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QM2 Nov 26 Explorers Caribbean


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Hi all,


Having a great time on this cruise :D - the rum punches are flowing and tomorrow morning we arrive in Tortola!


All going well so far, lovely room, great food, good service and we're hoping to stay awake long enough tonight to get really stuck into the entertainment.


If anyone has anything they would like me to check out or post on whilst we are onboard just reply. We'll write a full review on our return.


Teresa & Peter


PS. Just spotted one change post refit - the arrival of a coffee machine in Sir Samuel's so that it operates as a coffee bar during the day. Has met with approval from Peter :)

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Thanks for the post Teresa. Always lovely to hear some happy words from the QM2. You say the coffee machine is in Sir Samuels, interesting, I thought it was supposed to be in the Veuve Cliquot.


Also a previous poster mentions some new fixtures in the Grand Lobby area, can you fill us in as to what they are.


Glad to hear you are having a great voyage, save us some rum punches. Look forward to further reports especially anything else related to recent refit, a bit like a scavenger hunt.



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Thanks for the post Teresa. Always lovely to hear some happy words from the QM2. You say the coffee machine is in Sir Samuels, interesting, I thought it was supposed to be in the Veuve Cliquot.


Also a previous poster mentions some new fixtures in the Grand Lobby area, can you fill us in as to what they are.


Glad to hear you are having a great voyage, save us some rum punches. Look forward to further reports especially anything else related to recent refit, a bit like a scavenger hunt.



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T & P,


Thanks for the report. It's great to get timely updates from aboard QM2. I'm also interested in info on refit changes.


Who is the cruise director? Initial impressions?


Enjoy the rest of your trip----and remember to sign the CC log at some point during your cruise.

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Thanks for posting. We will be on the 1/3/06 cruise to Panama and Costa Rica etc from NYC.


Any changes re clothes or entertainment because its a caribbean trip rather then a crossing??


Hope you have great weather and a continued wonderful cruise.


Marty and Greta:)

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Hi all,


Having a great time on this cruise :D - the rum punches are flowing and tomorrow morning we arrive in Tortola!



Save some of those rum punches for us on the Jan3 Panama!

I understand the comment about trying to stay awake. <LOL> As we get older we find it is hard for us to stay awake after a nice satisfying meal and a few drinks, for the entertainment! Sometimes it's the old, "take off the tight shoes" (Marc calls his formal shoes the shoes of pain and remorse) and "rest the eyes a minute" as he likes to say. Well, you know a minute turns into an hour, turns into all night, and next thing you know, its time for breakfast!


Have a great time!


Oooh, And catch some ideas for me for the pirate ball. I intend to be a fat busty serving wench. Okay, well, maybe not busty! But spirited, at least!




Arrgh! Avast there matey!

And what'll ye be havin' tonight? A rum with a lime for your scurvy? Made from real Barbados Cane!

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Hey! I just read in our local (Hartford, CT) paper today, that a former TV meteorologist from one of our local stations was asked to fill in as a guest lecturer/entertainer on this cruise! Apparently he is doing 4 shows during the 12 days. he is replacing a forensic scientist/entertainer (CSI tpe) who was called to New Orleans. He said, "People were dying to see HIM!" So I am guessing he might be funny! (I love meteorology and used to teach a small course in it- aviation weather and how to read charts and stuff- nothing too deep, but I do NOT watch TV at all, so I am not really familiar with this gent.

Let me know how he is! Too bad he won't be on the Jan 3 cruise! His show is apparently called the Art of Weather (ha ha- his name is ART Horn!) He sats he LOVES the QM2 Calls is "a mighty ship, a magnificent ship. I love the envirnment of being at sea. the Salt water gets iin your veins."

He does a power point slide presentation called "The Wonders of Weather." A kind of "greatest hits": driest weather, coldest weather, biggest storms. and a Q&A He says it's some of the most fun (The Q&A, I guess he means)

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Havent noticed much different in the Lobby area but I'm not the most observant of people. Will go there later and have a closer look. I think I spotted one thing different, I think there used to be a glass floor near the lift in the Kings Court area, this area is now tiled. Has this always been tiled (i.e. I'm imagening things) or might I have spotted one of the changes?



We were a little late in leaving Tortola yesterday as one of the tour buses had an accident and some of the passengers were hurt and had to go to hospital. Dont know all the details as the captain just filled everyone in on the bare minimum. Thankfully everyone was well enough to come back on QM2 after a few hours and I think we were around 4 hours late in leaving in the end.



It's Brian Price. I know lots of people dont seem to get along with his style but we think he's fine. In fact if you ever get the chance to see the radio play go along and see what you think of him afterwards. We loved the play and thought he was great in it.



