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SeaDream are sailing in Norway


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13 hours ago, JES4845 said:

Indeed ... thanks to your post I checked just now and the Norwegian voyages there yesterday have been removed ... the first voyages shown are in mid September in the Med which seems quite unlikely.  

Agreed.  My contact says the rest of Norway is canceled.

Also interesting/concerning - the COVID Updates messaging and link has been deleted from website???


Sadly, all these people who recently booked Norway or those who hadn't yet canceled their 2020 Med can expect to be treated they way we all were during Round 1 and 2 of this debacle.  A cryptic "if you cancel us before we cancel you, no refunds without penalty.  Refer to our Terms" message.  Then when SD officially cancels each one, they will will have to wait 90 days to get their refund.

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51 minutes ago, ExoticDestinations said:

Agreed.  My contact says the rest of Norway is canceled.

Also interesting/concerning - the COVID Updates messaging and link has been deleted from website???


Sadly, all these people who recently booked Norway or those who hadn't yet canceled their 2020 Med can expect to be treated they way we all were during Round 1 and 2 of this debacle.  A cryptic "if you cancel us before we cancel you, no refunds without penalty.  Refer to our Terms" message.  Then when SD officially cancels each one, they will will have to wait 90 days to get their refund.

Terrible news.  Thank god we did a chargeback in round one.

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All Crew tested negative on SeaDream 1! 

Gode nyheter:
Pressemelding fra SeaDream
Alt mannskap på SeaDream 1 har testet negativt for Covid 19.
Det betyr at det ikke er noen av vårt mannskap på 86 personer som har Covid 19 smitte.
Det er selvsagt en veldig god nyheter og dette viser at våre omfattende smittevernstiltak som vi startet med allerede 15 mars har fungert.
Det betyr ikke at man kan garantere seg mot Covid 19, men det viser hvor viktig det er å følge de nasjonale retningslinjer eller gjøre enda mer om det er mulig.
Selv om det ikke er noen mistanke om Covid 19 hos våre gjester, så er det bra at de lokale helsemyndigheter også vil teste alle våre gjester. Denne testingen starter kl. 16.00 og resultatet vil foreligge før midnatt.
Vi vil berømme den profesjonalitet vi har møtt hos Folkehelseinstituttet og Helsedirektoratet samt Bodø kommune med ordfører Ida Maria Pinnerød i spissen.
Nordlandssykehuset har gjort en fantastisk jobb med å teste 86 mannskap i dag tidlig og levere alle resulter allerede nå tidlig i ettermiddag.
De har alle vist hva Norge kan være gode for i en slike situasjoner som denne.
Vårt fokus har vært å gjøre det vi kan for at våre gjester har det best mulig og vi er stolte av å ha et mannskap som gjør en ekstrem innsats hver dag og spesielt i en situasjon som denne.
For ytterlige informasjon vennligst ta kontakt med:

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/5/2020 at 2:49 PM, ExoticDestinations said:

My contact says the rest of Norway is canceled.

I think your contact is wrong.
My TA informed me yesterday that SD resumes sailing according to plan this weekend. SD2 is now heading to Bergen to do a 7 days trip from Bergen to Oslo, and SD1 should today be sailing from Oslo to Tromso.


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While sailing is resuming again, it is under new limitations.  As someone speculated here or on another SD thread after the incident with the other Norwegian cruise company, the 100 person limit going forward under local regulations is 100 INCLUDING BOTH crew and guests.


Thus, I’m told this morning Norway time SD informed crew that crew will be cut to 50 to allow for 50 guests using up the 100 max.  As a result, around 35 crew are being taken off the ship to an Oslo hotel and eventually onward to home, many as far away as the Philippines.  More crew may be let go in September depending on the voyage schedule and bookings after the next few weeks.  Have read about less than ideal conditions upon arrival in the Philippines, to say the least, given quarantine rules there.


