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FREEDOM SPRING BREAK trip report with PICS! 3/25-3/31

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Your table looks great! We also have requested Isaac's by the window and the diagram they sent us does indicate that...hope it's similar to yours!


Also, looking forward to seeing those teen compasses. Sunday feels so close yet so far.....


You can always go check out your table on the first day and ask for it changed if you don't like it!


And I will be sure to post them tomorrow! And oh, I know the feeling...this time two weeks ago it felt like the end of the week was never going to come.

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One of my favorite things on cruises are the shows! I know, not the coolest thing to do...but how often at home do you get to see a comedian or a musical (for free)?


Seeing the welcome aboard show is always a must, because it really gets me pumped for the cruise! However, my aunt, my mom and I were the only ones who seemed to be interested.


A quick note: when it comes to interests, my mom and I (and sometimes my sister and aunt) are the closest. My siblings, cousins, my dad, and my uncle (his brother) are more closely aligned, so if I’m referring to my siblings, I’m referring to the whole troupe, LOL!


Anyways, so my aunt, my mom and I went up to the Arcadia theater to see the welcome aboard show. We sat in the front row of the balcony, which was a pretty good spot except for the railing somewhat blocking your view. I had to keep bobbing my head up or down, depending on what was happening on the stage. My mom, who is pretty short, didn’t seem to complain, but at 6’0 I’m 11 inches taller than her, so if you’re on the shorter side, you’ll be A-OK.




The show was a fairly typical welcome aboard show. Our cruise director, Drew Devine, came out, introduced himself, “who’s ready for no cooking and laundry”, “we have so many great activities lined up for you guys this week”, etc. In all seriousness, Drew was a pretty good CD. I never saw him around the ship, but he was dynamic and entertaining at shows and events.


After the band played for a little, an adagio pair was brought out, which I had never seen before. It was interesting. I could definitely tell it took strength and balance, but I felt like I was waiting for a jaw-dropping moment that never came. I should have taken photos, but I don’t like taking photos of shows I haven’t seen before. The pictures distract me from the show!


Next up was the comedian, Heath Harmison. He was pretty average among cruise ship comedians. He relied pretty heavily on bathroom jokes, but his other segments were pretty funny. A lot better than the opening night comedian on Navigator, who could only seem to talk about Irish people and Michiganians.


The show was over by 8 for the late seating folks. We tried looking for my siblings, but we got derailed by the Windjammer “just to look”. We unintentionally did the exact same thing on Navigator too! However, this year, I was less gluttonous: I just got a bowl of almond ice cream (either almond or strawberry). What was nice was that they had a toppings bar near the ice cream, so it was better than the soft serve you get by the pool.


Eventually we just went back to the room to shower and relax. After all, I was up at 3:30 that morning! My dad and sister came back to the room and my dad had a big wound on his forehead, apparently from falling on a rock at the mini golf course. It was one of those moments where you’re annoyed but you can’t stop yourself from laughing--he looked ridiculous with the bandage on his forehead!


So, that was pretty much it for day one! It was a pretty chill embarkation day, not too crazy, but not too boring. I slept pretty well...even though I had to diagonally on the sofa bed.


Here are the regular Cruise Compii! I will post the teen and kids one tomorrow, as I type this I’m in my room, in the dark, almost ready to sleep. As usual, if you have any questions, I will answer them!









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One of my favorite things on cruises are the shows! I know, not the coolest thing to do...but how often at home do you get to see a comedian or a musical (for free)?


Seeing the welcome aboard show is always a must, because it really gets me pumped for the cruise! However, my aunt, my mom and I were the only ones who seemed to be interested.


A quick note: when it comes to interests, my mom and I (and sometimes my sister and aunt) are the closest. My siblings, cousins, my dad, and my uncle (his brother) are more closely aligned, so if I’m referring to my siblings, I’m referring to the whole troupe, LOL!


Anyways, so my aunt, my mom and I went up to the Arcadia theater to see the welcome aboard show. We sat in the front row of the balcony, which was a pretty good spot except for the railing somewhat blocking your view. I had to keep bobbing my head up or down, depending on what was happening on the stage. My mom, who is pretty short, didn’t seem to complain, but at 6’0 I’m 11 inches taller than her, so if you’re on the shorter side, you’ll be A-OK.




