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Mutany on the Mary


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I think some people just go on vacation so that they can complain in a new location. When we missed the Costa Rica port on the 1/3 cruise someone actually said to me "Now we're stuck on this boat for four days"! A couple we ate luch with complained about the carpeting and said the ship was to "deco". You certainly can't please those who wish to be unhappy.

I book a cruise for the ship not the ports that's just the icing on the cake.

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Goodness knows where they got it from.....







Interesting article, filled with typical news sensationalism.


Some passengers say they are being "held hostage". Anyone could have disembarked in Ft. Lauderdale if they chose to. I'm not sure what Cunard said to the passengers in regards to missing future ports *while* they were still docked in Ft. Lauderdale, so I can't comment. I do think that a 50% refund for missing three Caribbean ports is a pretty good deal, especially considering the ship is operating normally (meaning bar, restaurants, a/c, toilets, water, etc. all normal).


Other passengers mentioned they may refuse to disembark in Rio. At that point they are considered trespassers on private property, and Cunard would have every right to have them and their belongings physically removed. They could also be considered unstable and a security threat at that point. The other option would be to let them stay and sail with the ship ... and be charged the full cruise fare of what their cabin would cost, along with all expenses related to the poor people who were meant to embark in that cabin. Those newly embarking passengers would have to forfeit their cruise because of some selfish passengers. No matter how you look at it, either option could be a PR nightmare for Cunard. No doubt at this point Micky Arison is involved and decisions are being made how to handle what I am assuming is a small minority of passengers.



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Anyone could have disembarked in Ft. Lauderdale if they chose to.


Unfortunately this does not seem to be the case. As stated earlier on this board it looks like Cunard had to deny anybody to leave the ship in accordance with these peculiar American laws (Jones act and passenger...) that do not allow passengers on a British ship to board in New York and disembark in Fort Lauderdale. Furthermore they were only informed after departure. Therefore I am in deep sympathy with everybody who feels hardly struck especially the lady who lost her grandmother.

Anyway we have easy talking in front of our computers. I would like to ask everybody not to make readily negative and generalizing judgements about people we do not know and who are in a situation we are not in.

Certainly I hope I would enjoy sailing the QM2 as I enjoyed the extra seaday when Costa Rica was cancelled on our recent cruise, yet I do not know all the personal hardships individuals might go through right now on board.

Let's not forget, some people might really have been treated badly by some employees or might just genuine suffer from the situation and their personal circumstances.

Nevertheless it also looks like some passengers forgot the basic rule of acting politely and civilised. For a real first-class transatlantic liner (Cunard / White Star ?) .... experience it takes both,first class treatment by the line and the appropriate manners of the passenger.

Hopefully QM2 and everybody involved are soon back on track.

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Cunard had to deny anybody to leave the ship in accordance with these peculiar American laws (Jones act and passenger...) that do not allow passengers on a British ship to board in New York and disembark in Fort Lauderdale.


OR face a penalty of $200/pax - so they could have disembarked.....


Furthermore they were only informed after departure.


This does appear unfortunate....IF they knew before hand they might have been wiser to give people the option....but then possibly they did not.



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Unfortunately this does not seem to be the case. As stated earlier on this board it looks like Cunard had to deny anybody to leave the ship in accordance with these peculiar American laws (Jones act and passenger...) that do not allow passengers on a British ship to board in New York and disembark in Fort Lauderdale. Furthermore they were only informed after departure.



Good point, although as Peter pointed out anyone could disembark and simply pay the penalty. It is unfortunate that people were not advised of the canceled ports in advance. In Cunard's defense, is it possible they really didn't know until the ship departed Ft. Lauderdale and they could see how the remaining three pods were performing? That is my guess.


I work for a major airline and contrary to popular belief, we don't actually *try* to inconvenience passengers. When something goes wrong (which they often do when weather and mechanics are involved), we do the best to deal with the situation at hand and inform the passengers *what we know* at that time. Now what we know may not be all that much in the beginning, and and it may not be enough to satisfy the passengers but it's simply unavoidable.


