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Major disappointment with the Coral


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We had positive experiences with the kids programs on the Dawn princess last January -- lots of different evening activities appropriate for all age groups. We were on the Coral on May of '04 and although we didn't use the younger age group programs much (the boys had more fun playing on the sports deck and watching for whales), my daughter did enjoy the teen program. I will say that the staff in the kids program on the Dawn last year was outstanding however -- really enthusiastic and energetic!

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I don’t disagree that Princess is marketing to families on the 7-day Caribbean runs, especially where they are competing with RCI. I disagree that this is the same for all of their itineraries and the Coral Princess itinerary the original poster was on is one of those exceptions.

If you feel that Princess’ kid programs are lazy or lacking, then there are other cruise lines out there which might suit you better. Just because some people feel that movies in the kids clubs at night is improper doesn’t mean the cruise line does. The movie was in the kid’s club and if Princess markets they have a kid’s club, I’m not sure what is improper about that. Is there marketing material that indicates what Princess presents on Coral Princess at night for kids? If not, then the original poster was assuming something that may or may not have been true. If the kids are not interested in what is being offered in the kids clubs, then it is – according to the written documents handed out at the beginning of a Princess cruise – up to the parents to supervise them. I don’t see how it’s the cruise line’s fault if the kids are bored and the parents don’t supervise them.

The original poster on this thread expected Princess to “entertain” their kids – I believe that was the word that was used. Princess indicated that they were programming according to what they thought the kids would want – a quiet evening because they were tired. The original poster didn’t agree with that and expected the Youth Counselor to change the program to suit his or her kids. What’s to say the majority of the kids on board weren’t happy with what was being offered?

In any case, according to the guidelines that Princess presents, kids are not supposed to be unsupervised when on board.


I don't need to try other cruise lines. Did Disney 4 times and now that my kids are older they will be joining us again on Princess. My kids are all teenagers and I have to say that on the golden Princess they did an amazing job this summer with different activites for the teens at night from poker tournaments to dances.


I don't know what Princess markets for that particular cruise ship. Most of what I see markets the whole Princess line as a family ship. And to take an excerpt right out of the Caribbean marketing book where they discuss /The Princess Fun Zone~Our youngest cruisers are ENTERTAINED from morning to night with activities like arts and crafts, kid's karaoke, shipboard olympics, kid's dinner night, galley tours, videos and cartoons, backstage tours, pizza parties, a pajama party night and t-shirt coloring. That's for the ages 3-7 group alone. for 8-12 they talk about non-stop activites that inlcude all of those plus scavenger hunts, "eduatainment" and more! If I were to read that I would think that my kids were going to be doing more than watching movies on a nightly basis. Amyone who has cruised with kids and paid attention to their patters now that most of the activities take place when not in port. Well, when does that get done exactly then if not in the evenings?


Now they didn't have quiet time on board the Golden this summer every night for the kids in the groups even though we were all up and running through Europe almost every day.


Honestly, if I had taken one Princess cruise and was happy with the activites I would think that I would be happy on all of them. BDjam, do you have kids? I'm just interested as you sometimes seem to be one of the more vocal posters in regards to children's issues on any threads like this.

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Honestly, if I had taken one Princess cruise and was happy with the activites I would think that I would be happy on all of them. BDjam, do you have kids? I'm just interested as you sometimes seem to be one of the more vocal posters in regards to children's issues on any threads like this
Which shows that you might not know as much about Princess as you think you do – the cruise line caters to many different types of passengers who are looking for different types of cruise experiences. Where they might err – and I’ll agree with you – is in marketing these different types of experiences. Passengers who have one type of experience on Caribbean Princess expect the same on Regal Princess and vice versa – and when they don’t get it they are disappointed and post inflamed opinions on this board.


