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What’s up with the Explorer of the Seas?

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Explorer of the Seas - 2018-08-03 - 7 nights - 2018-08-10 - Seattle, Washington - Alaska Glacier Cruise EX07A153

2018/07/25 14:41:34.000000Z Single, Balcony=880/night, (852), Outside=592/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2018-08-31 - 7 nights - 2018-09-07 - Seattle, Washington - Alaska Glacier Cruise EX07A153

2018/07/25 22:49:30.000000Z Single, Balcony=508/night, (480), Outside=285/night

BalconyPrices: 508 456


Explorer of the Seas - 2018-09-07 - 7 nights - 2018-09-14 - Seattle, Washington - Alaska Glacier Cruise EX07A153

2018/07/27 23:00:20.000000Z Single, Balcony=718/night, (690), Outside=693/night

BalconyPrices: 718 712 718 712 740 692 514 OutsidePrices: 693 553 521 517


Explorer of the Seas - 2018-09-14 - 3 nights - 2018-09-17 - Seattle, Washington - Pacific Coastal Cruise EX03P008

2018/07/26 15:14:20.000000Z


Explorer of the Seas - 2018-09-17 - 4 nights - 2018-09-21 - Seattle, Washington - Pacific Coastal Cruise EX04P011

2018/07/26 22:30:32.000000Z Single, Balcony=385/night, (360), Outside=359/night

OutsidePrices: 359 290 300 290


Explorer of the Seas - 2018-09-21 - 7 nights - 2018-09-28 - Seattle, Washington - Pacific Coastal Cruise EX07P013

2018/07/18 22:12:32.000000Z Single, Outside=363/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2018-09-28 - 7 nights - 2018-10-05 - Seattle, Washington - Pacific Coastal Cruise EX07P013

2018/07/26 22:31:44.000000Z Single, Outside=324/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2018-10-05 - 21 nights - 2018-10-26 - Seattle, Washington - Sydney, Australia - Transpacific Hawaii Cruise EX21T001

2018/07/27 14:57:17.000000Z Single, Balcony=197/night, (183), Outside=197/night

BalconyPrices: 197 262 197 237 236 256 237 236 OutsidePrices: 197 176 177 176 177 176


Explorer of the Seas - 2018-10-27 - 11 nights - 2018-11-07 - Sydney, Australia - South Pacific Cruise EX11K076

2018/07/27 14:56:20.000000Z Single, Balcony=253/night, (226), Outside=253/night

BalconyPrices: 253 286 171 286 278 286 278 OutsidePrices: 253 171 253 231


Explorer of the Seas - 2018-11-07 - 9 nights - 2018-11-16 - Sydney, Australia - South Pacific Cruise EX09K053

2018/07/27 14:56:05.000000Z Single, Balcony=266/night, (244), Outside=264/night

BalconyPrices: 266 304 294 304 294 304 OutsidePrices: 264 251 259 251 259


Explorer of the Seas - 2018-11-16 - 11 nights - 2018-11-27 - Sydney, Australia - South Pacific Cruise EX11K077

2018/07/28 14:51:09.000000Z Single, Balcony=249/night, (222), Outside=201/night

BalconyPrices: 249 196 249 241 284 313 294 313 294 303 294 303 OutsidePrices: 201 193 219 212 219 212 219 239


Explorer of the Seas - 2018-11-27 - 11 nights - 2018-12-08 - Sydney, Australia - South Pacific Cruise EX11K078

2018/07/28 14:50:56.000000Z Single, Balcony=246/night, (219), Outside=198/night

BalconyPrices: 246 203 198 246 267 246 267 273 253 250 273 282 OutsidePrices: 198 194 205 237


Explorer of the Seas - 2018-12-08 - 10 nights - 2018-12-18 - Sydney, Australia - South Pacific Cruise EX10K076

2018/07/26 15:18:05.000000Z Single, Balcony=220/night, (190), Outside=217/night

BalconyPrices: 220 296 313 334 331 334 OutsidePrices: 217 242 232 248 259 248 259 242


Explorer of the Seas - 2018-12-18 - 11 nights - 2018-12-29 - Sydney, Australia - South Pacific Cruise EX11K079

2018/07/27 14:57:11.000000Z Single, Balcony=299/night, (272), Outside=298/night

BalconyPrices: 299 372 366 OutsidePrices: 298 302 297


Explorer of the Seas - 2018-12-29 - 8 nights - 2019-01-06 - Sydney, Australia - South Pacific Cruise EX08K048

