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Royal Caribbean Fights Back!


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We have cruised quite a bit, and we have never had RCCL send us a bill after on of our cruises. They have never even sent us a copy of our seapass ac. count afterwards either. So I would have to wonder exactly what she got a bill for.

Needless to say I don't believe a word she says about the incident..

I suspect the reason RCL sent her a copy of the sea pass bill was that normally they are not closed til the end of the cruise and since she was not on the ship she needed something to verify a charge on George's Credit card when that came in the mail - Like RCCL SEAPASS $3,000. What was this for???

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I watched Oprah and tried, really tried, to be open minded and listen to what Jennifer Smith had to say. Unfortunately within a few minutes I was shouting in frustration at the TV as I listened to her responses.


The fellow passengers who saw and spoke to Jennifer in the casino at 2:30 am claim that Jennifer spoke clearly, and was not drunk, yet the one word not used was sober. I wish someone would have asked the passenger : "In your judgement, was Jennifer sober ?" Chances are she couldn't have answered that.


Jennifer Smith asked for an apology from RCI. I beleive it is RCI who is due the apology from Ms. Smith, for the blatant misinformation she has given repeatedly regarding the handling of the situation by ship's crew. I wonder if RCI is considering a libel case against her.

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I got that feeling. He was sorry for the way a few things were not handled perfectly but she made it seem like everything was RCI's fault and he was apologizing for it.


Did I hear correctly that she is estranged from her in-laws? I had to miss a few minutes of the show.

Parents are blaming her ( so she says) for surviving where as their son did not.


Gayle kind of implied that in her opinion or was that Oprah's - that the two should have come together in grief to give each other strength.


Note the OJ trial - once the civil action was ended and the awards was rendered - the fight between Nicole's parents and the Guardian's for OJ's kids got viscious - to say nothing of the the other parties.


Look at the Natalee Holloway - Parents blame the Aruban Government ( as in deep pockets) instead of their kid, the chaperones, tour guides etc

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What is she saying? (Greta)


She did some noise test...what you could hear from the cabin next door, the chairs on the balcony, and their placement, the canopy, and how he would have hit it, blood on it, and what everyone thought...and some of them think as I do, that he rolled off, or stood up, in the confusion/disorientation, and fell over, since the top is slightly curved.


On Rita's show, they were saying that Dr. Lee will be able to tell if the canopy had been painted over, and she acted like they[RCI] may have lied about that, and that if they were, that would be...I forget her words, but a crucial blow to their credibility if it has been painted over. I don't know, but I believe they washed it, and did not paint over it. I hope, for their sake anyway.



Dr. Lee will be able to figure it out I think. and he will not invent anything, he will tell it like it is. If it does not look favorable for Jen, he will say so, as he eluded to tonight on Rita.

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Here are my questions:


1) Why is JHS so consumed with righting all the wrongs of RC and not more concerned with trying to find out who possibly murdered her husband who she loved so deeply? Shouldn't she have a tip line or a reward posted or information leading to a conviction of her husband's killer or something like that by now?


2) Have there not been any interviews with the 3 men who saw GS alive last? In the same location that he went overboard, possibly only minutes after they left him, no less??? Wouldn't they be prime suspects, especially given the fact that two of them were thrown off the ship days later for allegedly attempting rape on another passenger? Why isn't JHS on Oprah pleading for that kind of information, instead of brow beating the cruise line over minutia like whether she was accompanied by security guards or a RC guest relations agent?


Personally, I don't think JHS had anything to do with her husband's dissapearance. Her actions weren't that admirable, but her biggest crime then was being drunk, and her biggest crime now, is being greedy. Her husband is gone, and he's not coming back. Although I'm sure she was devastated at the time, the shock has now worn off and she's just looking for the payoff. It may have been murder or it may have been an accident, but either way, if she does a good enough job making the cruise line look at fault, then there is $$ in it for her. Of course, the potential for there to be even more money is if they find out he was murdered, and that's why she's got Dr. Lee involved. It seems like what really happened to her husband has become secondary and blaming the people who have deep pockets has come first. Maybe that's why GS's parents aren't too big on their DIL right now, although they are playing the blame game too, I believe their real desire is to find out what happened to their son, not how much they can get for his death. Who knows, maybe they always thought she was a gold-digger and never liked her that much to begin with. After watching her on Oprah, that's pretty much my assessment of her.


