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Help!! $1722.50 Internet Charge..........

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First, we haven't heard back from the OP. Where is he/she? What's new? Any developments?


We also have AMEX and it is not true that you have to put your complaint in writing. We made a phone call, and they put a hold on the account (without any penalties) for that charge until the dispute was cleared. We received, via mail, a statement of our account, and the disputed charge. It was resolved quickly in our favor. AMEX has always been wonderful!


On RCCL cruise recently, we had to turn in our coupon FIRST, and then use the internet. This is a change/departure from their previous instructions which was to log in first, use the computer, and then turn in the coupon.


I'm really not quite sure why this info is surfacing now, two months later, after the cruise. Maybe the frustration is finally setting in.


One suggestion, if you ever dispute a CC charge, make sure you get the date, time and name of the individual you speak to on the phone. Speaking with a supervisor is best, but can be handled by anyone. It is always a good idea to get as much info as possible when tracking down a bad charge.

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I am certainly glad the internet was not easily accessible when my kids were teens. Many only businesses and a few families. for the record, this is the second time I have been charged for a hotel room that was canceled. First time I handled it completely by phone and was never charged or heard another thing about the room charge. I offerd to write a letter about this last charge for a canceled room and was told it was not necessary at this time. Being skeptical, I even calle dto check my automated balance and it was eliminated immediately.I feel OP is doing everything but she/he should be given a credit until this is resolved and should push for the credit.

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We also have AMEX and it is not true that you have to put your complaint in writing. We made a phone call, and they put a hold on the account (without any penalties) for that charge until the dispute was cleared. We received, via mail, a statement of our account, and the disputed charge. It was resolved quickly in our favor. AMEX has always been wonderful!
That may be the case, however, to protect your LEGAL rights in a dispute case, the dispute has to be in writing. You MAY get it resolved with just phone calls, but unless you put it in writing, you have no legal ground to stand on if it ever comes to filing a complaint against a creditor about their handling of a dispute.


I have always first called to start the process, but always followed up in writing with ALL creditors.

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RCI changed its Internet procedures in 2005. We were on Brilliance in October & received a coupon that stated we were to use our Internet minutes and then turn in the coupon. When we did so, the woman at the purser's desk said that we had to turn in the coupons first, and was pretty obnoxious about it. I told her to READ what the coupon said, please, and when she did so, she then said, well, we have a new system and we can't do anything about it. Now we're talking $10 or $15 between the two of us, but that got me so annoyed that I asked her to speak with her supervisor, who of course gave us the credit.


We noticed the same thing when we were on Brilliance. Fortunately, it didn't matter as we knew we would be using more internet time anyway.


But, when we were on Enchantment a couple of months later in December, their coupons read the OLD way. So once again RCI seems to stand for Really Consistantly Inconsistant.


Isn't it amazing that we spend thousands of dollars on a cruise vacation and you have to ask or demand to speak to a supervisor about applying a coupon to get a $10 to $15 credit for internet usage? Sometimes I'm amazed at the absolute stupidity of big business. They'll risk losing a good customer over HOW a $10 or $15 coupon is handled.

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We just got off GoS yesterday, and had a problem with using the prepaid, and getting credit from the coupons, There "Accountant" told the Guest Relations woman that the prepaid was a promotion which the coupon said can't be used with! Again had to get supervisor involved after asking twice to talk to the "Accountant" who never did show themself!

Supervisor refunded me the 18mins i had left, actually refunded me $18, and then added the $20 credit I had from the coupon for me to used the rest of the time I used the internet! they actually gave me more then I was actually looking for!

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Funny how no one mentions the low post count on the OP. Something smells fishy here.


As soon as you typed that line you lost all credibility with me. Your not here to be helpful or answer the OP's questions so just what in the hell are you up to? I didn't even bother to read the rest of your gobbledegook. It may as well have read "I AM A TROUBLE MAKING TROLL".

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Funny how no one mentions the low post count on the OP. Something smells fishy here.




This turned me off, too. I don't post a lot, but I lurk and learn and post when I see fit. Just because someone doesn't have a lot of posts and then has an issue they need opinions on doesn't mean it's "fishy".


