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Mutany on the Mary


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They had another meeting with the commadore yesterday. Disgruntled people were saying that they were not going to get off the ship in Rio if they don't get all their money back. One gal said she had called CNN about it and others were all in agreement not to spend any money on board. Yesterday while I was at the shore excursion desk and gentleman was telling all in line to not buy any tours from Cunard and not to spend a dime on board.


The meeting looked like a Parliament session with many boos and cheers when someone suggested that no one get off the ship and to stay in their cabins. One lady did point out the clause in the cruise contract stating that Cunard did not have to give them anything but she was shouted down.


There were various other complaints , everthing from sea sickness,(Hello you are on a ship) to not getting on at the right time in FL and almost missing the ship. As I was one who did get on in FL they obviously did not read all their paperwork. Cunard had sent us all the NY times and not the FL ones but if you had read the brochures one would have realized that the times were wrong


One gal complained that she could not get off the ship in FL . She said her grandmother had died and she wanted to get off and the commodore would not let her get off. The commodore was visually upset by this and said that it was the first he had heard of it. Thisd gal then went on about suing and calling CNN etc. She had wnated to take the helicopter off the ship at this point.


The commodore tried to explain the Jones Act to the group but the Brits didn't get this one at all.


They want their booze for free and to be able to buy it on board and then get it in their rooms.


The most interesting thing will be whether or not this group will get off in Rio. Someone said that they should not have stopped in FL to pick up people there and if they hadn't then they would have gotten to do their trip.


The meeting was quite entertaining and they have called for another one in a few days. They had people sign a sheet with their names so they could do a class action suit later. The Brits didn't like the fact that they would have to sue in the US vs England.


I am not letting this spoil my sea days. The crew is hopeful that this group won't take their tips away as most have said they will do. These people are still eating and sleeping here and I hope it doesn't happen.


Rough seas today. We are off the coast of Suraname at the moment traveling at 22.5 knots. See all those that are boarding in Rio if you can get a room from the Brits that won't get off.

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They have security staff on board who will get them off the ship if they need any help. However, you can understand the frustration, of being messed around before boarding, missing three ports and havig the cruise effectively shortened. It does seem short sighted of Cunard not to have been more generous to the passengers on that segment. It will certainly not do them any good if this gets into the papers in UK.



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The Jones Act, or more accurately Passenger Services Act, prohibits non- US flagged vessels carrying passengers between two US ports, on penalty of a fine: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passenger_Services_Act


Originally intended to encourage the US passenger shipping fleet, the law is now archaic but still on the statute book. So foreign flagged vessels leaving a US port always have to call in somewhere else outside of the US in order to debark passengers back in to the USA.


But anyway Crkt, it sounds as though the "parliament" meetings are the best entertainment on board. Ron Warwick is an old shipmate of mine so I hope they don't try to keelhaul the dear old chap.


Do keep us up to date.

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The Brits didn't like the fact that they would have to sue in the US vs England.


I'm sorry they are upset, but truly are these people complete muppets? If I was involved in a class action suit I would have much greater faith in the ludicrously astronomical generosity of US juries compared to those in the UK.....going back to Whistler's award of a farthing.....:




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I do feel very sorry for these folks. After all the planning and anticipation, to have your trip pretty much ruined.


But, the devilish side of me would have loved to be an observer at this meeting. A complimentary cocktail party/parties would be a nice gesture. But, I cannot imagine if not provided, to not spend a dime anywhere else and just stew in your own juices. We are the type to make the best of any situation and will have fun no matter where we are.


Some people can make themselves a lot more miserable than need be.

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If this were not so pathetic it would almost be comical. These people sure sound like they have found the "American way". The minute something doesn't go as planned, SUE! I have a feeling no matter how many meetings Cunard hosts onboard, or how much compensation Cunard provides, it won't be enough for some of these people (born complainers and whiners).


Where to begin??? First off I wonder how many of these people realize they are on a mechanical object and things can go wrong?


Second, they have all signed their passage contract which basically means that legally Cunard owes them NOTHING for missing a few ports. Any compensation that Cunard provides is out of the goodness of their heart and for PR purposes only.


