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Is $20/day insane for a kids.....

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budget while on the cruise??? I have 2 kids and I hate saying "no" "wait till the next shop" "I'm not buying that", so I thought if I gave my kids a set amount for whatever their hearts desired it might turn out ok???


Is $20 too much?? This is our first cruise as well as first BIG family trip, we are more like camping people!!!


Can anyone help with this??? The kids will more than likely buy the little trinket stuff, but if they wanted that and say a T-shirt at each port would that cover it??? Maybe $10-15 is a better limit??


Kids are 13 and 10, we are going west. (labadee-ocho-cayman-cozumel)


Thanks up front your help,

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What does the $20 all cover? Snacks/Bev while on-shore, Bev on-board, video games, trinkets, etc.? If only for trinkets, $20.00 seems a bit high to me but hey I just spent $95 at American Girl Outlet on doll clothes for my nieces and DD, so I shouldn't talk!


Be certain you set out the rules - what they are responsible for, whether you'll give out "advances", do they get to keep what they don't spend, and how much of their "own" money they can bring and spend.

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budget while on the cruise??? I have 2 kids and I hate saying "no" "wait till the next shop" "I'm not buying that", so I thought if I gave my kids a set amount for whatever their hearts desired it might turn out ok???


Is $20 too much?? This is our first cruise as well as first BIG family trip, we are more like camping people!!!


Can anyone help with this??? The kids will more than likely buy the little trinket stuff, but if they wanted that and say a T-shirt at each port would that cover it??? Maybe $10-15 is a better limit??


Kids are 13 and 10, we are going west. (labadee-ocho-cayman-cozumel)


Thanks up front your help,


My kids were 14 and 12 when we cruised in February and I think $20 a port is okay for t-shirts, key chains and other souviners. They also had some money that family members had given them to spend on the cruise. The only thing that cost a little more was a set of bongo's for my son and they were $25.00! The other thing to keep in mind is my kids aren't big soda drinkers so instead of getting a soda card for the seven days they opted to get strawberry daquiri's (non alcoholic) a few times a day - usually with a meal and once in a while in the afternoon! Enjoy

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$20 sounds fairly generous; that's about $10 a day for videogames or smoothies, and another $10 for t-shirts or whatever.


So let's say you offer each child $120 for the cruise (not counting embarkation or debarkation days, though they could certainly spend $20 that first day if you arrive early enough, in which case it would be $140 per child) - a good lesson for them would be to keep track of how much they spend on board as they spend it (say, $5 the first day, $10 the second, etc) then they could spend more at ports (if they spent less on board.)


Actually a good 'teachable moment' for them. (I find cruises are full of them, from how to shake hands and meet people, to how to tie a tie, to which fork to use at dinner!)


Also, most ships allow you to check each person's seapass card balance on your stateroom TV so the kids could monitor their own spending. Also you can set a cap on each child's spending so they don't charge you out of house and home! (Though I've never had to do this, just knowing they had a budget was fine for my kids.)

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I usually don't give my son an actual dollar amount, but tell him that he is allowed to get 1 "gift" from each port and 1 from the ship. Sometimes its only a $3 necklace, sometimes a tee shirt. Over the course of a week it probably amonts to about $50 of stuff. I purchase $20 on his card for the arcade in the begining and tell him that is it and when its up he's done. He gets the soda card, so that takes care or drinks. I will buy him a couple of foo-foo drinks(virgin of course) in the pool area during the week as well. This way he still gets what he wants without squandering a fortune for video games and shells.

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If that's all the money they have available, I don't think it's too much at all. In fact, if they're expected to pay their own on-board expenses plus souvenirs and stuff on-board and in ports, I might up it a little. It also depends if this is a "once in a lifetime" trip. If it's a 7-day cruise, I'd probably be inclined to give them each $200.

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On the days when you are not in port, the cash will be of little use while on board since everything except the casino takes seapass only. Even the arcade takes seapass (you buy credits with the card).


I think the aount sounds fair. You may want to figure the $20.00 per day for the ports and then allot some to their seapass account for the week to cover sea days. One note on Labadee: the activities there (waterpark, etc.) are charged to seapass. There is a straw market of local Haitians that takes cash. The vendors are VERY agressive, so I would hesitate to send a youngster in there with $20.00. Not that they will be attacked or anything, but they may wind up purchasing a $1.00 necklace for $20.00 due to the "sales skills" of the merchants. We always go in & let our teens look, but I do the haggling with the vendors.