I personally want to know more from the people that saw him last. I'm sure the FBI knows volumes, I wish we could get our hands on that info and the figure out what really happenend.

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Here are my questions:


1) Why is JHS so consumed with righting all the wrongs of RC and not more concerned with trying to find out who possibly murdered her husband who she loved so deeply? Shouldn't she have a tip line or a reward posted or information leading to a conviction of her husband's killer or something like that by now?


2) Have there not been any interviews with the 3 men who saw GS alive last? In the same location that he went overboard, possibly only minutes after they left him, no less??? Wouldn't they be prime suspects, especially given the fact that two of them were thrown off the ship days later for allegedly attempting rape on another passenger? Why isn't JHS on Oprah pleading for that kind of information, instead of brow beating the cruise line over minutia like whether she was accompanied by security guards or a RC guest relations agent?


Personally, I don't think JHS had anything to do with her husband's dissapearance. Her actions weren't that admirable, but her biggest crime then was being drunk, and her biggest crime now, is being greedy. Her husband is gone, and he's not coming back. Although I'm sure she was devastated at the time, the shock has now worn off and she's just looking for the payoff. It may have been murder or it may have been an accident, but either way, if she does a good enough job making the cruise line look at fault, then there is $$ in it for her. Of course, the potential for there to be even more money is if they find out he was murdered, and that's why she's got Dr. Lee involved. It seems like what really happened to her husband has become secondary and blaming the people who have deep pockets has come first. Maybe that's why GS's parents aren't too big on their DIL right now, although they are playing the blame game too, I believe their real desire is to find out what happened to their son, not how much they can get for his death. Who knows, maybe they always thought she was a gold-digger and never liked her that much to begin with. After watching her on Oprah, that's pretty much my assessment of her.


I personally want to know more from the people that saw him last. I'm sure the FBI knows volumes, I wish we could get our hands on that info and the figure out what really happenend.

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Here are my questions:


1) Why is JHS so consumed with righting all the wrongs of RC and not more concerned with trying to find out who possibly murdered her husband who she loved so deeply? Shouldn't she have a tip line or a reward posted or information leading to a conviction of her husband's killer or something like that by now?


2) Have there not been any interviews with the 3 men who saw GS alive last? In the same location that he went overboard, possibly only minutes after they left him, no less??? Wouldn't they be prime suspects, especially given the fact that two of them were thrown off the ship days later for allegedly attempting rape on another passenger? Why isn't JHS on Oprah pleading for that kind of information, instead of brow beating the cruise line over minutia like whether she was accompanied by security guards or a RC guest relations agent?


Personally, I don't think JHS had anything to do with her husband's dissapearance. Her actions weren't that admirable, but her biggest crime then was being drunk, and her biggest crime now, is being greedy. Her husband is gone, and he's not coming back. Although I'm sure she was devastated at the time, the shock has now worn off and she's just looking for the payoff. It may have been murder or it may have been an accident, but either way, if she does a good enough job making the cruise line look at fault, then there is $$ in it for her. Of course, the potential for there to be even more money is if they find out he was murdered, and that's why she's got Dr. Lee involved. It seems like what really happened to her husband has become secondary and blaming the people who have deep pockets has come first. Maybe that's why GS's parents aren't too big on their DIL right now, although they are playing the blame game too, I believe their real desire is to find out what happened to their son, not how much they can get for his death. Who knows, maybe they always thought she was a gold-digger and never liked her that much to begin with. After watching her on Oprah, that's pretty much my assessment of her.


I personally want to know more from the people that saw him last. I'm sure the FBI knows volumes, I wish we could get our hands on that info and the figure out what really happenend.

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Here are my questions:


1) Why is JHS so consumed with righting all the wrongs of RC and not more concerned with trying to find out who possibly murdered her husband who she loved so deeply? Shouldn't she have a tip line or a reward posted or information leading to a conviction of her husband's killer or something like that by now?



