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RCI Experts, Would You Expect an Apology for This?

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The beloved and I cruised aboard Monarch in November. We did the 4 night sailing. On the 3rd night at approximately 1am, we noticed a leak coming from the sprinkler head in our cabin. We called guest services and a repairman arrived quickly. He replaced the sprinkler head, and left. Within 5 minutes, it began leaking again. It was at this time that I happened to check the closet and noticed that water was trickling down the wall inside the closet. Several articles of clothing were soaked. We called guest services, and another repairman came along with the original person. This time they pulled the ceiling panels off. There was much discussion back and forth about what was wrong. Ultimately, they advised us that we would need to switch cabins. By this time it was well after 2am. Guest services advised us that the cabin next to ours was vacant, and we could move there. They sent security down to let us in. Once I walked in, I realized that the carpet in this cabin was soaked with water. I advised guest services, and they offered another cabin up one deck on deck 3. By this time it was after 3am. We trudged all our belongings upstairs to the new cabin. At 6am, guest services woke us with a phone call to tell us that we would be unable to return to our cabin, and to ask if I could come down to the desk to get our permanent new room keys. I did. When I got to the desk, the purser's assistant then told me that the room key system had gone down, and that he would call me when the keys were ready. I go back to the room and try to sleep. Finally, at 8am, they called and said they would bring our keys by which they did. And so went the next to the last day of our cruise. We advised guest relations several times during all this that several articles of our clothing were soaked. One sweater was discolored because a scarf that was sitting on top of it blead through. We would've appreciated an offer of dry cleaning our clothing and finally advised the purser's assistant of this. He didn't seem to grasp why we were asking.


In any event, we wrote a letter that included digital pictures of the ruined clothing to RCI. It's now been almost 60 days, and we have yet to receive a reply. My question is, do you folks think I'm being unreasonable in expecting an apology from RCI? We are both Platinum cruisers, and still have the highest regard for RCI. But no one has even said so much as I'm sorry for this. I know things happen, and in truth, as long as they board us on that ship, feed us, and give us a bed, they don't "owe" us anything. But frankly, I'm a little disappointed in their lack of response to our letter. I'm not asking for anything (i.e. money, credits, etc.), and don't really expect anything except an apology. Am I being unreasonable? Opinions appreciated.

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No, you are not being unreasonable at all. As a matter of fact, I think you are being more reasonable than you should be. RCCL does owe you more than a place to sleep. They owe you the guarantee that your room will be a dry place to sleep. And if I were you, I would give them a call and ask if the letter was ever received and if they planned on responding to you. It seems that you were probably very pleasant in your letter to them, and responding to you is the least they could do.


Good luck!

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I think an apology would be in order immediately. We had a small issue by the pool and received 4 apology calls, a bottle of wine and 4 sodas delivered to the room. I can't believe service can be so poor on a ship these days with all of the competition out there. Maybe it never made it to the proper person's desk. I would try again until you receive some response. Being platinum members should get you a return letter or phone call. Good Luck!

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You are not being unreasonable! We too are waiting for RCI to respond to our compliants on the Monarch (it's been 42 days since I sent the letter).


What I found amazing is the number of industrial sized fans they carry on the Monarch :eek: Several folks on our cruise also had to move due to water damage.


Just be aware that some folks on here think the Monarch is a quality ship and will flame you for your post. :mad:


Please keep us updated and good luck!



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I think you're wrong. They DO owe you something. They owe you PLENTY. They should reimburse you entirely for the damaged clothing. They owe you for the entire night of sleep lost as well as the aggravation of dealing with all the nonsense. I would be furious. They should give you a whole damn cruise.

They certainly could afford it. Customer relations on RCCL (as well as others I'm familiar with) just sucks. Guess you may tell, I've had my share of problems.

Still, I keep on cruisin' .

Good luck.

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I think sometimes they realize things happen but are limited to make restitution in ways that are item for item.


Make a determination of the value of the sweater, and suggest in writing they offset that amount in kind with a ship board credit for the value and a bit more for your trouble of cabin changing twice, or is it three times? It is not unreasonable for a long time cuiser, and I would not leave it up to the cruiseline to determine what the offset ought to be.