Third, it's comical to imagine that some of these people think that CNN would be interested in their story. I mean really, what hardship have these people endured that warrants CNN coverage? Does the ship not have running water? Are toilette's not working? How about the air conditioning system? Is anyone starving onboard due to lack of food? Are conditions so unsanitary that roaches are rampant and people are getting sick? Was someone mysteriously murdered onboard? NO! Those are the types of things that CNN is interested in ... not some obnoxious loud mouths venting because they missed a few ports.


Forth, who do these passengers think they will hurt by boycotting services on the ship or not getting off in Rio to sightsee? Surely not Cunard?? Last I checked Carnival Corp. had 75+ cruise ships floating around the world all making TONS of money. A few days of diminished onboard revenue on the QM2 won't even make a dent in Carnival's earnings. It's only themselves that these people will hurt. No one else. They would be wise to make the best of things and try to enjoy themselves. The best of travelers do when things don't exactly go as planned. The worst type of traveler will whine and moan 24/7 to anyone that will listen, and will accomplish nothing but bring down everyone around them (which is usually their intention).


Fifth, I say let them go ahead and file their class-action lawsuit. I'm sure Cunard is truly laughing about that one. First off they have no legal standing as they all agreed to the passage contract when they boarded the ship. Secondly if they do get it filed, maybe in 3-4 years they will all end up with a grand total of $25 after attorneys are paid and the left over money has been distributed. Class-action lawsuits rarely benefit anyone but the attorneys working the case.


Ok, I feel better now! ;) Reading all this crap just made me want to do a little venting of my own! ;)



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born complainers and whiners

obnoxious loud mouths

whine and moan



This is indeed a well thought out and considered argument from the prolific eroller.

Some of those complaining may have saved all their lives for this trip and while their anger may be misdirected, it is at least, understandable.

Might I suggest that any future venting be done in the toilette (sic) (unless you’re french of course).


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Truly amazing I cannot believe this whole thing. For me at least, and I suspect a whole lot of others, part of booking with Cunard is to travel on their special ships, less about the ports of call although a trip around the Horn is certainly interesting! What that means is that I could be parked at anchor somewhere for 38 days on the QM2 and still have a good time. Where we go is just background scenery. Thats why I have booked the Winter Crossing in 2007, while it was mild this year I have little or no intention of spending much time outdoors watching the North Atlantic go by. Instead I will be reintroducing myself to a ship that I have not been on since 2002 and enjoying the fine company of the hearty pax that make up the Winter Crossing.


Based on the fact that the passengers did not spend LESS days on the ship (just didn't go anywhere) and got 50% of their money back for those missed Caribbean ports seems to be a great deal. If I was so adament about seeing St. Kitts and Bonaire I can do so at much cheaper rates than the QM2...


It is apparent that this unfortunate event was an accident, perhaps some error on someone's part but not carless negliegence. Stuff happens, like the 'rogue' wave that hit the Norwegian Dawn last year who can you blame for a wave? A good mariner and hearty passenger would hold up a glass of whatever they were drinking and make a toast to something like "we will soldier on" seems that these days people today have no sense of hardship everyone is a victim.

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Truly amazing I cannot believe this whole thing. For me at least, and I suspect a whole lot of others, part of booking with Cunard is to travel on their special ships, less about the ports of call although a trip around the Horn is certainly interesting! What that means is that I could be parked at anchor somewhere for 38 days on the QM2 and still have a good time. Where we go is just background scenery. Thats why I have booked the Winter Crossing in 2007, while it was mild this year I have little or no intention of spending much time outdoors watching the North Atlantic go by. Instead I will be reintroducing myself to a ship that I have not been on since 2002 and enjoying the fine company of the hearty pax that make up the Winter Crossing.




You might want to consider that while you consider 38 days on the QM 2 parked at anchor to be a lovely vacation, others might not. Yes, things happen, and breakdowns occur. But waiting to tell passengers until just after the ship departs that all of the intervening port stops between Florida and Rio are cancelled smacks of dishonesty, and I can understand why some passengers are irate. I do think that holding back tips for the staff is a poor way of showing displeasure, because the staff you tip had nothing to do with the whole mess, and it would be sad to see them become collateral damage.