While this may have been inevitable as events have unfolded in the cruise business including in Norway, it is still sad and concerning.  We all love the crew most of all from our SD voyages. May we keep them in our thoughts and prayers on their travels home and as they join so many others there with uncertain futures given the failure to get this pandemic under control.

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On 8/5/2020 at 3:49 PM, ExoticDestinations said:

Agreed.  My contact says the rest of Norway is canceled.

Also interesting/concerning - the COVID Updates messaging and link has been deleted from website???


Sadly, all these people who recently booked Norway or those who hadn't yet canceled their 2020 Med can expect to be treated they way we all were during Round 1 and 2 of this debacle.  A cryptic "if you cancel us before we cancel you, no refunds without penalty.  Refer to our Terms" message.  Then when SD officially cancels each one, they will will have to wait 90 days to get their refund.

Again- your info is not correct! 

Seadream has not cancelled the rest of the norwegian voyages! 

Seadream 1 is sailing with guests, and later today Seadream2 has boarding for new guests. 


And when it comes to refunds, we got our refund for the cancelled 08 august, the following week. 

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Yes they are sailing today - but at 50 guests and 50 crew each ship.  This is not SD’s fault but a result of the admitted breakdown in how Hurtigruten handled its operations which led to the regulatory limit.


To get down to 50 crew many/most of the bartenders and wait staff were cut since regardless of guest count there are below deck and bridge jobs etc. that can’t be cut.  The remaining wait staff including managers will have to work even harder if that is possible to properly take care of 50 guests.


The many long time crew let go were given one day’s notice and little to no information on what to expect when they get home in terms of any quarantine etc.  Not clear they are being paid through the end of their contracts which lasted beyond now, but we hope so.  Even those crew remaining onboard were told they too may be let go in a few weeks once the remaining reduced Norwegian voyages are completed.  This is likely more an SD2 issue if the dry dock plans hold up.


Good for you on a quick refund.  That was not a typical experience for the rest of us for the many reasons well documented here.  Many of us if not most had to resort to getting our credit card companies involved.  Refunds were received months later than promised.


As to information and misinformation, I haven’t seen Andreas reply to the fact-specific reply that Exotic Destinations posted here, have you?  I’m in no position to know the total situation on those matters, but clearly one person has detailed facts and reference sources that so far have not been refuted.



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8 hours ago, JES4845 said:

Yes they are sailing today - but at 50 guests and 50 crew each ship.  This is not SD’s fault but a result of the admitted breakdown in how Hurtigruten handled its operations which led to the regulatory limit.


To get down to 50 crew many/most of the bartenders and wait staff were cut since regardless of guest count there are below deck and bridge jobs etc. that can’t be cut.  The remaining wait staff including managers will have to work even harder if that is possible to properly take care of 50 guests.


The many long time crew let go were given one day’s notice and little to no information on what to expect when they get home in terms of any quarantine etc.  Not clear they are being paid through the end of their contracts which lasted beyond now, but we hope so.  Even those crew remaining onboard were told they too may be let go in a few weeks once the remaining reduced Norwegian voyages are completed.  This is likely more an SD2 issue if the dry dock plans hold up.


Good for you on a quick refund.  That was not a typical experience for the rest of us for the many reasons well documented here.  Many of us if not most had to resort to getting our credit card companies involved.  Refunds were received months later than promised.


As to information and misinformation, I haven’t seen Andreas reply to the fact-specific reply that Exotic Destinations posted here, have you?  I’m in no position to know the total situation on those matters, but clearly one person has detailed facts and reference sources that so far have not been refuted.



So, Seadream is sailing again with guests,

and thats not what ExoticDestinations and his so called «contacts» where saying...! 

( all of my 12 friends on the same sailing got a refund this week ) 

He/she is again spreading false info. 
For what reason?

I encourage all Seadream -fans to read all of this profiles posts on this forum. 
(its easy, just press on the nick/username) 

I Wonder- whats his/hers agenda here? 

