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NeoRiviera September 2017


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Hi All


Nearly a week back from the cruise and trying to start a review. As usual I have issues with photos and will hopefully manage in the next day or so to figure out how to add them to and from Flikr.


We left home at Stupid o'clock as usual. This time we flew BA to Genoa rather than Ryanair. Good thing we chose BA it turned out. Thank goodness we did not look at Monarch. We flew out of Gatwick and pre-arranged a taxi from Genoa to Savona. It cost about €113. We were picked up by a man with a sign. Nice Merc, crazy Italian driver. Suffice to say we arrived safely in Savona about 45 minutes later. Not much traffic as it was Sunday. We thought about going into town for a pizza but our cabin was ready and we got our Costa cards (pink drinking ticket!) and decided to explore the ship and get a Mojito. Always a good start to a holiday.


We discovered that we had our meals in the St.Tropez restaurant which is for suite guests and Perla Diamante( you get this from over the top frequent cruising). As the restaurant was open we decided to have lunch there instead. I'll elaborate later.


It is now Tio Pepe time here so I'll get back later.



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Back again.


I agree with Bazbov that the NeoRiviera is great. I would say my favourite Costa ship as well. My only problem is that even after 7 days on her I still had no idea which direction to go or where things were. That might have something to do with my problem reading maps. Hubby says they don't call me pathfinder for nothing.


We had a cabin on deck 10. The Costa person in the UK said it was just a balcony cabin but on the Costa site it was supposed to be a mini suite. It was quite a bit bigger than the usual balcony cabins with a two seater couch, a chair and little table. It also had storage space next to the minibar and a separate desk area. I'll post some pictures of it in due course. There was an enormous amount of storage space. This included a walk in wardrobe as well as two separate cupboards. The safe is above the desk in a corner cupboard and so is the hair dryer. It was not attached and in a drawer this time. There were two European style plugs at the desk. Hubby has discovered an adaptor which has 2 USB slots. Very useful for charging both phones at the same time. I also used it to charge my Fitbit. He plugged his electric toothbrush in the shaver socket in the bathroom and our laptop in the TV socket. No more sockets!


The balcony was also much bigger. Possibly marginally wider but much deeper. It had the usual two chairs and a little table. There was a sliding door to the balcony which was a first for us on Costa and we liked it a lot. Kept it open most nights even when sailing because the sea was so calm.


I was warned about the cabin steward called Roni walking in. I made use of the Do not disturb card a few times but he still managed to faff around in the cabin one evening. He kept it clean though and that is mainly what I want.


We spent a lot of time on the pool deck because I like to swim these days. There is a thalasotherapy pool , 2 jacuzzis and a normal pool with fountains spurting into it. I went into the thalaso pool once. The water was very warm but it was not my thing. I did not use the jacuzzis. They were quite big I thought. The pool was bog standard cruise ship size and it was possible to swim short lenghths. I managed to wack an Italian woman hard doing back stroke! Lets not elaborate on that one.


There were loads of loungers. Often very early in the morning reserved by towel. Fortunately this does not bother me because I would never be able to get up from them. There were bars at both ends of the pool area. Only the one side had chairs. This also happened to be the smokers area to our irritation. We had two amazing servers here. Fritz and Darryl both from India. Fritz has now gone home for a few months. It was intersting to note that there were hardly any female bar staff on this ship. Oh, this area was not under cover and no umbrellas either. It got very warm there.


The stage was on the opposite side to the seating area. The animation team did exercise classes and dancing there. I did not think the animation team on the NeoRiviera was that great.


Late afternoon the DJ started playing closer to the area with the seats and it created quite a nice buzz. It sounded as if the pool deck parties were very good. We are not that old but find it difficult to stay up beyond 10 pm so my experience came from the noise above the cabin. I was only aware of it because we left the door open.


The bars: There are so many bars on this smalll ship! There is Cafe Ezi which is mainly coffee but they serve some alcohol but not juices. I did not see any entertainment there. There is another bar just outside the theatre. We did not go there much but it was usually empty. The disco on deck 12 starts with recorded music at 6pm. The bar does not open till very late and we thought it was a wasted space because it was also deserted when we looked in. It is as the back of the ship and has an amazing view. I think they use it to host parties with the pig (Peppa that is).