I don't think for one moment that Cunard was in any way trying to mislead passengers or not telling them pretty much everything they knew at the time. Does anyone really think the staff on QM2 would want thousands of disgruntled passengers onboard feeling like a hostage? Of course not. Cunard was simply doing what they thought was best at the time. Unfortunately what appears to be the best option at one moment, may not be in hindsight when other obstacles and information come into play. I've been there many times, and I've also dealt with many passengers that feel the company is simply "out to get them" and it's not true. Of course that is something that is rarely easy to explain when people become angry and irrational.



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We're on the cruise on 7th feb, the last leg into LA

Whilst we should be thrilled, excited and delighted to be going, which we are,I am now filled with anxiety about the whole thing


This will be our second family cruise, the first last year ruined by chicken pox


I cant wait to start reading somethIng positive and let all this be behind us


One way I suppose would be to stop viewing this website, but it's like an addiction (i imagine). one has to look it up, mind you I was like this before the damage, I was just using the site to get into hoilday mode!!


I do think the Brits are getting a bit of a slamming with all this though, I dont believe for one miniute the moaners are all British, from what I know the Yanks are pretty good at it as well!!


Here's waiting for some positivity and renewed excitement


Cornish Erika (on the Cornish Coast where it is not that pleasant at all today)

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Robbery in RIO

Mutiny on the Mary


Why is it I get this irreverent feeling that these two threads may be some how related eventually? <LOL>

I'm sorry- It just keeps coming to me that ther's a bad joke in there somewhere.


Cornish Erika, I know just what you mean. Once discovered this site, I could not stay away from it before our cruise. Now I STILL cannot stay away, and it is very much making me want to throw caution (and all of my money!) to the wind and book something- ANYTHING- to get back on that ship (and with all of the grand people on this list- the ones I've met from my cruise, and the ones I haven't met!) This incident would not faze me in the least. Things happen. Make the best of it!


A bad day on the QM2 is better than a good day at work!


As for the threatened RIO sit-in- I'm not sure of the legalities and whose jurisdiction you're under at the docks. But I think I remember that Brazil has retaliated against some increased American requirements after 9-11 by requiring more of American visitors- fingerprints and eyescans? I am certain that if people who were due to disembark refused to get off the ship, there might be ramifications in terms of various countries' immigrations regulations, customs, etc. I suppose staying ON the ship is less threatening than trying to get on when you shouldn't, but still, I can't imagine Brazilian authorities would smile and be gracious and sympathetic to people who are being obstreperous, or whom they might consider "troublemakers" whether their point is right or wrong. I just would not think it wise, dealing with international issues, no matter what I thought of treatment on board. I have no earthly idea whether it could create unforseen problems, but I wouldn't want to find out!


Then, I keep thinking- Hostages- pirates- Pirate's ball- ARRGH! WHERE'S ME CUTLASS, Laddie! <VBG>



Who thought she made a great pirate's serving wench


P.S. I don't think any one nationality is any worse than another, It was simply a BBC article, that might have looked at things more from a British perspective. Check out Jack At Sea's running commentary (He is British) giving nationalities at the meetings as best as he could determine. I kind of had to laugh at the Brazilian who want to know if they could stop somewhere else in Brazil before they reached Rio. What was THAT all about! <LOL> Wanted to stop home and change clothes or pick up something he forgot?


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I think some people just go on vacation so that they can complain in a new location. When we missed the Costa Rica port on the 1/3 cruise someone actually said to me "Now we're stuck on this boat for four days"! A couple we ate luch with complained about the carpeting and said the ship was to "deco". You certainly can't please those who wish to be unhappy.


"I think some people just go on vacation so that they can complain in a new location" is THE quote of the year, CQ6! May I borrow it?

I shudder to think that I could be on the QM2 right now and have to share a dinner table with some bellicose and belligerent "mutineer." I have a great deal of sympathy for what Commodore Warick must be going through right now.

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I have known Commodore Warwick for almost 20 years. He is a true definition of Cunard. Always putting the safety of both passengers and ship first. This was not his fault or the fault of the company. Most ordinary passengers are not aware that all merchant vessels, whether they be cargo or passenger must enter and leave every harbor under the direction of a local pilot. Therefore, the Fort Lauderdale pilot was the one who caused the problem. I have sailed in and out of this particular harbor many times. Even though it is a tight waterway, the width of the channel is still more than double the size of QM2’s beam.