She does, and has for a while;




But the page has recently changed...

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Here are my questions:


1) Why is JHS so consumed with righting all the wrongs of RC and not more concerned with trying to find out who possibly murdered her husband who she loved so deeply? Shouldn't she have a tip line or a reward posted or information leading to a conviction of her husband's killer or something like that by now?


2) Have there not been any interviews with the 3 men who saw GS alive last? In the same location that he went overboard, possibly only minutes after they left him, no less??? Wouldn't they be prime suspects, especially given the fact that two of them were thrown off the ship days later for allegedly attempting rape on another passenger? Why isn't JHS on Oprah pleading for that kind of information, instead of brow beating the cruise line over minutia like whether she was accompanied by security guards or a RC guest relations agent?


Personally, I don't think JHS had anything to do with her husband's dissapearance. Her actions weren't that admirable, but her biggest crime then was being drunk, and her biggest crime now, is being greedy. Her husband is gone, and he's not coming back. Although I'm sure she was devastated at the time, the shock has now worn off and she's just looking for the payoff. It may have been murder or it may have been an accident, but either way, if she does a good enough job making the cruise line look at fault, then there is $$ in it for her. Of course, the potential for there to be even more money is if they find out he was murdered, and that's why she's got Dr. Lee involved. It seems like what really happened to her husband has become secondary and blaming the people who have deep pockets has come first. Maybe that's why GS's parents aren't too big on their DIL right now, although they are playing the blame game too, I believe their real desire is to find out what happened to their son, not how much they can get for his death. Who knows, maybe they always thought she was a gold-digger and never liked her that much to begin with. After watching her on Oprah, that's pretty much my assessment of her.


I personally want to know more from the people that saw him last. I'm sure the FBI knows volumes, I wish we could get our hands on that info and the figure out what really happenend.


1. She doe have a tip line and reward.


2. There were 4 men, two have talk, and the other two will not. As I have said before the content of what she could say and couldt say seemed to be controlled. With all of the people she has hired, I would say they walk off with just as much as her.

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Here's an interesting bit of info on Jennifer...found it looking in Google. The link listed in Google does not work, but the page was cached. This was right after it happened...(Joe Scumborough)


Joe, I spent the whole day in Cromwell, Connecticut. That's the town that Jennifer Hagel grew up in, and I can tell you, I sense a wall of protection being built around this family.


She comes from a very prominent family in Cromwell. Her mother owns a real estate business. Her father owns a construction business. He's a former police sergeant.


Interesting....former police sergeant...
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Here's an interesting bit of info on Jennifer...found it looking in Google. The link listed in Google does not work, but the page was cached. This was right after it happened...(Joe Scumborough)


Joe, I spent the whole day in Cromwell, Connecticut. That's the town that Jennifer Hagel grew up in, and I can tell you, I sense a wall of protection being built around this family.


She comes from a very prominent family in Cromwell. Her mother owns a real estate business. Her father owns a construction business. He's a former police sergeant.


Interesting....former police sergeant...


Keep digging, lol

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Here's an interesting bit of info on Jennifer...found it looking in Google. The link listed in Google does not work, but the page was cached. This was right after it happened...(Joe Scumborough)


Joe, I spent the whole day in Cromwell, Connecticut. That's the town that Jennifer Hagel grew up in, and I can tell you, I sense a wall of protection being built around this family.


She comes from a very prominent family in Cromwell. Her mother owns a real estate business. Her father owns a construction business. He's a former police sergeant.


Interesting....former police sergeant...



I must say that you are becoming one good detective. Maybe RCI needs to assign you to the case!!:)

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Her statement to Congress;:rolleyes:


December 12, 2005

Re: Cruise Line Safety and Security

Dear Honorable Committee Members:

My name is Mrs, Jennifer Hagel Smith. I am 26 years old, and I am from Cromwell, Connecticut.


I met George Allen Smith IV on June 8, 2002, while I was living in Newport, Rhode Island, obtaining my Masters in Education. We quickly fell in love. Just as quickly, George became a very special part of my very close family.


