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Xpedition - Just returned from 12/4/05 sailing


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Cathy - I've spoken to two reps at Celebrity who have said that with the 7 day trip there are no options for adding any air through Celebrity, but it seems that you received different info. :confused:



I only spoke to one person at Celebrity, and they assured me the air on the 7-day would include Quito/Baltra. But, I did only talk to one person, and they very well could have given me the wrong info. I'm glad folks on this board chimed in... because of that, we booked the 10-day, with Celebrity air. It would have been a nightmare if I assumed the Quito/Baltra air was taken care of when it really wasn't! The last thing I want is to start out a vacation by being stressed!:eek:

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:confused: Can anyone tell me what shots are required for the Galapagos cruise. Plan to go in April 2007.


We are going in early June and our doctor as well as our health unit advised us to get Hep A shots.


On an earlier post someone suggested taking Pepto-Bismol tablets for a couple of days before heading out to Quito and that they will help the stomach deal with any differences in food. We don't plan to eat any unpeeled fresh fruits or salads while in Quito, this is just an extra way of being careful. :)

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No shots needed...no pepto bismol...no pills. Just use good common sense, relax and enjoy. Yes, some might get a headache from the altitude in Quito. Advil did the trick for that, for us. Other than that, no problems anywhere.

Wash your hands often, used bottled water to brush teeth/drink in Quito, use hand sanitizer when returning from excursions and experience the trip of a lifetime.

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It does seem that way, but the price for the YYZ/UIO/YYZ with AA was US$2300 and I believe the TAME flights cost somewhere in the neighbourhood of US$400 each. Throw in the "cost" of the transfers and it seems reasonable. We normally will book our own air for less exotic cruises, but for trips like this I prefer to use the line's air. I can't get a straight answer on transfers at UIO for independent air either, so I'm willing to pay something of a premium to ensure we get where we're supposed to go when we are supposed to be there.


But aren't you doing a 10 day trip which includes the cost of Quito-Baltra flights?

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:p What is the difference between the 10 day & 11 day trip? What would be the recommendation? Thankyou.



Here are the itineraries from Celebrity's website:

10 night: http://www.celebrity.com/search/vacationItinerary.do;jsessionid=0000xKtkUy47xMOajFrqfWNarS_:1028etni0?packageCode=XP10GLPS&backPageName=Itinerary+Search+Results

11 night: http://www.celebrity.com/search/vacationItinerary.do;jsessionid=0000xKtkUy47xMOajFrqfWNarS_:1028etni0?packageCode=XP11GLPS&backPageName=Itinerary+Search+Results


The 11 night trip provides one extra day and night in Quito following the cruise.

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I only spoke to one person at Celebrity, and they assured me the air on the 7-day would include Quito/Baltra. But, I did only talk to one person, and they very well could have given me the wrong info.


Thanks Cathy - I will probably book the 10 day trip. I haven't had any responses from anyone who has booked a 7 day trip (I posted a thread asking about this) - it seems that everyone books the 10 or 11 day ones.

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But aren't you doing a 10 day trip which includes the cost of Quito-Baltra flights?


That's the part I can't get a straight answer on. I have talked to three different Res agents trying to break out the Q/B/Q air cost from the rest of the itinerary costs so I could make an "informed" comparison. I keep getting different answers, when I get an answer at all. Anyway, it's booked for now and I have until Mar 20 Final to change my mind if I find a cheaper way to do it. We're off to the S Pacific early February (hence the need to get something done with the air now) and compared to what our air cost for THAT, this is a relative bargain!!!

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On an 11 day itinerary you get to spend one more day in Quito at the Marriott. NOT NEEDED. All sightseeing would be on your own. After the Xpedition you are on such a high, you just want to catch your breath and return home.

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We are booked for the April 16, 2006 trip. We booked the 10 day trip but have decided to fly in on Thursday evening instead of Friday. (The direct flight from Houston arrives at nearly midnight and I didn't want to start my trip exhausted!) Does anyone know if there are any problems getting transportation from the airport to the Marriott. I plan on contacting Celebrity to see if they will provide transportation but will probably just need to catch a cab.


Also, did anyone use the laundry services on the Xpedition. Packing will be so much easier if I can plan on having laundry done half way through the trip. What were the rates?


Thanks for your expert advice.

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Hi - I believe the Marriott has airport transportation, but if you're coming in almost midnight...I'd call Marriott and double check. If not, I'm sure you can catch a taxi. It's about 15-20 minutes from the airport but the cabs were very inexpensive. We didn't use one, but we know someone who took a cab to a shopping mall and it was under $2. You can't get into a taxi here for that!