Clothing is VERY different from a crossing. MUCH more causal. On formal nights there are plenty of people in suits. Casual does appear to mean pretty much anything by day including one lady who goes to breakfast in her dressing gown in Kings Court! Entertainment is much less during the day on port days but similar to a crossing the rest of the time.



We had dinner at Lotus one night and it was excellent. No one seems to write about this so I thought I would to encourage more of us to try it. There were just 3 tables for dinner that night but the food was superb. What a waste of a great facility. There's a 5 course tasting menu with a very modern take on chinese/asian food - eg Lobster bisque with lemon grass (100% delicious). I really think more people should give this a go. It's a great alternative to Todd English, which is also great, but you do have to pay the extra 30 bucks whilst Lotus is free.


Will write more soon - I hear a rum punch calling my name



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Hi, Teresa! We'll be on the 12/8 Caribbean cruise. Could you tell me if there is an audio jack on the tv in the Brittania rooms? If so, is it for a large plug or a little plug? It could be on the front of the tv or even in the back of the tv.



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We had dinner at Lotus one night and it was excellent. No one seems to write about this so I thought I would to encourage more of us to try it. There were just 3 tables for dinner that night but the food was superb. What a waste of a great facility. There's a 5 course tasting menu with a very modern take on chinese/asian food - eg Lobster bisque with lemon grass (100% delicious). I really think more people should give this a go. It's a great alternative to Todd English, which is also great, but you do have to pay the extra 30 bucks whilst Lotus is free.


Will write more soon - I hear a rum punch calling my name





Did they have REAL Sushi? And was it any good? (If you tried it, of course)

Dressing Gown! Wow! THat takes chutzpah! Was she dotty?

I hope all of he people in the bus accident are okay. My father fell down the stairs from the Lido to his room before we even got on board to join them two years ago on a HAL cruise. Went flying face down. Had a horrible trip (both senses of the word) I was going to take him on a deep sea fishing trip. He didn't want to leave the ship. Had headaches, messed up his glasses and couldn't see too well (took a while to get his glasses back right after- he had to keep going back and changing them.) I do hope the folks are okay. What an awful thing to have happen on your cruise!

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Dont know I will check this next time I'm in the room.




Havent caught any of his lectures so far but will let you know what I think if we do go.




Went to an excellent show last night - a performance by Doug Cameron. He's a very talented violinist with an excellent sense of humour who puts on a great show. Didnt know what to expect from the description in the daily mag but very glad we went - anyone who gets the chance do give this a go.




So far we have done;


TORTOLA - great. Lovely place. Very "rustic" and unspoiled. We jumped in a cab and asked to go to Cane Garden beach (as recommended on Cruise Critic's port reviews). This was a great recommendation, a beautiful beach with sun loungers for hire and cocktail service on the beach. Swimming was great too, the water was clear and the sea calm. MMMM I wish I were there now!


ST. MARTIN - I have to fess up as I didnt leave the ship yesterday. I spent too long in the sun on tortola without sun protection and got burnt to a crisp. So I had to spend all day in the shade yesterday. Peter went into Phillipsburg. He rated the shopping - lots of jewellry, booze, cigars and souveniers.


MARTINIQUE - We're currently docked in Martinique and heading off the ship later today. I'll keep you posted!


LOTUS - No Sushi. The food was Chinese/Thai/Malay influenced more than Japanese.


Bye for now,



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Hi Teresa, may I ask you more questions?


On the QM2 - 1. Do you know how many eliptical machines are in the exercise room? 2. Also, I can't remember the times that the exercise room is available for us to use. 3. Finally, is there a sign-up sheet to sign up for each exercise machine as there was on the QE2?




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We're on the Dec. 8th sailing along with dtwtraveler.


Thanks for taking the time to post.


Glad to hear that "casual nights" at dinnertime are truly casual. Simplifies our packing.


I would show up for breakfast in a dressing gown though (we saw kids wearing pajamas at breakfast on our one and only time sailing on Carnival).


Bon voyage.

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Clothing is VERY different from a crossing. MUCH more causal. On formal nights there are plenty of people in suits. Casual does appear to mean pretty much anything by day including one lady who goes to breakfast in her dressing gown in Kings Court!


Sorry to bother you with more questions about the evening attire, but could you tell me - Did you mean casual (what we wear on shore excursions) only in the daytime when you said "by day" or are our shore excursion clothes ok for informal in the evening? If not, how informal is "informal" at night? Is it a step up from "casual" in the daytime?



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Theresa, thanks for the information you have been providing. It is really nice of you to take the time do this for all of us.


I have two questions for you. Is the QM2 decorated for the Christmas season?

