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Anyone want to lose 15 to 20 pounds?


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Hey all! Weighed in yesterday - SO SURPRISED with a loss of 2 lbs! :eek:


Seriously, I had a cold last week. When I have a cold, I feel ravenous all the time & I have found it is best for me to let myself eat whatever I feel like, when I feel like it, when I am sick. I seem to get better faster! Of course, I try to stick with healthier foods - and had soup a few days. And it helps not to have too much junk in the house, either! I also didn't make it to the gym for 4 sessions during the time I was sick - which would probably have been a total of 4hrs or so.


Between the seemingly non-stop grazing & the fewer workouts, I had resigned myself to a gain of at least 2lbs, so the loss was AWESOME! I was running a lowgrade fever most of the time, so maybe my metabolism was revved up to fight the cold & that's how I did it! :D


This weekend we're going up north again & I hope to ride my bike all 3 days - get back into the swing of exercise, now that I'm feeling better!


Kim - I don't think I'll ever see under 130 again, but that's OK - I'm so happy for you! Tell 130 I miss it! ;) Have a great time on your cruise, too!


Have a great weekend ALL!



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Sha congrats on the weight loss...


I just weighted my self today I'm still at 128.5. For a while this week I was around 130.:( But never got above 130.. Anyways I'm off on the cruise tomorrow. I'll see how I do on the cruise.


I'm not going to hold back on food, but I don't plan on going crazy. Like eating two desserts for dinner or anything like that. Besides eating to much is just not fun.


This is only a 4 day cruise so I wont be gone long...



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hey guys =) im going on my first cruise this weekend, flying out to san juan friday. i totally havent been watching what im eating cuz its been busy around here, but staying at 136lbs. which is really really awesome. my goal next week is to try eating breadfruit and pawpaws and flying fish! (one of my goals anyways) :)

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Well I'm back and weighted my self. I'm 132 now :( It seems I gained more on this cruise then the lasted one.. This was only a 4 day cruise. I have about 3.5 pounds to lose. Not to bad...


Just by starting to eat normal I'll start to lose the pounds. On Tuesday I'll really start getting back to exercise and eating normally.. By next week I hope to lose all the pounds I gained on the cruise. I think some of it is water weight. We will see... I'll posted next week..

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Well pinguino - I know you won't see this till you get back, but congrats on the weight loss!! You'll have to explain to me what breadfruit & pawpaws are. :confused:


You'll also have to tell me if you do anything in San Juan (besides get on the ship, I mean). Our next cruise has a port day in San Juan & we're looking for something to do while there!


Kim - that's not much of a gain, especially if you drank a little more alcohol than usual. :rolleyes: I'm sure at least half of that is water weight, too, & will come off just by being home! :D


So tell us how the cruise was!



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I want to lose 15 pounds too :o It is SOOOO hard to stay motivated by myself - So I'm hoping with a little pressure from you guys - I can FINALLY do it !! I have a couple of trips coming up ... Visiting family in NY in January, Hawaii in June, and FINALLY my cruise next January. I'd like to be healthy about this diet (which I'm usually not) and take it off permanently. I feel so much better about myself when I am thinner - Especially when I KNOW I will have to wear a bikini :eek: There is NO way I am even going to try one on until I have lost the weight I want to lose. I'm not sure what I weigh right now ... I will weigh myself in the morning (I promise not to lie !!) and then the countdown begins ... Hmmmmmmm ... This might actually be fun :)






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Hi Clayswife - Welcome!


Eating healthy & learning a better way of eating (WOE) and finding a way of regular working out & exercise (WOEX) that works for you will help you take off & keep off your weight. They need to be permanent lifestyle changes.


