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OT - Is this an endorsement? (cosmetics)


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We had a boy over today who took, out of his backpack, an Ipod Nano and a special case with a speaker set up- he's 10 and is carrying around $350 worth of stereo equipment at school!



A friend of mine occasionally hires one of her neighbors son's who's 16 years old to babysit her two sons. Last week she told me he came over to babysit wearing a pair of Prada shoes that his parents bought him. It's not his only pair, either. What's there to look forward to when he reaches 30? I don't get it.

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A friend of mine occasionally hires one of her neighbors son's who's 16 years old to babysit her two sons. Last week she told me he came over to babysit wearing a pair of Prada shoes that his parents bought him. It's not his only pair, either. What's there to look forward to when he reaches 30? I don't get it.


I think what we'll have to look forward to is many people from that generation with a sense of entitlement and an unwillingness to work for what they want. They have lots of credit card bills to look forward to.


Just curious, how much do they get for babysitters in NYC? He has to buy the Prada shoelaces I'm sure. :D Here the kids ask $10 per hour- and they literally just SIT- oh and eat our food, and surf on our internet...... What does that tell you?

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Just curious, how much do they get for babysitters in NYC? He has to buy the Prada shoelaces I'm sure. :D Here the kids ask $10 per hour- and they literally just SIT- oh and eat our food, and surf on our internet...... What does that tell you?


I'm not sure. I *think* about $12-$15. an hour.


Well, my friends kids are 10 and 7, so he does play with them. I don't think they'd let him just SIT and surf the net, unless he's doing it with them!

My girlfriend is a gourmet cook (though so is this kid's Mother) and she has a small baking business, so there's always lots of goodies to eat in her house. So I"m sure the babysitter eats a lot of dessert there. LOL!

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Okay, so your friend's babysitter definitely has it good! Prada shoes and a gourmet cook- good luck to the gal who tries to land him. LOL He at least sounds like a responsible boy. I have to admit, I have a nephew I've paid to babysit and sit as lifeguard at pool parties at my house and he's always been terrific with the kids. Maybe teenage boys make better babysitters?



I learned my lessons early with teenage girl babysitters. We hired a girl as a "mother's helper" when my twins were toddlers. Final straw came from me one day when I was chasing my boys around a beach and she was laying on a blanket, trying to hide from kids from school because she "felt fat"- she was a size 2!!!


The second lesson was 2 girls we took on vacation with us to Mexico. I didn't feel the need but did pay some money towards it as I thought perhaps we might want to spend and evening or two out. My best friend, whose son needs to be "entertained", brought along her babysitter and her best friend. My friend ended up worrying about the teenage girls and entertaining her own child while the "babysitters" slept on the beach and partied into the wee hours. They also obviously were home sick for their boyfriends as my friend got a $350 phone bill upon check out. :eek: I think their services, for all she got ended up costing her $200 an hour when all was said and done!

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Wow Jane, I honestly never knew about those bags and the way it is handeled. A tent for pre-selection, in a way it seems kind of tacky to me, if I think about it, I didnt realize that there were sizes also, all news to me. I wonder if this is something more recent or it has always been done.


My opinion on the teens will not be maybe liked but DH and I have opinions on why it is like that with all the designer and electonic stuff. First we think it is because of the two career families, not the ones that actually need to work for the money, but the other versions.


Parents are having guilt about leaving the kids alone all week by going to their respective careers. Not always do both parents have to work, when mommy and daddy are both execs or professionals, it is a choice they make to leave kids with nannies and or daycare so they buy off their kids with expensive stuff and relieve their guilt and buy their peace as they want their weekends too for golf etc.


Parents in my opinion and I dont mean all parents but a lot, are different these days than years ago. I go to a restaurant with DH and kids are allowed to run around and disturb other diners and the parents ignore it and dont stop them, they want their peace. So in the same token they buy their kids the stuff to shut them up and have their peace because I think parents are more into themselves than they were years ago. Why should I or anyone else have to put up with other kids bad behavior because they choose to have those children and then dont want to pay enough attention to them to keep them still or quiet at a public restaurant.


