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New and current weight watchers

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DH and I did the following and we're pretty successful: weigh yourself every day, track your pts every day, go to meetings every week (at least until you hit lifetime), and find low point foods you love! We have lots of fruit, and have found awesome recipes for 2 pt meals, and 1-2 pt baked goods :)



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Hi everyone,


I apologize for the long post, but I'm a wordy person. I joined WW AGAIN, in June, for the 3 or 4th time. I've had decent success most of the time, when I followed fairly faithfully. Whatever program they had in 2000 or so, I did quite well, down 25or so lbs. Of course I got busy, lazy and stopped following the plan. I joined again after they changed the plan and the new plan just didn't work for me. I tried for a few months and it was very frustrating. When they went to their current program I thought I'll try once again and with this Beyond the scale plan, I really like it and am successful. I only needed to lose about 25-30 lbs and I'm at 24 loss. It averages at .5lb a week, but any loss is great. I really wanted to reach my next goal (another 4 lbs) by my June cruise, but not sure I will make it. If not, it's ok.


Tracking is most important for me and the meetings. What helps me is finding a smart substitute for what I love. I am a huge Snickers fan. As a replacement I eat the WW Chocolate Carmel bars. 3 pts vs 12 for a reg, or 8 for 4 minis, I'll go with the 3 pts. It's just enough and I don't feel guilty. It's weird but for breakfast I quite often have a Kroger brand multi-grain slim bread with turkey and lettuce or spinach. Quick, easy, protein, veg, carb for 3 pts. Or I do egg beaters with turkey pepperoni, spinach and sometimes laughing cow cheese (white cheddar, queso or pepper jack (I think that's it)). And a banana. Based on what I do is 2 or 3 pts. I do alot of the WW or Lean Cuisines for lunch but stick to the 4-5 pt ones. Sometimes I add more veggies to the meal when microwaving to pump it up. Lots of veggies too. One trick that works for me is taking enough veggies/fruit to work that I can eat on way home from work. It keeps my hunger at bay until dinner so I don't attack the food in the fridge when I get home. I was also doing lots of crystal light with caffeine as I don't like coffee, but finally gave that up and do water or unsweet tea. Try to get water in but hard at work. Ok, enough about me. Hopefully some of that info will help someone.


I'm worried too about gaining on an upcoming cruise, our longest at 11 days but 14 total vacay. I KNOW what I need to do, but follow thru is a concern. Especially with no scale to help me gauge myself. I know I'll want to have alcohol, but not a crazy amt. but I'm wondering what ways to have it without the crazy high pts tied to them. I like sweet white wine and mojitos, beer sometimes. Do they have things like skinny girl cocktails on ships? Are we allowed to bring mixers (no alcohol) on board and then buy shots of rum/vodka or whatever and mix our own? Is this a crazy idea or worth the effort?


I wish you all great success on your WW journey. Keep at it! 1 bad week is just that, a bad week. It doesn't define you. We all have those even when you're not watching the scale. Then you just don't know it. Remember the successes and learn what doesn't work and try to find a solution that will work for you. We're all different with different triggers, life situations and we should remember not to compare our weight loss path to someone else's. I'm trying to be uplifting, not lecture so please don't take it that way.

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We went on a cruise 5 years ago and I was in the middle of my weight loss. I did a couple things that helped to not gain too much:

1. I never used the elevator. Took the stairs the whole time.

2. Skipped the bread at dinner so I could try the yummy desserts which I usually split with my hubby.

3. Bring your own water bottle and add the fresh lemon slices at the beverage center and/or buffet to your water. That will keep you hydrated and the lemon helps with water retention from sugar and salt.

4.Use the fitness center on the ship at least a couple of times.

4. I ate lower point meals for breakfast and lunch so that I could enjoy my dinner

5. You could probably have the bartender make a skinny drink for you. I have them make me a "margarita" with muddled lemon and lime with tequila and club soda and a Splenda. Same idea but a lot less points!

6. I didn't deny myself much because I was on a cruise for crying out loud, but I enjoyed everything I wanted in moderation. I did gain a little but once I got home, I was super disciplined and lost it that first week back!