Cafe Positano is where we went for pre-dinner drinks. There were two bands playing there. The one we liked better played Latin type guitar stuff. Two guys and they did beautiful harmonising as well. The other two actually played a lot over recorded stuff and was occasionally accompanied by a female singer with a good voice. She disappeared early on. Presume left the ship.


There was also Porquiroles. Not sure wther that is spelt correctly. That was our after dinner spot. Our chap Fritz also worked there in the evenings. There was a pianist/singer who played stuff like Sting. He was good and we enjoyed his stuff.


We only went to the theatre one. The sound levels were fine. The singers(male and female) were OK. The dancers were not great to be honest. I thought the choreography was poor and the costumes where terrible. I have not done sewing for years and could have done a better job. We did not go to any other shows.


I am going to call it a day because I have a howling cat next to me telling me it's supper time. Info about the other areas tomorrow.



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I'll try my best! Looking at the Luminosa in about 7 weeks.


I work very hard so I can pay for cruises.


We were so keen on the Victoria around Singapore in February. It proved to be very popular and became so expensive that we just do not feel we can do it. Ridiculous prices including flights from Costa aboard and trying other agents. Not available.


GMT you cheeky sod, when are you cruising again?



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GMT you cheeky sod, when are you cruising again?



I miss the old days of Costa, waiting for the new catalogue to come out and see what new cruising areas there would be opening up. Now adays I am becoming bored with Costa, there are line a bus route "there'll be another one along in five minutes".


I used to love it when Costa sent ship to the far east for a season, oh were they great repo cruises.


Glad we did Maujritius, Seychelles and Madagascar, as I just read on the BBC news site that the Plague has broken out in Madagacar.



Our next cruise is Spring 2018 on Celebrity 14 days Hong Kong to Hong Kong taking in Vietnam (Halong Bay is on our To Do list - don't like the term Bucket List as it reminds me of my sailing days on the Solent "Bucket and Chuck It") and Taiwan.

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Hi everybody


I spent the whole afternoon running virus scans and re-loading windows microsoft 10:mad:.


Now I have the photos on Flickr but tried to figure out how to post unsuccessfully. That's going to be a task for Wednesday.


GMT, I also want to do a Far East cruise next year. Victoria is out for us because full and diabolically expensive(for Costa). I have started looking at other options but hubby is so attached to Costa its like getting a tick off a dog without the tick remover. There must be a proper English expression for that?!


He is booking the Luminosa tomorrow. Planning to go end of November. Going to London first for a day or so to celebrate daughter's 24th birthday. Don't let me spill the beans what he calls the occasion.


Well, I'll be back later in the week.



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Hello Alicat, thanks for your review, we are enjoying it. and we are pleased you enjoyed the cruise and ship. In answer to your question about charity crochet, i crochet snowflakes to hang on the christmas tree and each christmas time i take the snowflakes and set up a table in our local village square. People then usually stop and look and if they want one i ask for a donation and donate what ever money i take to our local charity, this helps those who can't afford food.


Hope you enjoy your cruise in November and we are looking forward to the rest of your review. Happy cruising :)

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I am finally back after 2 days of working towards the next cruise.


Bazbov I am fascinated by your crocheting project. Great stuff! I crochet as well but I am afraid with me it is charity begins at home. I do quite big projects like blankets and shawls. I give them to friends and family. Done a few baby blankets for people as a surprise. I find it very therapeutic and it has less side effects than ******.


Well back to my review. I have finally found out how to use Flickr. What a faff!


So let's try a few pictures of the ship:


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I know I am technically challenged but why CC makes it so difficult to add photos I have no idea. I was unable to figure how to put comments below pics either. So from top:


TV area with minibar in middle and 2 cupboards below. Check the gorgeous bag I got in Ibiza! Ladies the secret is to buy a bag your husband hates, then he buys you one much better:D.

The next one is the balcony. You can sort of see that it is much deeper than a usual balcony cabin.