-judge yourself! 



Have a Nice weekend SD -fans 🙂 

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1 minute ago, YachtCruiser said:

So, Seadream is sailing again with guests,

and thats not what ExoticDestinations and his so called «contacts» where saying...! 

( all of my 12 friends on the same sailing got a refund this week ) 

He/she is again spreading false info. 
For what reason?

I encourage all Seadream -fans to read all of this profiles posts on this forum. 
(its easy, just press on the nick/username) 

I Wonder- whats his/hers agenda here? 

-judge yourself! 



Have a Nice weekend SD -fans 🙂 


PLEASE don’t quote my post and then attack somebody else.  The info I posted earlier today came directly from shipboard sources and has nothing to do with your beef with the person you named above.


But since you’ve chosen to drag me into this, let me merely observe a few things to consider:


First, questioning other people’s motives especially in this type of casual forum is fraught with peril and frankly inappropriate.


Second, the purpose of these posts is to share information as best we can about something we all care about and wish to succeed, especially when all this time (and in years past) SD has been woefully poor in communicating, as Andreas recently admitted without a plan to fix it (there wouldn’t be as much speculation and any inaccurate information if SD did more direct communication on a timely basis).


Third, just because the other posting person was incorrect about the status of the Norwegian voyages a few weeks ago doesn’t merit such vitriol in return, and besides, he/she appears to be correct about the changed Miami office location and the staff downsizing, etc. about which they recently posted.  No one is correct all the time.


Seems like we all need a vacation!  If only ...



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2 minutes ago, JES4845 said:


PLEASE don’t quote my post and then attack somebody else.  The info I posted earlier today came directly from shipboard sources and has nothing to do with your beef with the person you named above.


But since you’ve chosen to drag me into this, let me merely observe a few things to consider:


First, questioning other people’s motives especially in this type of casual forum is fraught with peril and frankly inappropriate.


Second, the purpose of these posts is to share information as best we can about something we all care about and wish to succeed, especially when all this time (and in years past) SD has been woefully poor in communicating, as Andreas recently admitted without a plan to fix it (there wouldn’t be as much speculation and any inaccurate information if SD did more direct communication on a timely basis).


Third, just because the other posting person was incorrect about the status of the Norwegian voyages a few weeks ago doesn’t merit such vitriol in return, and besides, he/she appears to be correct about the changed Miami office location and the staff downsizing, etc. about which they recently posted.  No one is correct all the time.


Seems like we all need a vacation!  If only ...



When you comment my previous post, i will also attach you in the post. 
That is how online-forums works,
 in 2020 🙂 





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4 minutes ago, cabosal said:

I guess to get a prompt REFUND you have to be in and/or from Norway.

In Europe/EU/EØS 90 days are now the time-limit for refunds.  
( new Covid-19-Regulations decided by EU) 

Cruiselines, Airlines, Hotels etc. 


But normally refunds are done before the time-limit. 
The worst-in-class are definately Airlines ....for obvious reasons...! 


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On 8/15/2020 at 9:29 PM, Naveron said:

Still waiting for my refund after 75 days...

We are currently refunding in a matter of days. We have currently no records of anyone waiting more than a few weeks, usually for reasons outside of our control (the credit card has been changed, we need bank details etc.). We were slow initially, for sure, and that is not ok. But for the past few months we should have been fairly fast and these days we are back to our normal refund rate which is a matter of days, but in no case more than 1-2 weeks. If you have booked through a travel agent, there may be an additional delay - and unfortunately, if your travel agent has been refunded there is not much we can do. But please contact reservations asap with your information - and if we are in fact 75 days late (or more than 2-3 days for that matter) late - I will fix it immediately. And as an added bonus I will publicly admit the mistake in this forum and apologize if we have made a mistake. We have processed thousands of refund transaction and it is possible that we have made a mistake, although I find it very unlikely. 



