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Looks like misbehaving kids aren't only on Carnival

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The kids sneaked out without their parents knowledge. Do you think they would have obeyed a curfew after doing what they did?

BTW, the video has been taken down by the poster.




Nothing is 100%. With a curfew, if a Carnival worker saw the 2 little beasts walking around unsupervised, they could be stopped and told to go back to their rooms immediately

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- No, i am not denying them anything. They can attend and you as the parent would be inconvenienced....Yes, thats right, your child, your responsibility to get them....Stay up to 1 am if you want them there. Not my issue you want to go to sleep, that would be a you problem....suck it up or keep them in the room with you to go nighty-night


- Absolutely Not....i never assumed ALL problems are from kids (there you go exaggerating again, i never said that)....Some problems are from SOME kids and they get into trouble due to lack of supervision. A curfew helps, i never said it would eliminate




But you want to put a curfew which is more restrictive than even exists on land on all kids - regardless of whether they are good kids are bad. And that isn't right. It's a philosophy of punish the whole for the transgressions of the few and that's not right. It's like saying let's ban alcohol because a small percentage of adults can't control themselves.


The appropriate response is to direct concerns to the appropriate cruise line and request enforcement of rules and consequences for offenders. I certainly want these kids punished because they create problems for the good ones.


I don't foresee Carnival in particular ever doing what you propose because as I know you see from reading on these boards, people are constantly trying to bend the rules for themselves and it is becoming less and less restrictive. Carnival doesn't enforce the rules they have but yet you propose more? The last thing they are going to do is drive away families by reducing the offerings for kids and making it more difficult on families to travel together.


Good luck getting that curfew! And please feel free to compliment my son when he holds the elevator door for you as he is returning to his room across the hall from ours at 11 pm.




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I have a problem with people leaving their kids unattended. I don't care how mature little johnny or Cindy are. It just takes the influence of one other child to make them do something stupid. As a parent passengers on a ship should not have to say where is the parent of that child and stop them from being stupid. You birthed them you need to keep eyes on them. You can never say my child would never do that because they will always prove you wrong.



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What if you are a 17 year old college student? You do realize that many of the Club O2 actives send the kids out and about for things - or they meet for a late show or movie? And do we even know that this stupid stunt from these kids happened after 10 pm?



I'm guessing you didn't watch the video because the first time they tried there were too many people around. So they said they would go back after 10:30.


I think the curfew should be after the late movie. There's no reason for unattended children to be running around the boat at 1am. I think 11pm is a good curfew...midnight at the absolute latest.

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And just look at the classic "preacher's daugther" when she is kept under lock and key and then sent to college....hold on to your hat! That is NOT a great way to parent.
You want to know what happens to her? I'll tell you. She ends up dating the city boy from Chicago who thumbs his nose at the law by blaring his rock & roll. Together, they go against her preacher daddy and the town council by corrupting the town's teenagers and talking them into dancing. Can you believe that? DANCING! Which is clearly against the law. Who do those kids think they are, acting like they have a foot loose or something. ;)
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I have a problem with people leaving their kids unattended. I don't care how mature little johnny or Cindy are. It just takes the influence of one other child to make them do something stupid. As a parent passengers on a ship should not have to say where is the parent of that child and stop them from being stupid. You birthed them you need to keep eyes on them. You can never say my child would never do that because they will always prove you wrong.

At what age do you propose they no longer have to be chaperoned by their parents?

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I have to agree with the poster who said it may be the parents are to blame or maybe not.You can be a good parent, discipline your children, and teach them right from wrong and then they choose not to follow it and suffer the consequences. You can have two children and raise them the same and them be totally different.


Wish the video wasn't down so I could actually see what all happened.


I cannot even guess as to the age as I can't see it, but I wouldn't be opposed to some type of curfew for children under the age of 18 if not in programs or with an adult. I know my children aren't roaming the ship underage alone. As for the person that says there's not even laws like that on land that isn't correct. Many cities have curfews if you're underage. And I can say in the state of Missouri if your under 18 you can't be out driving between the hours of like I believe 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. without an adult.

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At what age do you propose they no longer have to be chaperoned by their parents?