I am convinced they have a different customer service protocol for short cruises/cruisers which may have impacted you, and since you are not a fly by night and are a long time cruiser, it ought not to have gone unnoticed.

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I think you're wrong. They DO owe you something. They owe you PLENTY. They should reimburse you entirely for the damaged clothing. They owe you for the entire night of sleep lost as well as the aggravation of dealing with all the nonsense. I would be furious. They should give you a whole damn cruise.

They certainly could afford it. Customer relations on RCCL (as well as others I'm familiar with) just sucks. Guess you may tell, I've had my share of problems.

Still, I keep on cruisin' .

Good luck.


oh puhleeze, they owe you for a lost night sleep ? and how much would that be? these things happen! but, i do believe the OP shows a wonderful attitude, and is correct, she should get a letter back and reimbursement for dry cleaning etc.

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I too feel that RCI should compensate you for the ruined clothing and some sort of voucher for onboard credit or discount coupon for a future cruise. Unfortunately, the corporate wheels seem to turn slow. However, I recall someone a few months back, who kept after RCI on a customer service issue, and finally got it resolved with complete, but delayed, satisfaction.

Document all letters, date/time of phone calls, names of people talked to and keep going up the ladder untill you are satisfied.

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I am convinced they have a different customer service protocol for short cruises/cruisers which may have impacted you, and since you are not a fly by night and are a long time cruiser, it ought not to have gone unnoticed


Being platinum members should get you a return letter or phone call. Good Luck!


As a first time cruiser with RC, should I believe that I will be treated differently because I'm not a long time cruiser or a platinum member. :( I don't think it should matter if it was a three or seven day cruise or if you have cruised a hundred times with RC. At the very least they owe you a written apology and a new sweater.


How can anyone working in the customer relations department for Royal Caribbean stand by and do nothing! Where has all the pride in doing a great job gone. Why were this people allowed to get off the boat without feeling wonderful, knowing that they had pick RC as their vacation partners. If RC doesn’t have faithful employees working in customer service, on or off the boat, then the ship is sunk!

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I think you should get new clothes and a free cruse, at least...


Compensation for the ruined clothes for sure, but a FREE cruise...not hardly!

Let's see; nights 1 & 2 were ok, and no complaints on night 4. So 1 out of 4 is 25%, and that would come up to around $150-175 compensation for future credit. I'd take it, especially since all the OP wants is an apology.

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As a first time cruiser with RC, should I believe that I will be treated differently because I'm not a long time cruiser or a platinum member. :( I don't think it should matter if it was a three or seven day cruise or if you have cruised a hundred times with RC. At the very least they owe you a written apology and a new sweater.


How can anyone working in the customer relations department for Royal Caribbean stand by and do nothing! Where has all the pride in doing a great job gone. Why were this people allowed to get off the boat without feeling wonderful, knowing that they had pick RC as their vacation partners. If RC doesn’t have faithful employees working in customer service, on or off the boat, then the ship is sunk![/quote]



You are absolutely right on with your assesment.

It was a great post, except for the last four words...can't say them on a cruise board. :rolleyes:

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I hardly think a "discolored sweater" qualifies as ruined unless it can't be cleaned.


If it is ruined, things happen, that's the chance you take. Would she be entitled to a new sweater from RCI if it was discolored because it rained while she was on the deck?


That being siad, I do feel an apology is in order from RCI.

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No. RCCL is a big machine and that is the detriment at times when it comes to the one-on-one interaaction for these kinds of events. It's not just RCCL, it's all the big machines. It's life.


You're right. I have yet to come across a cruise line that has a good customer service department in all my years of cruising. They either have a poor system in place for training or the turn over rate is so high that they are trying to constantly train new help. Not sure what the answer is but the OP definitely has some legit complaints that should be addressed. I would not give up until you get some satisfaction.

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I am in agreement with just about everyone who replied to this message in thinking that you deserve at the very least an apology. It is sad to say but I think the reason that you are being ignored is because you do have a good attitude about what happened. As the saying goes... The squeeky wheel gets the grease.

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I hardly think a "discolored sweater" qualifies as ruined unless it can't be cleaned.....