Are you reading and answering the E-mail in your cabin?



We are expecting one to three inches of snow tonight in the NYC area and about 4 to 6 inches Monday night into Tuesday. So, stay warm where you are and we will be thrilled to get on the QM2 this coming Thursday and escape pre winter for twelve days.


Thanks for your response and enjoy the rest of your QM2 cruise.



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Hi again,


Sorry it's been a few days since I posted. As you can imagine - just too many great things to do.


Going to fill you in on what's been happening first and then answer some of the specific questions.......


So, in no particular order




Been a mixed selection. We went to see a juggler/comedy act which was superb. So hard to describe this but it my opinion it is a must see. Very funny indeed. I think his name was Edge.


Also went to see the first performance of the newly revamped Rock at the Opera. ABout half the same as before and half new. Seemed much more contemporary and perhaps even a bit racy. We loved it, well done Cunard for being bold and updating this. Great new costumes too.


We also caught a commedienne last night who was billed as being fantastic no matter where in the world you were from. Not at all as promised. If you are from the US you'll get the jokes but we are British and it really didnt work for us - lots of references to people we dont know.




Brian is retiring in two cruises time. It was announced last night.




I wan't planning on reporting on this but I have picked up a bug that is doing the rounds. A fair few people are coughing and have throat infections and seems I've got it too now. Anyway the staff in the medical centre couldnt be nicer or more efficient. If you are unlucky enough to need them I'm sure you'll be well looked atfer. The facilities are also very spacious with an impressive array of kit.




We took the Scenic Railway in St. Kitts and it is truly amazing. I would not hesitate to call this a MUST DO. The countryside is stunning (I actually cried at one point it was so beautiful) and everywhere you go there are kids running to wave at the train. There are free drinks on the train (including rum punch, pina colada) plus an onboard choir!! The commentary is also excellent - you really get a feel for the country. There were 150 people from Cunard on this one tour and everyone I spoke to agreed it was one of the best tours they had EVER taken.




On the whole very good although some of it is quite unreliable. We had breakfast at Brittania once and never again. Dreadful service from surly waiters who either brought the wrong food or forgot items we had ordered. Cant understand it all as Britannia in the evenings is superb. I have heard other people say breakfasts are hit and miss - perhaps we caught a bad day!




There is evidence of a few walking wounded from Tortola. I spoke to one of the ladies in the spa who said that it was a bad accident. The worst injury was a broken shoulder. It happened because the safari truck's breaks failed coming down a steep hill. Apparently they were very lucky as the driver knew an escape route and brought the vehicle under control, otherwise it would have been fatal.


So, onto your questions;




I cant see one but I really dont know what Im looking for. Sorry




There is fresh sushi most lunchtimes in Lotus, Kings Court . It is very good.




Sorry not my thing. Havent been inside so cant answer questions on this.




No idea. Sorry havent looked out for this.




These started going up a week ago and look great. I suspect there will be more as it gets closer to xmas.




Casual by night depends on where you are in the ship. Casual in britannia means long trousers plus a shirt for men (doesnt need to be long sleeve, my other half has sported a bermuda shirt). Basically not shorts and t's. We dont have any informal nights on this cruise. Its annoying that this was only advised once we were aboard as I had bought and packed informal outfits specifically but I am wearing them on casual nights instead so that they get used!


Off to St. Thomas now for some shopping. Will probably not post now till my return when I'll post a full review.



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Great info and thanks again for taking the time to keep us posted.

New York City is preparing for 3-6 inches of snow tonight Dec 5th.


We were on Broadway yesterday and the place is jumping. Huge crowds as the Holiday season is in full swing.


Hope your cold clears up quickly. Keep having fun.



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Do you think that our plane from MI will be able to land in NYC on Tuesday afternoon? Is that a lot of snow for NYC?


The snow is expected tonight and early tomorrow. Of the three major airports, JFK is best to come into in bad weather. Expect some delays into Laguardia or Newark. 3-6 inches of snow is not a lot for an airport in NYC, but do expect delays.


Check with your airline first thing Tomorrow morning and good luck.



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Hello Theresa...This is my first post and I just had to thank you for such helpful information. I have read many of your postings and appreciate your candor and insights. We have just this evening initiated booking for our first Cunard cruise on QM2. It's to be the 12/2/06 Caribbean and so your comments about this time period have been especially helpful to me as a newcomer. I know that I'll have many questions for the board as I've found it to be an invaluable asset in my decision to book this trip. I do hope you are feeling better and can continue to enjoy such a magnificant ship. Safe journey and I look forward to your next posting. Many thanks from an eager future Cunard cruiser! Penny

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