I am truly upset the Commodore and the crew must put with all ridiculous aggravation coming from some of the passengers. I couldn’t even imagine the stress Commodore is under. What a sour way to end his career this year.

I agree passengers should have been told the ports that would be canceled before they left Fort Lauderdale, However, I am sure this was a decision made by Princess shore management than the Commodore.

I don’t know if anyone remembers. In 1992 the QE2 was given a 34 million dollar overhaul in Germany. Six weeks later, she made a crossing with half finished renovations. Plumbing didn’t work; electrical wires were hanging from the ceiling, exploding toilets, the AC not working in some areas and some cabins didn not even have beds. Some passengers slept in deck chairs!! Those passengers complained and had every right!! QM2 passengers have a right to be disappointed, but nothing further.

If this is the worse thing that happens to them, they are pretty lucky in life. If those who are disembarking in Rio refuse to leave, I do hope they are arrested and thrown in jail for a day or two. They may Brazilian jails to better accommodations for such type of people.

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This will be our second family cruise, the first last year ruined by chicken pox




Cornish Erika (on the Cornish Coast where it is not that pleasant at all today)


Erika, please be sure to let me know of any and all cruises you book...I don't wanna be on any of them!!!!!!:p


We vacationed in Cornwall last March....cold and wet, it was! But still better than a week at work!

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Erika, please be sure to let me know of any and all cruises you book...I don't wanna be on any of them!!!!!!:p


We vacationed in Cornwall last March....cold and wet, it was! But still better than a week at work!


I've had hotel fires, hurricanes, (at least four) floods, cancelled flights, booked and deposited properties sold out from under us on the most booked week of the year and our reservations not honored, and no place to stay, blizzards, - heck we went by Monserrat when it was blowing! I've had places close on me, even after they ensured me to come right on up, I've slept on the floor with no linens or even towels or pillows, I used to joke I was going to publish a travel newsletter. For Ten Dollars you could subscribe to find out when and where I was going... and NOT go there!


Gee, I wonder if I was really meant to be on the ship this week instead of 3 -15 January! <G>



They say it's going to be bad weather here tomorrow.

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These posts all make jolly good reading.:) Members of the Winter Crossing Club would be all-too-happy to have extra time at sea, without the inconvenience of intervening port calls. Who wants to pack all that rushed "sightseeing" into a few hours, anyway? Mal de mare? Next time you book passage on any ship, remember that the sea is remorseless & unpredictable, & pack some Bonine or Dramamine or whatever alleged prophalactic/remedy you fancy.


If you want to spend more time on the island (whatever island it is), in 1903 the Wright Brothers came up with a spiffy way to get there. Just fasten your seatbelts & hope for the best. Let the rest of us enjoy our sea voyage come h--- or high water.


Cornish Erika, I lived in Marazion in the winter of 1993-94. Loved the weather! (Real wind, real rain, and a lovely view of St. Michael's Mount from my bedroom window whenever the sun shone.) It beat living in suburban New Jersey, I can tell you, winter or summer.;) BTW, does the Scillonian III (aka the Sick Alone) still make the daily run to the Scillies? Now that was a fun vessel!

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These posts all make jolly good reading.:) Members of the Winter Crossing Club would be all-too-happy to have extra time at sea, without the inconvenience of intervening port calls.

If you want to spend more time on the island (whatever island it is), in 1903 the Wright Brothers came up with a spiffy way to get there. Just fasten your seatbelts & hope for the best.

Ah! Yes!

And most of those islands are served by LIAT! Known to most by its nickname "Leaves Island Any Time"


"We be runnin' on Island Time, mon!"