Somehow CC managed to get two photos to look as one! The one on the left is the desk with the power points. The safe and hairdryer in the corner cupboard above. The one on the right was the walkin cupboard. Loads of storage. I did not post the pic of the other 2 cupboards.

Then the bed taken from the balcony. Also showing the chair but not the couch.


The decor on the ship is much less blingy that the bigger ones. That is actually the same for the rest of the ship as well.


This is on the pool deck. Plastic grass and the thalasotherapy pool. Comfy chairs but this area is also a smoking area. It bothered us a little but as it is outside it was not too bad.37584128886_98b4b6673c_z_d.jpg

Mojito(s) always tastes like the start of a holiday. I also figured how to do a comment. Hip-hip etc.


This is another one in the cabin. Free bottle of Ferrari. We never got round to drinking it can you believe!


Another one in the cabon looking towards the balcony. This was taken in Savona. The ship was berthed way back from the main terminals and had a marquee acting as a terminal.


I'll do a little food porn next.

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I did not take loads of pics of food this time and I think mentioned that I had fewer puddings because they were too creamy.



This was a starter on the first day and it was delicious. It was called something like crayfish with a mustard vinaigrette. I won't go as far as calling them cray fish but then I lived in Cape Town.


Canapes delivered on the first day. They were actually very good. No idea why we got them though.


This was one of the puddings lunch time. I think it was OK.


This is more like it! This was off the Bruno whatshisname menu. It was divine. My sort of pudding. And ther was a little bit of custard.23779872058_695f432c48_z_d.jpg

This was so good I took a couple of bites before the pic. It was also off friend Bruno's menu. They were very tender lamb chops with a nutty crust. We had lamb chops another evening and they had a different crust. Also tender and very tasty.


This was another good prawn starter. I did not like the endive. First time I ate it. Too bitter for my taste.


I did not take pics of the two badly chosen mains I had. The one was a pork chop and it was just plain bland. The other was called suckling pig. Now this was totally misguided. I expected a slice of pork but it was a rectangle of very finely mince pork with a slice of slimey skin on top. If it was crackling it might have worked a little better.Blegh!


So six photos of food. I have another one of a Pasqualina pie but I'll leave it off. It was an individual one and amazing. Though not vegetarian I often have vege dishes on Costa. I love fish but I do not like what they serve. Too fishy!


So that's it for today. I'll do some of the ports on the weekend. The NeoRiviera is doing this itenerary(or slightly similar) again next year. I would not hesitate to do the same again. Loved the ports and the ship. End of September was also perfect weatherwise.


Bye for now.


Alicat the one who tenaciously persevers with rubbish photo sites till mastered.

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Great reviews and pics! Thanks so much. We will not have the upgraded room you do, but our friends will. We will just mooch off of their balcony ;-)

The meals in the St Tropez look pretty snazzy. Maybe we will upgrade a night or 2. We have a "premium" outside room. I'm not sure what that means, other than we paid a premium for it. Do you know if it is better to try to get into the upgraded restaurant the first night of the cruise?

By the way, great bag from Ibiza!!

Thank you again and looking forward to the rest of your posts!


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Hi Nance


Having fun doing the reviews and Costa has so little on CC in comparison to other lines.


The food in the restaurant (except for the Bruno night) is the same as the MDR. I think the always available choices might be different. The setting is much better I think. The service is great. Lots of staff, not rushed at all.


We get the club restaurant perk because of Perla Diamante. Comes from being addicted to cruising. Whether you will feel it is worth the extra cost for a more relaxed meal will depend on you. We really enjoy it.


I'll continue with the review on the weekend. Working again the next two days. Tomorrow is going to be a very long one with my normal crazy day followed by a meeting with the accountants, yawn. I am so ready for retirement! unfortunately another 5+ years to go.


By the way have you noticed CC removed my therapy? Well lets call it Fluoxetine and see if they pick up on that. Made me smile. Presume it's because I used the brand name. One that everybody all over the world knows.



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Hi Alicat,

Thanks for the info. I read a post that stated the person was only charged half price because they had the Piu Gusto drink package. We have that, so I am going to check it out.

This is only our second cruise, ever. So we are on the bottom tier!

Yes, working for vacations... that is me also!

Will wait for further posts! I may review when I return.