We were in a computer gadget store once, hubby was looking to buy something, teen boy with dad, and the conversation went, well I want that one, dad says, how about the cheaper model for $200 instead of $300. Son says, no I want the $300 model, the only reason we are here is because it rained today and you couldnt play golf or I would not be getting it yet, so you owe me the $300 model. Dad said ok get the $300 one and lets get this over with.


I was at a ski hill here in Quebec, about 8 years ago, never will forget it, this kid I think he said he was about 12 years old, more like 12 going on 20, was sitting in the cafeteriea next to me. He said he was from Long Island on x-mas break. I was waiting for DH and he was well alone for the most part. He was obvisoulsy lonely even though he tried to put on an adult face. He behaved like an 18 - 20 year old. He pulled out a good bit of money and I watached his ski mits and hat while he went to buy lunch to keep his place and he watched mine while I went to buy a soda while waiting for my DH.


I said, you are fortunate to be able to come on a ski holiday, he answered me, I am not fortunate, my mom has no choice, what else is she going to do with me over x-mas break. I asked where she was, and he said, she was with an instructor and her husband (not his dad) was off skiing by himself and he was skiing alone too. His real dad was in the carrib or somewhere warm with his new wife and the way he saw it that vacation was owed to him. Is it this kids fault for his attitude no not in the least in my opinion if his own mom could not be bothered to at least meet him for lunch.


Look at desperate housewives. the Felicity Huffman character now, she stayed home but hated it really and now they are both working. She would not have to work, but she wants the career and it is like that in real life sometimes too. Both parents want their careers and the kids pay the price. And the parents have guilt or in some cases just want their lives and buy off the kids to have their peace.


Then their is the other side of the coin, I saw on TV a while back, where young kids as young as 12 and 14 go to work and work 40 hours a week to pay for this stuff because of peer pressure. Not all parents can and do give their kids this stuff so they work and not at a paper route for pennies but at jobs like McDonalds etc and buy the stuff to keep up with those who get it from their parents.


Look at Sephora, it says you have to be 13 to make an on-line purchase. How does a 13 year old have the credit card to make an on-line purchase?


Kids are getting credit cards at age 16 or maybe even younger. Gambeling on line, running up bills and if mommy and daddy can, they bail them out but if not, their credit is ruinned before they even finish college.


I bet many parents no longer tell their kids, just because XXX has something doesnt mean they will too, they want their kids to fit in, have friends, be popular and hence buy them the stuff to keep up. And are parents really setting an example for kids with their consumer attitudes in consumption. What happened to, when you grow up and finish school and earn money you can buy the designer stuff?


I had a friend, she was by no means rich, actually her and her hubby lived paycheck to paycheck. She did a little home business and he worked and had 2 boys aged 4 and 6 and she said, it is no longer like way back when when parents sacrificed their lives for their kids, we want our life too, so they went to daycare (only $5 a day here as it is govt subsidised and anyone can go on the list even if they dont work) and she wanted to go out and have her days free too to enjoy her self and live her life. She did it with a night course and then a sunday course for her own pleasure as well. One boy who started school had a lot of trouble misbehaving and stuff, why do you think?


Parents also are more pushy with their kids to be there, I mean one mom killed a kid because her daughter didnt make some after school activity team, I saw this on TV news a while back I think it happened somewhere in the south. Soccer moms push, used to be your kid tried out and he or she made the team or not, now parents go screaming and demanding that their kids be put on the team. Where does this lead to if not seeing how to demand things.


Holt Renfrew took out a whole section of adult clothing to make room for the new desginer kids clothing, i.e., burberry, Dior. Now think about it, celebs are not the one shopping at my local Holts. I doubt very much that depts would be created with kiddie designer stuff if the parents would not want this stuff and why? So they can show off how successful they are?. DH said he read an article in the paper here, the head of Holt Renfrew said that the reason they have this dept is because these days kids are like a toy, dressing them up is like the parent playing with the kids and they get to show off or something like that, I dont have the article so i cant quote exactly but something to that effect.


Kids these days feel that they are entitled to the designer stuff and in some cases they are not completely wrong. If both parents work and dont have to, just because they want the two cars, the multiple vacations, the bigger house the multiple tvs etc etc, and they choose to have the kids and then leave them with nannies and day care and baby sitters, then why should the kids not demand this stuff?