7. Have a great time!



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  • 3 weeks later...



Thanks for the tips. We often do stairs and I try to drink water or unsweet tea on the ship, except for the occasional alcoholic drink, but most of the others I can incorporate easily enough. Hope it that will fend off too many pounds.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, anyone interested in "reviving" this thread??? Seems like it starts up OK and then always poops out. A lit of people are using the WW "Connect" feature but I don't have it and would like to really get this going for cruising. I promise to post daily if you will do too. I am currently 25 lbs. down with about 25 lbs. more to go and my cruise is Feb. 2018 out of Miami Beach. Who's with me? :)

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Started back on WW online only 4 weeks ago. I'm down a little over 10

But have about 30 more to go. We're on our next trip 2/2018 and I hope to get a few new smaller size outfits when they go on clearance at the end of summer. DH is WW also, and he's very careful about staying in his target range. I read about an upcoming WW cruise in November where they will have sp values listed on the menus and on some of the buffet items! I wish RC would do that. They would probably get more business if they did!

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Hi Misty, let's get this going again! My next cruise is next Feb. too, out of Miami. Yes, I really looked at the WW cruise, oh how I would like to go on that one as well. Just not enough $$$ to go around. I would love to lose at least 20/25 more before sail away. Miami Beach is so much fun. Then 7 days on board. I love having something out there to look forward to....keep up the good work! :)

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Weighed in a day early since I'm not sure how over the dailies I'll go today. Was down 0.4 which is better than no change or a gain. I couldn't work out early in the week because I did something to my knee. Its better having rested it for a few days so was back at it late last week. Has anyone made the big_$$ waffle someone on connect has posted? It is so good and filling to boot. Only 3 sp. It keeps me from over doing it when I'm hungry and have only a few points left. Its very high in protein. I wish the cruise lines routinely listed the nutritional values for their foods. Sometimes its a shocker! I plan to keep to mainly lean meats and salads/vegetables. Lots of fresh food. Seafood without breading and sauces. Sugarfree for deserts in moderation. As much exercise as I can handle. That depends on how DH is doing with his arthritis. Good news is I have 8 months before our next cruise to lose more weight. Bad news is... I have 8 months before our next cruise :(

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Hi Misty, I am a ww repeater. I just started up again last week (online) and so far I am feeling pretty good. I just tried the big a$$ waffle this morning and loved it. I also made some mojito mousse that someone had posted on connect for a special treat and they were good too. We are cruising in January 2018 for 9 nighter and will be in South Beach for two days prior. I am hoping to loose a good amount before and will be careful while on board. Glad this thread is going.



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Hey, just checking in between weigh days. We are having a most uncharecteristic heat wave here and most folks don't have a/c. It's going to get worse as the week goes on. Regular meal planning has gone out the window as I refuse to put the stove/oven on. Keeping points in control.....but different things, :) Unfortuntely, this heat causes water "retention"! We will see what happens on Thursday! :)

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I decided last night that I want to look into WW, plan on talking to my husband about it tonight. We both could probably stand to lose close to 100 pounds. Since we have a cruise in January I thought I'd check this board to see if others are using WW. My biggest concern at the moment is what if I lose weight and have no warm weather clothes come January


My other worry is that I've been stuck at this number for years. Even halving a baby, I went into labor weighing exactly what I did when I conceived. He was almost 10 lbs so I was down a good 20+ lbs following childbirth but even with breastfeeding I was back to my number within a few weeks. My doctors (one is functional medicine, the other naturopath) had me follow a paleo plan with restricted net carbs. It was a 3 month program with some losing 50+ lbs. I lost like 5 in the first couple of weeks and then no more which was strange. I followed it perfectly with no cheating. And to make it worse, the energy required to follow the plan took more than I had to give so I actually felt worse! I have psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, plus a whole lot of other issues so my pain is high and energy is way low. Aside from keeping my 4 year old autistic son alive, I spend most of my time laying down. I am too young to feel this way.