One thing I'd like to point out - it's not always "all about the scale". It's possible to become trim & fit without losing that "last 10 lbs". I know right now I weight 165 at 5'2". I know that's a lot to carry on my short frame. But I also know I look AND feel much better than I did "on the way up". I'm also wearing smaller sizes than I did "on the way up". When I was 165 before, I was flabby & a couch potato. Now I work out at the gym 4-5x a week. Plus ride my bike or walk on weekends. This is something I need to keep doing for the rest of my life - whether or not I lose another ounce - to maintain the fitness level I've achieved.


If you start working out regularly - cardio mixed with some weight training, you could possible reach "bikini level" & not lose the 15 lbs - because you would have lost fat & replaced it with muscle.


And who says you "have" to wear a bikini? :rolleyes: Seriously, I haven't worn a 2-pc since grade school. They have great suits these days that flatter every shape & size. I do hope you reach your goal & can wear a bikini in Hawaii, tho! :D


(Also - can we call you something else besides "Clay's wife"? :p )



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It's nice to meet you .... I'm Jackie, by the way :D


I guess you are right about the bikini thing ... I've been looking at "alternatives" to the bikini and there ARE some cute suits available. I like sarongs/wraps, too ... Whenever, I wear a bikini, I always have a wrap on with it. I guess I'm gettin' too old NOT to wear one ... :)


I'm 5 ft 3 ... So I understand about the height thing. Although, right now I am probably not my healthiest, and I haven't been to the gym in MONTHS. I had a hip injury a few months back and I've been in physical therapy since. I am getting released next week and can finally go back to working out. I am hoping that will help with the weight loss ...


Thanks for the pep talk ... :p



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Hi Jackie - I don't mind the "anonymity thing" of people not giving their real names, but I just have this "pet peeve" about not calling a woman "Mrs. John Smith" - you know? SHE has a first name - even if she takes her husband's last name. :o I got annoyed at my BF's mom recently when she asked me what a mutual friend's husband's name was. (She had never met the man.) He had just passed away & she was going to send a condolence card. Some book on etiquette that she read told her that you should always address letters of condolence that way!!! :eek: I wanted to ask her what year it was published! Instead I just said, "you've always just called her Hilary, why don't you just address it Mrs. Hilary S-----?" I guess it goes back to when I was a kid - (I was probably 5 or 6 - I'm 48 now) - and my mom was making out a note to get me back in school after being sick. She signed it Mrs. Ernest F-----. I asked why she signed it that way, her name was Rita not Ernest. She said, "that's how you sign your name when you are married." And I said, "Not me! It makes no sense that I can't sign my first name just because I'm married."


OK - back to our regularly scheduled weight loss discussions! :p Great that you are looking forward to working out again! You'll be fit in no time with that attitude!



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Welcome to all the new people.. Thats interesting about the 1st name thing. I never thought about that.. :rolleyes:


Anyways, I finally back to exercising. I did a 45 minute work out on the ellpies machine. I plan on doing some wieghts tomorrow and work out on the machine. I think my weight is back down to were it was before we went on our cruise. I still want to get down to 120 by our next cruise. :)


My husband and I are going to work hard to get down to the weights we want.. I'm glad we both are working at it..

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I tried to post last week a couple times, but each time I tried, I cruise critic was "not available"!! :confused:


I weighed on on Thurs & I'm down 1 lb in the last 2 weeks. Still a bit up from January, but heading in the right direction!


Kim - Glad to see you're back on track! :D It's great that your DH is still in this with you.


Jackie - I hope I didn't scare you away with my little pet peeve about women not being called by their husband's first names! :o


Stritt - Are you still out there?


Pinguino - Are you back yet?



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Well, not doing so great on my diet ... BUT, I do have the flu right now and even the smell of food is making me sick ! I guess it's the ONLY bonus of being ill :eek: Ugh ...