I am not talking about people who have to work as both incomes are needed, I am talking about the two big salary family because they see the parents wanting so they want and why not. They are basically ignored all week come home to strangers and on weekends, mommy and daddy are out playing golf or at the club or going out to dinner or going to a show or whatever?


And the ones that take the kids out with them are so badly behaved in some cases that it is not funny. As I said, kids running rampant annoying strangers because they want a bit of peace. I went to a bar with DH and a friend. Sorry I dont care if the bar serves food. A bar with smoke is no place for a baby in a carriage and I dont care if it was 5pm, it is still no place and what was there, but a mom, dad and friends with a baby in a carriage crying while mommy and daddy are having a beer with friends. Why should I be subjected to listening to this baby cry in what is by most normal people considered an adult only environmet. This is not a family restaurant, it is a bar that happens to serve some bar food, I expect kids running around in a Mcdonalds or a family restaurant, but not in a bar. I expect bars to be an adult only environment, but then again maybe I am selfish and am wrong for thinking like that but a bar is a bar and if you have to be 18 to drink in it, you sould have to be 18 to be in it.

I am not talking about a restaurant that serves food and happens to serve alcohol to go with that food. This place is a place that serves booze and a little food to go with that booze, there is a difference in my opinion.


Sorry if my opnions are not liked, just my opinion.

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I don't dislike your opinions. I'm always interested in an exchange of idea's.


However, you've covered a lot of territory - kids in bars, divorce, expensive gadgets, vacations, entitlement issues, guilt issues, kids w/ credit cards, rude behaviour, etc. Honestly, I'm personally waaay too verbose to respond in a manner that could be kept to anything less than a novela, so I'll not reply. ;) I just didn't want you think that I was ignoring your thoughts, you make some very valid points.


As to the goodie-bag comments. Yes, you're right. It's only in recent years that it's grown to proportions so that they've taken on a life of their own. It's created a small niche industry and there are companies that do nothing but get "stuff" for goodie bags and of course, they need to be paid for their services.


Year's ago, it was a lovely little token gift of classy products. Perfume, a book, a silk scarf, a small crystal bowl, cosmetic samples. As you know I've done marketing in the fashion industry for a long time, so I've been involved as a supplier of some of the goody bag items. (although I've always preferred to keep it to industry related events) It was a welcomed gesture and appreciated by those who received the items.


Now, companies have to pay to have their stuff given to people who have more money than the rest of us and really don't care about the items. It goes back to your thoughts about the ME ME ME generation and entitlement. I think that Gwenyth Paltrow can afford to buy an IPod and Tom Cruise doesn't need a free watch. But the celebs go to these tents and make sure they get all their freebies and don't miss a thing. Many companies I know, no longer give as they feel it's no longer a good vehicle for advertising their products - unless it's kept for related indutry events - but then I've never really dealt with too many of the giant company's.


But back to my original post w/ Sephora. I think that one person, (soxfan?) hit the nail on the head. Teenagers actually believe that the products that go into the goodie-bags are "special" - high quality, pre-screened and appreciated/endorsed by the rich and famous - therefore they must be the best. In a few years, their ignorance will be replaced w/ smarts (hopefully) and the next group of teenagers will be on hand to swallow the next batch of "me too" marketing methods.

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Jane, maybe you know this- is it true that stars are not only given clothes but often times paid to wear a designer at events? I think I recall reading it and thinking that basically, these people are renting space on their bodies- as if they need to. Maybe that's why you see some of these people who look so impeccable on the red carpet look horrible in candid pics.


Mrs. Moose, I will disagree with you on the point that you "expect to see kids running around McDonalds". As a mom of 2 young boys, I still think that's wrong. A restaurant is a place to dine, not run around like a banchee. I tried to take my boys and 2 friends to McDonald's yesterday as they had a half day. The place was filled with ill behaved Middle Schoolers who were acting like animals. We left. I'm sure their parents took them to fast food restaurants and allowed poor behavior because it was "just a fast food" joint.

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Jane, maybe you know this- is it true that stars are not only given clothes but often times paid to wear a designer at events? I think I recall reading it and thinking that basically, these people are renting space on their bodies- as if they need to. Maybe that's why you see some of these people who look so impeccable on the red carpet look horrible in candid pics.