Right! If the sweater was originally white and now is black, so what! The cruise line is responsible for the damages. Going on a cruise isn't like signing up to be a foreign legion soldier. The carrier does assume some responsibility. Your local airline will stand up and be liable for damage to your luggage. Why isn't a cruise line responsible for their actions?

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Right! If the sweater was originally white and now is black, so what! The cruise line is responsible for the damages. Going on a cruise isn't like signing up to be a foreign legion soldier. The carrier does assume some responsibility. Your local airline will stand up and be liable for damage to your luggage. Why isn't a cruise line responsible for their actions?


If you think the airlines are better, you are very niave, they ruined 2 suitcases of mine on 2 different ocassions, first time they gave my $25 off a full fare ticket, come on, who pays full fare? The second time they said sorry, but we will do nothing. Corporate wheels turn slow, I never got a dime out of a motel when the defective smoke alarm went off evey 15 minues all night. They said sorry there is no one here to take care of it now and hotel is full.:mad:

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If you think the airlines are better, you are very niave, they ruined 2 suitcases of mine on 2 different ocassions, first time they gave my $25 off a full fare ticket, come on, who pays full fare? The second time they said sorry, but we will do nothing.....

Well, I am not really sure who is bein naive. I traveled during my entire working career. To the best of my memory, the airlines replaced five suitcases. Three or those were while I was working, the balance were on pleasure vacations after retirement. The secret is to never leave the airport without an agreement or a new suitcase. With the agreement, you take the suitcase to a repair facility who will eventually agree that a replacement bag is less expensive for them as oppossed to repairing the suitcase. In the other situations, my destination airport (Pittsburgh) had a full selections of bags. Move your possessions from the damaged suitcase into their replacement bag and away you go.

I am sorry you haven't been able to resolve the luggage problems with the carriers. Perhaps more travel experience will help if you have problems in the future. Best Wishes.


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I hardly think a "discolored sweater" qualifies as ruined unless it can't be cleaned.


If it is ruined, things happen, that's the chance you take. Would she be entitled to a new sweater from RCI if it was discolored because it rained while she was on the deck?


That being siad, I do feel an apology is in order from RCI.


If the sweater was damaged because she stood on the deck in the rain, then it would be the wearer's negligence. No one would expect RCI to compensate her.


But was it negligence to store the sweater in her cabin in the closet? Oh, right. She should have known it might "rain" from the sprinkler heads in there. :rolleyes:


RCI owes her an apology for the Keystone Kops way they handled the cabin move AND reimbursement for the sweater, if the discoloration couldn't be removed.


They should have provided both before the OP even left the ship, in my opinion.


Happy cruising,


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for their gangway smashing my foot, ripping apart my shoes. Day 4 of 14 day cruise, so 10 days wasted in pain with no excursions. My TA learns yesterday that there is mention on my file, tho the President received a letter of detail regarding this. So the Safety Officer who did hte Accident Report in the Doctor's office did nothing with it??? So now I am told 6-8 weeks for response. But I can have 20% off my next cruise - what an insult! I lost 66% of it do to them! $6000 lost......... and I want a refund!

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When something happens on the ship the more legwork you can do onboard, the better..


Where as I do feel you are own more than an apology, if you would of demanded that your clothes get drycleaned on the ship for free, I am sure they would have.


Even if they did that for you, they still should give you at least a 20% coupon or something of value for having a problem with your room that caused you to move twice. I am not saying a free cruise or anything, but something should be done.


I have found that if you do not get a suitable answer from who you are talking to, the next words out of your mouth should be, who is your supervisor and I would like to speak to them now please..



Be polite, but firm

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I sent two letters, they claim neither was ever received. I called and then faxed my letter, and things were handled within a months time after that. Of course I still ahven't gotten the certificates they promised over three weeks ago--I could have walked from here to Miami and back about 10 times by now.


Bottom line, call them, they seem unable to find their way through the stacks of complaints they are obviously getting in their mailroom.


I think you are entitled to at minimum, dry cleaning and if the sweater is ruined, a new sweater, and at minimum 25% off your next cruise. The way it was handled was ridiculous. Their inability to propoerly maintain their infrastructure had an extremely negative impact on your cruise. As a previous poster stated, they owe you not only a cabin, but a dry one. And they should have brought YOU the new room keys. Asking a guest to trudge along for their own is something a cheap motel would do.



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