The show was a fairly typical welcome aboard show. Our cruise director, Drew Devine, came out, introduced himself, “who’s ready for no cooking and laundry”, “we have so many great activities lined up for you guys this week”, etc. In all seriousness, Drew was a pretty good CD. I never saw him around the ship, but he was dynamic and entertaining at shows and events.


After the band played for a little, an adagio pair was brought out, which I had never seen before. It was interesting. I could definitely tell it took strength and balance, but I felt like I was waiting for a jaw-dropping moment that never came. I should have taken photos, but I don’t like taking photos of shows I haven’t seen before. The pictures distract me from the show!


Next up was the comedian, Heath Harmison. He was pretty average among cruise ship comedians. He relied pretty heavily on bathroom jokes, but his other segments were pretty funny. A lot better than the opening night comedian on Navigator, who could only seem to talk about Irish people and Michiganians.


The show was over by 8 for the late seating folks. We tried looking for my siblings, but we got derailed by the Windjammer “just to look”. We unintentionally did the exact same thing on Navigator too! However, this year, I was less gluttonous: I just got a bowl of almond ice cream (either almond or strawberry). What was nice was that they had a toppings bar near the ice cream, so it was better than the soft serve you get by the pool.


Eventually we just went back to the room to shower and relax. After all, I was up at 3:30 that morning! My dad and sister came back to the room and my dad had a big wound on his forehead, apparently from falling on a rock at the mini golf course. It was one of those moments where you’re annoyed but you can’t stop yourself from laughing--he looked ridiculous with the bandage on his forehead!


So, that was pretty much it for day one! It was a pretty chill embarkation day, not too crazy, but not too boring. I slept pretty well...even though I had to diagonally on the sofa bed.


Here are the regular Cruise Compii! I will post the teen and kids one tomorrow, as I type this I’m in my room, in the dark, almost ready to sleep. As usual, if you have any questions, I will answer them!












No questions - but a thank you - your posts are wonderful! Going on the FOTS may 19 - your reviews are a welcome change from the typical CC blogs. Keep it up!



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I love sea days.


Nothing beats waking up, opening your curtains, and seeing only the water. Bonus points if you are awake for the sunrise…




Just look at that view, knowing you have the whole day ahead of you! Sunrises for the win!


I woke up pretty hungry, so before I went to breakfast at the Windjammer, I got cups of muesli and coffee from the Cafe Promenade. The muesli was pretty good, I wish they had it in bigger bowls at the Windjammer!




I couldn’t resist with another sunrise pic, taken only five minutes later.




I was planning on going to the gym this morning, but I went for a pretty tough run the day before we left and I was still a little achy, so I decided to stay back while my mom and sister went to the gym. They said it was pretty busy--I guess people were determined not to gain weight this time? I’d be willing to bet it got less crowded as the cruise went on…


My cousins came to my room for a little before we went to breakfast. Luckily, it wasn’t too busy. I didn’t take a photo of what I ate, but I do remember that the grits were tasteless...they needed a lot of butter and salt.


After breakfast (around 10am) my whole immediate family went to one of our favorite things to do on a cruise: play trivia! I know, it sounds lame, but where else are people so competitive about pens and highlighters! We were determined to win this cruise...but we did not get off to a great start. Luckily, the offered all the kids playing a pen, so my sister got one.


On the way back to the room, I snapped this pic of the promenade and the small atrium near guest services. I love pics like this, especially in the bottom where you can see the “layers” of the ship. It’s kind of cool thinking about how as you’re walking on the busy promenade, there’s a whole world of stuff going on, just one deck below (or vice versa).




On Navigator, it was pretty gloomy and windy on the sea days, so I didn’t really get a chance to enjoy the sun. However, we were blessed with AMAZING weather the whole cruise. So I decided to change into my bathing suit, just to swim or sun for a little.


I first went to the Solarium, and it was pretty shady there, but the pool was packed. So I went to the main pool, was which CRAZY loud today, and packed too. I just decided to look for an open spot on deck 12, which was nonexistent. This was actually a blessing in disguise, as I was able to find an open lounger on the sun deck on deck 13. It was in the sun, but breezy, with a great view of the ocean. There was also some type of exhaust fan nearby which drowned out the noise of the pool deck so I could enjoy my latest music obsessions (HAIM and Bleachers) in peace.