No, I don’t have kids. I don’t know why that matters in this the debate of this issue – there are people who have posted here who do have kids who seem to agree with me. Kids or no, my point is the original poster’s expectations might not have been realisic based on what was really offered on the ship (because even from your quote, it’s difficult to say that something other than “videos and cartoons” would be offered at night), the original poster might have considered that there was an overrun of kids on a Christmas sailing, the original poster was misguided in indicating that it was the cruise line’s responsibility to ensure his or her children were entertained, and that the original poster in the original post sounded a bit pushy and might have expected more than the Youth Counselor was able to give as a response. And I would top that off with possibly choosing the wrong cruise. We also only have the story from one side of the fence, and I know how people like to embellish on this board and I also know how some like to abuse crew members and the cruise line..


Finally, if I did have kids, I would take responsibility for them first and foremost, I would ensure they behaved responsibly and I would not be upset with a cruise line if what they offered as part of their program was not appealing. I feel that if you can create children, they should be your first responsibility and my child would be by my side and not left to roam a ship because there was nothing appealing in a kid's program. When I see young teens playing in a stairwell at 1:00 in the morning, I have to wonder what the parents are thinking? Do they have no sense of responsibility or are they just too preoccupied with having their own fun? I would consider that I could have alone time once my child was grown and on their own - in the meantime, they would be mine to care for. You know nothing about my circumstances except what you read on this board and I wonder if your question is your last resort of debate – but lets just say that from talking to people who for one reason or another don't or can't have children, they would possibly make the best parents…seems unfair doesn’t it?

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bedjam is right.


All Princess ships do not have all the amenities. Tahitian and Pacific do not have P.C. dinning or a constant dedicated children's program. Not all the ships have the pizza by the slice on the deck.


As for the advertising. All the advertising info I get from Princess usually have adults only in the pictures, and use the tag line "Escape Completely". It makes you think it would be a quiet romantic time.


On the Tahitian 2 years ago, some teens did some damage.(A purser was telling me about it.) I asked what they did? She said they charged it to the parents account. The parents said they didn't want to be bothered. They were on vacation. I guess the F.P. govt. wouldn't let them put them off the ship. I wish they would enforce the rules and expel those that don't. They have already been warned, when they are sent the passage contract and the precruise info. If they haven't read it. Tough luck. Ignorance of the rules (law) is no excuse.

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Which shows that you might not know as much about Princess as you think you do – the cruise line caters to many different types of passengers who are looking for different types of cruise experiences. Where they might err – and I’ll agree with you – is in marketing these different types of experiences. Passengers who have one type of experience on Caribbean Princess expect the same on Regal Princess and vice versa – and when they don’t get it they are disappointed and post inflamed opinions on this board.


No, I don’t have kids. I don’t know why that matters in this the debate of this issue – there are people who have posted here who do have kids who seem to agree with me. Kids or no, my point is the original poster’s expectations might not have been realisic based on what was really offered on the ship (because even from your quote, it’s difficult to say that something other than “videos and cartoons” would be offered at night), the original poster might have considered that there was an overrun of kids on a Christmas sailing, the original poster was misguided in indicating that it was the cruise line’s responsibility to ensure his or her children were entertained, and that the original poster in the original post sounded a bit pushy and might have expected more than the Youth Counselor was able to give as a response. And I would top that off with possibly choosing the wrong cruise. We also only have the story from one side of the fence, and I know how people like to embellish on this board and I also know how some like to abuse crew members and the cruise line..


Finally, if I did have kids, I would take responsibility for them first and foremost, I would ensure they behaved responsibly and I would not be upset with a cruise line if what they offered as part of their program was not appealing. I feel that if you can create children, they should be your first responsibility and my child would be by my side and not left to roam a ship because there was nothing appealing in a kid's program. When I see young teens playing in a stairwell at 1:00 in the morning, I have to wonder what the parents are thinking? Do they have no sense of responsibility or are they just too preoccupied with having their own fun? I would consider that I could have alone time once my child was grown and on their own - in the meantime, they would be mine to care for. You know nothing about my circumstances except what you read on this board and I wonder if your question is your last resort of debate – but lets just say that from talking to people who for one reason or another don't or can't have children, they would possibly make the best parents…seems unfair doesn’t it?