My mother, Debbie, was a stay at home mom before she opened her own real estate office. My father, John, is a retired police sergeant and general contractor. My Dad was proud to say "yes" when George asked him for my hand in marriage on Valentine's Day in 2004. Everyone absolutely adored George.


George and I were excited about beginning our life together. George was going to assume responsibility of his Dad's business, while I was going to start teaching third grade in Westport. We planned to have at least two children. If we had a boy, which we both secretly hoped for, we would name him "George the Fifth," of course.


On a perfect Saturday on June 25th, 2005, we recited our vows overlooking the water in Newport, Rhode Island, where we first met, Our parents were bursting with pride on this euphoric day. It was truly the best day of my life!


July 5th, 2005, was the worst day of my life. This was the day when I lost my husband and my best friend during our honeymoon cruise. We both lost our dream of raising a family together, and the dream of giving our parents more grandchildren to love and spoil, This was the day that would forever change my life, and shatter the lives of our families.


Three Royal Caribbean Cruise line men told me that my husband had gone overboard in Greek waters.


When I heard these cruel words, I literally felt my world spinning out of control. This could not be happening. My heart felt like it was caving in, being crushed inside my chest. "What are you saying? Why are you telling me this?" I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was suffocating. My teeth were chattering, tears were falling, and then I went numb all over.

The cruise line men took me to a main gathering area on the ship where other passengers were laughing and smiling and milling around. These sights and noises made me feel nauseous. I felt completely and utterly alone. There was no compassion, sympathy or sensitivity shown by the cruise line.


Another cruise line employee took me to an empty cabin. I was told to take a shower. I received a tank top, T-shirt and gym shorts all with the Royal Caribbean logo splashed across them. Having to wear the cruise line logo humiliated me.


I asked if I could contact George's parents immediately. The cruise line told me not to call anyone; however, I couldn't bare the weight of this nightmare alone. Finally, the cruise line permitted me to call my family. My mother answered the phone. She heard me crying and handed the telephone to my Dad. He began to wail when he heard that George was gone. We did not know what to do or where to turn.


The Captain of the cruise ship told me that I had to leave the ship with the Turkish police. I was afraid. I wanted to stay on the ship and find out what happened to George, and I desperately wanted my parents to fly to the next port to meet me. I called my Dad. The Captain promised him that I would leave the ship for only a short period of time. He promised my Dad that two ship security officers would accompany me at all times. He ensured us that the officers would promptly return me to the ship.


I was interrogated by a Turkish police officer in an office at the port. I was then driven into the city to a Turkish police station where I was mocked and taunted as I sat crying and bewildered. Where were the two cruise line security officers? I was then taken against my will, further from the cruise ship, to a hospital. A man, who I could not understand, lifted up my shirt and looked down my shorts without taking me to a private examining room.


When I finally returned to the port, all of our suitcases were brought down and left on the dock. Our clothes and personal items, which could not be crammed in the suitcases, were haphazardly stuffed into 10 plastic souvenir bags, all emblazoned with the Royal Caribbean logo. My eyes became transfixed on a pair of George's sneakers sticking out of one plastic bag. This memory will forever haunt me.


The ship sailed without me that evening. I was left in Turkey with no money, no plane ticket, no food, nothing ... The cruise line did not offer me help with a flight, hotel arrangements, or anything. I could not speak the native language and I felt abandoned.

I had to borrow money to pay for a hotel. I was mentally and physically exhausted and had not been offered anything to eat all day. Borrowing a telephone to call home once again, my Dad provided his credit card to pay for my flight home. After two long flights, I arrived at JFK and literally collapsed into the arms of my parents.


Since returning home, I have cooperated completely with the FBI. These agents have been working relentlessly to bring closure and justice to our lives. The Bureau has asked me to remain silent about the events surrounding that night before docking in Turkey, so as not to jeopardize their ongoing investigation. I agreed, and thus have remained true to my word.