We didn't use the shipboard laundry.

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We are going in early June and our doctor as well as our health unit advised us to get Hep A shots.


On an earlier post someone suggested taking Pepto-Bismol tablets for a couple of days before heading out to Quito and that they will help the stomach deal with any differences in food. We don't plan to eat any unpeeled fresh fruits or salads while in Quito, this is just an extra way of being careful. :)


The shots for Hep A or B are not required but are more of a precaution. Apparently both Hep strains are fairly common in southern climes like the Caribbean and Equatorial regions and, I'm told, can be picked up from a variety of sources without even knowing it. The most commonly advertised shot here in the Sothern Ontario area is Twinrix. They trot out their ad about this time every year, complete with suitable tropical music, telling us we can catch Hep A from the ice in our umbrella drink. Can we?? I have no idea, but I plan to ask my doctor if I need to bother with the shot(s) given that we are going to be in the region for ten days in June.

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Prior to our trip - Nov 13th - we did all sorts of homework on needed shots- we have had Hep A - yes, easy to catch from ice cubes or un-washed lettuce etc..... but we hummed and hahed about Heb b given that the information we read said you only catch it from un-protected sex and shared needles..... but our doctor told us of a couple of cases of his patients going to developing countries and being involved in an accident, and needing blood transfusions..... blood donors in developing countries not well screened (sometime sell their blood to agencies etc).... and he recommended Heb b too as a bit of insurance.

We did not have an accident - we did not have a blood transfusion, but we felt better for having taken the precaution.


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I did use the laundry service on the ship while on my trip at Christmas time. The clothes were returned as promised, the next day. I submitted a pair of jeans and a while cotton t-shirt, Both came back neatly pressed but the white t-shirt still had make-up stains around the neckline. They did not use bleach, which is what the shirt needed. But at least everything was clean. I do not recall what I paid for the jeans, but the shirt was about $2.25.

My take on packing: This is the most casual cruise you will ever take. Jeans and t-shirts are fine for the evenings: I brought about 5 outfits (all casual: capris, jeans), for the evenings but could have gotten away with less. Same for the daytime: a few pair of shorts and some t-shirts, and you will be good for the whole week. I did bring a water-repellant lightweight jacket which I wore often, not because it rained, but because I am always chilly, so in the mornings and at night, I found it useful.


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You have to read the information about hepititis very carefully. There are 3 strains, A,B & C. Don't know if there is a shot for C.

I know that raw shellfish can carry it. Just be very careful, shots or not. You are going to be in a really different part of the world. I'm speaking of the Galapagos themselves.


Quito is a captial city so you'd expect it to be okay. Well, look at Mexico, so close to us, but it's not safe to drink the water. Whereas some people who have lived there or Guatemala say they drink the water from the city's supply.


I have HAD Montezuma's revenge (Monterrey Mexico) and you don't want to risk it by eating fresh lettuce etc. or ice cubes, or even brushing your teeth with the water. One time I brushed my teeth with coke because I had no water!


In those countries were the water is NOT safe, produce must be washed in an iodine solution, so it doesn't look very appetizing, but would be safe. Now on the ship they undoubtedly make their cubes from the desalinization plant on board. Do you suppose they also add chlorine, too?


Do what your doctor advised, and listen carefully on this board, and read whatever you can to protect yourself.

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The water on the ship is fine for brushing your teeth. Your stateroom has a refrigerator that is constantly stocked with bottles of water to use for drinking. As you walk through the Discovery Lounge to get to your zodiacs for your excursions, the bar is lined up with more bottles of water. Make sure to take at least one bottle on each excursion. When you return from your excursions you are handed a cool towel to wipe your hands/face and given a glass of fruit juice. IF you return to your stateroom rather than "hang out" on deck and wait for the outdoor lunch, you pass by the bar where the beer, pina coladas, coffees, flavored vodkas, etc., are just waiting for you to order. We ate salads with every lunch/dinner onboard ship...just not in Quito.


As far as packing, I'd advise enough underwear/socks for everyday as well as a few extra pairs. I brought just 3 "outfits" for evenings and wore each 3X. You dress before the 7:45 presentation and you're back in the room after dinner. 3 hours nightly for each outfit. For the daytime I brought 2 pair of shorts, 2 pair of capris and 5 t-shirts. I'm sure you'll also buy some Galapagos t-shirts, whether on the ship or the two "human inhabited" islands. We brought 2 duffle bags and 2 carry-ons and it was fine.

