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New Liberty Review - 6 day Feb. 12th-18th (long)


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Hi everyone. Just got back from my 6-night W. Caribbean Cruise on the Liberty. I thought I would share my experience with anyone who would like to read about it.

The Liberty is a beautiful ship. This was my third Carnival cruise, and I have been on the Valor and the Pride before this one (I always like the newest ones). The décor was a little more subdued on this ship, but still fun. The ship was very clean, and the crew extremely friendly and efficient.


Embarkation/Day One: We got to the port around 12pm. There was a long line that wrapped around the building, but it went pretty quickly. We were on the ship before 1pm. The first thing we did was make a reservation for Valentine’s Day at Harry’s (The supper club). We got the last slot for that night. Then it was off to the Golden Olympian Dining room to see if we could get a table for two…not a problem. Then it was off to the shore excursion desk to see what tours were available for Ocho Rios….yep, as I had predicted, we were not going to Costa Maya, but Jamaica instead, which I was actually excited about. I feel for those that didn’t want to go to Jamaica, or for those that were really looking forward to Costa Maya, but anyone who reads these boards would know that there was the chance for the change, I just think it should have been posted on Carnival’s website.

Then it was off to the Lido for lunch, with about 2,000 other people……knowing that not everyone was aware of the tucked away fish and chips station upstairs, we headed up there, where it was almost empty, and we enjoyed some fish and chips.


Usually, I like to be out on the deck right after getting on the ship, but it was so cold and windy that day that I just wanted to stay inside, as it seemed the majority of the people on board did…..it looked like we were going on a cruise to Alaska, as most people had long pants and jackets on!


So, after the dreaded lifeboat muster drill, the festivities were to begin, but it wasn’t as lively as the other sail away parties I’ve seen because of the weather….. We actually went to the gym shortly after it opened because we were just too cold to hang around outside.


We had the late seating in the Golden Olympian. I really liked having the table for 2, as it really made dinner less drawn out. Our waiters were great. Our headwaiter, Bertram, from St. Vincent was really cool. I had sweet and sour shrimp for my main entrée, and it was very good. The BF had steak. Both of us were very pleased with our dinners. After dinner, I did a little bit of gambling, but those slot machines were not being too generous, so we called it a night, as we had a shore excursion to wake up for the next morning.


Day 2: Freeport Bahamas - Woke up to discover that it was still COLD! We had booked a snorkeling excursion through Carnival, so we figured that we better go since we already paid for it. We were very happy to learn from one of the Carnival reps that if we opted to not go on the tour due to the cold weather, we could get reimbursed for the tour. We were more than happy to opt out of it, and went back on board to sleep in!! In a nice warm bed!! By the way, the bedding was wonderful. Nice fluffy down comforters inside a duvet….nice touch Carnival !

After sleeping in for a while, we decided to go back ashore and walk around. There isn’t much to see or do at the port, so I would highly recommend doing a shore excursion in Freeport. I was trying to book a horseback riding tour on my own, but for some reason, the stables are closed on Mondays. Also, from my understanding, you have to take a half hour cab ride to get to Lucaya, to do anything worthwhile.

Overall, Freeport got two thumbs down from us, although it might have been different had the weather been nice, Either way, I will probably not choose an itinerary that goes there in the future.

That night was the first formal night, which was also the captain’s cocktail party. The hors d’vours were not as good as I remember them being on the last 2 cruises, but the free drinks were fine. Dinner in the dining room was nice, I really enjoyed my lobster, and even ordered a second one. After dinner, I played some blackjack, did pretty well, and then went to the midnight comedy show. Jim Brick was the comedian. He was ok, but he was much funnier last time when I saw him on the Valor. Honestly, John Heald, the cruise director was much funnier, and he didn’t even have to be dirty.


Day 3: At Sea – Typical sea day…..Slept in, had a semi-late breakfast, hit the gym, tried finding a deck chair (good luck!!) played more black-jack in the casino, yatta yatta yatta.