My question to you about having kids was simply a question and usually one asks a question to find out an answer ,specifically here something about you. And you're correct, I only know what I see on the boards and I don't know anything about your circumstances. If I did, I wouldn't have asked the question in the first place! And no, me asking the question wasn't my last resort of debate. I was looking to have a disagreement or argument with you, I was asking you a very simple question out of curiosity!


As far as your comment about talking to those who don't have kids for one reason or another making the best parents doesn't have a real basis of argument. Unless you have children you have no idea what it's like to have them or what you would do in any most circumstances. You can surmise and theorize all you want about how you would handle things, but until you are actually in the moment or in the situation it is just that, you are basically making assumptions how what you would do things.


I have never said that I know a lot about Princess, I simply try to answer things when I can. All of the Princess catalogs that I have at home talk a lot about the different programs that Princess offers for children. All I pointed out was what was in print. For those people, especially those who don't frequent boards like this they may assume that means that Princess spends time thinking of the children's program. I'm glad that Princess is a line that caters to all types, that's why I cruise with them and enjoy all of my cruises, whether my kids are with me or it's just my husband and myself.


Look, I like Princess as much as you do, I'm just willing to read posts that sometimes offer negative opinions about Princess without getting bothered by them. As you joke put on your review when you called yourself a Princess cheerleader, you do tend to seem bothered whenever posters have something negative to say in regards to the cruise line. I'm not quite sure how this thread turned from discussing the children's program to kids running around on the cruise line unattended at 1 am, it's not a topic that I brought up or debated with you. I tried to point out why the OP may have been justified with being upset. Maybe Princess needs to take another look at their marketing material in different areas of the country and retool them. Or maybe, Princess is going in another direction all together now that Carnival owns them are truly becoming more of a family ship. I live close to both FLL and Miami where a lot of the cruise lines leave from and at least here when I go to TA's or read print ads, I don't think of Princess as being an adult only experience. Maybe since the majority of the ships here do have the kid's program on board this is why I get the opinion of Princess being a cruise line for everyone, including families.


I apologize if you felt that I was too personal in my question, but it really was just a simple question!

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but lets just say that from talking to people who for one reason or another don't or can't have children, they would possibly make the best parents…seems unfair doesn’t it?


Its really easy for people to "talk" about what type of great parents they'd be... but I don't think any of us who don't have children can realistically know what it is like to be a parent.

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Unless you have children you have no idea what it's like to have them or what you would do in any most circumstances. You can surmise and theorize all you want about how you would handle things, but until you are actually in the moment or in the situation it is just that, you are basically making assumptions how what you would do things.

Its really easy for people to "talk" about what type of great parents they'd be... but I don't think any of us who don't have children can realistically know what it is like to be a parent
You’re both absolutely correct – I can only surmise what type of great parent I would be. But in the meantime I’m not stupid and my eyes are not closed. I see how some of my friends are excellent parents and what it takes for them to raise their children to be good adults and I see how they deal with the unexpected. I also see how some other parents assume they’ve delivered a child and now it’s someone else’s turn to take the responsibility for the rearing. Don’t assume the difference is lost on me.
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Passengers who have one type of experience on Caribbean Princess expect the same on Regal Princess and vice versa – and when they don’t get it they are disappointed and post inflamed opinions on this board.


No 2 cruises-even on the same ship-are ever the same.


No, I don’t have kids. I don’t know why that matters in this the debate of this issue – there are people who have posted here who do have kids who seem to agree with me. Kids or no, my point is the original poster’s expectations might not have been realisic based on what was really offered on the ship (because even from your quote, it’s difficult to say that something other than “videos and cartoons” would be offered at night), the original poster might have considered that there was an overrun of kids on a Christmas sailing, the original poster was misguided in indicating that it was the cruise line’s responsibility to ensure his or her children were entertained, and that the original poster in the original post sounded a bit pushy and might have expected more than the Youth Counselor was able to give as a response. And I would top that off with possibly choosing the wrong cruise. We also only have the story from one side of the fence, and I know how people like to embellish on this board and I also know how some like to abuse crew members and the cruise line..[/font]


