considerate person. I don't know whether she has an option or not, and it's not my business. Maybe she is bringing him because she would miss her child if she didn't.

I think even curmudgeons like me will not have a problem seeing well-attended children of all ages in the dining room.


Infact, I woud probably stop by and get silly with the child, the way us grandpas do - then I'd move on and be happy I'm at the age where I enjoy cruising with just DW.

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I wasn't going to post but I figured I just had to. My wife and I will be bring our family on a cruise next june. My granddaughter will be 11 months old at the time and we are so looking forward to this cruise.

For one thing my daughter and her husband who work very hard for what they have are also certanly looking forward to this time away. We will give them a chance to be together alone while while we watch the baby and will not be far away.

We have taken our granddaughter to many resturants already and the waitstaff really love having her there and she hardly says a word. From what you people say (all except one) I am sure the waitstaff will be just as receptive to this child if not more.

My kids were not able to have this luxury while they were young because I had to work all hours of the day to give them that college education and a good life something unfortuately I wasn't able to recieve when I was growing up.

So, if the previous poster thinks that this is selfish on my part then she or he should look in the mirror and ask themselves if this is the life they really want to be. The kind that love to criticize all others and also don't book the Crown Princess next June because we will be on her having a grand old time at the shows, dinner, etc.


From A Proud Father And Grandfather,


I wasn't going to post again, but the person posting this message implied an excellent point. If you have someone along with you that can watch the child so that you and your spouse can partake of some of the adult activities, then I would say go for it. I find that grandparents are usually well-suited for this job (thanks, Mom). I haven't been turned down yet!

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Not having had children of my own, I'm not really receptive to crying, whining children, but I do enjoy them if they are well behaved. When parents remove their children from the dining room if theyare causing a fuss, I don't see any problem. I think it's important to remember that there are people who also have paid a lot of money to enjoy the cruise and their enjoyment should be considered, too.


By all means, take your little one to the dining room, but keep in mind that one of you should remove them if they cause a fuss. Sone of my fondest memories are of my parents taking my sister and I out to dinner, but we were exoected to behave. Enjoy your cruise.

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Point well taken cfk2439, We have been cruising for a while now and I do expect to enjoy myself when I am dining. I always have and have seen plenty families with children in the dining rooms and have not been bothered by any of them while there.

What more is we don't plan on ruining anyone else's dinner if the baby should decide that she wants to be cranky. There is always the Horizon Court and I'm sure we will have to use it at some time.

I have done it a few times when my children were cranky and I'm sure my daughter and her husband have the right upbringing to do exactly the same.



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Do you even remember before you had children? How you looked at the fools who brought infants to events and other stuff they have no clue about or reason to be at and just wondered why???


Please go do things that are more appropriate with and for your children (infants) - no movies, weddings, cruises and anything else that you'll be considered rude to others that your crying baby is disturbing others......


Sorry just being honest, as you get all forgetful and selfish as soon as you become parents, and it makes me really pity some of you sometimes.


That all said - have a great vacation (if possible) and good luck!!!!


I remember before I had children...My daughter is 17 and my son is 11. They are not going on this cruise with me, but strictly by my choice. In the near future they will be coming with me. I remember seeing those crying babies and feeling sorry for the parents. One usually ends up getting up and out and taking care of the child. Most parents are considerate of their surroundings and other people's feelining. I also remember when my children were younger and the same things happened to me. I also look at it now and still feel sorry for the parents. Whatever their circumstances, they deserve to experience the same things as other people, otherwise I would think this would be called prejudice. :mad:


Have fun Astro!

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To the original poster, we were on the Caribbean Princess last month, and one evening we sat next to a couple with an infant. The wait staff served the baby jarred baby food. I'm not sure if you have to let them know ahead of time...you might want to check with Princess to be sure.

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"Quite judgemental and unfair! You don't even know these people. I will not do the same by suggesting why you would say such a thing.


To the OP, unfortunately you can expect some more of these same type comments from others. While some have a point about parents who block out crying children and not being considerate of others, they are the exception.


If you are comfortable taking the child, do so. You will find the ship staff will be very helpful. Many of the staff leave there own families for 6-9 months at a time and "adopt" the children on board to help fill the void of missing their own children. "


We found that to be true with our little one. the waiters love talking about their kids back home. On Carnival, during those little dances, one of the waiters would always pick up our girl and take her dancing in one of their parades. When the waiters gathered to sing happy honeymoon to a couple at the next table, they brought over my daughter too to help.