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I decided last night that I want to look into WW, plan on talking to my husband about it tonight. We both could probably stand to lose close to 100 pounds. Since we have a cruise in January I thought I'd check this board to see if others are using WW. My biggest concern at the moment is what if I lose weight and have no warm weather clothes come January ļæ½ļæ½


My other worry is that I've been stuck at this number for years. Even halving a baby, I went into labor weighing exactly what I did when I conceived. He was almost 10 lbs so I was down a good 20+ lbs following childbirth but even with breastfeeding I was back to my number within a few weeks. My doctors (one is functional medicine, the other naturopath) had me follow a paleo plan with restricted net carbs. It was a 3 month program with some losing 50+ lbs. I lost like 5 in the first couple of weeks and then no more which was strange. I followed it perfectly with no cheating. And to make it worse, the energy required to follow the plan took more than I had to give so I actually felt worse! I have psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, plus a whole lot of other issues so my pain is high and energy is way low. Aside from keeping my 4 year old autistic son alive, I spend most of my time laying down. I am too young to feel this way.


I'm sorry to hear of your issues. There are quite a few at my meeting who are unable to do much exercise due to medical issues. You'd be surprised what alternatives we have come up with. Exercise is good IF we can do it. But that is not the whole program. They also teach you how to eat healthy. WW also had a cruise in May & they have another one in November that might be interesting to you. That's just another option for you. Good luck with whatever you choose.

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I'm sorry to hear of your issues. There are quite a few at my meeting who are unable to do much exercise due to medical issues. You'd be surprised what alternatives we have come up with. Exercise is good IF we can do it. But that is not the whole program. They also teach you how to eat healthy. WW also had a cruise in May & they have another one in November that might be interesting to you. That's just another option for you. Good luck with whatever you choose.


It's good that exercise isn't vital to the plan. I would love to get to the point that it was possible but with the arthritis, fibro, uncontrollable exercise induced asthma, and my heart condition, I will never be able to do too much. I've had these and so many other issues since I was a young child. I'm only 31 now and my 68 year old mother who just went through chemo is more active than me!



Anyone here have success with WW and PCOS? I wonder if that's part of the reason my body holds on to weight.

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Hi crzycick!

My DH has a lot of joint issues and has had success with Nutisystem. That however was so expensive and took most of our grocery budget per month! He then tried keeping track of his calories with Spark people. He did ok but didn't lose anything. I started back on WW because I just don't seem to be able to do it by myself. DH lost a lot on WW about 10 years ago, so,when he saw me scanning food with my head in the fridge :D he knew I had joined again and he joined again as well. He does no workouts, just his daily activity. He's on lots of medication so,Imthing that saps his strength some. Anyway, he has started losing again! It's not a fast loss, but healthy. I think it is worth a try if you're able to. There is a great support social site with the program and you can do meetings and or online only. We do online only but I have thought about trying meetings at some point for added help with recipes and such. It kind of becomes like a game with DH and I with " how many points do you have left today?" We like finding that some of our favorite recipes are able to be incorporated as is or with some minor substitutions. As far as clothing sizes, I find stuff on my closet that I haven't been able to wear for a while and " shop" my own closet! I also keep watch on clearance racks . I like to buy at the end of the season. That's what I plan to do for our trip in Februrary. July and August will find me scanning for clearances!

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Hi and welcome! You would be surprised how many people can't do a lot of exercise. But some find that is the weight comes off you can do more, move more.

For now, concentrate on the food and "Beyond the Scale". Basically, WHY we overeat and how to make better choices. You will lose slowly but consistently and eat anything you want, just count the Points. It is a great program.

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I've been this weight for probably close to 10 years so I finally got rid of my smaller clothes a few moves back.


I haven't heard of Roamans or Women Within so I'll try to keep that in mind. Our thrift stores here are awful. Absolutely no organization. Not by size or even by type of item and most things look older than me (31.) It would take hours to hunt through and I have a very inpatient autistic 4 year old. I've never looked at say Kohls online in the winter for summer clothes but surely they keep some stuff for warmer climates I hope?