On the seapass issue, we always go to the pursers desk and set up a spending limit on our kids' accounts. I use $50.00 for the 7 day cruise for each. Once it is gone - it's gone!. For some reason, they will not let you change the amount once you set it, so you cannot start low and add to it later. Also, one important point. If you set a limit of, say $50.00, and they have spent $49.00. If they go to purchase something that is $20.00, the purchase will go through, then it will be blocked. In essence, if they are under the limit any purchase will go through.


One poster says they do not have to use limits for their kids, they just keep an eye on the account. Unfortunately, we have two "impulse buyers" and we have to have a more formal approach to budgeting.;)

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One more note - since I pay my Seapass account in cash at the end of the cruise, it makes no difference to me if my kids spend their budget in port or on their Seapass account. Either way, I have brought the budgeted amount of cash with me. But if you primarily charge your onboard purchases, then only part of the kids' budget needs to be cash - the portion you think they will spend in port.

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We were on Explorer in November and there is a way to take a $20 up to the arcade and add the amount to your card. I don't know how my son did it but it is definitely doable. It doesn't show up on the Seapass account but it's useable til you reach that limit.


We did set a limit on his card (which he went through in no time). The limits can be changed as long as you go down to Customer Service and sign another slip for a different limit.


My one piece of advice to you is to try to keep your son (in particular) out of the arcade. The boys just adore it in there and its tough to get them out without a hassle.


I can't tell you what a normal amount is. My son spent far more than I expected him to but he had the time of his life. No regrets.


Oh, and the internet in the teen club is chargeable. Don't let them swipe their seapass cards into a computer. There have been numerous posts here about high internet charges incurred by kids.

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We usually give our kids 10 dollars a day for the arcade, which isn't a lot when games are a dollar or two each. It does make them spend more time doing things that are free. They do get to play playstation in Adventure ocean, watch movies get involved in planned activities in there age groups. They have rock climbing ice skateing. They do get some online msn time for free I think as well. We just came back from 12 days on Jewel and I was quite surprized that my son didn't use all his budjet on video games. We played bingo on the last day for the jackpot and won one of the games, which payed our gratuites $316.

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You amount sounds just right.


I guess I am lucky. My kids have no interest in video games. They also drink water or milk, so soda isn't an issue for us. We have given the kids a $20 limit for the entire cruise(on ship) and not one of them has even charged that amount to their seapass. They like spending money on little stuff in port. They do chores before the cruise to earn money.


My kids have so much fun on the ship that they usually don't even want to leave when we are in port. A couple of hours at the beach and they are asking when we can go back.


$20 a day should be just right for most kids. If they don't spend all of it by the end of the week, I would suggest letting them pick out a picture to purchase. It will last a lot longer than a t-shirt :)


Happy cruising!


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Gina - that is good info. On the mariner, they were very specific both times that once I set a limit, it could not be changed. I thought it was strange, but went along. It would seem that they would want you to increase the limit so that they could take in more money. I wanted to set a lower limit to keep them from getting carried away and then evaluate and increase it if they were being responsible with the money. I am going to question it next time if they tell me I cannot change the limit.


To those who's kids are more responsible with money, we sincerely envy you. We are still trying to get the message accross. We have two different types. Son gets carried away with video games. If he finds one he likes, he keeps going until he can "beat the game" or runs out of credits. Strangely, he has one at home and does not play it that much at all. Daughter winds up buying sodas, etc. for all her newfound friends. She loves to entertain.

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My kids go to school iin a small town where there is not as much chance to spend money, so I was a little worried they'd go hog wild onboard, but they've always been good. (As have friends they've brought.) But I didn't start taking them until they were aged 11, when I discovered cruising myself!


It was so cute, the one time I had my 11 year old and her friend in England and then on a transatlantic; they had their little budgets that they spent for tiaras (!) and fuzzy jackets (only $10) and English candy in London, then later on smoothies and bagatelles from the ship's shops!