The FBI has allowed me to speak about my deplorable treatment following the death of my husband, although nothing else. I am anxious for the opportunity to tell my full story, when the FBI believes I can freely explain everything that I knew then and have come to learn since the death of my husband without interfering with their vigilant investigation.


The cruise line has taken advantage of my silence. Initially, the cruise line issued a statement attacking George, stating that it was just an accident and suggesting that it was all George's fault. Subsequently, I have come to learn that the cruise line knew all along that there was blood in and outside of our cabin as well as other substantial evidence of foul play.


As if this were not bad enough, you can imagine my shock and disbelief when I read a local Connecticut newspaper, in which Michael Crye, President of the International Council of Cruise Lines ("ICCL"), blamed George's death on both of us by stating "it's difficult if someone chooses to do harm to themselves or their companion." I don't know if Mr. Crye is married or if he has children of his own, but I find his reckless remarks offending our reputations and character both hurtful and irresponsible.


I have tried to put these malicious comments in proper perspective, coming as they do from a cruise line which obviously did not care for the well being of me or my husband. I see now that it was only our business they valued - not our safety and security.


In recent months, I have learned that Royal Caribbean is a corporate felon involving crimes of dishonesty. They are incapable of protecting U.S. citizens without direct federal oversight and regulation. No other families should have to endure our pain or have their lives destroyed just like the families here today. The cruise industry should spend less time attacking victims and more time making passenger safety its' number one priority. I would also spend the largest part of the following year's budget ensuring just that.


Our families have received many letters, cards and telephone calls both from the public and members of the media, expressing their concern for us and offering their support. I take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been so supportive and understanding of our feelings in this time of crisis.


I am committed to determining what happened to my husband and seeing that justice is served. I have retained a law firm in Miami, Florida to assist our families with our goal of finding the truth. We have already sent many letters to the cruise line requesting information, as well as access to the cruise ship in order to conduct a thorough inspection and investigation. To date, the cruise line has provided us with no information and no assistance. We have not been permitted to board the cruise ship, even though the ship is now sailing from the Port of Miami.


Under these circumstances, we are appealing to the American public to help our family. We are offering a reward of $100,000.00 for new information leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual or individuals responsible for George's death. I have created a website - HagelSmith.com - which explains this further. If you were on this cruise, or if you know of any circumstances surrounding my husband's disappearance, please help us!


Thank you for providing me with this opportunity to address your committee. I also want to especially thank my Congressman, Mr. Christopher Shays, and George's parents, Maureen and George Smith III, and my sister-in-law, Bree, for their determination and efforts, which have focused the committee's attention on this most important matter.



Jennifer Hagel Smith






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I can't understand how anyone would believe the "I can't remember anything" but 1- knew she had a spa appointment


I'd like to know if she was using a sea sickness patch before I disreguarded the memory loss claim.


The sea sickness patch uses scopalamine, which in adequate doses with alcohol totally blocks memory and is used extensively as a date rape drug in some areas of the world.


The rate of absorption in the patch is much slower, but if someone totally got bombed that might amplify the effect.

It also might be stronger likelyhood if they took a larger than usual dose by double dosing, or did something to increase dosing(I wonder if rubbing it with alcohol would do that).

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The cruise line men took me to a main gathering area on the ship where other passengers were laughing and smiling and milling around.They took her to an office There was no compassion, sympathy or sensitivity shown by the cruise line. That is an obvious lie.


Another cruise line employee took me to an empty cabin. I was told to take a shower. I received a tank top, T-shirt and gym shorts all with the Royal Caribbean logo splashed across them. Having to wear the cruise line logo humiliated me. Nobody told her shower. They asked her if she would like to refresh up. They gave her clothes as she was wearing the same clothes she had on the night before.


I asked if I could contact George's parents immediately. The cruise line told me not to call anyone; Because at this point all they knew was he was missing and didn't want her to worry his parents. however, I couldn't bare the weight of this nightmare alone. Finally, the cruise line permitted me to call my family.Permitted?? LOL My mother answered the phone. She heard me crying and handed the telephone to my Dad. He began to wail when he heard that George was gone. We did not know what to do or where to turn.