When she was little, we would always take her out of a room when she's fussing. Even at children's movies, one of us will pick her up and carry her out for a while (check diaper, pullup; or just walk her around). Right before her 7th birthday, she even attended a jazz concert and was well behaved.


Now on the other hand, there are clueless parents. At a piano school recital this summer, the director even asked people to turn off cell phones and keep the noise down in consideration of these kids' hard work. So at some point, someone's phone rang. And a baby was crying. And crying. Even, after the director reminded (gently) for quiet, the parents seemed to think that the crying wasn't bothering the students or the members of the audience.

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Hello everyone,


First off - good group here and for the most part articulate enough to just semi-rip into me for my previous general comment defending the other side on this topic!


My ONLY real points on this were:


a) I had to put the other view out there, as I figured (accurately) that it would be a bunch of VERY understanding parents with only positive things to say otherwise, and that's not really seeing the entire picture here.


b) It really was just a general statement and not an attack on the original poster! I believe you all pretty much know this already, but just in case please check the wording carefully, and you find that I do know it's not the majority or anything.


c) Just because someone is patient and understanding doesn't make them correct - many people just ignore strong facts when they're of the negative variety!!!


d) LASTLY - here's the kicker! I really wanted the bad apples that I was refering to get an earfull of what they deserve.......so many look the other way towards these poor decision making "fools" - and if not having a better option is the reason (excuse), than that means taking the family somewhere sensible.


OH - I swear on my life I saw a Mother and Father with their 4-5 year old at a rock concert this summer - up close in a wild crowd and with no earplugs! They were only serving their own needs while the scared to death child was having his whole life changed and hearing damaged in front of my very eyes. Guess what? Before I could get security down there to address the very sad scene someone else with a similar thought pattern as me, but with much less control and diplomacy, had beat the Father up to a pulp right in front of the child. They were all removed and that's my story........some parents need to take the blinders off regarding "YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR CHILD" for EVERYONE'S well being................


Thanks for listening,

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Not having had children of my own, I'm not really receptive to crying, whining children, but I do enjoy them if they are well behaved. When parents remove their children from the dining room if theyare causing a fuss, I don't see any problem. I think it's important to remember that there are people who also have paid a lot of money to enjoy the cruise and their enjoyment should be considered, too.


By all means, take your little one to the dining room, but keep in mind that one of you should remove them if they cause a fuss. Sone of my fondest memories are of my parents taking my sister and I out to dinner, but we were exoected to behave. Enjoy your cruise.


You actually took the words right out of my mouth. Although I don't have children of my own..I love children, when they are well behaved. It's usually the parents I have issues with. You know, the ones who don't discipline their children, they think it's cute that little Johnny is running around screaming. Or the ones who read in some parenting book to let little Johnny have his temper tantrum and ignore him. My particular favorites are those who take children out late at night, when they are tired and cranky! Although it has not happened on a ship, I've had many a meal spoiled by infants and toddlers out at 9 o'clock when they are way past their bed time.


When we were young my mother had a plan for eating out with us, eat early and somewhere that the service was fast! She said that nothing was worse than sitting with kids who were either tired or kept asking where the food was! When she wanted a romantic evening with Dad, we stayed at Grandma's!

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We cruised recently and I remember several evenings watching a very loving and patient father walking his crying daughter (aprox. 1 yr.) back and forth in front of various resturants, even Sabitini's, while his wife sat inside having her dinner alone. I love children and have 9 wonderful grandchildren, but I really wonder, how much fun was the cruise for that young couple?

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We cruised recently and I remember several evenings watching a very loving and patient father walking his crying daughter (aprox. 1 yr.) back and forth in front of various resturants, even Sabitini's, while his wife sat inside having her dinner alone. I love children and have 9 wonderful grandchildren, but I really wonder, how much fun was the cruise for that young couple?


I agree completely... Leave your kids at home and enjoy each other... There will be many times where you will enjoy a family vacation..

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I really think it's unfair to flame posters here who are critical of cruisers bringing young children into the DRs. I have 2 children and have no problem at all with well behaved children. But most of us have experienced at one time or another a set of parents who had no regard for their fellow cruisers, and let babies cry or older children run around the DR while they cheerfully enjoyed their dinner. Dinner on a cruise ship is a leisurely affair, and many young children have trouble with this pace. Please enjoy your trip, but be considerate of others ( I know all posters insist indignantly that they are -- but we all know that that is not everyone!)

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