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First I want to thank you all, I never thought I'd ask such a good question. I usually only get 1 or 2 people that answer!!?? That being said I'd like to reply to you each,


Onessa: It would be for the fun stuff, as the mom I would cover food's and drink's, though I think grandma and grandpa are springing for soda cards as part of christmas!!


alb38: That was exactly the answer I was looking for, $20 would be good enough IF they wanted T-shirts and some smaller things!!!


travlgrrl: I too am in favor of finding those "life lesson's" in the world!! I like the hint of splitting it $10 on the ship and $10 on shore!!!!


dad son team: I like this also, 1 gift per port and one from the ship plus something on their cards!! wow this is good!!!!


beth4652: Nope this is purely for their spending, I would cover snack's and drink's.


EBFURR: Right you are, my kids will not be "haggling" alone, I will be with them every time they buy something! I would never think of letting them out of my sight!! In fact as anal as it may sound I am having some personal problems with the thought of my sister (who is coming too) taking my kids horseback riding without me but I don't like riding horses so...I have no choice there??? But thanks I will keep a close eye on those vendors!!


ginadis2002: I am hoping that my son will play a few games a day but get caght up in the fun things that are offered!!! He can do games at home and that is the message I am forcing down their throats right now, do the stuff you can't do at home on the ship, the other things will always be at home!!


cruisingfamily: I have to say I am liking the split bank idea!! I agree, I want my kids to do the other things that are on board for them to do!!


bobbie0253: I hope my son doesn't become hooked on the games. He does like them here at home, but like I said before I have really been stressing that the idea of this trip is to do things we may never get to do again!!! I like the idea of spending the left overs on a picture or 2 at the end!!!


EBFURR: bot you said it, I envy those who instilled the responsibility of handling money into their kids, I have to say my kids are pretty fortunate but they don't get what a buck is, they would spend till I bled!!! so do I ever envy those families!!


travlgrrl: we too are bringing my daughter's friend with us, son has a cousin coming. We too are from a small town, not even an arcade, so I know my son will be overwhelmed with that at first, I hope to un-hook him though after some fun time there!!


Well again thank you all, I really feel better now and I have some other choices to think about now too!! To those of you heading out on a cruise soon-have a great time- I can hardly wait for mine, and thos of you thinking about the next one have a great time planning!!!


Man I love this board, Thanks again....

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My kids were 14 and 12 when we cruised in February and I think $20 a port is okay for t-shirts, key chains and other souviners. They also had some money that family members had given them to spend on the cruise. The only thing that cost a little more was a set of bongo's for my son and they were $25.00! The other thing to keep in mind is my kids aren't big soda drinkers so instead of getting a soda card for the seven days they opted to get strawberry daquiri's (non alcoholic) a few times a day - usually with a meal and once in a while in the afternoon! Enjoy


We are going on Mariner in January with 2 kids as well (9 & 13). Could you tell me how much the non-alcoholic dacquiries were? they sound amazing! My 13yr old would love that!

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Our first three cruises we walked on the opposite side of the ship from the arcade (this is on DCL ships), never mentioned it, ignored a question once or twice, until he finally found out about the arcade last cruise. I was about to say no when I went through the cost of the previous night's dinner in the alternate restaurant for DW and I, and the cost of the DW's spa treatment, and DS was on vacation, too (on DCL, remember, the sodas are included in the cruise fare and the ice cream also has no additional charge), so I started giving him 10-20 a day on arcade cards --they use separate cards on DCL, I'll have to see how that compares w/ RCI's system in three weeks. There are no arcades at home, he enjoys it, looks forward to the arcades near our beach cottage all year long (saved all his prize tickets for three years, ages 7, 8, and 9 until he had enough to win the 21 foot long stuffed snake that had the highest ticket value of any prize--that's pretty good dedication for that age), and he is a straight A student. I anticipate a comparable budget--he's still 9--on Radiance next month. He really doesn't drink that many cokes--may just pay as we go on that (who knows the breakeven point, how many cokes a day you'd need to drink to make the card worthwhile?). I think he had two smoothies on a 7 day cruise last time--ol' Dad had a few frozen drinks himself, so who am I to say "no". The other input is that we have a giant plastic coke bottle that is a coin bank, and our family procedure is that each of the three of us put any and all change in our pockets at the end of the day into the coke bottle and then we use it for family cruise expenses--so he has "contributed".


okay, i'm a soft touch, he's a spoiled only child, and i never learned to say no to my dog, either, who sleeps in my bed, all 97 pounds of him. when i'm dead DS will remember having fun trips with his dad, not that his cheap father wouldn't let him do stuff on the ship. These aren't budget vacations to begin with--we do those, too, but not on ships--and he is appreciative and says thank you and gives hugs and kisses and is so excited that he wants to tell us about the games he played. He'll be grown and gone soon enough.