Mrs. Moose, I will disagree with you on the point that you "expect to see kids running around McDonalds". As a mom of 2 young boys, I still think that's wrong. A restaurant is a place to dine, not run around like a banchee. I tried to take my boys and 2 friends to McDonald's yesterday as they had a half day. The place was filled with ill behaved Middle Schoolers who were acting like animals. We left. I'm sure their parents took them to fast food restaurants and allowed poor behavior because it was "just a fast food" joint.


First to Jane, I know I covered a lot of stuff, I was up early as I had to be at my condo early and I wrote and got interruped and wrote and so forth so covered more than I probably wanted to and my thoughts were not well written, I do appologize, and I do agree, teens probably think these products are used and valued and coveted by the celebs, they don't realize they get them for free and they probably give them away to their hired help and save on buying gifts or extra gifts or whatever.


Soxfan, I wasn't explicit I realize in my explanation. I meant in certain McDonalds there are playrooms and parents can sit and eat and watch kids play and yes, I guess I expect little ones to run around in that "romper room" type environment as opposed to a formal sit down restaurant or in the other sections of McDonalds.


As for what you say, I agree with you, as I said, my explanation of McDonalds didn't come out the way I wanted and I appologize for that.


I don't think parents allow it because it's McDonalds, I think they allow it because they want their peace and they want their time. I hear it from friends who have kids, they seem more stressed, and they seem to just not pay as much attention. I'm not saying all parents are like that or that it is the norm, just what I've seen in many cases.


I went to a charity craft fair, I was helping out a friend with her booth, one lady came with her 6 month old baby, for the day, she informed me that she takes that baby to bars at 8pm, and everywhere, if it cries, so what? is what she said. She is not giving up her time out with her husband to sit home with the baby if she doesn't have a sitter. Same with movies, parents bring babies to the movies and they cry and so what? that is what I see and hear. Not all parents obviously, but some do, so what can we expect from those children.


My friend said she is not sacrificing her time and her life the way her mom did for her two boys. One boy already at age 6 has behavior problems in school and she doesn't get why he is acting out.


Teacher told me now parents come to school and demand the teacher give the kid 3 weeks worth of work because they are going on vacation, what does that teach children so what can we expect. Years ago this teacher said you could not just pull a kid from school because you were going on vacation and now it is according to her (public school) commonplace so what are we to expect.


Then we want these kids to respect dress codes? and not have a ME ME attitude? I don't think so.


Again, sorry, just my opinions.

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Jane, maybe you know this- is it true that stars are not only given clothes but often times paid to wear a designer at events? I think I recall reading it and thinking that basically, these people are renting space on their bodies- as if they need to. Maybe that's why you see some of these people who look so impeccable on the red carpet look horrible in candid pics.



To the best of my knowledge they are not paid to wear them. However, they are lent the designer gowns that are custom fitted for them.


Weeks before the awards, designers take rooms in Hollywood hotels and the nominee's and presenters are invited to these temporary showrooms so they can select gowns to wear. I don't have any close friends who are big time celebs but some of my friends in LA do and one of my friends went "shopping" with her close friend when she was nominated for an acadamy award. She said it was being a kid in a candy store.


The gowns are to be returned to the designers. Remember the flap recently at the Golden Globes awards when it was realized that Reese Witherspoon's Chanel dress had been recently worn by another actress to another awards ceremony? Reese was fuming and she fired her stylist.


The jewelry is also on loan. Years ago there was a huge flap whenSharon Stone was lent a $400,000. diamond necklace from Harry Winston and then refused to give it back claiming that they gave it to her. I don't recall the outcome, but the lawyers had to get involved.


As far as I know the only time an actress is paid to wear the clothes is when it's part of her ad campaign contract with a designer. For years Catherine Deneuve was paid to be the face of Chanel in their print ads, so of course, she also had to wear their clothes when out at public events. Currently Angelina Jolie is the model in the St. John ads, so if she were to appear at an award event, I'm sure it's required that she wear a gown from them. Makes sense.


I have a friend who's a designer and his gowns sell for about $7000. He recently told me he'd lend me anything I want for a black tie event. :) I'm thrilled and hoping I can go to one soon where his dramatic style would be appropriate. Of course, what he wants in exchange is that I tell his name to everyone who compliments the dress. No problem here.....heck, I'll even hand out his business cards! LOL!!!