Kids under the age of 16 need to have someone around to keep eyes on them. They don't need to intrude just let that kid know I have my [emoji102]on you. The need a curfew as well. Last week on the Pride in the glass elevators there are pre-teens riding up and down spilling ice cream cones all over and generally playing while who knows where mom or dad have been. As soon as one of them loses a foot or hand playing mom and dad will be suing for all they are worth! Keep your kids close it just takes a minute for something to happen to them or for them to do something to injure someone else.



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It's not always the parents fault. At some point the kids have to take responsibility for their actions and at that age, they know right from wrong.


Last year, I let my then 16 YO daughter bring her friend who was 17 on our cruise with my brother and I. They had a room a couple of doors down from us. A few weeks prior, I took the girls out for pizza to discuss the rules. Their curfew was midnight, which they followed, as I went to their room each night and we talked about their day. They had to meet up for lunch and dinner with us and go on the excursions we had planned.


I told them they had to keep the cabin clean and under no circumstances to drink any alcohol at all as we could all be put off the ship for underage drinking. The girls understood. I told them if they follow the rules, she can come with us again on other cruises, if not, never again.


Well, one day, I left my cabin and walked down the hall past their room, the door was open and the steward was cleaning it. I was shocked, it looked like a bomb went off in there. There were clothes and towels everywhere. It was so bad! I apologized to the steward, went back to the room and handed him $40 and said this will never happen again for the remainder of the cruise. I'll never forget the look on his face. :(

Then I found out when we got home, my daughter told me her friend was drinking beer this guy got for her one night.


Needless to say, my daughter has asked to bring her friend on our last couple of cruises and the answer has been absolutely not!

There will be no friends joining her on our cruises anymore.

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I will never understand how so many ppl don't watch their kids like being on ship means they are perfectly safe, nothing bad can happen. Too bad they don't do a red dot to indicate registered sex offenders on ships like they do neighboor maps online. Maybe that would wake some ppl up. Just insanity!

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Wish the video wasn't down so I could actually see what all happened.



Imagine a kid standing on the railing one deck above lido and jumping into the pool. The first time they say there are too many workers and old people around so they come back later and do it. Age I'm going to guess 11-12.

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Imagine a kid standing on the railing one deck above lido and jumping into the pool. The first time they say there are too many workers and old people around so they come back later and do it. Age I'm going to guess 11-12.


Wow ..11 to 12..see my response above ..no reason to be unattended at that age IMO. I saw someone do this on one my cruises, but was guessing more like College age.

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But you want to put a curfew which is more restrictive than even exists on land on all kids - regardless of whether they are good kids are bad. And that isn't right. It's a philosophy of punish the whole for the transgressions of the few and that's not right. It's like saying let's ban alcohol because a small percentage of adults can't control themselves.


The appropriate response is to direct concerns to the appropriate cruise line and request enforcement of rules and consequences for offenders. I certainly want these kids punished because they create problems for the good ones.


I don't foresee Carnival in particular ever doing what you propose because as I know you see from reading on these boards, people are constantly trying to bend the rules for themselves and it is becoming less and less restrictive. Carnival doesn't enforce the rules they have but yet you propose more? The last thing they are going to do is drive away families by reducing the offerings for kids and making it more difficult on families to travel together.


Good luck getting that curfew! And please feel free to compliment my son when he holds the elevator door for you as he is returning to his room across the hall from ours at 11 pm.




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I said what my preference was. I will agree with you that i dont think Carnival will impose a curfew, but one can hope. You seem to like taking things to an extreme. I didnt say "No kids allowed out at night". What i said was if you werent with your parent/guardian and not in a "camp" of some sort, no children under 18 are allowed unsupervised past a designated time (10, 11,12, etc). All kids arent "bad", but you cant have a curfew and have it dependent on when you check in, asking the parents "Are your kids good kids or bad"? :')...i dont think that would work out to well. If your little snowflake held the elevator door for me, i would say to him what i would say to anyone else...."Thank you very much"....I may even say "Hey kid, wanna make $20....go up to the Lido deck, climb on the railing and jump into the pool" ;)

Edited by First and Ten
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I think the point missing besides the fact of some children misbehaving is their safety. While my now 17 year old son always holds doors open for people and has since he was little. That doesn't mean he always makes the best decisions on his own. Outside of that like I posted earlier let's be concerned for children's welfare and the fact that there's thousands of people on board and likely there is quite a few registered sex offenders who could pull your child into their room. Now do I think they would have a good chance of pulling my 17 year old son in a room probably not. Could they likely pulled my daughter into a room when she was 17 absolutely. And most 10 to 13 year olds I would think also are still borderline easily overpowered. Just food for thought...