And anyone who feels differently about their situation and their children--I respect you and your right to raise your children as you wish and won't be critical if different values or methods produce well behaved, respectful children.

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Well said Logan. I don't have kids (yet!) but was raised a spoiled only child. (Notice I didn't say brat... BIG difference there!!) I had a fantastic childhood and a great relationship w/ my folks. (We are cruising with them in January.) I also agree that children need limits - that's how we all learned!

I think it is great that all of you take your kids on such wonderful vacations and plan on how to maximize their time and fun!

Personally, I can't contribute to what amount would be a good limit, because I haven't cruised before nor do I have children... but I can comment that it is nice to read a thread regarding children that doesn't get hostile or out of control!

Happy Sailing!

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That was our thought process also, Logan.


BTW....children can get SHIRLEY TEMPLES with their soda cards. At least, my son did for part of the week on Explorer. A bartender told him that he could use his soda pass for it (he was ready to pay for it and had handed over his card) and from then on in, he was in grenadine heaven!

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BTW....children can get SHIRLEY TEMPLES with their soda cards. At least, my son did for part of the week on Explorer. A bartender told him that he could use his soda pass for it (he was ready to pay for it and had handed over his card) and from then on in, he was in grenadine heaven!


Thank you for that tip, it would come in useful, DS has indeed discovered ol' Shirl.


DS doesn't have the ability to negotiate in advance of this next cruise--we're not telling him, packing for him while I distract him out of the house, then just abruptly telling him to get in the car because we're going, and not telling him where--he'll know the airport only when I take the exit off the interstate (which is 20 minutes away), will know Miami when we get to the gate, and since it will be dark when we get to the hotel he might not notice the Port--I'm thinking he'll piece it together the next morning when he sees the Port and the ships.

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Yikes I must have done it wrong on all of our cruises except our most recent one. I never gave my daughter her own seapass card or monetary limit until this past cruise when she was 18. In past cruises when she wanted a coke she just came up asked me and I bought her one. She was always too busy with the kid's club to want to spend money anyway. She also had no interest in video games. On port days I bought her at least one item, a trinket or a tshirt. Man, now I feel guilty :(


To the OP: Whatever you decide will be right because you are the one setting down the rules. Enjoy and have a blast!

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I really appreciate all your thoughts. I am doing excursions this week and then I can decide whats left to give them as a budget of their own!!!


I have 2 13 year old girls and I don't think they will go over board, excuss the pun, on video games. They get pop at home so I am thinking they can go without that, now I see the Shirley Temple thing and have decided to reconsider that again?? Now the 2 10year old boy and video games might be different story, though they can play them day in and day out at home so I will really try to discourage it!! But again thank you all for answering it has been most helpful!!!


We will have a wonderful time!!! I can hardly wait!!! 6 weeks and 6 days to go!!!!!

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Yikes I must have done it wrong on all of our cruises except our most recent one. I never gave my daughter her own seapass card or monetary limit until this past cruise when she was 18. In past cruises when she wanted a coke she just came up asked me and I bought her one. She was always too busy with the kid's club to want to spend money anyway. She also had no interest in video games. On port days I bought her at least one item, a trinket or a tshirt. Man, now I feel guilty :(


To the OP: Whatever you decide will be right because you are the one setting down the rules. Enjoy and have a blast!


I don't think you mentioned anything nearly "wrong"--and my jealousy that she had no interest in the arcade and was really involved with the kids club is turning my face GREEN with envy.:D You got her what she wanted, and you didn't mention turning her down.


I disclaim all misspellings in the yiddish subject line. Its the delerium. I'll be in the Miami terminal in exactly 21 days from this moment.

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