It was also the night for the repeat guest party. I had an invitation, but my BF had never cruised before, so he didn’t. It was no problem for him to go in with me, the invitation collector at the door didn’t say anything. Again, the hors d’vours weren’t as good as last time, but I am happy with free drinks, so no complaints from me.

It was Valentine’s Day, so dinner was at Harry’s. All I can say, is that you must do whatever you can to get a reservation there. Also, be sure to have a very light lunch, as they will give you so much food. The desserts were huge, I love dessert, and I didn’t even come close to finishing it. We both had the surf and turf, and it was excellent. As far as the dress code goes, everyone I saw was dressed nicely….I saw most men in suits, or slacks and a jacket. I saw a couple of people in khakis and polo shirts, and they stuck out. After dinner, we were pooped, so we didn’t go to any shows or anything, and had to get up semi early the next day since we had a shore excursion booked for Grand Cayman.


Day 4- Grand Cayman: Finally, the weather was nice!! Getting a tender was not a problem either. We booked a tour on our own (Captain Marvin’s) for snorkeling and Stingray City, so we had to be on shore no later than 9:15am. The tender ride was only a few minutes long…all you have to do is meet in the Venetian lounge (the main showroom) and they give you a number, when they call your number, you are led to the tender.

The tour through Captain Marvin’s was great. It was well worth the $40. We had a snorkel stop at the coral gardens, there were a lot of fish, but the water was kind of choppy, and a lot of people were having a difficult time snorkeling. The next stop was the reef, and it was awesome. We saw a nurse shark, a moray eel, and tons of interesting fish. It was much easier to snorkel there. Then Stingray City was the last stop, and it was neat. I had done it before, but the BF hadn’t. The tour was really enjoyable, but some of the people on the tour were rude. One lady actually pushed my BF out of the way to see the nurse shark, and at Stingray City, one lady pushed me out of the way when I was standing in line to hold one of the Stingrays, as I guess she was more important than me.


Day 5-Ocho Rios: It was a little rainy and drizzly in the morning, so I was a little worried about what kind of day we were going to have in port. We had booked the dolphin swim and Dunn’s River Falls through Carnival. We boarded a bus at the end of the pier, and were taken to the dolphin cove, which was only a few minutes away. It’s a really nice facility, and the staff is very nice. I have done the dolphin swim in Cozumel last year, and you have more interaction with the dolphins there. At the Dolphin Cove you get to touch the dolphins, but you don’t get to be pushed through the water by them, or get towed by them, which was more exciting. The price is pretty steep, but it was my boyfriend’s birthday, and he loves dolphins and has always wanted to swim with them, so I had to do this tour. I would still recommend doing it though, if you aren’t stopping at Cozumel on your cruise. (Actually, the facility in Cozumel was damaged by Wilma, and is closed indefinitely). Dunn’s River Falls in a must, if you have never done it before. As far as climbing the falls, I would only recommend it if you are in semi-decent shape and not easily scared. Also, if you have water shoes, bring them, and do not attempt to climb the falls without them. I am the adventurous type, and in good shape, and there were quite a few times when I thought I was going to fall. Those rocks are slippery, and with the water rushing over them, I am sure that accidents happen all of the time. It was really pretty though, and I really enjoyed it.

When leaving the falls, do your best to avoid the craft village….the vendors are really aggressive. My advice is to not make eye contact, and say no thank you.

As far as shopping goes, if you are on the Carnival tour, they will take you to the Taj Majal shopping center. It’s a two story outside shopping center that has a variety of stores, and the shop owners do not hassle you at all. There is a souvenir store called “Tropical” and your bus driver will give you a 20% off coupon to use there. They have the usual souvenirs there, T-shirts, hats, shell jewelry, etc. and the prices are really good. My boyfriend already washed the T-shirt he bought from there, and it only shrunk a little bit. There are also jewelry stores if you are in the market for diamonds, gold, watches, etc. If you want to buy souvenirs without the hassle and getting hounded, you must go here…it’s also close to where the ships dock.

All in all, Ocho Rios was the highlight of our cruise. We really liked it, and would go back to Jamaica on another cruise.