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I've been reading this post for days, I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in myself for deleting the email before I opened it, I would have liked to have seen exactly what was in the goody bag:p . I doubt I would have purchased it, I like to see makeup/skincare in person before a purchase.


I absolutely do think that celebrities have a major influence on what people will buy, and not just teens. I know Oprah will have a product, book or whatever on her show and the next day sales will skyrocket. So, it can definitely be in the best interest of some manufacturers to "give away".


Sometimes I think the media is pretty full of themselves and what their influence actually is. I have two teens, they make up their own mind about things, they have their own style and it's not one portrayed by any celebrity I know of. It's pretty sad to think that some children are being raised by the influence of celebrities over their own parents values.


MrsMoose, you will be happy to know that there are a whole lot of parents not cow-towing to their children for the sake of what other people think. My kids will be buying their own cars, helping to pay for their own college and I've already told them they will pay fair market rent at home if they are gainfully employed and not attending college after high school.


I think we're teaching them well not to have to "have" everything their hearts desire and hopefully we are teaching them there is value in simple things in life. That the best things in life are not "things" at all. Only time will tell if we've succeeded. And my job? I work at a school, so I can be with my kids when they are home. I'm not at all defending myself to you (you may know me a bit by now!), rather letting you know that there are still parents out there who believe in family first.

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I've been reading this post for days, I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in myself for deleting the email before I opened it, I would have liked to have seen exactly what was in the goody bag:p . I doubt I would have purchased it, I like to see makeup/skincare in person before a purchase.


I absolutely do think that celebrities have a major influence on what people will buy, and not just teens. I know Oprah will have a product, book or whatever on her show and the next day sales will skyrocket. So, it can definitely be in the best interest of some manufacturers to "give away".


Sometimes I think the media is pretty full of themselves and what their influence actually is. I have two teens, they make up their own mind about things, they have their own style and it's not one portrayed by any celebrity I know of. It's pretty sad to think that some children are being raised by the influence of celebrities over their own parents values.


MrsMoose, you will be happy to know that there are a whole lot of parents not cow-towing to their children for the sake of what other people think. My kids will be buying their own cars, helping to pay for their own college and I've already told them they will pay fair market rent at home if they are gainfully employed and not attending college after high school.


I think we're teaching them well not to have to "have" everything their hearts desire and hopefully we are teaching them there is value in simple things in life. That the best things in life are not "things" at all. Only time will tell if we've succeeded. And my job? I work at a school, so I can be with my kids when they are home. I'm not at all defending myself to you (you may know me a bit by now!), rather letting you know that there are still parents out there who believe in family first.


Hi happyks, I know you are not defending yourself and I would not want you to, as I have read your posts in the past and know how you think and that you were not part of what I cited.


My DH brother and his wife are the biggest example of what I was talking about. Especially with the boy, the girl doesnt seem to take to it the way the brother does and she is definitely not mommys favorite and it shows. We dont see them regularly but it is so obvious on the 4 times we had to see them and DH brother talked about it when we had to see him alone a few times recently.


Also I am sighting things from DH office. The parents come in with the chocolate and popcorn and whatever to sell. They sell it in a few min or a day. I said to DH stop buying, ask them to bring in the kid to sell it to you, you arent doing the kid any favors and he agreed. Parents just dont want to bother to take th kid to sell it, it is easier for them to just send an e-mail to the colleages and they buy it up and by lunchtime it is over with but not teaching the kid the lesson that it was meant. Dad says, I dont want to give up all sat and sun and maybe a few of them to do this when it can be over in less than a day with no extra work.


Coming back to DH brother, his wife would not give up her weekend in the country to watch her favorite, her son, play in the hockey game, so dad was forced to stay behind and watch and she left with the girl to go up north to their country house. The boy gets a $300 racket so maybe he will stop bothering the parents to go to a prep school in the states in the midwest to be far away from them and he wants to go to Harvard after prep school he will be 17 in September, and then remain in the US to be away. He wants to leave here and go to the US and he wont let go so they buy him whatever to shut him up as the father is not ready to let him go for various reasons other than closeness and attachment.