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I an back!


I'd like to give you an idea of the ports next. We rarely use Costa for excursions. They are expensive, we don't like to be herded and they often cancel them because there are too few English speaking people. We have gone with other language groups but that is a little hit and miss. They do have one excursion available for Diamond Pearl that costs the same as the regular one but it is for a small group and they guarantee that it won't be cancelled. We used this to visit Monserrat from Barcelona previously and it was worth the money. This cruise they offered Valdemossa from Palma but we had other plans.


We started off in Savona and did not do anything but board the ship.


Next stop was Porto Torres. It is a fairly flat stroll into town. Not a very pretty place. There was a market on in the main street. Some of the stalls sold quite nice jewelry. There were also the usual ones selling tat.



This was taken in the cathedral. Note the fairly lights around her head.




I thought she was quite pretty.



Some mosaics on the floor.


We strolled about, had a beer, looked for somewhere to eat, was unable to order a pizza! but had a good lunch anyway. The prices where reasonable.


We decided to head back to the ship and thought of visiting the archeological site on the way. I think it cost €7 a person. The only snag was you are taken around by a guide at specific times and they only speak Italian! Fortunately we have been to Pompei and Herculaneum and knew what Tepidarium etc meant. This place was quite a find and well worth visiting. There is also a museum attached. They are still excavating so it is a work in progress.




These mosaics were under cover but there were loads just exposed to the elements.



This is the road outside some blokes palace. The pillars are at the entrance I think and they were made out of different materials.



These mosaics were just outside. I think the earth moved for someone here.


Now I have posted 6 photos and will have to make another entry.

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Next stop Port Mahon. Prepare yourself for lots of steps up a hill. Also try and be on deck either for sail in or leaving. It is really pretty. Not Kotor pretty, but pretty.



The beige building opposite the tug is the port building. You can get maps in the building towards the left near the front entrance/exit.


The opposite side. The phone camera does not do the colours justice. It was so pretty.



To the left of the red building you will be able to see the steps. You walk up, more up and even more up. It was totally worth it.


The cathedral is beautiful. I think there was an organ recital at 13h00. Those tickets were something like €7 pp. We only paid to visit the cathedral. Cannot remember how much.




Front bits. Don't know what you call them. I am not religious but I love churches(and cemetaries).


Outside with a well placed Coke truck and cop car. The Mercat is the old cloisters. There are shops inside the building and behind there is an area with chairs outside next to some restaurants. Lovely view of the ship.


6 photos!

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It's been a little quiet on the Costa boards.


A little more of Port Mahon:


Realistic little dog statue.


Slightly less realistic cat. I think the sculptor must be a dog person.


Large nude lady


Horses with shileds on their bottoms. Don't know the significance.


Pretty girl.


One of the ship and the P&O ship in front of it. There are loads of little alleys with views across the water.


I'll do a few photos of the inside of the cathedral and the church/abbey of Francis of Assisi next.

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Once you are at the top of the old town area it is fairly flat, not very large and very walkable.


Inside the abbey


Front of the church



My camera phots do not do the abbey justice. It has free entrance and only takes a little while to explore but is really worth it. There is a museum next door. We went in but it was a bit boring because they only had a temporary exhibition on the go and be aware that if you carry a rucksack you will have to put it into a locker.

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Yet another post ditched because of photo issues.



Ibiza next:



I wonder who is the web designer or whatever for Cruise Critic. If I can lay my hands on him or her I'll certainly throttle the beast. It is the most user unfriendly site ever. Just dumped a whole entry. I thought try and upload 6 photos and then write in between. Nope! that won't happen.


OK from the top:

Ibiza old town/high town during sail in. Very pretty.

That red building on the first photo eye to eye.

Just a random house but so pretty with it's blue shutters.

Front door of the cathedral

If there is a cat I'll find it. That poor beastie could hardly walk and was ripped to shreds. It should have been seen by a vet or put out of its misery. Very sad.

Front the walls of the old city.


We did not pay for the expensice Costa shuttle but got a taxi instead. Cost marginally more but he took us as far as cars are allowed. That hill is steep and it was very hard work to walk to the top. We were pleased we did though because the views from there were amazing. It is too far to walk from the port to the old town.