I think that some damage repair is needed on the QM2, and not just for the azipod.




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While I would agree with most of this, and am one of those people who is quite content with days of "sea days" there are those who like port days better. And I still think that a few free drinks and maybe a cocktail party would have cost little and possibly avoided much of this.



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I do feel very sorry for these folks. After all the planning and anticipation, to have your trip pretty much ruined.


But, the devilish side of me would have loved to be an observer at this meeting. A complimentary cocktail party/parties would be a nice gesture. But, I cannot imagine if not provided, to not spend a dime anywhere else and just stew in your own juices. We are the type to make the best of any situation and will have fun no matter where we are.


Some people can make themselves a lot more miserable than need be.


The ones I feel really sorry for if they follow through on their threats are the staff/crew members who depend on those (hard-earned) tips for their income. They did nothing to cause this upheaval, yet they are the ones likely to suffer the most from such "boycotts"

They want their booze for free and to be able to buy it on board and then get it in their rooms.


Not quite sure I understood this. They want to get booze from the shops on board for free, then drink it in their rooms? While these cases often end up with free drinks for a period of time, if I were Cunard/the Commodore and staff under these strained circumstances, that is the LAST thing I would do! I'm not sure I wuod let anyone into the meetings with drinks, or with obvious signs of having had a bit too much. I hope they have security posted discreetly around the room! I still remember a union meeting I was at once, where people were angry, and drinking. The alcohol only served to fuel the anger, and things were starting to get out of hand. Not a good idea, mixing alcohol and anger!


I am sure Cunard wishes they could say, right now- "Okay, if there are going to be lawsuits, anyway, we withdraw our generous offer of compensation, even though your contract does not require it and this all happened as a result of events outside our control. We are cancelling the rest of the cruise to repair our ship, and we'll get you all home from the nearest place we are able to stop and disembark you at." But of course, that would be childish and sullen, and counterproductive, and I think they are being most gracious under the circumstances.


While there may be circumstances where people have a specific purpose, need or reason to absolutely desire stopping at those ports, and surely it is disappointing not to be able to stop there, it needn't "ruin" most people's entire cruise. My cruise was hardly ruined by not stopping in Costa Rica! (nor previous HAL cruises by missing thier "Private Island- Twice!) They are still on a luxury liner with lots of activities, food, booze, fun people, and tropical weather (compared to where most of the passengers call home, UK or US) I assume this is a relatively small core of people who think they are somehow going to "get something out of Cunard" or somehow make a killing from this unfortunate incident. I am certain that the relatively few who were genuinely harmed in a more drastic way could quietly and individually discuss possible solutions. I think Cunard would be wise to discontinue these meetings, since it seems as though they only inflame more, and people are not listening to reason. At the very least, they could have four or five small meetings, say, by deck number, to split up the mass and give more reasonable people a chance to not be shouted down by the angry ones. Additionally, there is absolutely no excuse for rudeness, no matter what their feelings or harms. Rudeness is highly unlikely to make anyone predisposed to do more for them, nor are threats. Some of these people are acting like spoiled brats. I am not discounting whatever angst some may be genuinely feeling, but this is not the way to go about resolving any problems! I feel really sorry for the Commodore, Pursers, Amanda Reid, and other staff members who must keep order, and run a ship while trying to make the vast majority of the rest of the customers happy, and not let this discord ruin more people's good time! Perhaps those who can roll with the punches and make the best of the situation should threaten to sue those others who are doing their damndest to make sure NO ONE has a good time!

Just my opinions. YMMV.


Karie :eek:

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Absolutely, you wise Mufi.


When the P & O Aurora was crippled at the start of her world cruise this time last year, and was stuck in Southampton for five days before the whole voyage was cancelled; they gave all the punters a free bar for the duration, and then a full fare refund, and I seem to recall, a discount off a future cruise.


I do not recall any class actions, mutinies, calls to CNN etc.