It was honestly great just to be able to relax for a little on my own, perfectly happy in my own little bubble. But I got bored just as soon as I said I would meet my mom for lunch in the dining room at noon, so it worked out perfectly!


Up next: dining room lunch and a fun afternoon!

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Having at least one non-dinner meal in the dining room is something we’ve done since our first cruise. I used to like breakfast, but lots of the stuff served at breakfast is the same as the Windjammer, just plated nicely. Now, I’m much more of a lunch fan, as most of the menu items can’t be found in the buffet.


My mom and I went down to the dining room where my dad, sister, and brother were waiting for us--they just came back from rock climbing. The menu for lunch in the MDR also changes daily, so here was today’s menu:




I was debating between the steak sandwich and the gnocchi, but ultimately decided on the sandwich. Of course, I could not pass up the nice salad bar in the middle of the dining room. I tried going for a Mexican salad with shrimp, chicken, chips, tomato, onion, and corn, but all of that fell apart when they had ranch, Italian, Caesar, or raspberry vinaigrette (which I ended up getting). So moral of the story: see what dressings they have first!




It was a pretty solid salad. They could have done a better job mixing the ingredients, but it was still okay. I might pass on it next time, just to save room.


I ordered the steak sandwich medium and it was pretty tasty! I like the bacon and the onions on it. I didn’t notice that it came with a side salad--I should have ordered fries.




They had a pretty large dessert bar set up in the center of the dining room. They also had a large cake--couldn’t the writing have been a little nicer? LOL.




I ended up trying the said cake (7/10), chocolate cake (4/10, tasted like chocolate air), and the raspberry cheesecake (8/10).




With full bellies, my sister and I went back to the room to change for ice skating. We both love ice skating--and for Floridians, we think we skate (forwards) pretty well! We actually went to an ice rink at a mall in Clearwater the weekend before the cruise “to practice” so we don’t look like fools. But realistically, no matter how awesome we feel , let’s be honest: we’re not Adam Rippon, Nathan Chen, the ShibSibs, or anyone else we obsessed over during the Olympics.


We got to the first skating session and were actually the first ones on the ice (we laced up our skates pretty quickly). It was so nice and smooth, but with 20 minutes with about 25 people on a very small rink, it didn’t stay that way. We still had a blast though! I couldn’t take any pictures, because they don’t like you skating on the ice, but I have some pictures and videos of when we went ice skating later in the cruise!


Ice skating works up an appetite, ESPECIALLY on a cruise. So we decided meet up with our cousins to utilize some of my dad’s Ben and Jerry’s coupons, which are valid for the small size. It was still plenty, and I got my favorite flavor: mint chocolate chip.



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Having at least one non-dinner meal in the dining room is something we’ve done since our first cruise.




With full bellies, my sister and I went back to the room to change for ice skating. We both love ice skating--and for Floridians, we think we skate (forwards) pretty well! We actually went to an ice rink at a mall in Clearwater the weekend before the cruise “to practice” so we don’t look like fools. But realistically, no matter how awesome we feel , let’s be honest: we’re not Adam Rippon, Nathan Chen, the ShibSibs, or anyone else we obsessed over during the Olympics.


We got to the first skating session and were actually the first ones on the ice (we laced up our skates pretty quickly). It was so nice and smooth, but with 20 minutes with about 25 people on a very small rink, it didn’t stay that way. We still had a blast though! I couldn’t take any pictures, because they don’t like you skating on the ice, but I have some pictures and videos of when we went ice skating later in the cruise!


Ice skating works up an appetite, ESPECIALLY on a cruise. So we decided meet up with our cousins to utilize some of my dad’s Ben and Jerry’s coupons, which are valid for the small size. It was still plenty, and I got my favorite flavor: mint chocolate chip.



You gotta love that 17 yo metabolism...so the above pictured desserts don’t represent a whole week, or even a whole day?! This is just “around lunchtime?! Sigh...


So I have to laugh about these big ships with the pool and the skating rink...every cruise I’ve been on with both I hear this. Fl Res : why would I go to the pool, I have one at home, I’m going skating!” NE resident (or MI or ND or PA) “why would I go to the ice rink, my back yard is an ice rink, I’m headed to the pool!” :')

I’ll bet you were even BETTER than Adam (and isn’t he just everywhere right now!? ) Good start, can’t wait to follow the rest!