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If you check the thread "Xpedition - anyone recently back?" (or something to that effect... I posted the laundry rates when I got back from our Nov. 13 sailing. I think I posted it the week after Thanksgiving.


The Marriott does have scheduled airport transportation. The times are posted in the lobby at the Marriott. Unfortunately, I don't remember the times, but there were a bunch in the morning, none during the middle of the day, and then they started again late in the afternoon. I don't know how late they go. However, most international flights into Quito come in 10 pm and after. I have to believe that cabs are available. From the Marriott to the airport was $4 for two people and luggage... and the hotel cabs are more expensive!!! It might cost you more to call the hotel and find out what time the shuttle runs!!! I have no doubt that you can catch a cab at midnight at the airport.


Regarding the water on the ship... it is made from seawater using reverse osmosis... state of the art technology. Then, it's chlorinated. It's probably better than the tap water at home. But, as others have said... there's a minifridge in your room with an "unlimited" supply of bottled water and there are always the bottles of water on the bar in the Discovery Lounge as you're heading out for an excursion.



:) :) :)

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We booked our own air R/T to Quito on AA and stayed at the Marriott the night before the official Celebrity package started (just as you appear to be doing). If you contact the Marriott they will arrange for their minivan to meet you at the airport when you arrive. To be honest, I was surprised to clear customs in Quito and head toward the airport exit to be greeted by a driver from the Marriott holding a card with our last name printed on it - just as promised. It was the first of many delightful surprises on this trip.

FWIW - Our arrival into Quito was at about 11PM as scheduled. Flights into Quito are often delayed/diverted due to weather and the size/location of the airport in Quito. Some folks on our trip went to Panama for a night, although Quayaquil is more common .....

We spent our first day touring north of Quito (including Octavalo). Well worth it in my opinion. Grayline offers private tours - we booked through Martin Slater at Sangay Touring. Here's a link:




Enjoy your trip ....



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Frank - thanks for the link to Sangay! We are planning to stay on in S.A. for 5 or 6 days following the cruise and are trying to decide whether to go to Macchu Picchu or just stay in Quito and explore from there. I think we might be trying to pack too much into two weeks by going to Peru as well, and it looks like there are enough day trips from Quito to keep us busy for a few days. Any thoughts?


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Hi Susan,


Hard to say, but it appeared to us that that were some interesting places to explore around Quito. Martin Slater at Sangay will respond quickly via email and is a great resource. We really enjoyed our day heading north from Quito up through Octavalo that Martin arranged.

Macchu is also on our "to do" list, but we didn't have an extra five days ...

Take care,



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One suggestion is to consider the fatigue level that is part of both the Galapagos trip and Machu Picchu. We really needed a day or two after the Xpedition for some R and R by the pool to regroup. Perhaps we're just a bit older, but we heard the same sentiment from younger folks on our cruise. You might want to check with others who have done post cruise trips to both places before you decide. Whatever you do - know it will be wonderful.

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Thanks for the feedback Frank and Sheila - I booked today for November 12 - cabin 301. It took me a couple of weeks to make a decision, but I'm glad I waited and read through all of the info on these threads!


I appreciate the advice on staying and enjoying Ecuador vs. going to Macchu Picchu. I am leaning towards the former and leaving M.P. for another trip. Sheila, how long did you stay on in Quito? An earlier poster mentioned that after the Galapagos trip, you are on such a high that you are anxious to return home. But I feel that if I am going to fly that far and it's my first time in S.A., I would rather make a 2 week trip of it.


When talking to the Celebrity rep this morning, she asked me to advise them once I had made my flight arrangements as a Celebrity rep will meet us at the airport (this question had come up in an earlier post & just thought I'd confirm that you can do your own flight arrangements and still have Celebrity meet you at the airport.)

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Good for you - now that you have your cabin, you'll really feel like the trip is a GO! 301 is the first cabin on the left on the 3rd level - we were in 302, it's mirror image.


We stayed in Quito just one extra night and didn't have the energy to do much on the extra day. If I had it to do over again, I'd stay 2-3 days to enjoy some day trips from Quito.


Re: pick-up at the airport...Celebrity was great about being there for those with their own flight arrangements. We even thought that our detour to Guayaquil on the way to Quito (due to fog) was handled very well - desite our disappointment about the delay. We were taken by van to a nice hotel including breakfast buffet and on the plane to Quito by 10 the next morning. Picked up in Quito, transferred to the Marriott, given time to change clothes and then taken to meet the group that had done the morning tour in time for lunch. We missed the city tour but since fog was out of Celebrity's control ;) there were no disgruntled folks in our group.

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