I managed to lose a pound - One lonely little pound ... Hmmmm ... Wish I had some more impressive news ... And don't worry, Sha, you didn't scare me away ... :p. I am more afraid of not being able to fit into my "skinny" jeans ever again !! Last friday was my son's last homecoming game (he is a senior in high school) ... I had to walk him across the football field in front of a couple hundred people ... I felt SO awkward - Especially, since I am not too pleased with how I look right now. I do NOT want to feel like that in Hawaii or on my cruise ... With that said, I am just about to sign off and take a nice LONG walk with my hubby (who is also dieting - needs to lose about 40-50 pounds) ... I don't know how you guys all stay so motivated ... I am having the HARDEST time ... Any advice, ladies ??





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Jackie - Sorry to hear about the flu. :( But 1lb is great! Is that in 1 week? Any loss is good!


And talking about motivation - I'm having a huge problem with food, but the exercise at least is keeping me steady. As I said in my last post, I'm still up a few lbs from January. I've been going up & down 5lbs all year, 1lb at a time.


Everyone's motivation is different - you have to find what works for YOU. For some people, it's the idea of fitting into a certain outfit (or bikini :p !) For others, it's a specific health problem - high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. For others it's just getting & staying healthy "in general", and so on. One thing that's working for me (at least keeping me from giving up) is that at 48, I'm too old to keep gaining & losing like this - I can't be doing this again. My cholesterol level went down from over 250 to about 180 with diet & exercise alone. I DO NOT want to have to take meds for the rest of my life. This HAS to be a life change for me. I've dieted on & off since my teens, & gained every lb back & MORE each time, because I did it wrong - "starving" myself - minimal exercise, etc. Then when I would hit a plateau (like now) - totally give up. :mad: This time is for life & health. I've decided that after losing 50+ lbs, even if I never lose another lb (I really should try to lose another 20), I have to maintain where I am now - keep exercising - keep eating veggies, whole grains, lean meats & fish - not pig out like I used to, etc. Where I am now is WAY better than where I was 2 yrs ago!


I also don't let the scale be my only measure. I have my body measurements (which have gone done considerably - even sometimes when the scale didn't! My body fat percentage is down (I get measured at the gym). My Blood pressure (which was never "high", thank goodness) is in the "totally awesome" range now. My cholesterol is down enough that my dr no longer talks about wanting to put me on meds.


I also try to acknowledge every little milestone - anything I can do now that I couldn't before the weight loss. For instance, yesterday I changed the 5-gallon water bottle on the water cooler all by myself. With all the working out & weights I've done over the last 2 yrs, the bottle itself isn't particularly heavy to me, but at 5'2", I need to lift it & tilt it about chest high, without spilling a drop. That's the hard part! There weren't any guys around yesterday, the bottle was empty & I hadn't had any of my water for the day yet. So I just did it! And didn't spill a drop! :cool: Pretty cool, if I say so myself!


Hope you feel better - and you'll find your own motivation. Let your cruise & vacations be what gets you started, but find something to help you make it a life change. Don't worry about how FAST you lose, just that you keep losing - slow & steady is what will help you keep it off for life!


(another long post! :o I just get carried away!)



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Thanks, Sha :p


I understand exactly what you are saying about losing weight the healthy way, this time ... I did the same thing for YEARS - Starving, fad diets, you name it ... And I gained it all back, too ... But, just like you, now I am getting older and I am afraid it's just not so simple anymore. My blood pressure has been a little high, so I'm sure that eating healthy will be a factor in that, too. I finally have come to the conclusion that I need to make a permanent change in my lifestyle ... Weight just doesn't come off so easy anymore :eek:. At 38, I really did think that dieting would be a piece of cake, just like in the past - NOT so ... This 15 pounds I need to lose seems a little daunting, right now ... UGH !! But, I plan on staying committed ...






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  • 2 weeks later...
At 38, I really did think that dieting would be a piece of cake, just like in the past - NOT so ...


Claywife, I think most of us feel that way. But I believe our bodies get filled up with pestorcides and chemicals. Just from our food. This makes it harder for the body to lose weight.


My husband and I eat all organic food when at home.. Its harder to control that when eating out, which we don't do that much off.