I am going to give it a break now and will tell you more about Ibiza tomorrow.



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  • 2 weeks later...



I have not been back adding to this travel tale for a while.


Some more Ibiza:


In the cathedral(Yes she's in a church again)


And another.


Ibiza old town studying a menu. It is so pretty. No night clubs and stuff here. We wondered about and went towards the marina area where we saw the Lady Lara(very expensive yacht) and had lunch.


Not expensive and rather delicious. Not many veges! That little bowl of pale green stuff close to my wine glass was totally devine but so garlicky we must have smelt disgusting.


Bye-bye Ibiza. Note really because we stayed till 4am but this was me for the night.


Palma de Mallorca next.



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Maybe we even wandered about.


We arrived at Palma a little later the morning and decided to take a taxi into town. The transfers were about €12.50 each. We payed slightly less for the taxi and it dropped us next to the cathedral. We have visited Palma many times and would have liked to take the Costa trip offered(to Soller), but we had lunch booked in our favourite restaurant.


I think they are called Palomas. Not the best photo.


Also not a great photo but Belver Castle taken from the ship. We have taken a taxi to the top in the past. Charged us a fortune and it was difficult to get another one back to town because they are all pre-booked.


Part of our amazing lunch accompanied by a local wine called Stairway to heaven. And heavenly it was. In case anyone is interested on the left lamb loin, middle croquettas with iberian ham and on the right patatas bravas( but not as you know it). Those are safron threads on top.


Hubby's pudding. I could not have anything but coffee.


The restaurant is called Forn St Joan. I hope I have not ruined the place by giving their name away. We got another taxi from next to the cathedral and he dropped us outside the port building +/-€10. So cheaper than the transfer and much more convenient.


We would have liked to have an evening meal in Palma but all aboard was 20h30 I think and it would have been far to rushed and nerve racking.



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Next up Tarragona. A place I have not heard of prior to this cruise. We took another taxi. It dropped us outside the casino. There is a taxi stand there and the Costa transfer stopped at the same place.


Tarragona has so many Roman ruins you'll think you are in Rome. We bought a ticket which allows you (I think) 5 entries to various places. We did not use many. Some where outside the centre and we'll visit them another time.


Also this is another town on a hill. Be prepared for lots of walking.


This is the amphitheatre from the top. There is a lift that takes you part of the way down. I was far too lazy for that after traipsing around all morning.


This is part of the Archeological site across the road from the drop off point. It is HUGE.


You can see the houses all around the site.


Later rulers built on top of the old Roman site. It is possible to go to the top of this building. I looked so tired and unfit that I managed to go to the top in the lift. The stairs would have been a bridge too far and the last lot were weany spiral ones. No thanks.


The cathedral from the top of the building shown before.


Also taken from above. There are lots of tunnels under the site. It was worth the visit.


Next up more Tarragona.

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We did not go inside the cathedral. There were two reasons: 1)I think hubby was cathedralled out, and 2) he refused to pay whatever they charged to go in. Suffice to say I was very disappointed.


Carvings outside.


Carvings outside and door.


Just an alley way but so pretty.


Outside a tiny church which was locked.


The cathedral from behind.


Another alley.


6 photos!

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Our last day was a sea day and lo and behold I just discovered no photos. So I'll end this tale with something totally random.36961835143_ac15d1c744_z_d.jpg

Campari and some random drink that was actually gross.


Yummmm. Martini and coffee and cognac.


A bit early here but that looks like Tio Pepe time.


End of story. This was an amazing cruise and we'll happily do the same again. I think the Victoria will be doing it next year and it will be slightly different because it will visit Olbia and not Porte Torres.


I am not an active person but this was a very active cruise. According to by fitbit I walked 67km in the 7 days.


I am going to scan some Diario di bordo and post them in a separate thread. People often ask and I cannot recall that anyone has ever posted any. It seems to be the in thing on other boards though I skip reading them. Boring! We mainly do our own thing and rarely partake in on board activities like Trivia and fancy dress/make a fool out of yourself.


If anyone wants to ask about our experiences, please feel free.



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