The Captain of the cruise ship told me that I had to leave the ship with the Turkish police.Because they needed to investigate!! I was afraid. I wanted to stay on the ship and find out what happened to George, and I desperately wanted my parents to fly to the next port to meet me.Then why didn't she demand to stay on the ship?? I called my Dad. The Captain promised him that I would leave the ship for only a short period of time. He promised my Dad that two ship security officers would accompany me at all times.Why does she need security?? He ensured us that the officers would promptly return me to the ship.


I was interrogated by a Turkish police officer in an office at the port. I was then driven into the city to a Turkish police station where I was mocked and taunted as I sat crying and bewildered.Who mocked and taunted her?? Where were the two cruise line security officers? I was then taken against my will, further from the cruise ship, to a hospital.Did she mention that she might have been drugged?? A man, who I could not understand, lifted up my shirt and looked down my shorts without taking me to a private examining room.Marie, the RC officer, was with her at this time.


When I finally returned to the port, all of our suitcases were brought down and left on the dock.That is a lie!! Our clothes and personal items, which could not be crammed in the suitcases, were haphazardly stuffed into 10 plastic souvenir bags, all emblazoned with the Royal Caribbean logo.What the heck were they suppose to put all your dirty clothes in?? My eyes became transfixed on a pair of George's sneakers sticking out of one plastic bag. This memory will forever haunt me.


The ship sailed without me that evening. I was left in Turkey with no money, no plane ticket, no food, nothing ... But she did have all the money and credit cards that they had in thier room safe!!The cruise line did not offer me help with a flight, hotel arrangements, or anything. I could not speak the native language and I felt abandoned.Abandoned?? She was with the American Consulate.

I had to borrow money to pay for a hotel. I was mentally and physically exhausted and had not been offered anything to eat all day. Borrowing a telephone to call home once again,Why would she need to borrow a phone if she was in a hotel room?? my Dad provided his credit card to pay for my flight home. After two long flights, I arrived at JFK and literally collapsed into the arms of my parents.


Since returning home, I have cooperated completely with the FBI.I hope so. These agents have been working relentlessly to bring closure and justice to our lives. The Bureau has asked me to remain silent about the events surrounding that night before docking in Turkey, so as not to jeopardize their ongoing investigation. I agreed, and thus have remained true to my word. It's easy to remain silent when you can't remember a thing.


The FBI has allowed me to speak about my deplorable treatment following the death of my husband, although nothing else.But I did talk about my drinking on Oprah. I am anxious for the opportunity to tell my full story, Your anxious?? Not anymore than his family and the rest of the world!! when the FBI believes I can freely explain everything that I knew then and have come to learn since the death of my husband without interfering with their vigilant investigation.


The cruise line has taken advantage of my silence.You may have been silent but your attorney has been talking very loudly!! Initially, the cruise line issued a statement attacking George, stating that it was just an accident and suggesting that it was all George's fault. Subsequently, I have come to learn that the cruise line knew all along that there was blood in and outside of our cabin as well as other substantial evidence of foul play.Ah ha, so there was blood inside the cabin too Mrs. Hagel-Smith??


As if this were not bad enough, you can imagine my shock and disbelief when I read a local Connecticut newspaper, in which Michael Crye, President of the International Council of Cruise Lines ("ICCL"), blamed George's death on both of us by stating "it's difficult if someone chooses to do harm to themselves or their companion." I don't know if Mr. Crye is married or if he has children of his own, but I find his reckless remarks offending our reputations and characterHe doesn't have to say a word about either...your actions did both loud and clear!! both hurtful and irresponsible.


I have tried to put these malicious comments in proper perspective, coming as they do from a cruise line which obviously did not care for the well being of me or my husband.But RCI didn't say it. I see now that it was only our business they valued - not our safety and security.


In recent months, I have learned that Royal Caribbean is a corporate felon involving crimes of dishonesty.WOW, that is a huge accusation. Better have some proof to back up that claim!! They are incapable of protecting U.S. citizens without direct federal oversight and regulation.Welcome to the world of business. No other families should have to endure our pain or have their lives destroyed just like the families here today. The cruise industry should spend less time attacking victims and more time making passenger safety its' number one priority.They aren't responbible for their passengers bad behavior. How about some personal responsibility? I would also spend the largest part of the following year's budget ensuring just that.