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What a soap opera!!!May I make a few suggestioins to all on board!! Especially the Brits!! #-1 I wish I was on board and had your problem!!!!!! #2 IF ALL ELSE FAILS READ THE CONTRACT YOU SIGNED AND AGREED TO!!!!!!!# 3 Stop your whining !!!!!! # 4 DRINK HEAVILY!!!!!!!!!! #5 enjoy your cruise!!!! BONVOYAGE!!!!!!!!

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Having just returned (1/3 to 1/15) from a QM2 cruise, I can say that it is difficult to have a bad time on the QM2--even docked!!

However, a large portion of the dicontent may have been averted if communication were better. We had one port cancelled--Costa Rica--due to high waves and unsafe tendering conditions. Little to no information was forthcoming. The original message that the ship would not be staying in Costa Rica was heard in all staterooms and in hallways etc. but then nothing for a whole day! This, of course, led to passengers coming up with their own plans and suggestions (quite comical).


If there was one thing (and truly only one thing) I can complain about it was the lack of communication. Even when the commodore did come on for his 12 noon address, it not broadcast in the staterooms. You needed to be standing in the hallway to hear it. Even on deck, it was impossible to hear because the they continued playing recorded music during his address. One day though I had to laugh when a woman in the next lounge chair complained to her husband that we could not hear the commodore--I was thinking the same. She said "we don't know where we are going, where we are or what the temperature is!" (that was the meat of his daily addresses) Her husband laughed and said "Honey, we are in the middle of the Carribbean, heading for NYC and will be there by the 15th. As for the weather, I have no complaints --it is at least 85 here and the sun is wonderful"! All around us had to laugh. We ordered the drink of the day and had a great time!


It is really hard not to make the best of it on the QM2 but Ray Rouse and Commodore Warwick need to wake up to the benefits of communication.



I did read somewhere (early on in the present situation) that the writer was getting more information from the message boards than from the staff. That is a real mistake!

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in 2003 on QE2 off the coast of SA we encountered gale force winds that made the ship list a great deal....Capt Warwick only came on the PA system after a couple of hours to say this was normal & would remain so for a couple of more hours.....everyone was up in arms....sitting at tea & seeing china sliding off the tables onto the floor where a couple of people had also landed was not fun. A cautionary warning should of been announced so people could take extra caution.


Later that evening waiters & barmen said they never got word...there was a lot of broken bottles & china. Obviously Capt Warwick knew what we were in for - he just did not give a damn.


After that I just considered Capt Warwick to be an experienced captain that behaved like a *****. I know people love him....but he was totally out of order that time.


Communicate a little CUNARD.

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Having just returned (1/3 to 1/15) from a QM2 cruise, I can say that it is difficult to have a bad time on the QM2--even docked!!

However, a large portion of the dicontent may have been averted if communication were better. We had one port cancelled--Costa Rica--due to high waves and unsafe tendering conditions. Little to no information was forthcoming. The original message that the ship would not be staying in Costa Rica was heard in all staterooms and in hallways etc. but then nothing for a whole day! This, of course, led to passengers coming up with their own plans and suggestions (quite comical).


Gee, I think I missed those suggestions. Can you tell us any of the good ones?<G>


I was usually in my cabin at noon. I would grab the TV remote and turn to channel 39, I think it is. (although I am not sure I totally masteres that remote in only 12 days! <LOL>) I was unaware of the problem with the announcements until around the last day. Someone had mentioned this. I was in the Golden Lion Pub, having just finished 11:30 trivia. It was true, yu could not hear the announcements at all. I ran down the hall trying to find a speaker to stand under. Even directly under a speaker (the casino's bells and such didn't help) I think I caught about every tenth word. It will be in a letter (friendly) I am sending to Cunard with observations I didn't have the time or room to write on the eval sheet, and I think a letter, post cruise, gets a bit more attention than 1 comment squeezed into a small space among 1300 evaluations.


Yes, communications does help.


Karie, who communicates WAY too much sometimes!

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This is indeed a well thought out and considered argument from the prolific eroller.



The truth hurts doesn't it "wearytraveller"? Sounds like you are onboard QM2 now judging by your name.