2018/07/27 14:57:31.000000Z Single, Balcony=678/night, (653), Outside=652/night

BalconyPrices: 678 755 882 OutsidePrices: 652 577 635 667 635


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-01-06 - 9 nights - 2019-01-15 - Sydney, Australia - South Pacific Cruise EX09K054

2018/07/27 14:57:00.000000Z Single, Balcony=429/night, (407), Outside=402/night

BalconyPrices: 429 444 464 416 OutsidePrices: 402 378 368 374


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-01-15 - 9 nights - 2019-01-24 - Sydney, Australia - South Pacific Cruise EX09K055

2018/07/27 14:56:44.000000Z Single, Balcony=371/night, (349), Outside=374/night

BalconyPrices: 371 433 481 OutsidePrices: 374 316 321


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-01-24 - 8 nights - 2019-02-01 - Sydney, Australia - South Pacific Cruise EX08K049

2018/07/27 14:55:41.000000Z Single, Balcony=267/night, (242), Outside=269/night

BalconyPrices: 267 209 320 OutsidePrices: 269 247 236 262


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-02-01 - 8 nights - 2019-02-09 - Sydney, Australia - Queensland Cruise EX08K050

2018/07/27 14:54:46.000000Z Single, Balcony=219/night, (191), Outside=219/night

BalconyPrices: 219 192 269 262 266 OutsidePrices: 219 211 207 226 219


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-02-09 - 6 nights - 2019-02-15 - Sydney, Australia - Tasmania Cruise EX06K009

2018/07/26 15:15:11.000000Z Single, Balcony=212/night, (174), Outside=209/night

BalconyPrices: 212 157 279 OutsidePrices: 209 199 242


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-02-15 - 14 nights - 2019-03-01 - Sydney, Australia - South Pacific & Fiji Cruise EX14K098

2018/07/27 14:56:56.000000Z Single, Balcony=253/night, (230), Outside=257/night

BalconyPrices: 253 280 273 289 OutsidePrices: 257 209 205 213


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-03-01 - 9 nights - 2019-03-10 - Sydney, Australia - South Pacific Cruise EX09K056

2018/07/26 15:17:40.000000Z Single, Balcony=216/night, (191), Outside=219/night

BalconyPrices: 216 308 OutsidePrices: 219 216 239 236


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-03-10 - 7 nights - 2019-03-17 - Sydney, Australia - South Pacific Cruise EX07K039

2018/07/27 14:54:53.000000Z Single, Balcony=237/night, (205), Outside=235/night

BalconyPrices: 237 177 306 OutsidePrices: 235 229 205 261


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-03-17 - 12 nights - 2019-03-29 - Sydney, Australia - South Pacific & Fiji Cruise EX12K105

2018/07/27 14:56:53.000000Z Single, Balcony=251/night, (224), Outside=251/night

BalconyPrices: 251 224 303 291 303 OutsidePrices: 251 227 202 234 228 234 228


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-03-29 - 15 nights - 2019-04-13 - Sydney, Australia - Singapore, Singapore - Asia Repositioning Cruise EX15R028

2018/07/27 14:57:38.000000Z Single, Balcony=285/night, (264), Outside=295/night

BalconyPrices: 285 331 326 405 395 405 364 329 330 364 342 364 385 OutsidePrices: 295 288 278 288 278 268 288 268 288


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-04-13 - 11 nights - 2019-04-24 - Singapore, Singapore - Dubai, United Arab Emirates - The Spice Route Cruise EX11R017

2018/07/27 00:20:13.000000Z Single, Balcony=452/night, (423), Outside=358/night

BalconyPrices: 452 479 452 434 452 434 425 416 407 416 434 461 434 OutsidePrices: 358 340 330 321


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-04-24 - 13 nights - 2019-05-07 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Barcelona, Spain - Suez Canal & Mediterranean EX13R028

2018/07/26 15:17:47.000000Z Single, Balcony=276/night, (251), Outside=198/night

BalconyPrices: 276 284 276 284 292 OutsidePrices: 198 206


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-05-07 - 7 nights - 2019-05-14 - Barcelona, Spain - Southampton, England - Western Europe Cruise EX07U073