Finally, if I did have kids, I would take responsibility for them first and foremost, I would ensure they behaved responsibly and I would not be upset with a cruise line if what they offered as part of their program was not appealing. I feel that if you can create children, they should be your first responsibility and my child would be by my side and not left to roam a ship because there was nothing appealing in a kid's program. When I see young teens playing in a stairwell at 1:00 in the morning, I have to wonder what the parents are thinking? Do they have no sense of responsibility or are they just too preoccupied with having their own fun? I would consider that I could have alone time once my child was grown and on their own - in the meantime, they would be mine to care for. You know nothing about my circumstances except what you read on this board and I wonder if your question is your last resort of debate – but lets just say that from talking to people who for one reason or another don't or can't have children, they would possibly make the best parents…seems unfair doesn’t it?


One doesn't need to be a parent to know what good behavior and manners are. I also got the feeling from the OP that she was on vacation, her kids were on vacation and it was an "everyone cater to us" attitude that caused her unhappiness. When I sailed with my 11 and 3 year old grandkids, I did not expect Princess to cater to their every whim and knew going in that this would not be the "escape completely" experience that I get without kids. It takes an extra effort from the parents to keep the kids happy. However, Princess did do a great job providing a good cruise experience for all of us.

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You’re both absolutely correct – I can only surmise what type of great parent I would be. But in the meantime I’m not stupid and my eyes are not closed. I see how some of my friends are excellent parents and what it takes for them to raise their children to be good adults and I see how they deal with the unexpected. I also see how some other parents assume they’ve delivered a child and now it’s someone else’s turn to take the responsibility for the rearing. Don’t assume the difference is lost on me.


Of course everyone can see the differnce between a "good" parent and a "bad" parent... However, my comment was directed towards your statment:

but lets just say that from talking to people who for one reason or another don't or can't have children, they would possibly make the best parents…seems unfair doesn’t it?

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Of course everyone can see the differnce between a "good" parent and a "bad" parent... However, my comment was directed towards your statment:

but lets just say that from talking to people who for one reason or another don't or can't have children, they would possibly make the best parents…seems unfair doesn’t it?

I talk to people who don’t have kids about parenting issues and they say one thing about an issue. I talk to my friends who have three and four kids and whose kids are well behaved, respectful and grateful for every privilege they have and I see they feel the same about that issue. Does that help explain my point?

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You’re both absolutely correct – I can only surmise what type of great parent I would be. But in the meantime I’m not stupid and my eyes are not closed. I see how some of my friends are excellent parents and what it takes for them to raise their children to be good adults and I see how they deal with the unexpected. I also see how some other parents assume they’ve delivered a child and now it’s someone else’s turn to take the responsibility for the rearing. Don’t assume the difference is lost on me.


The funny thing is I don't think that on any posts I have ever discussed parenting, kids running amok, or anything else. Most of my points have been about not showing movies every night when some of the marketing makes a big deal about different activities for the kids.

I am quite well aware of all the different parenting skils as I deal with these issues on a daily basis since I have children. It amazes me how some parents do let their kids run wild. I happen to be on the stricter side with my kids and do know where they are on a daily basis. I worked very hard at spending time teaching my children the word "NO" from the moment they were toddling around to how to behave both at home, at school, in restaurants and museums. It was a lot of hard work but I'm very proud of them. I'm proud that I have children that do behave and are amazing students who don't give me problems. I don't except rudeness and except respect from them at all times. I still say that you can hope you'll be a great parent but really don't know until you have them exactly how you will do things!

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Of course everyone can see the differnce between a "good" parent and a "bad" parent... However, my comment was directed towards your statment:

but lets just say that from talking to people who for one reason or another don't or can't have children, they would possibly make the best parents…seems unfair doesn’t it?