The girl and boy, from the time they were born after the 1 year maternity leave were left with nannies everyday and one old aunt for special outings and lots of baby sittings. The wife chastized me for choosing to be a housewife. She said I was anti-womans lib, and I reminded her womans lib was about the ability to make the choice not about absoultely having to do it one way and that I never said I was pro womans lib to begin with which shut her up.


These were the people I was thinking of when I said what I said. I know there are plenty of parents out there doing the best they can and good things. But we were on the topic of teens and what they think and perhaps why they are like that. These two children are being raised with the importantce of keeping up an image and appearances.


So to all the ladies on this board, please know I was not referring to anyone here, I was citing what I see when I am travelling or here or watching TV.


I also agree with HappyKS about Oprah. If a book was in her book club, it skyrocketed to fame. Just look what she did for Dr. Phil.


I also would like to say, that I think there is a difference between seeing a celeb wearing something or something one receives for free. Dont know what they will do with those freebees so I consider that an advertising annoucement simply of what they get as a gift, doesnt mean they will like it, use it, wear it, and I wonder if people will be able to know the difference.

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To the best of my knowledge they are not paid to wear them. However, they are lent the designer gowns that are custom fitted for them.


Weeks before the awards, designers take rooms in Hollywood hotels and the nominee's and presenters are invited to these temporary showrooms so they can select gowns to wear. I don't have any close friends who are big time celebs but some of my friends in LA do and one of my friends went "shopping" with her close friend when she was nominated for an acadamy award. She said it was being a kid in a candy store.


The gowns are to be returned to the designers. Remember the flap recently at the Golden Globes awards when it was realized that Reese Witherspoon's Chanel dress had been recently worn by another actress to another awards ceremony? Reese was fuming and she fired her stylist.


The jewelry is also on loan. Years ago there was a huge flap whenSharon Stone was lent a $400,000. diamond necklace from Harry Winston and then refused to give it back claiming that they gave it to her. I don't recall the outcome, but the lawyers had to get involved.


As far as I know the only time an actress is paid to wear the clothes is when it's part of her ad campaign contract with a designer. For years Catherine Deneuve was paid to be the face of Chanel in their print ads, so of course, she also had to wear their clothes when out at public events. Currently Angelina Jolie is the model in the St. John ads, so if she were to appear at an award event, I'm sure it's required that she wear a gown from them. Makes sense.


I have a friend who's a designer and his gowns sell for about $7000. He recently told me he'd lend me anything I want for a black tie event. :) I'm thrilled and hoping I can go to one soon where his dramatic style would be appropriate. Of course, what he wants in exchange is that I tell his name to everyone who compliments the dress. No problem here.....heck, I'll even hand out his business cards! LOL!!!




Wow, Angelia Jolie, is in the St. John ad, I see the ads and the clothes, didnt even realize it was her. They are not makeing a statement with me as i rarely notice the faces in the clothing ads. I always thought it was the daughter who did the ads, boy am I off on who is modeling for who.


I hope you get to go to a black tie event, that is awesome. You must let me know when you get to go what you wore and the style and every detail of the dress and your accessories. I hope it is really soon for you.


Also I never heard about the Harry Winston and sharon Stone incident, but I believe it, but how belitteling for a celeb to behave that way, not as if they cant afford it and makes them look cheap and tacky for behaving that way in my opinion.

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Also I never heard about the Harry Winston and sharon Stone incident, but I believe it, but how belitteling for a celeb to behave that way, not as if they cant afford it and makes them look cheap and tacky for behaving that way in my opinion.


My understanding (and this may be wrong) is that they went to court and the courts found in her favor. That it really was a gift.

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My understanding (and this may be wrong) is that they went to court and the courts found in her favor. That it really was a gift.


WOW, which makes me now wonder if they have to sign something to say it is a loaner since that. Very interesting, I rarely hear about these things or follow them. thanks for telling me.

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WOW, which makes me now wonder if they have to sign something to say it is a loaner since that. Very interesting, I rarely hear about these things or follow them. thanks for telling me.


Oh yes! I have a friend in the business and she has to sign waivers all the time when she wears the borrowed gems and is followed by a guard. She takes them off the moment she is done with the event and they are whisked away.

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