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You want to know what happens to her? I'll tell you. She ends up dating the city boy from Chicago who thumbs his nose at the law by blaring his rock & roll. Together, they go against her preacher daddy and the town council by corrupting the town's teenagers and talking them into dancing. Can you believe that? DANCING! Which is clearly against the law. Who do those kids think they are, acting like they have a foot loose or something. ;)

My fiance is laughing so hard he's choking. Best thing we've read in a long time! 😂


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Outside of that like I posted earlier let's be concerned for children's welfare and the fact that there's thousands of people on board and likely there is quite a few registered sex offenders who could pull your child into their room.


The port authority does do a criminal background check on all passengers. There are multiple stories online that state Royal and Carnival no longer allow registered sex offenders to cruise, as well as stories of people denied passage because they were on a registry. Last year Congress passed a law that requires registered sex offenders passports to be marked with a special stamp. I know, you don't need a passport to board a cruise, but many states also mark drivers licenses. Background checks are done, and it is highly unlikely a registered offender would get by, much less "quite a few". Of course this not account for unregistered perverts, and general bad people.

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Royal Caribbean has a curfew of 1 am for unattended minors. This curfew is posted in the Cruise Compass and announced in the shows by the CD. It is enforced.

Also there would have been crew nearby straightening up chairs/whatever. Would it have been stopped on Royal? Probably not, but witnessed and dealt with at the time with the parents.

What would have happened on Carnival? I haven't been on in a few years.

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If that is accurate that is good to know. Either way risk is still there. All offenders didn't have a record at some point. Many ppl don't report sexual abuse as well. Point is ppl need to be responsible parents and protect their children. Allowing them to wander a ship is not safe or good parenting. Still bet there are quite a few sickos on board.

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I get that these two boys did something really stupid, and they knew it was wrong. I get that they should be held accountable for their actions. But, I evidently lived a very different life than many of you. I am 56, and this would not make the top 10 stupidest things my friends and I did as teenagers (13-18). My mother believed in the belt and gave me several, very well deserved, strappings. In fact any of the parents in the neighborhood could punish any kid they caught being stupid. Neither that discipline, the broken bones and injuries, nor the money payed for property damaged (normally our own or parents stuff) was more than a minor deterrent. We were not criminals, just kids. We didn't need Youtube or some silly movie for inspiration just a simple "I bet you can't...". Oh, and come on, how many of you were "constantly supervised by your parents"? We were sent out after breakfast, returned for dinner, and went back out at night. There was a network of adults that monitored movement, and our main focus was avoiding detection. Yeah, my mom and dad were going to stop talking to their friends at a cookout to watch me every minute. Our parents would drop us off at the local amusement park in the morning, and pick us up at closing when we were 13.


A teenager did something stupid. That's really news? His actions don't mean he is an overall bad kid, his parents are permissive or dismissive, or he should be banned for life. There are only a few real facts: He was sneaking around, so his parents can't be that okay with it, or he wouldn't have left and come back. The video has been taken down, so its most likely that his parents found out, and it is being dealt with. These two are not sophisticated at this; they showed their cabin number in the video, and didn't even bother to buy and wear Lucha Masks. Punish them yes. But this is speeding or driving recklessly, and you don't get life for that.

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If that is accurate that is good to know. Either way risk is still there. All offenders didn't have a record at some point. Many ppl don't report sexual abuse as well. Point is ppl need to be responsible parents and protect their children. Allowing them to wander a ship is not safe or good parenting. Still bet there are quite a few sickos on board.


I think we can agree that sickos can be anywhere, including on a ship. All kids need to know how to be safe and responsible, whether we are with them or not. I do hope it brings you a small amount of comfort to know that they are trying to limit the movement of criminals on the registry.

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Yes, we can agree sickos are everywhere and kids need to be taught how to help increase their safety. They do not need to be solely responsible for that bc they are unattended on a crise. Seems simple enough if u don't want to parent on vacations leave them home with family. Or I suppose on board supervised activities if u must is better than a free for all. I'd rather be overprotective than live with potentially life-altering dire consequences to my child that I could have prevented

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