Our families have received many letters, cards and telephone calls both from the public and members of the media, expressing their concern for us and offering their support. I take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been so supportive and understanding of our feelings in this time of crisis.


I am committed to determining what happened to my husband and seeing that justice is served.As long as she gets some money out of it. I have retained a law firm in Miami, Florida to assist our families with our goal of finding the truth.Here comes the money part. We have already sent many letters to the cruise line requesting information, as well as access to the cruise ship in order to conduct a thorough inspection and investigation. To date, the cruise line has provided us with no information and no assistance. They answer to the authorities, not to Mrs. Hagel-Smith. We have not been permitted to board the cruise ship, even though the ship is now sailing from the Port of Miami.


Under these circumstances, we are appealing to the American public to help our family. We are offering a reward of $100,000.00 for new information leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual or individuals responsible for George's death.So she knows it was foul play?? I have created a website - HagelSmith.com - which explains this further. If you were on this cruise, or if you know of any circumstances surrounding my husband's disappearance, please help us!


Thank you for providing me with this opportunity to address your committee. I also want to especially thank my Congressman, Mr. Christopher Shays, and George's parents, Maureen and George Smith III, and my sister-in-law, Bree,I bet his family cringed when she mentioned their name. for their determination and efforts, which have focused the committee's attention on this most important matter.



Jennifer Hagel Smith





Yawwwwnnnnn.....Couldn't agree with you more!!! [quote]

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I'd like to know if she was using a sea sickness patch before I disreguarded the memory loss claim.


The sea sickness patch uses scopalamine, which in adequate doses with alcohol totally blocks memory and is used extensively as a date rape drug in some areas of the world.


The rate of absorption in the patch is much slower, but if someone totally got bombed that might amplify the effect.

It also might be stronger likelyhood if they took a larger than usual dose by double dosing, or did something to increase dosing(I wonder if rubbing it with alcohol would do that).

They had already been on the cruise for 8 days when this happened.If she was wearing one, this memory loss would have happened before as they were drinking everyday. People who use these patches have them on for the whole trip.
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and look at her face when she caught herself saying "on the same night when my husband was killed, or"..... She knows he was killed. I'm just not sure what the motive was, or who exactly did it.


People use the word "killed" when deaths occur from accidents all the time. It isn't a synonym for "murder".


I understand this is all fishy, and that Jennifer Hagel Smith is not the most sympathetic character in the world, but I am a long way away from thinking she murdered her husband, or knows who did.



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when Dr Lee returns to spray the room for blood stains as well as the canopy. Even painted over blood will show. As far as the body part included in blood, that was quite a statement. Maybe with a head on collision with the canopy but not a bloody nose unless his nose was broken. Turk police had the blood swaps & it would include this. If not then it proves he dropped to swim........


So where is this other honeymooning couple they were such good friends with??? I think they were swinging with......... that's why we don't hear from them.


I have emailed Greta (who has done the best with this) asking for them to show up, get Josh, get the NYC boys, get a copy of hallway tapes of casino & disco at the stated times, get CT FBI on! Why after 6 months they have no case?

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In recent months' date=' I have learned that Royal Caribbean is a corporate felon involving crimes of dishonesty.WOW, that is a huge accusation. Better have some proof to back up that claim!! They are incapable of protecting U.S. citizens without direct federal oversight and regulation.


This, as I have mentioned before, comes from 1994, and was because RCI got caught dumping bilge water into the ocean. :rolleyes: They fixed their logs, and the Government found out about it. It came to a head in 1998, when they pled guilty, and paid something like 9-10 million in fines.(can't remember the total)



You know her attorneys wrote this, and pulled out all the stops to make RCI look bad, and her look like a victim. Once again, most of this is about HER., not George.

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People use the word "killed" when deaths occur from accidents all the time. It isn't a synonym for "murder".