2018/07/26 03:15:34.000000Z Single, Balcony=360/night, (328), Outside=290/night

BalconyPrices: 360 369 364 360 364 360 364 360 369 360 369 360 369 360 369 360 369 OutsidePrices: 290 278 290 278


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-05-14 - 10 nights - 2019-05-24 - Southampton, England - Canary Islands Cruise EX10U054

2018/07/16 22:49:30.000000Z Single, Balcony=458/night, (426), Outside=410/night

BalconyPrices: 458 465 487


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-05-24 - 7 nights - 2019-05-31 - Southampton, England - France, Spain & Portugal Cruise EX07U074

2018/07/12 16:09:42.000000Z Single, Balcony=455/night, (422), Outside=356/night

BalconyPrices: 455 588


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-05-31 - 9 nights - 2019-06-09 - Southampton, England - Norwegian Fjords Cruise EX09U013

2018/07/16 22:49:06.000000Z Single, Balcony=476/night, (451), Outside=360/night

BalconyPrices: 476 584


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-06-09 - 14 nights - 2019-06-23 - Southampton, England - Italian Mediterranean Cruise EX14U087

2018/07/07 01:48:09.000000Z Single, Balcony=515/night, (492), Outside=319/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-06-23 - 14 nights - 2019-07-07 - Southampton, England - Scandinavia & Russia Cruise EX14U088

2018/07/17 21:49:55.000000Z Single, Balcony=471/night, (448), Outside=294/night

BalconyPrices: 471 500


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-07-07 - 14 nights - 2019-07-21 - Southampton, England - Scandinavia & Russia Cruise EX14U089

2018/07/27 14:57:31.000000Z Single, Balcony=475/night, (452), Outside=310/night

BalconyPrices: 475 473 475 515


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-07-21 - 14 nights - 2019-08-04 - Southampton, England - Mediterranean Adventure Cruise EX14U090

2018/07/20 22:54:16.000000Z Single, Balcony=531/night, (507), Outside=356/night

BalconyPrices: 531 526


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-08-04 - 14 nights - 2019-08-18 - Southampton, England - Scandinavia & Russia Cruise EX14U089

2018/07/19 14:49:30.000000Z Single, Balcony=464/night, (440), Outside=356/night

BalconyPrices: 464 526


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-08-18 - 13 nights - 2019-08-31 - Southampton, England - Mediterranean Tour Cruise EX13U126

2018/07/19 14:49:36.000000Z Single, Balcony=476/night, (451), Outside=400/night

BalconyPrices: 476 499


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-08-31 - 13 nights - 2019-09-13 - Southampton, England - Canaries & Azores Cruise EX13U127

2018/07/07 01:47:59.000000Z Single, Balcony=388/night, (363), Outside=308/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-09-13 - 8 nights - 2019-09-21 - Southampton, England - Norwegian Fjords Cruise EX08U019

2018/07/20 00:06:21.000000Z Single, Balcony=474/night, (446), Outside=378/night

BalconyPrices: 474 573 OutsidePrices: 378 406


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-09-21 - 14 nights - 2019-10-05 - Southampton, England - Italian Mediterranean Cruise EX14U091

2018/07/07 01:48:02.000000Z Single, Balcony=396/night, (373), Outside=286/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-10-18 - 2 nights - 2019-10-20 - Southampton, England - A Royal Experience Cruise EX02U003

2018/07/07 01:44:32.000000Z Single, Balcony=434/night, (434), Outside=382/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-10-20 - 5 nights - 2019-10-25 - Southampton, England - Spain & France Cruise EX05U007

2018/07/07 01:45:51.000000Z Single, Balcony=324/night, (299), Outside=283/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-10-25 - 11 nights - 2019-11-05 - Southampton, England - Sunshine In The Canaries Cruise EX11U051

2018/07/07 01:47:57.000000Z Single, Balcony=472/night, (443), Outside=335/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-11-05 - 14 nights - 2019-11-19 - Southampton, England - Miami, Florida - Southern Caribbean Transatlantic EX14T157

2018/07/07 01:47:41.000000Z Single, Balcony=272/night, (249), Outside=217/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-11-19 - 5 nights - 2019-11-24 - Miami, Florida - Western Caribbean Cruise EX05W227

2018/07/07 01:44:39.000000Z Single, Balcony=267/night, (242), Outside=187/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-11-24 - 5 nights - 2019-11-29 - Miami, Florida - Western Caribbean Cruise EX05W228