To the OP, I hope that gets resolved and it's yet another reminder to check your credit card statements carefully!!

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Thank you guys,


The only thing I have received from AMEX is an amended final bill with the $1722.50 added to the bill that I received - no substantiation of the charges. Also there is a copy of the flyer advertising the availability of the internet cafe, which I did use to the tune of $7.00 dollars.


Ameican Express so far has been of little help, so I think you must be right in that it is time to become more active in this matter.


Have any of you heard of anyone else having this happen to them? I would like to know how others resolved this.


This is my second time on RCCL, and this is totally contrary to what my experiences has been with this cruise line up until now.






If you dispute the charge through AMX - they will take it off your account while the dispute is being filed. That does not guarantee they will leave it off if the cruise line can substanciate the charges - but they usually side on the side of the cardholder. I would be surprised if AMX treated you any other way.

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Many, many more people read the boards than ever post to them. Most of the people here are lurkers. Many people would never post if they could find the information another way. Since this is not something discussed often I am not at all turned off by the low post count of the OP. This was not a "slam" against the cruise line as much as a problem they need resolution for. They are not asking for all the cruise money back or threatening to sue. It's a problem, they want an answer. Furthermore while it is not posted about every day I have heard of this happening before. I believe this OP.

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As soon as you typed that line you lost all credibility with me. Your not here to be helpful or answer the OP's questions so just what in the hell are you up to? I didn't even bother to read the rest of your gobbledegook. It may as well have read "I AM A TROUBLE MAKING TROLL".
So then you have nothing here to add either and are just saying the same thing about yourself. If you had read, I was not accusing the poster of anything. However someone with an outrageous story such as this one is more often than not being accused for something based on their post count.


Hey pot, the kettle is calling and it is black. What did your post add to help with the OP's questions anyway?

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That may be the case, however, to protect your LEGAL rights in a dispute case, the dispute has to be in writing. You MAY get it resolved with just phone calls, but unless you put it in writing, you have no legal ground to stand on if it ever comes to filing a complaint against a creditor about their handling of a dispute.


I have always first called to start the process, but always followed up in writing with ALL creditors.


I certainly won't dispute that it is better "legally" to send info in writing, however, we have NEVER had an issue unresolved with AMEX where putting it in writing was required.


As for the OP's response, I certainly believe them about the charge. Heck, I had an issue with RCI not too long ago myself, and could only negate the charge through my VISA representative. These things happen.


I think the best advice anyone can give, is to keep after the issue, file a phone and written complaint EARLY, and eventually, it will be taken care of, one way or the other.


I certainly wish the OP good luck, and I'm sure AMEX will stand by them and their claim as long as it was filed within the 60 day period.

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So then you have nothing here to add either and are just saying the same thing about yourself. If you had read, I was not accusing the poster of anything. However someone with an outrageous story such as this one is more often than not being accused for something based on their post count.


Hey pot, the kettle is calling and it is black. What did your post add to help with the OP's questions anyway?


I will not get in a pissing match with you since your post is once again argumentative and still does not address the OP's question. Troll. :p :p

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Flagger is a lot of things but not a troll. He has been posting here for years. I rarely agree with him but he is not a troll.


I'll take your word for it. I wouldn't take his word for it but you seem like a really nice person so I'll take yours. :)

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So then you have nothing here to add either and are just saying the same thing about yourself. If you had read, I was not accusing the poster of anything. However someone with an outrageous story such as this one is more often than not being accused for something based on their post count.


Hey pot, the kettle is calling and it is black. What did your post add to help with the OP's questions anyway?


I did not find it an outrageous story at all! The OP stayed in the thread and to flame for this reason does a diservice to all. (or is that 'disservice')

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I"m new to this so please someone enlighten me....what does the number of posts have anything to do with this person's complaint (or the validity of his complaint)?? I'm just curious...thanks for your responses! (I don't mean to get off track, but since it came up....)

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Hello everybody,


I have read the many responses and thought it would help staying on topic if I reprinted my last update from yesterday.