Thursday night was also the second formal night, and it was optional, which was a little strange. I guess some people thought that meant that they could wear jeans in the dining room.


Day 6- Last day/Day at sea: The typical mad rush of the last day……long lines in the gift shop, people buying way too much liquor. I bought two bottles of some really good cream stuff from South Africa. It was a nice day out, and I was actually able to find an available deck chair and got some sun, it was the last chance to hit the casino etc.

Overall, it was a nice, relaxed day……


Debarkation: We opted to do the self-assist, and it was a breeze. I would highly recommend doing this if you can handle carrying your own luggage, and if you need to get off of the ship early. We had an 11am flight out of Fort Lauderdale, and we had more than enough time. We had no problem getting a cab, and we were at the airport by 8:15am.



Staff: I give the staff a 9 out of a 10. Everyone was friendly and always greeted you. The only thing that I thought was weird was that we never knew who our room steward was. We didn’t know if it was a male or female. Could have been a ghost for all we knew. Our ice bucket was filled several times a day, our bed was always made, and turned down, we always had fresh towels, and towel animals in the evening, so they did a great job, we just didn’t know who they were. In the past, the room steward always introduced themselves on the first day. Oh well, no extra tip if we didn’t know who to give it to…….


Food: Harry’s was hands down a 10 out of a 10. Dining room – some entrees were better than others, and I found the deserts to be better on the last 2 cruises, but overall, I would give the dining room an 8 out of a 10. None of our entrees were ever cold, everything was prepared as we had requested, and we were never in there longer than an hour, and never had to wait more than a few minutes between each course. Lido deck food- I would say a 7 out of a 10. The buffet selections were kind of blah, but the fish and chips were good, the deli was good, and the grill and pizza were good. Generally, the lines weren’t too bad except for the deli, and the buffet.


Entertainment: Good. John Heald, the cruise director was a 10 out of a 10. I had heard such great things about him, and now I see why. I never really gave much thought to the cruise directors in the past, but this guy is amazing. One of the funniest people I have ever seen. We didn’t go to any of the production shows, so I can’t opine on that, the comedy show was ok. I mostly entertained myself in the casino. I did really well with Blackjack and Roulette and terrible on the slots. The dealers were really friendly.


Gym: The gym on board is nice, and there are plenty of treadmills, about 6 elliptical machines, a handful of bikes, and a decent weight training set-up. It had everything that we needed, although the ship was moving so much that there were a few times that I almost fell off of the treadmill. Hint- bring your own headphones, as you can watch TV on the treadmill, but if you want to hear anything, you need to plug your headphones in.

There is also a nice hot tub in the gym area, so if you want a semi-secluded hot-tub where kids are not allowed, this is your place.



Ports of Call: Freeport was pretty lame. Not sure why any ships even go there. Grand Cayman is always a good stop, and Ocho Rios was beautiful. I would say a 6 out of 10 for the itinerary, it would have been higher, but Freeport ruined that.


Fellow Passengers: On this cruise, I actually found the fellow passengers to be on the rude side. I don’t know what it was about this cruise, but the people were definitely ruder than I have experienced before. Now, I would have to say that the kids on the cruise were better behaved than the adults. Aside from 2 boys in the deli line that were making burping noises, I did not witness one child acting like a brat. The adults were too busy doing that. People would cut in line, run you over to get on the elevator that you were waiting for, bump into you in the lido buffet without saying “excuse me”, people smoking cigars where they weren’t supposed to be smoking, people walking around barefoot in the dining areas, etc. etc. I even saw one guy make his daughter carry his bucket of beer around for him, and she was running around with a beer can in her hand. She could not have been older than 12. Nice one DAD. Another guy was being really rude to the female dealers at the blackjack tables, it really makes you wonder what the staff thinks of Americans when people act like that. In all reality I am sure that 90% of the people on the cruise were really nice, it’s just the 10% rude minority that can make things really stink.


Overall, I would give this cruise an 8 out of a 10. The weather was pretty bad the first couple of days, but that’s not Carnival’s fault. I have never felt so much movement on a ship before, but it all has to do with the weather, again, not Carnival’s fault. For the first two days I was back home, I felt like I was still on a moving, rocking ship!!!