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So I have to laugh about these big ships with the pool and the skating rink...every cruise I’ve been on with both I hear this. Fl Res : why would I go to the pool, I have one at home, I’m going skating!” NE resident (or MI or ND or PA) “why would I go to the ice rink, my back yard is an ice rink, I’m headed to the pool!” :')




This is so true!!! The first sea day, all our cousins from MD wanted to do was to swim and lay by the pool. Coming from 70/80 degree weather, we couldn’t comprehend why someone who came from 20/30 degree weather would want to spend the day sitting by the sun instead of in the depths of the ship, in a chilled ice rink ;)




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Thanks so much for your thorough write-ups. I'll be on this exact itinerary shortly with my girlfriend, and so your posting of the menus and Cruise Compasses are fantastic in helping us get excited to sail, and to plan our days just a little bit better.

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After we had a nutritious snack of ice cream, it was time for another trivia game. This time, it was “Songs with Colors”, which means songs that have colors in the title (Purple Rain, Yellow, Brown Eyed Girl). Even with the help of my aunt, uncle, and mom, we didn’t win…


A tip: get to the Schooner Bar early for these trivia games! The venue is honestly too small for the number of people on the ship, especially in the evening. Trivia isn’t typically a standing room only event...but on sea days on Freedom, it can be!


We saw there was a “search for nations” scavenger hunt right after the songs trivia, so we hung out at the bar until it was time. Basically, it is a cruise long scavenger hunt where you have to get the signatures of various crew members from different nations. You could also get bonus points from getting signatures of the cruise director staff and the captain’s officers! Once we got the sheets, they were just like “ok good luck”! We had until the second sea day to get signatures.


With that, my cousins, my sister, and I decided to look around the ship for signatures. We went into every bar and store on the Royal Promenade, and then just started to wander around the ship, looking for any employee we could find. Time went by pretty fast, and before we knew it, it was time to get ready for our first formal night!


After a little struggle with my tie (I momentarily forgot how to it it...oops), it was time to go down for dinner! People were in various states of formality, as usual...lots of button-downs and casual dresses, a good amount of suits and cocktail dresses, and a few tuxedos and evening gowns. The crowd was decidedly more casual than the college crowd last year on Navigator.


The menu tonight in the MDR looked pretty solid...a few old favorites and some new things as well. Our waiter accidentally gave two people in our party the previous night’s menu...whoops!




I loved the beef carpaccio on Navigator last year, so when I saw it again this year I was pretty excited! However, it wasn’t as good as on Navigator...at all. It just didn’t taste as good, but I couldn’t put my finger on why...until I looked at the pictures I took last year. First, here is the carpaccio from Navigator:




Now, here is the one on Freedom:




Although they look similar upon first glance, presentation isn’t the only thing that is lacking here. There is no more asparagus, and the greens aren’t as plentiful, fresh, and varied. I loved this appetizer on Navigator...pretty disappointed! Sorry for this digression on a simple appetizer :)


Anyways, for my main I chose the seafood linguini. I thought it was going to be a white sauce, but the red sauce was still tasty. The pasta was a taaaaaad overdone, but this was probably one of the better pasta dishes I’ve had on a cruise.




Finally, I wanted to try the new creme brulee as a dessert. I wasn’t a huge fan of the old creme brulee with the banana flavor, so I enjoyed this one a lot more. I prefer my creme brulee cold and while this could have been colder, it was really yummy.




The waiters performed their little song tonight, but it was near the end of the meal, when everyone was leaving the dining room. Sadly, none of my cousins were there to see their first waiter parade, as one of them was getting a little seasick. I think we jinxed them--at the Schooner Bar, we were saying how this has been our smoothest cruise ever, there was absolutely no movement. But about 20 minutes later, the ship started rocking a little, increasing throughout the night! I think my cousin was more anxious about the motion than anything. She and I saw a man vomit profusely just outside the dining room, right on the carpet--I suspect this was enough to make anyone feel sick, only adding to her fear.


Overall, this dinner was pretty average for RCI. Enjoyable, but not perfect.