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Andreas, thanks for the communication.  We all are frustrated and awash in daily speculation all over the various media.  The only thing I know for certain is that this problem will end just as every one before it and wars and all sorts of problems eventually do.  I wish SeaDream and all the crew well and am hoping for the day when I can be on the Pool Deck anchored off Jost van Dyke.  Again, thanks for communicating.

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20 hours ago, Jim Avery said:

Andreas, thanks for the communication.  We all are frustrated and awash in daily speculation all over the various media.  The only thing I know for certain is that this problem will end just as every one before it and wars and all sorts of problems eventually do.  I wish SeaDream and all the crew well and am hoping for the day when I can be on the Pool Deck anchored off Jost van Dyke.  Again, thanks for communicating.

Well said Jim!  I agree wholeheartedly!

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On 8/16/2020 at 10:46 PM, andreas_seadream said:

We are currently refunding in a matter of days. We have currently no records of anyone waiting more than a few weeks, usually for reasons outside of our control (the credit card has been changed, we need bank details etc.). We were slow initially, for sure, and that is not ok. But for the past few months we should have been fairly fast and these days we are back to our normal refund rate which is a matter of days, but in no case more than 1-2 weeks. If you have booked through a travel agent, there may be an additional delay - and unfortunately, if your travel agent has been refunded there is not much we can do. But please contact reservations asap with your information - and if we are in fact 75 days late (or more than 2-3 days for that matter) late - I will fix it immediately. And as an added bonus I will publicly admit the mistake in this forum and apologize if we have made a mistake. We have processed thousands of refund transaction and it is possible that we have made a mistake, although I find it very unlikely. 



@Naveron I just wanted to follow up and ask if you contacted us about your refund. I am unfortunately not allowed to message you privately in this forum which is what I tried first (probably because I have a verified/official cruise line account and the moderators don't want me to send you marketing materials). In any case, I have checked in with our team every day to see if we have had anyone contacting us about a long overdue refund and we cannot find anything. We have also gone through our records to actively search for a refund that is overdue by more than a few weeks. To the best of my knowledge, we are not this late with any refunds, but if I am wrong it is very important for me that we rectify it right away.

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Thank you for the update, Naveron. Much appreciated! We are for the most part very quick these days so I hope that the 40 days you are referring to was not too recent. I do apologize, in any case, that it took too long. It has been a crazy year, but at least things are now looking good when it comes to refunds. 


Unfortunately, we need to take a pause in our operations next month. We are going to finish our Norway season, but we decided today not to not sail to the Mediterranean as planned this September. I quickly put together a small blog post here to sum up the summer and share some perspectives:




There is a small video that shows some of the health measure we took this summer that some of you will hopefully find interesting. Our focus is now all on making it possible to operate just as safely in the Caribbean as we have done in Norway.

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Andreas, thank you for the updates you are providing both here on Cruise Critic as well as with the blog on the SD website.  The lack of information and transparency in the past has been very frustrating.  This is a major improvement which we appreciate greatly.

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  • 4 months later...
On 8/24/2020 at 6:50 PM, andreas_seadream said:

Thank you for the update, Naveron. Much appreciated! We are for the most part very quick these days so I hope that the 40 days you are referring to was not too recent. I do apologize, in any case, that it took too long. It has been a crazy year, but at least things are now looking good when it comes to refunds. 

Hello, Andreas.  Happy New Year.  Here's hoping for a very different and much improved 2021.  Personally, I'm scheduled for my first dose of COVID vaccine Tuesday.  For the first time in my life I'm excited by the prospect of getting a shot!


I'm wondering if you could let us know the current status of refunds for cancelled cruises.  I was scheduled to be on board this week and requested a refund when that voyage was cancelled on November 18 which was 45 days ago.  No credit posted yet to my credit card account so I'm curious to know when to expect it.


Many thanks and hope to see you and many members of this forum on board again in 2021!

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