I know my biggest hurdle is with all of my pain and fatigue that we eat too much convenience food. Frozen meals, out to eat, etc. my husband is going to take of school the next 8 week semester to help me in the kitchen. I want to keep focused on getting healthy because the weight might not come off but at least I'll be fueling my body better. I want to see if they'll keep my weight from me or only once a month. I get too obsessive otherwise.

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I've been this weight for probably close to 10 years so I finally got rid of my smaller clothes a few moves back.


I haven't heard of Roamans or Women Within so I'll try to keep that in mind. Our thrift stores here are awful. Absolutely no organization. Not by size or even by type of item and most things look older than me (31.) It would take hours to hunt through and I have a very inpatient autistic 4 year old. I've never looked at say Kohls online in the winter for summer clothes but surely they keep some stuff for warmer climates I hope?


I know my biggest hurdle is with all of my pain and fatigue that we eat too much convenience food. Frozen meals, out to eat, etc. my husband is going to take of school the next 8 week semester to help me in the kitchen. I want to keep focused on getting healthy because the weight might not come off but at least I'll be fueling my body better. I want to see if they'll keep my weight from me or only once a month. I get too obsessive otherwise.




Getting healthy can be such a daunting task! I had been on WW but just could not get in a continual groove. Then I started working with a Health Coach and I've lost 25 lbs since May 1! I have since become a Health Coach as well and if you would be interested in a program that teaches Optimal Health rather than just weight loss, let me know!



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Weight Watchers changes their plan periodically, and now the focus is "beyond the scale". There is so much emphasis on the weight component which is an important piece, but physical activity within your abilities and emotional health are important too. I know I have to be in a certain frame of mind to want to stick to the program. I used to read the success stories all the time, and loved the magazine. Now the connect section on the app serves that purpose for support and inspiration. People post NSV ( non scale victories) all the time which helps me realize that even just tracking a high point food is a NSV, because I'm being mindful and intentional with my eating.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Giving it a try to keep this thread going:D. This week I went to Olive Garden with my daughter and granddaughters. Most of the entrees are high in points. I ordered the shrimp scampi and ate 1/3 of it and boxed up the rest. With a breadstick and small amount of salad it added up to 11sp. Not too bad for lunch. I think I will try this on our next cruise. Choose something and take only about 1/3 of what I would normally eat.

Lots of vegetable and fruit. I think it might be weird to take my measuring spoons and cups :rolleyes:.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well things didn't go as planned. I did sign up and then the next day I casually saw a house (new build) that we fell in love with. We weren't even considering moving. The next 2 weeks we searched for a lot we loved in the best school district for our son's autism and frantically tried to get our messy and cluttered house ready to show.


2 weeks in, we put our offer in on the lot on Tuesday night, it was accepted Wednesday morning and our house went on the market that morning. Within minutes we had a showing scheduled for lunch. He immediately put an offer in and we accepted that evening. Everything moved so fast! Now we have to move in with my inlaws for 6+ months and we're packing up what goes where.


Needless to say, I haven't even had a chance to look at the WW materials. The great thing is that I had talked my mother in law into joining so we can help each other while we live with them. And I have made attending meetings a priority. And I've lost 4 lbs the last few weeks from the stress of moving šŸ˜‚

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Well things didn't go as planned. I did sign up and then the next day I casually saw a house (new build) that we fell in love with. We weren't even considering moving. The next 2 weeks we searched for a lot we loved in the best school district for our son's autism and frantically tried to get our messy and cluttered house ready to show.


2 weeks in, we put our offer in on the lot on Tuesday night, it was accepted Wednesday morning and our house went on the market that morning. Within minutes we had a showing scheduled for lunch. He immediately put an offer in and we accepted that evening. Everything moved so fast! Now we have to move in with my inlaws for 6+ months and we're packing up what goes where.


Needless to say, I haven't even had a chance to look at the WW materials. The great thing is that I had talked my mother in law into joining so we can help each other while we live with them. And I have made attending meetings a priority. And I've lost 4 lbs the last few weeks from the stress of moving šŸ˜‚

Wow! Good for you! It's nice to have a buddy to join with, especially since you're going to be living with them. it will make it easier food wise.

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