I understand this is all fishy, and that Jennifer Hagel Smith is not the most sympathetic character in the world, but I am a long way away from thinking she murdered her husband, or knows who did.




Yes, but it was really the look on her face, in conjunction with that word, that I was trying to get at. I have a still of it, and will post a link to it .(won't be great quality though..) It was as if she just realized she let the cat out of the bag..... it was like that "OH ***** moment when people realize they said something they shouldn't.......


Rita stopped the tape of JS right on that spot on her show last night, and that's when I caught it. I did not catch it on O yesterday. It was when she was talking to O about how much they drank...


OK, here is the link... let me know what you think her face is telling you...



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WHAT??? You think RCL should pay their cabin charges. They get drunk, he has an accident and RCL should pay their bar tab!!! B.S. Did the Smiths have travel insurance? RCL originally handled it properly.


Guys, I am not blaming RCI here and am not saying that they are a fault. I am saying that they could have a better approach, public relations wise, when dealing with on board tragedies. Whether it was accidental or not, showing compassion for the widow would make the company look better in the public eye. I am suggesting that they would be better served to go above and beyond what is reasonable and pay for airfare home, hotels, waive on board charges, and so forth as a public relations move. I would suggest this for any kind of death on board, even heart attacks, etc. The amount of money is very small, relatively speaking, and it buys tons of good will in the public eye. Whether the passengers have travel insurance or not, it would be a good gesture of concern and compassion.


Sorry, I can not subscribe to the "he was drunk, therfore he/she deserves to pay" theory. No doubt that irresponsible behavior contributed to whatever happened to GS. Whatever happened to him is in no way RCI's fault. I am simply saying that they could help themselves by having a better method of handling situations that involve death or serious injury. I suspect that RCI has already concluded this as well.


Does that make sense to anyone else??

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Guys, I am not blaming RCI here and am not saying that they are a fault. I am saying that they could have a better approach, public relations wise, when dealing with on board tragedies. Whether it was accidental or not, showing compassion for the widow would make the company look better in the public eye. I am suggesting that they would be better served to go above and beyond what is reasonable and pay for airfare home, hotels, waive on board charges, and so forth as a public relations move. I would suggest this for any kind of death on board, even heart attacks, etc. The amount of money is very small, relatively speaking, and it buys tons of good will in the public eye. Whether the passengers have travel insurance or not, it would be a good gesture of concern and compassion.


Sorry, I can not subscribe to the "he was drunk, therfore he/she deserves to pay" theory. No doubt that irresponsible behavior contributed to whatever happened to GS. Whatever happened to him is in no way RCI's fault. I am simply saying that they could help themselves by having a better method of handling situations that involve death or serious injury. I suspect that RCI has already concluded this as well.


Does that make sense to anyone else??


Yes, but keep in mind, that RCI never had to deal with something like this before. RCI thought the Consulate was paying for her ticket home.


As far as the "bill" was concerned, we all know that not all of the employees at RCI are on the same page. Right? I think this was just an oversight, but I also think it was just a copy of the bill. Everyone knows that you have to have a CC on file for the seapass, and if they had a cash account, they would not have been able to go over that limit.


EB, you gotta remember who's telling us this stuff. The woman who, "can't remember" anything...


I just have to add, I spent 4 hours rearranging my cruises the other night, and most of the ships that I was trying to book were full, so I don't know that this has hurt RCI much. Otherwise, people would be cancelling. The safety poll that CC did is now published, and can be found on the home page. Of course, it is skewed, because this is a cruise message board, but still people feel safe on ships.

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Yes, but it was really the look on her face, in conjunction with that word, that I was trying to get at. I have a still of it, and will post a link to it .(won't be great quality though..) It was as if she just realized she let the cat out of the bag..... it was like that "OH ***** moment when people realize they said something they shouldn't.......


Rita stopped the tape of JS right on that spot on her show last night, and that's when I caught it. I did not catch it on O yesterday. It was when she was talking to O about how much they drank...


OK, here is the link... let me know what you think her face is telling you...




I would agree she said something that she was not supposed to!

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