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Hey, we were in the Golden Olympic dining room @ 8:30 seating and had Bertram from St. Vincent for our waiter too!! We were at a table for 8, the very last table at the end before they went into the kitchen for the food. I noticed that Bertram had the table for 8 directly behind us, but didn't notice that he had a table for 2. You must have been close by. Our friends and us sat closest to the windows, occupying 2 seats on either side of the table. I also posted a review under dgp.

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Thank you so much for your review. It is just fascinating that a handful of posters went on the same cruise and the reviews are almost split down the middle between positive experience and negative experience.


It kind of makes me feel like I've got that little devil guy on one shoulder and the little angle guy on the other.;)

Who do I listen to?


Perception becomes reality!!:cool:

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While on this cruise, as you probably have found out Sunday and Monday were cold and windy and the ship was rocking quite a bit on Sunday night. As we were walking past the Purser's desk a lady was there YELLING at the people working there that she wanted to know what Carnival was going to do for her because she was being thrown all around her cabin by the rocking of the ship. To ourselves, we suggested that Carnival throw her overboard and then she wouldn't be thrown all around her cabin.


We always seem to have a good time no matter what the conditions are, but some people can never be pleased, no matter what. If there are 3,000 people on the ship, there are 3,000 different opinions. So take the good with the bad. Get some great tips and don't worry about it. Do your thing and don't worry about the others. While people are all complaining about not having lounge chairs on the lido deck we just decided to stay on our balcony and have our own little party. Life is what you make it.

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Yeah, we were at table 123 in the Golden. We were originally assigned to 117 with 3 other couples, so we were able to see our original table with 2 vacant spots....the other table mates were probably wondering what happened to us, when we were right there!!

Although I don't mind sitting with other people, my boyfriend just was not into that, so I requested a table for 2. It was kind of nice, although I felt like I missed out on meeting new friends, but I didn't want him to be uncomfortable. Although the service is so much quicker when there are only 2 of you.


I know what you're saying about how people could be on the same cruise and have such different views. True, the weather sucked the first two days, and the ship was moving like crazy, but that's the chance you take when cruising in the winter-time or during hurricane season. I didn't let it get me down though. It was better than being stuck in the snow-storm that was going on up north!

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We also had Bertum and Lindon for the early dining in the Golden-- small world eh.


I know what table for 2 you had. what time did you get to dinner?


after watching the people on the two seater-- i dont know if I could sit there. With the waiters coming and going from both sides. Did it bother you?

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We were at the late seating (8:30). Whenever I cruise, I opt for the late seating because I like having the chance to either nap or hit the gym before dinner.

Wow...everyone seems to have had Bertram as their waiter...I wonder if there were more than 1??

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No , I asked--lol

we had table 119 and the reason I asked wht time you got to dinner is because the people that sat at your table came to early seating EVERY night at 7:15 (an hour later then should have been allowed) We left dinenr at 7:45 and those 2 were still there when we left. Was wondering if they were still there when you came to dinner.


What did you think of the Assistand waiter?

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There was a guy in the lobby,(blond guy from Croatia) next to the shore excursion desk that was taking reservations for Harry's. He had a little table set up, which made it very easy to get our reservations in.

When I was on the Valor last year, I had to go straight to the supper club to make a reservation shortly after I was on the ship. Hopefully, for your cruise, there will be somebody in the lobby, because that made it really easy.

I have only heard rave reviews about Harry's. For $30, it's what you would probably pay $200 for in the real world. Just be sure to eat light so you have room for everything they bring to the table.

Have fun on your cruise!!!

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The sweet and sour shrimp was good, it wasn't very big, but hey, you could always order another entree. That first night, they also had a pasta with langostino entree that was also available as a starter, and I had it as a starter.

I had read another review that gave the dining room a 5/10, and gave good reviews to the lido food. I guess everyone has different tastes, but aside from one fatty steak, everything was great. Don't miss the first formal night, and the great lobster! also, pay the extra $30 for the great surf and turf and jumbo shrimp cocktail at Harry's!