We also do "cleanses" that helps clean the body out. I'm just finishing up a colon cleanse. We will be doing a liver/gall bladder cleanse in a couple of weeks. They are not that fun to do, but I know I have gotten toxins out of the system. You feel better when it done. Plus In my opinion it does help the body to lose weight easier.


We started changing the way we eat about10 mounths ago. I weight 140 back in Dec 04 now I'm down to 128. Plus my cholesterol was 224, the lasted time I did blood work it went down to 179. Its probably lower now.


We did this will out taking any drugs. Just by changing our diet and doing some cleanses. We have improved our health...

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We don't do "organic" but we eat a lot closer to "natural" than we used to. I think it makes a huge difference, having less "prepared" foods, as well as WAY less take out & eating out. When you prepare the food yourself, you know what's going into it - you can control sodium, fat content, etc.


Don't forget, as important as eating right, regular exercise AND drinking enough water can make a big difference in BP & cholesterol levels, too! I don't think one or the other by itself would have been enough to drop my cholesterol levels!


Well - I weigh in tonight ladies - we'll see how it goes!



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Looking forward to hearing what it is Sha..


Yes exercise is important and drinking water.. All that goes hand and hand.. I just forgot those two points :rolleyes:


We have found an ALL ORGANIC resturant...to eat at.. Its nice to have that available..

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Well I'm done with my cleanse. If I stick to my way of eating and exercise I think I can make 120 by Dec 15. We leave on our cruise Dec. 16th. Ken is down to 199 which he hasn't been around 206 or 208 in a long time. So we both did lose weight and feel alot better.


So I'm going to be "really" good for the next month and half.. Plus once I get there I want to stay there. Which is easy the way we eat now.


Let me know how everyone else is doing



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Sorry Kim - when I read your post, I realized mine sounded like YOU didn't know that! I was adding that for the benefit of the newer posters to this thread.


Cool about the organic restaurant. :cool: Now that you've really embraced the organic way of life, it must be such a great thing every time you find another new food or way of expanding what is available to you!


I had a gain yesterday - 1.5 lbs in 2 weeks. :( I know exactly why, too - I did not work out at all last Thurs or over the weekend. In fact this weekend, I was just a "slug" - and did not do anything I didn't absolutely have to. (I Think I had about 2,000 steps per day on my pedometer - don't even know why I even put it on those days! :p ) Of course, I did not cut back on my food to make up for the WAY lower activity.


Back on track this week!


Have a great weekend all!

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Hay Sha, don't worry about it. Thats one thing I've learned with email or posting. Sometime things get misunderstood. Its easy to do that..


Let us know how things go for you.. We will be having our annual fly-in at our neighborhood tomorrow. I plan on eating, but cutting back on the amount I eat and just drink water.. We will see how it goes. I'm trying to stay away from sweets at least for now..


As far as the organic food goes. Yes its a real joy to find new things.. Plus when I shop at Publix I get excited when things are back in season.. You don't always get bananas, apples, potatoes or any other foods like that all the time.. Just when they are in season. But it works out pretty well..


On the pedometer I had one to. But don't were it anymore. I would forget to put it on and it was just a pain to were. But what I do is in parking lots I always park half way back or in the back of the parking lot. Plus I always walk out to get the mail. I hardly take the golf cart. I only do that when its raining. I just try to walk when ever I can.



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Yes, I would like to lose about 14-15 lbs in the next 8 wks. I just joined a couple of weeks ago, but just started to post. Kim replied to me in another post I put up. Thanks Kim :) I will try to keep within the thread here now since I want to lose 15-20lbs.


I will be cruisin to the Bahamas in about 8 weeks. It will be my second cruise. Nice to be here.



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Welcome to the forum. I don't go to the gym either. I think yoga and pililates (?sp) are great for gaining muscle. But to burn fat you need to get the hart rate up. Which you need to run or do some type of exercise that gets you hart rate up.


Right now I do a elleptical machine and I do weights which I need to start back to....


Sharonella may have other ideals for you..

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