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It is really hard not to make the best of it on the QM2 but Ray Rouse and Commodore Warwick need to wake up to the benefits of communication.


On the QE2 January Transatlantic Captain Christopher Rynd was very good at keeping us posted on weather and information - twice daily, 9am (or 9.02 one memorable morning when the Officer of the watch had evidently forgotten to do it and Rynd came on with 'Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, as you probably missed the 9am announcement - you could practically hear someone being smacked in the background...) and the usual noon announcement. He was also very obviously about the ship chatting to passengers (and briefly to me in the Jacussi...but thats another story, and before anyone gets confused, only I was in the water....) - very personable. Of course, it was so much better in the old days.......



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in 2003 on QE2 off the coast of SA we encountered gale force winds that made the ship list a great deal....Capt Warwick only came on the PA system after a couple of hours to say this was normal & would remain so for a couple of more hours.....everyone was up in arms....sitting at tea & seeing china sliding off the tables onto the floor where a couple of people had also landed was not fun. A cautionary warning should of been announced so people could take extra caution.




Funny, I heard just the opposite complaints from people onboard QE2 earlier this month. The Captain (who is from Princess Cruises) came on the PA a couples times to mention that the seas may be rough and extra caution is advise. The seas never did get very rough, and some I spoke with felt it was "Princess Cruises legal dept talking" and that on Cunard those type of PA's are not really necessary (being that the passengers are more experienced I presume). I guess you never can please everyone.


Considering that Captain Warwick has now held two (I believe) bitch sessions (or whatever you want to call them), I would say that communication is probably pretty good now. Anyone that wants to vent has the chance to do so. I do agree that communication probably could have been better in the beginning, but the fact is that Cunard really may have not had a clue what the problem was, or how long the remedy would take to fix it.



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As a salty old sea dog did suffer mal de mer in the past, I can sympathise with those who do.


However I am amused by those who come on to a ship and subsequently complain of motion sickness!


Even the behemoths of the seas, such as QM2, are just a tiny speck on the ocean, at the mercy of King Neptune.....or whatever deity suits you.

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If this were not so pathetic it would almost be comical. These people sure sound like they have found the "American way". The minute something doesn't go as planned, SUE! I have a feeling no matter how many meetings Cunard hosts onboard, or how much compensation Cunard provides, it won't be enough for some of these people (born complainers and whiners).




Canadian here who has booked passage on the QM2 for the first time in December 2006. I have to agree with eroller on this one. All I seem to be hearing is how unhappy people are and that its someone else's fault and everyone should be getting what's left of their vacation for free.


First the legal contracts spefically state that it is not there fault if they miss ports or connections due to something beyond their control. I suspect the Commodore did not intent to go and hit the azipod on purpose so damage could be done to the ship and ruin the vacation plans of many travellers. My first thought would be thanking god we are still all okay and that the damage is not fatal.


Sure its disheartening that ports will be lost and someone somewhere in the future will lose out on a cruise because they'll have to eventually do repair work to the ship. Compensation is generally a business tactic to say we are sorry and hope you will not let this ruin working with us again. However, compensation is NOT legally an automatic right and Cunard and any other corporation out there could easily say "forget about it". I say take any half decent offer and run and enjoy the rest of the cruise. Hell, they are all on the Queen Mary 2 and enjoying the finest while I put in a 63 hour work week killing myself back at home.


Adding this to those who complained about ruined vacations after that plane crashed in the shipping channel in Miami really strikes home just home how pathetic we behave these days. And suing for hurt feelings is such a very sad affair this day.


I somehow suspect however that its a small group of very vocal born whiners that makes the news while the majority is just sitting it out. So I'd like to close in that I don't believe every passenger in the ship is at mutiny stage at this point.

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As a salty old sea dog did suffer mal de mer in the past, I can sympathise with those who do.


However I am amused by those who come on to a ship and subsequently complain of motion sickness!


Even the behemoths of the seas, such as QM2, are just a tiny speck on the ocean, at the mercy of King Neptune.....or whatever deity suits you.

BACCHAUS hath drowned more men than ''NEPTUNE'' !!!!!!!

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