So far there has been nothing new with the billing problem. I expect to hear back from RCCL first, since it has been 9 days since I first spoke with their customer service representative. She was very pleasant and helpful on the phone with me, and my understanding is that she would send an inquiry to the ship for more information.


Some posters are wondering if my teenagers ran up the horrendous internet bill. I do not believe this to be the case at all. As I stated before, there were 2 internet charges (one for $3.00 and one for $4.00). One was mine verifying our flight back to San Diego, and the other was my daughter getting confirmation on our Grand Cayman excursion. Both were posted promply on our folio. The girls, as always, were very active onboard, spending time with activities and friends, and sometimes barely making it back in time to change and meeting me for dinner. Both port visits were spent together all day. There were simply no interest, time or opportunity to rack up 57 hours of internet time. As for the laptop computer - I will just reiterate that it required going to the front desk to make arrangements for password and billing. This was NOT done, and if it was, it would seem like it would be easy to substantiate for the cruise line.


I feel sure that this is simply a mistake. However, in the meanwhile I am financially responsible for it untill it gets cleared up. Amex has suspended the charge for the second time, but it is still hanging over my head. It is a large amount of money ($1722.50), while our total ship charges were $174.72. We always try to spend our money wisely, so we can enjoy wonderful cruising vacations together. One day they are going to be too old to go with daddy anymore....


I appreciate your input and questions. At the same time I try to stay factual in the interest of having a constructive dialogue. As soon as there are further news I will let you know.









Hi everybody,


I really appreciate your responses and suggestions. This really is an amazing board.


Let me summarize what has transpired so far.


The month after I returned from the cruise, I found a $1722.50 charge beyond what I had spent on the voyage. Believing that this would turn out to be a simple mistake, I called American Express to dispute the charge. Supporting my position was the final statement that was left on the door of my cabin on the last morning before disembarking and was faxed in.


After waiting about one month I called Amex back to check on the status of the dispute. The rep stated that Royal Caribbean had shown an internet charge, and that I was responsible for it. I was naturally stunned, but was told that I would have to wait until their letter reached me to see what it was. As it turned out, RCCL had simply added a line with $1722.50 to the original bill that I received, with no additional substantiation.


Today I contacted Amex again and brought up the following points (thanks guys!) -


- It is impossible to incur 57 hours of last minute charges between closing

out the bill and disembarking the ship. Even on our 5 night/ 4 day cruise

this would add up to nearly 15 hours per day..

- absent from RCCL's substantiation was anything other than adding an

additional charge after I left (no time of use etc)


The rep said that she would reopen the dispute and that she would forward my concern to their dispute resolution department. Complicating the issue is the fact that Amex does not allow customers to communicate directly with the people that handle the matter, whether in writing or by telephone. Everything gets relayed through the regular customer service number.


On Feb 17 I called RCCL directly hoping to clear this matter up. A pleasant customer service representative told me she would look into it and let me know by the weekend. Upon returning from a 6 day trip to Asia I had still not received a response. When I called to follow up today, I was informed that the original rep was off, and that I should expect to hear back from her later.


Teenagers - Yes, i travelled with two of them (we were in separate cabins). And yes - they had a laptop computer. When boarding the ship I asked about the possibilities of using our own equipment. There were two options. One, unlimited dial-up service from our room for a flat rate of $100 for the duration of the cruise. Two, establishing an account at the front desk and get a password allowing use of wireless internet at 4-5 locations on the ship. This was NOT done.


On two occasions we did use the ship's computers. It was brief, and totalled $7.00 after using a coupon as a Crown & Anchor member. This was reflected on the bill I received and naturally I had no problem with paying that.


Every evening I checked our onboard charges as is suggested, and no errors were found.


At this point I am feeling ambushed, since clearing this matter up would have been much simpler while on the ship. To put things in context, the amount added after we left the ship is higher than the total of the three of us travelling and our expenditures onboard for 5 nights.


I appreciate your support and will keep you informed as soon as I hear back from Royal Caribbean or American Express.





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I will not get in a pissing match with you since your post is once again argumentative and still does not address the OP's question. Troll. :p :p
And where is YOUR answer to the OP's question? Hmm...the only one seeming to troll in this thread and NOT answer the OP's question is YOU.
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