Up next: a pretty low-key night before our early morning in Grand Cayman!




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By the time dinner was over, it was time for the Captain’s Reception. Our main objective was to get a picture and his signature, both of which we got! The picture turned out nicely--will upload once we download the photos off the disk!




We didn’t really have anything we wanted to do before we saw the night’s production show, Marquee, so we just hung out in my cousins room until it was time. I did run up to the pool to grab towels for our excursion tomorrow in Grand Cayman...whenever you do grab towels, they have them on the gangway...whenever you don’t, they don’t!


When I dropped the towels off at our room, our TA sent us a letter and our stateroom attendant left us a towel animal...am I allowed to post a pic? It has the name of our travel agency...


We eventually made our way down to the theater to catch the show. Initially, my dad and brother sat in the concierge section (due to their “sweet”) and the rest of us sat in a different area. However, when my dad and brother pointed us out to their concierge, she said we could come over (the concierge section was pretty empty).




Now, the show. I don’t know exactly how I feel about it. The opening number, the Cabaret number, and the finale number (Chorus Line with a kick line) were all great and fun. The rest...ehhhh. Lots of the songs are older Broadway songs that I’m not a huge fan of. I’m a fan of more modern ones like Hairspray, Chicago, and the Lion King. I know Freedom is an older ship, but even Navigator had a Mamma Mia number! However, the singers and dancers were all great, with one of the female singers EXCELLENT. Also, the set design was pretty good for a ship. I kind of wish I could see it again with different expectations.


Once the show was over I was pooped. We planned to watch karaoke, but everyone was tired and had an early morning the next day. So we just headed back to the room, washed up, watched the ocean for a little, and called it a night.


Up next: Pedro St. James and Turtle Swim excursion in Grand Cayman!




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When I said today would be an early day, I wasn’t joking--since our excursion met in the theater at 8, we had to get up pretty early, since pretty much everyone has the idea to get off the ship early at a tender port. Our time was limited too--all aboard was 2:45 pm. So our cabin was up at 5:30, hoping to get to the Windjammer before it became mobbed.


The roughness for the night before carried through this morning. I could feel it when I was in bed, which I usually can’t! It was noticeably rough this morning in the Windjammer as well...when I was waiting for an omelet, even the chef was rocked! Luckily, the buffet wasn’t too busy, and we got in and out in a reasonable amount of time.


We got back to the room in time to see the ship anchoring in Grand Cayman. The island looked so quaint and peaceful.




Once we were ready, we grabbed our shore excursion tickets and went down to the theater, where we were met with a lengthy line.






Luckily, only one person of your party needed to wait in line, so the rest of us found a seat.




We were given color coded stickers for our tender. They called the tenders by color.




The process was somewhat efficient. Our meeting time was 8am, and we were on a tender at 8:40. They really did give priority to RCI excursion guests, as I saw people in the regular line being held back until we were on the tender.


They were using both the forward and aft doors for tendering.



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MORE PICS! love the review so far... keep the pics of the ship coming...



There are plenty more pics!! Thank you!


Loving your report Andy! Your descriptions and pics are spot on!



So good to hear!!


thanks for sharing the teen compass! loving the review -- I was curious how the skating was, as I'm looking forward to trying that out myself soon!



No problem! Skating was pretty fun! The rink isn’t huge and the ice isn’t perfect, but it’s still great. One of my favorite things of the Voyager and larger ships.


Thanks so much for your thorough write-ups. I'll be on this exact itinerary shortly with my girlfriend, and so your posting of the menus and Cruise Compasses are fantastic in helping us get excited to sail, and to plan our days just a little bit better.



I hope you enjoy your cruise!


Following along. I was in Ft. Lauderdale on 3/25 and went to the port area to see the ships departing. Got a very nice video of the Freedom.



Nice!! We would have waved, but we were in the dining room :(


Glad you’re having fun. I still can’t believe I’ll be boarding the Freedom in a little over 24 hours. I’m still stuck in Kentucky (plane takes off in about 7.5 hours). And it’s snowing.



Bon voyage! I’ll probably watch you guys sail away today on the webcam!


Funny someone at our table had the seafood pasta and was expecting a white sauce too.


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Most seafood pasta dishes are with white sauce so I don’t think it’s that out of the ordinary to expect!




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