Or, better yet, how about in the context of this thread. My child comes to me and says he or she doesn’t want to go to the kid’s program because what they are offering bores them. Do I tell the child to go find something to do and don’t fall overboard? Or do I say to the child, let’s you and I go to the video arcade and see if there’s something we can find to do, or let’s go get something to eat, or let’s go and hang out together by the pool, or let’s look at the Patter and see if there’s something interesting we could do together, or let’s order some sandwiches from room service and watch a movie, or let’s go sit in the hot tub together, or let’s go look at the funny people in the photos in the Photo Gallery, or let’s go see if we can find something to browse on the Internet, or let’s…


The last thing I would do is call the Youth Counselor and yell at her because I didn't think the cruise line was properly entertaining my kids. I might indicate on my comment card that the program is lacking and I might consider another cruise line for a future cruise, but that would be it.

I would choose the second set of options. Does that help?

The funny thing is I don't think that on any posts I have ever discussed parenting, kids running amok, or anything else. Most of my points have been about not showing movies every night when some of the marketing makes a big deal about different activities for the kids.
No you’re right you haven’t – but the topic has gone from an inflamed rant to a discussion of kid’s behavior on board. The common issue is bored children.
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I don’t have kids and can only imagine how a parent might want to have some alone time from them while on vacation, but if that were the case, wouldn’t leaving them at home be the answer? Seems to me a family vacation would include family time together…


Just one quick comment,


Why does it have to be all or nothing? What you are saying is, if you bring your kids you should spend every minute with them. If you don't spend every minute with them you should leave them at home? What is wrong with spending 22 hours with them and 2 hours with just the spouse?:cool:

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Just one quick comment,


Why does it have to be all or nothing? What you are saying is, if you bring your kids you should spend every minute with them. If you don't spend every minute with them you should leave them at home? What is wrong with spending 22 hours with them and 2 hours with just the spouse?:cool:

I don’t think I said that it should be. If the child wants to spend time in the kid’s program and finds that rewarding, great. If not, oops, we picked the wrong cruise line and now it’s time for plan “B.” Spending time with the spouse is great, but if your kid is with you, there are other responsibilities that need attending to.


My question would be if your child isn't interested in the kid's programs and you prefer a couple of hours with the spouse, what do you do with them? Or perhaps if spouse time is of utmost importance, how about a vacation without the kids?

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I don’t think I said that it should be. If the child wants to spend time in the kid’s program and finds that rewarding, great. If not, oops, we picked the wrong cruise line and now it’s time for plan “B.” Spending time with the spouse is great, but if your kid is with you, there are other responsibilities that need attending to.

Perhaps I misinterpreted your post. Or perhaps you phrased it wrong?


I don’t have kids and can only imagine how a parent might want to have some alone time from them while on vacation, but if that were the case, wouldn’t leaving them at home be the answer? Seems to me a family vacation would include family time together…
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How would leaving your children at home while you take off for a week be good parenting? I am sorry but this is ridiculous to me. I have typed responces several times and then deleted them because it seem foolish to be arguing with someone who has no clue, and who I will never meet but come on now..,,

There is NOTHING wrong with parents wanting an hour or two to themselves, keeping the marriage happy and intact is always good for the children. It is not selfish or self centered, and in the end it is truely putting the children first, children who live in an environment where the parents love, respect and VALUE each other are certainly happier than children who are raised by parents who have no fondness for one another. My son is an only child and quite priviledged in his life, he is very important to me but he does know that the sun does not rise and set upon his whims. We make many sacrifices to give him a good life which included me quitting my job once he was born to care for him full time. That said I would not IMAGINE leaving him for a week so I could selfishly go romping off across the world. We take him on FAMILY vacations because we enjoy his company.However, I love my husband's company too and if my son needs to be bored for a hour or two a day that is part of being a family. He does NOT go wandering off at all hours, has never been a danger to other passangers or the crew. He has a good head on his shoulders and would not put himself in dangerous situations. (your quote about the missing girl is sad and scary- however FAR more drunken adults go missing on ships than teenagers) To say that by giving birth you have an all or nothing situtation- 24 hours a day with your children or abadon them totally is just silly.

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My question to you about having kids was simply a question and usually one asks a question to find out an answer ,specifically here something about you. And you're correct, I only know what I see on the boards and I don't know anything about your circumstances. If I did, I wouldn't have asked the question in the first place! And no, me asking the question wasn't my last resort of debate. I was looking to have a disagreement or argument with you, I was asking you a very simple question out of curiosity!