Yeah, as for that guy making his little girl carry the beer, I couldn't believe that. He probably even let her drink some of it when nobody was looking. Sicko.

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Littlegoo75-Thanks for your detailed reveiw.We can't wait for our turn.One question' date='where do we go to sign up for Harry's.We want to do that as soon as we get on the ship.[/color']Thanks Vee


If you go directly to the supper club you can pick out your table. We wanted one by the window and was easily accomadated. DOnt know if the lobby hosts can do that....Holly- can they?

another way is just calling the supper club.


Word of warning..the supper club was sold out our week way before 4pm on the boarding day

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Littlegoo, your review pretty much echoes our experience. We were on the same sailing as you. We also had dinner in Harry's on Valentine's Day, and it was fabulous, the best supper club experience we've had on any ship. BTW, I think we may have been sitting next to you at Harry's. We were 3 couples seated to your left (we were next to the window). My BIL had on a white dinner jacket, my husband a sports jacket, and my father a sports jacket as well. And my sister and my mother and I sat across from the men at a long table. If you are who I think you are, do you wear glasses? The couple seated next to us had the shrimp cocktail as an appetizer, and the size of it was amazing. If you are who I am thinking of, you and your husband seemed like a very nice couple, unlike a lot of other fellow passengers we encountered that week.

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We're looking to book the supper club on either one of the formal nights.


Anyone know if they served the Filet Mignon and lobster tails on either formal night and if so, which one???


That would be our luck to miss the best dining room meal.



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you dont want to miss the dining room on the first formal night. Thats the best meal outta the whole week. (although the lobster and porter house is better then the dining room) Go the second formal night.

I do have menus to post --maybe up and running by next week.

another suggestion- we found last week that Choc covered strawberries can be had at the specialty cafe 5 of those suckers for 3 bucks. Best deal on the whole ship.

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thanks Serene. You are right. The first formal night is usually the best.


I will be sailing on Sunday, so if you could tell me which night has the lobster tail and which night has the the filet mignon, it would be a great help.


My kids only get lobster on cruises and I wouldn't want them eating with the camp counselors on those nights.

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Yeah, I think that we were next to you, although I don't wear glasses ( I need to, but don't!!) We were the younger couple (I'm 30, Jim just turned 36, but looks younger). I have long blonde hair (can't remember if it was up or down that night) and was wearing a black and white dress. Jim has brown, longish surfer-dude hair and was wearing khakis and a navy sports coat. We were seated at around 8:30 at a small table to your left, if your back was to the window.


Serene, Vee, and anyone else who was wondering....I am not sure if you can request a specific table with the guy in the lobby. He said that there was only one slot left for Valentine's Day, and it was at 8:30, our reg. dining time, so we just took it. So, I guess I would say that the best thing to do would be to go straight to the supper club as soon as you get on the ship and pick out your table, although it can be tricky to find if you don't have your bearings yet.

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Little, if you are who I'm thinking you are, your hair was done in an updo...it looked so pretty I commented to my Mom and sister that it looked like you had had it done in the beauty salon.


BTW, were you there when the guy got down on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend? They were at a large round table with her parents and his Mom and some other people. They all knew ahead of time he was going to propose, but apparently the girl didn't. It was very romantic.

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BTW, were you there when the guy got down on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend? They were at a large round table with her parents and his Mom and some other people. They all knew ahead of time he was going to propose, but apparently the girl didn't. It was very romantic.


i was there...lol The people at the table even saw the ring before she did. Did you see all the Dom PErigon at the table. Wonder if HArrys staff threw it in since it was a special occasion

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Awww...thanks Jerseygirl, I think I did have an updo that night, I would have to look back at any photos that we took from that evening. I do my hair myself on the ship...I just can't fathom spending so much $$$ having somebody else do it at the spa.....although I can fathom losing the same amount of $$ in the casino (go figure!).

I heard people commenting on how loose the slots were...hmmmmmm not for me! I did really well with blackjack and roulette though.


I guess I missed the proposal. He must have done it before we got there.

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