2018/07/07 01:44:32.000000Z Single, Balcony=247/night, (222), Outside=187/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-11-29 - 9 nights - 2019-12-08 - Miami, Florida - Southern Caribbean Cruise EX09D034

2018/07/07 01:45:43.000000Z Single, Balcony=253/night, (228), Outside=184/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-12-08 - 5 nights - 2019-12-13 - Miami, Florida - Western Caribbean Cruise EX05W228

2018/07/07 01:44:32.000000Z Single, Balcony=207/night, (182), Outside=159/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-12-13 - 9 nights - 2019-12-22 - Miami, Florida - Southern Caribbean Cruise EX09D034

2018/07/07 01:45:43.000000Z Single, Balcony=253/night, (228), Outside=184/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-12-22 - 5 nights - 2019-12-27 - Miami, Florida - Western Caribbean Holiday Cruise EX05W229

2018/07/07 01:45:27.000000Z Single, Balcony=351/night, (326), Outside=287/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2019-12-27 - 9 nights - 2020-01-05 - Miami, Florida - Southern Caribbean Holiday EX09D035

2018/07/07 01:47:07.000000Z Single, Balcony=344/night, (319), Outside=297/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2020-01-05 - 5 nights - 2020-01-10 - Miami, Florida - Western Caribbean Cruise EX05W228

2018/07/07 01:44:32.000000Z Single, Balcony=227/night, (202), Outside=167/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2020-01-10 - 9 nights - 2020-01-19 - Miami, Florida - Southern Caribbean Cruise EX09D034

2018/07/07 01:45:43.000000Z Single, Balcony=275/night, (250), Outside=206/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2020-01-19 - 5 nights - 2020-01-24 - Miami, Florida - Western Caribbean Cruise EX05W228

2018/07/07 01:44:32.000000Z Single, Balcony=207/night, (182), Outside=159/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2020-01-24 - 9 nights - 2020-02-02 - Miami, Florida - Southern Caribbean Cruise EX09D034

2018/07/07 01:45:43.000000Z Single, Balcony=275/night, (250), Outside=206/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2020-02-02 - 5 nights - 2020-02-07 - Miami, Florida - Western Caribbean Cruise EX05W228

2018/07/07 01:44:32.000000Z Single, Balcony=227/night, (202), Outside=167/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2020-02-07 - 9 nights - 2020-02-16 - Miami, Florida - Southern Caribbean Cruise EX09D034

2018/07/07 01:45:43.000000Z Single, Balcony=275/night, (250), Outside=206/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2020-02-16 - 5 nights - 2020-02-21 - Miami, Florida - Western Caribbean Cruise EX05W228

2018/07/07 01:44:32.000000Z Single, Balcony=207/night, (182), Outside=159/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2020-02-21 - 9 nights - 2020-03-01 - Miami, Florida - Southern Caribbean Cruise EX09D034

2018/07/07 01:45:43.000000Z Single, Balcony=275/night, (250), Outside=206/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2020-03-01 - 5 nights - 2020-03-06 - Miami, Florida - Western Caribbean Cruise EX05W228

2018/07/07 01:44:32.000000Z Single, Balcony=207/night, (182), Outside=159/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2020-03-06 - 9 nights - 2020-03-15 - Miami, Florida - Southern Caribbean Cruise EX09D034

2018/07/07 01:45:43.000000Z Single, Balcony=275/night, (250), Outside=206/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2020-03-15 - 5 nights - 2020-03-20 - Miami, Florida - Western Caribbean Cruise EX05W228

2018/07/07 01:44:32.000000Z Single, Balcony=247/night, (222), Outside=187/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2020-03-20 - 9 nights - 2020-03-29 - Miami, Florida - Southern Caribbean Cruise EX09D034

2018/07/07 01:45:43.000000Z Single, Balcony=275/night, (250), Outside=206/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2020-03-29 - 5 nights - 2020-04-03 - Miami, Florida - Western Caribbean Cruise EX05W228

2018/07/07 01:44:32.000000Z Single, Balcony=247/night, (222), Outside=187/night


Explorer of the Seas - 2020-04-03 - 9 nights - 2020-04-12 - Miami, Florida - Southern Caribbean Cruise EX09D034

2018/07/07 01:45:43.000000Z Single, Balcony=297/night, (272), Outside=217/night

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