As far as your comment about talking to those who don't have kids for one reason or another making the best parents doesn't have a real basis of argument. Unless you have children you have no idea what it's like to have them or what you would do in any most circumstances. You can surmise and theorize all you want about how you would handle things, but until you are actually in the moment or in the situation it is just that, you are basically making assumptions how what you would do things.


I have never said that I know a lot about Princess, I simply try to answer things when I can. All of the Princess catalogs that I have at home talk a lot about the different programs that Princess offers for children. All I pointed out was what was in print. For those people, especially those who don't frequent boards like this they may assume that means that Princess spends time thinking of the children's program. I'm glad that Princess is a line that caters to all types, that's why I cruise with them and enjoy all of my cruises, whether my kids are with me or it's just my husband and myself.


Look, I like Princess as much as you do, I'm just willing to read posts that sometimes offer negative opinions about Princess without getting bothered by them. As you joke put on your review when you called yourself a Princess cheerleader, you do tend to seem bothered whenever posters have something negative to say in regards to the cruise line. I'm not quite sure how this thread turned from discussing the children's program to kids running around on the cruise line unattended at 1 am, it's not a topic that I brought up or debated with you. I tried to point out why the OP may have been justified with being upset. Maybe Princess needs to take another look at their marketing material in different areas of the country and retool them. Or maybe, Princess is going in another direction all together now that Carnival owns them are truly becoming more of a family ship. I live close to both FLL and Miami where a lot of the cruise lines leave from and at least here when I go to TA's or read print ads, I don't think of Princess as being an adult only experience. Maybe since the majority of the ships here do have the kid's program on board this is why I get the opinion of Princess being a cruise line for everyone, including families.


I apologize if you felt that I was too personal in my question, but it really was just a simple question!


By the way, the line up there should have said that I wasn't looking to have a disagreement or debate with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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How would leaving your children at home while you take off for a week be good parenting? I am sorry but this is ridiculous to me..................it seem foolish to be arguing with someone who has no clue, ............There is NOTHING wrong with parents wanting an hour or two to themselves, keeping the marriage happy and intact is always good for the children. It is not selfish or self centered, and in the end it is truely putting the children first, children who live in an environment where the parents love, respect and VALUE each other are certainly happier than children who are raised by parents who have no fondness for one another. ..................That said I would not IMAGINE leaving him for a week so I could selfishly go romping off across the world. We take him on FAMILY vacations because we enjoy his company.However, I love my husband's company too and if my son needs to be bored for a hour or two a day that is part of being a family...................To say that by giving birth you have an all or nothing situtation- 24 hours a day with your children or abadon them totally is just silly.


Great post!!:)

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The last thing I would do is call the Youth Counselor and yell at her because I didn't think the cruise line was properly entertaining my kids. I might indicate on my comment card that the program is lacking and I might consider another cruise line for a future cruise, but that would be it.

I would choose the second set of options. Does that help? No you’re right you haven’t – but the topic has gone from an inflamed rant to a discussion of kid’s behavior on board. The common issue is bored children.


I don't see where in the OP the poster claimed to have called the youth counselor yelling at her because the cruise line wasn't properly entertaining her kids. Actually she left a message for Kara and after a few days the message wasn't even returned. It seems to me from reading the OP that they were a bit bothered by the complete lack of activities at night and tried to talk with the appropriate staff member about other options, mainly with Kara. Kara didn't bother to repond to the call until the OP went over her head and then called back angry. Maybe the OP was expecting too much to have them change the program or maybe not but they were disappointed and posted about their disappointment. This particular cruise didn't live up to her expectaions and I'm sure that there are plenty of readers who are happy to read about the kids club situation on this ship so they don't make the same mistake of booking this particular cruise expecting a fun filled activity laden program for their children.


Why is that everytime someone posts a negative opinion or major disappointment in their cruise on Princess it turns into some kind of negative thread at times bashing the OP's post and/or opinion???

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