No Plane On Sunday


By: Jimmy Buffett, Michael Utley


You can throw your luggage down

Lose your cool and stomp around

But there's nothin', nothin' you can do

Wipe away your girlfriend's tears

Go to the bar and have some beers

There ain't no way that bird's gettin' through



No plane on Sunday

Maybe be one come Monday

Just a hopeless situation

Make the best of it's all you can do

'Til they get through


Overheard the engineer

Say somethin' 'bout the landin' gear

Now we're runnin' strictly on island time

I know you got someone back home

So do I it's tough alone

Aw come on, it's just a minor crime



No plane on Sunday

Check it again come Monday

Just a hopeless situation

Make the best of it's 'bout all you can do

Baby it's true



Some things never change- Just the mode of transportation!



Who would like to be on Island Time right now!

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Those who were wondering..."Why would CNN care?"




They only care because there is the possibility of a bigger story. CNN could care less that passengers missed a few ports on a cruise .... but the prospect of passengers refusing to disembark in Rio is certainly intriguing to them.



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I'm sure that not just Brits who are complaining. I have many UK friends that are reasonable people who cruise and know that these kinds of things happen on cruises. Miserable people are everywhere. These people are probably the same at home (where ever that may be) and would act the same way whatever the alteration to their lives.


When you get lemons make lemonade. Its sounds more that fair compensation to me. Let them sit in their cabins. Atleast that way they won't be raining their misery on the people who are trying to make the best of a unfortunate situation.


My husband and I have cruised several dozen times. We have had variations to itineraries due to the ships, the weather. Its still better than a day at work. There are a fair amount of people who work very hard at being miserable. To take it out on staff of all things is in my opinion mean spirited. These hard working people for the most part bend over backwards to make everything wonderful for us while we are onboard. I realize that some people have saved a long time for the trip of a lifetime but crap happens. What Cunard should have done I agree is to let passengers know in advance what the changes would be and let all those people who are now throwing a tantrum off the ship in Miami and let them fly home with a refund. But for whatever the reason they didn't.

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In 1992 the QE2 was given a 34 million dollar overhaul in Germany. Six weeks later, she made a crossing with half finished renovations. Plumbing didn’t work; electrical wires were hanging from the ceiling, exploding toilets, the AC not working in some areas and some cabins didn not even have beds. Some passengers slept in deck chairs!! Those passengers complained and had every right!!


Passengers are indeed a hard bunch to please on my recent QE2 cruise it was roumoured the we had run out of strawberries and therefore had no chocolate dipped strawberries:eek: , well, we were talking mass hysteria here when that came to light !!!! , Storms in the English channel forced us to anchor of france and "endure" an extra 7 hours onboard with an extra lunch thrown in and not a complaint anywhere!! :rolleyes:


Cant help but think that the band wagon is getting bigger every minute as more people jump on and even if Cunard came back and offered a free cruise with upgrades and the promise of a bigger moon and warmer sun it still wouldnt be enough for some;) . And no doubt the calls of promising never to sail Cunard again from some will be voiced yet again, which is great, gives the rest of us more space !!!! :D


I for one am perfectly happy to have read the passage contract and accept that if something goes wrong what will be will be, realising that whatever is offered we should probably be thankful for! BUT it does make for interesting table talk on the next Cunard cruise:)


l was a veteran of the 87 maiden voyage of QE2, Proud to have been onboard,wouldnt have missed it for the world and enjoyed each and every minute of the crossing (along with many many of the other Brits onboard)



ps Colin C, shall be charting your cruise with even greater interest than before!!!

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This is all over the South Florida TV news as well. They're making a big deal out of it as usual.


Here's an article in the Miami Herald... http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/13687655.htm


And Sun Sentinel... http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/southflorida/sfl-0122queenmary,0,7082874.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines


Both the same article, from the AP.

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Actually, one couple did leave the ship while it was in Ft. Lauderdale. They were interviewed on the news before the ship left port again. They were concerned that the ship was sailing without being fully fixed and did not want to take any chances.

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When the P & O Aurora was crippled at the start of her world cruise this time last year, and was stuck in Southampton for five days before the whole voyage was cancelled; they gave all the punters a free bar for the duration, and then a full fare refund, and I seem to recall, a discount off a future cruise.


I do not recall any class actions, mutinies, calls to CNN etc.


Now that this matter has been taken up by the BBC, CNN, the Associated Press and the Daily Telegraph, and is on every newswire feed around the world, Cunard may consider whether they might have been more generous with their compensation offer.

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